Exemplo n.º 1
// Remove the top node from the heap
#   if CBC_DEBUG_HEAP > 2
    CbcNode *node = nodes_.front() ;
    CbcNodeInfo *info = node->nodeInfo() ;
    assert(info) ;
      << "  HEAP: Popping node " << node->nodeNumber()
      << "(" << std::hex << node << std::dec
      << ") obj " << node->objectiveValue()
      << ", ref " << info->decrement(0)
      << ", todo " << info->numberBranchesLeft()
      << ", refd by " << info->numberPointingToThis() << "." << std::endl ;
#   endif
#   if CBC_DEBUG_HEAP > 0
    validateHeap() ;
#   endif
    std::pop_heap(nodes_.begin(), nodes_.end(), comparison_);

#   if CBC_DEBUG_HEAP > 0
    validateHeap() ;
#   endif

Exemplo n.º 2
// Start dive
CbcCompareDefault::startDive(CbcModel * model)
    // Get best - using ? criterion
    double saveWeight = weight_;
    weight_ = 0.5 * saveWeight_; //0.0;
    // Switch off to get best
    startNodeNumber_ = -1;
    afterNodeNumber_ = -1;
    CbcNode * best = model->tree()->bestAlternate();
    startNodeNumber_ = best->nodeNumber();
    // send signal to setComparison
    setupForDiving_ = true ;
      TODO (review when fixing cleanDive and setComparison)
      Both afterNodeNumber_ and weight_ must not change
      after setComparison is invoked, as that will change
      the behaviour of test(). I replaced the overload on
      afterNodeNumber_ (magic number -2) with a boolean. Weight_
      is more problematic. Either it's correct before calling
      setComparison, or it needs to be cut from the tie-breaking
      part of test() during a dive, or there needs to be a new
      attribute to save and restore it around the dive. Otherwise
      heap checks fail in debug builds with Visual Studio.
      Given that weight_ was restored immediately after the call
      to setComparison, there should be no change in behaviour
      in terms of calls to test().
      -- lh, 100921 --
    afterNodeNumber_ = model->tree()->maximumNodeNumber();
    weight_ = saveWeight ;
    // redo tree
    setupForDiving_ = false ;
Exemplo n.º 3
// Gets best node and takes off heap
CbcNode *
CbcTreeArray::bestNode(double cutoff)
    CbcNode * best = NULL;
    // See if we want last node or best on heap
    if (lastNode_) {
        printf("Best lastNode_ %x (%x at depth %d) - nodeNumber %d obj %g\n",
               lastNode_, lastNode_->nodeInfo(), lastNode_->depth(),
               lastNode_->nodeNumber(), lastNode_->objectiveValue());
        assert (lastNode_->onTree());
        int nodeNumber = lastNode_->nodeNumber();
        bool useLastNode = false;
        if (nodeNumber + 1 == maximumNodeNumber_) {
            // diving - look further
            CbcCompareDefault * compareDefault
            = dynamic_cast<CbcCompareDefault *> (comparison_.test_);
            assert (compareDefault);
            double bestPossible = compareDefault->getBestPossible();
            double cutoff = compareDefault->getCutoff();
            double objValue = lastNode_->objectiveValue();
            if (cutoff < 1.0e20) {
                if (objValue - bestPossible < 0.999*(cutoff - bestPossible))
                    useLastNode = true;
            } else {
                useLastNode = true;
        if (useLastNode) {
            best = lastNode_;
            lastNode_ = NULL;
            assert(best->objectiveValue() != COIN_DBL_MAX && best->nodeInfo());
            if (best->objectiveValue() != COIN_DBL_MAX && best->nodeInfo())
                assert (best->nodeInfo()->numberBranchesLeft());
            if (best->objectiveValue() >= cutoff) {
                // double check in case node can change its mind!
            lastNodePopped_ = best;
            return best;
        } else {
            // put on tree
            lastNode_ = NULL;
            std::push_heap(nodes_.begin(), nodes_.end(), comparison_);
    while (!best && nodes_.size()) {
        best = nodes_.front();
        if (best)
            assert(best->objectiveValue() != COIN_DBL_MAX && best->nodeInfo());
        if (best && best->objectiveValue() != COIN_DBL_MAX && best->nodeInfo())
            assert (best->nodeInfo()->numberBranchesLeft());
        if (best && best->objectiveValue() >= cutoff) {
            // double check in case node can change its mind!
        if (!best || best->objectiveValue() >= cutoff) {
            // let code get rid of it
            assert (best);
    lastNodePopped_ = best;
    if (best)
        printf("Heap returning node %x (%x at depth %d) - nodeNumber %d - obj %g\n",
               best, best->nodeInfo(), best->depth(),
               best->nodeNumber(), best->objectiveValue());
        printf("Heap returning Null\n");
    if (best) {
        // take off
        std::pop_heap(nodes_.begin(), nodes_.end(), comparison_);
    if (best) {
        int n = nodes_.size();
        bool good = true;
        for (int i = 0; i < n; i++) {
            // temp
            assert (nodes_[i]);
            if (!comparison_.compareNodes(nodes_[i], best)) {
                good = false;
                CbcNode * x = nodes_[i];
                printf("i=%d x is better nun %d depth %d obj %g, best nun %d depth %d obj %g\n", i,
                       x->numberUnsatisfied(), x->depth(), x->objectiveValue(),
                       best->numberUnsatisfied(), best->depth(), best->objectiveValue());
        if (!good) {
            // compare best to all
            int i;
            for (i = 0; i < n; i++) {
                CbcNode * x = nodes_[i];
                printf("i=%d x is nun %d depth %d obj %g", i,
                       x->numberUnsatisfied(), x->depth(), x->objectiveValue());
                if (!comparison_.compareNodes(x, best)) {
                    printf(" - best is worse!\n");
                } else {
            // Now compare amongst rest
            for (i = 0; i < n; i++) {
                CbcNode * x = nodes_[i];
                printf("For i=%d ", i);
                for (int j = i + 1; j < n; j++) {
                    CbcNode * y = nodes_[j];
                    if (!comparison_.compareNodes(x, y)) {
                        printf(" b %d", j);
                    } else {
                        printf(" w %d", j);
    if (best)
    return best;
Exemplo n.º 4
  Return the best node from the heap.

  Note that best is offered a chance (checkIsCutoff) to reevaluate
  itself and make arbitrary changes. A caller should be prepared
  to check that the returned node is acceptable.

  There's quite a bit of suspect code here, much of it disabled in
  some way. The net effect at present is to return the top node on
  the heap after offering the node an opportunity to reevaluate itself.
  Documentation for checkIsCutoff() puts no restrictions on allowable
  changes. -- lh, 100921 --
CbcNode *
CbcTree::bestNode(double cutoff)
  validateHeap() ;
# endif
  This code is problematic. As of 100921, there's really no loop.
  If front() == null, an assert will trigger. checkIsCutoff seems to be
  work in progress; comments assert that it can make pretty much arbitrary
  changes to best. If best can change its objective, there's a good
  possibility the heap is invalid.
    CbcNode * best = NULL;
    while (!best && nodes_.size()) {
        best = nodes_.front();
        if (best)
            assert(best->objectiveValue() != COIN_DBL_MAX && best->nodeInfo());
        if (best && best->objectiveValue() != COIN_DBL_MAX && best->nodeInfo())
            assert (best->nodeInfo()->numberBranchesLeft());
        if (best && best->objectiveValue() >= cutoff) {
            // double check in case node can change its mind!
        if (!best || best->objectiveValue() >= cutoff) {
#ifdef JJF_ZERO
            // take off
            std::pop_heap(nodes_.begin(), nodes_.end(), comparison_);
            delete best;
            best = NULL;
            // let code get rid of it
            assert (best);
  See if the comparison object wants us to do a full scan with the
  alternative criteria. The net effect is to confirm best by the
  alternative criteria, or identify a competitor and erase it.

  This code is problematic. Nulling an arbitrary node will in general
  break the heap property. Disabled some time ago, as noted in several
    if (false && best && comparison_.test_->fullScan()) {
        CbcNode * saveBest = best;
        size_t n = nodes_.size();
        size_t iBest = -1;
        for (size_t i = 0; i < n; i++) {
            // temp
            assert (nodes_[i]);
            assert (nodes_[i]->nodeInfo());
            if (nodes_[i] && nodes_[i]->objectiveValue() != COIN_DBL_MAX && nodes_[i]->nodeInfo())
                assert (nodes_[i]->nodeInfo()->numberBranchesLeft());
            if (nodes_[i] && nodes_[i]->objectiveValue() < cutoff
                    && comparison_.alternateTest(best, nodes_[i])) {
                best = nodes_[i];
                iBest = i;
        if (best == saveBest) {
            // can pop
            // take off
            std::pop_heap(nodes_.begin(), nodes_.end(), comparison_);
        } else {
            // make impossible
            nodes_[iBest] = NULL;
    } else if (best) {
#       if CBC_DEBUG_HEAP > 2
        CbcNode *node = nodes_.front() ;
        CbcNodeInfo *info = node->nodeInfo() ;
        assert(info) ;
          << "  bestNode: Popping node " << node->nodeNumber()
          << "(" << std::hex << node << std::dec
          << ") obj " << node->objectiveValue()
          << ", ref " << info->decrement(0)
          << ", todo " << info->numberBranchesLeft()
          << ", refd by " << info->numberPointingToThis() << "." << std::endl ;
#       endif
        // take off
        std::pop_heap(nodes_.begin(), nodes_.end(), comparison_);
    validateHeap() ;
    if (best)
    return best;