Exemplo n.º 1
void Segment::removeElement(int track)
      Element* el = element(track);
      if (el->isChordRest()) {
            ChordRest* cr = (ChordRest*)el;
            Beam* beam = cr->beam();
            if (beam)
            Tuplet* tuplet = cr->tuplet();
            if (tuplet)
Exemplo n.º 2
void Slur::slurPos(SlurPos* sp)
      qreal _spatium = spatium();
      Element* e1 = startElement();
      Element* e2 = endElement();

      if (e2 == 0) {
            sp->p1 = e1->pagePos();
            sp->p1.rx() += e1->width();
            sp->p2 = sp->p1;
            sp->p2.rx() += 5 * _spatium;
            sp->system1 = static_cast<ChordRest*>(e1)->measure()->system();
            sp->system2 = sp->system1;

      ChordRest* scr   = static_cast<ChordRest*>(e1);
      ChordRest* ecr   = static_cast<ChordRest*>(e2);
      Chord* sc   = 0;
      Note* note1 = 0;
      if(e1->type() == CHORD) {
            sc = static_cast<Chord*>(e1);
            note1 = _up ? sc->upNote() : sc->downNote();
      Chord* ec = 0;
      Note* note2 = 0;
      if(e2->type() == CHORD) {
            ec   = static_cast<Chord*>(e2);
            note2 = _up ? ec->upNote() : ec->downNote();

      sp->system1 = scr->measure()->system();
      sp->system2 = ecr->measure()->system();
      sp->p1      = scr->pagePos() - sp->system1->pagePos();
      sp->p2      = ecr->pagePos() - sp->system2->pagePos();

      qreal xo, yo;

      Stem* stem1 = sc?sc->stem():0;
      Stem* stem2 = ec?ec->stem():0;

      enum SlurAnchor {
            SA_NONE, SA_STEM
      SlurAnchor sa1 = SA_NONE;
      SlurAnchor sa2 = SA_NONE;
      if ((scr->up() == ecr->up()) && !scr->beam() && !ecr->beam() && (_up == scr->up())) {
            if (stem1)
                  sa1 = SA_STEM;
            if (stem2)
                  sa2 = SA_STEM;

      qreal __up = _up ? -1.0 : 1.0;
      qreal hw   = note1?note1->headWidth():e1->width();
      switch (sa1) {
            case SA_STEM: //sc can't be null
                  sp->p1 += sc->stemPosBeam() - sc->pagePos() + sc->stem()->p2();
                  sp->p1 += QPointF(0.35 * _spatium, 0.25 * _spatium);
            case SA_NONE:
      switch(sa2) {
            case SA_STEM: //ec can't be null
                  sp->p2 += ec->stemPosBeam() - ec->pagePos() + ec->stem()->p2();
                  sp->p2 += QPointF(-0.35 * _spatium, 0.25 * _spatium);
            case SA_NONE:

      // default position:
      //    horizontal: middle of note head
      //    vertical:   _spatium * .4 above/below note head
      bool stemPos = false;   // p1 starts at chord stem side
      if (note1)
            yo = note1->pos().y();
      else if(_up)
            yo = e1->bbox().top();
            yo = e1->bbox().top() + e1->height();
      yo += _spatium * .9 * __up;
      xo = hw * .5;

      if (stem1) { //sc not null
            Beam* beam1 = sc->beam();
            if (beam1 && (beam1->elements().back() != sc) && (sc->up() == _up)) {
                  qreal sh = stem1->height() + _spatium;
                  yo       = sc->downNote()->pos().y() + sh * __up;
                  xo       = stem1->pos().x();
                  stemPos  = true;
            else {
                  if (sc->up() && _up)
                        xo = hw + _spatium * .3;
                  // handle case: stem up   - stem down
                  //              stem down - stem up
                  if ((sc->up() != ecr->up()) && (sc->up() == _up)) {
                        Note* n1  = sc->up() ? sc->downNote() : sc->upNote();
                        Note* n2  = 0;
                              n2 = ec->up() ? ec->downNote() : ec->upNote();
                        qreal yd  = (n2?n2->pos().y():e2->pos().y()) - n1->pos().y();

                        yd *= .5;

                        qreal sh = stem1->height();    // limit y move
                        if (yd > 0.0) {
                              if (yd > sh)
                                    yd = sh;
                        else {
                              if (yd < - sh)
                                    yd = -sh;
                        stemPos = true;
                        if ((_up && (yd < -_spatium)) || (!_up && (yd > _spatium)))
                              yo += yd;
                  else if (sc->up() != _up)
                        yo = fixArticulations(yo, sc, __up);

      if (sa1 == SA_NONE)
            sp->p1 += QPointF(xo, yo);

      xo = hw * .5;
      if (note2)
            yo = note2->pos().y();
      else if(_up)
            yo = e2->bbox().top();
            yo = e2->bbox().top() + e2->height();
      yo += _spatium * .9 * __up;

      if (stem2) { //ec can't be null
            Beam* beam2 = ec->beam();
            if ((stemPos && (scr->up() == ec->up()))
               || (beam2
                 && (!beam2->elements().isEmpty())
                 && (beam2->elements().front() != ec)
                 && (ec->up() == _up)
                 && sc && (sc->noteType() == NOTE_NORMAL)
                  ) {
                  qreal sh = stem2->height() + _spatium;
                  if (_up)
                        yo = ec->downNote()->pos().y() - sh;
                        yo = ec->upNote()->pos().y() + sh;
                  xo = stem2->pos().x();
            else if (!ec->up() && !_up)
                  xo = -_spatium * .3 + note2->x();
            // handle case: stem up   - stem down
            //              stem down - stem up
            if ((scr->up() != ec->up()) && (ec->up() == _up)) {
                  Note* n1 = 0;
                        sc->up() ? sc->downNote() : sc->upNote();
                  Note* n2 = ec->up() ? ec->downNote() : ec->upNote();
                  qreal yd = n2->pos().y() - (n1?n1->pos().y():e1->pos().y());

                  yd *= .5;

                  qreal mh = stem2->height();    // limit y move
                  if (yd > 0.0) {
                        if (yd > mh)
                              yd = mh;
                  else {
                        if (yd < - mh)
                              yd = -mh;

                  if ((_up && (yd > _spatium)) || (!_up && (yd < -_spatium)))
                        yo -= yd;
            else if (ec->up() != _up)
                  yo = fixArticulations(yo, ec, __up);

      if (sa2 == SA_NONE)
            sp->p2 += QPointF(xo, yo);