Exemplo n.º 1
/*! Print the given envelope diagram. */
void print_diagram (const Diagram_1& diag)
  Diagram_1::Edge_const_handle     e = diag.leftmost();
  Diagram_1::Vertex_const_handle   v;

  while (e != diag.rightmost())
    std::cout << "Edge: ";
    if (! e->is_empty())
      Circle_2      circ = e->curve().supporting_circle();
      std::cout << " (x - " << CGAL::to_double(circ.center().x()) << ")^2 +"
                << " (y - " << CGAL::to_double(circ.center().y()) << ")^2 = "
                << CGAL::to_double(circ.squared_radius()) << std::endl;
      std::cout << " [empty]" << std::endl;

    v = e->right();
    std::cout << "Vertex (" << CGAL::to_double(v->point().x()) << ' '
              << CGAL::to_double(v->point().y()) << ')' << std::endl;

    e = v->right();
  CGAL_assertion (e->is_empty());
  std::cout << "Edge: [empty]" << std::endl;

Exemplo n.º 2
Circle_2 DT::global_largest_circumcircle_bruteforce(FH &face) const
    Circle_2 largest(Point_2(0, 0), 0);
    CDT::Face_iterator fi;
    for (fi = dt.faces_begin(); fi != dt.faces_end(); ++fi) {
        if (dt.is_infinite(fi)) continue;
        if (!fi->info().main_face) continue;
        Circle_2 c = fi->info().circle;
        if (c.squared_radius() > largest.squared_radius()) {
            largest = c;
            face = fi;
    return largest;
Exemplo n.º 3
Circle_2 DT::local_largest_circumcircle(const vector<VH> &neighbors, FH &face) const
    Circle_2 largest(Point_2(0, 0), 0);
    for (unsigned i = 0; i < neighbors.size(); ++i) {
        CDT::Face_circulator fc = dt.incident_faces(neighbors[i]), done(fc);
        if (fc == 0) continue;
        do {
            if (dt.is_infinite(fc)) continue;
            Circle_2 c = fc->info().circle;
            if (c.squared_radius() > largest.squared_radius()) {
                largest = c;
                face = fc;
        } while (++fc != done);
    return largest;
Exemplo n.º 4
vector<cv::Point2f> get_random_points( unsigned max_iter, double max_md, Strategy strategy, bool silent, unsigned npoints, unsigned long seed, Mat valid_counts ) {
	int print_statements = 0;
  MTRand rng(seed);
  double global_md = 0;
  double avg_md    = 0;
  double old_avg   = avg_md;
  if ( print_statements == 1 ) cerr << "aaa";
	bool only_use_valid = true;
	// temp: write out image cooresponding to
	Mat valid_counts_CV_8U;
	valid_counts.convertTo( valid_counts_CV_8U, CV_8U );
  // Initial points
  vector<Point_2> points;
  generate_random(points, npoints, rng);
  if ( print_statements == 1 ) cerr << "aab";

  // Set up initial triangulation
  DT dt(points, true);
  if ( print_statements == 1 ) cerr << "aac";

  signal(SIGINT, sighandler);
  update_statistics(dt, 0, global_md, avg_md, !silent);
  if ( print_statements == 1 ) cerr << "aad";

  unsigned it = 0;
  vector<VH> neighbors;
  if ( print_statements == 1 ) cerr << "aae";
  // Set up vertex processing order
  // We choose a random order to ensure there is no correlation between the
  // original order of the point set and farthest-point optimization
  unsigned order[npoints];
  for (unsigned i = 0; i < npoints; ++i) order[i] = i;
  shuffle(order, npoints, rng);
  if ( print_statements == 1 ) cerr << "aaf";
  clock_t t0 = clock();
  while (!interruptFlag)
    // Main loop that moves each point to the farthest point, i.e. the
    // center of the largest circumcircle of a triangle in the DT
    for (unsigned i = 0; i < npoints; ++i)
				vector<Point2f> cur_vertices = dt.return_vertices_points();
				for( int j = 0; j < (int) cur_vertices.size(); j++ ) {
					double x = (double) cur_vertices[j].x;
					double y = (double) cur_vertices[j].y;
					if ( x < 0 || x > 1 || y < 0 || y > 1 ) {
						throw std::runtime_error( "Vertex indices are out of range!" );

        // Pick removal candidate
        unsigned r = order[i];
        Point_2 cand = dt.get_vertex(r)->point();
				Point2f cur_pt_Point2f( (double) cand.x(), (double) cand.y() );
				vector< Point2f > all_pts;
				all_pts.push_back( cur_pt_Point2f );
				vector<int> all_vertex_point_indices = get_point_indices_new( valid_counts, all_pts );
        int index_cur_pt = all_vertex_point_indices[0];
				double cur_pt_is_valid_double = valid_counts.at<double>( index_cur_pt%valid_counts.rows, index_cur_pt/valid_counts.rows );
        int cur_pt_is_valid = (int) round(cur_pt_is_valid_double);
			  if ( print_statements == 1 ) cerr << "aag" << endl;
        neighbors.clear();                 // Candidate's neighborhood
        dt.incident_vertices(r, neighbors);
			  if ( print_statements == 1 ) cerr << "aah" << endl;
        double cand_md = DBL_MAX;          // Candidate's local mindist
        for (unsigned j = 0; j < neighbors.size(); ++j) {
          cand_md = std::min(cand_md, 
                   CGAL::squared_distance(cand, neighbors[j]->point()));
					Point_2 cur_pt = neighbors[j]->point();
					if ( print_statements == 1 ) fprintf( stderr, "cur_pt: x: %.2f: y: %.2f\n", (double) cur_pt.x(), (double) cur_pt.y() );
        Circle_2 c(cand, cand_md);         // Empty circle about candidate
			  if ( print_statements == 1 ) cerr << "aai" << endl;
				// Remove candidate
			  if ( print_statements == 1 ) fprintf( stderr, "r: %d\n", (int) r );
        dt.clear_vertex( r );
			  if ( print_statements == 1 ) fprintf( stderr, "aaj\n" );

        // Search for largest circumcircle in triangulation
        FH face;
        Circle_2 l = Circle_2(Point_2(0, 0), 0);
			  if ( print_statements == 1 ) fprintf( stderr, "aaja\n" );
        switch (strategy) {
          case GLOBAL:
					  if ( only_use_valid ) {
						  if ( print_statements == 1 ) fprintf( stderr, "in main code block\n" );
							vector< FH > sorted_circumcircle_faces = dt.get_sorted_largest_circumcircle_faces();
						  if ( print_statements == 1 ) cerr << "aak" << endl;
							vector< Circle_2 > sorted_circumcircles_Circle_2 = get_circumcircles_from_faces( sorted_circumcircle_faces );
						  if ( print_statements == 1 ) cerr << "aal" << endl;
							vector< Point2f > sorted_circumcircles_point2f = get_circle_coordinates_setup_for_original_DT_temp( sorted_circumcircles_Circle_2 );
						  if ( print_statements == 1 ) cerr << "aaam" << endl;
							vector<int> sorted_circumcircles_indices = get_point_indices_new( valid_counts, sorted_circumcircles_point2f );
						  if ( print_statements == 1 ) cerr << "aaan" << endl;
							int found_replacement = 0;
							if ( print_statements == 1 ) fprintf(stderr, "bool found_replacement = 0;\n" );
							if ( print_statements == 1 ) fprintf(stderr, "sorted_circumcircles_indices.size(): %d\n", (int) sorted_circumcircles_indices.size() );
							for ( int j = 0; j < (int) sorted_circumcircles_indices.size(); j++ ) {
								if ( print_statements == 1 ) fprintf(stderr, "In loop A\n" );
								int cur_possible_index = sorted_circumcircles_indices[j];
								double cur_is_valid = valid_counts.at<double>( cur_possible_index%valid_counts.rows, cur_possible_index/valid_counts.rows );
								double cur_is_valid_rounded = round(cur_is_valid);
								if ( cur_is_valid_rounded == 1.0 ) {
									dt.copy_face_at_index( j, face, sorted_circumcircle_faces[j]->info().circle.center() );
									l = sorted_circumcircles_Circle_2[j];
									// check the actual point here
									Point_2 pt_temp = l.center();
									Point2f pt_temp_Point2f( (double) pt_temp.x(), (double) pt_temp.y() );
									vector< Point2f > all_pts_temp;
									all_pts_temp.push_back( pt_temp_Point2f );
									vector<int> indices_temp = get_point_indices_new( valid_counts, all_pts_temp);
									int ind_temp = indices_temp[0];
									double pt_to_show = valid_counts.at<double>( ind_temp%valid_counts.rows, ind_temp/valid_counts.rows );
									if ( print_statements == 1 ) fprintf( stderr, "pt_to_show validity: %.2f\n", pt_to_show );
									found_replacement = 1;
						  if ( print_statements == 1 ) cerr << "aao" << endl;
							if ( print_statements == 1 ) fprintf( stderr, "found_replacement: %d\n", (int) found_replacement );
							if ( found_replacement == 0 ) {
								throw std::runtime_error( "NO VALID CIRCUMCIRCLES!!!" );
								// go through all possible points to find the furthest distance
								l = dt.global_largest_circumcircle(face);
							} else if ( found_replacement == 1 ) {
						} else {
							throw std::runtime_error( "NO VALID CIRCUMCIRCLES!!!" );
							l = dt.global_largest_circumcircle(face);
        // Set center of largest circumcircle as new vertex
        if ( cur_pt_is_valid != 1 || l.squared_radius() > c.squared_radius() ) {
          Point_2 l_center = wrap_unit_torus(l.center());
					Point2f cur_pt_Point2f_temp_1( (double) l_center.x(), (double) l_center.y() );
					vector< Point2f > all_pts_temp_1;
					all_pts_temp_1.push_back( cur_pt_Point2f_temp_1 );
					vector<int> all_vertex_point_indices_temp_1 = get_point_indices_new( valid_counts, all_pts_temp_1 );
					int index_cur_pt_temp_1 = all_vertex_point_indices_temp_1[0];
					double cur_pt_is_valid_double_temp_1 = valid_counts.at<double>( index_cur_pt_temp_1 % valid_counts.rows, index_cur_pt_temp_1 / valid_counts.rows );
					if ( round(cur_pt_is_valid_double_temp_1) != 1.0 ) throw std::runtime_error( "Invalid pts being set right NOW - ps!" );
          dt.set_vertex(r, l_center, face);
        } else {
					Point_2 l_center = wrap_unit_torus(c.center());
          dt.set_vertex(r, l_center, face);
				Point_2 cand_temp = dt.get_vertex(r)->point();
				Point2f cur_pt_Point2f_temp( (double) cand_temp.x(), (double) cand_temp.y() );
				vector< Point2f > all_pts_temp;
				all_pts_temp.push_back( cur_pt_Point2f_temp );
				vector<int> all_vertex_point_indices_temp = get_point_indices_new( valid_counts, all_pts_temp );
				int index_cur_pt_temp = all_vertex_point_indices_temp[0];
				double cur_pt_is_valid_double_temp = valid_counts.at<double>( index_cur_pt_temp % valid_counts.rows, index_cur_pt_temp / valid_counts.rows );
				if ( round(cur_pt_is_valid_double_temp) != 1.0 ) throw std::runtime_error( "Invalid pts being set - ps!" );
			} catch (int e) {
				std::cerr << "An exception occurred. Exception Nr. " << e << '\n';
    update_statistics(dt, it, global_md, avg_md, !silent);
    if (it >= max_iter || global_md >= max_md)
    if (avg_md - old_avg == 0.01) break;
    old_avg = avg_md;
  clock_t t1 = clock();
  if (!silent) {
		double dtime = (double)(t1 - t0) / CLOCKS_PER_SEC;
		printf("optimization took %.3fs and %d iterations (%.1fms/iter)\n", dtime, it, dtime * 1000.0 / it);
  } else
      update_statistics(dt, it, global_md, avg_md, false);
	vector<cv::Point2f> all_points = dt.return_vertices_points();
  return all_points;