Exemplo n.º 1
static PyObject* pyvicon_enablemarkerdata(PyObject* self, PyObject* args) {
    PyObject* capsule;
    if (!PyArg_ParseTuple(args, "O", &capsule)) return NULL;
    Client* client = (Client*)PyCapsule_GetPointer(capsule, NULL);
    if (client->EnableMarkerData().Result == Result::Success)
Exemplo n.º 2
void initialize_VICON( void )
	int trying = 0;

	cout << " Connecting to Giganet......" << endl;

	// ============================= Connect to Giganet (Vicon motion systems) ============================= 
	while( !MyClient.IsConnected().Connected )
		if(trying++ > 3)

		Output_Connect _Output_Connect = MyClient.Connect( "localhost:801" );

	if(trying > 3)

	Output_EnableMarkerData          _Output_EnableMarkerData          = MyClient.EnableMarkerData();
	Output_EnableUnlabeledMarkerData _Output_EnableUnlabeledMarkerData = MyClient.EnableUnlabeledMarkerData();
	Output_EnableDeviceData          _Output_EnableDeviceData          = MyClient.EnableDeviceData();

	Output_SetStreamMode _Output_SetStreamMode = MyClient.SetStreamMode( ViconDataStreamSDK::CPP::StreamMode::ClientPull );

	cout << " Giganet successfully connected." << endl << endl;

	/// Wait until frame is arrived.
	while( MyClient.GetFrame().Result != Result::Success );

	/// Get number of object shown in vicon
	unsigned int SubjectCount = MyClient.GetSubjectCount().SubjectCount;

	cout << "[NOTICE] " << SubjectCount << " objects found" << endl;

	for( unsigned int SubjectIndex = 0 ; SubjectIndex < SubjectCount ; ++SubjectIndex )
		cout << "Object name : " << MyClient.GetSubjectName(SubjectIndex).SubjectName << endl;

		if(MyClient.GetSubjectName(SubjectIndex).SubjectName == "pitta")
			cout << "Pitta found ID = " << SubjectIndex << endl;
			pitta_obj_id = SubjectIndex;
			pitta_name = MyClient.GetSubjectName(SubjectIndex).SubjectName;
Exemplo n.º 3
int main( int argc, char* argv[] )

  lcm::LCM lcm;
    return 1;

  vicon_state_t vicon_msg;

  // Program options
  std::string HostName = "";
  if( argc > 1 )
    HostName = argv[1];

  // log contains:
  // version number
  // log of framerate over time
  // --multicast
  // kill off internal app
  std::string LogFile = "";
  std::string MulticastAddress = "";
  bool ConnectToMultiCast = false;
  bool EnableMultiCast = false;
  bool EnableHapticTest = false;
  bool bReadCentroids = false;
  std::vector<std::string> HapticOnList(0);
  for(int a=2; a < argc; ++a)
    std::string arg = argv[a];
    if(arg == "--help")
      std::cout << argv[0] << " <HostName>: allowed options include:\n  --log_file <LogFile> --enable_multicast <MulticastAddress:Port> --connect_to_multicast <MulticastAddress:Port> --help --enable_haptic_test <DeviceName> --centroids" << std::endl;
      return 0;
    else if (arg=="--log_file")
      if(a < argc)
        LogFile = argv[a+1];
        std::cout << "Using log file <"<< LogFile << "> ..." << std::endl;
    else if (arg=="--enable_multicast")
      EnableMultiCast = true;
      if(a < argc)
        MulticastAddress = argv[a+1];
        std::cout << "Enabling multicast address <"<< MulticastAddress << "> ..." << std::endl;
    else if (arg=="--connect_to_multicast")
      ConnectToMultiCast = true;
      if(a < argc)
        MulticastAddress = argv[a+1];
        std::cout << "connecting to multicast address <"<< MulticastAddress << "> ..." << std::endl;
    else if (arg=="--enable_haptic_test")
      EnableHapticTest = true;
      if ( a < argc )
        //assuming no haptic device name starts with "--"
        while( a < argc && strncmp( argv[a], "--", 2 ) !=0  )
          HapticOnList.push_back( argv[a] );
    else if( arg=="--centroids" )
      bReadCentroids = true;
      std::cout << "Failed to understand argument <" << argv[a] << ">...exiting" << std::endl;
      return 1;

  std::ofstream ofs;
      std::cout << "Could not open log file <" << LogFile << ">...exiting" << std::endl;
      return 1;
  // Make a new client
  Client MyClient;

  for(int i=0; i != 3; ++i) // repeat to check disconnecting doesn't wreck next connect
    // Connect to a server
    std::cout << "Connecting to " << HostName << " ..." << std::flush;
    while( !MyClient.IsConnected().Connected )
      // Direct connection

      bool ok = false;
        // Multicast connection
        ok = ( MyClient.ConnectToMulticast( HostName, MulticastAddress ).Result == Result::Success );

        ok =( MyClient.Connect( HostName ).Result == Result::Success );
        std::cout << "Warning - connect failed..." << std::endl;

      std::cout << ".";
  #ifdef WIN32
      Sleep( 1000 );
    // std::cout << std::endl;

    // Enable some different data types
    if( bReadCentroids )

    std::cout << "Segment Data Enabled: "          << Adapt( MyClient.IsSegmentDataEnabled().Enabled )         << std::endl;
    std::cout << "Marker Data Enabled: "           << Adapt( MyClient.IsMarkerDataEnabled().Enabled )          << std::endl;
    std::cout << "Unlabeled Marker Data Enabled: " << Adapt( MyClient.IsUnlabeledMarkerDataEnabled().Enabled ) << std::endl;
    std::cout << "Device Data Enabled: "           << Adapt( MyClient.IsDeviceDataEnabled().Enabled )          << std::endl;
    std::cout << "Centroid Data Enabled: "         << Adapt( MyClient.IsCentroidDataEnabled().Enabled )        << std::endl;

    // Set the streaming mode
    //MyClient.SetStreamMode( ViconDataStreamSDK::CPP::StreamMode::ClientPull );
    // MyClient.SetStreamMode( ViconDataStreamSDK::CPP::StreamMode::ClientPullPreFetch );
    MyClient.SetStreamMode( ViconDataStreamSDK::CPP::StreamMode::ServerPush );

    // Set the global up axis
    MyClient.SetAxisMapping( Direction::Forward, 
                             Direction::Up ); // Z-up
    // MyClient.SetGlobalUpAxis( Direction::Forward, 
    //                           Direction::Up, 
    //                           Direction::Right ); // Y-up

    Output_GetAxisMapping _Output_GetAxisMapping = MyClient.GetAxisMapping();
    std::cout << "Axis Mapping: X-" << Adapt( _Output_GetAxisMapping.XAxis ) 
                           << " Y-" << Adapt( _Output_GetAxisMapping.YAxis ) 
                           << " Z-" << Adapt( _Output_GetAxisMapping.ZAxis ) << std::endl;

    // Discover the version number
    Output_GetVersion _Output_GetVersion = MyClient.GetVersion();
    std::cout << "Version: " << _Output_GetVersion.Major << "." 
                             << _Output_GetVersion.Minor << "." 
                             << _Output_GetVersion.Point << std::endl;

    if( EnableMultiCast )
      assert( MyClient.IsConnected().Connected );
      MyClient.StartTransmittingMulticast( HostName, MulticastAddress );

    size_t FrameRateWindow = 1000; // frames
    size_t Counter = 0;
    clock_t LastTime = clock();
    // Loop until a key is pressed
  #ifdef WIN32
    while( !Hit() )
    while( true)
      // Get a frame
      // output_stream << "Waiting for new frame...";
      while( MyClient.GetFrame().Result != Result::Success )
        // Sleep a little so that we don't lumber the CPU with a busy poll
        #ifdef WIN32
          Sleep( 200 );

        // output_stream << ".";
      // output_stream << std::endl;
      if(++Counter == FrameRateWindow)
        clock_t Now = clock();
        double FrameRate = (double)(FrameRateWindow * CLOCKS_PER_SEC) / (double)(Now - LastTime);
          time_t rawtime;
          struct tm * timeinfo;
          time ( &rawtime );
          timeinfo = localtime ( &rawtime );

          ofs << "Frame rate = " << FrameRate << " at " <<  asctime (timeinfo)<< std::endl;

        LastTime = Now;
        Counter = 0;

      // Get the frame number
      Output_GetFrameNumber _Output_GetFrameNumber = MyClient.GetFrameNumber();
      // output_stream << "Frame Number: " << _Output_GetFrameNumber.FrameNumber << std::endl;

      if( EnableHapticTest == true )
        for (size_t i = 0; i < HapticOnList.size(); ++ i)
          if( Counter % 2 == 0 )
              Output_SetApexDeviceFeedback Output= MyClient.SetApexDeviceFeedback( HapticOnList[i],  true ); 
              if( Output.Result == Result::Success )
                // output_stream<< "Turn haptic feedback on for device: " << HapticOnList[i]<<std::endl;
              else if( Output.Result == Result::InvalidDeviceName )
                output_stream<< "Device doesn't exist: "<< HapticOnList[i]<<std::endl;
          if( Counter % 20 == 0 )
              Output_SetApexDeviceFeedback Output = MyClient.SetApexDeviceFeedback( HapticOnList[i],  false); 

              if( Output.Result == Result::Success )
                output_stream<< "Turn haptic feedback off for device: " << HapticOnList[i]<<std::endl;

      // Count the number of subjects
      unsigned int SubjectCount = MyClient.GetSubjectCount().SubjectCount;
      // output_stream << "Subjects (" << SubjectCount << "):" << std::endl;
      for( unsigned int SubjectIndex = 0 ; SubjectIndex < SubjectCount ; ++SubjectIndex )
        // output_stream << "  Subject #" << SubjectIndex << std::endl;

        // Get the subject name
        std::string SubjectName = MyClient.GetSubjectName( SubjectIndex ).SubjectName;
        // output_stream << "    Name: " << SubjectName << std::endl;

        // Get the root segment
        // std::string RootSegment = MyClient.GetSubjectRootSegmentName( SubjectName ).SegmentName;
        // output_stream << "    Root Segment: " << RootSegment << std::endl;

        // Count the number of segments
        unsigned int SegmentCount = MyClient.GetSegmentCount( SubjectName ).SegmentCount;
        // output_stream << "    Segments (" << SegmentCount << "):" << std::endl;
        for( unsigned int SegmentIndex = 0 ; SegmentIndex < SegmentCount ; ++SegmentIndex )
          // output_stream << "      Segment #" << SegmentIndex << std::endl;

          // Get the segment name
          std::string SegmentName = MyClient.GetSegmentName( SubjectName, SegmentIndex ).SegmentName;

          //chose the the object by name
          if(SegmentName != OBJ_TO_TRACK) continue;
          // output_stream << "        Name: " << SegmentName << std::endl;

          // Get the segment parent
          std::string SegmentParentName = MyClient.GetSegmentParentName( SubjectName, SegmentName ).SegmentName;
          // output_stream << "        Parent: " << SegmentParentName << std::endl;

          // Get the segment's children
          unsigned int ChildCount = MyClient.GetSegmentChildCount( SubjectName, SegmentName ).SegmentCount;
          // output_stream << "     Children (" << ChildCount << "):" << std::endl;
          for( unsigned int ChildIndex = 0 ; ChildIndex < ChildCount ; ++ChildIndex )
            std::string ChildName = MyClient.GetSegmentChildName( SubjectName, SegmentName, ChildIndex ).SegmentName;
            // output_stream << "       " << ChildName << std::endl;

          // Get the global segment translation
          Output_GetSegmentGlobalTranslation _Output_GetSegmentGlobalTranslation = 
            MyClient.GetSegmentGlobalTranslation( SubjectName, SegmentName );
          // output_stream << "        Global Translation: (" << _Output_GetSegmentGlobalTranslation.Translation[ 0 ]  << ", " 
                                                       // << _Output_GetSegmentGlobalTranslation.Translation[ 1 ]  << ", " 
                                                       // << _Output_GetSegmentGlobalTranslation.Translation[ 2 ]  << ") " 
                                                       // << Adapt( _Output_GetSegmentGlobalTranslation.Occluded ) << std::endl;

          // Get the global segment rotation in helical co-ordinates
          // Output_GetSegmentGlobalRotationHelical _Output_GetSegmentGlobalRotationHelical = 
          //   MyClient.GetSegmentGlobalRotationHelical( SubjectName, SegmentName );
          // output_stream << "        Global Rotation Helical: (" << _Output_GetSegmentGlobalRotationHelical.Rotation[ 0 ]     << ", " 
                                                            // << _Output_GetSegmentGlobalRotationHelical.Rotation[ 1 ]     << ", " 
                                                            // << _Output_GetSegmentGlobalRotationHelical.Rotation[ 2 ]     << ") " 
                                                            // << Adapt( _Output_GetSegmentGlobalRotationHelical.Occluded ) << std::endl;

          // Get the global segment rotation as a matrix
          Output_GetSegmentGlobalRotationMatrix _Output_GetSegmentGlobalRotationMatrix = 
            MyClient.GetSegmentGlobalRotationMatrix( SubjectName, SegmentName );

            for (int iii = 0; iii < 9; iii ++) {
              vicon_msg.DCM[iii] = _Output_GetSegmentGlobalRotationMatrix.Rotation[ iii ];
          // output_stream << "        Global Rotation Matrix: (" << _Output_GetSegmentGlobalRotationMatrix.Rotation[ 0 ]     << ", " 
                                                           // << _Output_GetSegmentGlobalRotationMatrix.Rotation[ 1 ]     << ", " 
                                                           // << _Output_GetSegmentGlobalRotationMatrix.Rotation[ 2 ]     << ", " 
                                                           // << _Output_GetSegmentGlobalRotationMatrix.Rotation[ 3 ]     << ", " 
                                                           // << _Output_GetSegmentGlobalRotationMatrix.Rotation[ 4 ]     << ", " 
                                                           // << _Output_GetSegmentGlobalRotationMatrix.Rotation[ 5 ]     << ", " 
                                                           // << _Output_GetSegmentGlobalRotationMatrix.Rotation[ 6 ]     << ", " 
                                                           // << _Output_GetSegmentGlobalRotationMatrix.Rotation[ 7 ]     << ", " 
                                                           // << _Output_GetSegmentGlobalRotationMatrix.Rotation[ 8 ]     << ") " 
                                                           // << Adapt( _Output_GetSegmentGlobalRotationMatrix.Occluded ) << std::endl;

          // Get the global segment rotation in quaternion co-ordinates
          Output_GetSegmentGlobalRotationQuaternion _Output_GetSegmentGlobalRotationQuaternion = 
            MyClient.GetSegmentGlobalRotationQuaternion( SubjectName, SegmentName );
          // output_stream << "        Global Rotation Quaternion: (" << _Output_GetSegmentGlobalRotationQuaternion.Rotation[ 0 ]     << ", " 
                                                               // << _Output_GetSegmentGlobalRotationQuaternion.Rotation[ 1 ]     << ", " 
                                                               // << _Output_GetSegmentGlobalRotationQuaternion.Rotation[ 2 ]     << ", " 
                                                               // << _Output_GetSegmentGlobalRotationQuaternion.Rotation[ 3 ]     << ") " 
                                                               // << Adapt( _Output_GetSegmentGlobalRotationQuaternion.Occluded ) << std::endl;

          // Get the global segment rotation in EulerXYZ co-ordinates
          Output_GetSegmentGlobalRotationEulerXYZ _Output_GetSegmentGlobalRotationEulerXYZ = 
            MyClient.GetSegmentGlobalRotationEulerXYZ( SubjectName, SegmentName );
            // std::cout<<"global: "<<_Output_GetSegmentGlobalRotationEulerXYZ.Rotation[ 0 ]<<", "<<_Output_GetSegmentGlobalRotationEulerXYZ.Rotation[ 1 ]<<", "<<_Output_GetSegmentGlobalRotationEulerXYZ.Rotation[ 2 ]<<std::endl;
          // output_stream << "        Global Rotation EulerXYZ: (" << _Output_GetSegmentGlobalRotationEulerXYZ.Rotation[ 0 ]     << ", " 
          //                                                    << _Output_GetSegmentGlobalRotationEulerXYZ.Rotation[ 1 ]     << ", " 
          //                                                    << _Output_GetSegmentGlobalRotationEulerXYZ.Rotation[ 2 ]     << ") " 
          //                                                    << Adapt( _Output_GetSegmentGlobalRotationEulerXYZ.Occluded ) << std::endl;

            number = distribution(generator);

            _Output_GetSegmentGlobalTranslation.Translation[ 0 ]+= 1000.0*number;
            _Output_GetSegmentGlobalTranslation.Translation[ 1 ]+= 1000.0*number;
            _Output_GetSegmentGlobalTranslation.Translation[ 2 ]+= 1000.0*number;
            //lcm publish data
            vicon_msg.timestamp = utime_now();
            ///////////////////filter position
            // std::cout <<abs(_Output_GetSegmentGlobalTranslation.Translation[ 2 ] - pre_z)<<std::endl;
            // if(abs(_Output_GetSegmentGlobalTranslation.Translation[ 0 ] - pre_x) <= POS_JUMP_THRES)
            addArr(pos_x, _Output_GetSegmentGlobalTranslation.Translation[ 0 ], NUM_SAMPLES_MED);
            // if(abs(_Output_GetSegmentGlobalTranslation.Translation[ 1 ] - pre_y) <= POS_JUMP_THRES) 
            addArr(pos_y, _Output_GetSegmentGlobalTranslation.Translation[ 1 ], NUM_SAMPLES_MED);
            // if(abs(_Output_GetSegmentGlobalTranslation.Translation[ 2 ] - pre_z) <= POS_JUMP_THRES) 
            addArr(pos_z, _Output_GetSegmentGlobalTranslation.Translation[ 2 ], NUM_SAMPLES_MED);

            addArr(pos_x_med, median(pos_x, NUM_SAMPLES_MED), NUM_SAMPLES_AVG);
            addArr(pos_y_med, median(pos_y, NUM_SAMPLES_MED), NUM_SAMPLES_AVG);
            addArr(pos_z_med, median(pos_z, NUM_SAMPLES_MED), NUM_SAMPLES_AVG);

            addArr(pos_x_avg, average(pos_x_med, NUM_SAMPLES_AVG), NUM_SAMPLES_AVG);
            addArr(pos_y_avg, average(pos_y_med, NUM_SAMPLES_AVG), NUM_SAMPLES_AVG);
            addArr(pos_z_avg, average(pos_z_med, NUM_SAMPLES_AVG), NUM_SAMPLES_AVG);

            vicon_msg.position[0] = pos_x_avg[NUM_SAMPLES_AVG - 1];
            vicon_msg.position[1] = pos_y_avg[NUM_SAMPLES_AVG - 1];
            vicon_msg.position[2] = pos_z_avg[NUM_SAMPLES_AVG - 1];

            /////////////////filter attitude
            ///it seems that attitude is refreshed with half of the frequency as position
            addArr(att_x, _Output_GetSegmentGlobalRotationEulerXYZ.Rotation[ 0 ], NUM_SAMPLES_MED);
            addArr(att_y, _Output_GetSegmentGlobalRotationEulerXYZ.Rotation[ 1 ], NUM_SAMPLES_MED);
            addArr(att_z, _Output_GetSegmentGlobalRotationEulerXYZ.Rotation[ 2 ], NUM_SAMPLES_MED);

            addArr(att_x_med, median(att_x, NUM_SAMPLES_MED), NUM_SAMPLES_AVG);
            addArr(att_y_med, median(att_y, NUM_SAMPLES_MED), NUM_SAMPLES_AVG);
            addArr(att_z_med, median(att_z, NUM_SAMPLES_MED), NUM_SAMPLES_AVG);

            addArr(att_x_avg, average(att_x_med, NUM_SAMPLES_AVG), NUM_SAMPLES_AVG);
            addArr(att_y_avg, average(att_y_med, NUM_SAMPLES_AVG), NUM_SAMPLES_AVG);
            addArr(att_z_avg, average(att_z_med, NUM_SAMPLES_AVG), NUM_SAMPLES_AVG);

            vicon_msg.attitude[0] = att_x_avg[NUM_SAMPLES_AVG - 1];
            vicon_msg.attitude[1] = att_y_avg[NUM_SAMPLES_AVG - 1];
            vicon_msg.attitude[2] = att_z_avg[NUM_SAMPLES_AVG - 1];
            // std::cout << "attitude[0]: "<<_Output_GetSegmentGlobalRotationEulerXYZ.Rotation[ 0 ]<<std::endl;
            // std::cout << "attitude[1]: "<<_Output_GetSegmentGlobalRotationEulerXYZ.Rotation[ 1 ]<<std::endl;
            // std::cout << "attitude[2]: "<<_Output_GetSegmentGlobalRotationEulerXYZ.Rotation[ 2 ]<<std::endl;

            dt = (static_cast<double>(vicon_msg.timestamp - time_tmp))/1000; //dt in mseconds

            // differentiate the positions to get velocities
            dx_in_mm = vicon_msg.position[0] - pre_x;
            dy_in_mm = vicon_msg.position[1] - pre_y;
            dz_in_mm = vicon_msg.position[2] - pre_z;

            // std::cout<<"dz: "<<dz_in_mm<<"\tdt: "<<dt <<std::endl;
            vx = dx_in_mm/dt;
            vy = dy_in_mm/dt;
            vz = dz_in_mm/dt;

            //differentiate the attitudes to get Euler rate
            v_rho = ((double)vicon_msg.attitude[0] - pre_rho)/(dt/1e3);
            v_theta = ((double)vicon_msg.attitude[1] - pre_theta)/(dt/1e3);
            v_psi = ((double)vicon_msg.attitude[2] - pre_psi)/(dt/1e3);

        ///////////////////////filter the velocity
        //collect data in to stack
            //filter out unreasonable jump
            // if(abs(vx - prev_vx) <= JUMP_THRESHOLD) {

            addArr(vel_x, vx, NUM_SAMPLES_MED);
            addArr(vel_x_med, median(vel_x, NUM_SAMPLES_MED), NUM_SAMPLES_AVG);
            addArr(vel_x_avg, average(vel_x_med, NUM_SAMPLES_AVG), NUM_SAMPLES_AVG);

            vx = vel_x_avg[NUM_SAMPLES_AVG-1];

            prev_vx = vx;
            // } else vx = prev_vx;

            // if(abs(vy - prev_vy) <= JUMP_THRESHOLD) {
            addArr(vel_y, vy, NUM_SAMPLES_MED);
            addArr(vel_y_med, median(vel_y, NUM_SAMPLES_MED), NUM_SAMPLES_AVG);
            addArr(vel_y_avg, average(vel_y_med, NUM_SAMPLES_AVG), NUM_SAMPLES_AVG);

            vy = vel_y_avg[NUM_SAMPLES_AVG-1];

            prev_vy = vy;

            // } else vy = prev_vy;

            // if(abs(vz - prev_vz) <= JUMP_THRESHOLD) {

            addArr(vel_z, vz, NUM_SAMPLES_MED);
            addArr(vel_z_med, median(vel_z, NUM_SAMPLES_MED), NUM_SAMPLES_AVG);
            addArr(vel_z_avg, average(vel_z_med, NUM_SAMPLES_AVG), NUM_SAMPLES_AVG);

            vz = vel_z_avg[NUM_SAMPLES_AVG-1];

            prev_vz = vz;

            // } else vz = prev_vz;

            //filter the Euler rate
            // if(abs(v_rho - v_rho_pre) <= deg2rad(JUMP_THRESHOLD_ATTITUDE)) {

            if(abs(v_rho - v_rho_pre) <= 3) addArr(rho_vel, v_rho, NUM_SAMPLES_MED); // Jump between -180 to 180

            addArr(rho_vel_med, median(rho_vel, NUM_SAMPLES_MED), NUM_SAMPLES_AVG);
            addArr(rho_vel_avg, average(rho_vel_med, NUM_SAMPLES_AVG), NUM_SAMPLES_AVG);
            v_rho = rho_vel_avg[NUM_SAMPLES_AVG - 1];

            v_rho_pre = v_rho;
            // } else v_rho = v_rho_pre;

            // if(abs(v_theta - v_theta_pre) <= deg2rad(JUMP_THRESHOLD_ATTITUDE)) {

            if(abs(v_theta - v_theta_pre) <= 3) addArr(theta_vel, v_theta, NUM_SAMPLES_MED);

            addArr(theta_vel_med, median(theta_vel, NUM_SAMPLES_MED), NUM_SAMPLES_AVG);
            addArr(theta_vel_avg, average(theta_vel_med, NUM_SAMPLES_AVG), NUM_SAMPLES_AVG);

            v_theta = theta_vel_avg[NUM_SAMPLES_AVG - 1];

            v_theta_pre = v_theta;
            // } else v_theta = v_theta_pre;

            // if(abs(v_psi - v_psi_pre) <= deg2rad(JUMP_THRESHOLD_ATTITUDE)) {

            if(abs(v_psi - v_psi_pre) <= 3) addArr(psi_vel, v_psi, NUM_SAMPLES_MED);
            addArr(psi_vel_med, median(psi_vel, NUM_SAMPLES_MED), NUM_SAMPLES_AVG);
            addArr(psi_vel_avg, average(psi_vel_med, NUM_SAMPLES_AVG), NUM_SAMPLES_AVG);
            v_psi = psi_vel_avg[NUM_SAMPLES_AVG - 1];

            v_psi_pre = v_psi;

            // } else v_psi = v_psi_pre;

            vicon_msg.velocity[0] = vx;
            vicon_msg.velocity[1] = vy;
            vicon_msg.velocity[2] = vz;

            vicon_msg.angular_vel[0] = v_rho;
            vicon_msg.angular_vel[1] = v_theta;
            vicon_msg.angular_vel[2] = v_psi;

            lcm.publish("vicon_state", &vicon_msg);

            //previous state
            pre_x = (double)vicon_msg.position[0];
            pre_y = (double)vicon_msg.position[1];
            pre_z = (double)vicon_msg.position[2];

            pre_rho = (double)vicon_msg.attitude[0];
            pre_theta = (double)vicon_msg.attitude[1];
            pre_psi = (double)vicon_msg.attitude[2];

            time_tmp = vicon_msg.timestamp;

            //usleep is crucial for accuracy


      if( bReadCentroids )
        unsigned int CameraCount = MyClient.GetCameraCount().CameraCount;
        output_stream << "Cameras(" << CameraCount << "):" << std::endl;

        for( unsigned int CameraIndex = 0; CameraIndex < CameraCount; ++CameraIndex )
          output_stream << "  Camera #" << CameraIndex << ":" << std::endl;
          const std::string CameraName = MyClient.GetCameraName( CameraIndex ).CameraName;
          output_stream << "    Name: " << CameraName << std::endl;

          unsigned int CentroidCount = MyClient.GetCentroidCount( CameraName ).CentroidCount;
          output_stream << "    Centroids(" << CentroidCount << "):" << std::endl;

          for( unsigned int CentroidIndex = 0; CentroidIndex < CentroidCount; ++CentroidIndex )
            output_stream << "      Centroid #" << CentroidIndex << ":" << std::endl;

            Output_GetCentroidPosition _Output_GetCentroidPosition = MyClient.GetCentroidPosition( CameraName, CentroidIndex );
            output_stream << "        Position: (" << _Output_GetCentroidPosition.CentroidPosition[0] << ", "
                                                   << _Output_GetCentroidPosition.CentroidPosition[1] << ")" << std::endl;
            output_stream << "        Radius: ("    << _Output_GetCentroidPosition.Radius   << ")" << std::endl;

    if( EnableMultiCast )
    if( bReadCentroids )

    // Disconnect and dispose
    int t = clock();
    std::cout << " Disconnecting..." << std::endl;
    int dt = clock() - t;
    double secs = (double) (dt)/(double)CLOCKS_PER_SEC;
    std::cout << " Disconnect time = " << secs << " secs" << std::endl;

Exemplo n.º 4
int main( int argc, char* argv[] )
  // Program options
  std::string HostName = "";
  int startup_delay = 10;

  ros::init(argc, argv, "udp_enable");
  ros::NodeHandle n;
  ros::Rate loop_rate(1);

  // log contains:
  // version number
  // log of framerate over time
  // --multicast
  // kill off internal app
  std::string LogFile = "";
  std::string MulticastAddress = "";
  bool ConnectToMultiCast = false;
  bool EnableMultiCast = true;
  bool EnableHapticTest = false;
  bool bReadCentroids = false;
  std::vector<std::string> HapticOnList(0);

  std::ofstream ofs;

  // ROS parameters
  std::string s;
  // mutlicast address
  if (n.getParam("vicon_multicast_address", s)) {
    MulticastAddress = s;
    //std::cout << "Got multicast " << MulticastAddress << " from parameter." << std::endl;
  // own hostname
  if (n.getParam("vicon_server_hostname", s)) {
    HostName = s;
    //std::cout << "Got hostname " << HostName << " from parameter." << std::endl;
  // tracking object (this one is private as unique to each node)
  // try the private thing using the "bare" method
  if (ros::param::has("~startup_delay")) {
     ros::param::get("~startup_delay", startup_delay);

  ROS_INFO("Waiting for start-up delay of %d s", startup_delay);

  // Make a new client
  Client MyClient;

  // Connect to a server
  ROS_INFO("Connecting to server %s", HostName.c_str());
  while( !MyClient.IsConnected().Connected )
      // Direct connection

      bool ok = false;
        // Multicast connection
        ok = ( MyClient.ConnectToMulticast( HostName, MulticastAddress ).Result == Result::Success );

        ok =( MyClient.Connect( HostName ).Result == Result::Success );
        std::cout << "Warning - connect failed..." << std::endl;

      std::cout << ".";
    std::cout << std::endl;

    // Enable some different data types

    // Set the streaming mode
    // MyClient.SetStreamMode( ViconDataStreamSDK::CPP::StreamMode::ClientPull );
    // MyClient.SetStreamMode( ViconDataStreamSDK::CPP::StreamMode::ClientPullPreFetch );
    MyClient.SetStreamMode( ViconDataStreamSDK::CPP::StreamMode::ServerPush );

    // Set the global up axis
    MyClient.SetAxisMapping( Direction::Forward, 
                             Direction::Up ); // Z-up
    // MyClient.SetGlobalUpAxis( Direction::Forward, 
    //                           Direction::Up, 
    //                           Direction::Right ); // Y-up

    Output_GetAxisMapping _Output_GetAxisMapping = MyClient.GetAxisMapping();
    std::cout << "Axis Mapping: X-" << Adapt( _Output_GetAxisMapping.XAxis ) 
                           << " Y-" << Adapt( _Output_GetAxisMapping.YAxis ) 
                           << " Z-" << Adapt( _Output_GetAxisMapping.ZAxis ) << std::endl;

    // Discover the version number
    Output_GetVersion _Output_GetVersion = MyClient.GetVersion();
    std::cout << "Version: " << _Output_GetVersion.Major << "." 
                             << _Output_GetVersion.Minor << "." 
                             << _Output_GetVersion.Point << std::endl;

    if( EnableMultiCast )
      assert( MyClient.IsConnected().Connected );
      MyClient.StartTransmittingMulticast( HostName, MulticastAddress );

    ROS_INFO("Starting multicast on address %s", MulticastAddress.c_str());

    // wait for a key to be pressed
    std::cout << "Multicast has been started" << std::endl;
    std::cout << "Press Ctrl+C to stop" << std::endl;
    while( ros::ok() )
      // get ROS stuff done first

      // a pause


    // shutting down again
    if( EnableMultiCast )
    if( bReadCentroids )

    // Disconnect and dispose
    int t = clock();
    std::cout << " Disconnecting..." << std::endl;
    int dt = clock() - t;
    double secs = (double) (dt)/(double)CLOCKS_PER_SEC;
    std::cout << " Disconnect time = " << secs << " secs" << std::endl;

int main( int argc, char* argv[] )
  // Program options
  bool TransmitMulticast = false;
  std::string HostName = "localhost:801";
  if( argc == 2 )
    HostName = argv[1];

  // Make a new client
  Client MyClient;

  for(int i=0; i != 3; ++i) // repeat to check disconnecting doesn't wreck next connect
    // Connect to a server
    std::cout << "Connecting to " << HostName << " ..." << std::flush;
    while( !MyClient.IsConnected().Connected )
      // Direct connection
      MyClient.Connect( HostName );

      // Multicast connection
      // MyClient.ConnectToMulticast( HostName, "" );

      std::cout << ".";
  #ifdef WIN32
      Sleep( 200 );
    std::cout << std::endl;

    // Enable some different data types

    std::cout << "Segment Data Enabled: "          << Adapt( MyClient.IsSegmentDataEnabled().Enabled )         << std::endl;
    std::cout << "Marker Data Enabled: "           << Adapt( MyClient.IsMarkerDataEnabled().Enabled )          << std::endl;
    std::cout << "Unlabeled Marker Data Enabled: " << Adapt( MyClient.IsUnlabeledMarkerDataEnabled().Enabled ) << std::endl;
    std::cout << "Device Data Enabled: "           << Adapt( MyClient.IsDeviceDataEnabled().Enabled )          << std::endl;

    // Set the streaming mode
    MyClient.SetStreamMode( ViconDataStreamSDK::CPP::StreamMode::ClientPull );
    // MyClient.SetStreamMode( ViconDataStreamSDK::CPP::StreamMode::ClientPullPreFetch );
    // MyClient.SetStreamMode( ViconDataStreamSDK::CPP::StreamMode::ServerPush );

    // Set the global up axis
    MyClient.SetAxisMapping( Direction::Forward, 
                             Direction::Up ); // Z-up
    // MyClient.SetGlobalUpAxis( Direction::Forward, 
    //                           Direction::Up, 
    //                           Direction::Right ); // Y-up

    Output_GetAxisMapping _Output_GetAxisMapping = MyClient.GetAxisMapping();
    std::cout << "Axis Mapping: X-" << Adapt( _Output_GetAxisMapping.XAxis ) 
                           << " Y-" << Adapt( _Output_GetAxisMapping.YAxis ) 
                           << " Z-" << Adapt( _Output_GetAxisMapping.ZAxis ) << std::endl;

    // Discover the version number
    Output_GetVersion _Output_GetVersion = MyClient.GetVersion();
    std::cout << "Version: " << _Output_GetVersion.Major << "." 
                             << _Output_GetVersion.Minor << "." 
                             << _Output_GetVersion.Point << std::endl;

    if( TransmitMulticast )
      MyClient.StartTransmittingMulticast( "localhost", "" );

    // Loop until a key is pressed
  #ifdef WIN32
    while( !Hit() )
    while( true)
      // Get a frame
      std::cout << "Waiting for new frame...";
      while( MyClient.GetFrame().Result != Result::Success )
        // Sleep a little so that we don't lumber the CPU with a busy poll
        #ifdef WIN32
          Sleep( 200 );

        std::cout << ".";
      std::cout << std::endl;

      // Get the frame number
      Output_GetFrameNumber _Output_GetFrameNumber = MyClient.GetFrameNumber();
      std::cout << "Frame Number: " << _Output_GetFrameNumber.FrameNumber << std::endl;

      // Get the timecode
      Output_GetTimecode _Output_GetTimecode  = MyClient.GetTimecode();

      std::cout << "Timecode: "
                << _Output_GetTimecode.Hours               << "h "
                << _Output_GetTimecode.Minutes             << "m " 
                << _Output_GetTimecode.Seconds             << "s "
                << _Output_GetTimecode.Frames              << "f "
                << _Output_GetTimecode.SubFrame            << "sf "
                << Adapt( _Output_GetTimecode.FieldFlag ) << " " 
                << _Output_GetTimecode.Standard            << " " 
                << _Output_GetTimecode.SubFramesPerFrame   << " " 
                << _Output_GetTimecode.UserBits            << std::endl << std::endl;

      // Get the latency
      std::cout << "Latency: " << MyClient.GetLatencyTotal().Total << "s" << std::endl;
      for( unsigned int LatencySampleIndex = 0 ; LatencySampleIndex < MyClient.GetLatencySampleCount().Count ; ++LatencySampleIndex )
        std::string SampleName  = MyClient.GetLatencySampleName( LatencySampleIndex ).Name;
        double      SampleValue = MyClient.GetLatencySampleValue( SampleName ).Value;

        std::cout << "  " << SampleName << " " << SampleValue << "s" << std::endl;
      std::cout << std::endl;

      // Count the number of subjects
      unsigned int SubjectCount = MyClient.GetSubjectCount().SubjectCount;
      std::cout << "Subjects (" << SubjectCount << "):" << std::endl;
      for( unsigned int SubjectIndex = 0 ; SubjectIndex < SubjectCount ; ++SubjectIndex )
        std::cout << "  Subject #" << SubjectIndex << std::endl;

        // Get the subject name
        std::string SubjectName = MyClient.GetSubjectName( SubjectIndex ).SubjectName;
        std::cout << "            Name: " << SubjectName << std::endl;

        // Get the root segment
        std::string RootSegment = MyClient.GetSubjectRootSegmentName( SubjectName ).SegmentName;
        std::cout << "    Root Segment: " << RootSegment << std::endl;

        // Count the number of segments
        unsigned int SegmentCount = MyClient.GetSegmentCount( SubjectName ).SegmentCount;
        std::cout << "    Segments (" << SegmentCount << "):" << std::endl;
        for( unsigned int SegmentIndex = 0 ; SegmentIndex < SegmentCount ; ++SegmentIndex )
          std::cout << "      Segment #" << SegmentIndex << std::endl;

          // Get the segment name
          std::string SegmentName = MyClient.GetSegmentName( SubjectName, SegmentIndex ).SegmentName;
          std::cout << "          Name: " << SegmentName << std::endl;

          // Get the segment parent
          std::string SegmentParentName = MyClient.GetSegmentParentName( SubjectName, SegmentName ).SegmentName;
          std::cout << "        Parent: " << SegmentParentName << std::endl;

          // Get the segment's children
          unsigned int ChildCount = MyClient.GetSegmentChildCount( SubjectName, SegmentName ).SegmentCount;
          std::cout << "     Children (" << ChildCount << "):" << std::endl;
          for( unsigned int ChildIndex = 0 ; ChildIndex < ChildCount ; ++ChildIndex )
            std::string ChildName = MyClient.GetSegmentChildName( SubjectName, SegmentName, ChildIndex ).SegmentName;
            std::cout << "       " << ChildName << std::endl;

          // Get the static segment translation
          Output_GetSegmentStaticTranslation _Output_GetSegmentStaticTranslation = 
            MyClient.GetSegmentStaticTranslation( SubjectName, SegmentName );
          std::cout << "        Static Translation: (" << _Output_GetSegmentStaticTranslation.Translation[ 0 ]  << ", " 
                                                       << _Output_GetSegmentStaticTranslation.Translation[ 1 ]  << ", " 
                                                       << _Output_GetSegmentStaticTranslation.Translation[ 2 ]  << ") " << std::endl;

          // Get the static segment rotation in helical co-ordinates
          Output_GetSegmentStaticRotationHelical _Output_GetSegmentStaticRotationHelical = 
            MyClient.GetSegmentStaticRotationHelical( SubjectName, SegmentName );
          std::cout << "        Static Rotation Helical: (" << _Output_GetSegmentStaticRotationHelical.Rotation[ 0 ]     << ", " 
                                                            << _Output_GetSegmentStaticRotationHelical.Rotation[ 1 ]     << ", " 
                                                            << _Output_GetSegmentStaticRotationHelical.Rotation[ 2 ]     << ") " << std::endl;

          // Get the static segment rotation as a matrix
          Output_GetSegmentStaticRotationMatrix _Output_GetSegmentStaticRotationMatrix = 
            MyClient.GetSegmentStaticRotationMatrix( SubjectName, SegmentName );
          std::cout << "        Static Rotation Matrix: (" << _Output_GetSegmentStaticRotationMatrix.Rotation[ 0 ]     << ", " 
                                                           << _Output_GetSegmentStaticRotationMatrix.Rotation[ 1 ]     << ", " 
                                                           << _Output_GetSegmentStaticRotationMatrix.Rotation[ 2 ]     << ", " 
                                                           << _Output_GetSegmentStaticRotationMatrix.Rotation[ 3 ]     << ", " 
                                                           << _Output_GetSegmentStaticRotationMatrix.Rotation[ 4 ]     << ", " 
                                                           << _Output_GetSegmentStaticRotationMatrix.Rotation[ 5 ]     << ", " 
                                                           << _Output_GetSegmentStaticRotationMatrix.Rotation[ 6 ]     << ", " 
                                                           << _Output_GetSegmentStaticRotationMatrix.Rotation[ 7 ]     << ", " 
                                                           << _Output_GetSegmentStaticRotationMatrix.Rotation[ 8 ]     << ") " << std::endl;

          // Get the static segment rotation in quaternion co-ordinates
          Output_GetSegmentStaticRotationQuaternion _Output_GetSegmentStaticRotationQuaternion = 
            MyClient.GetSegmentStaticRotationQuaternion( SubjectName, SegmentName );
          std::cout << "        Static Rotation Quaternion: (" << _Output_GetSegmentStaticRotationQuaternion.Rotation[ 0 ]     << ", " 
                                                               << _Output_GetSegmentStaticRotationQuaternion.Rotation[ 1 ]     << ", " 
                                                               << _Output_GetSegmentStaticRotationQuaternion.Rotation[ 2 ]     << ", " 
                                                               << _Output_GetSegmentStaticRotationQuaternion.Rotation[ 3 ]     << ") " << std::endl;

          // Get the static segment rotation in EulerXYZ co-ordinates
          Output_GetSegmentStaticRotationEulerXYZ _Output_GetSegmentStaticRotationEulerXYZ = 
            MyClient.GetSegmentStaticRotationEulerXYZ( SubjectName, SegmentName );
          std::cout << "        Static Rotation EulerXYZ: (" << _Output_GetSegmentStaticRotationEulerXYZ.Rotation[ 0 ]     << ", " 
                                                             << _Output_GetSegmentStaticRotationEulerXYZ.Rotation[ 1 ]     << ", " 
                                                             << _Output_GetSegmentStaticRotationEulerXYZ.Rotation[ 2 ]     << ") " << std::endl;

          // Get the global segment translation
          Output_GetSegmentGlobalTranslation _Output_GetSegmentGlobalTranslation = 
            MyClient.GetSegmentGlobalTranslation( SubjectName, SegmentName );
          std::cout << "        Global Translation: (" << _Output_GetSegmentGlobalTranslation.Translation[ 0 ]  << ", " 
                                                       << _Output_GetSegmentGlobalTranslation.Translation[ 1 ]  << ", " 
                                                       << _Output_GetSegmentGlobalTranslation.Translation[ 2 ]  << ") " 
                                                       << Adapt( _Output_GetSegmentGlobalTranslation.Occluded ) << std::endl;

          // Get the global segment rotation in helical co-ordinates
          Output_GetSegmentGlobalRotationHelical _Output_GetSegmentGlobalRotationHelical = 
            MyClient.GetSegmentGlobalRotationHelical( SubjectName, SegmentName );
          std::cout << "        Global Rotation Helical: (" << _Output_GetSegmentGlobalRotationHelical.Rotation[ 0 ]     << ", " 
                                                            << _Output_GetSegmentGlobalRotationHelical.Rotation[ 1 ]     << ", " 
                                                            << _Output_GetSegmentGlobalRotationHelical.Rotation[ 2 ]     << ") " 
                                                            << Adapt( _Output_GetSegmentGlobalRotationHelical.Occluded ) << std::endl;

          // Get the global segment rotation as a matrix
          Output_GetSegmentGlobalRotationMatrix _Output_GetSegmentGlobalRotationMatrix = 
            MyClient.GetSegmentGlobalRotationMatrix( SubjectName, SegmentName );
          std::cout << "        Global Rotation Matrix: (" << _Output_GetSegmentGlobalRotationMatrix.Rotation[ 0 ]     << ", " 
                                                           << _Output_GetSegmentGlobalRotationMatrix.Rotation[ 1 ]     << ", " 
                                                           << _Output_GetSegmentGlobalRotationMatrix.Rotation[ 2 ]     << ", " 
                                                           << _Output_GetSegmentGlobalRotationMatrix.Rotation[ 3 ]     << ", " 
                                                           << _Output_GetSegmentGlobalRotationMatrix.Rotation[ 4 ]     << ", " 
                                                           << _Output_GetSegmentGlobalRotationMatrix.Rotation[ 5 ]     << ", " 
                                                           << _Output_GetSegmentGlobalRotationMatrix.Rotation[ 6 ]     << ", " 
                                                           << _Output_GetSegmentGlobalRotationMatrix.Rotation[ 7 ]     << ", " 
                                                           << _Output_GetSegmentGlobalRotationMatrix.Rotation[ 8 ]     << ") " 
                                                           << Adapt( _Output_GetSegmentGlobalRotationMatrix.Occluded ) << std::endl;

          // Get the global segment rotation in quaternion co-ordinates
          Output_GetSegmentGlobalRotationQuaternion _Output_GetSegmentGlobalRotationQuaternion = 
            MyClient.GetSegmentGlobalRotationQuaternion( SubjectName, SegmentName );
          std::cout << "        Global Rotation Quaternion: (" << _Output_GetSegmentGlobalRotationQuaternion.Rotation[ 0 ]     << ", " 
                                                               << _Output_GetSegmentGlobalRotationQuaternion.Rotation[ 1 ]     << ", " 
                                                               << _Output_GetSegmentGlobalRotationQuaternion.Rotation[ 2 ]     << ", " 
                                                               << _Output_GetSegmentGlobalRotationQuaternion.Rotation[ 3 ]     << ") " 
                                                               << Adapt( _Output_GetSegmentGlobalRotationQuaternion.Occluded ) << std::endl;

          // Get the global segment rotation in EulerXYZ co-ordinates
          Output_GetSegmentGlobalRotationEulerXYZ _Output_GetSegmentGlobalRotationEulerXYZ = 
            MyClient.GetSegmentGlobalRotationEulerXYZ( SubjectName, SegmentName );
          std::cout << "        Global Rotation EulerXYZ: (" << _Output_GetSegmentGlobalRotationEulerXYZ.Rotation[ 0 ]     << ", " 
                                                             << _Output_GetSegmentGlobalRotationEulerXYZ.Rotation[ 1 ]     << ", " 
                                                             << _Output_GetSegmentGlobalRotationEulerXYZ.Rotation[ 2 ]     << ") " 
                                                             << Adapt( _Output_GetSegmentGlobalRotationEulerXYZ.Occluded ) << std::endl;

          // Get the local segment translation
          Output_GetSegmentLocalTranslation _Output_GetSegmentLocalTranslation = 
            MyClient.GetSegmentLocalTranslation( SubjectName, SegmentName );
          std::cout << "        Local Translation: (" << _Output_GetSegmentLocalTranslation.Translation[ 0 ]  << ", " 
                                                      << _Output_GetSegmentLocalTranslation.Translation[ 1 ]  << ", " 
                                                      << _Output_GetSegmentLocalTranslation.Translation[ 2 ]  << ") " 
                                                      << Adapt( _Output_GetSegmentLocalTranslation.Occluded ) << std::endl;

          // Get the local segment rotation in helical co-ordinates
          Output_GetSegmentLocalRotationHelical _Output_GetSegmentLocalRotationHelical = 
            MyClient.GetSegmentLocalRotationHelical( SubjectName, SegmentName );
          std::cout << "        Local Rotation Helical: (" << _Output_GetSegmentLocalRotationHelical.Rotation[ 0 ]     << ", " 
                                                           << _Output_GetSegmentLocalRotationHelical.Rotation[ 1 ]     << ", " 
                                                           << _Output_GetSegmentLocalRotationHelical.Rotation[ 2 ]     << ") " 
                                                           << Adapt( _Output_GetSegmentLocalRotationHelical.Occluded ) << std::endl;

          // Get the local segment rotation as a matrix
          Output_GetSegmentLocalRotationMatrix _Output_GetSegmentLocalRotationMatrix = 
            MyClient.GetSegmentLocalRotationMatrix( SubjectName, SegmentName );
          std::cout << "        Local Rotation Matrix: (" << _Output_GetSegmentLocalRotationMatrix.Rotation[ 0 ]     << ", " 
                                                          << _Output_GetSegmentLocalRotationMatrix.Rotation[ 1 ]     << ", " 
                                                          << _Output_GetSegmentLocalRotationMatrix.Rotation[ 2 ]     << ", " 
                                                          << _Output_GetSegmentLocalRotationMatrix.Rotation[ 3 ]     << ", " 
                                                          << _Output_GetSegmentLocalRotationMatrix.Rotation[ 4 ]     << ", " 
                                                          << _Output_GetSegmentLocalRotationMatrix.Rotation[ 5 ]     << ", " 
                                                          << _Output_GetSegmentLocalRotationMatrix.Rotation[ 6 ]     << ", " 
                                                          << _Output_GetSegmentLocalRotationMatrix.Rotation[ 7 ]     << ", " 
                                                          << _Output_GetSegmentLocalRotationMatrix.Rotation[ 8 ]     << ") " 
                                                          << Adapt( _Output_GetSegmentLocalRotationMatrix.Occluded ) << std::endl;

          // Get the local segment rotation in quaternion co-ordinates
          Output_GetSegmentLocalRotationQuaternion _Output_GetSegmentLocalRotationQuaternion = 
            MyClient.GetSegmentLocalRotationQuaternion( SubjectName, SegmentName );
          std::cout << "        Local Rotation Quaternion: (" << _Output_GetSegmentLocalRotationQuaternion.Rotation[ 0 ]     << ", " 
                                                              << _Output_GetSegmentLocalRotationQuaternion.Rotation[ 1 ]     << ", " 
                                                              << _Output_GetSegmentLocalRotationQuaternion.Rotation[ 2 ]     << ", " 
                                                              << _Output_GetSegmentLocalRotationQuaternion.Rotation[ 3 ]     << ") " 
                                                              << Adapt( _Output_GetSegmentLocalRotationQuaternion.Occluded ) << std::endl;

          // Get the local segment rotation in EulerXYZ co-ordinates
          Output_GetSegmentLocalRotationEulerXYZ _Output_GetSegmentLocalRotationEulerXYZ = 
            MyClient.GetSegmentLocalRotationEulerXYZ( SubjectName, SegmentName );
          std::cout << "        Local Rotation EulerXYZ: (" << _Output_GetSegmentLocalRotationEulerXYZ.Rotation[ 0 ]     << ", " 
                                                            << _Output_GetSegmentLocalRotationEulerXYZ.Rotation[ 1 ]     << ", " 
                                                            << _Output_GetSegmentLocalRotationEulerXYZ.Rotation[ 2 ]     << ") " 
                                                            << Adapt( _Output_GetSegmentLocalRotationEulerXYZ.Occluded ) << std::endl;

        // Count the number of markers
        unsigned int MarkerCount = MyClient.GetMarkerCount( SubjectName ).MarkerCount;
        std::cout << "    Markers (" << MarkerCount << "):" << std::endl;
        for( unsigned int MarkerIndex = 0 ; MarkerIndex < MarkerCount ; ++MarkerIndex )
          // Get the marker name
          std::string MarkerName = MyClient.GetMarkerName( SubjectName, MarkerIndex ).MarkerName;

          // Get the marker parent
          std::string MarkerParentName = MyClient.GetMarkerParentName( SubjectName, MarkerName ).SegmentName;

          // Get the global marker translation
          Output_GetMarkerGlobalTranslation _Output_GetMarkerGlobalTranslation =
            MyClient.GetMarkerGlobalTranslation( SubjectName, MarkerName );

          std::cout << "      Marker #" << MarkerIndex            << ": "
                                        << MarkerName             << " ("
                                        << _Output_GetMarkerGlobalTranslation.Translation[ 0 ]  << ", "
                                        << _Output_GetMarkerGlobalTranslation.Translation[ 1 ]  << ", "
                                        << _Output_GetMarkerGlobalTranslation.Translation[ 2 ]  << ") "
                                        << Adapt( _Output_GetMarkerGlobalTranslation.Occluded ) << std::endl;

      // Get the unlabeled markers
      unsigned int UnlabeledMarkerCount = MyClient.GetUnlabeledMarkerCount().MarkerCount;
      std::cout << "  Unlabeled Markers (" << UnlabeledMarkerCount << "):" << std::endl;
      for( unsigned int UnlabeledMarkerIndex = 0 ; UnlabeledMarkerIndex < UnlabeledMarkerCount ; ++UnlabeledMarkerIndex )
        // Get the global marker translation
        Output_GetUnlabeledMarkerGlobalTranslation _Output_GetUnlabeledMarkerGlobalTranslation =
          MyClient.GetUnlabeledMarkerGlobalTranslation( UnlabeledMarkerIndex );

        std::cout << "      Marker #" << UnlabeledMarkerIndex   << ": ("
                                      << _Output_GetUnlabeledMarkerGlobalTranslation.Translation[ 0 ] << ", "
                                      << _Output_GetUnlabeledMarkerGlobalTranslation.Translation[ 1 ] << ", "
                                      << _Output_GetUnlabeledMarkerGlobalTranslation.Translation[ 2 ] << ") " << std::endl;

      // Count the number of devices
      unsigned int DeviceCount = MyClient.GetDeviceCount().DeviceCount;
      std::cout << "  Devices (" << DeviceCount << "):" << std::endl;
      for( unsigned int DeviceIndex = 0 ; DeviceIndex < DeviceCount ; ++DeviceIndex )
        std::cout << "    Device #" << DeviceIndex << ":" << std::endl;

        // Get the device name and type
        Output_GetDeviceName _Output_GetDeviceName = MyClient.GetDeviceName( DeviceIndex );
        std::cout << "      Name: " << _Output_GetDeviceName.DeviceName << std::endl;
        std::cout << "      Type: " << Adapt( _Output_GetDeviceName.DeviceType ) << std::endl;

        // Count the number of device outputs
        unsigned int DeviceOutputCount = MyClient.GetDeviceOutputCount( _Output_GetDeviceName.DeviceName ).DeviceOutputCount;
        std::cout << "      Device Outputs (" << DeviceOutputCount << "):" << std::endl;
        for( unsigned int DeviceOutputIndex = 0 ; DeviceOutputIndex < DeviceOutputCount ; ++DeviceOutputIndex )
          // Get the device output name and unit
          Output_GetDeviceOutputName _Output_GetDeviceOutputName = 
            MyClient.GetDeviceOutputName( _Output_GetDeviceName.DeviceName, DeviceOutputIndex );

          // Get the device output value
          Output_GetDeviceOutputValue _Output_GetDeviceOutputValue = 
            MyClient.GetDeviceOutputValue( _Output_GetDeviceName.DeviceName, _Output_GetDeviceOutputName.DeviceOutputName );

          std::cout << "        Device Output #" << DeviceOutputIndex                                     << ": "
                                                 << _Output_GetDeviceOutputName.DeviceOutputName          << " "
                                                 << _Output_GetDeviceOutputValue.Value                    << " " 
                                                 << Adapt( _Output_GetDeviceOutputName.DeviceOutputUnit ) << " " 
                                                 << Adapt( _Output_GetDeviceOutputValue.Occluded )        << std::endl;

      // Output the force plate information.
      unsigned int ForcePlateCount = MyClient.GetForcePlateCount().ForcePlateCount;
      std::cout << "Force Plates: " << ForcePlateCount << std::endl;

      for( unsigned int ForcePlateIndex = 0 ; ForcePlateIndex < ForcePlateCount ; ++ForcePlateIndex )
        std::cout << "    Force Plate #" << ForcePlateIndex << ":" << std::endl;

        Output_GetGlobalForceVector _Output_GetForceVector = MyClient.GetGlobalForceVector( ForcePlateIndex );
        std::cout << "  Force:" << std::endl;
        std::cout << "  X: " << _Output_GetForceVector.ForceVector[ 0 ] << std::endl;
        std::cout << "  Y: " << _Output_GetForceVector.ForceVector[ 1 ] << std::endl;
        std::cout << "  Z: " << _Output_GetForceVector.ForceVector[ 2 ] << std::endl;

        Output_GetGlobalMomentVector _Output_GetMomentVector = MyClient.GetGlobalMomentVector( ForcePlateIndex );
        std::cout << "  Moment:" << std::endl;
        std::cout << "  X: " << _Output_GetMomentVector.MomentVector[ 0 ] << std::endl;
        std::cout << "  Y: " << _Output_GetMomentVector.MomentVector[ 1 ] << std::endl;
        std::cout << "  Z: " << _Output_GetMomentVector.MomentVector[ 2 ] << std::endl;

        Output_GetGlobalCentreOfPressure _Output_GetCentreOfPressure = MyClient.GetGlobalCentreOfPressure( ForcePlateIndex );
        std::cout << "  Centre Of Pressure:" << std::endl;
        std::cout << "  X: " << _Output_GetCentreOfPressure.CentreOfPressure[ 0 ] << std::endl;
        std::cout << "  Y: " << _Output_GetCentreOfPressure.CentreOfPressure[ 1 ] << std::endl;
        std::cout << "  Z: " << _Output_GetCentreOfPressure.CentreOfPressure[ 2 ] << std::endl;

    if( TransmitMulticast )

    // Disconnect and dispose
    int t = clock();
    std::cout << " Disconnecting..." << std::endl;
    int dt = clock() - t;
    double secs = (double) (dt)/(double)CLOCKS_PER_SEC;
    std::cout << " Disconnect time = " << secs << " secs" << std::endl;
