Exemplo n.º 1
bool AbiCollabSessionManager::processPacket(AccountHandler& /*handler*/, Packet* packet, BuddyPtr buddy) 
	UT_return_val_if_fail(packet, false);
	UT_return_val_if_fail(buddy, false);
	// check if this is a simple import-meh-now-packet
	PClassType pct = packet->getClassType();
	if (pct >= _PCT_FirstSessionPacket && pct <= _PCT_LastSessionPacket)
		// lookup session
		SessionPacket* dsp = static_cast<SessionPacket*>( packet );
		const UT_UTF8String& sessionId = dsp->getSessionId();
		AbiCollab* pAbiCollab = getSessionFromSessionId(sessionId);
		if (!pAbiCollab) {
			UT_DEBUGMSG(("Unknown session id: '%s'", sessionId.utf8_str()));
			UT_return_val_if_fail(pAbiCollab, true);
		// handle packet!
		pAbiCollab->import(dsp, buddy);
		return true;

	// handle packet
	switch (pct) {
		case PCT_StartSessionEvent:
			StartSessionEvent event;
			signal(event, buddy);
			return true;
		case PCT_JoinSessionEvent:
			JoinSessionEvent* jse = static_cast<JoinSessionEvent*>(packet);
			const UT_UTF8String& joinedSessionId = jse->getSessionId();
			// someone who joined this session disconnected, remove him from the collaboration session
			AbiCollab* pSession = getSessionFromSessionId(joinedSessionId);			
			if (pSession)
				if (isLocallyControlled( pSession->getDocument() ))
					// we should already know this buddy, as we sent should have already added this
					// buddy when responding to his JoinSessionRequest
					// TODO: check this

				// signal all
				JoinSessionEvent event(joinedSessionId);
				signal( event, buddy );				
				// we don't know this session, don't forward the packet
			return true;
		case PCT_DisjoinSessionEvent:
			DisjoinSessionEvent* dse = static_cast<DisjoinSessionEvent*>(packet);
			const UT_UTF8String& disjoinedSessionId = dse->getSessionId();
			// someone who joined this session disconnected, remove him from the collaboration session
			AbiCollab* pSession = getSessionFromSessionId(disjoinedSessionId);			
			if (pSession)
				// signal all 
				DisjoinSessionEvent event(disjoinedSessionId);
				signal(event, buddy);
				// we don't know this session, don't forward the packet
			return true;
		case PCT_CloseSessionEvent:
			CloseSessionEvent* cse = static_cast<CloseSessionEvent*>(packet);
			const UT_UTF8String& destroyedSessionId = cse->getSessionId();
			buddy->destroyDocHandle( destroyedSessionId );
			// handle the event outselves
			AbiCollab* pSession = getSessionFromSessionId(destroyedSessionId);
			if (pSession)
				if (!isLocallyControlled(pSession->getDocument()))
					std::string docName = pSession->getDocument()->getFilename();
					if (docName == "")
						docName = "Untitled"; // TODO: fetch the title from the frame somehow (which frame?) - MARCM
					// the server hosting this session is gone, so let's disconnect as well
					if (!destroySession(pSession))

					// signal all 
					CloseSessionEvent event( destroyedSessionId );
					signal( event, buddy );

					// inform the user of the disconnect			
					XAP_Frame *pFrame = XAP_App::getApp()->getLastFocussedFrame();
					UT_return_val_if_fail(pFrame, true);
					UT_UTF8String msg;
					// TODO: make this localizable
					UT_UTF8String_sprintf(msg, "Document %s is not being shared anymore by buddy %s. You are disconnected from the collaboration session.", docName.c_str(), buddy->getDescription().utf8_str());
					pFrame->showMessageBox(msg.utf8_str(), XAP_Dialog_MessageBox::b_O, XAP_Dialog_MessageBox::a_OK);
					// someone who is not controlling this session sends out messages he closed it!
					// we will not forward this packet
				UT_DEBUGMSG(("Ignoring a CloseSession event for unknown session (%s)\n", destroyedSessionId.utf8_str()));
			return true;
		case PCT_AccountAddBuddyRequestEvent:
			// look at this packet; I have a feeling we need to deprecate it - MARCM
			return true;

	return false;
void TelepathyAccountHandler::signal(const Event& event, BuddyPtr pSource)

	// NOTE: do NOT let AccountHandler::signal() send broadcast packets!
	// It will send them to all buddies, including the ones we created
	// to list the available documents: TelepathyBuddies. They are just fake
	// buddies however, and can't receive real packets. Only DTubeBuddy's
	// can be sent packets

	// Note: there is no real need to pass the PCT_CloseSessionEvent and
	// PCT_DisjoinSessionEvent signals to the AccountHandler::signal()
	// function: that one will send all buddies the 'session is closed'
	// signal. However, on this backend, Telepathy will handle that for us

	AbiCollabSessionManager* pManager = AbiCollabSessionManager::getManager();

	switch (event.getClassType())
		case PCT_CloseSessionEvent:
				UT_DEBUGMSG(("Got a PCT_CloseSessionEvent\n"));
				const CloseSessionEvent cse = static_cast<const CloseSessionEvent&>(event);
				// check if this event came from this account in the first place
				if (pSource && pSource->getHandler() != this)
					// nope, a session was closed on some other account; ignore this...
				UT_return_if_fail(!pSource); // we shouldn't receive these events over the wire on this backend

				UT_DEBUGMSG(("Disconnecting the tube for room with session id %s\n", cse.getSessionId().utf8_str()));
				TelepathyChatroomPtr pChatroom = _getChatroom(cse.getSessionId());

		case PCT_DisjoinSessionEvent:
				UT_DEBUGMSG(("Got a PCT_DisjoinSessionEvent\n"));
				const DisjoinSessionEvent dse = static_cast<const DisjoinSessionEvent&>(event);
				// check if this event came from this account in the first place
				if (pSource && pSource->getHandler() != this)
					// nope, a session was closed on some other account; ignore this...
				UT_return_if_fail(!pSource); // we shouldn't receive these events over the wire on this backend

				UT_DEBUGMSG(("Disconnecting the tube for room with session id %s\n", dse.getSessionId().utf8_str()));
				TelepathyChatroomPtr pChatroom = _getChatroom(dse.getSessionId());

			// I think we can ignore all other signals on this backend, at
			// least for now