Exemplo n.º 1
int main(int argc, const char *argv[])
     // Empty model
     ClpSimplex  model;
     std::string mpsFileName;
     if (argc >= 2) mpsFileName = argv[1];
     else {
#if defined(NETLIBDIR)
          mpsFileName = NETLIBDIR "/25fv47.mps";
          fprintf(stderr, "Do not know where to find netlib MPS files.\n");
     int status = model.readMps(mpsFileName.c_str(), true);

     if (status) {
          fprintf(stderr, "Bad readMps %s\n", mpsFileName.c_str());
          fprintf(stdout, "Bad readMps %s\n", mpsFileName.c_str());
     // Point to data
     int numberRows = model.numberRows();
     const double * rowLower = model.rowLower();
     const double * rowUpper = model.rowUpper();
     int numberColumns = model.numberColumns();
     const double * columnLower = model.columnLower();
     const double * columnUpper = model.columnUpper();
     const double * columnObjective = model.objective();
     CoinPackedMatrix * matrix = model.matrix();
     // get row copy
     CoinPackedMatrix rowCopy = *matrix;
     const int * column = rowCopy.getIndices();
     const int * rowLength = rowCopy.getVectorLengths();
     const CoinBigIndex * rowStart = rowCopy.getVectorStarts();
     const double * element = rowCopy.getElements();
     //const int * row = matrix->getIndices();
     //const int * columnLength = matrix->getVectorLengths();
     //const CoinBigIndex * columnStart = matrix->getVectorStarts();
     //const double * elementByColumn = matrix->getElements();

     // solve
     // Now build new model
     CoinModel build;
     double time1 = CoinCpuTime();
     // Row bounds
     int iRow;
     for (iRow = 0; iRow < numberRows; iRow++) {
          build.setRowBounds(iRow, rowLower[iRow], rowUpper[iRow]);
          // optional name
          build.setRowName(iRow, model.rowName(iRow).c_str());
     // Column bounds and objective
     int iColumn;
     for (iColumn = 0; iColumn < numberColumns; iColumn++) {
          build.setColumnLower(iColumn, columnLower[iColumn]);
          build.setColumnUpper(iColumn, columnUpper[iColumn]);
          build.setObjective(iColumn, columnObjective[iColumn]);
          // optional name
          build.setColumnName(iColumn, model.columnName(iColumn).c_str());
     // Adds elements one by one by row (backwards by row)
     for (iRow = numberRows - 1; iRow >= 0; iRow--) {
          int start = rowStart[iRow];
          for (int j = start; j < start + rowLength[iRow]; j++)
               build(iRow, column[j], element[j]);
     double time2 = CoinCpuTime();
     // Now create clpsimplex
     ClpSimplex model2;
     double time3 = CoinCpuTime();
     printf("Time for build using CoinModel is %g (%g for loadproblem)\n", time3 - time1,
            time3 - time2);
     // Now do with strings attached
     // Save build to show how to go over rows
     CoinModel saveBuild = build;
     build = CoinModel();
     time1 = CoinCpuTime();
     // Column bounds
     for (iColumn = 0; iColumn < numberColumns; iColumn++) {
          build.setColumnLower(iColumn, columnLower[iColumn]);
          build.setColumnUpper(iColumn, columnUpper[iColumn]);
     // Objective - half the columns as is and half with multiplier of "1.0+multiplier"
     // Pick up from saveBuild (for no reason at all)
     for (iColumn = 0; iColumn < numberColumns; iColumn++) {
          double value = saveBuild.objective(iColumn);
          if (iColumn * 2 < numberColumns) {
               build.setObjective(iColumn, columnObjective[iColumn]);
          } else {
               // create as string
               char temp[100];
               sprintf(temp, "%g + abs(%g*multiplier)", value, value);
               build.setObjective(iColumn, temp);
     // It then adds rows one by one but for half the rows sets their values
     //      with multiplier of "1.0+1.5*multiplier"
     for (iRow = 0; iRow < numberRows; iRow++) {
          if (iRow * 2 < numberRows) {
               // add row in simple way
               int start = rowStart[iRow];
               build.addRow(rowLength[iRow], column + start, element + start,
                            rowLower[iRow], rowUpper[iRow]);
          } else {
               // As we have to add one by one let's get from saveBuild
               CoinModelLink triple = saveBuild.firstInRow(iRow);
               while (triple.column() >= 0) {
                    int iColumn = triple.column();
                    if (iColumn * 2 < numberColumns) {
                         // just value as normal
                         build(iRow, triple.column(), triple.value());
                    } else {
                         // create as string
                         char temp[100];
                         sprintf(temp, "%g + (1.5*%g*multiplier)", triple.value(), triple.value());
                         build(iRow, iColumn, temp);
                    triple = saveBuild.next(triple);
               // but remember to do rhs
               build.setRowLower(iRow, rowLower[iRow]);
               build.setRowUpper(iRow, rowUpper[iRow]);
     time2 = CoinCpuTime();
     // Now create ClpSimplex
     // If small switch on error printing
     if (numberColumns < 50)
     int numberErrors = model2.loadProblem(build);
     // should fail as we never set multiplier
     time3 = CoinCpuTime() - time2;
     // subtract out unsuccessful times
     time1 += time3;
     time2 += time3;
     build.associateElement("multiplier", 0.0);
     numberErrors = model2.loadProblem(build);
     time3 = CoinCpuTime();
     printf("Time for build using CoinModel is %g (%g for successful loadproblem)\n", time3 - time1,
            time3 - time2);
     // It then loops with multiplier going from 0.0 to 2.0 in increments of 0.1
     for (double multiplier = 0.0; multiplier < 2.0; multiplier += 0.1) {
          build.associateElement("multiplier", multiplier);
          numberErrors = model2.loadProblem(build, true);

     return 0;
Exemplo n.º 2
int main(int argc, const char *argv[])
     ClpSimplex  model;
     int status;
     // Keep names
     if (argc < 2) {
          status = model.readMps("small.mps", true);
     } else {
          status = model.readMps(argv[1], true);
     if (status)
       This driver implements the presolve variation of Sprint.
       This assumes we can get feasible easily

     int numberRows = model.numberRows();
     int numberColumns = model.numberColumns();

     // We will need arrays to choose variables.  These are too big but ..
     double * weight = new double [numberRows+numberColumns];
     int * sort = new int [numberRows+numberColumns];

     double * columnLower = model.columnLower();
     double * columnUpper = model.columnUpper();
     double * saveLower = new double [numberColumns];
     memcpy(saveLower, columnLower, numberColumns * sizeof(double));
     double * saveUpper = new double [numberColumns];
     memcpy(saveUpper, columnUpper, numberColumns * sizeof(double));
     double * solution = model.primalColumnSolution();
     // Fix in some magical way so remaining problem is easy
#if 0
     // This is from a real-world problem
     for (int iColumn = 0; iColumn < numberColumns; iColumn++) {
          char firstCharacter = model.columnName(iColumn)[0];
          if (firstCharacter == 'F' || firstCharacter == 'P'
                    || firstCharacter == 'L' || firstCharacter == 'T') {
               columnUpper[iColumn] = columnLower[iColumn];
     double * obj = model.objective();
     double * saveObj = new double [numberColumns];
     memcpy(saveObj, obj, numberColumns * sizeof(double));
     memset(obj, 0, numberColumns * sizeof(double));
     memcpy(obj, saveObj, numberColumns * sizeof(double));
     delete [] saveObj;
     for (int iColumn = 0; iColumn < numberColumns; iColumn++) {
         if (solution[iColumn]<columnLower[iColumn]+1.0e-8) {
	     columnUpper[iColumn] = columnLower[iColumn];

     // Just do this number of passes
     int maxPass = 100;
     int iPass;
     double lastObjective = 1.0e31;

     // Just take this number of columns in small problem
     int smallNumberColumns = 3 * numberRows;
     // And we want number of rows to be this
     int smallNumberRows = numberRows / 4;

     for (iPass = 0; iPass < maxPass; iPass++) {
          printf("Start of pass %d\n", iPass);
          ClpSimplex * model2;
          ClpPresolve pinfo;
          int numberPasses = 1; // can change this
          model2 = pinfo.presolvedModel(model, 1.0e-8, false, numberPasses, false);
          if (!model2) {
               fprintf(stdout, "ClpPresolve says %s is infeasible with tolerance of %g\n",
                       argv[1], 1.0e-8);
               // model was infeasible - maybe try again with looser tolerances
               model2 = pinfo.presolvedModel(model, 1.0e-7, false, numberPasses, false);
               if (!model2) {
                    fprintf(stdout, "ClpPresolve says %s is infeasible with tolerance of %g\n",
                            argv[1], 1.0e-7);
          // change factorization frequency from 200
          model2->setFactorizationFrequency(100 + model2->numberRows() / 50);

          // adjust smallNumberColumns if necessary
          if (iPass) {
               double ratio = ((double) smallNumberRows) / ((double) model2->numberRows());
               smallNumberColumns = (int)(smallNumberColumns * ratio);
          delete model2;
          /* After this postsolve model should be optimal.
             We can use checkSolution and test feasibility */
          if (model.numberDualInfeasibilities() ||
               printf("%g dual %g(%d) Primal %g(%d)\n",
          // Put back true bounds
          memcpy(columnLower, saveLower, numberColumns * sizeof(double));
          memcpy(columnUpper, saveUpper, numberColumns * sizeof(double));
          if ((model.objectiveValue() > lastObjective - 1.0e-7 && iPass > 5) ||
                    iPass == maxPass - 1) {
               break; // finished
          } else {
               lastObjective = model.objectiveValue();
               // now massage weight so all basic in plus good djs
	       const double * djs = model.dualColumnSolution();
               for (int iColumn = 0; iColumn < numberColumns; iColumn++) {
                    double dj = djs[iColumn];
                    double value = solution[iColumn];
                    if (model.getStatus(iColumn) == ClpSimplex::basic)
                         dj = -1.0e50;
                    else if (dj < 0.0 && value < columnUpper[iColumn])
                         dj = dj;
                    else if (dj > 0.0 && value > columnLower[iColumn])
                         dj = -dj;
                    else if (columnUpper[iColumn] > columnLower[iColumn])
                         dj = fabs(dj);
                         dj = 1.0e50;
                    weight[iColumn] = dj;
                    sort[iColumn] = iColumn;
               // sort
               CoinSort_2(weight, weight + numberColumns, sort);
               // and fix others
               for (int iColumn = smallNumberColumns; iColumn < numberColumns; iColumn++) {
                    int kColumn = sort[iColumn];
                    double value = solution[kColumn];
                    columnLower[kColumn] = value;
                    columnUpper[kColumn] = value;
     delete [] weight;
     delete [] sort;
     delete [] saveLower;
     delete [] saveUpper;
     return 0;