 * Need to overwrite this for ruby since we need to pick up the
 * ruby class declaration block.
 * Sigh. NOT optimal. The only reason that we need to have this
 * is so we can create the RubyClassDeclarationBlock.
 * would be better if we could create a handler interface that each
 * codeblock used so all we have to do here is add the handler
 * for "rubyclassdeclarationblock".
void RubyClassifierCodeDocument::loadChildTextBlocksFromNode(QDomElement & root)
    QDomNode tnode = root.firstChild();
    QDomElement telement = tnode.toElement();
    bool loadCheckForChildrenOK = false;
    while (!telement.isNull()) {
        QString nodeName = telement.tagName();

        if (nodeName == QLatin1String("textblocks")) {

            QDomNode node = telement.firstChild();
            QDomElement element = node.toElement();

            // if there is nothing to begin with, then we don't worry about it
            loadCheckForChildrenOK = element.isNull() ? true : false;

            while (!element.isNull()) {
                QString name = element.tagName();

                if (name == QLatin1String("codecomment")) {
                    CodeComment * block = new RubyCodeComment(this);
                    if (!addTextBlock(block)) {
                        uError()<<"loadFromXMI : unable to add codeComment to :"<<this;
                        delete block;
                    } else {
                        loadCheckForChildrenOK= true;
                } else if (name == QLatin1String("codeaccessormethod") ||
                           name == QLatin1String("ccfdeclarationcodeblock")) {
                    QString acctag = element.attribute(QLatin1String("tag"));
                    // search for our method in the
                    TextBlock * tb = findCodeClassFieldTextBlockByTag(acctag);
                    if (!tb || !addTextBlock(tb)) {
                        uError()<<"loadFromXMI : unable to add codeclassfield child method to:"<<this;
                        // DON'T delete
                    } else {
                        loadCheckForChildrenOK= true;
                } else if (name == QLatin1String("codeblock")) {
                    CodeBlock * block = newCodeBlock();
                    if (!addTextBlock(block)) {
                        uError()<<"loadFromXMI : unable to add codeBlock to :"<<this;
                        delete block;
                    } else {
                        loadCheckForChildrenOK= true;
                } else if (name == QLatin1String("codeblockwithcomments")) {
                    CodeBlockWithComments * block = newCodeBlockWithComments();
                    if (!addTextBlock(block)) {
                        uError()<<"loadFromXMI : unable to add codeBlockwithcomments to:"<<this;
                        delete block;
                    } else {
                        loadCheckForChildrenOK= true;
                } else if (name == QLatin1String("header")) {
                    // do nothing.. this is treated elsewhere
                } else if (name == QLatin1String("hierarchicalcodeblock")) {
                    HierarchicalCodeBlock * block = newHierarchicalCodeBlock();
                    if (!addTextBlock(block)) {
                        uError()<<"Unable to add hierarchicalcodeBlock to:"<<this;
                        delete block;
                    } else {
                        loadCheckForChildrenOK= true;
                } else if (name == QLatin1String("codeoperation")) {
                    // find the code operation by id
                    QString id = element.attribute(QLatin1String("parent_id"), QLatin1String("-1"));
                    UMLObject * obj = UMLApp::app()->document()->findObjectById(Uml::ID::fromString(id));
                    UMLOperation * op = dynamic_cast<UMLOperation*>(obj);
                    if (op) {
                        CodeOperation * block = new RubyCodeOperation(this, op);
                        if (addTextBlock(block)) {
                            loadCheckForChildrenOK= true;
                        } else {
                            uError()<<"Unable to add codeoperation to:"<<this;
                    } else {
                        uError()<<"Unable to find operation create codeoperation for:"<<this;
                } else if (name == QLatin1String("rubyclassdeclarationblock")) {
                    RubyClassDeclarationBlock * block = getClassDecl();
                    if (!addTextBlock(block)) {
                        uError()<<"Unable to add ruby code declaration block to:"<<this;
                        // DON'T delete.
                        // block->deleteLater();
                    } else {
                        loadCheckForChildrenOK= true;
                } else {
                    uDebug()<<" LoadFromXMI: Got strange tag in text block stack:"<<name<<", ignoring";

                node = element.nextSibling();
                element = node.toElement();

        tnode = telement.nextSibling();
        telement = tnode.toElement();

    if (!loadCheckForChildrenOK)
        CodeDocument * test = dynamic_cast<CodeDocument*>(this);
        if (test)
            uWarning()<<" loadChildBlocks : unable to initialize any child blocks in doc: "<<test->getFileName()<<" "<<this;
        } else {
            HierarchicalCodeBlock * hb = dynamic_cast<HierarchicalCodeBlock*>(this);
            if (hb)
                uWarning()<<" loadChildBlocks : unable to initialize any child blocks in Hblock: "<<hb->getTag()<<" "<<this;
                uDebug()<<" loadChildBlocks : unable to initialize any child blocks in UNKNOWN OBJ:"<<this;
Exemplo n.º 2
// Sigh. NOT optimal. The only reason that we need to have this
// is so we can create the CPPHeaderClassDeclarationBlock.
// would be better if we could create a handler interface that each
// codeblock used so all we have to do here is add the handler
void CPPHeaderCodeDocument::loadChildTextBlocksFromNode ( QDomElement & root)

    QDomNode tnode = root.firstChild();
    QDomElement telement = tnode.toElement();
    bool loadCheckForChildrenOK = false;
    while( !telement.isNull() ) {
        QString nodeName = telement.tagName();

        if( nodeName == "textblocks" ) {

            QDomNode node = telement.firstChild();
            QDomElement element = node.toElement();

            // if there is nothing to begin with, then we don't worry about it
            loadCheckForChildrenOK = element.isNull() ? true : false;

            while( !element.isNull() ) {
                QString name = element.tagName();

                if( name == "codecomment" ) {
                    CodeComment * block = new CPPCodeDocumentation(this);
                        kError()<<"Unable to add codeComment to :"<<this<<endl;
                    } else
                        loadCheckForChildrenOK= true;
                } else
                    if( name == "codeaccessormethod" ||
                            name == "ccfdeclarationcodeblock"
                      ) {
                        QString acctag = element.attribute("tag","");
                        // search for our method in the
                        TextBlock * tb = findCodeClassFieldTextBlockByTag(acctag);
                        if(!tb || !addTextBlock(tb))
                            kError()<<"Unable to add codeclassfield child method to:"<<this<<endl;
                            // DON'T delete
                        } else
                            loadCheckForChildrenOK= true;

                    } else
                        if( name == "codeblock" ) {
                            CodeBlock * block = newCodeBlock();
                                kError()<<"Unable to add codeBlock to :"<<this<<endl;
                            } else
                                loadCheckForChildrenOK= true;
                        } else
                            if( name == "codeblockwithcomments" ) {
                                CodeBlockWithComments * block = newCodeBlockWithComments();
                                    kError()<<"Unable to add codeBlockwithcomments to:"<<this<<endl;
                                } else
                                    loadCheckForChildrenOK= true;
                            } else
                                if( name == "header" ) {
                                    // do nothing.. this is treated elsewhere
                                } else
                                    if( name == "hierarchicalcodeblock" ) {
                                        HierarchicalCodeBlock * block = newHierarchicalCodeBlock();
                                            kError()<<"Unable to add hierarchicalcodeBlock to:"<<this<<endl;
                                        } else
                                            loadCheckForChildrenOK= true;
                                    } else
                                        if( name == "codeoperation" ) {
                                            // find the code operation by id
                                            QString id = element.attribute("parent_id","-1");
                                            UMLObject * obj = UMLApp::app()->getDocument()->findObjectById(STR2ID(id));
                                            UMLOperation * op = dynamic_cast<UMLOperation*>(obj);
                                            if(op) {
                                                CodeOperation * block = new CPPHeaderCodeOperation(this, op);
                                                    loadCheckForChildrenOK= true;
                                                    kError()<<"Unable to add codeoperation to:"<<this<<endl;
                                            } else
                                                kError()<<"Unable to find operation create codeoperation for:"<<this<<endl;
                                            if( name == "cppheaderclassdeclarationblock" )
                                                CPPHeaderClassDeclarationBlock * block = getClassDecl();
                                                // normally this would be populated by the following syncToparent
                                                // call, but we cant wait for it, so lets just do it now.
                                                namespaceBlock = getHierarchicalCodeBlock("namespace", "Namespace", 0);

                                                if(!namespaceBlock || !namespaceBlock->addTextBlock(block))
                                                    kError()<<"Error:cant add class declaration codeblock"<<endl;
                                                    // DON'T delete/release block
                                                    // block->release();
                                                } else
                                                    loadCheckForChildrenOK= true;

                // only needed for extreme debugging conditions (E.g. making new codeclassdocument loader)
                //kDebug()<<" LoadFromXMI: Got strange tag in text block stack:"<<name<<", ignorning"<<endl;

                node = element.nextSibling();
                element = node.toElement();

        tnode = telement.nextSibling();
        telement = tnode.toElement();

        CodeDocument * test = dynamic_cast<CodeDocument*>(this);
            kWarning()<<" loadChildBlocks : unable to initialize any child blocks in doc: "<<test->getFileName()<<" "<<this<<endl;
        } else {
            HierarchicalCodeBlock * hb = dynamic_cast<HierarchicalCodeBlock*>(this);
                kWarning()<<" loadChildBlocks : unable to initialize any child blocks in Hblock: "<<hb->getTag()<<" "<<this<<endl;
                kDebug()<<" loadChildBlocks : unable to initialize any child blocks in UNKNOWN OBJ:"<<this<<endl;
