Exemplo n.º 1
void Sorter::Init(CodeGen &codegen, llvm::Value *sorter_ptr,
                  llvm::Value *executor_ctx,
                  llvm::Value *comparison_func) const {
  auto *tuple_size = codegen.Const32(storage_format_.GetStorageSize());
               {sorter_ptr, executor_ctx, comparison_func, tuple_size});
Exemplo n.º 2
void Sorter::SortTopKParallel(CodeGen &codegen, llvm::Value *sorter_ptr,
                              llvm::Value *thread_states,
                              uint32_t sorter_offset, uint64_t top_k) const {
  auto *offset = codegen.Const32(sorter_offset);
               {sorter_ptr, thread_states, offset, codegen.Const64(top_k)});
Exemplo n.º 3
// Iterate over the tuples in the sorter in batches/vectors of the given size
void Sorter::VectorizedIterate(
    CodeGen &codegen, llvm::Value *sorter_ptr, uint32_t vector_size,
    uint64_t offset, Sorter::VectorizedIterateCallback &callback) const {
  llvm::Value *start_pos = codegen.Load(SorterProxy::tuples_start, sorter_ptr);
  llvm::Value *num_tuples = NumTuples(codegen, sorter_ptr);
  num_tuples = codegen->CreateTrunc(num_tuples, codegen.Int32Type());

  if (offset != 0) {
    start_pos = codegen->CreateConstInBoundsGEP1_32(codegen.CharPtrType(),
                                                    start_pos, offset);
    num_tuples = codegen->CreateSub(num_tuples, codegen.Const32(offset));

  lang::VectorizedLoop loop(codegen, num_tuples, vector_size, {});
    // Current loop range
    auto curr_range = loop.GetCurrentRange();

    // Provide an accessor into the sorted space
    SorterAccess sorter_access(*this, start_pos);

    // Issue the callback
    callback.ProcessEntries(codegen, curr_range.start, curr_range.end,

    // That's it
    loop.LoopEnd(codegen, {});
Exemplo n.º 4
// Iterate over the tuples in the sorter in batches/vectors of the given size
void Sorter::VectorizedIterate(
    CodeGen &codegen, llvm::Value *sorter_ptr, uint32_t vector_size,
    Sorter::VectorizedIterateCallback &callback) const {
  llvm::Value *start_pos = GetStartPosition(codegen, sorter_ptr);

  llvm::Value *num_tuples = GetNumberOfStoredTuples(codegen, sorter_ptr);

  // Determine the number of bytes to skip per vector
  llvm::Value *vec_sz = codegen.Const32(vector_size);
  llvm::Value *tuple_size = GetTupleSize(codegen);
  llvm::Value *skip = codegen->CreateMul(vec_sz, tuple_size);

  lang::VectorizedLoop loop{
      codegen, num_tuples, vector_size, {{"pos", start_pos}}};
    llvm::Value *curr_pos = loop.GetLoopVar(0);
    auto curr_range = loop.GetCurrentRange();

    // Provide an accessor into the sorted space
    SorterAccess sorter_access{*this, start_pos};

    // Issue the callback
    callback.ProcessEntries(codegen, curr_range.start, curr_range.end,

    // Bump the pointer by the size of a tuple
    llvm::Value *next_pos = codegen->CreateInBoundsGEP(curr_pos, skip);
    loop.LoopEnd(codegen, {next_pos});
Exemplo n.º 5
// Iterate over all valid rows in this batch
void RowBatch::Iterate(CodeGen &codegen, RowBatch::IterateCallback &cb) {
  // The starting position in the batch
  llvm::Value *start = codegen.Const32(0);

  // The ending position in the batch
  llvm::Value *end = GetNumValidRows(codegen);

  // Generating the loop
  std::vector<lang::Loop::LoopVariable> loop_vars = {
      {"readIdx", start}, {"writeIdx", codegen.Const32(0)}};
  llvm::Value *loop_cond = codegen->CreateICmpULT(start, end);
  lang::Loop batch_loop{codegen, loop_cond, loop_vars};
    // Pull out loop vars for convenience
    auto *batch_pos = batch_loop.GetLoopVar(0);
    auto *write_pos = batch_loop.GetLoopVar(1);

    // Create an output tracker to track the final position of the row
    OutputTracker tracker{GetSelectionVector(), write_pos};

    // Get the current row
    RowBatch::Row row = GetRowAt(batch_pos, &tracker);

    // Invoke callback

    // The next read position is one next
    auto *next_read_pos = codegen->CreateAdd(batch_pos, codegen.Const32(1));

    // The write position from the output track
    auto *next_write_pos = tracker.GetFinalOutputPos();

    // Close up loop
    llvm::Value *loop_cond = codegen->CreateICmpULT(next_read_pos, end);
    batch_loop.LoopEnd(loop_cond, {next_read_pos, next_write_pos});

  // After the batch loop, we need to reset the size of the selection vector
  std::vector<llvm::Value *> final_vals;

  // Mark the last position in the batch
Exemplo n.º 6
void BufferAccessor::Append(CodeGen &codegen, llvm::Value *buffer_ptr,
                            const std::vector<codegen::Value> &tuple) const {
  auto *size = codegen.Const32(storage_format_.GetStorageSize());
  auto *space = codegen.Call(BufferProxy::Append, {buffer_ptr, size});

  // Now, individually store the attributes of the tuple into the free space
  UpdateableStorage::NullBitmap null_bitmap(codegen, storage_format_, space);
  for (uint32_t col_id = 0; col_id < tuple.size(); col_id++) {
    storage_format_.SetValue(codegen, space, col_id, tuple[col_id],
Exemplo n.º 7
// Generate a scan over all tile groups.
// @code
// column_layouts := alloca<peloton::ColumnLayoutInfo>(
//     table.GetSchema().GetColumnCount())
// oid_t tile_group_idx := 0
// num_tile_groups = GetTileGroupCount(table_ptr)
// for (; tile_group_idx < num_tile_groups; ++tile_group_idx) {
//   tile_group_ptr := GetTileGroup(table_ptr, tile_group_idx)
//   consumer.TileGroupStart(tile_group_ptr);
//   tile_group.TidScan(tile_group_ptr, column_layouts, vector_size, consumer);
//   consumer.TileGroupEnd(tile_group_ptr);
// }
// @endcode
void Table::GenerateScan(CodeGen &codegen, llvm::Value *table_ptr,
                         uint32_t batch_size, ScanCallback &consumer) const {
  // First get the columns from the table the consumer needs. For every column,
  // we'll need to have a ColumnInfoLayout struct
  const uint32_t num_columns =

  llvm::Value *column_layouts = codegen->CreateAlloca(

  // Get the number of tile groups in the given table
  llvm::Value *tile_group_idx = codegen.Const64(0);
  llvm::Value *num_tile_groups = GetTileGroupCount(codegen, table_ptr);

  // Iterate over all tile groups in the table
  lang::Loop loop{codegen,
                  codegen->CreateICmpULT(tile_group_idx, num_tile_groups),
                  {{"tileGroupIdx", tile_group_idx}}};
    // Get the tile group with the given tile group ID
    tile_group_idx = loop.GetLoopVar(0);
    llvm::Value *tile_group_ptr =
        GetTileGroup(codegen, table_ptr, tile_group_idx);
    llvm::Value *tile_group_id =
        tile_group_.GetTileGroupId(codegen, tile_group_ptr);

    // Invoke the consumer to let her know that we're starting to iterate over
    // the tile group now
    consumer.TileGroupStart(codegen, tile_group_id, tile_group_ptr);

    // Generate the scan cover over the given tile group
    tile_group_.GenerateTidScan(codegen, tile_group_ptr, column_layouts,
                                batch_size, consumer);

    // Invoke the consumer to let her know that we're done with this tile group
    consumer.TileGroupFinish(codegen, tile_group_ptr);

    // Move to next tile group in the table
    tile_group_idx = codegen->CreateAdd(tile_group_idx, codegen.Const64(1));
    loop.LoopEnd(codegen->CreateICmpULT(tile_group_idx, num_tile_groups),
Exemplo n.º 8
// Iterate over all valid rows in this batch in vectors of a given size
void RowBatch::VectorizedIterate(CodeGen &codegen,
                                 RowBatch::VectorizedIterateCallback &cb) {
  // The size of the vectors we use for iteration
  auto vector_size = cb.GetVectorSize();

  // The number of valid rows in the batch
  auto *num_rows = GetNumValidRows(codegen);

  // The current write/output position
  llvm::Value *write_pos = codegen.Const32(0);

  // The vectorized loop
  lang::VectorizedLoop vector_loop{
      codegen, num_rows, vector_size, {{"writePos", write_pos}}};
    auto curr_range = vector_loop.GetCurrentRange();
    write_pos = vector_loop.GetLoopVar(0);

    // The current instance of the vectorized loop
    VectorizedIterateCallback::IterationInstance iter_instance;
    iter_instance.start = curr_range.start;
    iter_instance.end = curr_range.end;
    iter_instance.write_pos = write_pos;

    // Invoke the callback
    write_pos = cb.ProcessRows(iter_instance);

    // End it
    vector_loop.LoopEnd(codegen, {write_pos});

  // After the loop, we need to reset the size of the selection vector
  std::vector<llvm::Value *> final_vals;

  // Mark the last position in the batch
Exemplo n.º 9
// Here, we discover the layout of every column that will be accessed. A
// column's layout includes three pieces of information:
// 1. The starting memory address (where the first value of the column is)
// 2. The stride length
// 3. Whether the column is in columnar layout
std::vector<TileGroup::ColumnLayout> TileGroup::GetColumnLayouts(
    CodeGen &codegen, llvm::Value *tile_group_ptr,
    llvm::Value *column_layout_infos) const {
  // Call RuntimeFunctions::GetTileGroupLayout()
  uint32_t num_cols = schema_.GetColumnCount();
      {tile_group_ptr, column_layout_infos, codegen.Const32(num_cols)});

  // Collect <start, stride, is_columnar> triplets of all columns
  std::vector<TileGroup::ColumnLayout> layouts;
  auto *layout_type = ColumnLayoutInfoProxy::GetType(codegen);
  for (uint32_t col_id = 0; col_id < num_cols; col_id++) {
    auto *start = codegen->CreateLoad(codegen->CreateConstInBoundsGEP2_32(
        layout_type, column_layout_infos, col_id, 0));
    auto *stride = codegen->CreateLoad(codegen->CreateConstInBoundsGEP2_32(
        layout_type, column_layout_infos, col_id, 1));
    auto *columnar = codegen->CreateLoad(codegen->CreateConstInBoundsGEP2_32(
        layout_type, column_layout_infos, col_id, 2));
    layouts.push_back(ColumnLayout{col_id, start, stride, columnar});
  return layouts;
Exemplo n.º 10
    void ProcessEntries(CodeGen &codegen, llvm::Value *start_index,
                        llvm::Value *end_index, SorterAccess &access) const {
      lang::Loop loop(codegen,
                      codegen->CreateICmpULT(start_index, end_index),
                      {{"start", start_index}});
        llvm::Value *curr_index = loop.GetLoopVar(0);

        // Parse the row
        std::vector<codegen::Value> vals;
        auto &row = access.GetRow(curr_index);
        for (uint32_t i = 0; i < storage.GetNumElements(); i++) {
          vals.emplace_back(row.LoadColumn(codegen, i));

        // Call the actual callback
        callback.ProcessEntry(codegen, vals);

        curr_index = codegen->CreateAdd(curr_index, codegen.Const32(1));
        loop.LoopEnd(codegen->CreateICmpULT(curr_index, end_index),
Exemplo n.º 11
Value Varchar::GetNullValue(CodeGen &codegen) const {
  return Value{Type{TypeId(), true}, codegen.NullPtr(codegen.CharPtrType()),
               codegen.Const32(0), codegen.ConstBool(true)};
Exemplo n.º 12
Value Date::GetNullValue(CodeGen &codegen) const {
  auto *raw_val = codegen.Const32(peloton::type::PELOTON_DATE_NULL);
  return Value{Type{TypeId(), true}, raw_val, nullptr, codegen.ConstBool(true)};
Exemplo n.º 13
Value Date::GetMaxValue(CodeGen &codegen) const {
  auto *raw_val = codegen.Const32(peloton::type::PELOTON_DATE_MAX);
  return Value{*this, raw_val, nullptr, nullptr};
Exemplo n.º 14
llvm::Value *Sorter::GetTupleSize(CodeGen &codegen) const {
  return codegen.Const32(storage_format_.GetStorageSize());
Exemplo n.º 15
// Just make a call to util::Sorter::Init(...)
void Sorter::Init(CodeGen &codegen, llvm::Value *sorter_ptr,
                  llvm::Value *comparison_func) const {
  auto *tuple_size = codegen.Const32(storage_format_.GetStorageSize());
                   {sorter_ptr, comparison_func, tuple_size});