Exemplo n.º 1
// Attempt to improve this by adding partitions or expanding partitions.
void ColPartitionSet::ImproveColumnCandidate(WidthCallback* cb,
                                             PartSetVector* src_sets) {
  int set_size = src_sets->size();
  // Iterate over the provided column sets, as each one may have something
  // to improve this.
  for (int i = 0; i < set_size; ++i) {
    ColPartitionSet* column_set = src_sets->get(i);
    if (column_set == NULL)
    // Iterate over the parts in this and column_set, adding bigger or
    // new parts in column_set to this.
    ColPartition_IT part_it(&parts_);
    int prev_right = MIN_INT32;
    ColPartition_IT col_it(&column_set->parts_);
    for (col_it.mark_cycle_pt(); !col_it.cycled_list(); col_it.forward()) {
      ColPartition* col_part = col_it.data();
      if (col_part->blob_type() < BRT_UNKNOWN)
        continue;  // Ignore image partitions.
      int col_left = col_part->left_key();
      int col_right = col_part->right_key();
      // Sync-up part_it (in this) so it matches the col_part in column_set.
      ColPartition* part = part_it.data();
      while (!part_it.at_last() && part->right_key() < col_left) {
        prev_right = part->right_key();
        part = part_it.data();
      int part_left = part->left_key();
      int part_right = part->right_key();
      if (part_right < col_left || col_right < part_left) {
        // There is no overlap so this is a new partition.
        AddPartition(col_part->ShallowCopy(), &part_it);
      // Check the edges of col_part to see if they can improve part.
      bool part_width_ok = cb->Run(part->KeyWidth(part_left, part_right));
      if (col_left < part_left && col_left > prev_right) {
        // The left edge of the column is better and it doesn't overlap,
        // so we can potentially expand it.
        int col_box_left = col_part->BoxLeftKey();
        bool tab_width_ok = cb->Run(part->KeyWidth(col_left, part_right));
        bool box_width_ok = cb->Run(part->KeyWidth(col_box_left, part_right));
        if (tab_width_ok || (!part_width_ok )) {
          // The tab is leaving the good column metric at least as good as
          // it was before, so use the tab.
          part->CopyLeftTab(*col_part, false);
        } else if (col_box_left < part_left &&
                   (box_width_ok || !part_width_ok)) {
          // The box is leaving the good column metric at least as good as
          // it was before, so use the box.
          part->CopyLeftTab(*col_part, true);
        part_left = part->left_key();
      if (col_right > part_right &&
          (part_it.at_last() ||
           part_it.data_relative(1)->left_key() > col_right)) {
        // The right edge is better, so we can possibly expand it.
        int col_box_right = col_part->BoxRightKey();
        bool tab_width_ok = cb->Run(part->KeyWidth(part_left, col_right));
        bool box_width_ok = cb->Run(part->KeyWidth(part_left, col_box_right));
        if (tab_width_ok || (!part_width_ok )) {
          // The tab is leaving the good column metric at least as good as
          // it was before, so use the tab.
          part->CopyRightTab(*col_part, false);
        } else if (col_box_right > part_right &&
                   (box_width_ok || !part_width_ok)) {
          // The box is leaving the good column metric at least as good as
          // it was before, so use the box.
          part->CopyRightTab(*col_part, true);
Exemplo n.º 2
// The column_set has changed. Close down all in-progress WorkingPartSets in
// columns that do not match and start new ones for the new columns in this.
// As ColPartitions are turned into BLOCKs, the used ones are put in
// used_parts, as they still need to be referenced in the grid.
void ColPartitionSet::ChangeWorkColumns(const ICOORD& bleft,
                                        const ICOORD& tright,
                                        int resolution,
                                        ColPartition_LIST* used_parts,
                                        WorkingPartSet_LIST* working_set_list) {
  // Move the input list to a temporary location so we can delete its elements
  // as we add them to the output working_set.
  WorkingPartSet_LIST work_src;
  WorkingPartSet_IT src_it(&work_src);
  WorkingPartSet_IT dest_it(working_set_list);
  // Completed blocks and to_blocks are accumulated and given to the first new
  // one  whenever we keep a column, or at the end.
  BLOCK_LIST completed_blocks;
  TO_BLOCK_LIST to_blocks;
  WorkingPartSet* first_new_set = NULL;
  WorkingPartSet* working_set = NULL;
  ColPartition_IT col_it(&parts_);
  for (col_it.mark_cycle_pt(); !col_it.cycled_list(); col_it.forward()) {
    ColPartition* column = col_it.data();
    // Any existing column to the left of column is completed.
    while (!src_it.empty() &&
           ((working_set = src_it.data())->column() == NULL ||
            working_set->column()->right_key() <= column->left_key())) {
      working_set->ExtractCompletedBlocks(bleft, tright, resolution,
                                          used_parts, &completed_blocks,
      delete working_set;
    // Make a new between-column WorkingSet for before the current column.
    working_set = new WorkingPartSet(NULL);
    if (first_new_set == NULL)
      first_new_set = working_set;
    // A matching column gets to stay, and first_new_set gets all the
    // completed_sets.
    working_set = src_it.empty() ? NULL : src_it.data();
    if (working_set != NULL &&
        working_set->column()->MatchingColumns(*column)) {
      first_new_set->InsertCompletedBlocks(&completed_blocks, &to_blocks);
      first_new_set = NULL;
    } else {
      // Just make a new working set for the current column.
      working_set = new WorkingPartSet(column);
  // Complete any remaining src working sets.
  while (!src_it.empty()) {
    working_set = src_it.extract();
    working_set->ExtractCompletedBlocks(bleft, tright, resolution,
                                        used_parts, &completed_blocks,
    delete working_set;
  // Make a new between-column WorkingSet for after the last column.
  working_set = new WorkingPartSet(NULL);
  if (first_new_set == NULL)
    first_new_set = working_set;
  // The first_new_set now gets any accumulated completed_parts/blocks.
  first_new_set->InsertCompletedBlocks(&completed_blocks, &to_blocks);