Exemplo n.º 1
     * \brief Sets the drop properties
    void dropEvent(QDropEvent* event)
        // Find the output location
        drop_index = owner->indexAt(event->pos());
        if ( drop_index == -1 )
            drop_index = palette.count();

        // Gather up the color
        if ( event->mimeData()->hasColor() )
            drop_color = event->mimeData()->colorData().value<QColor>();

        else if ( event->mimeData()->hasText() )
            drop_color = QColor(event->mimeData()->text());

        drop_overwrite = false;
        QRectF drop_rect = indexRect(drop_index);
        if ( drop_index < palette.count() && drop_rect.isValid() )
            // 1 column => vertical style
            if ( palette.columns() == 1 || forced_columns == 1 )
                // Dragged to the last quarter of the size of the square, add after
                if ( event->posF().y() >= drop_rect.top() + drop_rect.height() * 3.0 / 4 )
                // Dragged to the middle of the square, overwrite existing color
                else if ( event->posF().x() > drop_rect.top() + drop_rect.height() / 4 &&
                        ( event->dropAction() != Qt::MoveAction || event->source() != owner ||
                          palette.colorAt(drop_index) == emptyColor ) )
                    drop_overwrite = true;
                // Dragged to the last quarter of the size of the square, add after
                if ( event->posF().x() >= drop_rect.left() + drop_rect.width() * 3.0 / 4 )
                // Dragged to the middle of the square, overwrite existing color
                else if ( event->posF().x() > drop_rect.left() + drop_rect.width() / 4 &&
                        ( event->dropAction() != Qt::MoveAction || event->source() != owner ||
                          palette.colorAt(drop_index) == emptyColor ) )
                    drop_overwrite = true;

Exemplo n.º 2
     * \brief Number of rows/columns in the palette
    QSize rowcols()
        int count = palette.count();
        if ( count == 0 )
            return QSize();

        if ( forced_rows )
            return QSize(std::ceil( float(count) / forced_rows ), forced_rows);

        int columns = palette.columns();

        if ( forced_columns )
            columns = forced_columns;
        else if ( columns == 0 )
            columns = qMin(palette.count(), owner->width() / color_size.width());

        int rows = std::ceil( float(count) / columns );

        return QSize(columns, rows);