Retrieve_Template::Retrieve_Template(QString table,QString column, QString where) { Columns list; list.clear(); list.append(column); intitialize(table,list,where); }
void text_tree::prepare (int current_indent, int indent, Columns& columns) { num_siblings = 1; // including ourselves for ( Children::iterator i=children.begin(); i!=children.end(); ++i ) { if ( (*i)->shown ) { (*i)->prepare(current_indent+indent, indent, columns); num_siblings += (*i)->num_siblings; } } if ( columns.size() < strings.size() ) { columns.resize(strings.size()); } Strings::iterator j = strings.begin(); Columns::iterator c = columns.begin(); // only count as column if theres more then 1 on the line! if ( strings.size() > 1 ) { for ( ; j!=strings.end(); ++j, ++c ) { int string_size = (int)(*j).size(); string_size += (j==strings.begin()) ? current_indent : 0; *c = std::max(string_size, *c); } } }
void GDAFile::add(Common::SeekableReadStream *gda) { try { _gff4s.push_back(new GFF4File(gda, kG2DAID)); const GFF4Struct &top = _gff4s.back()->getTopLevel(); _rows.push_back(&top.getList(kGFF4G2DARowList)); _rowStarts.push_back(_rowCount); _rowCount += _rows.back()->size(); Columns columns = &top.getList(kGFF4G2DAColumnList); if (columns->size() != _columns->size()) throw Common::Exception("Column counts don't match (%u vs. %u)", (uint)columns->size(), (uint)_columns->size()); for (size_t i = 0; i < columns->size(); i++) { const uint32 hash1 = (uint32) (* columns)[i]->getUint(kGFF4G2DAColumnHash); const uint32 hash2 = (uint32) (*_columns)[i]->getUint(kGFF4G2DAColumnHash); const uint32 type1 = identifyType( columns, _rows.back(), i); const uint32 type2 = identifyType(_columns, _rows[0] , i); if ((hash1 != hash2) || (type1 != type2)) throw Common::Exception("Columns don't match (%u: %u+%u vs. %u+%u)", (uint) i, hash1, type1, hash2, type2); } } catch (Common::Exception &e) { clear(); e.add("Failed adding GDA file"); throw; } }
void MergeTreePartition::serializeText(const MergeTreeData & storage, WriteBuffer & out, const FormatSettings & format_settings) const { size_t key_size = storage.partition_key_sample.columns(); if (key_size == 0) { writeCString("tuple()", out); } else if (key_size == 1) { const DataTypePtr & type = storage.partition_key_sample.getByPosition(0).type; auto column = type->createColumn(); column->insert(value[0]); type->serializeAsText(*column, 0, out, format_settings); } else { DataTypes types; Columns columns; for (size_t i = 0; i < key_size; ++i) { const auto & type = storage.partition_key_sample.getByPosition(i).type; types.push_back(type); auto column = type->createColumn(); column->insert(value[i]); columns.push_back(std::move(column)); } DataTypeTuple tuple_type(types); auto tuple_column = ColumnTuple::create(columns); tuple_type.serializeText(*tuple_column, 0, out, format_settings); } }
void MergeJoin::InitializeFlatLayout(IRelationalOperator * lChild, IRelationalOperator * rChild, const Columns & joinColumns) { m_child[LEFT] = lChild; m_child[RIGHT] = rChild; /* create (left|right)+(proj|join) schemas. */ for (int i = 0; i < N_BRANCHES; i++) { int idx = i * 2; Schema * joinSchema = new Schema(); m_consumed[i] = true; m_inBuffer[i] = BufferManager::getInstance()->allocate(); /* create projection & join schemas */ m_tuple[idx|PROJ].schema(m_child[i]->schema()); m_tuple[idx|JOIN].schema(m_child[i]->schema()); for (int j = 0; j < joinColumns.count(); j++) { const Column * column =; const Schema * schema = m_tuple[idx|PROJ].schema(); if (schema->contains(column->m_qualified_name)) { const Attribute * a = (*schema)[column->m_qualified_name]; m_joinCols[idx|PROJ].push_back(a); m_joinCols[idx|JOIN].push_back(a); } } m_tuple[idx|PROJ].m_data = new byte[m_tuple[idx|PROJ].schema()->rsize()]; m_tuple[idx|JOIN].m_data = new byte[m_tuple[idx|JOIN].schema()->rsize()]; m_tsr[i] = new TupleStreamReader(*m_inBuffer[i]); } /* create merged schema */ for (int i = 0; i < N_BRANCHES; i++) { int idx = i * 2; for (int j = 0; j < m_tuple[idx].schema()->nitems(); j++) { m_schema.add(m_tuple[idx].schema()->at(j)); } } m_data = new byte[m_schema.rsize()]; m_buffer = BufferManager::getInstance()->allocate(); m_tsw = new TupleStreamWriter(*m_buffer, m_schema.rsize()); }
FunctionArrayIntersect::UnpackedArrays FunctionArrayIntersect::prepareArrays(const Columns & columns) const { UnpackedArrays arrays; size_t columns_number = columns.size(); arrays.is_const.assign(columns_number, false); arrays.null_maps.resize(columns_number); arrays.offsets.resize(columns_number); arrays.nested_columns.resize(columns_number); for (auto i : ext::range(0, columns_number)) { auto argument_column = columns[i].get(); if (auto argument_column_const = typeid_cast<const ColumnConst *>(argument_column)) { arrays.is_const[i] = true; argument_column = argument_column_const->getDataColumnPtr().get(); } if (auto argument_column_array = typeid_cast<const ColumnArray *>(argument_column)) { arrays.offsets[i] = &argument_column_array->getOffsets(); arrays.nested_columns[i] = &argument_column_array->getData(); if (auto column_nullable = typeid_cast<const ColumnNullable *>(arrays.nested_columns[i])) { arrays.null_maps[i] = &column_nullable->getNullMapData(); arrays.nested_columns[i] = &column_nullable->getNestedColumn(); } } else throw Exception{"Arguments for function " + getName() + " must be arrays.", ErrorCodes::LOGICAL_ERROR}; } return arrays; }
uint32 GDAFile::identifyType(const Columns &columns, const Row &rows, size_t column) const { if (!columns || (column >= columns->size()) || !(*columns)[column]) return -1; if ((*columns)[column]->hasField(kGFF4G2DAColumnType)) return (uint32) (*columns)[column]->getUint(kGFF4G2DAColumnType, -1); if (!rows || rows->empty() || !(*rows)[0]) return -1; GFF4Struct::FieldType fieldType = (*rows)[0]->getFieldType(kGFF4G2DAColumn1 + column); switch (fieldType) { case GFF4Struct::kFieldTypeString: return 0; case GFF4Struct::kFieldTypeUint: case GFF4Struct::kFieldTypeSint: return 1; case GFF4Struct::kFieldTypeDouble: return 2; default: break; } return -1; }
void Retrieve_Template::intitialize(QString table,Columns columns,QString where){ this->query=new QSqlQuery (theSarf->db); QString cols; for(int i=0;i<columns.count();i++) { if (i!=0) cols.append(" ,"); cols.append(columns[i]); } QString stmt( "SELECT %2 FROM %1 %3"); stmt=stmt.arg(table).arg(cols).arg(where==""?"":QString("WHERE ").append(where) ); err= (!execute_query(stmt,*(this->query))); if (!err) this->columns=columns; }
void ExternalQueryBuilder::composeKeyTuple(const Columns & key_columns, const size_t row, WriteBuffer & out) const { writeString("(", out); const auto keys_size = key_columns.size(); auto first = true; for (const auto i : ext::range(0, keys_size)) { if (!first) writeString(", ", out); first = false; (*dict_struct.key)[i].type->serializeAsTextQuoted(*key_columns[i], row, out, format_settings); } writeString(")", out); }
void ExternalQueryBuilder::composeKeyCondition(const Columns & key_columns, const size_t row, WriteBuffer & out) const { writeString("(", out); const auto keys_size = key_columns.size(); auto first = true; for (const auto i : ext::range(0, keys_size)) { if (!first) writeString(" AND ", out); first = false; const auto & key_description = (*dict_struct.key)[i]; /// key_i=value_i writeString(, out); writeString("=", out); key_description.type->serializeAsTextQuoted(*key_columns[i], row, out, format_settings); } writeString(")", out); }
void detectData(const string& dataFile, Asset*& calls, Asset*& puts, const string& writeTo, long lastDate, double lastByte){ //function used to detect data if data contains the cp_flag //function returns number of bytes extracted. ifstream inFile(dataFile.c_str()); // object for handling file input string row; stringstream srow; getline(inFile,row); srow.str(row); //replace old row with new row; //used to find out what column I am in, and thus what deque to extract the data to. Columns columnHeaders; //instantiate an object of Columns class. //find out if we are using a european or american style csv file. Following conditions char delimiter = getDelim(row, dataFile); columnHeaders.setColNbr(srow, delimiter); //set column numbers columnHeaders.checkValid(dataFile); //check if data is valid according to column numbers int cpColNbr = columnHeaders.getCpColNbr(); string callOrPutRow; //used to determine what type of option is contained in row int i = 0; //used for collOrPutRow if ((calls == NULL)){ // we initialize here the proper options objects to contain our data. This is done only at the beginning of a file. vector<Asset**>dummyAssets; dummyAssets.push_back(&calls); dummyAssets.push_back(&puts);//just a dummy assets used for initiateAsset. columnHeaders.initiateAsset(dummyAssets, dataFile); //find what the Assets object will point to depending on the rows identity. //uses pointer to pointer, so that the copy made automatically is not a copy of our pointer to initialize, but a copy to //the pointer to those addresses. calls->setExFromByte((double)inFile.tellg()); //skip first line for rest of code as I am starting at beginning of file. //!!!!information has to be set in both objects. puts->setExFromByte((double)inFile.tellg()); calls->setWriteTo(writeTo); //setting folder to write to, using data passed as argument to detectData. puts->setWriteTo(writeTo); } //we first detect what type of options object we are dealing with //and save all the data to two single deques of row objects in order to sort columns in parallel. bool optionsOrNot = calls->getIsOption(); //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// //if Options data was entered, find out what kind of options it was. //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// if (optionsOrNot == true) { //Skip to wanted position, after first line if new file, and as of last accessed byte //if return file. inFile.seekg(calls->getExFromByte(), ios_base::beg); double before = time(0); while ((inFile.eof() != 1)){ //while I am in the file getline(inFile, row); //get next line. srow.clear(); //clear eofbit set from last line. srow.str(row); //replace old row with new row. for(i = 0; i < cpColNbr; ++i) getline(srow, callOrPutRow, delimiter); srow.seekg(0); //reset row for srow if(callOrPutRow.find("C") != string::npos){ //we have a call calls->extractRow(srow, delimiter); //row is extracted and put in temporary values //line is now completely extracted. Now dealing with file size and multiple files part if(calls->fileSizeManagement(lastDate, lastByte, inFile) == true){ //file read status set only for calls. puts->setExToDate(calls->getExToDate()); puts->setExFromByte(calls->getExFromByte()); break; //break only if member function returned to break, otherwise, do nothing. } calls->writeCurrValues(); } else{ puts->extractRow(srow, delimiter); //row is extracted and put in temporary values //line is now completely extracted. Now dealing with file size and multiple files part if(puts->fileSizeManagement(lastDate, lastByte, inFile) == true){ //file read status set only for calls. calls->setExToDate(puts->getExToDate()); calls->setExFromByte(puts->getExFromByte()); break; //break only if member function returned to break, otherwise, do nothing. } puts->writeCurrValues(); } //Done with dealing with filesize and multiple files part. } cout << "It took " << time(0) - before << " seconds to extract " << endl; before = time(0); calls->addExRows(); puts->addExRows(); before = time(0); ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// //Program will quickly sort the data. This is currently done whether data needs sorting or not. //So that all the times where data is already sorted, there is no need to even go through the deque of objects. ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// calls->sortData(); puts->sortData(); cout << "It took " << time(0) - before << " seconds to sort " << endl; before = time(0); //just setting the strikeDivisor here, should run just fine. if(calls->getStrikeDivisor() == 0) calls->setStrikeDivisor(); if(puts->getStrikeDivisor() == 0) puts->setStrikeDivisor(); calls->setIsCall(true); //or 1 puts->setIsCall(false); //or 0 calls->setDataFile(dataFile); //setting path to file data will be extracted form. puts->setDataFile(dataFile); //has to be done after setIsCall is done. } else{ //This is not an *Options object. Undefined for now. } }
void detectData(const string& dataFile, Asset*& pAsset, const string& writeTo, long lastDate, double lastByte){ //function used to detect data if data contains the cp_flag //function returns number of bytes extracted. ifstream inFile(dataFile.c_str()); // object for handling file input string row; stringstream srow; getline(inFile,row); srow.str(row); //replace old row with new row; //used to find out what column I am in, and thus what deque to extract the data to. Columns columnHeaders; //instantiate an objects of Columns class. //find out if we are using a european or american style csv file. Following conditions char delimiter = getDelim(row, dataFile); columnHeaders.setColNbr(srow, delimiter); //set column numbers //columnHeaders.checkValid(dataFile); //check if data is valid according to column numbers if ((pAsset == NULL)){ // we initialize here the proper options objects to contain our data. This is done only at the beginning of a file. vector<Asset**>dummyAssets; dummyAssets.push_back(&pAsset);//just a dummy assets used for initiateAsset. columnHeaders.initiateAsset(dummyAssets, dataFile); //find what the Asset object will point to depending on the rows identity. pAsset->setExFromByte((double)inFile.tellg()); //skip first line for rest of code as I am starting at beginning of file. //!!!!information is arbitrarily set in the pAsset object pAsset->setWriteTo(writeTo); //setting folder to write to, using data passed as argument to detectData. } //we first detect what type of options object we are dealing with //and save all the data to two single deques of row objects in order to sort columns in parallel. bool optionsOrNot = pAsset->getIsOption(); //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// //if Options data was entered, find out what kind of options it was. //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// if (optionsOrNot == true) { //Skip to wanted position, after first line if new file, and as of last accessed byte //if return file. inFile.seekg(pAsset->getExFromByte(), ios_base::beg); while ((inFile.eof() != 1)){ //while I am in the file getline(inFile, row); //get next line. srow.clear(); //clear eofbit set from last line. srow.str(row); //replace old row with new row. pAsset->extractRow(srow, delimiter); //row is extracted and put in temporary //values of of calls object (arbitrarily), could as well be puts. if(pAsset->fileSizeManagement(lastDate, lastByte, inFile)) //Now dealing with file size and multiple files part break; //only break if returned to. pAsset->writeCurrValues(); } //end of while(inFile.eof() != 1) loop. pAsset->addExRows(); //Now that deques are filled, sort them as wanted. pAsset->sortData(); if(pAsset->getStrikeDivisor() == 0) pAsset->setStrikeDivisor(); pAsset->setCallStatus(); } else{ //This is not an *Options object. //Skip to wanted position, after first line if new file, and as of last accessed byte //if return file. inFile.seekg(pAsset->getExFromByte(), ios_base::beg); while ((inFile.eof() != 1)){ //while I am in the file getline(inFile, row); //get next line. srow.clear(); //clear eofbit set from last line. srow.str(row); //replace old row with new row. pAsset->extractRow(srow, delimiter); //row is extracted and put in temporary //values of object ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// //line is now completely extracted. Now dealing with file size and multiple files part ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// if(pAsset->fileSizeManagement(lastDate, lastByte, inFile)) break; //only break if returned to pAsset->writeCurrValues(); //push_back all deques containing our data in the structure of our objects } //end of while(inFile.eof() != 1) loop. } pAsset->addExRows(); pAsset->setDataFile(dataFile); //setting path to file data will be extracted form. //extraction is finished }
void PrintTo(const Columns& bar, ::std::ostream* os) { PrintTo(bar.to_string(), os); }
ColumnPtr recursiveLowCardinalityConversion(const ColumnPtr & column, const DataTypePtr & from_type, const DataTypePtr & to_type) { if (!column) return column; if (from_type->equals(*to_type)) return column; if (const auto * column_const = typeid_cast<const ColumnConst *>(column.get())) return ColumnConst::create(recursiveLowCardinalityConversion(column_const->getDataColumnPtr(), from_type, to_type), column_const->size()); if (const auto * low_cardinality_type = typeid_cast<const DataTypeLowCardinality *>(from_type.get())) { if (to_type->equals(*low_cardinality_type->getDictionaryType())) return column->convertToFullColumnIfLowCardinality(); } if (const auto * low_cardinality_type = typeid_cast<const DataTypeLowCardinality *>(to_type.get())) { if (from_type->equals(*low_cardinality_type->getDictionaryType())) { auto col = low_cardinality_type->createColumn(); static_cast<ColumnLowCardinality &>(*col).insertRangeFromFullColumn(*column, 0, column->size()); return std::move(col); } } if (const auto * from_array_type = typeid_cast<const DataTypeArray *>(from_type.get())) { if (const auto * to_array_type = typeid_cast<const DataTypeArray *>(to_type.get())) { const auto * column_array = typeid_cast<const ColumnArray *>(column.get()); if (!column_array) throw Exception("Unexpected column " + column->getName() + " for type " + from_type->getName(), ErrorCodes::ILLEGAL_COLUMN); auto & nested_from = from_array_type->getNestedType(); auto & nested_to = to_array_type->getNestedType(); return ColumnArray::create( recursiveLowCardinalityConversion(column_array->getDataPtr(), nested_from, nested_to), column_array->getOffsetsPtr()); } } if (const auto * from_tuple_type = typeid_cast<const DataTypeTuple *>(from_type.get())) { if (const auto * to_tuple_type = typeid_cast<const DataTypeTuple *>(to_type.get())) { const auto * column_tuple = typeid_cast<const ColumnTuple *>(column.get()); if (!column_tuple) throw Exception("Unexpected column " + column->getName() + " for type " + from_type->getName(), ErrorCodes::ILLEGAL_COLUMN); Columns columns = column_tuple->getColumns(); auto & from_elements = from_tuple_type->getElements(); auto & to_elements = to_tuple_type->getElements(); for (size_t i = 0; i < columns.size(); ++i) { auto & element = columns[i]; element = recursiveLowCardinalityConversion(element,,; } return ColumnTuple::create(columns); } } throw Exception("Cannot convert: " + from_type->getName() + " to " + to_type->getName(), ErrorCodes::TYPE_MISMATCH); }
void MergeJoin::InitializePartitionLayout(IRelationalOperator * lChild, IRelationalOperator * rChild, const Columns & joinColumns) { std::vector<const Attribute *> layout; std::vector<const Attribute *> partition[2]; m_child[LEFT] = lChild; m_child[RIGHT] = rChild; /* create (left|right)+(proj|join) schemas. */ for (int i = 0; i < N_BRANCHES; i++) { int idx = i * 2; Schema * joinSchema = new Schema(); joinSchema->m_partitions = 1; layout.clear(); layout.reserve(m_child[i]->schema()->nitems()); m_consumed[i] = true; m_inBuffer[i] = BufferManager::getInstance()->allocate(); /* create projection schema */ m_tuple[idx|PROJ].schema(m_child[i]->schema()); /* retrieve join columns for ith child */ for (int j = 0; j < joinColumns.count(); j++) { const Column * column =; const Schema * schema = m_tuple[idx|PROJ].schema(); if (schema->contains(column->m_qualified_name)) { const Attribute * a = (*schema)[column->m_qualified_name]; m_joinCols[idx|PROJ].push_back(a); joinSchema->add(a); m_joinCols[idx|JOIN].push_back(a); } } /* create layouts for children. */ partition[0].clear(); partition[1].clear(); m_layout[i] = new MaterializationLayout(2, m_inBuffer[i]->capacity(), m_tuple[idx|PROJ].schema()->rsize()); for (int j = 0; j < m_tuple[idx|PROJ].schema()->nitems(); j++) { const Attribute * a = m_tuple[idx|PROJ].schema()->at(j); if (!joinColumns.contains(a->qualified_name())) { partition[1].push_back(a); } else { partition[0].push_back(a); layout.push_back(a); } } m_layout[i]->add(partition[0]); m_layout[i]->add(partition[1]); /* synchronize schemas for read optimization */ for (int j = 0; j < partition[1].size(); j++) { layout.push_back(partition[1][j]); } Schema * s = new Schema(&layout); s->m_partitions = 3; m_tuple[idx|PROJ].schema(s); /* create join schema */ m_tuple[idx|JOIN].schema(joinSchema); m_tuple[idx|PROJ].m_data = new byte[m_tuple[idx|PROJ].schema()->rsize()]; m_tuple[idx|JOIN].m_data = new byte[m_tuple[idx|JOIN].schema()->rsize()]; m_tsr[i] = new TupleStreamReader(*m_inBuffer[i]); m_tsr[i]->layout(m_layout[i]); m_child[i]->layout(m_layout[i]); } /* create merged schema */ for (int i = 0; i < N_BRANCHES; i++) { int idx = i * 2; for (int j = 0; j < m_tuple[idx].schema()->nitems(); j++) { m_schema.add(m_tuple[idx].schema()->at(j)); } } m_data = new byte[m_schema.rsize()]; m_buffer = BufferManager::getInstance()->allocate(); m_tsw = new TupleStreamWriter(*m_buffer, m_schema.rsize()); }
BlockInputStreamPtr LibraryDictionarySource::loadKeys(const Columns & key_columns, const std::vector<std::size_t> & requested_rows) { LOG_TRACE(log, "loadKeys " << toString() << " size = " << requested_rows.size()); auto holder = std::make_unique<ClickHouseLibrary::Row[]>(key_columns.size()); std::vector<std::unique_ptr<ClickHouseLibrary::Field[]>> column_data_holders; for (size_t i = 0; i < key_columns.size(); ++i) { auto cell_holder = std::make_unique<ClickHouseLibrary::Field[]>(requested_rows.size()); for (size_t j = 0; j < requested_rows.size(); ++j) { auto data_ref = key_columns[i]->getDataAt(requested_rows[j]); cell_holder[j] = ClickHouseLibrary::Field{.data = static_cast<const void *>(, .size = data_ref.size}; } holder[i] = ClickHouseLibrary::Row{.data = static_cast<ClickHouseLibrary::Field *>(cell_holder.get()), .size = requested_rows.size()}; column_data_holders.push_back(std::move(cell_holder)); } ClickHouseLibrary::Table request_cols{.data = static_cast<ClickHouseLibrary::Row *>(holder.get()), .size = key_columns.size()}; void * data_ptr = nullptr; /// Get function pointer before dataNew call because library->get may throw. auto func_loadKeys = library->get<void * (*)(decltype(data_ptr), decltype(&settings->strings), decltype(&request_cols))>( "ClickHouseDictionary_v3_loadKeys"); data_ptr = library->get<decltype(data_ptr) (*)(decltype(lib_data))>("ClickHouseDictionary_v3_dataNew")(lib_data); auto data = func_loadKeys(data_ptr, &settings->strings, &request_cols); auto block = dataToBlock(description.sample_block, data); SCOPE_EXIT(library->get<void (*)(decltype(lib_data), decltype(data_ptr))>("ClickHouseDictionary_v3_dataDelete")(lib_data, data_ptr)); return std::make_shared<OneBlockInputStream>(block); } bool LibraryDictionarySource::isModified() const { if (auto func_isModified = library->tryGet<bool (*)(decltype(lib_data), decltype(&settings->strings))>("ClickHouseDictionary_v3_isModified")) return func_isModified(lib_data, &settings->strings); return true; } bool LibraryDictionarySource::supportsSelectiveLoad() const { if (auto func_supportsSelectiveLoad = library->tryGet<bool (*)(decltype(lib_data), decltype(&settings->strings))>("ClickHouseDictionary_v3_supportsSelectiveLoad")) return func_supportsSelectiveLoad(lib_data, &settings->strings); return true; } DictionarySourcePtr LibraryDictionarySource::clone() const { return std::make_unique<LibraryDictionarySource>(*this); } std::string LibraryDictionarySource::toString() const { return path; } void registerDictionarySourceLibrary(DictionarySourceFactory & factory) { auto createTableSource = [=](const DictionaryStructure & dict_struct, const Poco::Util::AbstractConfiguration & config, const std::string & config_prefix, Block & sample_block, const Context &) -> DictionarySourcePtr { return std::make_unique<LibraryDictionarySource>(dict_struct, config, config_prefix + ".library", sample_block); }; factory.registerSource("library", createTableSource); } }