unique_ptr<Path> CompositePath::clone() const {
    CompositePath* newPath = new CompositePath();
    for (const unique_ptr<Path>& path : paths) {
    return unique_ptr<Path>(newPath);
Exemplo n.º 2
TEST(CompositePath, CompositeSubPath) {
    // Create a test path
    InterpolatedPath path;
    path.waypoints.emplace_back(MotionInstant(Point(1, 0), Point(0, 0)), 0s);
    path.waypoints.emplace_back(MotionInstant(Point(1, 2), Point(-1, -1)), 1s);
    path.waypoints.emplace_back(MotionInstant(Point(-2, 19), Point(1, 1)), 3s);
    path.waypoints.emplace_back(MotionInstant(Point(1, 6), Point(0, 0)), 9s);

    // Create 6 subPaths and rejoin them together into one compositePath
    CompositePath compositePath;
    auto diff = 1500ms;
    for (auto i = 0ms; i < 7500ms; i += diff) {
        compositePath.append(path.subPath(i, i + diff));

    // Compare that the compositePath and origonal path are mostly equal
    for (RJ::Seconds i = 0ms; i <= 10s; i += 1ms) {
        auto org = path.evaluate(i);
        auto sub = compositePath.evaluate(i);
        if (!org && !sub) break;

        EXPECT_NEAR(org->motion.vel.x(), sub->motion.vel.x(), 0.000001)
            << "i=" << to_string(i);
        EXPECT_NEAR(org->motion.vel.y(), sub->motion.vel.y(), 0.000001)
            << "i=" << to_string(i);
        EXPECT_NEAR(org->motion.pos.x(), sub->motion.pos.x(), 0.000001)
            << "i=" << to_string(i);
        EXPECT_NEAR(org->motion.pos.y(), sub->motion.pos.y(), 0.00001)
            << "i=" << to_string(i);

    // Create 9 subPaths from the compositePaths
    vector<unique_ptr<Path>> subPaths;
    diff = 1000ms;
    for (auto i = 0ms; i < 8s; i += diff) {
        subPaths.push_back(compositePath.subPath(i, i + diff));

    // Compare the subPaths of the compositePaths to the origional path and
    // check that the results of evaluating the paths are close enough
    for (int i = 0; i < 9; i++) {
        for (auto j = 0ms; j < 1s; j += 100ms) {
            auto time = i * 1000ms + j;
            auto org = path.evaluate(time);
            auto sub = subPaths[i]->evaluate(j);
            EXPECT_NEAR(org->motion.vel.x(), sub->motion.vel.x(), 0.000001)
                << "newPathTime=" << to_string(time);
            EXPECT_NEAR(org->motion.vel.y(), sub->motion.vel.y(), 0.000001)
                << "newPathTime=" << to_string(time);
            EXPECT_NEAR(org->motion.pos.x(), sub->motion.pos.x(), 0.000001)
                << "newPathTime=" << to_string(time);
            EXPECT_NEAR(org->motion.pos.y(), sub->motion.pos.y(), 0.00001)
                << "newPathTime=" << to_string(time);
unique_ptr<Path> CompositePath::subPath(float startTime, float endTime) const {
    // Check for valid arguments
    if (startTime < 0) {
        throw invalid_argument("CompositePath::subPath(): startTime(" +
                               to_string(startTime) +
                               ") can't be less than zero");

    if (endTime < 0) {
        throw invalid_argument("CompositePath::subPath(): endTime(" +
                               to_string(endTime) +
                               ") can't be less than zero");

    if (startTime > endTime) {
        throw invalid_argument(
            "CompositePath::subPath(): startTime(" + to_string(startTime) +
            ") can't be after endTime(" + to_string(endTime) + ")");

    if (startTime >= duration) {
        debugThrow(invalid_argument("CompositePath::subPath(): startTime(" +
                                    to_string(startTime) +
                                    ") can't be greater than the duration(" +
                                    to_string(duration) + ") of the path"));
        return unique_ptr<Path>(new CompositePath());

    if (startTime == 0 && endTime >= duration) {
        return this->clone();

    // Find the first Path in the vector of paths which will be included in the
    // subPath
    size_t start = 0;
    float time = 0;
    float lastTime = 0;
    while (time <= startTime) {
        lastTime = paths[start]->getDuration();
        time += lastTime;

    // Get the time into the Path in the vector of paths which the subPath will
    // start
    float firstStartTime = (time - lastTime);

    // If the path will only contain that one Path just return a subPath of that
    // Path
    if (time >= endTime) {
        return paths[start - 1]->subPath(startTime - firstStartTime,
                                         endTime - firstStartTime);
    } else {
        // Create a CompositePath initialized with only that first path.
        CompositePath* path = new CompositePath(
            paths[start - 1]->subPath(startTime - firstStartTime));
        unique_ptr<Path> lastPath;
        size_t end;

        // Find the last Path in the vector of paths which will be included in
        // the subPath and store it in lastPath
        if (endTime >= duration) {
            lastPath = paths.back()->clone();
            end = paths.size() - 1;
        } else {
            end = start;
            while (time < endTime) {
                lastTime = paths[start]->getDuration();
                time += lastTime;
            lastPath = paths[end]->subPath(0, endTime - (time - lastTime));

        // Add the ones in the middle
        while (start < end) {

        // Add the last one

        return unique_ptr<Path>(path);