Exemplo n.º 1
void begin_config(const std::string& block, int *pln, int *pcode, int *cp) throw(ParserError) {
	string block_name(block);
	ConfigSection* section = g_Config.getSection(block_name);
	if (section == NULL) {
		g_throw_parser_error("unrecognized config section '", block_name.c_str(), "'");
	// Don't do config blocks in safe mode (except in RC file)
	GLEInterface* iface = GLEGetInterfacePointer();
	if (iface->getCmdLine()->hasOption(GLE_OPT_SAFEMODE)) {
		GLEGlobalConfig* config = iface->getConfig();
		if (!config->allowConfigBlocks()) {
			g_throw_parser_error("safe mode - config blocks not allowed");
	// Start with pcode from the next line
	while (true) {
		int st = begin_token(&pcode,cp,pln,srclin,tk,&ntk,outbuff);
		if (!st) {
			/* exit loop */
		int ct = 1;
		int mode = 0;
		bool plus_is = false;
		CmdLineOption* option = NULL;
		while (ct <= ntk) {
			if (section != NULL) {
				if (mode == 0) {
					option = section->getOption(tk[ct]);
					if (option == NULL) {
						gprint("Not a valid setting for section '%s': {%s}\n", block_name.c_str(), tk[ct]);
				} else if (mode == 1) {
					if (strcmp(tk[ct], "=") == 0) {
						plus_is = false;
					} else if (strcmp(tk[ct], "+=") == 0) {
						plus_is = true;
					} else {
						gprint("Expected '=' or '+=', not {%s}\n", tk[ct]);
				} else if (option != NULL) {
					CmdLineOptionArg* arg = option->getArg(0);
					if (!plus_is) arg->reset();
Exemplo n.º 2
void init_installed_versions(CmdLineObj& cmdline, ConfigCollection* collection) {
	CmdLineArgSet* versions = (CmdLineArgSet*)cmdline.getOption(GLE_OPT_VERSION)->getArg(0);
	ConfigSection* gle = collection->getSection(GLE_CONFIG_GLE);
	CmdLineArgSPairList* installs = (CmdLineArgSPairList*)gle->getOption(GLE_CONFIG_GLE_INSTALL)->getArg(0);
	if (installs->size() == 0) {
		versions->addPossibleValue("no older GLE versions found (run \"gle -finddeps\")");
	} else {
		for (int i = 0; i < installs->size(); i++) {
Exemplo n.º 3
bool try_save_config(const string& fname, GLEInterface* iface, bool isUser) {
	ConfigCollection* collection = iface->getConfig()->getRCFile();
	if (collection->allDefaults()) {
		return true;
	if (fname == "") {
		return false;
	if (IsAbsPath(fname)) {
		std::string dirname;
		GetDirName(fname, dirname);
	ofstream fout(fname.c_str());
	if (!fout.is_open()) {
		return false;
	CmdLineOption* versionOption = collection->getSection(GLE_CONFIG_GLE)->getOption(GLE_CONFIG_GLE_VERSION);
	ostringstream out;
	out << "Save configuration to: '" << fname << "'";
	GLEOutputStream* output = iface->getOutput();
	for (int i = 0; i < collection->getNbSections(); i++) {
		ConfigSection* sec = collection->getSection(i);
		if (!sec->allDefaults()) {
			fout << "begin config " << sec->getName() << endl;
			for (int j = 0; j < sec->getNbOptions(); j++) {
				CmdLineOption* option = sec->getOption(j);
				if (!option->allDefaults() && (!isUser || option != versionOption)) {
					fout << "\t" << option->getName() << " = ";
					for (int k = 0; k < option->getMaxNbArgs(); k++) {
						if (k != 0) fout << " ";
						CmdLineOptionArg* arg = option->getArg(k);
					fout << endl;
			fout << "end config" << endl << endl;
	return true;
Exemplo n.º 4
void find_deps(const string& loc, GLEInterface* iface) {
	vector<GLEFindEntry*> tofind;
	vector<string*> result;
	string gle_paths = ";";
	ConfigCollection* collection = iface->getConfig()->getRCFile();
#ifdef __WIN32__
	GLEFindEntry* findGLE = new GLEFindEntry(&gle_paths);
	// Create GLEFindEntry for each tool (ghostscript, pdflatex, ...)
	ConfigSection* tools = collection->getSection(GLE_CONFIG_TOOLS);
	for (int j = 0; j <= GLE_TOOL_GHOSTSCRIPT_LIB; j++) {
		CmdLineArgString* strarg = (CmdLineArgString*)tools->getOption(j)->getArg(0);
		GLEFindEntry* findTool = new GLEFindEntry(strarg->getValuePtr());
		char_separator separator(",", ";");
		tokenizer<char_separator> tokens(strarg->getDefault(), separator);
		while (tokens.has_more()) {
			const string& toolName = tokens.next_token();
			if (toolName == ";") {
				if (tokens.has_more() && strarg->isDefault()) {
			} else {
				if (!IsAbsPath(toolName)) {
		if (findTool->getNbFind() != 0) tofind.push_back(findTool);
		else delete findTool;
	// Initialize output and progress indicator
	GLEOutputStream* output = iface->getOutput();
	ostringstream out1;
	out1 << "Running GLE -finddeps \"";
	out1 << loc;
	out1 << ("\" to locate installed software (e.g., Ghostscript and LaTeX): ");
	GLEProgressIndicatorInterface progress(iface);
	// Perform search at specified location
	if (loc != "") {
		if (IsDirectory(loc, true)) {
			GLEFindFiles(loc, tofind, &progress);
			for (unsigned int i = 0; i < tofind.size(); i++) {
		} else {
			// Name of old GLERC file given
			if (try_load_config(loc)) {
				// Override old version number
				collection->setStringValue(GLE_CONFIG_GLE, GLE_CONFIG_GLE_VERSION, GLEVN);
			} else {
				ostringstream err;
				err << "Can't load configuration from '" << loc << "'" << endl;
	#ifdef __UNIX__
		// Find programs in search path on Unix
		GLEFindPrograms(tofind, &progress);
	#ifdef __MACOS__
		// Search for frameworks on Mac
		GLEFindFiles(string("/Library/Frameworks"), tofind, &progress);
		string home = GetHomeDir();
		if (home != "") {
			home += "Library/Frameworks";
			GLEFindFiles(home, tofind, &progress);
	for (unsigned int i = 0; i < tofind.size(); i++) {
	#ifdef __UNIX__
		// Search for libraries in typical directories and in LD_LIBRARY_PATH
		string gslibloc = GLEFindLibrary("libgs", &progress);
		if (gslibloc != "") {
			CmdLineArgString* gslib_stra = (CmdLineArgString*)tools->getOption(GLE_TOOL_GHOSTSCRIPT_LIB)->getArg(0);
	// Write installed GLE's to config section
	ConfigSection* gle = collection->getSection(GLE_CONFIG_GLE);
	CmdLineArgSPairList* installs = (CmdLineArgSPairList*)gle->getOption(GLE_CONFIG_GLE_INSTALL)->getArg(0);
	char_separator separator(";", "");
	tokenizer<char_separator> tokens(gle_paths, separator);
	while (tokens.has_more()) {
		string path = tokens.next_token();
		if (path.length() > 0 && !installs->hasValue2(path)) {
			installs->addPair("?", path);
	// Find versions of installed GLEs and set value of gleexe
	ostringstream out;
	string gle_version = GLEVN;
	if (installs->size() > 1) {
		// Only need to find out versions if more than one installed
		// otherwise assume it is "this" version
		for (int i = 0; i < installs->size(); i++) {
			const string& cr_gle = installs->getValue2(i);
			string& version = installs->getValue1(i);
			if (version == "?") {
				get_version_soft(cr_gle, version);
				if (version == "?") {
					// cout << "Use hard method for: " << cr_gle << endl;
					get_version_hard(cr_gle, version);
			if (str_i_equals(version, gle_version)) {
				out << "Found: GLE " << version << " in " << cr_gle << " (*)" << endl;
			} else {
				out << "Found: GLE " << version << " in " << cr_gle << endl;
	} else if (installs->size() == 1) {
		out << "Found: GLE in " << installs->getValue2(0) << endl;
		// Do not need to remember installed GLEs if there is only one
		// because then the "-v" option makes no sense
	// Show locations of other tools
	for (int j = 0; j <= GLE_TOOL_GHOSTSCRIPT_LIB; j++) {
		CmdLineOption* opt = tools->getOption(j);
		CmdLineArgString* strarg = (CmdLineArgString*)opt->getArg(0);
		if (strarg->isDefault()) {
			out << "Found: " << opt->getName() << " in '?'" << endl;
		} else {
			out << "Found: " << opt->getName() << " in '" << strarg->getValue() << "'" << endl;
	for (unsigned int i = 0; i < tofind.size(); i++) {
		delete tofind[i];