/// Initialize the main console
void GameEconomicGameClient::InitializeConsole(void)
    /// Get component
    GameStateHandlerComponent * gamestatehandlercomponent_ = GetSubsystem<GameStateHandlerComponent>();

    /// create basic console
    Console* console = GetSubsystem<Console>();

    gamestatehandlercomponent_ ->SetConsoleState(UI_CONSOLEOFF);
Exemplo n.º 2
void ConsoleInput::Start()
    // Execute base class startup

    // Subscribe to console commands and the frame update
    SubscribeToEvent(E_CONSOLECOMMAND, URHO3D_HANDLER(ConsoleInput, HandleConsoleCommand));
    SubscribeToEvent(E_UPDATE, URHO3D_HANDLER(ConsoleInput, HandleUpdate));

    // Subscribe key down event
    SubscribeToEvent(E_KEYDOWN, URHO3D_HANDLER(ConsoleInput, HandleEscKeyDown));

    // Hide logo to make room for the console

    // Show the console by default, make it large. Console will show the text edit field when there is at least one
    // subscriber for the console command event
    Console* console = GetSubsystem<Console>();
    console->SetNumRows(GetSubsystem<Graphics>()->GetHeight() / 16);
    console->SetNumBufferedRows(2 * console->GetNumRows());

    // Show OS mouse cursor

    // Open the operating system console window (for stdin / stdout) if not open yet

    // Initialize game and print the welcome message

    // Randomize from system clock
Exemplo n.º 3
void DatabaseDemo::Start()
    // Execute base class startup

    // Subscribe to console commands and the frame update
    SubscribeToEvent(E_CONSOLECOMMAND, URHO3D_HANDLER(DatabaseDemo, HandleConsoleCommand));
    SubscribeToEvent(E_UPDATE, URHO3D_HANDLER(DatabaseDemo, HandleUpdate));

    // Subscribe key down event
    SubscribeToEvent(E_KEYDOWN, URHO3D_HANDLER(DatabaseDemo, HandleEscKeyDown));

    // Hide logo to make room for the console

    // Show the console by default, make it large. Console will show the text edit field when there is at least one
    // subscriber for the console command event
    Console* console = GetSubsystem<Console>();
    console->SetNumRows((unsigned)(GetSubsystem<Graphics>()->GetHeight() / 16));
    console->SetNumBufferedRows(2 * console->GetNumRows());

    // Show OS mouse cursor

    // Set the mouse mode to use in the sample

    // Open the operating system console window (for stdin / stdout) if not open yet

    // In general, the connection string is really the only thing that need to be changed when switching underlying database API
    //   and that when using ODBC API then the connection string must refer to an already installed ODBC driver
    // Although it has not been tested yet but the ODBC API should be able to interface with any vendor provided ODBC drivers
    // In this particular demo, however, when using ODBC API then the SQLite-ODBC driver need to be installed
    // The SQLite-ODBC driver can be built from source downloaded from http://www.ch-werner.de/sqliteodbc/
    // You can try to install other ODBC driver and modify the connection string below to match your ODBC driver
    // Both DSN and DSN-less connection string should work
    // The ODBC API, i.e. URHO3D_DATABASE_ODBC build option, is only available for native (including RPI) platforms
    //   and it is designed for development of game server connecting to ODBC-compliant databases in mind

    // This demo will always work when using SQLite API as the SQLite database engine is embedded inside Urho3D game engine
    //   and this is also the case when targeting Web platform

    // We could have used #ifdef to init the connection string during compile time, but below shows how it is done during runtime
    // The "URHO3D_DATABASE_ODBC" compiler define is set when URHO3D_DATABASE_ODBC build option is enabled
    // Connect to a temporary in-memory SQLite database
    connection_ =
        GetSubsystem<Database>()->Connect(Database::GetAPI() == DBAPI_ODBC ? "Driver=SQLite3;Database=:memory:" : "file://");

    // Subscribe to database cursor event to loop through query resultset
    SubscribeToEvent(E_DBCURSOR, URHO3D_HANDLER(DatabaseDemo, HandleDbCursor));

    // Show instruction
    Print("This demo connects to temporary in-memory database.\n"
        "All the tables and their data will be lost after exiting the demo.\n"
        "Enter a valid SQL statement in the console input and press Enter to execute.\n"
        "Enter 'get/set maxrows [number]' to get/set the maximum rows to be printed out.\n"
        "Enter 'get/set connstr [string]' to get/set the database connection string and establish a new connection to it.\n"
        "Enter 'quit' or 'exit' to exit the demo.\n"
        "For example:\n ");
    HandleInput("create table tbl1(col1 varchar(10), col2 smallint)");
    HandleInput("insert into tbl1 values('Hello', 10)");
    HandleInput("insert into tbl1 values('World', 20)");
    HandleInput("select * from tbl1");