Exemplo n.º 1
// This program is equivalent to the portableplaintext client, except
// that we communicate with a child process instead of a socket.
int main(int argc, char ** argv)
   CompleteSetupSystem css;

   if (argc < 3) PrintUsageAndExit();

   const uint32 numProcesses = atol(argv[1]);
   if (numProcesses == 0) PrintUsageAndExit();

   const char * cmd = argv[2];

   Hashtable<String,String> testEnvVars;
   (void) testEnvVars.Put("Peanut Butter", "Jelly");
   (void) testEnvVars.Put("Jelly", "Peanut Butter");
   (void) testEnvVars.Put("Oranges", "Grapes");

   Queue<DataIORef> refs;
   for (uint32 i=0; i<numProcesses; i++)
      ChildProcessDataIO * dio = new ChildProcessDataIO(false);
      printf("About To Launch child process #" UINT32_FORMAT_SPEC ":  [%s]\n", i+1, cmd); fflush(stdout);
      ConstSocketRef s = (dio->LaunchChildProcess(argc-2, ((const char **) argv)+2, ChildProcessLaunchFlags(MUSCLE_DEFAULT_CHILD_PROCESS_LAUNCH_FLAGS), NULL, &testEnvVars) == B_NO_ERROR) ? dio->GetReadSelectSocket() : ConstSocketRef();
      printf("Finished Launching child process #" UINT32_FORMAT_SPEC ":  [%s]\n", i+1, cmd); fflush(stdout);
      if (s() == NULL)
         LogTime(MUSCLE_LOG_CRITICALERROR, "Error launching child process #" UINT32_FORMAT_SPEC " [%s]!\n", i+1, cmd);
         return 10;

   StdinDataIO stdinIO(false);
   PlainTextMessageIOGateway stdinGateway;
   QueueGatewayMessageReceiver stdinInputQueue;
   stdinGateway.SetDataIO(DataIORef(&stdinIO, false)); 

   SocketMultiplexer multiplexer;

   for (uint32 i=0; i<refs.GetNumItems(); i++)
      printf("------------ CHILD PROCESS #" UINT32_FORMAT_SPEC " ------------------\n", i+1);
      PlainTextMessageIOGateway ioGateway;
      ConstSocketRef readSock = refs[i]()->GetReadSelectSocket();
      QueueGatewayMessageReceiver ioInputQueue;
         int readFD = readSock.GetFileDescriptor();

         const int writeFD = ioGateway.HasBytesToOutput() ? refs[i]()->GetWriteSelectSocket().GetFileDescriptor() : -1;
         if (writeFD >= 0) multiplexer.RegisterSocketForWriteReady(writeFD);

         const int stdinFD = stdinIO.GetReadSelectSocket().GetFileDescriptor();

         if (multiplexer.WaitForEvents() < 0) printf("testchildprocess: WaitForEvents() failed!\n");

         // First, deliver any lines of text from stdin to the child process
         if ((multiplexer.IsSocketReadyForRead(stdinFD))&&(stdinGateway.DoInput(ioGateway) < 0))
            printf("Error reading from stdin, aborting!\n");

         const bool reading    = multiplexer.IsSocketReadyForRead(readFD);
         const bool writing    = ((writeFD >= 0)&&(multiplexer.IsSocketReadyForWrite(writeFD)));
         const bool writeError = ((writing)&&(ioGateway.DoOutput() < 0));
         const bool readError  = ((reading)&&(ioGateway.DoInput(ioInputQueue) < 0));
         if ((readError)||(writeError))
            printf("Connection closed, exiting.\n");

         MessageRef incoming;
         while(ioInputQueue.RemoveHead(incoming) == B_NO_ERROR)
            printf("Heard message from server:-----------------------------------\n");
            const char * inStr;
            for (int i=0; (incoming()->FindString(PR_NAME_TEXT_LINE, i, &inStr) == B_NO_ERROR); i++) printf("Line %i: [%s]\n", i, inStr);

         if ((reading == false)&&(writing == false)) break;

         if (ioGateway.HasBytesToOutput()) multiplexer.RegisterSocketForWriteReady(writeFD);

      if (ioGateway.HasBytesToOutput())
         printf("Waiting for all pending messages to be sent...\n");
         while((ioGateway.HasBytesToOutput())&&(ioGateway.DoOutput() >= 0)) {printf ("."); fflush(stdout);}
   return 0;
Exemplo n.º 2
int main(int argc, char ** argv)
   CompleteSetupSystem css;


   // Atypical usage:  Capturing a file descriptor into a Socket object so that
   // it will be automatically close()'d when the execution leaves the enclosing scope
      int some_fd = socket(AF_INET, SOCK_DGRAM, 0);
      Socket mySock(some_fd);
      // [...]
      // close(some_fd) will automatically be called here by the Socket object's destructor 

   // Still atypical, but this time we'll use a ConstSocketRef object so that we can 
   // keep the file descriptor valid outside of the scope it was created in.
      ConstSocketRef sockRef;

         ConstSocketRef tempRef = GetConstSocketRefFromPool(socket(AF_INET, SOCK_DGRAM, 0));
         sockRef = tempRef;  // Share the reference outside our inner-local-scope
         // Note that the socket is NOT close()'d here, because sockRef still references it
      // [...]
      // the socket IS closed here, because the last ConstSocketRef pointing to it (sockRef) is destroyed here

   // Here's a more typical usage, via the NetworkUtilityFunctions.h API
      ConstSocketRef sockRef = CreateUDPSocket();  // returns a ready-to-use UDP socket
      if (sockRef())
         printf("Allocated UDP socket ref:  ConstSocketRef=%p, underlying fd is %i\n", sockRef(), sockRef.GetFileDescriptor());

         // Code using the UDP socket could go here
         // [...]
         // UDP socket gets close()'d here 
      else printf("Failed to create the UDP socket!?\n");

   return 0;
Exemplo n.º 3
void HandleSession(const ConstSocketRef & sock, bool myTurnToThrow, bool doFlush)
   LogTime(MUSCLE_LOG_ERROR, "Beginning catch session (%s)\n", doFlush?"flush enabled":"flush disabled");

   TCPSocketDataIO sockIO(sock, false);
   uint64 lastThrowTime = 0;
   uint8 ball = 'B';  // this is what we throw back and forth over the TCP socket!
   uint64 min=((uint64)-1), max=0;
   uint64 lastPrintTime = 0;
   uint64 count = 0;
   uint64 total = 0;
   SocketMultiplexer multiplexer;
      int fd = sock.GetFileDescriptor();
      if (myTurnToThrow) multiplexer.RegisterSocketForWriteReady(fd);

      if (multiplexer.WaitForEvents() < 0)
         LogTime(MUSCLE_LOG_ERROR, "WaitForEvents() failed, aborting!\n");

      if ((myTurnToThrow)&&(multiplexer.IsSocketReadyForWrite(fd)))
         int32 bytesWritten = sockIO.Write(&ball, sizeof(ball));
         if (bytesWritten == sizeof(ball))
            if (doFlush) sockIO.FlushOutput();   // nagle's algorithm gets toggled here!
            lastThrowTime = GetRunTime64();
            myTurnToThrow = false;  // we thew the ball, now wait to catch it again!
         else if (bytesWritten < 0)
            LogTime(MUSCLE_LOG_ERROR, "Error sending ball, aborting!\n");

      if (multiplexer.IsSocketReadyForRead(fd))
         int32 bytesRead = sockIO.Read(&ball, sizeof(ball));
         if (bytesRead == sizeof(ball))
            if (myTurnToThrow == false)
               if (lastThrowTime > 0)
                  uint64 elapsedTime = GetRunTime64() - lastThrowTime;
                  total += elapsedTime;
                  min = muscleMin(min, elapsedTime);
                  max = muscleMax(max, elapsedTime);
                  if (OnceEvery(MICROS_PER_SECOND, lastPrintTime)) LogTime(MUSCLE_LOG_INFO, "count=" UINT64_FORMAT_SPEC" min=" UINT64_FORMAT_SPEC "us max=" UINT64_FORMAT_SPEC "us avg=" UINT64_FORMAT_SPEC "us\n", count, min, max, total/count);
               myTurnToThrow = true;  // we caught the ball, now throw it back!
         else if (bytesRead < 0)
            LogTime(MUSCLE_LOG_ERROR, "Error reading ball, aborting!\n");
 virtual ConstSocketRef CreateDefaultSocket()
    ConstSocketRef ret = DumbReflectSession::CreateDefaultSocket();
    LogTime(MUSCLE_LOG_INFO, "MyDumbReflectSession(%p)::CreateDefaultSocket() called -- returning %p (socket_fd=%i)\n", this, ret(), ret.GetFileDescriptor());
    return ret;