Exemplo n.º 1
double Vertex::interpolateZ(const Coordinate &p, const Coordinate &p0, 
		const Coordinate &p1)
	double segLen = p0.distance(p1);
	double ptLen = p.distance(p0);
	double dz = p1.z - p0.z;
	double pz = p0.z + dz * (ptLen / segLen);
	return pz;
Exemplo n.º 2
long WayAverager::_moveToLine(long ni, double nWeight, const LineString* ls, double lWeight,
  int w1OrW2)
  shared_ptr<Node> n = _map.getNode(ni);
  Coordinate c = _moveToLineAsCoordinate(ni, nWeight, ls, lWeight);

  Meters d = c.distance(n->toCoordinate());
  if (w1OrW2 == 1)
    _sumMovement1 += d;
    _maxMovement1 = max(_maxMovement1, d);
    _sumMovement2 += d;
    _maxMovement2 = max(_maxMovement2, d);


  return ni;
Exemplo n.º 3
FacetSequence::distance(const FacetSequence& facetSeq) const
    bool isPointThis = isPoint();
    bool isPointOther = facetSeq.isPoint();
    double distance;

    if(isPointThis && isPointOther) {
        Coordinate pt = pts->getAt(start);
        Coordinate seqPt = facetSeq.pts->getAt(facetSeq.start);
        distance = pt.distance(seqPt);
    else if(isPointThis) {
        Coordinate pt = pts->getAt(start);
        distance = computeDistancePointLine(pt, facetSeq, nullptr);
    else if(isPointOther) {
        Coordinate seqPt = facetSeq.pts->getAt(facetSeq.start);
        distance = computeDistancePointLine(seqPt, *this, nullptr);
    else {
        distance = computeDistanceLineLine(facetSeq, nullptr);

    return distance;
Exemplo n.º 4
Geometry::equal(const Coordinate& a, const Coordinate& b,
	double tolerance) const
	if (tolerance==0)
		return a == b; // 2D only !!!
	//double dist=a.distance(b);
	return a.distance(b)<=tolerance;
Exemplo n.º 5
WayLocation::WayLocation(ConstOsmMapPtr map, ConstWayPtr way, double distance) :
  double d = 0.0;

  _segmentIndex = -1;
  _segmentFraction = -1;

  _way = way;
  double length = ElementConverter(map).convertToLineString(way)->getLength();

  if (distance <= 0)
    _segmentIndex = 0.0;
    _segmentFraction = 0;
  else if (distance >= length)
    _segmentIndex = _way->getNodeCount() - 1;
    _segmentFraction = 0.0;
    Coordinate last = _map->getNode(way->getNodeId(0))->toCoordinate();

    _segmentIndex = way->getNodeCount() - 1;
    _segmentFraction = 0;

    for (size_t i = 1; i < way->getNodeCount(); i++)
      ConstNodePtr n = _map->getNode(_way->getNodeId(i));
      Coordinate next = n->toCoordinate();
      double delta = next.distance(last);
      last = next;

      if (d <= distance && d + delta > distance)
        _segmentIndex = i - 1;
        _segmentFraction = (distance - d) / delta;
        // this can sometimes happen due to rounding errors.
        if (_segmentFraction >= 1.0)
          _segmentFraction = 0.0;
        _way = way;
      d += delta;
  assert(_segmentFraction < 1.0);
  assert((size_t)_segmentIndex <= _way->getNodeCount() - 1);
Exemplo n.º 6
Coordinate WayHeading::calculateVector(const Coordinate& c1, const Coordinate& c2)
  Coordinate result;
  result.x = c2.x - c1.x;
  result.y = c2.y - c1.y;

  double mag = result.distance(Coordinate(0, 0));
  result.x /= mag;
  result.y /= mag;

  return result;
Exemplo n.º 7
    void runOffsetTest(string const& inputWKT, string const& testPtWKT,
                       double offsetDistance, string const& expectedPtWKT)
        GeomPtr input(reader.read(inputWKT));
        GeomPtr testPoint(reader.read(testPtWKT));
        GeomPtr expectedPoint(reader.read(expectedPtWKT));
        const Coordinate* testPt = testPoint->getCoordinate();
        const Coordinate* expectedPt = expectedPoint->getCoordinate();
        Coordinate offsetPt = extractOffsetAt(input.get(), *testPt, offsetDistance);

        bool isOk = offsetPt.distance(*expectedPt) < TOLERANCE_DIST;
        if (! isOk)
            cout << "Expected = " << *expectedPoint << "  Actual = " << offsetPt << endl;
Exemplo n.º 8
Coordinate WayHeading::calculateVector(const WayLocation& loc, Meters delta)
  Coordinate sc = loc.move(-delta).getCoordinate();
  Coordinate ec = loc.move(delta).getCoordinate();

  Coordinate result;
  result.x = ec.x - sc.x;
  result.y = ec.y - sc.y;

  double mag = result.distance(Coordinate(0, 0));
  result.x /= mag;
  result.y /= mag;

  return result;
Exemplo n.º 9
Meters WayLocation::calculateDistanceOnWay() const
  //LOG_TRACE("Calculating distance on way...");

  Meters result = 0.0;
  Coordinate last = _map->getNode(_way->getNodeId(0))->toCoordinate();
  for (int i = 1; i < (int)_way->getNodeCount() && i <= _segmentIndex; i++)
    ConstNodePtr n = _map->getNode(_way->getNodeId(i));
    Coordinate next = n->toCoordinate();
    result += next.distance(last);
    last = next;

  if (_segmentIndex < (int)_way->getNodeCount() - 1)
    ConstNodePtr n = _map->getNode(_way->getNodeId(_segmentIndex + 1));
    Coordinate next = n->toCoordinate();
    Meters d = next.distance(last);
    result += d * _segmentFraction;

  return result;
/* private */
OffsetCurveBuilder::addMitreJoin(const geom::Coordinate& p,
	                  const geom::LineSegment& offset0,
	                  const geom::LineSegment& offset1,
	                  double distance)
	bool isMitreWithinLimit = true;
	Coordinate intPt;

         * This computation is unstable if the offset segments
	 * are nearly collinear.
         * Howver, this situation should have been eliminated earlier
	 * by the check for whether the offset segment endpoints are
	 * almost coincident
        HCoordinate::intersection(offset0.p0, offset0.p1,
            offset1.p0, offset1.p1,

        double mitreRatio = distance <= 0.0 ? 1.0
            : intPt.distance(p) / fabs(distance);

        if (mitreRatio > bufParams.getMitreLimit())
            isMitreWithinLimit = false;
    catch (const NotRepresentableException& e)

        intPt = Coordinate(0,0);
        isMitreWithinLimit = false;

    if (isMitreWithinLimit)
        addLimitedMitreJoin(offset0, offset1, distance,
        //addBevelJoin(offset0, offset1);
Exemplo n.º 11
InteriorPointLine::add(const Coordinate& point)

	double dist=point.distance(centroid);
	std::cerr << "point " << point << " dist " << dist << ", minDistance " << minDistance << std::endl;
	if (!hasInterior || dist<minDistance) {
		std::cerr << " is new InteriorPoint" << std::endl;
Exemplo n.º 12
double FacetSequence::distance(const FacetSequence & facetSeq) const {
    bool isPointThis = isPoint();
    bool isPointOther = facetSeq.isPoint();

    if (isPointThis && isPointOther) {
        Coordinate pt = pts->getAt(start);
        Coordinate seqPt = facetSeq.pts->getAt(facetSeq.start);
        return pt.distance(seqPt);

    } else if (isPointThis) {
        Coordinate pt = pts->getAt(start);
        return computePointLineDistance(pt, facetSeq);
    } else if (isPointOther) {
        Coordinate seqPt = facetSeq.pts->getAt(facetSeq.start);
        return computePointLineDistance(seqPt, *this);

    return computeLineLineDistance(facetSeq);
  virtual void visit(const ConstElementPtr& e)
    if (e->getElementType() == ElementType::Way)
      const ConstWayPtr& w = boost::dynamic_pointer_cast<const Way>(e);

      vector<long> nodes = w->getNodeIds();
      if (nodes[0] != nodes[nodes.size() - 1])

      Coordinate last = _map.getNode(nodes[0])->toCoordinate();
      for (size_t i = 1; i < nodes.size(); i++)
        Coordinate c = _map.getNode(nodes[i])->toCoordinate();
        double distance = c.distance(last);
        double theta = atan2(c.y - last.y, c.x - last.x);
        _h.addAngle(theta, distance);
        last = c;
Exemplo n.º 14
void MapPointsLayer::onViewChanged(const Coordinate& a, const Coordinate& b)
        // don't draw points
    // TODO: update point on demand every half a second or so
    // will not significantly affect UX but will improve performance
    // Don't forget to resize all children of m_points
    Coordinate center = (a + b)/2;
    float radius = center.distance(a);
    std::list<MapPoint*> list;
    MapViewLayer::Context.PointsLoader->findAllPointsInRadius(center, radius, list);
    for(auto p : list)
Exemplo n.º 15
WayLocation WayLocation::move(Meters distance) const
  WayLocation result(*this);
  Coordinate last = result.getCoordinate();

  // This odd statement avoid us adding irrelevantly small distances.
  while (1 + distance > 1)
    // if we're at the end of the way
    if (result.isLast())
      return result;

    ConstNodePtr n = _map->getNode(_way->getNodeId(result.getSegmentIndex() + 1));
    Coordinate next = n->toCoordinate();

    double delta = last.distance(next);

    // if the next node is too far
    if (distance - delta < 0)
      // figure out what distance we need to move along the segment.
      Coordinate lastSegment = _map->getNode(_way->getNodeId(result.getSegmentIndex()))->
      double segmentLength = lastSegment.distance(next);
      result._segmentFraction += (distance / segmentLength);

      // this can happen due to floating point errors when the new location is very close to a
      // node.
      if (result._segmentFraction >= 1.0)
        result._segmentFraction = 0.0;
        result._segmentIndex = result._segmentIndex + 1;

      distance = 0;
    // if we need to go past the next node
      distance -= delta;
      last = next;
      result._segmentIndex = result.getSegmentIndex() + 1;
      result._segmentFraction = 0.0;

  // This odd statement avoid us subtracting irrelevantly small distances.
  while (1 + distance < 1)
    // if we're at the end of the way
    if (result.isFirst())
      return result;

    if (result._segmentFraction > 0)
      Coordinate next = _map->getNode(_way->getNodeId(result.getSegmentIndex()))->toCoordinate();

      Meters delta = last.distance(next);
      if (distance + delta > 0)
        // figure out what distance we need to move along the segment.
        Coordinate last = _map->getNode(_way->getNodeId(result._segmentIndex + 1))->toCoordinate();
        double segmentLength = last.distance(next);
        result._segmentFraction += (distance / segmentLength);

        // this can happen due to floating point errors when the new location is very close to a
        // node.
        if (result._segmentFraction >= 1.0)
          result._segmentFraction = 0.0;
          result._segmentIndex = result._segmentIndex + 1;

        distance = 0;
        result._segmentFraction = 0;
        distance += delta;
        last = next;
      Coordinate next = _map->getNode(_way->getNodeId(result.getSegmentIndex() - 1))->

      Meters delta = last.distance(next);
      if (distance + delta > 0)
        // figure out what distance we need to move along the segment.
        Coordinate last = _map->getNode(_way->getNodeId(result.getSegmentIndex()))->toCoordinate();
        double segmentLength = last.distance(next);
        result._segmentFraction = 1.0 + (distance / segmentLength);
        // if we're suffering from a floating point issue.
        if (result._segmentFraction >= 1.0)
          // make sure the floating point issue is within the expected bounds.
          assert(result._segmentFraction < 1.0 + 1e-14);
          result._segmentFraction = 0;
          result._segmentIndex = result.getSegmentIndex() - 1;
        distance = 0;
        distance += delta;
        last = next;

  assert(result._segmentFraction < 1.0 && result._segmentFraction >= 0);
  assert(result._segmentIndex >= 0 && result._segmentIndex < (int)result.getWay()->getNodeCount());

  return result;
Exemplo n.º 16
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
Process::Process(const Configuration & first,
                 const Configuration & second,
                 const double rate,
                 const std::vector<int> & basis_sites,
                 const std::vector<int> & move_origins,
                 const std::vector<Coordinate> & move_vectors,
                 const int process_number) :
    // Get a handle to the coordinates and elements.
    const std::vector<Coordinate> & coords  = first.coordinates();

    // Get the first coordinate out to calculate the distance against.
    const Coordinate origin = coords[0];

    // Transform the configurations into match lists.
    for (size_t i = 0; i < first.elements().size(); ++i)
        // Get the types as integers.
        const int first_type  = first.types()[i];
        const int second_type = second.types()[i];

        // Calculate the distance.
        const Coordinate coordinate = coords[i];
        const double distance = coordinate.distance(origin);

        // Save the cutoff.
        if (distance > cutoff_)
            cutoff_ = distance;

        // Calculate the range based on the coordinates, such that all
        // needed coordinates are guarranteed to be included.
        const double x = coordinate.x();
        const int cmp_x = static_cast<int>( ( x < 0.0 ) ? (-1.0*x)+0.99999 : x );
        range_ = std::max(cmp_x, range_);

        const double y = coordinate.y();
        const int cmp_y = static_cast<int>( ( y < 0.0 ) ? (-1.0*y)+0.99999 : y );
        range_ = std::max(cmp_y, range_);

        const double z = coordinate.z();
        const int cmp_z = static_cast<int>( ( z < 0.0 ) ? (-1.0*z)+0.99999 : z );
        range_ = std::max(cmp_z, range_);

        // Set up the match list.
        MinimalMatchListEntry m;
        m.match_type  = first_type;
        m.update_type = second_type;
        m.distance    = distance;
        m.coordinate  = coordinate;
        m.index       = -1;
        m.has_move_coordinate = false;
        m.move_coordinate = Coordinate(0.0, 0.0, 0.0);

        // If the first and second type differ increase the length of the
        // affected_sites list accordingly.
        if (first_type != second_type)

    // Loop over the move vector origins and place the move vectors
    // on the match list entries before sorting.
    for (size_t i = 0; i < move_origins.size(); ++i)
        const int move_origin = move_origins[i];
        minimal_match_list_[move_origin].move_coordinate = move_vectors[i];
        minimal_match_list_[move_origin].has_move_coordinate = true;

    // Sort the match list.
    std::sort(minimal_match_list_.begin(), minimal_match_list_.end());

    // Find out which index in the match list each move vector
    // points to.
    for (size_t i = 0; i < minimal_match_list_.size(); ++i)
        if (minimal_match_list_[i].has_move_coordinate)
            // If this move vector is different from zero we go on and try to find
            // which index in the sorted match list it points to.

            // Get the move vector out.
            const Coordinate & move_vector = minimal_match_list_[i].move_coordinate;

            // Setup the destination coordinate.
            const Coordinate destination = minimal_match_list_[i].coordinate + move_vector;

            for (size_t j = 0; j < minimal_match_list_.size(); ++j)
                // We can only move to a coordinate which also has a
                // move coordinate.
                if (minimal_match_list_[j].has_move_coordinate && (j != i) )
                    // If the difference is small enough we have a match.
                    const Coordinate diff = minimal_match_list_[j].coordinate - destination;

                    if (diff.norm() < 1.0e-6)
	bool equals(const Coordinate& p0, const Coordinate& p1,
	            double distanceTolerance)
                return p0.distance(p1) <= distanceTolerance;