Exemplo n.º 1
void __fastcall TFrmAlarmDetailList::grdErrorDetailSelectCell(TObject *Sender, int ACol,
          int ARow, bool &CanSelect)

	TStringGrid* pGrid = ( TStringGrid* )Sender;


	if(CanSelect = true)
		if(pGrid->Cells[ 1 ][ ARow ] != "" &&
           pGrid->Cells[ 1 ][ ARow ] != "0" )
            AnsiString szQuery = "SELECT * FROM " + g_szDBList[_nTableIndex];

            INT nErrCode = pGrid->Cells[ 1 ][ ARow ].ToInt();

            CppSQLite3DB dbMain;
            dbMain.open( AnsiString( g_MainDBPath ).c_str() );
			CppSQLite3Table tblAlarm = dbMain.getTable( szQuery.c_str() );
			tblAlarm.setRow( nErrCode-1 );

			const char* szCause = tblAlarm.getStringField( "cause", "" );
			const char* szSolution = tblAlarm.getStringField( "solution", "" );

            MemoCause->Lines->Add( szCause );
            MemoSolution->Lines->Add( szSolution );


Exemplo n.º 2
void	TfrmUseSkipViewer::LoadUseSkipNameFromDB()
    CppSQLite3DB db;
	String szSelectQuery = "SELECT * FROM UseSkip";

		if( FileExists( g_MainDBPath ) == true )
            db.open( AnsiString( g_MainDBPath ).c_str() );

            CppSQLite3Table table = db.getTable( AnsiString( szSelectQuery ).c_str() );

            if( table.numRows() != 0 )
                for( int row = 0; row < table.numRows(); row++ )
                    table.setRow( row );
                    String szName = table.getStringField( "name", "NULL" );
                    if( szName == "NULL" || szName == "" )
                        szName = "UseSkip" + IntToStr( row );
                    ComboBoxUseSkip->AddItem( szName, NULL );
	catch(Exception &e)
		ShowMessage("Use Skip DB select error! : " + e.Message);
Exemplo n.º 3
int main(int argc, char** argv)
		int row;
        CppSQLite3DB db;

        cout << "SQLite Header Version: " << CppSQLite3DB::SQLiteHeaderVersion() << endl;
        cout << "SQLite Library Version: " << CppSQLite3DB::SQLiteLibraryVersion() << endl;
        cout << "SQLite Library Version Number: " << CppSQLite3DB::SQLiteLibraryVersionNumber() << endl;


        // Demonstrate getStringField(), getIntField(), getFloatField()
        db.execDML("create table parts(no int, name char(20), qty int, cost number);");
        db.execDML("insert into parts values(1, 'part1', 100, 1.11);");
        db.execDML("insert into parts values(2, null, 200, 2.22);");
        db.execDML("insert into parts values(3, 'part3', null, 3.33);");
        db.execDML("insert into parts values(4, 'part4', 400, null);");

        cout << endl << "CppSQLite3Query getStringField(), getIntField(), getFloatField() tests" << endl;
        CppSQLite3Query q = db.execQuery("select * from parts;");
        while (!q.eof())
            cout << q.getIntField(0) << "|";
            cout << q.getStringField(1) << "|";
            cout << q.getInt64Field(2) << "|";
            cout << q.getFloatField(3) << "|" << endl;

        cout << endl << "specify NULL values tests" << endl;
        q = db.execQuery("select * from parts;");
        while (!q.eof())
            cout << q.getIntField(0) << "|";
            cout << q.getStringField(1, "NULL") << "|";
            cout << q.getIntField(2, -1) << "|";
            cout << q.getFloatField(3, -3.33) << "|" << endl;

        cout << endl << "Specify fields by name" << endl;
        q = db.execQuery("select * from parts;");
        while (!q.eof())
            cout << q.getIntField("no") << "|";
            cout << q.getStringField("name") << "|";
            cout << q.getInt64Field("qty") << "|";
            cout << q.getFloatField("cost") << "|" << endl;

        cout << endl << "specify NULL values tests" << endl;
        q = db.execQuery("select * from parts;");
        while (!q.eof())
            cout << q.getIntField("no") << "|";
            cout << q.getStringField("name", "NULL") << "|";
            cout << q.getIntField("qty", -1) << "|";
            cout << q.getFloatField("cost", -3.33) << "|" << endl;

        // Demonstrate getStringField(), getIntField(), getFloatField()
		// But this time on CppSQLite3Table
        cout << endl << "CppSQLite3Table getStringField(), getIntField(), getFloatField() tests" << endl;
        CppSQLite3Table t = db.getTable("select * from parts;");
        for (row = 0; row < t.numRows(); row++)
            cout << t.getIntField(0) << "|";
            cout << t.getStringField(1) << "|";
            cout << t.getIntField(2) << "|";
            cout << t.getFloatField(3) << "|" << endl;

        cout << endl << "specify NULL values tests" << endl;
        for (row = 0; row < t.numRows(); row++)
            cout << t.getIntField(0, -1) << "|";
            cout << t.getStringField(1, "NULL") << "|";
            cout << t.getIntField(2, -1) << "|";
            cout << t.getFloatField(3, -3.33) << "|" << endl;

        cout << endl << "Specify fields by name" << endl;
        for (row = 0; row < t.numRows(); row++)
            cout << t.getIntField("no") << "|";
            cout << t.getStringField("name") << "|";
            cout << t.getIntField("qty") << "|";
            cout << t.getFloatField("cost") << "|" << endl;

        cout << endl << "specify NULL values tests" << endl;
        for (row = 0; row < t.numRows(); row++)
            cout << t.getIntField("no") << "|";
            cout << t.getStringField("name", "NULL") << "|";
            cout << t.getIntField("qty", -1) << "|";
            cout << t.getFloatField("cost", -3.33) << "|" << endl;

		// Demonstrate multi-statement DML
		// Note that number of rows affected is only from the last statement
		// when multiple statements are used
        cout << endl << "Multi-Statement execDML()" << endl;
		const char* szDML = "insert into parts values(5, 'part5', 500, 5.55);"
							"insert into parts values(6, 'part6', 600, 6.66);"
							"insert into parts values(7, 'part7', 700, 7.77);";
		int nRows = db.execDML(szDML);
		cout << endl << nRows << " rows affected" << endl;
        cout << db.execScalar("select count(*) from parts;") << " rows in parts table" << endl;
		            szDML = "delete from parts where no = 2;"
							"delete from parts where no = 3;";
		nRows = db.execDML(szDML);
        cout << endl << nRows << " rows affected" << endl;
        cout << db.execScalar("select count(*) from parts;") << " rows in parts table" << endl;

		// Demonstrate new typing system & BLOBS
		// ANy data can be stored in any column
        cout << endl << "Data types and BLOBs()" << endl;
        db.execDML("create table types(no int, "
				"name char(20), qty float, dat blob);");
        db.execDML("insert into types values(null, null, null, null);");
        db.execDML("insert into types values(1, 2, 3, 4);");
        db.execDML("insert into types values(1.1, 2.2, 3.3, 4.4);");
        db.execDML("insert into types values('a', 'b', 'c', 'd');");

        CppSQLite3Statement stmt = db.compileStatement("insert into types values(?,?,?,?);");
        unsigned char buf[256];
		memset(buf, 1, 1); stmt.bind(1, buf, 1);
		memset(buf, 2, 2); stmt.bind(2, buf, 2);
		memset(buf, 3, 3); stmt.bind(3, buf, 3);
		memset(buf, 4, 4); stmt.bind(4, buf, 4);
        cout << db.execScalar("select count(*) from types;") << " rows in types table" << endl;

        q = db.execQuery("select * from types;");
        while (!q.eof())
			for (int i = 0; i < q.numFields(); i++)
				switch (q.fieldDataType(i))
				case SQLITE_INTEGER  : cout << "SQLITE_INTEGER|"; break;
				case SQLITE_FLOAT    : cout << "SQLITE_FLOAT  |"; break;
				case SQLITE_TEXT     : cout << "SQLITE_TEXT   |"; break;
				case SQLITE_BLOB     : cout << "SQLITE_BLOB   |"; break;
				case SQLITE_NULL     : cout << "SQLITE_NULL   |"; break;
				default: cout << "***UNKNOWN TYPE***"; break;
			cout << endl;

        nRows = db.execDML("delete from types where no = 1 or no = 1.1 or no = 'a' or no is null;");
		cout << endl << nRows << " rows deleted, leaving binary row only" << endl;

        q = db.execQuery("select * from types;");
		const unsigned char* pBlob;
		int nLen;
		pBlob = q.getBlobField(0, nLen);
		cout << "Field 1 BLOB length: " << nLen << endl;
		pBlob = q.getBlobField(1, nLen);
		cout << "Field 2 BLOB length: " << nLen << endl;
		pBlob = q.getBlobField(2, nLen);
		cout << "Field 3 BLOB length: " << nLen << endl;
		pBlob = q.getBlobField(3, nLen);
		cout << "Field 4 BLOB length: " << nLen << endl;


        nRows = db.execDML("delete from types;");
		cout << endl << nRows << " rows deleted, leaving empty table" << endl;
        unsigned char bin[256];

        for (int i = 0; i < sizeof bin; i++)
            bin[i] = i;

        stmt = db.compileStatement("insert into types values(?,0,0,0);");
		stmt.bind(1, bin, sizeof bin);

        cout << "Stored binary Length: " << sizeof bin << endl;

        q = db.execQuery("select * from types;");

		pBlob = q.getBlobField(0, nLen);
		cout << "Field 1 BLOB length: " << nLen << endl;

        for (i = 0; i < sizeof bin; i++)
            if (pBlob[i] != i)
				cout << "Problem: i: ," << i << " BLOB[i]: " << pBlob[i] << endl;
    catch (CppSQLite3Exception& e)
        cerr << e.errorCode() << ":" << e.errorMessage() << endl;

    // Loop until user enters q or Q
    char c(' ');

    while (c != 'q' && c != 'Q')
        cout << "Press q then enter to quit: ";
        cin >> c;
    return 0;