int main(int argc, char *argv[]) { try { // Démarrer le crawler if(argc == 1) { logger.initialize(); database.connect(); Crawler crawler; crawler.start(); } // Effectuer une recherche else if(argc == 2) { logger.initialize("search"); database.connect(); Search::getResult(argv[1]); } } catch(exception& e) { logger.log(Logger::ALERT, e.what()); } return 0; }
int main(int argc, char **argv) { bool help = false; bool quiet = false; bool version = false; bool interactive = false; std::string infile = ""; auto cli = ( option("-h", "--help").set(help).doc("Print this help message."), option("-v", "--version").call([]{std::cout << "Crawler version 0.0.1\n"; exit(0);}).doc("show version"), option("-i", "--interactive").set(interactive).doc("Use the interactive mode"), option("-q", "--quiet").set(quiet).doc("Silent output"), option("-f", "--file") & value("config file", infile) ); // Generate Usage if(!parse(argc, argv, cli) || help || !isValid(interactive, infile)) { std::cout << make_man_page(cli, argv[0]); return (0); } Crawler *crawler = new Crawler(quiet); if (interactive) { crawler->setInteractive(interactive); } else { crawler->setConfig(infile); } return crawler->run(); }
void * threadProcess (void * _info) // the process that the threads will use to request, start, and finish crawler jobs { pair<JobManager*,int> * info = (pair<JobManager*,int> *)_info; JobManager * jobManager = info->first; int threadIndex = info->second; queue<JobInfo *> * qP = jobManager->getQueuePointer(); JobInfo * nextJob; // acquire a lock on the queue while(true) { pthread_mutex_lock(jobManager->getQueueLock()); // if jobs in queue if (qP->size() > 0) { // request next job nextJob = qP->front(); // pop the job from the queue qP->pop(); } else { // set nextJob pointer to 0 so we know we didn't get any jobs // note that if the job was cancelled, the pointer will already be set // to zero nextJob = 0; } // unlock the queue pthread_mutex_unlock(jobManager->getQueueLock()); // start up a crawler and run the job if we got one if (nextJob) { int prevCancelType; // start up the job nextJob->setCurrentThreadIndex(threadIndex); if (nextJob->getStatus() != CANCELLED) { pthread_setcanceltype(PTHREAD_CANCEL_ASYNCHRONOUS, &prevCancelType); nextJob->setStatus(RUNNING); Crawler * crawler = new Crawler(); crawler->crawl(nextJob); pthread_setcanceltype(PTHREAD_CANCEL_DEFERRED, &prevCancelType); delete crawler; } nextJob->setCurrentThreadIndex(-1); } // wait a little bit before repeating to ease strain on CPU sleep(1); } // repeat }
int main() { Crawler *crawler = new FileCrawler(); /* obtain a list of documents */ std::unordered_map<int, Document*> doc_map = crawler->fetch_documents(); /* index the documents */ std::unordered_map<std::string, DocIdList> index = Indexer::obtain_docid_index(doc_map); /* run search queries */ std::string query; while(1) { std::cout << "Enter search terms and press enter" << std::endl; std::getline(std::cin, query); std::istringstream iss(query); std::string term; std::list<DocIdList*> found; std::list<std::string> not_found; /* find the document id list for each search term */ while(iss >> term) { auto res = index.find(term); if(res == index.end()) { not_found.push_back(term); } else { found.push_back(&res->second); } } /* intersect the document id lists */ auto it = found.begin(); DocIdList out(**it); while(it != found.end()) { } /* present the results */ if(found.empty()) { std::cout << "No results!" << std::endl; } else { std::cout << "Found " << out.get_docids().size() << " results" << std::endl; } std::cout << std::endl; } return 0; }
/** * Implementation of run */ void Crawler::run(SharedQueue *sq,const char* dataDir) { while (true) { while ( (*sq).sharedQueue.empty() ) { sleep(1); // TODO } QueueNode qNode = (*sq).sharedQueue.front(); pthread_mutex_lock(&sq->lock); (*sq).sharedQueue.pop(); pthread_mutex_unlock(&sq->lock); Crawler newCrawler; newCrawler.addURLStart( qNode.urlstart ); if (qNode.count != -1) newCrawler.addCrawlerCount( qNode.count ); for(int i=0;i<qNode.dontcrawlnr;++i) newCrawler.dontCrawl( qNode.dontcrawl[i] ); newCrawler.addDataDirectory(dataDir); newCrawler.start(); } }
int main() { Crawler* crawler = new Crawler(); crawler->InitURL(); //crawler->downloader(); crawler->parseLink(); //HOW TO CALL HTML_Text MODULE /* string file = "Search.html"; HTML_PARSER* hp = new HTML_PARSER(file.c_str()); hp->loadData(); hp->parseText(); */ /* usage XmlWriter Node* root = new Node("Index"); root->addAttributesToStartTag(); Node* wordNode1 = new Node("word"); wordNode1->setAttributes("id", "1"); wordNode1->setAttributes("url", ""); wordNode1->addAttributesToStartTag(); Node* wordNode2 = new Node("word"); wordNode2->setAttributes("id", "2"); wordNode2->setAttributes("url", ""); wordNode2->addAttributesToStartTag(); Node* wordNode3 = new Node("word"); wordNode3->setAttributes("id", "3"); wordNode3->setAttributes("url", ""); wordNode3->addAttributesToStartTag(); Node* wordNode4 = new Node("word"); wordNode4->setAttributes("id", "4"); wordNode4->setAttributes("url", ""); wordNode4->addAttributesToStartTag(); Node* wordNode5 = new Node("word"); wordNode5->setAttributes("id", "5"); wordNode5->setAttributes("url", ""); wordNode5->addAttributesToStartTag(); Node* wordSubNode1 = new Node("sub-word"); wordSubNode1->setAttributes("id", "1"); wordSubNode1->setAttributes("url", ""); wordSubNode1->addAttributesToStartTag(); wordNode5->addChild(wordSubNode1); root->addChild(wordNode1); root->addChild(wordNode2); root->addChild(wordNode3); root->addChild(wordNode4); root->addChild(wordNode5); XmlWriter* xw = new XmlWriter("data.xml"); xw->dump(root); */ /*USAGE OF THE XML DATABASE WHICH WILL CONTAIN FIELDS AS ID WORD AND DOC LIST CSVLoader* loader = new CSVLoader("C:\\Users\\PRIYASH_11\\Downloads\\data\\Word.csv"); loader->Load(); vector<string>v = loader->getData(); vector<Word>w; for (int i = 0; i < v.size()-2; i++) { Word word; docFreq df; = atoi(v[i].c_str()); word.word = v[i + 1]; int j = i + 2; while(v[j] != "EOL") { string s = v[j]; df.freq = atoi(s.substr(0, s.find(":")).c_str()); df.docID = s.substr(s.find(":") + 1); word.docIDs.push_back(df); j++; } w.push_back(word); i = j; } for (auto i : w) { cout << << " " << i.word<<" "; for (auto j : i.docIDs) { cout << j.freq << " "<<j.docID<<" "; } cout << endl; } */ /* USAGE OF JSON PARSER Json* json = new Json("json_data.json"); json->read(); json->addWord("Diamond", 2, 16); */ return 0; }
/* ================================================================================ Game::Draw Gets called once per frame to draw the current snapshot of the game. ================================================================================ */ void Game::Draw() { // clear the screen SDL_SetRenderDrawColor(mRenderer, 0, 0, 0, 255); SDL_RenderClear(mRenderer); if (mBackground) { Render(mBackground->GetRenderable(), &mBackground->GetRect(), SDL_FLIP_NONE); } if (mForeground) { //Render(mForeground->GetRenderable(), &mForeground->GetRect(), SDL_FLIP_NONE); } if (mFlagPole) { Render(mFlagPole->GetRenderable(), &mFlagPole->GetRect(), SDL_FLIP_NONE); } // // draw the grid // if (mGrid) { int tileWidth = mGrid->TileWidth(); int tileHeight = mGrid->TileHeight(); GG::Rect tileRect(0, 0, tileWidth, tileHeight); for (int y = 0; y < mGrid->NumRows(); y++) { for (int x = 0; x < mGrid->NumCols(); x++) { const GG::Renderable* renderable = mGrid->GetTile(y, x)->GetRenderable(); if (renderable) { Render(renderable, &tileRect, SDL_FLIP_NONE); } tileRect.x += tileWidth; } tileRect.y += tileHeight; tileRect.x = 0; } } // Draw the collision rectangles if (rectVisible) { SDL_SetRenderDrawColor(mRenderer, 255, 0, 0, 255); SDL_RenderFillRect(mRenderer, &mRobot->GetBottomTileRect()); SDL_SetRenderDrawColor(mRenderer, 150, 0, 0, 255); SDL_RenderFillRect(mRenderer, &mRobot->GetTopTileRect()); SDL_SetRenderDrawColor(mRenderer, 255, 255, 0, 255); SDL_RenderFillRect(mRenderer, &mRobot->GetCollisonRect()); for (auto coinIt = mCoins.begin(); coinIt != mCoins.end(); ++coinIt) { Coin* coin = *coinIt; SDL_RenderFillRect(mRenderer, &coin->GetRect()); } for (auto crawlerIt = mCrawlers.begin(); crawlerIt != mCrawlers.end(); ++crawlerIt) { Crawler* crawler = *crawlerIt; SDL_RenderFillRect(mRenderer, &crawler->GetCollisionRect()); } for (auto meteorIt = mMeteors.begin(); meteorIt != mMeteors.end(); ++meteorIt) { Meteor* meteor = *meteorIt; SDL_RenderFillRect(mRenderer, &meteor->GetRect()); } SDL_SetRenderDrawColor(mRenderer, 0, 0, 255, 255); for (auto crawlerIt = mCrawlers.begin(); crawlerIt != mCrawlers.end(); ++crawlerIt) { Crawler* crawler = *crawlerIt; SDL_RenderFillRect(mRenderer, &crawler->GetTileRect()); } } // // draw the robot // if (mRobot) { Render(mRobot->GetRenderable(), &mRobot->GetRect(), mRobot->GetDirection()?SDL_FLIP_HORIZONTAL:SDL_FLIP_NONE); } // // draw the coins // std::list<Coin*>::iterator coinIt = mCoins.begin(); for ( ; coinIt != mCoins.end(); ++coinIt) { Coin* coin = *coinIt; Render(coin->GetRenderable(), &coin->GetRect(), SDL_FLIP_NONE); } // // draw the mushrooms // std::list<Layer*>::iterator mushIter = mMushrooms.begin(); for ( ; mushIter != mMushrooms.end(); ++mushIter) { Layer* mushroom = *mushIter; Render(mushroom->GetRenderable(), &mushroom->GetRect(), SDL_FLIP_NONE); } // // draw the crawlers // for (auto crawlerIt = mCrawlers.begin(); crawlerIt != mCrawlers.end(); ++crawlerIt) { Crawler* crawler = *crawlerIt; if (crawler->GetDirection() == 1) { Render(crawler->GetRenderable(), &crawler->GetRect(), SDL_FLIP_HORIZONTAL); } else { Render(crawler->GetRenderable(), &crawler->GetRect(), SDL_FLIP_NONE); } } // // draw the explosions // std::list<Explosion*>::iterator it = mExplosions.begin(); for ( ; it != mExplosions.end(); ++it) { Explosion* boom = *it; Render(boom->GetRenderable(), &boom->GetRect(), SDL_FLIP_NONE); } // // draw the meteors // std::list<Meteor*>::iterator metIt = mMeteors.begin(); for ( ; metIt != mMeteors.end(); ++metIt) { Meteor* meteor = *metIt; Render(meteor->GetRenderable(), &meteor->GetRect(), SDL_FLIP_NONE); } // Draw the points label if (mPointsLabel) { Render(mPointsLabel->GetRenderable(), &mPointsLabel->GetRect(), SDL_FLIP_NONE); } // Draw the lives label if (mLivesLabel) { Render(mLivesLabel->GetRenderable(), &mLivesLabel->GetRect(), SDL_FLIP_NONE); } // display everything we just drew SDL_RenderPresent(mRenderer); }
/* ================================================================================ Game::Update Gets called once per frame to perform game logic. The parameter dt is the time elapsed since last frame (in seconds). ================================================================================ */ void Game::Update(float dt) { // Update the robot if (mRobot) { // If the robot has reached the last scene // disable its controls and play game over animation if (mScene == 6 && !mRobot->GetJumping() && !mRobot->GetFalling()) { mRobot->SetAutoPilot(true); } mRobot->Update(dt); } // Update the coins std::list<Coin*>::iterator coinIt = mCoins.begin(); while (coinIt != mCoins.end()) { Coin *coin = *coinIt; // Check if the robot collides with the coin if (mRobot->GetCollisonRect().y < coin->GetRect().y + coin->GetRect().h) { if ((mRobot->GetCollisonRect().x < coin->GetRect().x + coin->GetRect().w) && (mRobot->GetCollisonRect().x + mRobot->GetCollisonRect().w > coin->GetRect().x)) { if ((mRobot->GetCollisonRect().y < coin->GetRect().y + coin->GetRect().h) && (mRobot->GetCollisonRect().y + mRobot->GetCollisonRect().h > coin->GetRect().y)) { //I have found that the sound is delayed...So I start it a bit earlier than the actualy delete of the Coin if (coin->GetSoundDelay() == 0) { // You get 5 points! mPoints += 5; Mix_PlayChannel(-1, mCoinSound, 0); coin->SetSoundDelay(1); } //Once it has run through 4 times then it Deletes the coin else if (coin->GetSoundDelay() == 5) { coinIt = mCoins.erase(coinIt); // remove the entry from the list and advance iterator delete coin; coin = NULL; } else { coin->SetSoundDelay(1); } } else { coin->Update(dt); ++coinIt; } } else { coin->Update(dt); ++coinIt; } } else { coin->Update(dt); ++coinIt; } } // update all crawlers std::list<Crawler*>::iterator crawlerIt = mCrawlers.begin(); while (crawlerIt != mCrawlers.end()) { Crawler *crawler = *crawlerIt; if (crawler->GetState() == Crawler::CRAWLER_DEAD) { crawlerIt = mCrawlers.erase(crawlerIt); // remove the entry from the list and advance iterator delete crawler; // delete the object } else { // If the robot is falling from a jump or just falling if (mRobot->GetVerticalVelocity() > 0.0 && (mRobot->GetJumping() || mRobot->GetFalling())) { // Check if the robot has started squashing the poor crawler if (mRobot->GetCollisonRect().x + mRobot->GetCollisonRect().w > crawler->GetCollisionRect().x && mRobot->GetCollisonRect().x < crawler->GetCollisionRect().x + crawler->GetCollisionRect().w) { if (mRobot->GetCollisonRect().y + mRobot->GetCollisonRect().h > crawler->GetCollisionRect().y && mRobot->GetCollisonRect().y < crawler->GetCollisionRect().y) { if (crawler->GetState() != CrawlerWeak::CRAWLER_DYING) { // You get 25 points! mPoints += 25; if (crawler->IsJumpedOn()) { Mix_PlayChannel(-1, mStompSound, 0); mRobot->Bounce(-400, false); crawler->SetState(Crawler::CRAWLER_DYING); } else { Mix_PlayChannel(-1, mStompSoundNoKill, 0); mRobot->Bounce(-400, false); crawler->SetState(Crawler::CRAWLER_DYING); } } } } } // If the robot runs into a crawler, the robot must die (but it should not falling onto it from above) else if (mRobot->GetCollisonRect().x + mRobot->GetCollisonRect().w > crawler->GetCollisionRect().x && mRobot->GetCollisonRect().x < crawler->GetCollisionRect().x + crawler->GetCollisionRect().w) { if (mRobot->GetCollisonRect().y + mRobot->GetCollisonRect().h > crawler->GetCollisionRect().y && mRobot->GetCollisonRect().y < crawler->GetCollisionRect().y + crawler->GetCollisionRect().h) { if (!mRobot->IsDead() && mRobot->GetVerticalVelocity() == -850.0f && crawler->GetState() != CrawlerWeak::CRAWLER_DYING) { // You lose a life:( mRobot->SetLives(mRobot->GetLives() - 1); Mix_PlayChannel(-1, mDieSound, 0); // Stop the background music Mix_HaltMusic(); if (mRobot->GetLives() == 0) { printf("\nGame over music is being played!"); Mix_VolumeMusic(32); Mix_PlayMusic(mBadGameOverMusic, 0); SetEntitiesGrayscale(true); } mRobot->Bounce(-400, true); // kill the robot } } } crawler->Update(dt); ++crawlerIt; } } // // update the explosions // std::list<Explosion*>::iterator it = mExplosions.begin(); while (it != mExplosions.end()) { Explosion* entity = *it; // get a pointer to this explosion if (entity->IsFinished()) { it = mExplosions.erase(it); // remove the entry from the list and advance iterator delete entity; // delete the object } else { entity->Update(dt); // update the entity ++it; // advance list iterator } } // // update the meteors // std::list<Meteor*>::iterator metIt = mMeteors.begin(); while (metIt != mMeteors.end()) { Meteor* entity = *metIt; // get a pointer to this meteor // If the meteor has either reached the ground, destroy it with an explosion if (entity->GetRect().y > mScrHeight-32-64) { if (!mRobot->IsDead()) { Mix_PlayChannel(-1, mThudSound, 0); } Explosion* boom = new Explosion(entity->GetRect().x + entity->GetRect().w / 2, entity->GetRect().y + entity->GetRect().h / 2); mExplosions.push_back(boom); metIt = mMeteors.erase(metIt); // remove the entry from the list and advance iterator delete entity; // delete the object } // If the meteor has hit the robot from the top, destroy it with an explosion and also kill the robot else if (entity->GetRect().y + entity->GetRect().h > mRobot->GetCollisonRect().y && entity->GetRect().y < mRobot->GetCollisonRect().y + mRobot->GetCollisonRect().h && entity->GetRect().x + entity->GetRect().w > mRobot->GetCollisonRect().x && entity->GetRect().x < mRobot->GetCollisonRect().x + mRobot->GetCollisonRect().w && !mRobot->IsDead()) { // You lose a life:( mRobot->SetLives(mRobot->GetLives() - 1); Mix_PlayChannel(-1, mThudSound, 0); Mix_PlayChannel(-1, mDieSound, 0); // Stop the background music Mix_HaltMusic(); if (mRobot->GetLives() == 0) { Mix_VolumeMusic(32); Mix_PlayMusic(mBadGameOverMusic, 0); SetEntitiesGrayscale(true); } mRobot->Bounce(-400, true); // kill the robot Explosion* boom = new Explosion(entity->GetRect().x + entity->GetRect().w / 2, entity->GetRect().y + entity->GetRect().h / 2); mExplosions.push_back(boom); metIt = mMeteors.erase(metIt); // remove the entry from the list and advance iterator delete entity; // delete the object } else { entity->Update(dt); // update the entity ++metIt; // advance list iterator } } // // update the mushrooms // std::list<Layer*>::iterator mushIt = mMushrooms.begin(); while (mushIt != mMushrooms.end()) { Layer* entity = *mushIt; // If the robot collects the mushroom, it gets an extra life! if (entity->GetRect().y + entity->GetRect().h > mRobot->GetCollisonRect().y && entity->GetRect().y < mRobot->GetCollisonRect().y + mRobot->GetCollisonRect().h && entity->GetRect().x + entity->GetRect().w > mRobot->GetCollisonRect().x && entity->GetRect().x < mRobot->GetCollisonRect().x + mRobot->GetCollisonRect().w && !mRobot->IsDead()) { mRobot->SetLives(mRobot->GetLives() + 1); SetFlashesNeeded(2); Mix_PlayChannel(-1, mOneupSound, 0); mushIt = mMushrooms.erase(mushIt); // remove the entry from the list and advance iterator delete entity; // delete the object } else { ++mushIt; // advance list iterator } } // // generates a grayscale flash every 50 ms (if needed) // if (mFlashesNeeded > 0.0f) { if (mTime - mFlashTime > 0.1) { if ((int)mFlashesNeeded % 2) { SetEntitiesGrayscale(false); } else { SetEntitiesGrayscale(true); } mFlashesNeeded--; mFlashTime = mTime; } } // // create a new meteor every 0.2 to 1.2 seconds in scene 5 // if (mTime - mMeteorTime > GG::UnitRandom() + 0.2 && mScene == 5) { int randomX = GG::RandomInt(mScrWidth-64); int randomRotation = GG::RandomInt(90) + 180; randomRotation = (randomRotation % 2) ? randomRotation : -randomRotation; Meteor* meteor = new Meteor(randomX, -64, (double)randomRotation); mMeteors.push_back(meteor); // timestamp this meteor! mMeteorTime = mTime; } // Update the points label mTexMgr->DeleteTexture("PointsLabel"); std::stringstream newLabel; newLabel << "Points = " << mPoints; SDL_Color text_color = {0, 0, 0}; mTexMgr->LoadTexture("PointsLabel", newLabel.str().c_str(), text_color); delete mPointsLabel; mPointsLabel = new Label(10.0f, -5.0f, "PointsLabel"); // Update the lives label mTexMgr->DeleteTexture("LivesLabel"); newLabel.str(std::string()); newLabel << "Lives = " << mRobot->GetLives(); text_color.r = 255; text_color.g = 50; text_color.b = 50; mTexMgr->LoadTexture("LivesLabel", newLabel.str().c_str(), text_color); delete mLivesLabel; mLivesLabel = new Label(140.0f, -5.0f, "LivesLabel"); }
/* ================================================================================ Game::HandleEvent Processes discrete events generated by the keyboard, mouse, window, etc. ================================================================================ */ void Game::HandleEvent(const SDL_Event& e) { switch (e.type) { case SDL_QUIT: mShouldQuit = true; break; case SDL_WINDOWEVENT: if (e.window.event == SDL_WINDOWEVENT_RESIZED) { mScrWidth = e.window.data1; mScrHeight = e.window.data2; } break; case SDL_KEYDOWN: switch (e.key.keysym.sym) { case SDLK_ESCAPE: mShouldQuit = true; break; case SDLK_k: // // Removes all the crawlers // { std::list<Crawler*>::iterator crawlerIter = mCrawlers.begin(); for ( ; crawlerIter != mCrawlers.end(); ++crawlerIter) { Crawler* crawler = *crawlerIter; delete crawler; } mCrawlers.clear(); } break; case SDLK_p: // // pause or unpause // if (mTimer.IsPaused()) { mTimer.Unpause(); Mix_ResumeMusic(); } else { mTimer.Pause(); Mix_PauseMusic(); } break; case SDLK_v: { // show/hide collision rectangle rectVisible = rectVisible ? 0 : 1; break; } case SDLK_9: //If there is no music playing if (Mix_PlayingMusic() == 0) { //Play the music if (mRobot->GetLives() == 0) { Mix_PlayMusic(mBadGameOverMusic, 0); } else if (mScene < 6) { Mix_PlayMusic(mMusic, -1); } else { Mix_PlayMusic(mGoodGameOverMusic, -1); } } //If music is being played else { //If the music is paused if (Mix_PausedMusic() == 1) { //Resume the music Mix_ResumeMusic(); } //If the music is playing else { //Pause the music Mix_PauseMusic(); } } break; case SDLK_x: { if (!mRobot->IsDead()) { // Add a strong crawler float x = GG::RandomFloat(32, mScrWidth - 32.0f); Crawler* crawler = new CrawlerStrong(x, mScrHeight - 1.0f - 32.0f, false); crawler->SetDirection(GG::RandomSign()); mCrawlers.push_back(crawler); } break; } case SDLK_c: { if (!mRobot->IsDead()) { // Add a weak crawler float x = GG::RandomFloat(32, mScrWidth - 32.0f); Crawler* crawler = new CrawlerWeak(x, mScrHeight - 1.0f - 32.0f, true); crawler->SetDirection(GG::RandomSign()); mCrawlers.push_back(crawler); } break; } } break; } }
// Tells the entities to use their grayscale renderables // instead of their colored ones (applies to all entities) void Game::SetEntitiesGrayscale(bool grayscale) { if (mRobot) mRobot->SetGrayscale(grayscale); if (mBackground) mBackground->SetGrayscale(grayscale); if (mForeground) mForeground->SetGrayscale(grayscale); if (mFlagPole) mFlagPole->SetGrayscale(grayscale); if (mGrid) { int tileWidth = mGrid->TileWidth(); int tileHeight = mGrid->TileHeight(); GG::Rect tileRect(0, 0, tileWidth, tileHeight); for (int y = 0; y < mGrid->NumRows(); y++) { for (int x = 0; x < mGrid->NumCols(); x++) { Tile* tile = mGrid->GetTile(y, x); if (tile->GetRenderable()) { tile->SetGrayscale(grayscale); } tileRect.x += tileWidth; } tileRect.y += tileHeight; tileRect.x = 0; } } std::list<Explosion*>::iterator it = mExplosions.begin(); for ( ; it != mExplosions.end(); ++it) { Explosion* boom = *it; boom->SetGrayscale(grayscale); } std::list<Meteor*>::iterator metIt = mMeteors.begin(); for ( ; metIt != mMeteors.end(); ++metIt) { Meteor* meteor = *metIt; meteor->SetGrayscale(grayscale); } std::list<Crawler*>::iterator crawlerIter = mCrawlers.begin(); for ( ; crawlerIter != mCrawlers.end(); ++crawlerIter) { Crawler* crawler = *crawlerIter; crawler->SetGrayscale(grayscale); } std::list<Coin*>::iterator coinIter = mCoins.begin(); for ( ; coinIter != mCoins.end(); ++coinIter) { Coin* coin = *coinIter; coin->SetGrayscale(grayscale); } std::list<Layer*>::iterator mushIter = mMushrooms.begin(); for ( ; mushIter != mMushrooms.end(); ++mushIter) { Layer* mushroom = *mushIter; mushroom->SetGrayscale(grayscale); } }