int main()
	DP D;
	ll N;
	return (0);
void Assembler::gotScan(const sensor_msgs::LaserScan& scanMsg)
    //PointMatcherSupport::timer t;

    ros::Duration dt = ros::Time::now() - scanQueue.front().header.stamp;

    if(dt > durationBuffer)
        sensor_msgs::LaserScan scanMsgIn = scanQueue.front();

        scanMsgIn.header.stamp += msgDelay;

        scanTime = scanMsgIn.header.stamp;

        // Modify range of the msg before conversion
        scanMsgIn.range_min = minRange;
        scanMsgIn.range_max = maxRange;


            if(cloud.features.cols() == 0)
                cloud = PointMatcher_ros::rosMsgToPointMatcherCloud<float>(
                            scanMsgIn, &tfListener, odom_frame, true, true);
                                scanMsgIn, &tfListener, odom_frame, true, true));

        catch(tf::ExtrapolationException e)
        catch(PM::DataPoints::InvalidField e)

        if(timeLastScan != ros::Time(0) && scanTime > timeLastScan)
            timeLastScan = ros::Time(0);

    //double runTime = t.elapsed();
    //cout << "Callback took " << runTime << " sec, (" << 1/runTime << " Hz)" << endl;

Mapper::DP* Mapper::updateMap(DP* newMap, const PM::TransformationParameters Ticp, bool updateExisting)
	timer t;
  // Prepare empty field if not existing
  // FIXME: this is only needed for the none overlaping part
	if(newMap->descriptorExists("probabilityStatic") == false)
		//newMap->addDescriptor("probabilityStatic", PM::Matrix::Zero(1, newMap->features.cols()));
		newMap->addDescriptor("probabilityStatic", PM::Matrix::Constant(1, newMap->features.cols(), priorStatic));
	if(newMap->descriptorExists("probabilityDynamic") == false)
		//newMap->addDescriptor("probabilityDynamic", PM::Matrix::Zero(1, newMap->features.cols()));
		newMap->addDescriptor("probabilityDynamic", PM::Matrix::Constant(1, newMap->features.cols(), priorDyn));
	if(newMap->descriptorExists("debug") == false)
		newMap->addDescriptor("debug", PM::Matrix::Zero(1, newMap->features.cols()));

	if (!updateExisting)
		// FIXME: correct that, ugly
		cout << "Jumping map creation" << endl;
		*newMap = transformation->compute(*newMap, Ticp); 
		return newMap;

	 // FIXME: only for debug
	mapPointCloud->getDescriptorViewByName("debug") = PM::Matrix::Zero(1, mapPointCloud->features.cols());

	const int newMapPts(newMap->features.cols());
	const int mapPtsCount(mapPointCloud->features.cols());
	// Build a range image of the reading point cloud (local coordinates)
	PM::Matrix radius_newMap = newMap->features.topRows(3).colwise().norm();

	PM::Matrix angles_newMap(2, newMapPts); // 0=inclination, 1=azimuth

	// No atan in Eigen, so we are for to loop through it...
	for(int i=0; i<newMapPts; i++)
		const float ratio = newMap->features(2,i)/radius_newMap(0,i);

		angles_newMap(0,i) = acos(ratio);
		angles_newMap(1,i) = atan2(newMap->features(1,i), newMap->features(0,i));

	std::shared_ptr<NNS> kdtree;
	kdtree.reset( NNS::create(angles_newMap));

  //-------------- Global map ------------------------------
	// Transform the global map in local coordinates
	DP mapLocal = transformation->compute(*mapPointCloud, Ticp.inverse());

  // ROI: Region of Interest
  // We reduce the global map to the minimum for the processing

	//const float sensorMaxRange = 80.0; // ICRA
  PM::Matrix globalId(1, mapPtsCount); 

	int ROIpts = 0;
	int notROIpts = 0;

  // Split mapLocal
	DP mapLocalROI(mapLocal.createSimilarEmpty());
	for (int i = 0; i < mapPtsCount; i++)
    // Copy the points of the ROI in a new map
		if (mapLocal.features.col(i).head(3).norm() < sensorMaxRange)
			mapLocalROI.setColFrom(ROIpts, mapLocal, i);
			globalId(0,ROIpts) = i;
    else // Remove the points of the ROI from the global map
			mapLocal.setColFrom(notROIpts, mapLocal, i);


  // Convert the map in spherical coordinates
	PM::Matrix radius_map = mapLocalROI.features.topRows(3).colwise().norm();
	PM::Matrix angles_map(2, ROIpts); // 0=inclination, 1=azimuth

	// No atan in Eigen, so we are looping through it...
  // TODO: check for: A.binaryExpr(B, std::ptr_fun(atan2))
	for(int i=0; i < ROIpts; i++)
		const float ratio = mapLocalROI.features(2,i)/radius_map(0,i);
		//if(ratio < -1 || ratio > 1)
			//cout << "Error angle!" << endl;

		angles_map(0,i) = acos(ratio);

		angles_map(1,i) = atan2(mapLocalROI.features(1,i), mapLocalROI.features(0,i));

  // Prepare access to descriptors
	DP::View viewOn_Msec_overlap = newMap->getDescriptorViewByName("stamps_Msec");
	DP::View viewOn_sec_overlap = newMap->getDescriptorViewByName("stamps_sec");
	DP::View viewOn_nsec_overlap = newMap->getDescriptorViewByName("stamps_nsec");

	DP::View viewOnProbabilityStatic = mapLocalROI.getDescriptorViewByName("probabilityStatic");
	DP::View viewOnProbabilityDynamic = mapLocalROI.getDescriptorViewByName("probabilityDynamic");
	DP::View viewDebug = mapLocalROI.getDescriptorViewByName("debug");
	DP::View viewOn_normals_map = mapLocalROI.getDescriptorViewByName("normals");
	DP::View viewOn_Msec_map = mapLocalROI.getDescriptorViewByName("stamps_Msec");
	DP::View viewOn_sec_map = mapLocalROI.getDescriptorViewByName("stamps_sec");
	DP::View viewOn_nsec_map = mapLocalROI.getDescriptorViewByName("stamps_nsec");
	// Search for the nearest point in newMap
	Matches::Dists dists(1, ROIpts);
	Matches::Ids ids(1, ROIpts);
	kdtree->knn(angles_map, ids, dists, 1, 0, NNS::ALLOW_SELF_MATCH, maxAngle);

  // update probability of being dynamic for all points in ROI
	for(int i=0; i < ROIpts; i++)
    const int mapId = i;
    viewDebug(0,mapId) = 1; //FIXME: debug

		if(dists(i) != numeric_limits<float>::infinity())
			const int readId = ids(0,i);
			//const int mapId = globalId(0,i);
			// in local coordinates
			const Eigen::Vector3f readPt = newMap->features.col(readId).head(3);
			const Eigen::Vector3f mapPt = mapLocalROI.features.col(i).head(3);
			const Eigen::Vector3f mapPt_n = mapPt.normalized();
			const float delta = (readPt - mapPt).norm();
			const float d_max = eps_a * readPt.norm();

      const Eigen::Vector3f normal_map = viewOn_normals_map.col(mapId);
      // Weight for dynamic elements
			const float w_v = eps + (1 - eps)*fabs(;
			const float w_d1 =  eps + (1 - eps)*(1 - sqrt(dists(i))/maxAngle);
			const float offset = delta - eps_d;
			float w_d2 = 1;
			if(delta < eps_d || mapPt.norm() > readPt.norm())
				w_d2 = eps;
				if (offset < d_max)
					w_d2 = eps + (1 - eps )*offset/d_max;

			float w_p2 = eps;
			if(delta < eps_d)
				w_p2 = 1;
				if(offset < d_max)
					w_p2 = eps + (1 - eps)*(1 - offset/d_max);

			// We don't update point behind the reading
			if((readPt.norm() + eps_d + d_max) >= mapPt.norm())
				const float lastDyn = viewOnProbabilityDynamic(0,mapId);
				const float lastStatic = viewOnProbabilityStatic(0, mapId);

				const float c1 = (1 - (w_v*(1 - w_d1)));
				const float c2 = w_v*(1 - w_d1);
        //Lock dynamic point to stay dynamic under a threshold
				if(lastDyn < maxDyn)
					viewOnProbabilityDynamic(0,mapId) = c1*lastDyn + c2*w_d2*((1 - alpha)*lastStatic + beta*lastDyn);
					viewOnProbabilityStatic(0, mapId) = c1*lastStatic + c2*w_p2*(alpha*lastStatic + (1 - beta)*lastDyn);
					viewOnProbabilityStatic(0,mapId) = eps;
					viewOnProbabilityDynamic(0,mapId) = 1-eps;
				// normalization
				const float sumZ = viewOnProbabilityDynamic(0,mapId) + viewOnProbabilityStatic(0, mapId);
				assert(sumZ >= eps);	
				viewOnProbabilityDynamic(0,mapId) /= sumZ;
				viewOnProbabilityStatic(0,mapId) /= sumZ;
				//viewDebug(0,mapId) =viewOnProbabilityDynamic(0, mapId);
				//viewDebug(0,mapId) = w_d2;

				// Refresh time
				viewOn_Msec_map(0,mapId) = viewOn_Msec_overlap(0,readId);	
				viewOn_sec_map(0,mapId) = viewOn_sec_overlap(0,readId);	
				viewOn_nsec_map(0,mapId) = viewOn_nsec_overlap(0,readId);	

	// Compute density
  const int mapLocalROIPts = mapLocalROI.features.cols();
	cout << "build first kdtree with " << mapLocalROIPts << endl;
	// build and populate NNS
	std::shared_ptr<NNS> kdtree2;
	kdtree2.reset( NNS::create(mapLocalROI.features, mapLocalROI.features.rows() - 1, NNS::KDTREE_LINEAR_HEAP, NNS::TOUCH_STATISTICS));
	PM::Matches matches_overlap(
		Matches::Dists(1, newMapPts),
		Matches::Ids(1, newMapPts)
	kdtree2->knn(newMap->features, matches_overlap.ids, matches_overlap.dists, 1, 0, NNS::ALLOW_SELF_MATCH, maxDistNewPoint);
  //-------------- New point cloud ------------------------------

	DP newMapOverlap(newMap->createSimilarEmpty());// Not used for now
  PM::Matrix minDist = PM::Matrix::Constant(1,mapLocalROIPts, std::numeric_limits<float>::max());
  // Reduce newMap to its none overlapping part
	int ptsOut = 0;
	int ptsIn = 0;

  bool hasSensorNoise = mapLocalROI.descriptorExists("simpleSensorNoise") && newMap->descriptorExists("simpleSensorNoise");
  if(hasSensorNoise) // Split and update point with lower noise
    DP::View viewOn_noise_mapLocal = mapLocalROI.getDescriptorViewByName("simpleSensorNoise");
    DP::View viewOn_noise_newMap = newMap->getDescriptorViewByName("simpleSensorNoise");

    for (int i = 0; i < newMapPts; ++i)
      const int localMapId = matches_overlap.ids(i);

      if (matches_overlap.dists(i) == numeric_limits<float>::infinity())
        newMap->setColFrom(ptsOut, *newMap, i);
      else // Overlapping points
        // Update point with lower sensor noise
        if(viewOn_noise_newMap(0,i) < viewOn_noise_mapLocal(0,localMapId))
          if(matches_overlap.dists(i) < minDist(localMapId))
            minDist(localMapId) = matches_overlap.dists(i);
            const float debug = viewDebug(0, localMapId);
            const float probDyn = viewOnProbabilityDynamic(0, localMapId);
            const float probStatic = viewOnProbabilityStatic(0, localMapId);

            mapLocalROI.setColFrom(localMapId, *newMap, i);
            viewDebug(0, localMapId) = 2;  
            viewOnProbabilityDynamic(0, localMapId) = probDyn;
            viewOnProbabilityStatic(0, localMapId) = probStatic;

        newMapOverlap.setColFrom(ptsIn, *newMap, i);
  else // Only split newMap
    for (int i = 0; i < newMapPts; ++i)
      if (matches_overlap.dists(i) == numeric_limits<float>::infinity())
        newMap->setColFrom(ptsOut, *newMap, i);
      else // Overlapping points
        newMapOverlap.setColFrom(ptsIn, *newMap, i);

	// shrink the newMap to the new information

	cout << "ptsOut=" << ptsOut << ", ptsIn=" << ptsIn << endl;

	// Publish debug
	//if (debugPub.getNumSubscribers())
  //    debugPub.publish(PointMatcher_ros::pointMatcherCloudToRosMsg<float>(*newMap, mapFrame, mapCreationTime));

  //no_overlap.addDescriptor("debug", PM::Matrix::Zero(1, no_overlap.features.cols()));

	// Add the ROI to the none overlapping part
  // Apply the filters only on the ROI

  // Add the rest of the map
  // Transform the map back to global coordinates
	*newMap = transformation->compute(*newMap, Ticp);

	cout << "... end map creation" << endl;
	ROS_INFO_STREAM("[TIME] New map available (" << newMap->features.cols() << " pts), update took " << t.elapsed() << " [s]");
	return newMap;
bool Mapper::getBoundedMap(ethzasl_icp_mapper::GetBoundedMap::Request &req, ethzasl_icp_mapper::GetBoundedMap::Response &res)
	if (!mapPointCloud)
		return false;

	const float max_x = req.topRightCorner.x;
	const float max_y = req.topRightCorner.y;
	const float max_z = req.topRightCorner.z;

	const float min_x = req.bottomLeftCorner.x;
	const float min_y = req.bottomLeftCorner.y;
	const float min_z = req.bottomLeftCorner.z;

	cerr << "min [" << min_x << ", " << min_y << ", " << min_z << "] " << endl;
	cerr << "max [" << max_x << ", " << max_y << ", " << max_z << "] " << endl;

	tf::StampedTransform stampedTr;
	Eigen::Affine3d eigenTr;
	tf::poseMsgToEigen(req.mapCenter, eigenTr);
	Eigen::MatrixXf T = eigenTr.matrix().inverse().cast<float>();
	//const Eigen::MatrixXf T = eigenTr.matrix().cast<float>();

	cerr << "T:" << endl << T << endl;
	T = transformation->correctParameters(T);

	// FIXME: do we need a mutex here?
	const DP centeredPointCloud = transformation->compute(*mapPointCloud, T); 
	DP cutPointCloud = centeredPointCloud.createSimilarEmpty();

	cerr << centeredPointCloud.features.topLeftCorner(3, 10) << endl;
	cerr << T << endl;

	int newPtCount = 0;
	for(int i=0; i < centeredPointCloud.features.cols(); i++)
		const float x = centeredPointCloud.features(0,i);
		const float y = centeredPointCloud.features(1,i);
		const float z = centeredPointCloud.features(2,i);
		if(x < max_x && x > min_x &&
			 y < max_y && y > min_y &&
		   z < max_z && z > min_z 	)
			cutPointCloud.setColFrom(newPtCount, centeredPointCloud, i);

	cerr << "Extract " << newPtCount << " points from the map" << endl;
	cutPointCloud = transformation->compute(cutPointCloud, T.inverse()); 

	// Send the resulting point cloud in ROS format
	res.boundedMap = PointMatcher_ros::pointMatcherCloudToRosMsg<float>(cutPointCloud, mapFrame, ros::Time::now());
	return true;
Exemplo n.º 5
void transformation (int argc, char *argv[])
	bool isCSV = true;
	typedef PointMatcher<float> PM;
	typedef PM::DataPoints DP;
	typedef PM::Parameters Parameters;
	// Load point clouds
	//const DP ref(DP::load(argv[1]));
	//const DP data(DP::load(argv[2]));

	const DP ref(DP::load("Golden.csv"));
	const DP data(DP::load("Final.csv"));
	// Create the default ICP algorithm
	PM::ICP icp;
    string configFile = "my_config.yaml";
	if (configFile.empty())
		// See the implementation of setDefault() to create a custom ICP algorithm
		// load YAML config
		ifstream ifs(configFile.c_str());
		if (!ifs.good())
			cout << "Cannot open config file" << configFile;

	// Compute the transformation to express data in ref
	PM::TransformationParameters T = icp(data, ref);

	// Transform data to express it in ref
	DP data_out(data);
	icp.transformations.apply(data_out, T);
	// Safe files to see the results"test_ref.vtk");"test_data_in.vtk");"test_data_out.vtk");
	cout << "Final transformation:" << endl << T << endl;

    // Updating transform matrix 
    T(0,3) = offset_x;
    T(1,3) = offset_y;
    T(2,3) = offset_z;
	cout << "Final transformation:" << endl << T << endl;

    if(MATRIX_DUMP == 1) {
        for(int i = 0; i < 4; i++)
            Trans_dump << T(i,0) <<"," <<T(i,1) <<"," << T(i,2) << "," << T(i,3) <<endl;
         Trans_dump << endl << endl;
    float R[3][3];
    for(int i = 0; i < 3; i++)
        for(int j = 0; j < 3; j++)
            R[j][i] = T(i,j); // Euler angle function uses Column Major
    Eigen::Matrix4f transform_1 = Eigen::Matrix4f::Identity();
    //Eigen::Affine3f A;
    for(int i = 0; i < 3; i++)
        for(int j = 0; j < 3; j++)
            transform_1 (i,j) = T(i,j); // Euler angle function uses Column Major
            //transform_1 (i,j) = R[i][j]; // Euler angle function uses Column Major
    cout << "Writing to cloud transformed" <<endl;
    pcl::transformPointCloud (*cloud_golden, *cloud_transformed, transform_1);

    cout << "Euler Angles : X  = "  << Angle[0] * 180/ PI  << ", Y = " << Angle[1] * 180/ PI << " , Z = " <<    Angle[2] * 180/ PI << endl;
    //transform_1 = A.matrix();
    //pcl::transformPointCloud (*cloud_golden, *cloud_transformed, transform_1);

Exemplo n.º 6
TEST(IOTest, loadPLY)
    typedef PointMatcherIO<float> IO;
    std::istringstream is;


    EXPECT_THROW(IO::loadPLY(is), runtime_error);

        "format binary_big_endian 1.0\n"

    EXPECT_THROW(IO::loadPLY(is), runtime_error);

        "format ascii 2.0\n"

    EXPECT_THROW(IO::loadPLY(is), runtime_error);

        "format ascii 1.0\n"

    EXPECT_THROW(IO::loadPLY(is), runtime_error);

        "format ascii 1.0\n"
        "element vertex 5\n"
        "\n" //empty line
        "property float z\n" // wrong order
        "property float y\n"
        "property float x\n"
        "property float grrrr\n" //unknown property
        "property float nz\n" // wrong order
        "property float ny\n"
        "property float nx\n"
        "3 2 1 99 33 22 11\n"
        "3 2 1 99 33 22 11\n"
        "\n" //empty line
        "3 2 1 99 33 22 11 3 2 1 99 33 22 11\n" // no line break
        "3 2 1 99 33 22 11\n"


    DP pointCloud = IO::loadPLY(is);

    // Confirm sizes and dimensions
    EXPECT_TRUE(pointCloud.features.cols() == 5);
    EXPECT_TRUE(pointCloud.features.rows() == 4);
    EXPECT_TRUE(pointCloud.descriptors.cols() == 5);
    EXPECT_TRUE(pointCloud.descriptors.rows() == 3);

    // Random value check
    EXPECT_TRUE(pointCloud.features(0, 0) == 1);
    EXPECT_TRUE(pointCloud.features(2, 2) == 3);
    EXPECT_TRUE(pointCloud.descriptors(1, 1) == 22);
    EXPECT_TRUE(pointCloud.descriptors(2, 4) == 33);

Exemplo n.º 7
TEST(icpTest, icpSequenceTest)
	DP pts0 = DP::load(dataPath + "cloud.00000.vtk");
	DP pts1 = DP::load(dataPath + "cloud.00001.vtk");
	DP pts2 = DP::load(dataPath + "cloud.00002.vtk");
	PM::TransformationParameters Ticp   = PM::Matrix::Identity(4,4);

	PM::ICPSequence icpSequence;

	std::ifstream ifs((dataPath + "default.yaml").c_str());


	DP map = icpSequence.getInternalMap();
	EXPECT_EQ(map.getNbPoints(), 0u);
	EXPECT_EQ(map.getHomogeneousDim(), 0u);
	map = icpSequence.getMap();
	EXPECT_EQ(map.getNbPoints(), 0u);
	EXPECT_EQ(map.getHomogeneousDim(), 0u);

	map = icpSequence.getInternalMap();
	EXPECT_EQ(map.getNbPoints(), pts0.getNbPoints());
	EXPECT_EQ(map.getHomogeneousDim(), pts0.getHomogeneousDim());

	Ticp = icpSequence(pts1);
	map = icpSequence.getMap();
	EXPECT_EQ(map.getNbPoints(), pts0.getNbPoints());
	EXPECT_EQ(map.getHomogeneousDim(), pts0.getHomogeneousDim());
	Ticp = icpSequence(pts2);
	map = icpSequence.getMap();
	EXPECT_EQ(map.getNbPoints(), pts0.getNbPoints());
	EXPECT_EQ(map.getHomogeneousDim(), pts0.getHomogeneousDim());

	map = icpSequence.getInternalMap();
	EXPECT_EQ(map.getNbPoints(), 0u);
	EXPECT_EQ(map.getHomogeneousDim(), 0u);

bool CloudMatcher::match(pointmatcher_ros::MatchClouds::Request& req, pointmatcher_ros::MatchClouds::Response& res)
	// get and check reference
	const DP referenceCloud(PointMatcher_ros::rosMsgToPointMatcherCloud<float>(req.reference));
	const unsigned referenceGoodCount(referenceCloud.features.cols());
	const unsigned referencePointCount(req.reference.width * req.reference.height);
	const double referenceGoodRatio(double(referenceGoodCount) / double(referencePointCount));
	if (referenceGoodCount == 0)
		ROS_ERROR("I found no good points in the reference cloud");
		return false;
	if (referenceGoodRatio < 0.5)
        ROS_WARN_STREAM("Partial reference cloud! Missing " << 100 - referenceGoodRatio*100.0 <<
                        "% of the cloud (received " << referenceGoodCount << ")");
	// get and check reading
	const DP readingCloud(PointMatcher_ros::rosMsgToPointMatcherCloud<float>(req.readings));
	const unsigned readingGoodCount(referenceCloud.features.cols());
	const unsigned readingPointCount(req.readings.width * req.readings.height);
	const double readingGoodRatio(double(readingGoodCount) / double(readingPointCount));
	if (readingGoodCount == 0)
		ROS_ERROR("I found no good points in the reading cloud");
		return false;
	if (readingGoodRatio < 0.5)
		ROS_WARN_STREAM("Partial reference cloud! Missing " << 100 - readingGoodRatio*100.0 << "% of the cloud (received " << readingGoodCount << ")");
	// check dimensions
	if (referenceCloud.features.rows() != readingCloud.features.rows())
        ROS_ERROR_STREAM("Dimensionality missmatch: reference cloud is " <<
                         referenceCloud.features.rows() - 1 << " while reading cloud is " <<
                         readingCloud.features.rows() - 1);
		return false;
	// call ICP
    PM::TransformationParameters transform;
        transform = icp(readingCloud, referenceCloud);
		tf::transformTFToMsg(PointMatcher_ros::eigenMatrixToTransform<float>(transform), res.transform);
		ROS_INFO_STREAM("match ratio: " << icp.errorMinimizer->getWeightedPointUsedRatio() << endl);
	catch (PM::ConvergenceError error)
		ROS_ERROR_STREAM("ICP failed to converge: " << error.what());
		return false;

        std::stringstream ss;
        ss << "reading_" << matchedCloudsCount << ".vtk";;

        ss << "reference_" << matchedCloudsCount << ".vtk";;

        PM::Transformation* rigidTrans;
        rigidTrans = PM::get().REG(Transformation).create("RigidTransformation");
        PM::DataPoints matchedCloud = rigidTrans->compute(readingCloud, transform);

        ss << "matched_" << matchedCloudsCount << ".vtk";;

	return true;