Exemplo n.º 1
bool CVechileMgr::SendTransparentMsg(_stVechile *p , int ncount,unsigned short wType)
	if( ncount <= 0 ) {
		return false ;

	DataBuffer transport_buf;
	TransHeader  header;

	int nLen = _logistics->BuildTransportData(wType,transport_buf);

	OUT_HEX(NULL, 0, "Transport", transport_buf.getBuffer(),transport_buf.getLength());

	BuildHeader(header.header, 0x900,nLen, p);

	DataBuffer sendbuf;

	sendbuf.writeBlock(&header, sizeof(header));
	sendbuf.writeBlock(transport_buf.getBuffer(), transport_buf.getLength());

	unsigned short  mlen = (sendbuf.getLength()-sizeof(GBheader)) & 0x03FF ;
	sendbuf.fillInt16( mlen, 3 ) ;

	GBFooter footer ;
	sendbuf.writeBlock(&footer, sizeof(footer) ) ;

	if ( ! Send5BData( p->fd_, sendbuf.getBuffer(), sendbuf.getLength() ) ) {
		p->car_state_ = OFF_LINE ;
		return false ;
	p->lgs_time_ = share::Util::currentTimeUsec() ;

    return true ;
Exemplo n.º 2
void MsgClient::HandleInnerData( socket_t *sock, const char *data, int len )
	User user = _online_user.GetUserBySocket( sock ) ;
	if ( user._user_id.empty()  ) {
		OUT_ERROR( sock->_szIp, sock->_port, "CAIS" , "find fd %d user failed, data %s", sock->_fd, data ) ;
		return ;
	user._last_active_time = time(NULL) ;
	_online_user.SetUser( user._user_id, user ) ;

	string line( data, len ) ;
	vector<string>  vec ;
	if ( ! splitvector( line, vec, " " , 6 )  ){
		OUT_ERROR( sock->_szIp, sock->_port, user._user_name.c_str() , "fd %d data error: %s", sock->_fd, data ) ;
		return ;

	DataBuffer buf ;

	string head  = vec[0] ;
	string seqid = vec[1] ;
	string macid = vec[2] ;
	string code  = vec[3] ;  // 通信码,对于点名数据的区分
	string cmd   = vec[4] ;
	string val 	 = vec[5] ;

	if ( head == "CAITS" ) {
		if( cmd == "U_REPT" ){
			// 上报类消息处理
			_convert->convert_urept( macid , val , buf , ( code == "201") ) ;
		} else if( cmd == "D_CTLM" ) {
			// ToDo: 控制类消息处理

		} else if( cmd == "D_SNDM" ) {
			// ToDo : 消息发送的处理
		} else {
			OUT_WARNING( sock->_szIp, sock->_port, user._user_name.c_str() , "except message:%s", (const char*)data ) ;
	} else {
		// 处理通应应答消息
		_convert->convert_comm( seqid, macid, val, buf ) ;

	if( buf.getLength() > 0 ) {
		// 添加用户会话中
		_session.AddSession( macid, user._user_id ) ;
		// 发送指定的地区用户
		_pEnv->GetPasClient()->HandleData( buf.getBuffer(), buf.getLength() ) ;
Exemplo n.º 3
void MsgClient::HandleInnerData( socket_t *sock, const char *data, int len)
	const char *ip 		= sock->_szIp;
	unsigned short port = sock->_port;

	User user = _online_user.GetUserBySocket( sock ) ;
	if ( user._user_id.empty() ) {
		OUT_ERROR( ip, port, NULL, "get fd %d user failed", sock->_fd ) ;
		return ;

	// CAITS 0_0 MACID 0 U_REPT {TYPE:5,18:上下线状态/前置机服务器ID/管道控制服务ID/消息服务器id}
	string line(data, len);
	vector<string> vec;
	if ( !splitvector( line, vec, " ", 6 ) ) {
		OUT_ERROR( ip, port, user._user_name.c_str() , "fd %d data error: %s", sock->_fd, data );

	string macid = vec[2] ;
	if ( macid.empty() ){
		OUT_ERROR( ip, port, user._user_name.c_str(), "fd %d macid empty", sock->_fd ) ;
		return ;

	string vechile ;
	if ( ! _macid2carnum.GetSession( macid, vechile ) ) {
		OUT_ERROR( ip, port, user._user_name.c_str(), "fd %d get vechile num by mac id %s failed", macid.c_str() ) ;
		return ;

	string acode ;
	DataBuffer buf ;
	// 转换控制指令
	if (vec[4] == "D_CTLM") {
		// 转换控制指令
		_convert->convert_ctrl( vec[1], macid , vec[5] , vechile, buf , acode ) ;
	} else if ( vec[4] == "D_SNDM" ) {
        OUT_INFO( ip, port, user._user_name.c_str(), "D_SNDM"); //xifengming
		_convert->convert_sndm( vec[1] , macid, vec[5], vechile, buf, acode ) ;
	if ( ! acode.empty() && buf.getLength() > 0 ) {
		// 下发给PAS对应的接入商
		_pEnv->GetPasServer()->HandlePasDown( acode.c_str(), buf.getBuffer(), buf.getLength() ) ;

	user._last_active_time = time(NULL);
	_online_user.SetUser(user._user_id, user);
 * Send an I/O control request to the Alfresco CIFS server, receive and validate the response
 * @param ctlCode const unsigned int
 * @param reqbuf DataBuffer&
 * @param respbuf DataBuffer&
void AlfrescoInterface::sendIOControl( const unsigned int ctlCode, DataBuffer& reqbuf, DataBuffer& respbuf) {

	// Send the I/O control request, receive the response

	DWORD retLen = 0;

	BOOL res = DeviceIoControl( m_handle, ctlCode, reqbuf.getBuffer(), reqbuf.getLength(),
		respbuf.getBuffer(), respbuf.getBufferLength(), &retLen, (LPOVERLAPPED) NULL);

	if ( res) {

		// Validate the reply signature

		if ( retLen >= IOSignatureLen) {

			String sig = respbuf.getString(IOSignatureLen, false);

			if ( sig.equals(IOSignature) == false)
				throw Exception( L"Invalid I/O control signature received");
		throw Exception( L"Send I/O control error", Integer::toString( GetLastError()));
Exemplo n.º 5
// 处理外部数据
int PasServer::HandleQueue(const char *uid, void *buf, int len, int msgid)
	OUT_PRINT( NULL, 0, NULL, "HanldeQueue msg id %d , accesscode %s , data length %d" , msgid, uid, len );

	switch (msgid) {
	case DATA_FILECACHE: // 用户不在线数据缓存
		// 如果数据长度不正确直接返回
		if (len < (int) sizeof(Header)) {
			OUT_ERROR( NULL, 0, NULL, "HandleQueue filecache data length %d error", len );

		OUT_PRINT( NULL, 0, NULL, "HandleQueue %s" , _proto_parse.Decoder( (const char *)buf, len ).c_str() );

		Header *header = (Header *) buf;
		unsigned short msg_type = ntouv16(header->msg_type);
		// 如果不为扩展类消息
		if (msg_type != DOWN_EXG_MSG) {

		// 如果为扩展类消息
		ExgMsgHeader *exg = (ExgMsgHeader*) ((const char *) (buf) + sizeof(Header));
		unsigned short data_type = ntouv16( exg->data_type );
		if (data_type != DOWN_EXG_MSG_CAR_LOCATION) {

		DownExgMsgCarLocation *req = (DownExgMsgCarLocation *) buf;

		DownExgMsgHistoryArcossareaHeader msg;
		memcpy(&msg, buf, sizeof(msg));
		msg.exg_msg_header.data_length = ntouv32( sizeof(char) + sizeof(GnssData) );
		msg.exg_msg_header.data_type = ntouv16(DOWN_EXG_MSG_HISTORY_ARCOSSAREA);
		msg.header.msg_len = ntouv32( sizeof(msg) + sizeof(char) + sizeof(GnssData) + sizeof(Footer) );
		msg.cnt_num = 0x01;

		DataBuffer dbuf;
		dbuf.writeBlock(&msg, sizeof(msg));
		dbuf.writeBlock(&req->gnss, sizeof(GnssData));

		Footer footer;
		dbuf.writeBlock(&footer, sizeof(footer));

		if (!SendDataToPasUser(atoi(uid), dbuf.getBuffer(), dbuf.getLength())) {
			OUT_ERROR( NULL, 0, NULL, "DOWN_EXG_MSG_HISTORY_ARCOSSAREA:%s" , msg.exg_msg_header.vehicle_no );

		OUT_SEND( NULL, 0, NULL, "DOWN_EXG_MSG_HISTORY_ARCOSSAREA:%s" , msg.exg_msg_header.vehicle_no );

Exemplo n.º 6
// 处理下载的后的图片数据
void MsgClient::ProcessResp( unsigned int seqid, const char *data, const int nlen , const int err )
	// 处理数据
	if ( data == NULL || err != HTTP_CALL_SUCCESS || nlen == 0 ) {
		OUT_ERROR( NULL, 0, "Pic" , "pic seqid %u, error %d" , seqid, err ) ;
		return ;
	char szfile[128] = {0};
	sprintf( szfile, "./%u.jpg", seqid ) ;
	WriteFile( szfile, data, nlen ) ;
	OUT_INFO( NULL, 0, "PHOTO", "write file %s length %d", szfile, nlen ) ;

	char szKey[512] = {0} ;
	_pEnv->GetCacheKey( seqid, szKey ) ;

	int  dlen = 0 ;
	char *msg = _pEnv->GetMsgCache()->GetData( szKey, dlen ) ;
	if ( msg == NULL ) {
		OUT_ERROR( NULL, 0, "Pic" , "pic get key %s cache failed" , szKey ) ;
		return ;

	// 转换照片的结构体
	UpCtrlMsgTakePhotoAck *ack = ( UpCtrlMsgTakePhotoAck * ) msg;

	int len = sizeof(UpCtrlMsgTakePhotoAck) + sizeof(Footer) + nlen ;

	ack->header.msg_len = ntouv32( len ) ;
	ack->ctrl_msg_header.data_length = ntouv32( sizeof(UpCtrlMsgTakePhotoBody) + nlen ) ;
	ack->ctrl_photo_body.photo_len 	 = ntouv32( nlen ) ;

	DataBuffer dbuf ;
	dbuf.writeBlock( ack, sizeof(UpCtrlMsgTakePhotoAck) ) ;
	if ( nlen > 0 ) {
		dbuf.writeBlock( data, nlen ) ;
	Footer footer ;
	dbuf.writeBlock( &footer, sizeof(footer) ) ;

	// 取得接入码信息
	unsigned int accesscode = ntouv32( ack->header.access_code ) ;

	// 发送拍照的照片数据
	_pEnv->GetPasClient()->HandlePasUpData( accesscode, dbuf.getBuffer(), dbuf.getLength() ) ;

	OUT_SEND( NULL, 0, NULL, "UP_CTRL_MSG_TAKE_PHOTO_ACK:%s, picture length %d", ack->ctrl_msg_header.vehicle_no , nlen ) ;

	_pEnv->GetMsgCache()->FreeData( msg ) ;
Exemplo n.º 7
// 转换数据
char * PConvert::convert_urept( const string &key, const string &ome, const string &phone, const string &val, int &len , unsigned int &msgid , unsigned int &type )
	int ntype = 0 ;
	MapString map ;
	if ( ! get_map_header( val, map, ntype ) ) {
		OUT_ERROR( NULL, 0, NULL, "PConvert::convert_urept get map header failed") ;
		return NULL ;

	type = METHOD_OTHER ;

	char *buf = NULL ;

	switch(ntype) {
		case 0:  //路径和报警数据    位置汇报
		case 1:
				UpExgMsgRealLocation msg;
				msg.header.msg_seq     = ntouv32( _seq_gen.get_next_seq() ) ;
				msg.header.msg_len     = ntouv32( sizeof(UpExgMsgRealLocation) ) ;
				//msg.header.access_code = ntouv32(access_code);
				//msg.exg_msg_header.vehicle_color  = car_color;
				//safe_memncpy( msg.exg_msg_header.vehicle_no, car_num.c_str() , sizeof(msg.exg_msg_header.vehicle_no) ) ;

				msg.exg_msg_header.data_length = ntouv32( sizeof(GnssData) ) ;

				if ( ! convert_gps_info( map, msg.gnss_data ) ) {
					OUT_ERROR( NULL, 0, phone.c_str(), "PConvert::convert_urept convert gps failed" ) ;
					return NULL ;

				len = sizeof(UpExgMsgRealLocation) ;
				buf = new char[len+1];
				memset( buf, 0, len+1 );
				memcpy( buf, &msg, len );

	    case 2: // 行驶记录仪
	        	int ntemp  = 0;
	        	if (!get_map_integer(map,"70",ntemp)){
	        		OUT_ERROR( NULL, 0, phone.c_str(), "UP_CTRL_MSG_TAKE_TRAVEL_ACK get command_type failed" ) ;
	        		return NULL ;

	        	string temp = "";
	        	//得到行驶记录仪数据 Base64 编码
	        	if (!get_map_string(map,"61",temp)) {
	        		OUT_ERROR( NULL, 0, phone.c_str(), "UP_CTRL_MSG_TAKE_TRAVEL_ACK get travel data failed" ) ;
	        		return NULL ;

				int dlen  = 0 ;
				char *ptr = _pEnv->GetMsgCache()->GetData( key.c_str(), dlen ) ;

				UpCtrlMsgTaketravel msg;
				UpCtrlMsgTaketravel *resp = NULL ;

				if ( ptr == NULL ) {
					msg.header.msg_seq     = ntouv32( _seq_gen.get_next_seq() ) ;
					msg.header.msg_type    = ntouv16( UP_CTRL_MSG ) ;
					msg.ctrl_msg_header.data_type = ntouv16( UP_CTRL_MSG_TAKE_TRAVEL_ACK ) ;
					msg.command_type   	   = ntemp;
					resp = &msg ;
				} else {
					if ( dlen < (int) sizeof(UpCtrlMsgTaketravel) ) {
						OUT_ERROR( NULL, 0, phone.c_str(), "UP_CTRL_MSG_TAKE_TRAVEL_ACK get msg cache length failed, length %d" , dlen ) ;
						return NULL ;
					resp = ( UpCtrlMsgTaketravel *) ptr ;

				// 如果为了过检测试,因为测试软件的不允许插入特殊字符,为保证通过,就将它替换为假数据处理
				if ( _istester & 0x01 ) {

					OUT_INFO( NULL, 0, phone.c_str(), "UP_CTRL_MSG_TAKE_TRAVEL_ACK tester travel data"  ) ;
					const char szbuff[] = {0x55,0x7a,0x01,0x00,0x03,0x00,0x00,0x00,0x15,0x01} ;

					len = sizeof(UpCtrlMsgTaketravel)+ sizeof(szbuff) + sizeof(Footer) ;

					resp->ctrl_msg_header.data_length = ntouv32( sizeof(char) + sizeof(int) + sizeof(szbuff) ) ;
					resp->header.msg_len = ntouv32( len ) ;
					resp->travel_length  = ntouv32( sizeof(szbuff) ) ;

					buf = new char[len+1];
					memset(buf, 0, len+1);
					memcpy(buf, resp, sizeof(msg) );
					memcpy( buf + sizeof(msg), szbuff , sizeof(szbuff) ) ;

					Footer footer ;
					memcpy( buf + sizeof(msg) + sizeof(szbuff), &footer, sizeof(footer) ) ;

				} else {
					CBase64 base64;
					base64.Decode(temp.c_str(),temp.length()) ;
					len = sizeof(UpCtrlMsgTaketravel)+ base64.GetLength() + sizeof(Footer) ;

					resp->ctrl_msg_header.data_length = ntouv32( sizeof(char) + sizeof(int) + base64.GetLength() ) ;
					resp->header.msg_len = ntouv32( len ) ;
					resp->travel_length  = ntouv32( base64.GetLength() ) ;

					buf = new char[len+1];
					memset(buf, 0, len+1);
					memcpy(buf, resp, sizeof(msg) );

					if ( base64.GetLength() > 0 ) {
						memcpy( buf + sizeof(msg), base64.GetBuffer() , base64.GetLength() ) ;
					Footer footer ;
					memcpy( buf + sizeof(msg) + base64.GetLength(), &footer, sizeof(footer) ) ;
	        	msgid = UP_CTRL_MSG_TAKE_TRAVEL_ACK ;

	        	if ( ptr != NULL ) {
	        		// 释放数据
	        		_pEnv->GetMsgCache()->FreeData( ptr ) ;
	    case 3: // 拍照上传图片处理,这里拍照特殊处理一下
				string temp ;
				// 取图片的URL的相对地址
				if ( ! get_map_string( map, "125" , temp ) ) {
					get_map_string( map, "203", temp ) ;
				// 如果没有取着图片的地址
				if ( temp.empty() ) {
					OUT_ERROR( NULL, 0, phone.c_str(), "UP_CTRL_MSG_TAKE_PHOTO_ACK get file path failed" ) ;
					return NULL ;

				// 从ome_phone_msgid中取得下发的指令消息
				char szKey[256] = {0} ;
				sprintf( szKey, "%s_%s_%d" , ome.c_str(), phone.c_str(), UP_CTRL_MSG_TAKE_PHOTO_ACK ) ;

				int  nlen  =  0 ;
				char *pbuf = _pEnv->GetMsgCache()->GetData( szKey, nlen ) ;
				if ( pbuf == NULL ) {
					OUT_ERROR( NULL, 0, phone.c_str(), "UP_CTRL_MSG_TAKE_PHOTO_ACK get data from cache failed, key %s" , szKey ) ;
					return NULL ;

				UpCtrlMsgTakePhotoAck *ack = ( UpCtrlMsgTakePhotoAck * ) pbuf;

				if ( _istester & 0x02 ) {
					GnssData &gps = ack->ctrl_photo_body.gps ;
					// 1:65522247,2:18072200,20:5,24:100,3:670,4:20120329/180448,5:30,6:802,7:670,8:6147,9:125000
					gps.lon  = ntouv32( 109203745 ) ;
					gps.lat  = ntouv32( 30120333 ) ;
					gps.vec1 = ntouv16( 100 ) ; // 速度808中为1/10m/s

					time_t ntime  = time(NULL) ;
					struct tm local_tm;
					struct tm *tm = localtime_r( &ntime, &local_tm ) ;

					gps.date[3]   = ( tm->tm_year + 1900)  % 256 ;
					gps.date[2]   = ( tm->tm_year + 1900) / 256 ;
					gps.date[1]   = tm->tm_mon + 1 ;
					gps.date[0]   = tm->tm_mday ;
					gps.time[0]   = tm->tm_hour ;
					gps.time[1]   = tm->tm_min ;
					gps.time[2]   = tm->tm_sec ;

					gps.direction   = ntouv16( 0 ) ;
					gps.state 		= ntouv32(0x03) ;
					gps.alarm 		= ntouv32(0) ;
					gps.vec3  		= ntouv32( 0 ) ;

				} else {
					// 将获到GPS位置数据填充入结构体中
					convert_gps_info( map, ack->ctrl_photo_body.gps ) ;

				// 从本地读取一次图片
				int piclen 	  = 0 ;
				char *picdata = NULL ;
				// 如果本地图片路径为空就从HTTP取图片
				if ( ! _picdir.empty() ) {
					char szpath[1024] = {0};
					sprintf( szpath, "%s/%s", _picdir.c_str(), temp.c_str() ) ;
					picdata = ReadFile( szpath , piclen ) ;

				// 如果文件在本机直接读取
				if ( picdata != NULL && piclen > 0 ) {
					// 直接从本机读取图片
					ack->header.msg_len = ntouv32( sizeof(UpCtrlMsgTakePhotoAck) + sizeof(Footer) + piclen ) ;
					ack->ctrl_msg_header.data_length = ntouv32( sizeof(UpCtrlMsgTakePhotoBody) + piclen ) ;
					ack->ctrl_photo_body.photo_len 	 = ntouv32( piclen ) ;

					DataBuffer dbuf ;
					dbuf.writeBlock( ack, sizeof(UpCtrlMsgTakePhotoAck) ) ;
					if ( piclen > 0 ) {
						dbuf.writeBlock( picdata, piclen ) ;
					Footer footer ;
					dbuf.writeBlock( &footer, sizeof(footer) ) ;
					// 取得接入码信息
					unsigned int accesscode = ntouv32( ack->header.access_code ) ;
					// 发送拍照的照片数据
					_pEnv->GetPasClient()->HandlePasUpData( accesscode, dbuf.getBuffer(), dbuf.getLength() ) ;

					FreeBuffer( picdata ) ;

					OUT_SEND( NULL, 0, NULL, "UP_CTRL_MSG_TAKE_PHOTO_ACK:%s, picture length %d, path: %s",
							ack->ctrl_msg_header.vehicle_no , nlen , temp.c_str() ) ;
				} else {  // 从网络读取文件
					// 取得新序号的ID值
					unsigned int seqid = _pEnv->GetSequeue() ;

					_pEnv->GetCacheKey( seqid, szKey ) ;
					// 重新放入新序号队列中
					_pEnv->GetMsgCache()->AddData( szKey, pbuf , nlen ) ;
					// 从网络中读取图片数据
					((IMsgClient*)_pEnv->GetMsgClient())->LoadUrlPic( seqid , temp.c_str() ) ;

					OUT_SEND( NULL, 0, NULL, "UP_CTRL_MSG_TAKE_PHOTO_ACK picture path %s", temp.c_str() ) ;
				_pEnv->GetMsgCache()->FreeData( pbuf ) ;
	    	break ;
		case 5: {
			int result = 0;
			if (!get_map_integer(map, "18", result) || result != 1) {
				return NULL;

			UpExgMsgRegister msg;
			msg.header.msg_seq = ntouv32(_seq_gen.get_next_seq());
			msg.header.msg_len = ntouv32(sizeof(UpExgMsgRegister));
			msg.header.msg_type = ntouv16(UP_EXG_MSG);
			msg.exg_msg_header.data_type = ntouv16(UP_EXG_MSG_REGISTER); //子业务类型
			msg.exg_msg_header.data_length = ntouv32(sizeof(UpExgMsgRegister) - sizeof(Header) - sizeof(ExgMsgHeader) - sizeof(Footer));

			sprintf(msg.platform_id, "%s", PLATFORM_ID);

			len = sizeof(UpExgMsgRegister);
			buf = new char[len + 1];
			memset(buf, 0, len + 1);
			memcpy(buf, &msg, len);


			type = METHOD_REG;
	    case 8: // 主动上报驾驶员信息采集
	    	   UpExgMsgReportDriverInfo msg;
	    	   msg.header.msg_seq  = ntouv32( _seq_gen.get_next_seq());
	    	   msg.header.msg_len  = ntouv32(sizeof(UpExgMsgReportDriverInfo));
	    	   msg.header.msg_type = ntouv16( UP_EXG_MSG);
	    	   // msg.header.access_code = access_code;
	    	   msg.exg_msg_header.data_type = ntouv16(UP_EXG_MSG_REPORT_DRIVER_INFO);
	    	   msg.exg_msg_header.data_length   = ntouv32(sizeof(UpExgMsgReportDriverInfo) - sizeof(Header) - sizeof(ExgMsgHeader) - sizeof(Footer));

	    	   string temp;
	    	   if (get_map_string(map, "110" , temp ))
	    		   safe_memncpy( msg.driver_name,temp.c_str(), sizeof(msg.driver_name));
	    	   if ( get_map_string(map, "111" , temp ))
	    		   safe_memncpy( msg.driver_id,temp.c_str(), sizeof(msg.driver_id));
	    	   if ( get_map_string(map, "112" , temp ))
	    	   	   safe_memncpy( msg.licence,temp.c_str(), sizeof(msg.licence));
	    	   if ( get_map_string(map, "113" , temp ))
	    	   	   safe_memncpy( msg.org_name,temp.c_str(), sizeof(msg.org_name));

	    	   //OUT_SEND(NULL, 0, NULL, "UpExgMsgReportDriverInfo:%s",car_num.c_str());

	    	   len = sizeof(UpExgMsgReportDriverInfo) ;
	    	   buf = new char[len+1];
	    	   memset(buf, 0, len+1);
	    	   memcpy(buf, &msg, len);

	    	   msgid = UP_EXG_MSG_REPORT_DRIVER_INFO ;
	    case 35: // 主动上报电子运单
				UpExgMsgReportEwaybillInfo msg;
				msg.header.msg_seq  = ntouv32( _seq_gen.get_next_seq());
				msg.header.msg_type = ntouv16( UP_EXG_MSG);
				// msg.header.access_code = access_code;
				msg.exg_msg_header.data_type = ntouv16(UP_EXG_MSG_REPORT_EWAYBILL_INFO);

				string temp = "";
				if (get_map_string(map,"87",temp)) { //电子运单内容
					CBase64 base64;

					len = sizeof(UpExgMsgReportEwaybillInfo)+ base64.GetLength()+ sizeof(Footer);

					msg.exg_msg_header.data_length = ntouv32( sizeof(int) + base64.GetLength() ) ;
					msg.ewaybill_length = ntouv32( base64.GetLength() ) ;
					msg.header.msg_len  = ntouv32( len ) ;

					buf = new char[len+1];
					memcpy( buf, &msg, sizeof(msg) );
					if ( base64.GetLength() > 0 ) {
						memcpy( buf + sizeof(msg), base64.GetBuffer(), base64.GetLength() );
					// 添加结束标记
					Footer footer ;
					memcpy( buf + sizeof(msg) + base64.GetLength(), &footer, sizeof(footer) ) ;
				// OUT_SEND(NULL, 0, NULL, "UP_EXG_MSG_Ewaybill:%s", car_num.c_str());
		case 36: // 终端注册,这里暂时只处理终端鉴权
				int result = 0 ;
				if ( get_map_integer( map, "45", result ) ) {
					// 如果终端注册失败就直接返回了。
					if ( result != 0 ) {
						return NULL ;

				UpExgMsgRegister msg;
				msg.header.msg_seq  = ntouv32( _seq_gen.get_next_seq());
				msg.header.msg_len  = ntouv32( sizeof(UpExgMsgRegister) ) ;
				msg.header.msg_type = ntouv16( UP_EXG_MSG);
				msg.exg_msg_header.data_type     = ntouv16( UP_EXG_MSG_REGISTER ) ; //子业务类型
				//msg.exg_msg_header.vehicle_color = car_color ;
				//safe_memncpy( msg.exg_msg_header.vehicle_no, car_num.c_str(), sizeof(msg.exg_msg_header.vehicle_no) ) ;
				msg.exg_msg_header.data_length   = ntouv32( sizeof(UpExgMsgRegister) - sizeof(Header) - sizeof(ExgMsgHeader) - sizeof(Footer) ) ;
				sprintf( msg.platform_id , "%s" , PLATFORM_ID ) ;

				string temp ;
				// 取得制造产商ID
				if ( get_map_string( map, "42" , temp ) ) {
					safe_memncpy( msg.producer_id, temp.c_str(), sizeof(msg.producer_id) ) ;
				// 取得终端类型
				if ( get_map_string( map, "43" , temp ) ) {
					safe_memncpy( msg.terminal_model_type, temp.c_str(), sizeof(msg.terminal_model_type) ) ;
				// 取得终端ID
				if ( get_map_string( map, "44" , temp ) ) {
					safe_memncpy( msg.terminal_id, temp.c_str(), sizeof(msg.terminal_id) ) ;
				// 取得手机SIM号
				if ( phone.length() > 0 ) {
					//reverse_copy(msg.terminal_simcode, sizeof(msg.terminal_simcode), temp.c_str(),  0 ) ;
					// 前面补零拷贝
					reverse_copy(msg.terminal_simcode, sizeof(msg.terminal_simcode), phone.c_str(), 0 );

				len = sizeof(UpExgMsgRegister) ;
				buf = new char[len+1] ;
				memset(buf, 0, len+1) ;
				memcpy(buf, &msg, len) ;

				msgid = UP_EXG_MSG_REGISTER ;
		case 38: //终端鉴权后,要异步回调通过http,通过pcc 提交到Service 请求sim卡号,终端类型
		    	int result = 0 ;
		    	if ( get_map_integer( map, "48", result ) ) {
		    		// 如果终端鉴权失败就直接返回了。
		    		if ( result != 0 ) {
		    			return NULL ;

		    	UpExgMsgRegister msg;
		    	msg.header.msg_seq  = ntouv32( _seq_gen.get_next_seq());
		    	msg.header.msg_len  = ntouv32( sizeof(UpExgMsgRegister) ) ;
		        msg.header.msg_type = ntouv16( UP_EXG_MSG);
		    	msg.exg_msg_header.data_type   = ntouv16(UP_EXG_MSG_REGISTER) ; //子业务类型
		    	msg.exg_msg_header.data_length = ntouv32( sizeof(UpExgMsgRegister) - sizeof(Header) - sizeof(ExgMsgHeader) - sizeof(Footer));

		    	sprintf( msg.platform_id , "%s" , PLATFORM_ID ) ;

		    	len = sizeof(UpExgMsgRegister) ;
				buf = new char[len+1] ;
				memset(buf, 0, len+1) ;
				memcpy(buf, &msg, len) ;

				msgid = UP_EXG_MSG_REGISTER ;

				type  = METHOD_REG ;
				//OUT_ERROR( NULL, 0, phone.c_str(), "PConvert::convert_urept not support %s", val.c_str() ) ;
			break ;

	return buf ;
Exemplo n.º 8
// 转换监管协议
char * PConvert::convert_lprov( const string &key, const string &seqid, const string &val , int &len, string &areacode )
	MapString map ;
	if ( ! parse_jkpt_value( val, map ) ) {
		OUT_ERROR( NULL, 0, NULL, "parse data %s failed", val.c_str() ) ;
		return NULL ;

	string stype ;
	if ( ! get_map_string( map , "TYPE", stype ) ) {
		OUT_ERROR( NULL, 0, NULL, "get data %s type failed", val.c_str() ) ;
		return NULL ;

	// 取得省域ID
	if ( ! get_map_string( map, "AREA_CODE", areacode ) ) {
		OUT_ERROR( NULL, 0, NULL, "get area code failed, %s", val.c_str() ) ;
		return NULL ;

	char *buf = NULL ;
	// AREA_CODE:省代码,CARNO:车牌颜色_车牌号,ACCESS_CODE:运营商接入码,TYPE:XXX,k1:v1...
	if ( stype == "D_PLAT" ) {

		string sval ;
		// 如果为平台查岗消息处理
		if ( get_map_string( map, "PLATQUERY" , sval ) ) {
			// 查岗对象的类型(1:当前连接的下级平台,2:下级平台所属单一业户,3:下级平台所属所有业户)|查岗对象的ID|信息ID|应答内容"
			vector<string> vec ;
			if ( ! splitvector( sval, vec, "|" , 0 ) ) {
				OUT_ERROR( NULL, 0, areacode.c_str(), "split vector failed, sval %s" , sval.c_str() ) ;
				return NULL ;
			// 如果拆分个数小于四个则直接返回
			if ( vec.size() < 4 ) {
				OUT_ERROR( NULL, 0, areacode.c_str(), "split vector param too less, value %s" , sval.c_str() ) ;
				return NULL ;

			int dlen  = 0 ;
			char *ptr = _pEnv->GetMsgCache()->GetData( key.c_str(), dlen , false ) ;
			if ( ptr == NULL ) {
				OUT_ERROR( NULL, 0, areacode.c_str(), "get plat msg failed , key %s" , key.c_str() ) ;
				return NULL ;

			string content = vec[3] ;
			CBase64 base;
			if ( base.Decode( content.c_str(), content.length() ) ) {
				content = base.GetBuffer() ;
			len = sizeof(UpPlatformMsgPostQueryAck)   + content.length() + sizeof(Footer) ;
			buf = new char[len+1] ;

			// 处理平台查岗的消息
			UpPlatformMsgPostQueryAck *rsp = (UpPlatformMsgPostQueryAck *) ptr ;
			rsp->header.msg_len 			  = ntouv32( len ) ;
			rsp->up_platform_msg.data_length  = ntouv32( sizeof(UpPlatformMsgpostqueryData) + content.length() ) ;
			rsp->up_platform_post.msg_len     = ntouv32( content.length() ) ;
			rsp->up_platform_post.object_type = atoi( vec[0].c_str() ) ;
			safe_memncpy( rsp->up_platform_post.object_id, vec[1].c_str(), sizeof(rsp->up_platform_post.object_id) ) ;
			rsp->up_platform_post.info_id     = ntouv32( atoi(vec[2].c_str()) ) ;

			memcpy( buf, rsp, sizeof(UpPlatformMsgPostQueryAck) ) ;
			memcpy( buf+sizeof(UpPlatformMsgPostQueryAck) , content.c_str(), content.length() ) ;

			Footer footer ;
			memcpy( buf+sizeof(UpPlatformMsgPostQueryAck) + content.length(), &footer, sizeof(footer) ) ;

			OUT_PRINT( NULL, 0, areacode.c_str(), "platquery message %s", content.c_str() ) ;

			return buf ;

		// 平台间消息
		if ( get_map_string( map, "PLATMSG", sval ) ) {
			// 从缓存中取数据, 针对平台间消息和平台查岗暂时不回收资源
			char *ptr = _pEnv->GetMsgCache()->GetData( key.c_str(), len , false ) ;
			if ( buf == NULL ) {
				OUT_ERROR( NULL, 0, areacode.c_str(), "get msg from cache failed, key %s", key.c_str() ) ;
				return NULL ;

			// 重新拷贝处理
			buf = new char[len+1] ;
			memset( buf, 0, len + 1 ) ;
			memcpy( buf, ptr, len ) ;

			// 处理平台消息的ID
			UpPlatFormMsgInfoAck *ack = (UpPlatFormMsgInfoAck *) buf ;
			ack->info_id = ntouv32( atoi(sval.c_str()) ) ;

			return buf ;

	} else {  // 除平台查岗处理
		string macid ;
		// 取得车牌颜色和车牌号
		if ( ! get_map_string( map, "CARNO" , macid ) ) {
			OUT_ERROR( NULL, 0, areacode.c_str(), "get carno failed, %s", val.c_str() ) ;
			return NULL ;

		unsigned char carcolor = 0 ;
		string carnum ;
		// 通过MACID取得车颜色和车牌号
		if ( ! get_carinfobymacid( macid, carcolor, carnum ) ) {
			OUT_ERROR( NULL, 0, areacode.c_str(), "get car color and car num by macid failed, %d" , macid.c_str() ) ;
			return NULL ;

		string sval ;
		// 如果为报警业务
		if ( stype == "D_WARN" ) {
			// 报警督办
			if ( get_map_string( map, "WARNTODO", sval ) ) {
				buf = _pEnv->GetMsgCache()->GetData( key.c_str(), len ) ;
				if ( buf == NULL ) {
					OUT_ERROR( NULL, 0, areacode.c_str(), "get msg data failed, key %s, macid %s" , key.c_str(), macid.c_str() ) ;
					return NULL ;
				UpWarnMsgUrgeTodoAck *rsp = ( UpWarnMsgUrgeTodoAck *) buf ;
				rsp->result = atoi(sval.c_str()) ;
				return buf ;

			// 处理上报报警
			if ( get_map_string( map, "WARNINFO" , sval ) ) {
				// 报警信息来源(1:车载终端,2:企业监控平台,3:政府监管平台,9:其它)|报警类型(详见5.3“报警类型编码表”)|报警时间(UTC时间格式)|信息ID|报警信息内容
				vector<string>  vec ;
				// 处理所有逗号分割处理
				if ( ! splitvector( sval , vec, "|" , 0 ) ) {
					OUT_ERROR( NULL, 0, areacode.c_str(), "WARNINFO split vector error, key %s, macid %s, value: %s" , key.c_str(), macid.c_str() , sval.c_str() ) ;
					return false ;
				if ( vec.size() < 5 ) {
					OUT_ERROR( NULL, 0, areacode.c_str(), "WARNINFO arg too less error, key %s, macid %s, value: %s" , key.c_str(), macid.c_str() , sval.c_str() ) ;
					return false ;

				int nlen = vec[4].length() ;
				len = sizeof(UpWarnMsgAdptInfoHeader) + sizeof(UpWarnMsgAdptInfoBody) + nlen + sizeof(Footer) ;

				UpWarnMsgAdptInfoHeader req ;
				req.header.msg_len  = ntouv32( len ) ;  // 修正长度不正
				req.header.msg_type = ntouv16( UP_WARN_MSG ) ;
				req.header.msg_seq  = ntouv32( _seq_gen.get_next_seq() ) ;
				req.warn_msg_header.vehicle_color = carcolor ;
				safe_memncpy( req.warn_msg_header.vehicle_no, carnum.c_str(), sizeof(req.warn_msg_header.vehicle_no) ) ;
				req.warn_msg_header.data_type   = ntouv16( UP_WARN_MSG_ADPT_INFO ) ;
				req.warn_msg_header.data_length = ntouv32( sizeof(UpWarnMsgAdptInfoBody) + nlen ) ;

				UpWarnMsgAdptInfoBody body ;
				body.warn_src    = atoi( vec[0].c_str() ) ;
				body.warn_type   = ntouv16( atoi(vec[1].c_str()) ) ;
				body.warn_time   = ntouv64( atoi64(vec[2].c_str()) ) ;
				body.info_id     = ntouv32( atoi(vec[3].c_str()) ) ;
				body.info_length = ntouv32( nlen ) ;

				int offset = 0 ;
				buf = new char[len+1] ;
				memcpy( buf+offset, &req, sizeof(req) ) ;
				offset += sizeof(req) ;

				memcpy( buf+offset, &body, sizeof(body) ) ;
				offset += sizeof(body) ;

				memcpy( buf+offset, vec[4].c_str(), nlen ) ;
				offset += nlen ;

				Footer footer ;
				memcpy( buf+offset, &footer, sizeof(footer) ) ;

				return buf ;

			// 处理主动上报报警结果
			if ( get_map_string( map, "UPWARN", sval ) ) {
				// 报警信息ID|报警处理结果(0:处理中,1:已处理完毕,2:不作处理,3:将来处理)
				size_t pos = sval.find( "|" ) ;
				if ( pos == string::npos ) {
					OUT_ERROR( NULL, 0, areacode.c_str(), "upwarn result command error, value: %s" , val.c_str() ) ;
					return NULL ;

				// 组装主动上报处理理结果的数据包
				UpWarnMsgAdptTodoInfo req ;
				req.header.msg_len  = ntouv32( sizeof(UpWarnMsgAdptTodoInfo) ) ;
				req.header.msg_type = ntouv16( UP_WARN_MSG ) ;
				req.header.msg_seq  = ntouv32( _seq_gen.get_next_seq() ) ;
				req.warn_msg_header.vehicle_color = carcolor ;
				safe_memncpy( req.warn_msg_header.vehicle_no, carnum.c_str(), sizeof(req.warn_msg_header.vehicle_no) ) ;
				req.warn_msg_header.data_type   = ntouv16( UP_WARN_MSG_ADPT_TODO_INFO ) ;
				req.warn_msg_header.data_length = ntouv32( sizeof(WarnMsgAdptTodoInfoBody) ) ;
				req.warn_msg_body.info_id 		= ntouv32( atoi( sval.c_str() ) ) ;
				req.warn_msg_body.result  		= atoi( sval.substr(pos+1).c_str() ) ;

				len = sizeof(req) ;
				buf = new char[len+1] ;
				memcpy( buf, &req, sizeof(req) ) ;

				return buf ;
		} else if ( stype == "D_MESG" ) {
			// 如果下发申请交换车辆信息
			if ( get_map_string( map, "MONITORSTARTUP" , sval ) ) {
				// 开始时间(UTC时间格式)|结束时间(UTC时间格式)
				size_t pos = sval.find( "|" ) ;
				if ( pos == string::npos ) {
					OUT_ERROR( NULL, 0, areacode.c_str(), "down command error , value : %s" , val.c_str() ) ;
					return NULL ;
				uint64 start = atoi64( sval.substr(0, pos).c_str() ) ;
				uint64 end   = atoi64( sval.substr( pos+1).c_str() ) ;

				UpExgMsgApplyForMonitorStartup req ;
				req.header.msg_len = ntouv32( sizeof(req) ) ;
				req.header.msg_seq = ntouv32( _seq_gen.get_next_seq() ) ;
				req.exg_msg_header.vehicle_color = carcolor ;
				safe_memncpy( req.exg_msg_header.vehicle_no, carnum.c_str(), sizeof(req.exg_msg_header.vehicle_no) ) ;
				req.exg_msg_header.data_length   = ntouv32( sizeof(uint64) * 2 ) ;
				req.start_time = ntouv64( start ) ;
				req.end_time   = ntouv64( end   ) ;

				len = sizeof(req) ;
				buf = new char[len+1] ;
				memcpy( buf, &req, sizeof(req) ) ;

				_pEnv->GetPasClient()->AddMacId2SeqId( UP_EXG_MSG_APPLY_FOR_MONITOR_STARTUP , macid.c_str(), seqid.c_str() ) ;

				return buf ;

			// 结束车辆交换信息
			if ( get_map_string( map , "MONITOREND" , sval ) ) {

				UpExgMsgApplyForMonitorEnd  req ;
				req.header.msg_len = ntouv32( sizeof(req) ) ;
				req.header.msg_seq = ntouv32( _seq_gen.get_next_seq() ) ;
				req.exg_msg_header.vehicle_color = carcolor ;
				safe_memncpy( req.exg_msg_header.vehicle_no, carnum.c_str(), sizeof(req.exg_msg_header.vehicle_no) ) ;
				req.exg_msg_header.data_length   = ntouv32( 0 ) ;

				len = sizeof(req) ;
				buf = new char[len+1] ;
				memcpy( buf, &req, sizeof(req) ) ;

				_pEnv->GetPasClient()->AddMacId2SeqId( UP_EXG_MSG_APPLY_FOR_MONITOR_END , macid.c_str(), seqid.c_str() ) ;

				return buf ;

			// 这是平台主动下发,还有一种平台自动下发情况,补发指定时间车辆信息
			if ( get_map_string( map, "HISGNSSDATA" , sval ) ) {
				// 开始时间(UTC时间格式)|结束时间(UTC时间格式)
				size_t pos = sval.find( "|" ) ;
				if ( pos == string::npos ) {
					OUT_ERROR( NULL, 0, areacode.c_str(), "down command error , value : %s" , val.c_str() ) ;
					return NULL ;
				uint64 start = atoi64( sval.substr(0, pos).c_str() ) ;
				uint64 end   = atoi64( sval.substr( pos+1).c_str() ) ;

				UpExgApplyHisGnssDataReq req ;
				req.header.msg_len  = ntouv32( sizeof(req) ) ;
				req.header.msg_type = ntouv16( UP_EXG_MSG ) ;
				req.header.msg_seq  = ntouv32( _seq_gen.get_next_seq() ) ;
				req.exg_msg_header.vehicle_color = carcolor ;
				safe_memncpy( req.exg_msg_header.vehicle_no, carnum.c_str(), sizeof(req.exg_msg_header.vehicle_no) ) ;
				req.exg_msg_header.data_length   = ntouv32( sizeof(uint64) * 2 ) ;
				req.exg_msg_header.data_type	 = ntouv16( UP_EXG_MSG_APPLY_HISGNSSDATA_REQ ) ;
				req.start_time = ntouv64( start ) ;
				req.end_time   = ntouv64( end   ) ;

				len = sizeof(req) ;
				buf = new char[len+1] ;
				memcpy( buf, &req, sizeof(req) ) ;

				_pEnv->GetPasClient()->AddMacId2SeqId( UP_EXG_MSG_APPLY_HISGNSSDATA_REQ , macid.c_str(), seqid.c_str() ) ;

				return buf ;

			// 处理历史数据上报
			size_t pos = val.find( "HISTORY" ) ;
			// 取得车辆的历史位数据情况
			if ( pos != string::npos ) {
				size_t end = val.find( "}" , pos+8 ) ;
				if ( end == string::npos || end < pos ){
					OUT_ERROR( NULL, 0, areacode.c_str(), "HISTORY split vector error, key %s, macid %s, value: %s" , key.c_str(), macid.c_str() , val.c_str() ) ;
					return false;
				sval = val.substr( pos+8, end - pos - 8 ) ;
				vector<string>  vec ;
				// 处理所有逗号分割处理
				if ( ! splitvector( sval , vec, "|" , 0 ) ) {
					OUT_ERROR( NULL, 0, areacode.c_str(), "HISTORY split vector error, key %s, macid %s, value: %s" , key.c_str(), macid.c_str() , sval.c_str() ) ;
					return false ;

				int nsize = vec.size() ;

				UpExgMsgHistoryHeader msg ;
				msg.header.msg_type = ntouv16( UP_EXG_MSG ) ;
				msg.header.msg_seq  = ntouv32( _seq_gen.get_next_seq() ) ;
				msg.exg_msg_header.vehicle_color = carcolor ;
				safe_memncpy( msg.exg_msg_header.vehicle_no, carnum.c_str(), sizeof(msg.exg_msg_header.vehicle_no) ) ;
				msg.exg_msg_header.data_type   = ntouv16(UP_EXG_MSG_HISTORY_LOCATION) ;

				DataBuffer dbuf ;

				unsigned char ncount = 0 ;
				for ( int i = 0; i < nsize; ++ i ) {
					MapString gpsmap ;
					if ( ! split2map( vec[i] , gpsmap ) ) {
						continue ;
					GnssData gnssdata;
					if ( ! convert_gps_info( gpsmap, gnssdata ) ){
						continue ;
					dbuf.writeBlock( &gnssdata, sizeof(GnssData) ) ;
					++ ncount ;

				len = sizeof(msg) + sizeof(char) + ncount*sizeof(GnssData) + sizeof(Footer) ;
				msg.exg_msg_header.data_length = ntouv32( sizeof(char) + ncount*sizeof(GnssData) ) ;
				msg.header.msg_len			   = ntouv32( len ) ;

				buf = new char[len+1] ;

				int offset = 0 ;
				memcpy( buf, &msg, sizeof(msg) ) ;
				offset += sizeof(msg) ;

				memcpy( buf+offset , &ncount, sizeof(char) )  ;
				offset += sizeof(char) ;

				memcpy( buf+offset, dbuf.getBuffer(), dbuf.getLength() ) ;
				offset += dbuf.getLength() ;

				Footer footer ;
				memcpy( buf+offset, &footer, sizeof(footer) ) ;

				return buf ;

			// 接入广州809精简版监管,提交车辆静态数据,子业务类型为DOWN_EXG_MSG_CAR_INFO
			if (get_map_string(map, "U_BASE", sval)) {
				CBase64 base64;
				if( ! base64.Decode(sval.c_str(), sval.length())) {
					OUT_ERROR( NULL, 0, areacode.c_str(), "base64 decode error, value : %s" , val.c_str() ) ;
					return NULL;

				len = sizeof(DownExgMsgCarInfoHeader) + base64.GetLength() + sizeof(Footer);
				buf = new char[len + 1];

				DownExgMsgCarInfoHeader msg;
				msg.header.msg_len  = ntouv32( len ) ;
				msg.header.msg_seq  = ntouv32( _seq_gen.get_next_seq() ) ;
				msg.header.msg_type = ntouv16( UP_EXG_MSG );
				msg.exg_msg_header.vehicle_color = carcolor ;
				strncpy(msg.exg_msg_header.vehicle_no, carnum.c_str(),	sizeof(msg.exg_msg_header.vehicle_no));
				msg.exg_msg_header.data_type = ntouv16(DOWN_EXG_MSG_CAR_INFO);
				msg.exg_msg_header.data_length = ntouv32(base64.GetLength());

				int msgpos = 0;
				memcpy(buf + msgpos, &msg, sizeof(DownExgMsgCarInfoHeader));
				msgpos += sizeof(DownExgMsgCarInfoHeader);

				memcpy(buf + msgpos, base64.GetBuffer(), base64.GetLength());
				msgpos += base64.GetLength();

				Footer footer ;
				memcpy( buf + msgpos, &footer, sizeof(footer) ) ;

				return buf ;
	return NULL ;
Exemplo n.º 9
// 发送图片数据
bool CVechileMgr::SendLocationPic( _stVechile *p , int ncount )
	if( ncount <= 0 || p == NULL )
		return false ;

	if ( access( _pic_url.c_str(), 0 ) != 0 ) {
		OUT_ERROR( NULL, 0, NULL, "check pic dir %s failed", _pic_url.c_str() ) ;
		return false ;

	int  photo_len = 0 ;
	char *pfile = ReadFile( _pic_url.c_str() , photo_len ) ;

	GBFooter  footer ;
	GBheader  header ;
	header.msgid = htons(0x0801) ;
	memcpy( header.car_id , p->car_id_ , sizeof(header.car_id) ) ;

	MediaUploadBody  body ;
	body.id     = 1 ;
	body.type   = 0 ;
	body.mtype  = 0 ;
	body.event  = 1 ;
	body.chanel = 1 ;

	unsigned int alarm = 0 ;
	memcpy( &body.gps.alarm, &alarm, sizeof(unsigned int) ) ;

	unsigned int state = 0 ;
	memcpy( &body.gps.state , &state, sizeof(unsigned int) ) ;

	int pos = p->gps_pos_ ;
	pos = ++ pos % ncount ;

	Point &pt = _gps_vec[pos] ;

	body.gps.heigth    = htons(100) ;
	body.gps.speed     = htons(get_car_speed());//htons(60)  ;
	body.gps.direction = htons(0) ;

	if(body.gps.speed == 0) {
		body.gps.state.bit0 = 0;
		body.gps.state.bit1 = 0;
		body.gps.longitude = 0 ;
		body.gps.latitude  = 0 ;
	} else {
		body.gps.state.bit0 = 1;
		body.gps.state.bit1 = 1;
		body.gps.longitude = htonl( pt.lon ) ;
		body.gps.latitude  = htonl( pt.lat ) ;
	// 取得当前BCD的时间
	get_bcd_time( body.gps.date_time ) ;

	DataBuffer buffer ;
	buffer.writeBlock( &body, sizeof(body) ) ;
	buffer.writeBlock( pfile, photo_len ) ;

	FreeBuffer( pfile ) ;

	// 取得需要发送的数据体
	char *ptr = buffer.getBuffer() ;
	int len   = buffer.getLength() ;
	// 计算分包数
	int count = ( len / MAX_SPLITPACK_LEN ) + ( ( len % MAX_SPLITPACK_LEN == 0 && len > 0 ) ? 0 : 1 ) ;

	int offset = 0 , left = len , readlen = 0 ;

	// 根据分包的序号需要连续处理
	unsigned short seqid = 0 ;
		_seq_mutex.lock() ;
		p->seq_id_ = p->seq_id_ + count ;
		if ( p->seq_id_ < count ) {
			p->seq_id_ = count + 1 ;
			seqid      = 1 ;
		} else {
			seqid      = p->seq_id_ - count ;
		_seq_mutex.unlock() ;

	// 发送FD的数据
	socket_t *fd = ( p->ufd_ != NULL ) ? p->ufd_ : p->fd_ ;
	// 处理分包发送数据
	for ( int i = 0 ; i < count; ++ i ) {
		// 计算能处理长度
		readlen = ( left > MAX_SPLITPACK_LEN ) ? MAX_SPLITPACK_LEN : left ;

		// 长度为消息内容的长度去掉头和尾
		unsigned short  mlen = 0 ;
		if ( count > 1 ) { // 如果为多包数据,需要设置分包位标志
			mlen = htons(  ( readlen & 0x23FF ) | 0x2000 ) ;
		} else {
			mlen = htons(  readlen & 0x03FF ) ;
		memcpy( &(header.msgtype), &mlen, sizeof(short) );

		unsigned short downseq = seqid + i + 1 ;
		header.seq = htons(downseq) ;

		DataBuffer buf ;
		// 写入头部数据
		buf.writeBlock( &header, sizeof(header) ) ;

		// 如果为分包数据需要处理分包的包数以及包序号
		if ( count > 1 ) {
			buf.writeInt16( count ) ;
			buf.writeInt16( i + 1 ) ;
		// 读取长度
		if ( readlen > 0 ) {
			// 读取每个数据长度
			buf.writeBlock( ptr + offset, readlen ) ;
			// 处理读取长度和偏移
			offset += readlen ;  left = left - readlen ;
		buf.writeBlock( &footer, sizeof(footer) ) ;

		if ( Send5BData( fd , buf.getBuffer(), buf.getLength() )  ) {
			// 打印发送的数据
			printf( " fd %d, send pic %d\n", fd->_fd, i ) ;
		} else {
			p->car_state_ = OFF_LINE ;

	p->gps_pos_  = pos ;

	OUT_PRINT( NULL, 0, NULL, "send pic %s", p->phone ) ;
	// 发送位置包
	return true ;
Exemplo n.º 10
bool CVechileMgr::SendLocationPos( _stVechile *p , int ncount )
	if( ncount <= 0 || p == NULL ) {
		return false ;

	time_t now = share::Util::currentTimeUsec() ;
	srand( now ) ;
	int nrand = rand() ;  // 产生随机报警

	DataBuffer buf ;

	TermLocationHeader  header ;
	BuildHeader( header.header, 0x200 , sizeof(GpsInfo), p ) ;

	unsigned int alarm = 0 ;
	if ( now - p->last_alam_  > _alam_time && _alam_time > 0 ) {
		alarm = htonl( nrand ) ;
		p->last_alam_ = now ;
	memcpy( &header.gpsinfo.alarm, &alarm, sizeof(unsigned int) ) ;

	unsigned int state = 0 ;
	memcpy( &header.gpsinfo.state , &state, sizeof(unsigned int) ) ;

	int pos = p->gps_pos_ ;
	pos = pos + 1 ;
	pos = pos % ncount ;

	Point &pt = _gps_vec[pos] ;

	header.gpsinfo.heigth    = htons(nrand%100) ;
	header.gpsinfo.speed     = htons(get_car_speed());//htons(nrand%1000)  ;
	header.gpsinfo.direction = htons(nrand%360) ;
	// 取得当前BCD的时间
	get_bcd_time( header.gpsinfo.date_time ) ;

	if(header.gpsinfo.speed == 0) {
		header.gpsinfo.state.bit6 = 0;
		header.gpsinfo.state.bit7 = 0;
		header.gpsinfo.longitude = 0 ;
		header.gpsinfo.latitude  = 0 ;
	} else {
		header.gpsinfo.state.bit6 = 1;
		header.gpsinfo.state.bit7 = 1;
		header.gpsinfo.longitude = htonl( pt.lon ) ;
		header.gpsinfo.latitude  = htonl( pt.lat ) ;

	buf.writeBlock( &header, sizeof(header) ) ;

	// 需要上传CAN的数据
	if ( now - p->last_candata_ > _candata_time && _candata_time > 0 ) {

		p->last_candata_ = now ;

		int index = nrand % 5;

		write_dword( buf, 0x01, 2000 ) ;
		write_word(  buf, 0x02, 100 ) ;
		write_word(  buf, 0x03, 800 ) ;
		if ( index != 0 ) {
			struct _B1{
				unsigned char cmd ;
				unsigned int  val ;
			_B1 b1 ;
			b1.cmd = ( index - 1 ) ;
			b1.val = htonl( nrand ) ;

			write_block( buf, 0x11, (unsigned char*)&b1 , sizeof(_B1) ) ;
		} else {
			write_byte( buf, 0x11, 0 ) ;

		if ( nrand % 2 == 0 ) {
			struct _B2{
				unsigned char type;
				unsigned int  val ;
				unsigned char dir ;
			_B2 b2 ;
			b2.type = (( index + 1 ) % 5 ) ;
			b2.val  = htonl( index ) ;
			b2.dir  = ( index%2 == 0 ) ;

			write_block( buf, 0x12, (unsigned char*)&b2, sizeof(_B2) ) ;
		if ( nrand % 3 == 0 ) {
			struct _B3{
				unsigned int   id ;
				unsigned short time ;
				unsigned char  result ;
			_B3 b3 ;
			b3.id     = htonl( index ) ;
			b3.time   = htons( nrand % 100 ) ;
			b3.result = ( index % 2 == 0 ) ;

			write_block( buf , 0x13, (unsigned char*)&b3, sizeof(_B3) ) ;

		switch( index ) {
		case 0:
			write_word(  buf, 0x20, nrand ) ;
			write_word(  buf, 0x21, nrand % 100 ) ;
			write_word(  buf, 0x22, nrand % 1000 ) ;
			write_word(  buf, 0x23, nrand % 80 ) ;
		case 1:
			write_dword( buf, 0x24, nrand % 157887 ) ;
			write_dword( buf, 0x25, nrand % 233555 ) ;
			write_dword( buf, 0x26, nrand % 200 ) ;
			write_dword( buf, 0x40, nrand % 3000 ) ;
		case 2:
			write_word(  buf, 0x41, nrand % 130 ) ;
			write_word(  buf, 0x42, nrand % 120 ) ;
			write_word(  buf, 0x43, nrand % 200 ) ;
			write_word(  buf, 0x44, nrand % 300 ) ;
		case 3:
			write_word(  buf, 0x45, nrand % 150 ) ;
			write_word(  buf, 0x46, nrand % 100 ) ;
		case 4:
			write_word(  buf, 0x47, nrand % 150 ) ;
			write_word(  buf, 0x48, nrand % 200 ) ;
			break ;

	// 长度为消息内容的长度去掉头和尾
	unsigned short  mlen = (buf.getLength()-sizeof(GBheader)) & 0x03FF ;
	buf.fillInt16( mlen, 3 ) ;

	GBFooter footer ;
	buf.writeBlock( &footer, sizeof(footer) ) ;

	if ( Send5BData( p->fd_, buf.getBuffer(), buf.getLength() ) ) {
		p->gps_pos_ = pos ;
		return true ;
	p->car_state_ = OFF_LINE ;
	// 发送位置包
	return false ;
Exemplo n.º 11
// 处理一个数据包
void CVechileMgr::HandleOnePacket( socket_t *sock, const char *data, int len )
	GBheader *header = (GBheader*)data;
	unsigned short _s = 0x03FF;
	unsigned short nmsg = 0 ;
	memcpy(&nmsg,&(header->msgtype),sizeof(unsigned short));
	nmsg = ntohs( nmsg ) ;

	// 取得前10位值为长度
	unsigned short msg_len = nmsg & _s;
	unsigned short msg_id  = ntohs(header->msgid);
	string str_car_id 	   = BCDtostr(header->car_id).substr(1,11);
	// unsigned short seq     = ntohs(header->seq);

	const char *ip 		= sock->_szIp;
	unsigned short port = sock->_port;

	// 将到来的数据写入日志中
	OUT_INFO( ip, port, str_car_id.c_str(), "******************fd %d on data arrrived***************", sock->_fd );
	OUT_HEX( ip, port, str_car_id.c_str() , data , len ) ;
	OUT_INFO( ip, port, str_car_id.c_str(), "********************************************************");

	int need_len = (int)(msg_len  + sizeof(GBFooter) + sizeof(GBheader)) ;
	// 优先计算长度是否正确
	if ( msg_len == 0 || len < need_len ) {
		OUT_ERROR( ip, port, str_car_id.c_str(), "msg id %x, data length error, len %d, msg len %d, need length %d" ,
				msg_id, len , msg_len , need_len ) ;
		return ;
	// 如果第13位为1则为分包消息
	if ( nmsg & 0x2000 ) {
		// 如果为分包消息
		if ( len != (int)(msg_len + sizeof(GBFooter) + sizeof(GBheader) + sizeof(MediaPart)) ){
			OUT_ERROR( ip, port, str_car_id.c_str(), "msg id %x, long message data length error, len %d, msg len %d,need length %d" ,
					msg_id, len , msg_len ,need_len + sizeof(MediaPart) ) ;
			return ;
	} else { // 如果是普通消息
		if ( len != (int)(msg_len  + sizeof(GBFooter) + sizeof(GBheader))  ) {
			OUT_ERROR( ip, port, str_car_id.c_str(), "msg id %x, message length error, len %d, msg len %d, need length %d" ,
					msg_id, len , msg_len , need_len ) ;
			return ;

	if ( msg_id == 0x8100 )
		TermRegisterRespHeader *resp = ( TermRegisterRespHeader *) data ;
		// 注册成功的响应返回鉴权码,发送鉴权处理
		if ( resp->result == 0x00 ) {

			const int  data_len = msg_len - 3 ;
			if ( data_len <= 0 ) {
				OUT_ERROR( ip, port, str_car_id.c_str(), "authcode length zero, data len: %d", data_len ) ;
				return ;

			const char *authcode = ( const char *) ( data + sizeof(TermRegisterRespHeader) ) ;

			TermAuthenticationHeader req ;

			int nlen = sizeof(TermAuthenticationHeader) + sizeof(GBFooter) + data_len ;

			req.header.msgid = htons( 0x0102 ) ;
			req.header.seq   = resp->header.seq ;
			memcpy( req.header.car_id , resp->header.car_id , sizeof(req.header.car_id ) ) ;

			unsigned short dlen = htons( data_len & 0x03FF ) ;
			memcpy( &req.header.msgtype , &dlen , sizeof(short) ) ;

			int offset = 0 ;

			char *buf = new char[nlen+1] ;
			memcpy( buf, &req, sizeof(req) ) ;
			offset += sizeof(req) ;

			// 添加返回授权码
			memcpy( buf + offset, authcode , data_len ) ;
			offset += data_len ;

			GBFooter  footer ;
			memcpy( buf + offset, &footer, sizeof(footer) ) ;

			if ( ! Send5BData( sock,  buf, nlen ) ) {
				OUT_ERROR( ip, port, str_car_id.c_str(), "send term auth failed" ) ;
				OUT_HEX( ip, port, str_car_id.c_str(), buf, nlen ) ;

			delete [] buf ;
	else if ( msg_id == 0x8001 )
		PlatFormCommonResp *resp = ( PlatFormCommonResp *) data ;
		unsigned short rsp_msgid = ntohs( resp->resp.resp_msg_id )  ;
		if ( rsp_msgid == 0x0102 ) { // 如果是终端鉴权
			if ( resp->resp.result == 0x00 ) {
				if ( sock->_ptr != NULL ) {
					// 将离线用户转为在线用户
					((_stVechile*)sock->_ptr)->car_state_ = ON_LINE ;
				// 记录登陆日志
				OUT_CONN( ip , port, str_car_id.c_str() , "Term auth success , fd %d" , sock->_fd ) ;
	else if (msg_id == 0x8900) //数据下行透传
		const int  data_len = msg_len - 3 ;
		if ( data_len <= 0 ) {
		   OUT_ERROR( ip, port, str_car_id.c_str(), "transparent transmission length zero, data len: %d", data_len ) ;

	    if (data[sizeof(TransHeader)] == 0x01){ //透传类型

          DataBuffer pBuf;
	      int nLength = _logistics->ParseTransparentMsgData((unsigned char *)&data[sizeof(TransHeader)+1],
	      if (nLength >0){ //下发返回
	    	  TermCommonResp req ;
	    	  int nlen = sizeof(TermCommonResp) ;

	    	  req.header.msgid = htons( 0x0001 ) ;
	    	  req.header.seq   = header->seq ;
	    	  memcpy( req.header.car_id , header->car_id , sizeof(req.header.car_id ) ) ;

	    	  unsigned short dlen = nlen - sizeof(GBheader) - sizeof(GBFooter) ;
	    	  dlen = htons( dlen & 0x03FF ) ;
	    	  memcpy( &req.header.msgtype , &dlen , sizeof(short) ) ;

	    	  req.resp.resp_msg_id = htons( msg_id ) ;
	    	  req.resp.resp_seq	   = header->seq ;
	    	  req.resp.result      = 0x00 ;

	    	  // 其它统一发送通用应答
	    	  Send5BData( sock, (const char *)&req, sizeof(req));

	    	  DataBuffer   repBuffer;
	    	  TransHeader  theader;
	    	  GBFooter     footer;

	    	  theader.header.msgid = htons(0x0900);
	    	  theader.header.seq   = header->seq;

	    	  unsigned short mlen = (unsigned short)pBuf.getLength();
	    	  mlen = htons( mlen & 0x03FF ) ;
			  memcpy( &theader.header.msgtype , &mlen , sizeof(short) ) ;

	    	  memcpy(theader.header.car_id,header->car_id , sizeof(req.header.car_id));


	    	  Send5BData( sock ,repBuffer.getBuffer(),repBuffer.getLength());//发送物流通用应答
		TermCommonResp req ;

		int nlen = sizeof(TermCommonResp) ;

		req.header.msgid = htons( 0x0001 ) ;
		req.header.seq   = header->seq ;
		memcpy( req.header.car_id , header->car_id , sizeof(req.header.car_id ) ) ;

		unsigned short dlen = nlen - sizeof(GBheader) - sizeof(GBFooter) ;
		dlen = htons( dlen & 0x03FF ) ;
		memcpy( &req.header.msgtype , &dlen , sizeof(short) ) ;

		req.resp.resp_msg_id = htons( msg_id ) ;
		req.resp.resp_seq	 = header->seq ;
		req.resp.result		 = 0x00 ;

		if ( msg_id == 0x8801 ) {
			if ( sock->_ptr != NULL ) {
				OUT_PRINT( NULL, 0, NULL, "add pic %s", str_car_id.c_str() ) ;
				// 添加需要发送拍图片请求中
				_piclist.push_back( ( _stVechile*)sock->_ptr ) ;
				_picmonitor.notify() ;

		// 其它统一发送通用应答
		Send5BData( sock, (const char *)&req, sizeof(req) ) ;

	// 记录发送数据
	_bench.IncBench( BENCH_MSGRECV ) ;
Exemplo n.º 12
// 添加内存数据
bool CPackMgr::CMemFile::AddBuffer( DataBuffer &pack, const int index, const int count, const char *buf, int len )
	// 如果为一个数据就不需要处理组包了
	if ( count == 1 ) {
		pack.writeBlock( buf, len ) ;
		return true ;

	// 如果还没有开辟数据空间
	if ( _vec.empty() ) {
		for ( int i = 0; i < count; ++ i ) {
			_vec.push_back( new DataBuffer ) ;

	// 如果不正确的INDEX就不处理了
	if ( index > (int) _vec.size() ) {
		return false ;

	// 取得存放数据块的内存
	DataBuffer *p = _vec[index-1] ;
	assert( p != NULL ) ;
	if ( p->getLength() == 0 ) {
		++ _cur ;
	} else {
		p->resetBuf() ;
	p->writeBlock( buf, len ) ;

	// 如果接收数据包成功
	if ( _cur >= (unsigned int) count ) {
		// 取得分包个数
		int size = _vec.size() ;
		// 写最后一个数据包的头部
		pack.writeBlock( p->getBuffer() , sizeof(GBheader) ) ;
		// 重新开始组包,这样数据就只有数据头和数据体
		for ( int i = 0; i < size ; ++ i ) {
			p = _vec[i] ;
			if ( p->getLength() < (int)sizeof(GBheader) ){
				continue ;
			unsigned short mlen = p->fetchInt16( 3 ) & 0x03FF;
			if ( mlen > 0 ) {
				pack.writeBlock( p->getBuffer() + sizeof(GBheader) + 4 , mlen ) ;
		// 添加尾部数据
		GBFooter footer ;
		pack.writeBlock( &footer, sizeof(footer) ) ;

		return true ;

	// 更新最后一次访问的时间
	_last = time(NULL) ;

	OUT_INFO( NULL, 0, "packmgr" , "save index file %d, current count %d total %d" , index, _cur, count ) ;

	return false ;
Exemplo n.º 13
// ---------------------------------------------
void testSocket(string ip, unsigned short port) {
    Socket* socket = new Socket("null", 0);

    Socket::InetAddressPort remoteAddrAndPort;
    remoteAddrAndPort.port = port;
    Socket::getSockaddrByIpAndPort(&remoteAddrAndPort.addr, ip, port);

    while (true) {
        bool result  = socket->connect(remoteAddrAndPort);
        if (result) {
            cout << "connect success!" << endl;


            char sendData[] = "TCP client request";
            int numberOfBytesSent;
            if (SKT_SUCC == socket->send(sendData, strlen(sendData), numberOfBytesSent)) {
                assert(numberOfBytesSent == strlen(sendData));
                cout << "send " << numberOfBytesSent << " bytes data complete" << endl;

                DataBuffer* response = new DataBuffer();
                int numOfBytesRecved = 0;

                while (true) {
                    result = socket->recv(response->getEndOfDataPointer(), response->getSize() - response->getLength(), numOfBytesRecved);
                    assert(result != SKT_ERR);
                    if (result == SKT_SUCC) {
                        assert(numOfBytesRecved != 0);
                        cout << "recv " << numOfBytesRecved << " bytes data: " << response->getData() << endl;
                    } else {

        } else {