Exemplo n.º 1
// Function:	DataSet::read
///\brief	This is an overloaded member function, provided for convenience.
///		It takes a reference to a \c H5std_string for the buffer.
///\param	buf - IN: Buffer for read data
///\param	mem_type - IN: Memory datatype
///\param	mem_space - IN: Memory dataspace
///\param	file_space - IN: Dataset's dataspace in the file
///\param	xfer_plist - IN: Transfer property list for this I/O operation
///\exception	H5::DataSetIException
// Programmer	Binh-Minh Ribler - 2000
// Modification
//	Jul 2009
//		Follow the change to Attribute::read and use the following
//		private functions to read datasets with fixed- and
//		variable-length string:
//			DataSet::p_read_fixed_len and
//			DataSet::p_read_variable_len
void DataSet::read(H5std_string& strg, const DataType& mem_type, const DataSpace& mem_space, const DataSpace& file_space, const DSetMemXferPropList& xfer_plist) const
    // Check if this dataset has variable-len string or fixed-len string and
    // proceed appropriately.
    htri_t is_variable_len = H5Tis_variable_str(mem_type.getId());
    if (is_variable_len < 0)
        throw DataSetIException("DataSet::read", "H5Tis_variable_str failed");

    // Obtain identifiers for C API
    hid_t mem_type_id = mem_type.getId();
    hid_t mem_space_id = mem_space.getId();
    hid_t file_space_id = file_space.getId();
    hid_t xfer_plist_id = xfer_plist.getId();

    if (!is_variable_len)       // only allocate for fixed-len string
        p_read_fixed_len(mem_type_id, mem_space_id, file_space_id, xfer_plist_id, strg);
        p_read_variable_len(mem_type_id, mem_space_id, file_space_id, xfer_plist_id, strg);
Exemplo n.º 2
// Function:	DataSet::write
///\brief	Writes raw data from an application buffer to a dataset.
///\param	buf - IN: Buffer containing data to be written
///\param	mem_type - IN: Memory datatype
///\param	mem_space - IN: Memory dataspace
///\param	file_space - IN: Dataset's dataspace in the file
///\param	xfer_plist - IN: Transfer property list for this I/O operation
///\exception	H5::DataSetIException
///\par Description
///		This function writes raw data from an application buffer
///		\a buf to a dataset, converting from memory datatype
///		\a mem_type and dataspace \a mem_space to file datatype
///		and dataspace.
// Programmer	Binh-Minh Ribler - 2000
void DataSet::write( const void* buf, const DataType& mem_type, const DataSpace& mem_space, const DataSpace& file_space, const DSetMemXferPropList& xfer_plist ) const
   // Obtain identifiers for C API
   hid_t mem_type_id = mem_type.getId();
   hid_t mem_space_id = mem_space.getId();
   hid_t file_space_id = file_space.getId();
   hid_t xfer_plist_id = xfer_plist.getId();

   herr_t ret_value = H5Dwrite( id, mem_type_id, mem_space_id, file_space_id, xfer_plist_id, buf );
   if( ret_value < 0 )
      throw DataSetIException("DataSet::write", "H5Dwrite failed");
Exemplo n.º 3
// Function:	DataSpace::extentCopy
///\brief	Copies the extent of a dataspace.
///\param	dest_space  - IN: Dataspace to copy from
///\exception	H5::DataSpaceIException
// Programmer	Binh-Minh Ribler - 2000
// Modification
//		Replaced the version without const parameter - Apr, 2014
void DataSpace::extentCopy (const DataSpace& dest_space) const
   hid_t dest_space_id = dest_space.getId();
   herr_t ret_value = H5Sextent_copy( dest_space_id, id );
   if( ret_value < 0 )
      throw DataSpaceIException("DataSpace::extentCopy", "H5Sextent_copy failed");
Exemplo n.º 4
// Function:    H5Object::reference
///\brief       Creates a reference to an HDF5 object or a dataset region.
///\param       ref - IN: Reference pointer
///\param       name - IN: Name of the object to be referenced
///\param       dataspace - IN: Dataspace with selection
///\param       ref_type - IN: Type of reference to query, valid values are:
///		\li \c H5R_OBJECT         - Reference is an object reference.
///		\li \c H5R_DATASET_REGION - Reference is a dataset region
///			reference. - this is the default
///\exception   H5::IdComponentException
// Programmer   Binh-Minh Ribler - May, 2004
void H5Object::reference(void* ref, const char* name, const DataSpace& dataspace, H5R_type_t ref_type) const
   try {
      p_reference(ref, name, dataspace.getId(), ref_type);
   catch (IdComponentException E) {
      throw IdComponentException("H5Object::reference", E.getDetailMsg());
Exemplo n.º 5
// Function:	H5Location::reference
///\brief	This is an overloaded member function, provided for convenience.
///		It differs from the above function in that it takes an
///		\c H5std_string for \a name.
///\param	ref - IN: Reference pointer
///\param	name - IN: Name of the object to be referenced
///\param	dataspace - IN: Dataspace with selection
///\param	ref_type - IN: Type of reference to query, valid values are:
///		\li \c H5R_OBJECT         - Reference is an object reference.
///		\li \c H5R_DATASET_REGION - Reference is a dataset region
///			reference. (default)
///\exception	H5::ReferenceException
///\note	This method is more suitable for a dataset region reference.
// Programmer	Binh-Minh Ribler - May, 2004
void H5Location::reference(void* ref, const H5std_string& name, const DataSpace& dataspace, H5R_type_t ref_type) const
   try {
      p_reference(ref, name.c_str(), dataspace.getId(), ref_type);
   catch (ReferenceException E) {
      throw ReferenceException(inMemFunc("reference"), E.getDetailMsg());
Exemplo n.º 6
// Function:	DataSet::fillMemBuf
///\brief	This is an overloaded member function, provided for convenience.
///		It differs from the above function in that it only takes the
///		the last three arguments.
///\param	buf - IN/OUT: Memory buffer to fill selection within
///\param	buf_type - IN: Datatype of the elements in buffer
///\param	space - IN: Dataspace describing memory buffer & containing selection to use
///\exception	H5::DataSetIException
// Programmer	Binh-Minh Ribler - 2000
void DataSet::fillMemBuf(void *buf, DataType& buf_type, DataSpace& space)
    hid_t buf_type_id = buf_type.getId();
    hid_t space_id = space.getId();
    herr_t ret_value = H5Dfill(NULL, buf_type_id, buf, buf_type_id, space_id);
    if( ret_value < 0 )
	throw DataSetIException("DataSet::fillMemBuf", "H5Dfill failed");
Exemplo n.º 7
// Function:	DataSet::fillMemBuf
///\brief	Fills a selection in memory with a value.
///\param	fill - IN: Pointer to fill value to use - default NULL
///\param	fill_type - IN: Datatype of the fill value
///\param	buf - IN/OUT: Memory buffer to fill selection within
///\param	buf_type - IN: Datatype of the elements in buffer
///\param	space - IN: Dataspace describing memory buffer & containing selection to use
///\exception	H5::DataSetIException
// Programmer	Binh-Minh Ribler - 2014
// Modification
//		Used the non-const version.
void DataSet::fillMemBuf(const void *fill, const DataType& fill_type, void *buf, const DataType& buf_type, const DataSpace& space) const
    hid_t fill_type_id = fill_type.getId();
    hid_t buf_type_id = buf_type.getId();
    hid_t space_id = space.getId();
    herr_t ret_value = H5Dfill(fill, fill_type_id, buf, buf_type_id, space_id);
    if( ret_value < 0 )
	throw DataSetIException("DataSet::fillMemBuf", "H5Dfill failed");
Exemplo n.º 8
// Function:	DataSet::iterateElems
///\brief	Iterates over all selected elements in a dataspace.
///\param	buf - IN/OUT: Pointer to the buffer in memory containing the
///		elements to iterate over
///\param	type - IN: Datatype for the elements stored in \a buf
///\param	space - IN: Dataspace for \a buf. Also contains the selection
///		to iterate over.
///\param	op - IN: Function pointer to the routine to be called for
///		each element in \a buf iterated over
///\param	op_data - IN/OUT: Pointer to any user-defined data associated
///		with the operation
///\exception	H5::DataSetIException
///\note	This function may not work correctly yet - it's still
///		under development.
// Programmer	Binh-Minh Ribler - 2000
int DataSet::iterateElems( void* buf, const DataType& type, const DataSpace& space, H5D_operator_t op, void* op_data )
   // Obtain identifiers for C API
   hid_t type_id = type.getId();
   hid_t space_id = space.getId();
   herr_t ret_value = H5Diterate( buf, type_id, space_id, op, op_data );
   if( ret_value >= 0 )
      return( ret_value );
   else  // raise exception when H5Diterate returns a negative value
      throw DataSetIException("DataSet::iterateElems", "H5Diterate failed");
Exemplo n.º 9
// Function:	DataSet::vlenReclaim
///\brief	Reclaims VL datatype memory buffers.
///\param	type - IN: Datatype, which is the datatype stored in the buffer
///\param	space - IN: Selection for the memory buffer to free the
///		VL datatypes within
///\param	xfer_plist - IN: Property list used to create the buffer
///\param	buf - IN: Pointer to the buffer to be reclaimed
///\exception	H5::DataSetIException
// Programmer	Binh-Minh Ribler - 2000
//		This function has better prototype for the users than the
//		other, which might be removed at some point. BMR - 2006/12/20
void DataSet::vlenReclaim(void* buf, const DataType& type, const DataSpace& space, const DSetMemXferPropList& xfer_plist)
   // Obtain identifiers for C API
   hid_t type_id = type.getId();
   hid_t space_id = space.getId();
   hid_t xfer_plist_id = xfer_plist.getId();

   herr_t ret_value = H5Dvlen_reclaim(type_id, space_id, xfer_plist_id, buf);
   if (ret_value < 0)
      throw DataSetIException("DataSet::vlenReclaim", "H5Dvlen_reclaim failed");
Exemplo n.º 10
// Function:	DataSet::write
///\brief	This is an overloaded member function, provided for convenience.
///		It takes a reference to a \c H5std_string for the buffer.
// Programmer	Binh-Minh Ribler - 2000
// Modification
//	Jul 2009
//		Modified to pass the buffer into H5Dwrite properly depending
//		whether the dataset has variable- or fixed-length string.
void DataSet::write( const H5std_string& strg, const DataType& mem_type, const DataSpace& mem_space, const DataSpace& file_space, const DSetMemXferPropList& xfer_plist ) const
    // Check if this attribute has variable-len string or fixed-len string and
    // proceed appropriately.
    htri_t is_variable_len = H5Tis_variable_str(mem_type.getId());
    if (is_variable_len < 0)
        throw DataSetIException("DataSet::write", "H5Tis_variable_str failed");

   // Obtain identifiers for C API
   hid_t mem_type_id = mem_type.getId();
   hid_t mem_space_id = mem_space.getId();
   hid_t file_space_id = file_space.getId();
   hid_t xfer_plist_id = xfer_plist.getId();

    // Convert string to C-string
    const char* strg_C;
    strg_C = strg.c_str();  // strg_C refers to the contents of strg as a C-str
    herr_t ret_value = 0;

    // Pass string in differently depends on variable or fixed length
    if (!is_variable_len)
        ret_value = H5Dwrite( id, mem_type_id, mem_space_id, file_space_id, xfer_plist_id, strg_C );
        // passing string argument by address
        ret_value = H5Dwrite( id, mem_type_id, mem_space_id, file_space_id, xfer_plist_id, &strg_C );
    if (ret_value < 0)
        throw DataSetIException("DataSet::write", "H5Dwrite failed");
Exemplo n.º 11
// Function:	DataSet::getVlenBufSize
///\brief	Returns the number of bytes required to store VL data.
///\return	Amount of storage
///\exception	H5::DataSetIException
// Programmer	Binh-Minh Ribler - 2000
hsize_t DataSet::getVlenBufSize( DataType& type, DataSpace& space ) const
   // Obtain identifiers for C API
   hid_t type_id = type.getId();
   hid_t space_id = space.getId();

   hsize_t size; // for amount of storage

   herr_t ret_value = H5Dvlen_get_buf_size( id, type_id, space_id, &size );
   if( ret_value < 0 )
      throw DataSetIException("DataSet::getVlenBufSize", "H5Dvlen_get_buf_size failed");
   return( size );
Exemplo n.º 12
// Function:	H5Object::createAttribute
///\brief	Creates an attribute for a group, dataset, or named datatype.
///\param	name - IN: Name of the attribute
///\param	data_type - IN: Datatype for the attribute
///\param	data_space - IN: Dataspace for the attribute - only simple
///		dataspaces are allowed at this time
///\param	create_plist - IN: Creation property list - default to
///		PropList::DEFAULT
///\return	Attribute instance
///\exception	H5::AttributeIException
///\par Description
///		The attribute name specified in \a name must be unique.
///		Attempting to create an attribute with the same name as an
///		existing attribute will raise an exception, leaving the
///		pre-existing attribute intact. To overwrite an existing
///		attribute with a new attribute of the same name, first
///		delete the existing one with \c H5Object::removeAttr, then
///		recreate it with this function.
// Programmer	Binh-Minh Ribler - 2000
Attribute H5Object::createAttribute( const char* name, const DataType& data_type, const DataSpace& data_space, const PropList& create_plist ) const
   hid_t type_id = data_type.getId();
   hid_t space_id = data_space.getId();
   hid_t plist_id = create_plist.getId();
   hid_t attr_id = H5Acreate2(getId(), name, type_id, space_id, plist_id, H5P_DEFAULT );

   // If the attribute id is valid, create and return the Attribute object
   if( attr_id > 0 )
      Attribute attr( attr_id );
      return( attr );
      throw AttributeIException(inMemFunc("createAttribute"), "H5Acreate2 failed");
Exemplo n.º 13
// Function:	DataSpace::copy
///\brief	Makes a copy of an existing dataspace.
///\param	like_space  - IN: Dataspace to be copied
///\exception	H5::DataSpaceIException
// Programmer	Binh-Minh Ribler - 2000
// Modification
//		- Replaced resetIdComponent() with decRefCount() to use C
//		library ID reference counting mechanism - BMR, Jun 1, 2004
//		- Replaced decRefCount with close() to let the C library
//		handle the reference counting - BMR, Jun 1, 2006
void DataSpace::copy( const DataSpace& like_space )
   // If this object has an hdf5 valid id, close it
   if( id != H5S_ALL ) {
      try {
      catch (Exception& close_error) {
         throw DataSpaceIException("DataSpace::copy", close_error.getDetailMsg());
   }  // end if

   // call C routine to copy the dataspace
   id = H5Scopy( like_space.getId() );

   if( id < 0 )
      throw DataSpaceIException("DataSpace::copy", "H5Scopy failed");
Exemplo n.º 14
// Function:	CommonFG::createDataSet
///\brief	Creates a new dataset at this location.
///\param	name  - IN: Name of the dataset to create
///\param	data_type - IN: Datatype of the dataset
///\param	data_space - IN: Dataspace for the dataset
///\param	create_plist - IN: Creation properly list for the dataset
///\return	DataSet instance
///\exception	H5::FileIException or H5::GroupIException
// Programmer	Binh-Minh Ribler - 2000
DataSet CommonFG::createDataSet( const char* name, const DataType& data_type, const DataSpace& data_space, const DSetCreatPropList& create_plist ) const
   // Obtain identifiers for C API
   hid_t type_id = data_type.getId();
   hid_t space_id = data_space.getId();
   hid_t create_plist_id = create_plist.getId();

   // Call C routine H5Dcreate2 to create the named dataset
   hid_t dataset_id = H5Dcreate2( getLocId(), name, type_id, space_id, H5P_DEFAULT, create_plist_id, H5P_DEFAULT );

   // If the creation of the dataset failed, throw an exception
   if( dataset_id < 0 )
      throwException("createDataSet", "H5Dcreate2 failed");

   // No failure, create and return the DataSet object
   DataSet dataset( dataset_id );
   return( dataset );
Exemplo n.º 15
// Function:	DataSpace copy constructor
///\brief	Copy constructor: makes a copy of the original DataSpace object.
///\param	original - IN: DataSpace object to copy
// Programmer	Binh-Minh Ribler - 2000
DataSpace::DataSpace(const DataSpace& original) : IdComponent(original)
    id = original.getId();
    incRefCount(); // increment number of references to this id