Exemplo n.º 1
void TestOneDataStructure(DataStructureTester<T>& tester,
    string data_structure_name, int test_number) {

  cout << data_structure_name << ","
      << tester.DoSequentialAdd(0, ADD_REMOVE_FIND_OPERATIONS, 1) << ","
      << test_number << ",sequential add" << endl;

  cout << data_structure_name << ","
      << tester.DoRandomAdd(ADD_REMOVE_FIND_OPERATIONS) << "," << test_number
      << ",random add" << endl;

  cout << data_structure_name << ","
      << tester.DoSequentialFind(0, ADD_REMOVE_FIND_OPERATIONS, 1) << ","
      << test_number << ",sequential find" << endl;

  cout << data_structure_name << ","
      << tester.DoSequentialRemove(0, ADD_REMOVE_FIND_OPERATIONS, 1) << ","
      << test_number << ",sequential remove" << endl;

  cout << data_structure_name << ","
      << tester.DoRandomFind(ADD_REMOVE_FIND_OPERATIONS) << ","
      << test_number << ",random find" << endl;

  cout << data_structure_name << ","
      << tester.DoRandomRemove(ADD_REMOVE_FIND_OPERATIONS) << ","
      << test_number << ",random remove" << endl;
Exemplo n.º 2
int main() {
  DataStructureTester<BinarySearchTree<BSTNode1<int>,int> > test;
  DataStructureTester<ChainedHashTable<int> > test2;
  DataStructureTester<LinearHashTable<int> > test3;
  DataStructureTester<RedBlackTree<RedBlackNode1<int>,int> > test4;

  int store1 = 0, store2 = 0, store3 = 0, store4 = 0, store5 = 0, store6 = 0;
  for(int i = 0; i<20; i++){
    store1 += test.DoSequentialAdd(1,50000,1);
    store2 += test.DoRandomAdd(50000);
    store3 += test.DoSequentialFind(1,50000,1);
    store4 += test.DoRandomFind(50000);
    store5 += test.DoSequentialRemove(1,50000,1);
    store6 += test.DoRandomRemove(50000);

  cout<<"Average Time Binary Search Tree Sequential Add: "<<store1/20<<" Seconds"<<endl;
  cout<<"Average Time Binary Search Tree Random Add: "<<store2/20<<" Seconds"<<endl;
  cout<<"Average Time Binary Search Tree Sequential Find: "<<store3/20<<" Seconds"<<endl;
  cout<<"Average Time Binary Search Tree Random Find: "<<store4/20<<" Seconds"<<endl;
  cout<<"Average Time Binary Search Tree Sequential Remove: "<<store5/20<<" Seconds"<<endl;
  cout<<"Average Time Binary Search Tree Random Remove: "<<store6/20<<" Seconds"<<endl<<endl;

  store1 = 0;
  store2 = 0;
  store3 = 0;
  store4 = 0;
  store5 = 0;
  store6 = 0;

  for(int i = 0; i<20; i++){
    store1 += test2.DoSequentialAdd(1,50000,1);
    store2 += test2.DoRandomAdd(50000);
    store3 += test2.DoSequentialFind(1,50000,1);
    store4 += test2.DoRandomFind(50000);
    store5 += test2.DoSequentialRemove(1,50000,1);
    store6 += test2.DoRandomRemove(50000);

  cout<<"Average Time Chained Hash Table Sequential Add: "<<store1/20<<" Seconds"<<endl;
  cout<<"Average Time Chained Hash Table Random Add: "<<store2/20<<" Seconds"<<endl;
  cout<<"Average Time Chained Hash Table Sequential Find: "<<store3/20<<" Seconds"<<endl;
  cout<<"Average Time Chained Hash Table Random Find: "<<store4/20<<" Seconds"<<endl;
  cout<<"Average Time Chained Hash Table Sequential Remove: "<<store5/20<<" Seconds"<<endl;
  cout<<"Average Time Chained Hash Table Random Remove: "<<store6/20<<" Seconds"<<endl<<endl;

  store1 = 0;
  store2 = 0;
  store3 = 0;
  store4 = 0;
  store5 = 0;
  store6 = 0;

  for(int i = 0; i<20; i++){
    store1 += test3.DoSequentialAdd(1,50000,1);
    store2 += test3.DoRandomAdd(50000);
    store3 += test3.DoSequentialFind(1,50000,1);
    store4 += test3.DoRandomFind(50000);
    store5 += test3.DoSequentialRemove(1,50000,1);
    store6 += test3.DoRandomRemove(50000);

  cout<<"Average Time Linear Hash Table Sequential Add: "<<store1/20<<" Seconds"<<endl;
  cout<<"Average Time Linear Hash Table Random Add: "<<store2/20<<" Seconds"<<endl;
  cout<<"Average Time Linear Hash Table Sequential Find: "<<store3/20<<" Seconds"<<endl;
  cout<<"Average Time Linear Hash Table Random Find: "<<store4/20<<" Seconds"<<endl;
  cout<<"Average Time Linear Hash Table Sequential Remove: "<<store5/20<<" Seconds"<<endl;
  cout<<"Average Time Linear Hash Table Random Remove: "<<store6/20<<" Seconds"<<endl<<endl;

  store1 = 0;
  store2 = 0;
  store3 = 0;
  store4 = 0;
  store5 = 0;
  store6 = 0;

  for(int i = 0; i<20; i++){
    store1 += test4.DoSequentialAdd(1,50000,1);
    store2 += test4.DoRandomAdd(50000);
    store3 += test4.DoSequentialFind(1,50000,1);
    store4 += test4.DoRandomFind(50000);
    store5 += test4.DoSequentialRemove(1,50000,1);
    store6 += test4.DoRandomRemove(50000);

  cout<<"Average Time Red Black Tree Sequential Add: "<<store1/20<<" Seconds"<<endl;
  cout<<"Average Time Red Black Tree Random Add: "<<store2/20<<" Seconds"<<endl;
  cout<<"Average Time Red Black Tree Sequential Find: "<<store3/20<<" Seconds"<<endl;
  cout<<"Average Time Red Black Tree Random Find: "<<store4/20<<" Seconds"<<endl;
  cout<<"Average Time Red Black Tree Sequential Remove: "<<store5/20<<" Seconds"<<endl;
  cout<<"Average Time Red Black Tree Random Remove: "<<store6/20<<" Seconds"<<endl<<endl;

  return 0;
Exemplo n.º 3
int main() {
	DataStructureTester<BinarySearchTree<BSTNode1<int>, int> > test;
	DataStructureTester<RedBlackTree<RedBlackNode1<int>, int> > test2;
	DataStructureTester<LinearHashTable<int> > test3;
	DataStructureTester<ChainedHashTable<int> > test4;

//These are holders for the sums of the total number of milliseconds for each test

	float t1 = 0, t2 = 0, t3 = 0, t4 = 0, t5 = 0, t6 = 0;

//BStree test

//Runs each test 20 times and sums up the times
	for (int i = 0; i < 20; i++) {

		t1 = t1 + test.DoSequentialAdd(0, 50000, 1);
		t2 = t2 + test.DoRandomAdd(50000);
		t3 = t3 + test.DoSequentialFind(0, 50000, 1);
		t4 = t3 + test.DoRandomFind(50000);
		t5 = t5 + test.DoSequentialRemove(0, 50000, 1);
		t6 = t6 + test.DoRandomRemove(50000);


//Prints out the averages of each test then resets the holders
	cout << t1 / 20 << endl;
	cout << t2 / 20 << endl;
	cout << t3 / 20 << endl;
	cout << t4 / 20 << endl;
	cout << t5 / 20 << endl;
	cout << t6 / 20 << "\n" << endl;
	t1 = 0, t2 = 0, t3 = 0, t4 = 0, t5 = 0, t6 = 0;

//RBtree test

	for (int i = 0; i < 20; i++) {

		t1 = t1 + test2.DoSequentialAdd(0, 50000, 1);
		t2 = t2 + test2.DoRandomAdd(50000);
		t3 = t3 + test2.DoSequentialFind(0, 50000, 1);
		t4 = t3 + test2.DoRandomFind(50000);
		t5 = t5 + test2.DoSequentialRemove(0, 50000, 1);
		t6 = t6 + test2.DoRandomRemove(50000);


	cout << t1 / 20 << endl;
	cout << t2 / 20 << endl;
	cout << t3 / 20 << endl;
	cout << t4 / 20 << endl;
	cout << t5 / 20 << endl;
	cout << t6 / 20 << "\n" << endl;
	t1 = 0, t2 = 0, t3 = 0, t4 = 0, t5 = 0, t6 = 0;

//LHashTable test

	for (int i = 0; i < 20; i++) {

		t1 = t1 + test3.DoSequentialAdd(0, 50000, 1);
		t2 = t2 + test3.DoRandomAdd(50000);
		t3 = t3 + test3.DoSequentialFind(0, 50000, 1);
		t4 = t3 + test3.DoRandomFind(50000);
		t5 = t5 + test3.DoSequentialRemove(0, 50000, 1);
		t6 = t6 + test3.DoRandomRemove(50000);


	cout << t1 / 20 << endl;
	cout << t2 / 20 << endl;
	cout << t3 / 20 << endl;
	cout << t4 / 20 << endl;
	cout << t5 / 20 << endl;
	cout << t6 / 20 << "\n" << endl;
	t1 = 0, t2 = 0, t3 = 0, t4 = 0, t5 = 0, t6 = 0;

//CHashTable test

	for (int i = 0; i < 20; i++) {

		t1 = t1 + test4.DoSequentialAdd(0, 50000, 1);
		t2 = t2 + test4.DoRandomAdd(50000);
		t3 = t3 + test4.DoSequentialFind(0, 50000, 1);
		t4 = t3 + test4.DoRandomFind(50000);
		t5 = t5 + test4.DoSequentialRemove(0, 50000, 1);
		t6 = t6 + test4.DoRandomRemove(50000);


	cout << t1 / 20 << endl;
	cout << t2 / 20 << endl;
	cout << t3 / 20 << endl;
	cout << t4 / 20 << endl;
	cout << t5 / 20 << endl;
	cout << t6 / 20 << "\n" << endl;

	return 0;
