Exemplo n.º 1
void Decals::PaintDecal()
    Vector3 hitPos;
    Drawable* hitDrawable;

    if (Raycast(250.0f, hitPos, hitDrawable))
        // Check if target scene node already has a DecalSet component. If not, create now
        Node* targetNode = hitDrawable->GetNode();
        DecalSet* decal = targetNode->GetComponent<DecalSet>();
        if (!decal)
            ResourceCache* cache = GetSubsystem<ResourceCache>();

            decal = targetNode->CreateComponent<DecalSet>();
        // Add a square decal to the decal set using the geometry of the drawable that was hit, orient it to face the camera,
        // use full texture UV's (0,0) to (1,1). Note that if we create several decals to a large object (such as the ground
        // plane) over a large area using just one DecalSet component, the decals will all be culled as one unit. If that is
        // undesirable, it may be necessary to create more than one DecalSet based on the distance
        decal->AddDecal(hitDrawable, hitPos, cameraNode_->GetRotation(), 0.5f, 1.0f, 1.0f, Vector2::ZERO,
Exemplo n.º 2
void Decals::PaintDecal()
    UI* ui = GetSubsystem<UI>();
    Graphics* graphics = GetSubsystem<Graphics>();
    IntVector2 pos = ui->GetCursorPosition();
    // Make sure no UI element in front of the cursor
    if (ui->GetElementAt(pos, true))
    Camera* camera = cameraNode_->GetComponent<Camera>();
    Ray cameraRay = camera->GetScreenRay((float)pos.x_ / graphics->GetWidth(), (float)pos.y_ / graphics->GetHeight());
    // Raycast up to 250 world units distance, pick only geometry objects, not eg. zones or lights, only get the first
    // (closest) hit
    PODVector<RayQueryResult> results;
    RayOctreeQuery query(results, cameraRay, RAY_TRIANGLE, 250.0f, DRAWABLE_GEOMETRY);
    if (results.Size())
        RayQueryResult& result = results[0];
        // Calculate hit position in world space
        Vector3 rayHitPos = cameraRay.origin_ + cameraRay.direction_ * result.distance_;
        // Check if target scene node already has a DecalSet component. If not, create now
        Node* targetNode = result.drawable_->GetNode();
        DecalSet* decal = targetNode->GetComponent<DecalSet>();
        if (!decal)
            ResourceCache* cache = GetSubsystem<ResourceCache>();
            decal = targetNode->CreateComponent<DecalSet>();
        // Add a square decal to the decal set using the geometry of the drawable that was hit, orient it to face the camera,
        // use full texture UV's (0,0) to (1,1). Note that if we create several decals to a large object (such as the ground
        // plane) over a large area using just one DecalSet component, the decals will all be culled as one unit. If that is
        // undesirable, it may be necessary to create more than one DecalSet based on the distance
        decal->AddDecal(result.drawable_, rayHitPos, cameraNode_->GetWorldRotation(), 0.5f, 1.0f, 1.0f, Vector2::ZERO,