Exemplo n.º 1
void DenseGenMatrix::matMult(double alpha, 
			     DenseGenMatrix& A, int transA, 
			     DenseGenMatrix& B, int transB,
			     double beta)
  char fortranTransA = (transA==0?'N':'T');
  char fortranTransB = (transB==0?'N':'T');

  DenseGenMatrix& C = *this;

  int m,n,k,tmp;

  if(transA) {
    // A^T op(B)
  } else {
    // A op(B)

  if(transB) {
    //op(A) B^T
  } else { 
    // op(A) B
    B.getSize(tmp, n);

  assert(m == C.mStorage->m);
  assert(n == C.mStorage->n);
  assert(k == tmp);

  double ** CC = C.mStorage->M;
  double ** AA = A.mStorage->M;
  double ** BB = B.mStorage->M;

  dgemm_(&fortranTransA, &fortranTransB, 
	 &AA[0][0], &m,
	 &BB[0][0], &k,
	 &CC[0][0], &m);

  //  if( n != 0 && m != 0 ) {
  //  dgemv_( &fortranTrans, &n, &m, &alpha, &C[0][0], &n,
  //	    &x[0], &incx, &beta, &y[0], &incy );

Exemplo n.º 2
void DenseSymMatrix::atRankkUpdate( double alpha, double beta, DenseGenMatrix& U, int trans)
  int n, k; int ldu, lda;
  // setup if the U is stored in column-major form
  // (FORTRAN Style)
  //   char UPLO  = 'U'; char TRANS = trans==0?'N':'T';
  //   U.getSize(n,k); ldu=n;
  //   if(trans) k=n;
  //   n = mStorage->n; 
  //   lda=n;

  // U and 'this' are stored in row-major form -> a little change in passing params to FORTRAN is needed
  char UPLO  = 'U'; //update LOWER triagular part for symmetric matrix 'this'
  //trans=1 -> this += U'*U -> tell BLAS to do U*U'
  //trans=0 -> this += U*U' -> tell BLAS to do U'*U
  char TRANS = trans==0?'T':'N';  

  int m;
  ldu=k; // change leading dim so that U in row-major  in col-major
  if(trans) k=m;

  n = mStorage->n; 

#ifdef DEBUG
  //TRANS = 'N', k specifies the number of columns of the matrix U
  //we pass U' instead of U, so k should be the number of rows of U
  int r,c; U.getSize(rll,cll);
  if(TRANS=='N') assert(k==r);
  else if(TRANS=='T') assert(k==c);
  else assert(false);

  dsyrk_(&UPLO, &TRANS,
	 &n, &k,
	 &beta,   &U.getStorageRef().M[0][0], &ldu,
	 &alpha,  &mStorage->M[0][0],       &lda);

Exemplo n.º 3
void sLinsys::addColsToDenseSchurCompl(sData *prob, 
				       DenseGenMatrix& out, 
				       int startcol, int endcol) 
	assert(gOuterSolve<3 );

  SparseGenMatrix& A = prob->getLocalA();
  SparseGenMatrix& C = prob->getLocalC();
  SparseGenMatrix& R = prob->getLocalCrossHessian();

  int ncols = endcol-startcol;
  int N, nxP, ncols_t, N_out;
  A.getSize(N, nxP); assert(N==locmy);
  out.getSize(ncols_t, N_out); 
  assert(N_out == nxP);
  assert(endcol <= nxP &&  ncols_t >= ncols);

  if(nxP==-1) C.getSize(N,nxP);
  //if(nxP==-1) nxP = NP;

  N = locnx+locmy+locmz;
  DenseGenMatrix cols(ncols,N);
  bool allzero = true;

  R.getStorageRef().fromGetColBlock(startcol, &cols[0][0],
				    N, endcol-startcol, allzero);
  A.getStorageRef().fromGetColBlock(startcol, &cols[0][locnx], 
				    N, endcol-startcol, allzero);
  C.getStorageRef().fromGetColBlock(startcol, &cols[0][locnx+locmy], 
				    N, endcol-startcol, allzero);

  //int mype; MPI_Comm_rank(MPI_COMM_WORLD, &mype);
  //printf("solving with multiple RHS %d \n", mype);	
  //printf("done solving %d \n", mype);
  const int blocksize = 20;
  for (int it=0; it < ncols; it += blocksize) {
    int end = MIN(it+blocksize,ncols);
    int numcols = end-it;
    assert(false); //add Rt*x -- and test the code
    // SC-=At*y
    A.getStorageRef().transMultMat( 1.0, out[it], numcols, N_out,  
				  -1.0, &cols[it][locnx], N);
    // SC-=Ct*z
    C.getStorageRef().transMultMat( 1.0, out[it], numcols, N_out,
				  -1.0, &cols[it][locnx+locmy], N);
