bool MoochoPack::LineSearchWatchDog_Step::do_step(Algorithm& _algo
  , poss_type step_poss, IterationPack::EDoStepType type, poss_type assoc_step_poss)
  using DenseLinAlgPack::norm_inf;
  using DenseLinAlgPack::V_VpV;
  using DenseLinAlgPack::Vp_StV;
  using DenseLinAlgPack::Vt_S;

  using LinAlgOpPack::Vp_V;
  using LinAlgOpPack::V_MtV;

  using ConstrainedOptPack::print_vector_change_stats;

  NLPAlgo	&algo	= rsqp_algo(_algo);
  NLPAlgoState	&s		= algo.rsqp_state();
  NLP			&nlp	= algo.nlp();

  EJournalOutputLevel olevel = algo.algo_cntr().journal_output_level();
  std::ostream& out = algo.track().journal_out();
  out << std::boolalpha;

  // print step header.
  if( (int)olevel >= (int)PRINT_ALGORITHM_STEPS ) {
    using IterationPack::print_algorithm_step;
    print_algorithm_step( algo, step_poss, type, assoc_step_poss, out );

  // /////////////////////////////////////////
  // Set references to iteration quantities
  // Set k+1 first then go back to get k to ensure
  // we have backward storage.
    &x_kp1 = s.x().set_k(+1).v();
    &f_kp1 = s.f().set_k(+1);
    &c_kp1 = s.c().set_k(+1).v();

  const value_type
    &f_k = s.f().get_k(0);
  const DVector
    &c_k = s.c().get_k(0).v();
  const DVector
    &x_k = s.x().get_k(0).v();
  const DVector
    &d_k = s.d().get_k(0).v();
    &alpha_k = s.alpha().get_k(0);

  // /////////////////////////////////////
  // Compute Dphi_k, phi_kp1 and phi_k

  // Dphi_k
  const value_type
    Dphi_k = merit_func().deriv();
  if( Dphi_k >= 0 ) {
    throw LineSearchFailure( "LineSearch2ndOrderCorrect_Step::do_step(...) : " 
      "Error, d_k is not a descent direction for the merit function " );

  // ph_kp1
    &phi_kp1 = s.phi().set_k(+1) = merit_func().value( f_kp1, c_kp1 );

  // Must compute phi(x) at the base point x_k since the penalty parameter may have changed.
  const value_type
    &phi_k = s.phi().set_k(0) = merit_func().value( f_k, c_k );

  // //////////////////////////////////////
  // Setup the calculation merit function

  // Here f_kp1, and c_kp1 are updated at the same time the
  // line search is being performed.
  nlp.set_f( &f_kp1 );
  nlp.set_c( &c_kp1 );
    phi_calc( &merit_func(), &nlp );

  // ////////////////////////////////
  // Use Watchdog near the solution

  if( watch_k_ == NORMAL_LINE_SEARCH ) {
    const value_type
      opt_kkt_err_k	= s.opt_kkt_err().get_k(0),
      feas_kkt_err_k	= s.feas_kkt_err().get_k(0);
    if( opt_kkt_err_k <= opt_kkt_err_threshold() && feas_kkt_err_k <= feas_kkt_err_threshold() ) {
      if( (int)olevel >= (int)PRINT_ALGORITHM_STEPS ) {
        out	<< "\nopt_kkt_err_k = " << opt_kkt_err_k << " <= opt_kkt_err_threshold = "
            << opt_kkt_err_threshold() << std::endl
          << "\nfeas_kkt_err_k = " << feas_kkt_err_k << " <= feas_kkt_err_threshold = "
            << feas_kkt_err_threshold() << std::endl
          << "\nSwitching to watchdog linesearch ...\n";
      watch_k_ = 0;

  if( (int)olevel >= (int)PRINT_ALGORITHM_STEPS ) {
    out	<< "\nTrial point:\n"
      << "phi_k   = " << phi_k << std::endl
      << "Dphi_k  = " << Dphi_k << std::endl
      << "phi_kp1 = " << phi_kp1 << std::endl;

  bool	ls_success = true,
      step_return = true;

  switch( watch_k_ ) {
    case 0:
      // Take  a full step
      const value_type phi_cord = phi_k + eta() * Dphi_k;
      const bool accept_step = phi_kp1 <= phi_cord;

      if( (int)olevel >= (int)PRINT_ALGORITHM_STEPS ) {
        out	<< "\n*** Zeroth watchdog iteration:\n"
          << "\nphi_kp1 = " << phi_kp1 << ( accept_step ? " <= " : " > " )
            << "phi_k + eta * Dphi_k = " << phi_cord << std::endl;

      if( phi_kp1 > phi_cord ) {
        if( (int)olevel >= (int)PRINT_ALGORITHM_STEPS ) {
          out	<< "\nAccept this increase for now but watch out next iteration!\n";
        // Save this initial point
        xo_		= x_k;
        fo_		= f_k;
        nrm_co_	= norm_inf( c_k );
        do_		= d_k;
        phio_	= phi_k;
        Dphio_	= Dphi_k;
        phiop1_	= phi_kp1;
        // Slip the update of the penalty parameter
        const value_type mu_k =; = mu_k;
        // Move on to the next step in the watchdog procedure
        watch_k_ = 1;
      else {
        if( (int)olevel >= (int)PRINT_ALGORITHM_STEPS ) {
          out	<< "\nAll is good!\n";
        // watch_k_ stays 0
      step_return = true;
    case 1:
      if( (int)olevel >= (int)PRINT_ALGORITHM_STEPS ) {
        out	<< "\n*** First watchdog iteration:\n"
          << "\nDo a line search to determine x_kp1 = x_k + alpha_k * d_k ...\n";
      // Now do a line search but and we require some type of reduction
      const DVectorSlice xd[2] = { x_k(), d_k() };
      MeritFuncCalc1DQuadratic phi_calc_1d( phi_calc, 1, xd, &x_kp1() );
      ls_success = direct_line_search().do_line_search( phi_calc_1d, phi_k
        , &alpha_k, &phi_kp1
        , (int)olevel >= (int)PRINT_ALGORITHM_STEPS ?
          &out : static_cast<std::ostream*>(0)	);

      // If the linesearch failed then the rest of the tests will catch this.

      value_type phi_cord = 0;
      bool test1, test2;

      if(		( test1 = ( phi_k <= phio_ ) )
        || ( test2 = phi_kp1 <= ( phi_cord = phio_ + eta() * Dphio_ ) )		)
        // We will accept this step and and move on.
        if( (int)olevel >= (int)PRINT_ALGORITHM_STEPS ) {
            << "\nphi_k = " << phi_k << ( test1 ? " <= " : " > " )
              << "phi_km1 = " << phio_ << std::endl
            << "phi_kp1 = " << phi_kp1 << ( test2 ? " <= " : " > " )
              << "phi_km1 + eta * Dphi_km1 = " << phi_cord << std::endl
            << "This is a sufficent reduction so reset watchdog.\n";
        watch_k_ = 0;
        step_return = true;
      else if ( ! ( test1 = ( phi_kp1 <= phio_ ) ) ) {
        // Even this reduction is no good!
        // Go back to original point and do a linesearch from there.
        if( (int)olevel >= (int)PRINT_ALGORITHM_STEPS ) {
            << "\nphi_kp1 = " << phi_kp1 << " > phi_km1 = " << phio_ << std::endl
            << "This is not good reduction in phi so do linesearch from x_km1\n"
            << "\n* Go back to x_km1: x_kp1 = x_k - alpha_k * d_k ...\n";

        // Go back from x_k to x_km1 for iteration k:
        // x_kp1 = x_km1
        // x_kp1 = x_k - alpha_km1 * d_km1
        // A negative sign for alpha is an indication that we are backtracking.
        s.alpha().set_k(0)			= -1.0;
        s.d().set_k(0).v()			= do_;
        s.f().set_k(+1)				= fo_;

        if( (int)olevel >= (int)PRINT_ALGORITHM_STEPS ) {
          out << "Output iteration k ...\n"
            << "k = k+1\n";

        // Output these iteration quantities
        algo.track().output_iteration( algo );	// k
        // Transition to iteration k+1

        // Take the step from x_k = x_km2 to x_kp1 for iteration k (k+1):
        // x_kp1 = x_km2 + alpha_n * d_km2
        // x_kp1 = x_k   + alpha_n * d_km1
        // x_kp1 = x_n
        if( (int)olevel >= (int)PRINT_ALGORITHM_STEPS ) {
          out << "\n* Take the step from x_k = x_km2 to x_kp1 for iteration k (k+1)\n"
            << "Find: x_kp1 = x_k + alpha_k * d_k = x_km2 + alpha_k * d_km2\n ...\n";

        // alpha_k = 1.0
        value_type &alpha_k = s.alpha().set_k(0) = 1.0;
        // /////////////////////////////////////
        // Compute Dphi_k and phi_k

        // x_k
        const DVector &x_k								= xo_;

        // d_k
        const DVector &d_k = s.d().set_k(0).v()			= do_;

        // Dphi_k
        const value_type &Dphi_k						= Dphio_;

        // phi_k
        const value_type &phi_k = s.phi().set_k(0)		= phio_;

        // Here f_kp1, and c_kp1 are updated at the same time the
        // line search is being performed.
        algo.nlp().set_f( &s.f().set_k(+1) );
        algo.nlp().set_c( &s.c().set_k(+1).v() );
        phi_calc.set_nlp( algo.get_nlp() );

        // ////////////////////////////////////////
        // Compute x_xp1 and ph_kp1 for full step

        // x_kp1 = x_k + alpha_k * d_k
        DVector &x_kp1 = s.x().set_k(+1).v();
        V_VpV( &x_kp1, x_k, d_k );

        // phi_kp1
        value_type &phi_kp1 = s.phi().set_k(+1)			= phiop1_;

        const DVectorSlice xd[2] = { x_k(), d_k() };
        MeritFuncCalc1DQuadratic phi_calc_1d( phi_calc, 1, xd, &x_kp1() );
        ls_success = direct_line_search().do_line_search(
            phi_calc_1d, phi_k
          , &alpha_k, &phi_kp1
          , (int)olevel >= (int)PRINT_ALGORITHM_STEPS ?
            &out : static_cast<std::ostream*>(0)	);

        if( (int)olevel >= (int)PRINT_ALGORITHM_STEPS ) {
          out << "\nOutput iteration k (k+1) ...\n"
            << "k = k+1 (k+2)\n"
            << "Reinitialize watchdog algorithm\n";

        // Output these iteration quantities
        algo.track().output_iteration( algo );	// (k+1)
        // Transition to iteration k+1 (k+2)

        watch_k_ = 0; // Reinitialize the watchdog

        // Any update for k (k+2) should use the last updated value
        // which was for k-2 (k) since there is not much info for k-1 (k+1).
        // Be careful here and make sure this is square with other steps.

        algo.do_step_next( EvalNewPoint_name );
        step_return = false;	// Redirect control
      else {
        if( (int)olevel >= (int)PRINT_ALGORITHM_STEPS ) {
            << "phi_kp1 = " << phi_kp1 << " <= phi_km1 = " << phio_ << std::endl
            << "\nAccept this step but do a linesearch next iteration!\n";
        // Slip the update of the penalty parameter
        const value_type mu_k =; = mu_k;
        // Do the last stage of the watchdog procedure next iteration.
        watch_k_ = 2;
        step_return = true;
    case 2:
      if( (int)olevel >= (int)PRINT_ALGORITHM_STEPS ) {
        if( watch_k_ == 2 ) {
          out	<< "\n*** Second watchdog iteration:\n"
            << "Do a line search to determine x_kp1 = x_k + alpha_k * d_k ...\n";
        else {
          out	<< "\n*** Normal linesearch:\n"
            << "Do a line search to determine x_kp1 = x_k + alpha_k * d_k ...\n";

      const DVectorSlice xd[2] = { x_k(), d_k() };
      MeritFuncCalc1DQuadratic phi_calc_1d( phi_calc, 1, xd, &x_kp1() );
      ls_success = direct_line_search().do_line_search( phi_calc_1d, phi_k
        , &alpha_k, &phi_kp1
        , (int)olevel >= (int)PRINT_ALGORITHM_STEPS ?
          &out : static_cast<std::ostream*>(0)	);

      if( watch_k_ == 2 )
        watch_k_ = 0;

      step_return = true;
      TEST_FOR_EXCEPT(true);	// Only local programming error

  if( static_cast<int>(olevel) >= static_cast<int>(PRINT_ALGORITHM_STEPS) ) {
    out	<< "\nalpha    = " << s.alpha().get_k(0) << "\n";
    out << "\nphi_kp1 = " << s.phi().get_k(+1) << "\n";

  if( static_cast<int>(olevel) >= static_cast<int>(PRINT_VECTORS) ) {
    out << "\nd_k = \n" << s.d().get_k(0)();
    out << "\nx_kp1 = \n" << s.x().get_k(+1)();

  if( !ls_success )
    throw LineSearchFailure("LineSearchWatchDog_Step::do_step(): Line search failure");

  return step_return;

bool MeritFunc_PenaltyParamsUpdateWithMult_AddedStep::do_step(Algorithm& _algo
  , poss_type step_poss, IterationPack::EDoStepType type
  , poss_type assoc_step_poss)
  using DenseLinAlgPack::norm_inf;

  NLPAlgo	&algo	= rsqp_algo(_algo);
  NLPAlgoState	&s		= algo.rsqp_state();
  EJournalOutputLevel olevel = algo.algo_cntr().journal_output_level();
  std::ostream& out = algo.track().journal_out();

  // print step header.
  if( static_cast<int>(olevel) >= static_cast<int>(PRINT_ALGORITHM_STEPS) ) {
    using IterationPack::print_algorithm_step;
    print_algorithm_step( algo, step_poss, type, assoc_step_poss, out );

    *params = dynamic_cast<MeritFuncPenaltyParams*>(&merit_func());
  if( !params ) {
    std::ostringstream omsg;
      << "MeritFunc_PenaltyParamsUpdateWithMult_AddedStep::do_step(...), Error "
      << "The class " << typeName(&merit_func()) << " does not support the "
      << "MeritFuncPenaltyParams iterface\n";
    out << omsg.str();
    throw std::logic_error( omsg.str() );

    *direc_deriv = dynamic_cast<MeritFuncNLPDirecDeriv*>(&merit_func());
  if( !direc_deriv ) {
    std::ostringstream omsg;
      << "MeritFunc_PenaltyParamsUpdateWithMult_AddedStep::do_step(...), Error "
      << "The class " << typeName(&merit_func()) << " does not support the "
      << "MeritFuncNLPDirecDeriv iterface\n";
    out << omsg.str();
    throw std::logic_error( omsg.str() );

  bool perform_update = true;

  if( ) {
    if( (int)olevel >= (int)PRINT_ALGORITHM_STEPS ) {
      out << "\nmu_k is already updated by someone else?\n";
    const value_type mu_k =;
    if( mu_k == norm_inf_mu_last_ ) {
      if( (int)olevel >= (int)PRINT_ALGORITHM_STEPS ) {
        out << "\nmu_k " << mu_k << " == norm_inf_mu_last = " << norm_inf_mu_last_
          << "\nso we will take this as a signal to skip the update.\n";
      perform_update = false;
    else {
      if( (int)olevel >= (int)PRINT_ALGORITHM_STEPS ) {
        out << "\nmu_k " << mu_k << " != norm_inf_mu_last = " << norm_inf_mu_last_
          << "\nso we will ignore this and perform the update anyway.\n";
  if(perform_update) {

    if ( s.lambda().updated_k(0) ) {

      if( (int)olevel >= (int)PRINT_ALGORITHM_STEPS ) {
        out << "\nUpdate the penalty parameter...\n";

      const DVector
        &lambda_k = s.lambda().get_k(0).cv();

      if( params->mu().size() != lambda_k.size() )
        params->resize( lambda_k.size() );
        mu = params->mu();

      const value_type
        max_lambda	= norm_inf( lambda_k() ),
        mult_fact	= (1.0 + mult_factor_);

      if(near_solution_) {
        if( (int)olevel >= (int)PRINT_ALGORITHM_STEPS ) {
          out << "\nNear solution, forcing mu(j) >= mu_old(j)...\n";
        DVector::const_iterator	lb_itr = lambda_k.begin();
        DVectorSlice::iterator	mu_itr = mu.begin();
        for( ; lb_itr != lambda_k.end(); ++mu_itr, ++ lb_itr )
          *mu_itr = max( max( *mu_itr, mult_fact * ::fabs(*lb_itr) ), small_mu_ );
      else {
        if( (int)olevel >= (int)PRINT_ALGORITHM_STEPS ) {
          out << "\nNot near solution, allowing reduction in mu(j) ...\n";
        DVector::const_iterator	lb_itr = lambda_k.begin();
        DVectorSlice::iterator	mu_itr = mu.begin();
        for( ; lb_itr != lambda_k.end(); ++mu_itr, ++ lb_itr ) {
          const value_type lb_j = ::fabs(*lb_itr);
          *mu_itr = max(
                  (3.0 * (*mu_itr) + lb_j) / 4.0	
                , max( mult_fact * lb_j, small_mu_ )
        value_type kkt_error = s.opt_kkt_err().get_k(0) + s.feas_kkt_err().get_k(0);
        if(kkt_error <= kkt_near_sol_) {
          if( (int)olevel >= (int)PRINT_ALGORITHM_STEPS ) {
            out << "\nkkt_error = " << kkt_error << " <= kkt_near_sol = "
                << kkt_near_sol_ << std::endl
              << "Switching to forcing mu_k >= mu_km1 in the future\n";
          near_solution_ = true;

      // Force the ratio
      const value_type
          max_mu	= norm_inf( mu() ),
          min_mu	= min_mu_ratio_ * max_mu;
      for(DVectorSlice::iterator mu_itr = mu.begin(); mu_itr != mu.end(); ++mu_itr)
        *mu_itr = max( (*mu_itr), min_mu ); = norm_inf_mu_last_ = max_mu;

      if( (int)olevel >= (int)PRINT_ALGORITHM_STEPS ) {
        out << "\nmax(|mu(j)|) = " << (*std::max_element( mu.begin(), mu.end() ))
          << "\nmin(|mu(j)|) = " << (*std::min_element( mu.begin(), mu.end() ))
            << std::endl;

      if( (int)olevel >= (int)PRINT_VECTORS ) {
        out << "\nmu = \n" << mu;
    else {
      if( (int)olevel >= (int)PRINT_ALGORITHM_STEPS ) {
        out << "\nDon't have the info to update penalty parameter so just use the last updated...\n";

  // In addition also compute the directional derivative
  direc_deriv->calc_deriv( s.Gf().get_k(0)(), s.c().get_k(0)(), s.d().get_k(0)() );

  if( (int)olevel >= (int)PRINT_ALGORITHM_STEPS ) {
    out << "\nmu_k = " << << "\n";

  return true;