Exemplo n.º 1
MMO_Expression_::_addDeps (Dependencies deps, DEP_Type type, Index index)
  DEP_Type vectorType = DEP_STATE_VECTOR;
  if (type == DEP_DISCRETE)
      vectorType = DEP_DISCRETE_VECTOR;
  else if (type == DEP_ALGEBRAIC)
      vectorType = DEP_ALGEBRAIC_VECTOR;
  for (Index *idx = deps->begin (type); !deps->end (type);
      idx = deps->next (type))
      Index dIdx (*idx);
      if (dIdx.hasRange ())
	  // TODO: Agregar las dependencias vectoriales con el rango correcto cuando no
	  // estan definidas en el mismo rango que la discreta.
	  Index vi (index);
	  vi.setOffset (dIdx.offset ());
	  _deps->insert (vi, vectorType);
	  _deps->insert (dIdx, type);
Exemplo n.º 2
// GetNodeList
bool Function::GetNodeList( NodeGraph & nodeGraph, const BFFIterator & iter, const char * propertyName, Dependencies & nodes, bool required,
							bool allowCopyDirNodes, bool allowUnityNodes, bool allowRemoveDirNodes ) const
	ASSERT( propertyName );

	const BFFVariable * var = BFFStackFrame::GetVar( propertyName );
	if ( !var )
		// missing
		if ( required )
			Error::Error_1101_MissingProperty( iter, this, AStackString<>( propertyName ) );
			return false; // required!
		return true; // missing but not required

	if ( var->IsArrayOfStrings() )
		// an array of references
		const Array< AString > & nodeNames = var->GetArrayOfStrings();
		nodes.SetCapacity( nodes.GetSize() + nodeNames.GetSize() );
		for ( const AString & nodeName : nodeNames )
			if ( nodeName.IsEmpty() )
				Error::Error_1004_EmptyStringPropertyNotAllowed( iter, this, propertyName );
				return false;

			if ( !GetNodeList( nodeGraph, iter, this, propertyName, nodeName, nodes, allowCopyDirNodes, allowUnityNodes, allowRemoveDirNodes ) )
				// child func will have emitted error
				return false;
	else if ( var->IsString() )
		if ( var->GetString().IsEmpty() )
			Error::Error_1004_EmptyStringPropertyNotAllowed( iter, this, propertyName );
			return false;

		if ( !GetNodeList( nodeGraph, iter, this, propertyName, var->GetString(), nodes, allowCopyDirNodes, allowUnityNodes, allowRemoveDirNodes ) )
			// child func will have emitted error
			return false;
		// unsupported type
		Error::Error_1050_PropertyMustBeOfType( iter, this, propertyName, var->GetType(), BFFVariable::VAR_STRING, BFFVariable::VAR_ARRAY_OF_STRINGS );
		return false;

	return true;
Exemplo n.º 3
long ConditionsMappedUserPool<MAPPING>::compute(const Dependencies& deps, void* user_param)  {
  long num_updates = 0;
  if ( !deps.empty() )  {
    typedef Dependencies _D;
    ConditionsDependencyHandler handler(m_manager.ptr(), *this, deps, user_param);
    ConditionsPool* pool = m_manager->registerIOV(*m_iov.iovType, m_iov.keyData);
    // Loop over the dependencies and check if they have to be upgraded
    for(_D::const_iterator i = deps.begin(); i!=deps.end(); ++i)  {
      key_type key = (*i).first;
      typename MAPPING::iterator j = m_conditions.find(key);
      if ( j != m_conditions.end() )  {
        Condition::Object* cond = (*j).second;
        if ( IOV::key_is_contained(m_iov.keyData,cond->iov->keyData) )
        /// This condition is no longer valid. remove it! Will be added again afterwards.
      const ConditionDependency* d = (*i).second.get();
      Condition::Object* cond = handler(d);
      m_manager->registerUnlocked(pool, cond); // Would bulk update be more efficient?
  return num_updates;
Exemplo n.º 4
main(int argc, char *argv[]) {
    mlog = Sawyer::Message::Facility("tool");

    Settings settings;
    parseCommandLine(argc, argv, settings);

    SqlDatabase::TransactionPtr tx = SqlDatabase::Connection::create(settings.databaseUri)->transaction();
    Dependencies dependencies = loadAllDependencies(tx);

    // For each dependency, select a random version
    LinearCongruentialGenerator prand;
    BOOST_FOREACH (const Dependencies::Node &node, dependencies.nodes()) {
        size_t idx = prand() % node.value().size();
        switch (settings.outputMode) {
            case OUTPUT_HUMAN:
                std::cout <<std::left <<std::setw(16) <<node.key() <<": " <<node.value()[idx] <<"\n";
            case OUTPUT_RMC:
                std::cout <<std::left <<std::setw(20) <<("rmc_"+node.key()) <<" " <<shellEscape(node.value()[idx]) <<"\n";
            case OUTPUT_SHELL:
                std::cout <<" " <<node.key() <<"=" <<shellEscape(node.value()[idx]);
    if (settings.outputMode == OUTPUT_SHELL)
        std::cout <<"\n";
Exemplo n.º 5
// GetLibraryStatsRecurse
void Report::GetLibraryStatsRecurse( Array< LibraryStats * > & libStats, const Dependencies & dependencies, LibraryStats * currentLib ) const
	const Dependency * const end = dependencies.End();
	for ( const Dependency * it = dependencies.Begin(); it != end; ++it )
		GetLibraryStatsRecurse( libStats, it->GetNode(), currentLib );
Exemplo n.º 6
static Dependencies
loadAllDependencies(const SqlDatabase::TransactionPtr &tx) {
    Dependencies dependencies;
    SqlDatabase::StatementPtr q = tx->statement("select name, value from dependencies where enabled <> 0");
    for (SqlDatabase::Statement::iterator row = q->begin(); row != q->end(); ++row)
    return dependencies;
Exemplo n.º 7
// Generate
bool ToolManifest::Generate( const Node * mainExecutable, const Dependencies & dependencies )
	m_TimeStamp = 0;
	m_Files.SetCapacity( 1 + dependencies.GetSize() );

	// unify "main executable" and "extra files"
	// (loads contents of file into memory, and creates hashes)
    if ( !AddFile( mainExecutable ) )
        return false; // AddFile will have emitted error
	for ( size_t i=0; i<dependencies.GetSize(); ++i )
		const FileNode & n = *( dependencies[ i ].GetNode()->CastTo< FileNode >() );
		if ( !AddFile( &n ) )
			return false; // AddFile will have emitted error

	// create a hash for the whole tool chain
	const size_t numFiles( m_Files.GetSize() );
	const size_t memSize( numFiles * sizeof( uint32_t ) * 2 );
	uint32_t * mem = (uint32_t *)ALLOC( memSize );
	uint32_t * pos = mem;
	for ( size_t i=0; i<numFiles; ++i )
		const File & f = m_Files[ i ];

		// file contents
		*pos = f.m_Hash;

		// file name & sub-path (relative to remote folder)
		AStackString<> relativePath;
		GetRemoteFilePath( (uint32_t)i, relativePath, false ); // false = don't use full path
		*pos = xxHash::Calc32( relativePath );
	m_ToolId = xxHash::Calc64( mem, memSize );
	FREE( mem );

	// update time stamp (most recent file in manifest)
	for ( size_t i=0; i<numFiles; ++i )
		const File & f = m_Files[ i ];
		ASSERT( f.m_TimeStamp ); // should have had an error before if the file was missing
		m_TimeStamp = Math::Max( m_TimeStamp, f.m_TimeStamp );

	return true;
    const String & database, const String & table, const StoragePtr & storage_,
    const Context & context_, const ASTPtr & query_ptr_, bool no_destination)
    : storage(storage_), context(context_), query_ptr(query_ptr_)
    /** TODO This is a very important line. At any insertion into the table one of streams should own lock.
      * Although now any insertion into the table is done via PushingToViewsBlockOutputStream,
      *  but it's clear that here is not the best place for this functionality.

    /// If the "root" table deduplactes blocks, there are no need to make deduplication for children
    /// Moreover, deduplication for AggregatingMergeTree children could produce false positives due to low size of inserting blocks
    bool disable_deduplication_for_children = !no_destination && storage->supportsDeduplication();

    if (!table.empty())
        Dependencies dependencies = context.getDependencies(database, table);

        /// We need special context for materialized views insertions
        if (!dependencies.empty())
            views_context = std::make_unique<Context>(context);
            // Do not deduplicate insertions into MV if the main insertion is Ok
            if (disable_deduplication_for_children)
                views_context->getSettingsRef().insert_deduplicate = false;

        for (const auto & database_table : dependencies)
            auto dependent_table = context.getTable(database_table.first, database_table.second);
            auto & materialized_view = dynamic_cast<const StorageMaterializedView &>(*dependent_table);

            if (StoragePtr inner_table = materialized_view.tryGetTargetTable())

            auto query = materialized_view.getInnerQuery();
            BlockOutputStreamPtr out = std::make_shared<PushingToViewsBlockOutputStream>(
                database_table.first, database_table.second, dependent_table, *views_context, ASTPtr());
            views.emplace_back(ViewInfo{std::move(query), database_table.first, database_table.second, std::move(out)});

    /* Do not push to destination table if the flag is set */
    if (!no_destination)
        output = storage->write(query_ptr, context.getSettingsRef());
        replicated_output = dynamic_cast<ReplicatedMergeTreeBlockOutputStream *>(output.get());
Exemplo n.º 9
void JSONJob::execute()
    std::shared_ptr<Project> proj = project();
    const Path root = proj->path();
    const Dependencies deps = proj->dependencies();
    // error() << deps.keys();
    const SymbolMap &map = proj->symbols();
    bool firstObject = true;
    for (Dependencies::const_iterator it = deps.begin(); it != deps.end(); ++it) {
        const Path path = Location::path(it->first);
        if (path.startsWith(root) && (match.isEmpty() || match.match(path))) {
            const Location loc(it->first, 0);
            const int srcRootLength = project()->path().size();
            if (firstObject) {
                firstObject = false;
            } else {
            write<64>("\"%s\":[", path.constData() + srcRootLength);
            bool firstSymbol = true;
            SymbolMap::const_iterator sit = map.lower_bound(loc);
            while (sit != map.end() && sit->first.fileId() == it->first) {
                Location targetLocation;
                SymbolInfo target = sit->second.bestTarget(map, 0, &targetLocation);
                const String type = sit->second.kindSpelling();
                if (firstSymbol) {
                    firstSymbol = false;
                } else {
                if (!targetLocation.isNull()) {
                               toJSON(sit->first, it->first, sit->second.symbolLength, srcRootLength).constData(), type.constData(),
                               toJSON(targetLocation, it->first, target.symbolLength, srcRootLength).constData());
                } else {
                               toJSON(sit->first, it->first, sit->second.symbolLength, srcRootLength).constData(), type.constData());

Exemplo n.º 10
// GetOtherLibrary
bool LinkerNode::GetOtherLibrary( NodeGraph & nodeGraph,
                                  const BFFIterator & iter,
                                  const Function * function,
                                  Dependencies & libs,
                                  const AString & path,
                                  const AString & lib,
                                  bool & found ) const
    found = false;

    AStackString<> potentialNodeName( path );
    if ( !potentialNodeName.IsEmpty() )
        PathUtils::EnsureTrailingSlash( potentialNodeName );
    potentialNodeName += lib;
    AStackString<> potentialNodeNameClean;
    NodeGraph::CleanPath( potentialNodeName, potentialNodeNameClean );

    // see if a node already exists
    Node * node = nodeGraph.FindNode( potentialNodeNameClean );
    if ( node )
        // aliases not supported - must point to something that provides a file
        if ( node->IsAFile() == false )
            Error::Error_1103_NotAFile( iter, function, ".LinkerOptions", potentialNodeNameClean, node->GetType() );
            return false;

        // found existing node
        libs.Append( Dependency( node ) );
        found = true;
        return true; // no error

    // see if the file exists on disk at this location
    if ( FileIO::FileExists( potentialNodeNameClean.Get() ) )
        node = nodeGraph.CreateFileNode( potentialNodeNameClean );
        libs.Append( Dependency( node ) );
        found = true;
        FLOG_INFO( "Additional library '%s' assumed to be '%s'\n", lib.Get(), potentialNodeNameClean.Get() );
        return true; // no error

    return true; // no error
Exemplo n.º 11
// GetObjectListNodes
bool Function::GetObjectListNodes( const BFFIterator & iter,
                                   const Array< AString > & objectLists,
                                   const char * inputVarName,
                                   Dependencies & nodes ) const
    NodeGraph & ng = FBuild::Get().GetDependencyGraph();

	const AString * const  end = objectLists.End();
	for ( const AString * it = objectLists.Begin(); it != end; ++it )
		const AString & objectList = *it;

		// get node for the dir we depend on
		Node * node = ng.FindNode( objectList );
		if ( node == nullptr )
            Error::Error_1104_TargetNotDefined( iter, this, inputVarName, objectList );
            return false;
		else if ( node->GetType() != Node::OBJECT_LIST_NODE )
			Error::Error_1102_UnexpectedType( iter, this, inputVarName, node->GetName(), node->GetType(), Node::OBJECT_LIST_NODE );
			return false;

		nodes.Append( Dependency( node ) );
	return true;
Exemplo n.º 12
// DependOnNode
/*static*/ bool LinkerNode::DependOnNode( NodeGraph & nodeGraph,
                                          const BFFIterator & iter,
                                          const Function * function,
                                          const AString & nodeName,
                                          Dependencies & nodes )
    // silently ignore empty nodes
    if ( nodeName.IsEmpty() )
        return true;

    Node * node = nodeGraph.FindNode( nodeName );

    // does it exist?
    if ( node != nullptr )
        // process it
        return DependOnNode( iter, function, node, nodes );

    // node not found - create a new FileNode, assuming we are
    // linking against an externally built library
    node = nodeGraph.CreateFileNode( nodeName );
    nodes.Append( Dependency( node ) );
    return true;
Exemplo n.º 13
// GetDirectoryNodeList
bool Function::GetDirectoryListNodeList( const BFFIterator & iter,
										 const Array< AString > & paths,
										 const Array< AString > & excludePaths,
                                         const Array< AString > & filesToExclude,
										 bool recurse,
										 const Array< AString > * patterns,
										 const char * inputVarName,
										 Dependencies & nodes ) const
	NodeGraph & ng = FBuild::Get().GetDependencyGraph();

	// Handle special case of excluded files beginning with ../
	// Since they can be used seinsibly by matching just the end
	// of a path, assume they are relative to the working dir.
	// TODO:C Move this during bff parsing when everything is using reflection
	Array< AString > filesToExcludeCleaned( filesToExclude.GetSize(), true );
	for ( const AString& file : filesToExclude )
		if ( file.BeginsWith( ".." ) )
			AStackString<> fullPath;
			NodeGraph::CleanPath( file, fullPath );
			filesToExcludeCleaned.Append( fullPath );
			filesToExcludeCleaned.Append( file );

	const AString * const  end = paths.End();
	for ( const AString * it = paths.Begin(); it != end; ++it )
		const AString & path = *it;

		// get node for the dir we depend on
		AStackString<> name;
		DirectoryListNode::FormatName( path, patterns, recurse, excludePaths, filesToExcludeCleaned, name );
		Node * node = ng.FindNode( name );
		if ( node == nullptr )
			node = ng.CreateDirectoryListNode( name,
                                               filesToExcludeCleaned );
		else if ( node->GetType() != Node::DIRECTORY_LIST_NODE )
			Error::Error_1102_UnexpectedType( iter, this, inputVarName, node->GetName(), node->GetType(), Node::DIRECTORY_LIST_NODE );
			return false;

		nodes.Append( Dependency( node ) );
	return true;
Exemplo n.º 14
LinkerNode::LinkerNode( const AString & linkerOutputName,
                         const Dependencies & inputLibraries,
                         const Dependencies & otherLibraries,
                         const AString & linkerType,
                         const AString & linker,
                         const AString & linkerArgs,
                         uint32_t flags,
                         const Dependencies & assemblyResources,
                         const AString & importLibName,
                         Node * linkerStampExe,
                         const AString & linkerStampExeArgs )
: FileNode( linkerOutputName, Node::FLAG_NONE )
, m_Flags( flags )
, m_AssemblyResources( assemblyResources )
, m_OtherLibraries( otherLibraries )
, m_ImportLibName( importLibName )
, m_LinkerStampExe( linkerStampExe )
, m_LinkerStampExeArgs( linkerStampExeArgs )
    m_LastBuildTimeMs = 20000;

    // presize vector
    size_t numStaticDeps = inputLibraries.GetSize() + assemblyResources.GetSize() + otherLibraries.GetSize();
    if ( linkerStampExe )
    m_StaticDependencies.SetCapacity( numStaticDeps );

    // depend on everything we'll link together
    m_StaticDependencies.Append( inputLibraries );
    m_StaticDependencies.Append( assemblyResources );
    m_StaticDependencies.Append( otherLibraries );

    // manage optional LinkerStampExe
    if ( linkerStampExe )
        m_StaticDependencies.Append( Dependency( linkerStampExe ) );

    // store options we'll need to use dynamically
    m_LinkerType = linkerType;
    m_Linker = linker; // TODO:C This should be a node
    m_LinkerArgs = linkerArgs;
        String database, String table, StoragePtr storage,
        const Context & context_, const ASTPtr & query_ptr_, bool no_destination)
    : context(context_), query_ptr(query_ptr_)
    /** TODO This is a very important line. At any insertion into the table one of streams should own lock.
      * Although now any insertion into the table is done via PushingToViewsBlockOutputStream,
      *  but it's clear that here is not the best place for this functionality.
    addTableLock(storage->lockStructure(true, __PRETTY_FUNCTION__));

    if (!table.empty())
        Dependencies dependencies = context.getDependencies(database, table);

        /// We need special context for materialized views insertions
        if (!dependencies.empty())
            views_context = std::make_unique<Context>(context);
            // Do not deduplicate insertions into MV if the main insertion is Ok
            views_context->getSettingsRef().insert_deduplicate = false;

        for (const auto & database_table : dependencies)
            auto dependent_table = context.getTable(database_table.first, database_table.second);
            auto & materialized_view = dynamic_cast<const StorageMaterializedView &>(*dependent_table);

            auto query = materialized_view.getInnerQuery();
            auto out = std::make_shared<PushingToViewsBlockOutputStream>(
                database_table.first, database_table.second, dependent_table, *views_context, ASTPtr());
            views.emplace_back(ViewInfo{std::move(query), database_table.first, database_table.second, std::move(out)});

    /* Do not push to destination table if the flag is set */
    if (!no_destination)
        output = storage->write(query_ptr, context.getSettingsRef());
        replicated_output = dynamic_cast<ReplicatedMergeTreeBlockOutputStream *>(output.get());
Exemplo n.º 16
CSNode::CSNode( const AString & compilerOutput,
				const Dependencies & inputNodes,
				const AString & compiler,
				const AString & compilerArgs,
				const Dependencies & extraRefs )
: FileNode( compilerOutput, Node::FLAG_NONE )
, m_ExtraRefs( extraRefs )
	ASSERT( !inputNodes.IsEmpty() );

	m_StaticDependencies.SetCapacity( inputNodes.GetSize() + extraRefs.GetSize() );
	m_StaticDependencies.Append( inputNodes );
	m_StaticDependencies.Append( extraRefs );

	// store options we'll need to use when building
	m_CompilerPath = compiler; // TODO:C This should be a node we statically depend on
	m_CompilerArgs = compilerArgs;

	m_Type = CS_NODE;
	m_LastBuildTimeMs = 5000; // higher default than a file node
Exemplo n.º 17
RemoteDoclet::RemoteDoclet(Dependencies& dependencies) :
  if (!_component.containsAnnotation(REMOTE)) {
    std::cout << "No match for annotation @remote. Skipping..." << std::endl;

  if (_component.containsAttributeAnnotation(REMOTE)) {
    throw "@remote annotations are prohibited for attributes";

Exemplo n.º 18
// GetFileNode
bool Function::GetFileNode( NodeGraph & nodeGraph,
							const BFFIterator & iter,
                            const AString & file,
                            const char * inputVarName,
                            Dependencies & nodes ) const
	// get node for the dir we depend on
	Node * node = nodeGraph.FindNode( file );
	if ( node == nullptr )
		node = nodeGraph.CreateFileNode( file );
	else if ( node->IsAFile() == false )
		Error::Error_1005_UnsupportedNodeType( iter, this, inputVarName, node->GetName(), node->GetType() );
		return false;

	nodes.Append( Dependency( node ) );
	return true;
Exemplo n.º 19
// GetDirectoryNodeList
bool Function::GetDirectoryListNodeList( const BFFIterator & iter,
										 const Array< AString > & paths,
										 const Array< AString > & excludePaths,
                                         const Array< AString > & filesToExclude,
										 bool recurse,
										 const AString & pattern,
										 const char * inputVarName,
										 Dependencies & nodes ) const
	NodeGraph & ng = FBuild::Get().GetDependencyGraph();

	const AString * const  end = paths.End();
	for ( const AString * it = paths.Begin(); it != end; ++it )
		const AString & path = *it;

		// get node for the dir we depend on
		AStackString<> name;
		DirectoryListNode::FormatName( path, pattern, recurse, excludePaths, filesToExclude, name );
		Node * node = ng.FindNode( name );
		if ( node == nullptr )
			node = ng.CreateDirectoryListNode( name,
                                               filesToExclude );
		else if ( node->GetType() != Node::DIRECTORY_LIST_NODE )
			Error::Error_1102_UnexpectedType( iter, this, inputVarName, node->GetName(), node->GetType(), Node::DIRECTORY_LIST_NODE );
			return false;

		nodes.Append( Dependency( node ) );
	return true;
Exemplo n.º 20
void FeedParser::parse_depends(XmlReader& xml, Dependencies& depends)
    while (xml.start_element())
        std::string name = xml.name();
        if (name == "if")
            depends.start_if(xml.attribute("test", project_ns));
            parse_depends(xml, depends);
        else if (name == "elseif")
            depends.start_elseif(xml.attribute("test", project_ns));
            parse_depends(xml, depends);
        else if (name == "else")
            parse_depends(xml, depends);
        else if (name == "depends")
            std::string dep = resolve_uri(spec.id, xml.attribute("href", project_ns));
        else if (name == "conflicts")
            std::string dep = resolve_uri(spec.id, xml.attribute("href", project_ns));
Exemplo n.º 21
// Commit
/*virtual*/ bool FunctionLibrary::Commit( NodeGraph & nodeGraph, const BFFIterator & funcStartIter ) const
    // make sure all required variables are defined
    const BFFVariable * outputLib;
    const BFFVariable * compiler;
    const BFFVariable * compilerOptions;
    AStackString<> compilerOptionsDeoptimized;
    AStackString<> compilerOutputPath;
    AStackString<> compilerOutputPrefix;
    const BFFVariable * compilerOutputExtension;
    const BFFVariable * librarian;
    const BFFVariable * librarianOptions;
    if ( !GetString( funcStartIter, outputLib, ".LibrarianOutput", true ) ||
         !GetString( funcStartIter, compiler, ".Compiler", true ) ||
         !GetString( funcStartIter, compilerOptions, ".CompilerOptions", true ) ||
         !GetString( funcStartIter, compilerOptionsDeoptimized, ".CompilerOptionsDeoptimized", false ) ||
         !GetString( funcStartIter, compilerOutputPath, ".CompilerOutputPath", true ) ||
         !GetString( funcStartIter, compilerOutputPrefix, ".CompilerOutputPrefix", false ) ||
         !GetString( funcStartIter, compilerOutputExtension, ".CompilerOutputExtension", false ) ||
         !GetString( funcStartIter, librarian, ".Librarian", true ) ||
         !GetString( funcStartIter, librarianOptions, ".LibrarianOptions", true ) )
        return false;

    PathUtils::FixupFolderPath( compilerOutputPath );

    // find or create the compiler node
    CompilerNode * compilerNode = nullptr;
    if ( !FunctionObjectList::GetCompilerNode( nodeGraph, funcStartIter, compiler->GetString(), compilerNode ) )
        return false; // GetCompilerNode will have emitted error

    // Compiler Force Using
    Dependencies compilerForceUsing;
    if ( !GetNodeList( nodeGraph, funcStartIter, ".CompilerForceUsing", compilerForceUsing, false ) )
        return false; // GetNodeList will have emitted an error

    // de-optimization setting
    bool deoptimizeWritableFiles = false;
    bool deoptimizeWritableFilesWithToken = false;
    if ( !GetBool( funcStartIter, deoptimizeWritableFiles, ".DeoptimizeWritableFiles", false, false ) )
        return false; // GetBool will have emitted error
    if ( !GetBool( funcStartIter, deoptimizeWritableFilesWithToken, ".DeoptimizeWritableFilesWithToken", false, false ) )
        return false; // GetBool will have emitted error
    if ( ( deoptimizeWritableFiles || deoptimizeWritableFilesWithToken ) && compilerOptionsDeoptimized.IsEmpty() )
        Error::Error_1101_MissingProperty( funcStartIter, this, AStackString<>( ".CompilerOptionsDeoptimized" ) );
        return false;

    // cache & distribution control
    bool allowDistribution( true );
    bool allowCaching( true );
    if ( !GetBool( funcStartIter, allowDistribution, ".AllowDistribution", true ) ||
         !GetBool( funcStartIter, allowCaching, ".AllowCaching", true ) )
        return false; // GetBool will have emitted error

    // Precompiled Header support
    ObjectNode * precompiledHeaderNode = nullptr;
    AStackString<> compilerOutputExtensionStr( compilerOutputExtension ? compilerOutputExtension->GetString().Get() : ".obj" );
    if ( !GetPrecompiledHeaderNode( nodeGraph, funcStartIter, compilerNode, compilerOptions, compilerForceUsing, precompiledHeaderNode, deoptimizeWritableFiles, deoptimizeWritableFilesWithToken, allowDistribution, allowCaching, compilerOutputExtensionStr ) )
        return false; // GetPrecompiledHeaderNode will have emitted error

    // Sanity check compile flags
    const bool usingPCH = ( precompiledHeaderNode != nullptr );
    uint32_t objFlags = ObjectNode::DetermineFlags( compilerNode, compilerOptions->GetString(), false, usingPCH );
    if ( ( objFlags & ObjectNode::FLAG_MSVC ) && ( objFlags & ObjectNode::FLAG_CREATING_PCH ) )
        // must not specify use of precompiled header (must use the PCH specific options)
        Error::Error_1303_PCHCreateOptionOnlyAllowedOnPCH( funcStartIter, this, "Yc", "CompilerOptions" );
        return false;

    // Check input/output for Compiler
        bool hasInputToken = false;
        bool hasOutputToken = false;
        bool hasCompileToken = false;

        const AString & args = compilerOptions->GetString();
        Array< AString > tokens;
        args.Tokenize( tokens );
        for ( const AString & token : tokens )
            if ( token.Find( "%1" ) )
                hasInputToken = true;
            else if ( token.Find( "%2" ) )
                hasOutputToken = true;
                if ( objFlags & ObjectNode::FLAG_MSVC )
                    if ( ( token == "/c" ) || ( token == "-c" ) )
                        hasCompileToken = true;
                    if ( token == "-c" )
                        hasCompileToken = true;

        if ( hasInputToken == false )
            Error::Error_1106_MissingRequiredToken( funcStartIter, this, ".CompilerOptions", "%1" );
            return false;
        if ( hasOutputToken == false )
            Error::Error_1106_MissingRequiredToken( funcStartIter, this, ".CompilerOptions", "%2" );
            return false;

        // check /c or -c
        if ( objFlags & ObjectNode::FLAG_MSVC )
            if ( hasCompileToken == false )
                Error::Error_1106_MissingRequiredToken( funcStartIter, this, ".CompilerOptions", "/c or -c" );
                return false;
        else if ( objFlags & ( ObjectNode::FLAG_SNC | ObjectNode::FLAG_GCC | ObjectNode::FLAG_CLANG ) )
            if ( hasCompileToken == false )
                Error::Error_1106_MissingRequiredToken( funcStartIter, this, ".CompilerOptions", "-c" );
                return false;

    // Check input/output for Librarian
        const AString & args = librarianOptions->GetString();
        bool hasInputToken = ( args.Find( "%1" ) || args.Find( "\"%1\"" ) );
        if ( hasInputToken == false )
            Error::Error_1106_MissingRequiredToken( funcStartIter, this, ".LibrarianOptions", "%1" );
            return false;
        bool hasOutputToken = ( args.Find( "%2" ) || args.Find( "\"%2\"" ) );
        if ( hasOutputToken == false )
            Error::Error_1106_MissingRequiredToken( funcStartIter, this, ".LibrarianOptions", "%2" );
            return false;

    // Get the (optional) Preprocessor & PreprocessorOptions
    const BFFVariable * preprocessor = nullptr;
    const BFFVariable * preprocessorOptions = nullptr;
    CompilerNode * preprocessorNode = nullptr;
    if ( !GetString( funcStartIter, preprocessor, ".Preprocessor", false ) )
        return false; // GetString will have emitted an error
    if ( preprocessor )
        // get the preprocessor executable
        if ( !FunctionObjectList::GetCompilerNode( nodeGraph, funcStartIter, preprocessor->GetString(), preprocessorNode ) )
            return false; // GetCompilerNode will have emitted an error

        // get the command line args for the preprocessor
        if ( !GetString( funcStartIter, preprocessorOptions, ".PreprocessorOptions", true ) ) // required
            return false; // GetString will have emitted an error

    // Pre-build dependencies
    Dependencies preBuildDependencies;
    if ( !GetNodeList( nodeGraph, funcStartIter, ".PreBuildDependencies", preBuildDependencies, false ) )
        return false; // GetNodeList will have emitted an error

    Dependencies staticDeps( 32, true );
    if ( !GetInputs( nodeGraph, funcStartIter, staticDeps ) )
        return false; // GetStaticDeps will gave emitted error

    // are the additional inputs to merge into the libaray?
    Dependencies additionalInputs;
    if ( !GetNodeList( nodeGraph, funcStartIter, ".LibrarianAdditionalInputs", additionalInputs, false ) )
        return false;// helper will emit error

    if ( staticDeps.IsEmpty() && additionalInputs.IsEmpty() )
        Error::Error_1006_NothingToBuild( funcStartIter, this );
        return false;

    uint32_t flags = LibraryNode::DetermineFlags( librarian->GetString() );

    // Create library node which depends on the single file or list
    if ( nodeGraph.FindNode( outputLib->GetString() ) )
        Error::Error_1100_AlreadyDefined( funcStartIter, this, outputLib->GetString() );
        return false;

    AStackString<> baseDirectory;
    if ( !GetBaseDirectory( funcStartIter, baseDirectory ) )
        return false; // GetBaseDirectory will have emitted error

    AStackString<> extraPDBPath, extraASMPath;
    GetExtraOutputPaths( compilerOptions->GetString(), extraPDBPath, extraASMPath );

    LibraryNode * libNode = nodeGraph.CreateLibraryNode( outputLib->GetString(),
                          preprocessorOptions ? preprocessorOptions->GetString() : AString::GetEmpty(),
                          baseDirectory );
    if ( compilerOutputExtension )
        libNode->m_ObjExtensionOverride = compilerOutputExtension->GetString();
    libNode->m_CompilerOutputPrefix = compilerOutputPrefix;
    libNode->m_ExtraPDBPath = extraPDBPath;
    libNode->m_ExtraASMPath = extraASMPath;

    return ProcessAlias( nodeGraph, funcStartIter, libNode );
Exemplo n.º 22
Task::process(TaskStatus const& status, FilterData const& data)
	Dependencies const deps(data.xform().resultingPreCropArea());

	std::auto_ptr<Params> params(m_ptrSettings->getPageParams(m_pageId));
	if (params.get() && !params->dependencies().matches(deps) && (params->mode() == MODE_AUTO)) {

	OptionsWidget::UiData ui_data;

	if (params.get()) {

		if (!params->dependencies().matches(deps)) {
			QRectF content_rect = ui_data.contentRect();
			QPointF new_center= deps.rotatedPageOutline().boundingRect().center();
			QPointF old_center = params->dependencies().rotatedPageOutline().boundingRect().center();

			content_rect.translate(new_center - old_center);

		if ((params->contentSizeMM().isEmpty() && !params->contentRect().isEmpty()) || !params->dependencies().matches(deps)) {
			// Backwards compatibilty: put the missing data where it belongs.
			Params const new_params(
				ui_data.contentRect(), ui_data.contentSizeMM(),
				deps, params->mode()
			m_ptrSettings->setPageParams(m_pageId, new_params);
	} else {
		QRectF const content_rect(
				status, data, m_ptrDbg.get()

		Params const new_params(
			ui_data.contentRect(), ui_data.contentSizeMM(), deps, MODE_AUTO
		m_ptrSettings->setPageParams(m_pageId, new_params);
	if (m_ptrNextTask) {
		return m_ptrNextTask->process(
			status, FilterData(data, data.xform()),
	} else {
		return FilterResultPtr(
			new UiUpdater(
				m_ptrFilter, m_pageId, m_ptrDbg, data.origImage(),
				data.xform(), ui_data, m_batchProcessing
Exemplo n.º 23
// Commit
/*virtual*/ bool FunctionExec::Commit( NodeGraph & nodeGraph, const BFFIterator & funcStartIter ) const
    // make sure all required variables are defined
    const BFFVariable * outputV;
    const BFFVariable * executableV;
    const BFFVariable * argsV;
    const BFFVariable * workingDirV;
    int32_t expectedReturnCode;
    bool useStdOutAsOutput;
    if ( !GetString( funcStartIter, outputV,        ".ExecOutput", true ) ||
         !GetString( funcStartIter, executableV,    ".ExecExecutable", true ) ||
         !GetString( funcStartIter, argsV,          ".ExecArguments" ) ||
         !GetString( funcStartIter, workingDirV,    ".ExecWorkingDir" ) ||
         !GetInt( funcStartIter, expectedReturnCode, ".ExecReturnCode", 0, false ) ||
         !GetBool( funcStartIter, useStdOutAsOutput, ".ExecUseStdOutAsOutput", false, false))
        return false;

    // check for duplicates
    if ( nodeGraph.FindNode( outputV->GetString() ) != nullptr )
        Error::Error_1100_AlreadyDefined( funcStartIter, this, outputV->GetString() );
        return false;

    // Pre-build dependencies
    Dependencies preBuildDependencies;
    if ( !GetNodeList( nodeGraph, funcStartIter, ".PreBuildDependencies", preBuildDependencies, false ) )
        return false; // GetNodeList will have emitted an error

    // get executable node
    Node * exeNode = nodeGraph.FindNode( executableV->GetString() );
    if ( exeNode == nullptr )
        exeNode = nodeGraph.CreateFileNode( executableV->GetString() );
    else if ( exeNode->IsAFile() == false )
        Error::Error_1103_NotAFile( funcStartIter, this, "ExecExecutable", exeNode->GetName(), exeNode->GetType() );
        return false;

    // source node
    Dependencies inputNodes;
    if ( !GetNodeList( nodeGraph, funcStartIter, ".ExecInput", inputNodes, false ) )
        return false; // GetNodeList will have emitted an error
        // Make sure all nodes are files
        const Dependency * const end = inputNodes.End();
        for (const Dependency * it = inputNodes.Begin();
            it != end;
            Node * node = it->GetNode();
            if (node->IsAFile() == false)
                Error::Error_1103_NotAFile(funcStartIter, this, "ExecInput", node->GetName(), node->GetType());
                return false;

    // optional args
    const AString & arguments(  argsV ?         argsV->GetString()      : AString::GetEmpty() );
    const AString & workingDir( workingDirV ?   workingDirV->GetString(): AString::GetEmpty() );

    // create the TestNode
    Node * outputNode = nodeGraph.CreateExecNode( outputV->GetString(),
                                           (FileNode *)exeNode,

    return ProcessAlias( nodeGraph, funcStartIter, outputNode );
Exemplo n.º 24
// DependOnNode
/*static*/ bool LinkerNode::DependOnNode( const BFFIterator & iter,
                                          const Function * function,
                                          Node * node,
                                          Dependencies & nodes )
    ASSERT( node );

    // a previously declared library?
    if ( node->GetType() == Node::LIBRARY_NODE )
        // can link directly to it
        nodes.Append( Dependency( node ) );
        return true;

    // a previously declared object list?
    if ( node->GetType() == Node::OBJECT_LIST_NODE )
        // can link directly to it
        nodes.Append( Dependency( node ) );
        return true;

    // a dll?
    if ( node->GetType() == Node::DLL_NODE )
        // TODO:B Depend on import lib
        nodes.Append( Dependency( node, true ) ); // NOTE: Weak dependency
        return true;

    // a previously declared external file?
    if ( node->GetType() == Node::FILE_NODE )
        // can link directy against it
        nodes.Append( Dependency( node ) );
        return true;

    // a file copy?
    if ( node->GetType() == Node::COPY_FILE_NODE )
        // depend on copy - will use input at build time
        nodes.Append( Dependency( node ) );
        return true;

    // an external executable?
    if ( node->GetType() == Node::EXEC_NODE )
        // depend on ndoe - will use exe output at build time
        nodes.Append( Dependency( node ) );
        return true;

    // a group (alias)?
    if ( node->GetType() == Node::ALIAS_NODE )
        // handle all targets in alias
        AliasNode * an = node->CastTo< AliasNode >();
        const Dependencies & aliasNodeList = an->GetAliasedNodes();
        const Dependencies::Iter end = aliasNodeList.End();
        for ( Dependencies::Iter it = aliasNodeList.Begin();
              it != end;
              ++it )
            if ( DependOnNode( iter, function, it->GetNode(), nodes ) == false )
                return false; // something went wrong lower down
        return true; // all nodes in group handled ok

    // don't know how to handle this type of node
    Error::Error_1005_UnsupportedNodeType( iter, function, "Libraries", node->GetName(), node->GetType() );
    return false;
Exemplo n.º 25
// Commit
/*virtual*/ bool FunctionCopy::Commit( NodeGraph & nodeGraph, const BFFIterator & funcStartIter ) const
    // make sure all required variables are defined
    Array< AString > sources( 16, true );
    const BFFVariable * dstFileV;
    if ( !GetStrings( funcStartIter, sources, ".Source", true ) ||
         !GetString( funcStartIter, dstFileV, ".Dest", true ) )
        return false; // GetString will have emitted errors

    // Optional
    AStackString<> sourceBasePath;
    if ( !GetString( funcStartIter, sourceBasePath, ".SourceBasePath", false ) )
        return false; // GetString will have emitted errors

    // Canonicalize the SourceBasePath
    if ( !sourceBasePath.IsEmpty() )
        AStackString<> cleanValue;
        NodeGraph::CleanPath( sourceBasePath, cleanValue );
        PathUtils::EnsureTrailingSlash( cleanValue );
        sourceBasePath = cleanValue;

    // check sources are not paths
        const AString * const end = sources.End();
        for ( const AString * it = sources.Begin(); it != end; ++it )
            const AString & srcFile( *it );

            // source must be a file, not a  path
            if ( PathUtils::IsFolderPath( srcFile ) )
                Error::Error_1105_PathNotAllowed( funcStartIter, this, ".Source", srcFile );
                return false;

    // Pre-build dependencies
    Dependencies preBuildDependencies;
    if ( !GetNodeList( nodeGraph, funcStartIter, ".PreBuildDependencies", preBuildDependencies, false ) )
        return false; // GetNodeList will have emitted an error
    Array< AString > preBuildDependencyNames( preBuildDependencies.GetSize(), false );
    for ( const auto & dep : preBuildDependencies )
        preBuildDependencyNames.Append( dep.GetNode()->GetName() );

    // get source node
    Array< Node * > srcNodes;
        const AString * const end = sources.End();
        for ( const AString * it = sources.Begin(); it != end; ++it )

            Node * srcNode = nodeGraph.FindNode( *it );
            if ( srcNode )
                if ( GetSourceNodes( funcStartIter, srcNode, srcNodes ) == false )
                    return false;
                // source file not defined by use - assume an external file
                srcNodes.Append( nodeGraph.CreateFileNode( *it ) );

    AStackString<> dstFile;
    NodeGraph::CleanPath( dstFileV->GetString(), dstFile );
    const bool dstIsFolderPath = PathUtils::IsFolderPath( dstFile );

    // make all the nodes for copies
    Dependencies copyNodes( srcNodes.GetSize(), false );
    for ( const Node * srcNode : srcNodes )
        AStackString<> dst( dstFile );

        // dest can be a file OR a path.  If it's a path, use the source filename part
        if ( dstIsFolderPath )
            // find filename part of source
            const AString & srcName = srcNode->GetName();

            // If the sourceBasePath is specified (and valid) use the name relative to that
            if ( !sourceBasePath.IsEmpty() && PathUtils::PathBeginsWith( srcName, sourceBasePath ) )
                // Use everything relative to the SourceBasePath
                dst += srcName.Get() + sourceBasePath.GetLength();
                // Use just the file name
                const char * lastSlash = srcName.FindLast( NATIVE_SLASH );
                dst += lastSlash ? ( lastSlash + 1 )    // append filename part if found
                                     : srcName.Get();   // otherwise append whole thing

        // check node doesn't already exist
        if ( nodeGraph.FindNode( dst ) )
            // TODO:C could have a specific error for multiple sources with only 1 output
            // to differentiate from two rules creating the same dst target
            Error::Error_1100_AlreadyDefined( funcStartIter, this, dst );
            return false;

        // create our node
        CopyFileNode * copyFileNode = nodeGraph.CreateCopyFileNode( dst );
        copyFileNode->m_Source = srcNode->GetName();
        copyFileNode->m_PreBuildDependencyNames = preBuildDependencyNames;
        if ( !copyFileNode->Initialize( nodeGraph, funcStartIter, this ) )
            return false; // Initialize will have emitted an error

        copyNodes.Append( Dependency( copyFileNode ) );

    // handle alias creation
    return ProcessAlias( nodeGraph, funcStartIter, copyNodes );
Exemplo n.º 26
// GetInputs
bool FunctionObjectList::GetInputs( const BFFIterator & iter, Dependencies & inputs ) const
	NodeGraph & ng = FBuild::Get().GetDependencyGraph();

	// do we want to build files via a unity blob?
    Array< AString > inputUnities;
    if ( !GetStrings( iter, inputUnities, ".CompilerInputUnity", false ) ) // not required
		return false;
    for ( const auto& unity : inputUnities )
        Node * n = ng.FindNode( unity );
		if ( n == nullptr )
			Error::Error_1104_TargetNotDefined( iter, this, "CompilerInputUnity", unity );
			return false;
		if ( n->GetType() != Node::UNITY_NODE )
			Error::Error_1102_UnexpectedType( iter, this, "CompilerInputUnity", unity, n->GetType(), Node::UNITY_NODE );
			return false;
		inputs.Append( Dependency( n ) );

	// do we want to build a files in a directory?
	const BFFVariable * inputPath = BFFStackFrame::GetVar( ".CompilerInputPath" );
	if ( inputPath )
		// get the optional pattern and recurse options related to InputPath
		Array< AString > patterns;
		if ( !GetStrings( iter, patterns, ".CompilerInputPattern", false ) )
			return false; // GetString will have emitted an error
		if ( patterns.IsEmpty() )
			patterns.Append( AStackString<>( "*.cpp" ) );

		// recursive?  default to true
		bool recurse = true;
		if ( !GetBool( iter, recurse, ".CompilerInputPathRecurse", true, false ) )
			return false; // GetBool will have emitted an error

		// Support an exclusion path
		Array< AString > excludePaths;
		if ( !GetFolderPaths( iter, excludePaths, ".CompilerInputExcludePath", false ) )
			return false; // GetFolderPaths will have emitted an error

        Array< AString > filesToExclude;
        if ( !GetStrings( iter, filesToExclude, ".CompilerInputExcludedFiles", false ) ) // not required
            return false; // GetStrings will have emitted an error
	    CleanFileNames( filesToExclude );

		// Input paths
		Array< AString > inputPaths;
		if ( !GetFolderPaths( iter, inputPaths, ".CompilerInputPath", false ) )
			return false; // GetFolderPaths will have emitted an error

		Dependencies dirNodes( inputPaths.GetSize() );
		if ( !GetDirectoryListNodeList( iter, inputPaths, excludePaths, filesToExclude, recurse, &patterns, "CompilerInputPath", dirNodes ) )
			return false; // GetDirectoryListNodeList will have emitted an error
		inputs.Append( dirNodes );

	// do we want to build a specific list of files?
	if ( !GetNodeList( iter, ".CompilerInputFiles", inputs, false ) )
		// helper will emit error
		return false;

	return true;
Exemplo n.º 27
// GetNodeListRecurse
bool Function::GetNodeListRecurse( const BFFIterator & iter, const char * name, Dependencies & nodes, const AString & nodeName,
								   bool allowCopyDirNodes, bool allowUnityNodes, bool allowRemoveDirNodes ) const
	NodeGraph & ng = FBuild::Get().GetDependencyGraph();

	// get node
	Node * n = ng.FindNode( nodeName );
	if ( n == nullptr )
		// not found - create a new file node
		n = ng.CreateFileNode( nodeName );
		nodes.Append( Dependency( n ) );
		return true;

	// found - is it a file?
	if ( n->IsAFile() )
		// found file - just use as is
		nodes.Append( Dependency( n ) );
		return true;

	// found - is it an ObjectList?
	if ( n->GetType() == Node::OBJECT_LIST_NODE )
		// use as-is
		nodes.Append( Dependency( n ) );
		return true;

	// extra types
	if ( allowCopyDirNodes )
		// found - is it an ObjectList?
		if ( n->GetType() == Node::COPY_DIR_NODE )
			// use as-is
			nodes.Append( Dependency( n ) );
			return true;
	if ( allowRemoveDirNodes )
		// found - is it a RemoveDirNode?
		if ( n->GetType() == Node::REMOVE_DIR_NODE )
			// use as-is
			nodes.Append( Dependency( n ) );
			return true;
	if ( allowUnityNodes )
		// found - is it an ObjectList?
		if ( n->GetType() == Node::UNITY_NODE )
			// use as-is
			nodes.Append( Dependency( n ) );
			return true;

	// found - is it a group?
	if ( n->GetType() == Node::ALIAS_NODE )
		AliasNode * an = n->CastTo< AliasNode >();
		const Dependencies & aNodes = an->GetAliasedNodes();
		for ( const Dependency * it = aNodes.Begin(); it != aNodes.End(); ++it )
			// TODO:C by passing as string we'll be looking up again for no reason
			const AString & subName = it->GetNode()->GetName();

			if ( !GetNodeListRecurse( iter, name, nodes, subName, allowCopyDirNodes, allowUnityNodes, allowRemoveDirNodes ) )
				return false;
		return true;

	// don't know how to handle this type of node
	Error::Error_1005_UnsupportedNodeType( iter, this, name, n->GetName(), n->GetType() );
	return false;
Exemplo n.º 28
MMO_Expression_::_addAlgebriacDeps (Index algIndex, MMO_Equation equation,
				    Index equationIndex, Index derivativeIndex,
				    Dependencies derivativeDeps,
				    map<Index, Index> *states,
				    map<Index, Index> *discretes,
				    Index variableChange, int value)
  stringstream buffer;
  string indent;
  string variableString = equation->lhs ().variable (algIndex, "i");
  Dependencies deps = equation->exp ()->deps ();
  map<Index, Index> &stateVariables = *states;
  Index eqIndex = equationIndex;
  for (Index *idx = deps->begin (DEP_STATE); !deps->end (DEP_STATE);
      idx = deps->next (DEP_STATE))
      if (stateVariables.find (*idx) == stateVariables.end ()
	  || equation->lhs ().variableChange (algIndex))
	  Index stateIndex = Index (
	      idx->applyVariableChange (
		  equation->lhs ().variableIndex (algIndex)));
	  stateVariables[*idx] = *idx;
	  eqIndex.setOffset (_equationIndex++);
	  if (idx->hasRange () && eqIndex.hasRange ())
	      // X[i] = B[i];
	      derivativeDeps->insert (stateIndex, eqIndex, DEP_ALGEBRAIC_STATE);
	  else if (!idx->hasRange () && eqIndex.hasRange ())
	      // X[i] = B[N];
	      derivativeDeps->insert (stateIndex, eqIndex, DEP_ALGEBRAIC_STATE);
	  else if (idx->hasRange () && !eqIndex.hasRange ())
	      // X[N] = B[i];
	      if (derivativeIndex.hasRange ())
		  Index newEqIndex = eqIndex;
		  newEqIndex.setRange ();
		  newEqIndex.setLow (derivativeIndex.low ());
		  newEqIndex.setHi (derivativeIndex.hi ());
		  derivativeDeps->insert (
		      stateIndex.indexValue (
			  stateIndex.value (algIndex.constant ())),
		      newEqIndex, DEP_ALGEBRAIC_STATE);
		  derivativeDeps->insert (
		      stateIndex.indexValue (
			  stateIndex.value (algIndex.constant ())),
		      eqIndex, DEP_ALGEBRAIC_STATE);
	  else if (!idx->hasRange () && !eqIndex.hasRange ())
	      // X[N] = B[N];
	      if (derivativeIndex.hasRange () && !algIndex.isArray())
	     	  Index newEqIndex = eqIndex;
	     	  newEqIndex.setRange ();
	     	  newEqIndex.setLow (derivativeIndex.low ());
	     	  newEqIndex.setHi (derivativeIndex.hi ());
	     	  derivativeDeps->insert (stateIndex,
	     	      newEqIndex, DEP_ALGEBRAIC_STATE);
	          derivativeDeps->insert (stateIndex, eqIndex, DEP_ALGEBRAIC_STATE);

  map<Index, Index> &discreteVariables = *discretes;
  for (Index *idx = deps->begin (DEP_DISCRETE); !deps->end (DEP_DISCRETE); idx =
      deps->next (DEP_DISCRETE))
      if (discreteVariables.find (*idx) == discreteVariables.end ()
	  || equation->lhs ().variableChange (algIndex))
	  Index discreteIndex = Index (
	      idx->applyVariableChange (
		  equation->lhs ().variableIndex (algIndex)));
	  discreteVariables[*idx] = *idx;
	  eqIndex.setOffset (_equationIndex++);
	  if (idx->hasRange () && eqIndex.hasRange ())
	      // X[i] = B[i];
	      derivativeDeps->insert (discreteIndex, eqIndex,
	  else if (!idx->hasRange () && eqIndex.hasRange ())
	      // X[i] = B[N];
	      derivativeDeps->insert (discreteIndex, eqIndex,
	  else if (idx->hasRange () && !eqIndex.hasRange ())
	      // X[N] = B[i];
	      derivativeDeps->insert (
		  discreteIndex.indexValue (
		      discreteIndex.value (discreteIndex.constant ())),
	  else if (!idx->hasRange () && !eqIndex.hasRange ())
	      // X[N] = B[N];
	      derivativeDeps->insert (discreteIndex, eqIndex,
  for (Index *idx = deps->begin (DEP_STATE_VECTOR);
      !deps->end (DEP_STATE_VECTOR); idx = deps->next (DEP_STATE_VECTOR))
      derivativeDeps->insert (*idx, DEP_STATE_VECTOR);
  for (Index *idx = deps->begin (DEP_DISCRETE_VECTOR);
      !deps->end (DEP_DISCRETE_VECTOR); idx = deps->next (DEP_DISCRETE_VECTOR))
      derivativeDeps->insert (*idx, DEP_DISCRETE_VECTOR);
  _traverseAlgebraics (deps, derivativeIndex, derivativeDeps, states, discretes,
		       variableChange, DEP_ALGEBRAIC_DEF, value);
  _traverseAlgebraics (deps, derivativeIndex, derivativeDeps, states, discretes,
		       variableChange, DEP_ALGEBRAIC_VECTOR_DEF, value);
Exemplo n.º 29
MMO_Expression_::_traverseAlgebraics (Dependencies deps, Index derivativeIndex,
				      Dependencies derivativeDeps,
				      map<Index, Index> *states,
				      map<Index, Index> *discretes,
				      Index variableChange, DEP_Type type,
				      int value)
  for (Index *idx = deps->begin (type); !deps->end (type);
      idx = deps->next (type))

      list<MMO_Equation> algEqs = _data->algebraics ()->equation (*idx);
      list<MMO_Equation>::iterator algEq;
      if (type == DEP_ALGEBRAIC_VECTOR_DEF)
	  derivativeDeps->insert (*idx, DEP_ALGEBRAIC_VECTOR);
      int algValue = -1;
      for (algEq = algEqs.begin (); algEq != algEqs.end (); algEq++)
	  Index algebraicIdx = *idx;
	  if (value >= 0 && idx->hasRange ())
	      algebraicIdx = idx->indexValue (value);
	  if (!(*algEq)->exp()->deps()->autonomous())
	  Index variableCh;
	  int f = (*algEq)->lhs ().factor ();
	  int c = (*algEq)->lhs ().operConstant ();
	  if (f != 0 && type == DEP_ALGEBRAIC_DEF)
	      if (f != 1 || c != 0)
		  variableCh.setFactor (f);
		  variableCh.setConstant (-c);
		  variableCh.setLow ((*algEq)->lhs ().low () * f + c);
		  variableCh.setHi ((*algEq)->lhs ().hi () * f + c);
	  Index algebraicIndex = (*algEq)->lhs ();
	  if (variableChange.isSet ())
	      algebraicIndex = (*algEq)->lhs ().applyVariableChange (
	      algebraicIdx = idx->applyVariableChange (variableChange);
	      algebraicIdx.setLow (variableChange.low ());
	      algebraicIdx.setHi (variableChange.hi ());
	  Intersection is = algebraicIndex.intersection (algebraicIdx);
	  if (is.type () != IDX_DISJOINT)
	      Index algKey = algebraicIdx;
	      Index equationIndex;
	      equationIndex.setOffset (_equationIndex++);
	      if (is.hasRange ())
		  equationIndex.setRange ();
		  equationIndex.setLow (is.low ());
		  equationIndex.setHi (is.hi ());
		  algKey.setRange ();
		  algKey.setHi (equationIndex.hi ());
		  algKey.setLow (equationIndex.low ());
		  equationIndex.setConstant (is.modelicaValue ());
		  if (is.type () == IDX_CONSTANT_BA)
		      algKey.setConstant (is.modelicaValue () + is.begin ());
		      algValue = is.modelicaValue ();
		  else if (is.type () == IDX_CONSTANT_AB)
		      algKey.setConstant (is.modelicaValue () + is.begin ());
		      algValue = is.modelicaValue ();
		      algKey.setConstant (is.modelicaValue ());
		  algKey.setLow (1);
		  algKey.setHi (1);
		  algKey.setFactor (0);
	      if (type == DEP_ALGEBRAIC_DEF)
		  derivativeDeps->insert (algKey, DEP_ALGEBRAIC);
	      _addAlgebriacDeps (algKey, (*algEq), equationIndex,
				 derivativeIndex, derivativeDeps, states,
				 discretes, variableCh, algValue);