Exemplo n.º 1
BOOL OpenContext::IsPipeHalted(LPUKWD_ENDPOINT_INFO lpEndpointInfo, LPBOOL halted)
	MutexLocker lock(mMutex);
	DevicePtr dev (mDevice->GetDeviceList(), lpEndpointInfo->lpDevice);
	if (!Validate(dev) || halted == NULL) {
		return FALSE;

	// Find the interface for this device
	DWORD dwInterface = -1;
	if (lpEndpointInfo->Endpoint != 0) {
		if (!dev->FindInterface(lpEndpointInfo->Endpoint, dwInterface)) {
			ERROR_MSG((TEXT("USBKWrapperDrv!OpenContext::IsPipeHalted() - ")
				TEXT("failed to find interface for endpoint %d on device 0x%08x\r\n"),
				lpEndpointInfo->Endpoint, lpEndpointInfo->lpDevice));
			return FALSE;

		// See if it's already been claimed
		if (!dev->InterfaceClaimed(dwInterface, this)) {
			WARN_MSG((TEXT("USBKWrapperDrv!OpenContext::IsPipeHalted() - ")
				TEXT("using interface %d on device 0x%08x without claiming\r\n"),
				dwInterface, lpEndpointInfo->lpDevice));
			if (!dev->ClaimInterface(dwInterface, this)) {
				return FALSE;

	return dev->IsEndpointHalted(dwInterface, lpEndpointInfo->Endpoint, *halted);
Exemplo n.º 2
BOOL OpenContext::StartBulkTransfer(LPUKWD_BULK_TRANSFER_INFO lpTransferInfo)
	MutexLocker lock(mMutex);
	DevicePtr dev (mDevice->GetDeviceList(), lpTransferInfo->lpDevice);
	if (!Validate(dev)) {
		return FALSE;

	// Interface can't be used if device has closed
	if (dev->Closed()) {
		return FALSE;

	// Find the interface for this transfer
	DWORD dwInterface;
	if (!dev->FindInterface(lpTransferInfo->Endpoint, dwInterface)) {
		ERROR_MSG((TEXT("USBKWrapperDrv!OpenContext::StartBulkTransfer() - ")
			TEXT("failed to find interface for endpoint %d on device 0x%08x\r\n"),
			lpTransferInfo->Endpoint, lpTransferInfo->lpDevice));
		return FALSE;

	// See if it's already been claimed
	if (!dev->InterfaceClaimed(dwInterface, this)) {
		WARN_MSG((TEXT("USBKWrapperDrv!OpenContext::StartBulkTransfer() - ")
			TEXT("using interface %d on device 0x%08x without claiming\r\n"),
			dwInterface, lpTransferInfo->lpDevice));
		if (!dev->ClaimInterface(dwInterface, this)) {
			return FALSE;

	TRANSFERLIFETIME_MSG((TEXT("USBKWrapperDrv!OpenContext::StartBulkTransfer() on ep %x, flag 0x%08x and size %d\r\n"),
		lpTransferInfo->Endpoint, lpTransferInfo->dwFlags, lpTransferInfo->dwDataBufferSize));

	// Construct and start the bulk transfer
	BulkTransfer* bt = new (std::nothrow) BulkTransfer(
			this, dev, dwInterface, lpTransferInfo);
	if (!bt) {
		ERROR_MSG((TEXT("USBKWrapperDrv!OpenContext::StartBulkTransfer() - failed to create bulk transfer, aborting\r\n")));
		return FALSE;
	BOOL ret = bt->Start();
	bt = NULL;
	if (!ret) {
		ERROR_MSG((TEXT("USBKWrapperDrv!OpenContext::StartBulkTransfer() - failed to start bulk transfer %d\r\n"), GetLastError()));
		return FALSE;
	// Ownership of ct has passed to the transfer callback
	return TRUE;
Exemplo n.º 3
BOOL OpenContext::ClearHaltDevice(LPUKWD_ENDPOINT_INFO lpEndpointInfo)
	MutexLocker lock(mMutex);
	DevicePtr dev (mDevice->GetDeviceList(), lpEndpointInfo->lpDevice);
	if (!Validate(dev)) {
		return FALSE;

	// Interface can't be used if device has closed
	if (dev->Closed()) {
		return FALSE;

	// Find the interface for this device
	DWORD dwInterface;
	if (!dev->FindInterface(lpEndpointInfo->Endpoint, dwInterface)) {
		ERROR_MSG((TEXT("USBKWrapperDrv!OpenContext::ClearHalt() - ")
			TEXT("failed to find interface for endpoint %d on device 0x%08x\r\n"),
			lpEndpointInfo->Endpoint, lpEndpointInfo->lpDevice));
		return FALSE;

	// See if it's already been claimed
	if (!dev->InterfaceClaimed(dwInterface, this)) {
		WARN_MSG((TEXT("USBKWrapperDrv!OpenContext::ClearHalt() - ")
			TEXT("using interface %d on device 0x%08x without claiming\r\n"),
			dwInterface, lpEndpointInfo->lpDevice));
		if (!dev->ClaimInterface(dwInterface, this)) {
			return FALSE;

	return dev->ClearHaltDevice(dwInterface, lpEndpointInfo->Endpoint);