Exemplo n.º 1
EBMGInterp::define(const DisjointBoxLayout&    a_dblFine,
                   const DisjointBoxLayout&    a_dblCoar,
                   const EBISLayout&           a_ebislFine,
                   const EBISLayout&           a_ebislCoar,
                   const ProblemDomain&        a_domainCoar,
                   const int&                  a_nref,
                   const int&                  a_nvar,
                   const EBIndexSpace*         ebisPtr,
                   const IntVect&              a_ghostCellsPhi,
                   const bool&                 a_layoutChanged,
                   const bool&                 a_doLinear)
  CH_TIMER("fillEBISLayout", t1);
  m_isDefined = true;
  m_doLinear = a_doLinear;
  m_ghost = a_ghostCellsPhi;
  m_nComp = a_nvar;
  m_coarGrids = a_dblCoar;
  m_fineGrids = a_dblFine;
  m_coarEBISL = a_ebislCoar;
  m_fineEBISL = a_ebislFine;
  m_coarDomain = a_domainCoar;
  m_refRat = a_nref;
  m_fineDomain = refine(m_coarDomain, m_refRat);
  m_layoutChanged = a_layoutChanged;
  m_coarsenable   = a_dblFine.coarsenable(m_refRat);

  //only define ebislbuf and gridbuf if we are changing layouts
  if (m_layoutChanged)
      ProblemDomain domebisl;
      if (m_coarsenable)
          coarsen(m_buffGrids, m_fineGrids, m_refRat);
          domebisl = m_coarDomain;
          refine(m_buffGrids,  m_coarGrids, m_refRat);
          m_copierRCtoF.define(m_buffGrids, m_fineGrids, a_ghostCellsPhi);
          m_copierFtoRC.define(m_fineGrids, m_buffGrids, a_ghostCellsPhi);
          domebisl = m_fineDomain;

      int nghost = 4;
                              domebisl, nghost);
      if (m_refRat > 2)
          if (m_coarsenable)
              m_buffEBISL.setMaxRefinementRatio(m_refRat, ebisPtr);
              m_buffEBISL.setMaxCoarseningRatio(m_refRat, ebisPtr);
Exemplo n.º 2
// this function averages down the fine solution to the valid
// regions of the computed solution, then subtracts ir from
// the computed solution.  (error is exact-computed)
void computeAMRError(Vector<LevelData<FArrayBox>* >&       a_error,
                     const Vector<string>&                 a_errorVars,
                     const Vector<LevelData<FArrayBox>* >& a_computedSoln,
                     const Vector<string>&                 a_computedVars,
                     const Vector<DisjointBoxLayout>&      a_computedGrids,
                     const Real                            a_computedDx,
                     const Vector<int>&                    a_computedRefRatio,
                     const Vector<LevelData<FArrayBox>* >& a_exactSoln,
                     const Vector<string>&                 a_exactVars,
                     const Real                            a_exactDx,
                     Real                                  a_bogus_value,
                     bool                                  a_HOaverage,
                     bool                                  a_computeRelativeError)
  int numLevels = a_computedSoln.size();

  CH_assert(a_exactSoln.size() == 1);
  CH_assert(a_error.size() == numLevels);
  CH_assert(a_exactDx <= a_computedDx);
  CH_assert(a_computedRefRatio.size() >= numLevels - 1);

  if (a_exactDx == a_computedDx)
    cerr << "Exact dx and computed dx are equal." << endl;

  // check whether input file selects "sum all variables"
  bool sumAll = false;
  ParmParse pp;
  // const DisjointBoxLayout& exactGrids = a_exactSoln[0]->getBoxes();

  Real dxLevel = a_computedDx;

  // do a bit of sleight-of-hand in the case where there are no
  // ghost cells in the exact solution -- allocate a temporary which
  // _has_ ghost cells, and do a copyTo
  LevelData<FArrayBox>* exactSolnPtr = NULL;
  bool allocatedMemory = false;
  if (a_exactSoln[0]->ghostVect() == IntVect::Zero)
      exactSolnPtr = new LevelData<FArrayBox>(a_exactSoln[0]->getBoxes(),

      allocatedMemory = true;
       // if there are ghost cells, we can use the exactSoln as-is
       exactSolnPtr = a_exactSoln[0];
   LevelData<FArrayBox>& exactSolnRef = *exactSolnPtr;

   // first need to set boundary conditions on exactsoln
   // this is for the Laplacian which is needed in AverageHO
   DataIterator ditFine = exactSolnRef.dataIterator();
   DomainGhostBC exactBC;
   Interval exactComps(0, a_exactVars.size() - 1);
   for (int dir = 0; dir < SpaceDim; dir++)
     SideIterator sit;
     for (sit.reset(); sit.ok(); ++sit)
       // use HO extrapolation at physical boundaries
       HOExtrapBC thisBC(dir, sit(), exactComps);

   for (ditFine.begin(); ditFine.ok(); ++ditFine)
     FArrayBox& thisFineSoln = exactSolnRef[ditFine()];
     const Box& fineBox = exactSolnRef.getBoxes()[ditFine()];
     exactBC.applyInhomogeneousBCs(thisFineSoln, fineBox, a_exactDx);

   // outer loop is over levels
   for (int level = 0; level < numLevels; level++)
     LevelData<FArrayBox>& thisLevelError = *a_error[level];
     LevelData<FArrayBox>& thisLevelComputed = *a_computedSoln[level];

     // compute refinement ratio between solution at this level
     // and exact solution
     Real nRefTemp = (dxLevel / a_exactDx);
     int nRefExact = (int) nRefTemp;

     // this is to do rounding properly if necessary
     if (nRefTemp - nRefExact > 0.5) nRefExact += 1;

     // make sure it's not zero
     if (nRefExact == 0) nRefExact =1;

     const DisjointBoxLayout levelGrids = a_error[level]->getBoxes();
     const DisjointBoxLayout fineGrids = a_exactSoln[0]->getBoxes();
     DisjointBoxLayout coarsenedFineGrids;

     // petermc, 14 Jan 2014: Replace this because fineGrids might
     // not be coarsenable by nRefExact.
     // coarsen(coarsenedFineGrids, fineGrids, nRefExact);
     int nCoarsenExact = nRefExact;
     while ( !fineGrids.coarsenable(nCoarsenExact) && (nCoarsenExact > 0) )
         // Divide nCoarsenExact by 2 until fineGrids is coarsenable by it.
         nCoarsenExact /= 2;
     if (nCoarsenExact == 0)
         nCoarsenExact = 1;
     coarsen(coarsenedFineGrids, fineGrids, nCoarsenExact);

     int numExact = a_exactVars.size();
     LevelData<FArrayBox> averagedExact(coarsenedFineGrids, numExact);

     Box fineRefBox(IntVect::Zero, (nCoarsenExact-1)*IntVect::Unit);

     // average fine solution down to coarsened-fine level
     // loop over grids and do HO averaging down
     //DataIterator crseExactDit = coarsenedFineGrids.dataIterator();
     for (ditFine.reset(); ditFine.ok(); ++ditFine)
         const Box fineBox = exactSolnRef.getBoxes()[ditFine()];
         FArrayBox fineTemp(fineBox, 1);
         Box coarsenedFineBox(fineBox);
         if (a_exactDx < a_computedDx)
             // loop over components
             for (int comp = 0; comp < numExact; comp++)
                 Box coarseBox(coarsenedFineGrids.get(ditFine()));
                 coarseBox &= coarsenedFineBox;
                 if (!coarseBox.isEmpty())
                     // for now, this is a quick and dirty way to avoid
                     // stepping out of bounds if there are no ghost cells.
                     // LapBox will be the box over which we are
                     // able to compute the Laplacian.
                     Box LapBox = exactSolnRef[ditFine()].box();
                     LapBox &= fineBox;
                     int doHO = 0;
                     if (a_HOaverage)
                         doHO = 1;
                     // average by default
                     int doAverage = 1;
                     if (sumAll || sumVar(a_exactVars[comp]))
                         doAverage = 0;
                     // average or sum, based on booleans
                     FORT_AVERAGEHO(CHF_FRA1(averagedExact[ditFine], comp),
                                    CHF_CONST_FRA1(exactSolnRef[ditFine], comp),
                                    CHF_FRA1(fineTemp, 0),
                   } // end if crseBox not empty
               } // end loop over comps
             // if cell sizes are the same, then copy
       } // end loop over exact solution boxes
     int nRefineComputed = nRefExact / nCoarsenExact;
     LevelData<FArrayBox>* thisLevelComputedRefinedPtr = &thisLevelComputed;
     LevelData<FArrayBox>* thisLevelErrorRefinedPtr = &thisLevelError;
     if (nRefineComputed > 1)
         // Do piecewise constant interpolation (replication) by nRefineComputed
         // on thisLevelComputed.
         DisjointBoxLayout levelRefinedGrids;
         refine(levelRefinedGrids, levelGrids, nRefineComputed);
         int nCompComputed = thisLevelComputed.nComp();
         IntVect ghostVectComputed = nRefineComputed * thisLevelComputed.ghostVect();
         thisLevelComputedRefinedPtr =
           new LevelData<FArrayBox>(levelRefinedGrids, nCompComputed, ghostVectComputed);
         ProblemDomain levelDomain = levelRefinedGrids.physDomain();
         FineInterp interpolator(levelRefinedGrids, nCompComputed, nRefineComputed,
         interpolator.pwcinterpToFine(*thisLevelComputedRefinedPtr, thisLevelComputed);

         int nCompErr = thisLevelError.nComp();
         IntVect ghostVectErr = nRefineComputed * thisLevelError.ghostVect();
         thisLevelErrorRefinedPtr =
           new LevelData<FArrayBox>(levelRefinedGrids, nCompErr, ghostVectErr);

     // initialize error to 0
     // also initialize error to a bogus value
     DataIterator levelDit = thisLevelError.dataIterator();
     for (levelDit.begin(); levelDit.ok(); ++levelDit)

     Box refComputedBox(IntVect::Zero, (nRefineComputed-1)*IntVect::Unit);
     // loop over variables
     for (int nErr = 0; nErr < a_errorVars.size(); nErr++)
         string thisErrVar = a_errorVars[nErr];
         bool done = false;

         // first loop over exact variables
         for (int exactComp = 0; exactComp < a_exactVars.size(); exactComp++)
             string thisExactVar = a_exactVars[exactComp];
             // check if this exact variable is "the one"
             if ((thisExactVar == thisErrVar) || nonAverageVar(thisErrVar))
                 int computedComp = 0;
                 // now loop over computed variables
                 while (!done && (computedComp < a_computedVars.size()))
                     if (a_computedVars[computedComp] == thisErrVar)
                         if (!nonAverageVar(thisErrVar))
                             // copy averaged exact solution -> error
                             // and then subtract computed solution
                             Interval exactInterval(exactComp, exactComp);
                             Interval errorInterval(nErr, nErr);
                             averagedExact.copyTo(exactInterval, *thisLevelErrorRefinedPtr,
                         DataIterator levelDit = thisLevelError.dataIterator();
                         for (levelDit.reset(); levelDit.ok(); ++levelDit)
                             FArrayBox& thisComputedRefined = (*thisLevelComputedRefinedPtr)[levelDit];
                             FArrayBox& thisErrorRefined = (*thisLevelErrorRefinedPtr)[levelDit];
                             if (a_computeRelativeError)
                                 // do this a little strangely -- relative
                                 // error is one - computed/exact.
                                 thisErrorRefined.divide(thisComputedRefined, computedComp, nErr, 1);
                                 thisErrorRefined.invert(-1.0, nErr, 1);
                                 thisErrorRefined.plus(1.0, nErr, 1);
                                 thisErrorRefined.minus(thisComputedRefined, computedComp, nErr, 1);
                             if (nRefineComputed > 1)
                                 FArrayBox& thisError = thisLevelError[levelDit];
                                 Box coarseBox = thisError.box();
                                 // Average thisErrorRefined to thisError.
                                 int doHO = 0;
                                 if (a_HOaverage)
                                     doHO = 1;
                                 CH_assert(doHO == 0);

                                 // for now, this is a quick and dirty way to avoid
                                 // stepping out of bounds if there are no ghost cells.
                                 // LapBox will be the box over which we are
                                 // able to compute the Laplacian.
                                 Box LapBox = thisErrorRefined.box();
                                 // LapBox &= fineBox;
                                 FArrayBox fineTemp(thisErrorRefined.box(), 1);
                                 // average by default
                                 int doAverage = 1;
                                 // average or sum, based on booleans
                                 FORT_AVERAGEHO(CHF_FRA1(thisError, nErr),
                                                CHF_CONST_FRA1(thisErrorRefined, nErr),
                                                CHF_FRA1(fineTemp, 0),
                           } // end loop over coarse grids
                         done = true;
                       } // if computedVar is a_errorVar
                     computedComp += 1;
                   } // end loop over a_computedVars
                 if (!done)
                     pout() << "Variable " << thisErrVar  << " not found!!!" << endl;
               } // end if this exactVar is correct
           } // end loop over exact variables
       } // end loop over errors
     if (nRefineComputed > 1)
         delete thisLevelComputedRefinedPtr;
         delete thisLevelErrorRefinedPtr;
     // now need to set covered regions to 0
     if (level < numLevels - 1)
         // will need to loop over all boxes in finer level, not just
         // those on this processor...
         const BoxLayout& finerGrids = a_computedSoln[level + 1]->boxLayout();
         LayoutIterator fineLit = finerGrids.layoutIterator();
         // outer loop over this level's grids, since there are fewer of them
         DataIterator levelDit = thisLevelError.dataIterator();
         for (levelDit.reset(); levelDit.ok(); ++levelDit)
             const Box& coarseBox = levelGrids[levelDit()];
             FArrayBox& thisError = thisLevelError[levelDit()];
             int numError = thisError.nComp();
             for (fineLit.reset(); fineLit.ok(); ++fineLit)
                 Box fineBox(finerGrids[fineLit()]);
                 // now coarsen box down to this level
                 // if coarsened fine box intersects error's box, set
                 // overlap to 0
                 fineBox &= coarseBox;
                 if (!fineBox.isEmpty())
                     thisError.setVal(0.0, fineBox, 0, numError);
               } // end loop over finer-level grids
           } // end loop over this-level grids
         // this is a good place to update dx as well
         dxLevel = dxLevel / a_computedRefRatio[level];
       } // end if there is a finer level
   } // end loop over levels
   // clean up if we need to
   if (allocatedMemory)
       delete exactSolnPtr;
       exactSolnPtr = NULL;
Exemplo n.º 3
EBCoarseAverage::define(const DisjointBoxLayout& a_dblFine,
                        const DisjointBoxLayout& a_dblCoar,
                        const EBISLayout& a_ebislFine,
                        const EBISLayout& a_ebislCoar,
                        const ProblemDomain& a_domainCoar,
                        const int& a_nref,
                        const int& a_nvar,
                        const EBIndexSpace* ebisPtr)

  ProblemDomain domainFine = a_domainCoar;
  EBLevelGrid eblgFine;
  EBLevelGrid eblgCoar = EBLevelGrid(a_dblCoar, a_ebislCoar, a_domainCoar);
  EBLevelGrid eblgCoFi;

  //check to see if the input layout is coarsenable.
  //if so, proceed with ordinary drill
  //otherwise, see if the layout covers the domain.
  //if it does, we can use domainsplit
  if (a_dblFine.coarsenable(a_nref))
      eblgFine = EBLevelGrid(a_dblFine, a_ebislFine,   domainFine);
      m_useFineBuffer = false;
      Box fineDomBox = refine(a_domainCoar.domainBox(), a_nref);
      int numPtsDom = fineDomBox.numPts();
      //no need for gathers here because the meta data is global
      int numPtsLayout = 0;
      for (LayoutIterator lit = a_dblFine.layoutIterator(); lit.ok(); ++lit)
          numPtsLayout += a_dblFine.get(lit()).numPts();
      bool coveringDomain = (numPtsDom == numPtsLayout);
      if (coveringDomain)
          m_useFineBuffer = true;
          int maxBoxSize = 4*a_nref;
          Vector<Box> boxes;
          Vector<int> procs;
          domainSplit(fineDomBox, boxes, maxBoxSize);
          LoadBalance(procs, boxes);
          DisjointBoxLayout dblBufFine(boxes, procs);

          eblgFine = EBLevelGrid(dblBufFine, domainFine, 2, eblgCoar.getEBIS());
          pout() << "EBCoarseAverage::input layout is not coarsenable and does not cover the domain--bailing out" << endl;

  coarsen(eblgCoFi, eblgFine, a_nref);
  define(eblgFine, eblgCoar, eblgCoFi, a_nref, a_nvar);