Exemplo n.º 1
int main(){

    std::cout << "\n\nCIG HOST EXAMPLE\n\n";

    DoomGame* game = new DoomGame();

    // Use CIG example config or Your own.

    // Select game and map You want to use.
    //game->setDoomGamePath("../../scenarios/doom2.wad");      // Not provided with environment due to licences.

    game->setDoomMap("map01");      // Limited deathmatch.
    //game->setDoomMap("map02");      // Full deathmatch.

    // Host game with options that will be used in the competition.
    game->addGameArgs("-host 8 "                // This machine will function as a host for a multiplayer game with this many players (including this machine). It will wait for other machines to connect using the -join parameter and then start the game when everyone is connected.
                      "-deathmatch "            // Deathmatch rules are used for the game.
                      "+timelimit 10.0 "        // The game (episode) will end after this many minutes have elapsed.
                      "+sv_forcerespawn 1 "     // Players will respawn automatically after they die.
                      "+sv_noautoaim 1 "        // Autoaim is disabled for all players.
                      "+sv_respawnprotect 1 "   // Players will be invulnerable for two second after spawning.
                      "+sv_spawnfarthest 1 "    // Players will be spawned as far as possible from any other players.
                      "+viz_nocheat 1");        // Disables depth buffer and the ability to use commands that could interfere with multiplayer game.

    // Name your agent and select color
    // colors: 0 - green, 1 - gray, 2 - brown, 3 - red, 4 - light gray, 5 - light brown, 6 - light red, 7 - light blue
    game->addGameArgs("+name AI +colorset 0");


    while(!game->isEpisodeFinished()){          // Play until the game (episode) is over.

            game->respawnPlayer();              // Use this to respawn immediately after death, new state will be available.

            // Or observe the game until automatic respawn.

        GameStatePtr state = game->getState();
        // Analyze the state.

        std::vector<int> action(game->getAvailableButtonsSize());
        // Set your action.


        std::cout << game->getEpisodeTime() << " Frags: " << game->getGameVariable(FRAGCOUNT) << std::endl;

Exemplo n.º 2
 * Class:     DoomGame
 * Method:    getGameVariable
 * Signature: (Lvizdoom/GameVariable;)I
JNIEXPORT jint JNICALL Java_vizdoom_DoomGame_getGameVariable
  (JNIEnv *env, jobject obj, jobject enumVal){
    DoomGame* game = GetObject(env,obj);
    jclass jclassEnum = env->FindClass("vizdoom/GameVariable");

    if(jclassEnum != 0){
        jmethodID ordinal_ID = env->GetMethodID(jclassEnum, "ordinal", "()I");
        if (ordinal_ID == 0){
            return -1;
        jint value = env->CallIntMethod(enumVal, ordinal_ID);
        GameVariable ret=static_cast<GameVariable>(value);
        int retint=game->getGameVariable(ret);
    // Delete local references created
        return retint;
Exemplo n.º 3
int main(){

    std::cout << "\n\nSHAPING EXAMPLE\n\n";

    DoomGame *game = new DoomGame();

    // Health gathering scenario has scripted shaping reward.



    // Define some actions.
    std::vector<int> actions[3];
    actions[0] = {1, 0, 0};
    actions[1] = {0, 1, 0};
    actions[2] = {0, 0, 1};


    int episodes = 10;
    unsigned int sleepTime = 28;

    // Use this to remember last shaping reward value.
    double lastTotalShapingReward = 0;

    for (int i = 0; i < episodes; ++i) {

        std::cout << "Episode #" << i + 1 << "\n";

        // Seed can be changed anytime. It will affect next episodes.
        // game->setSeed(seed);

        lastTotalShapingReward = 0;

        while (!game->isEpisodeFinished()) {

            // Get the state
            GameStatePtr state = game->getState();

            // Make random action and get reward
            double reward = game->makeAction(actions[std::rand() % 3]);

            // Retrieve the shaping reward
            int fixedShapingReward = game->getGameVariable(USER1);     // Get value of scripted variable
            double shapingReward = doomFixedToDouble(shapingReward);   // If value is in DoomFixed format project it to double
            shapingReward = shapingReward - lastTotalShapingReward;
            lastTotalShapingReward += shapingReward;

            std::cout << "State #" << state->number << "\n";
            std::cout << "Health: " << state->gameVariables[0] << "\n";
            std::cout << "Action reward: " << reward << "\n";
            std::cout << "Action shaping reward: " << shapingReward << "\n";
            std::cout << "=====================\n";

            if(sleepTime) sleep(sleepTime);


        std::cout << "Episode finished.\n";
        std::cout << "Total reward: " << game->getTotalReward() << "\n";
        std::cout << "************************\n";


    // It will be done automatically in destructor but after close You can init it again with different settings.
    delete game;