Exemplo n.º 1
void TimeWarp::createCombinedMatrix(DoubleMatrix myChromaMatrix, DoubleVector energyVector, DoubleMatrix* chromaEnergyMatrix){
	int sizeRatio = energyVector.size() / myChromaMatrix.size();//
	printf("COMBINE: size of my chroma is %i\n", (int) myChromaMatrix.size());// energyVector.size() / myChromaMatrix.size();
	printf("COMBINED: size ratio of energy to chroma is %i \n", sizeRatio);
	int chromaSize = myChromaMatrix.size();	
//	printf("index is %i\n", index);
	for (int i = 0;i < energyVector.size();i++){
		DoubleVector d;
		int index = min(chromaSize-1, (int) floor(i/sizeRatio));

		for (int y = 0;y < 12;y++){

	printf("COMBINED: size of chroma energy is %i\n", (int)(*chromaEnergyMatrix).size());

//	int x = (int)(*chromaEnergyMatrix).size()/3;
//	printf("energy[%i] %f \n", x, energyVector[x]);
 for (int y = 0;y < 13;y++){
		printf("chroma[%i][%i] %f \n", x, y, myChromaMatrix[x/sizeRatio][y]);
		printf("c[%i][%i] %f \n", x, y, (*chromaEnergyMatrix)[x][y]);

 * \brief assertSizeEqual Asserts that the two matrices
 * given as parameters are of equal size.
 * Throws an invalid argument exception if that is not the case.
 * \param A First matrix.
 * \param B Second matrix.
void assertSizeEqual(const DoubleMatrix &A, const DoubleMatrix &B)
    if(A.size() != B.size())
        throw std::invalid_argument("Matrices are not of equal size!");
Exemplo n.º 3
void EXPECT_MATRIX_DOUBLE_EQ(DoubleMatrix A, DoubleMatrix B, string message = ""){
	EXPECT_EQ(A.size(), B.size()) << "Number of lines is different. " << message;
	EXPECT_EQ(A[0].size(), B[0].size()) << "Number of columns is different. " << message;
	unsigned int N = A.size();
	unsigned int M = A[0].size();
	for (unsigned int i = 0; i < N; i++){
		for (unsigned int j = 0; j < M; j++)
			EXPECT_FLOAT_EQ(A[i][j], B[i][j]) << message;
Exemplo n.º 4
void StopRule::multiple (DoubleMatrix &mat1, DoubleVector &vec2, DoubleVector &proVec) {
	int row_, col_;

	for (row_ = 0; row_ < mat1.size (); row_ ++) {
		proVec[row_] = 0.0;
		for (col_ = 0; col_ < mat1[0].size(); col_ ++)
			proVec[row_] += mat1[row_][col_] * vec2[col_];
Exemplo n.º 5
MatlabEngine::GetMatrix( const string& inExp )
    DoubleMatrix result;
    mxArray* ans = GetMxArray( inExp );
    if( ans )
        int numDims = mxGetNumberOfDimensions( ans );
        const int* dims = mxGetDimensions( ans );
        if( numDims != 2 )
            bcierr << "Can only handle two dimensions" << endl;
        result.resize( dims[ 0 ], vector<double>( dims[ 1 ] ) );
        double* value = mxGetPr( ans );
        if( value )
            int indices[] = { 0, 0 };
            for( size_t i = 0; i < result.size(); ++i )
                indices[ 0 ] = i;
                for( size_t j = 0; j < result[ i ].size(); ++j )
                    indices[ 1 ] = j;
                    result[ i ][ j ] = value[ mxCalcSingleSubscript( ans, 2, indices ) ];
        mxDestroyArray( ans );
    return result;
Exemplo n.º 6
void StopRule::multiple (DoubleMatrix &mat1, DoubleMatrix &mat2, DoubleMatrix &proMat) {
	int row_, col_;
	//proMat.setLimit (mat1.getNRow (), mat2.getNCol ());
	int nrow_ = proMat.size();
	int ncol_ = mat2[0].size();
	for (row_ = 0; row_ < proMat.size(); row_++)   proMat[row_].resize(ncol_);
	for (row_ = 0; row_ < nrow_; row_ ++)
		for (col_ = 0; col_ < ncol_; col_ ++) {
			proMat[row_][col_] = 0.0;
			for (int count_ = 0; count_ < mat1[0].size(); count_ ++) {
				proMat[row_][col_] += mat1[row_][count_] * mat2[count_][col_];
				//         std::cout << mat1[row_][count_] << " --> " << mat2[count_][col_] << endl;
Exemplo n.º 7
int TimeWarp::getMinimumIndexOfRowFromMatrix(int j, DoubleMatrix& matrix){
	int minimumIndex = 0;
	double minimumValue = 0;
	int width = matrix.size();
	if (j >= 0 && width > 0 && j < matrix[0].size()){//&& i < matrix.size()
		//int height = (*matrix)[i].size();
		int i = 0;
		minimumValue = matrix[i][j];
		while (i < width){
			if (matrix[i][j] < minimumValue){
				minimumIndex = i;
				minimumValue = matrix[i][j];
			}//end if new value
		printf("ERROR FROM GETTING MINIMIM!!! - zero - out of bounds, received %i and size is %i\n", j, (int)matrix.size());
//	printf("minimum row index is %i\n", minimumIndex);
	return minimumIndex;
Exemplo n.º 8
int TimeWarp::findMinimumOfMatrixColumn(DoubleMatrix d, int column){
	int minimumIndex = 0;
	double minimumValue = d[column][0];
	for (int i = 0;i < d.size();i++){
		if (d[column][i] < minimumValue){
			minimumIndex = i;
			minimumValue = d[column][i];
	return minimumIndex;
Exemplo n.º 9
void TimeWarp::calculateCausalChromaSimilarityMatrix(DoubleMatrix& firstChromaMatrix, DoubleMatrix& secondChromaMatrix, DoubleMatrix& simMatrix){
	//calculates the chroma only similarity matrix 
	//but we have already done some, so is extending it...
	int size = 0;
	if (simMatrix.size() > 0){
		size = simMatrix[0].size();
	if (secondChromaMatrix.size() > size ){
	for (int x = 0;x < firstChromaMatrix.size();x++){
		if (x < simMatrix.size()){
			//i.e. entries already exist
				for (int y = (int)simMatrix[x].size();y < secondChromaMatrix.size();y++){
					double distance;
					if (useDotProduct)
					distance = getChromaSimilarity(x, y, &firstChromaMatrix, &secondChromaMatrix);
					distance = getEuclideanDistance(x, y, &firstChromaMatrix, &secondChromaMatrix);
					printf("putting one back X %i Y %i dist %f \n", x, y, distance);
		else {
			DoubleVector d;
			for (int y = 0;y < secondChromaMatrix.size();y++){
					double distance;
					if (useDotProduct)
					distance = getChromaSimilarity(x, y, &firstChromaMatrix, &secondChromaMatrix);
					distance = getEuclideanDistance(x, y, &firstChromaMatrix, &secondChromaMatrix);
				printf("new row X %i Y %i dist %f\n", x, y, distance);
					d.push_back( distance);	
			if (size > 0)
				printf("Causial CHROMA ONLY SIM SIZE %i x %i; ", (int)simMatrix.size(), (int) simMatrix[0].size());
		printf("First matrix SIZE %i , SECOND size %i\n", (int)firstChromaMatrix.size(), (int) secondChromaMatrix.size());	

Exemplo n.º 10
MatlabEngine::PutMatrix( const string& inExp, const DoubleMatrix& inValue )
    int sizeDim2 = inValue.empty() ? 0 : inValue[ 0 ].size();
    mxArray* val = mxCreateNumericMatrix( inValue.size(), sizeDim2, mxDOUBLE_CLASS, mxREAL );
    double* data = mxGetPr( val );
    if( data )
        int indices[] = { 0, 0 };
        for( size_t i = 0; i < inValue.size(); ++i )
            indices[ 0 ] = i;
            for( size_t j = 0; j < inValue[ i ].size(); ++j )
                indices[ 1 ] = j;
                data[ mxCalcSingleSubscript( val, 2, indices ) ] = inValue[ i ][ j ];
    bool success = PutMxArray( inExp, val );
    mxDestroyArray( val );
    return success;
Exemplo n.º 11
MatlabEngine::PutMatrix( const string& inExp, const DoubleMatrix& inValue )
  mwSize sizeDim2 = static_cast<mwSize>( inValue.empty() ? 0 : inValue[ 0 ].size() );
  mxArray* val = mxCreateNumericMatrix_( static_cast<mwSize>( inValue.size() ), sizeDim2, mxDOUBLE_CLASS, mxREAL );
  double* data = mxGetPr_( val );
  if( data )
    mwIndex indices[] = { 0, 0 };
    for( mwIndex i = 0; i < static_cast<mwIndex>( inValue.size() ); ++i )
      indices[ 0 ] = i;
      for( mwIndex j = 0; j < static_cast<mwIndex>( inValue[ i ].size() ); ++j )
        indices[ 1 ] = j;
        data[ mxCalcSingleSubscript_( val, 2, indices ) ] = inValue[ i ][ j ];
  bool success = PutMxArray( inExp, val );
  mxDestroyArray_( val );
  return success;
Exemplo n.º 12
void TimeWarp::calculateAlignmentMatrix(DoubleMatrix firstMatrix, DoubleMatrix secondMatrix, DoubleMatrix* alignmentMatrix){//, DoubleMatrix simMatrix
	printf("starting Alignment calculation\n");
	//initialise alignment

	DoubleVector d;
	bool chromaCalculated = false;
	bool secondCalculated = false;
	while (!chromaCalculated || !secondCalculated) {
		if (!chromaCalculated)
			chromaCalculated = extendAlignmentAlong((int) firstMatrix.size(), alignmentMatrix);
		if (!secondCalculated)
			secondCalculated = extendAlignmentUp((int) secondMatrix.size(), alignmentMatrix);
	printf("Alignment matrix calculated, size %i\n", (int) (*alignmentMatrix).size());
Exemplo n.º 13
DoubleMatrix mult(DoubleMatrix& m2, ComplexMatrix& m1)
    //  Check dimensions
    unsigned int m1_nRows = m1.numRows();
    unsigned int m2_nRows = m2.numRows();
    unsigned int m1_nColumns = m1.numCols();
    unsigned int m2_nColumns = m2.numCols();

    if (m1.size() == 0)
        return real(m1);

    if (m2.size() == 0)
        return m2;

    DoubleMatrix result(m1_nRows, m2_nColumns);
    if (m1_nColumns == m2_nRows)
        for (unsigned int row = 0; row < result.numRows(); row++)
            for (unsigned int col = 0; col < m2_nColumns; col++)
                double sum = 0.0;
                for (unsigned int k = 0; k < m1_nColumns; k++)
                    sum = sum + (real(m1[row][k]) * m2[k][col]);
                result[row][col] = sum;
        return result;

    if (m1_nRows == m2_nColumns)
        return mult(m2, m1);

    throw ("Incompatible matrix operands to multiply");
Exemplo n.º 14
DoubleMatrix ParseMatrixFromText(const string& textMatrix)
	DoubleMatrix mat;

    //Parse the matrix
    vector<string> rows = splitString(textMatrix, "\n");
    for(int row = 0; row < rows.size(); row++)
        vector<string> values = splitString(rows[row], " \t");
        for(int col = 0; col < values.size(); col++)
                mat.resize(rows.size(), values.size());

            mat(row, col) = toDouble(values[col]);
	return mat;
Exemplo n.º 15
void TimeWarp::calculateRestrictedCausalChromaSimilarityMatrix(DoubleMatrix& firstChromaMatrix, DoubleMatrix& secondChromaMatrix, DoubleMatrix& simMatrix, const int& Xstart, const int& Ystart, const int& Xlimit, const int& yLimit){
//calculates the chroma only similarity matrix - used to reduce computation later when doing the joint energy and chroma matrix
	DoubleVector d;
	int size = 0;
	if (simMatrix.size() > 0){
		size = simMatrix[0].size();
	if (secondChromaMatrix.size() > size ){
	//	printf("sim matrix size %i and second matrix size %i Xstart %i\n", simMatrix.size(), secondChromaMatrix.size(), Xstart);
		for (int x = 0;x < Xstart;x++){
		int endX = min(Xlimit, (int)firstChromaMatrix.size());
		for (int x = Xstart;x < endX;x++){
			if (x < simMatrix.size()){
				//i.e. entries already exist
				for (int y = (int)simMatrix[x].size();y < secondChromaMatrix.size();y++){
					double distance;
					if (useDotProduct)
						distance = getChromaSimilarity(x, y, &firstChromaMatrix, &secondChromaMatrix);
						distance = getEuclideanDistance(x, y, &firstChromaMatrix, &secondChromaMatrix);
					//	printf("X %i Y %i dist %f\n", x, y, distance);
			else {
				DoubleVector d;
				for (int y = 0;y < secondChromaMatrix.size();y++){
					double distance;
					if (useDotProduct)
						distance = getChromaSimilarity(x, y, &firstChromaMatrix, &secondChromaMatrix);
						distance = getEuclideanDistance(x, y, &firstChromaMatrix, &secondChromaMatrix);
					//	printf("new row X %i Y %i dist %f\n", x, y, distance);
					d.push_back( distance);	
		}//end for good section
		for (int x = endX;x < firstChromaMatrix.size(); x++){
			if (x < simMatrix.size()){
		}//end for x to end
	//	if (size > 0)
	//		printf("Causial CHROMA ONLY SIM SIZE %i x %i; ", (int)simMatrix.size(), (int) simMatrix[0].size());
	//printf("First matrix SIZE %i , SECOND size %i\n", (int)firstChromaMatrix.size(), (int) secondChromaMatrix.size());	
