Exemplo n.º 1
static void
AbiGOffice_removeFromMenus ()
	// First we need to get a pointer to the application itself.
	XAP_App *pApp = XAP_App::getApp();
	XAP_Menu_Factory * pFact = pApp->getMenuFactory();

	// remove the edit method
	EV_EditMethodContainer* pEMC = pApp->getEditMethodContainer() ;
	EV_EditMethod * pEM = ev_EditMethod_lookup ( "AbiGOChart_Create" ) ;
	pEMC->removeEditMethod ( pEM ) ;
	if (g_slist_length (mime_types) > 0) {
		pEM = ev_EditMethod_lookup ( "AbiGOComponent_FileInsert" ) ;
		pEMC->removeEditMethod ( pEM ) ;
		DELETEP( pEM ) ;
		pEM = ev_EditMethod_lookup ( "AbiGOComponent_Create" ) ;
		pEMC->removeEditMethod ( pEM ) ;
		DELETEP( pEM ) ;
	int frameCount = pApp->getFrameCount();
	for(int i = 0;i < frameCount;++i)
	  // Get the current frame that we're iterating through.
	  XAP_Frame* pFrame = pApp->getFrame(i);
Exemplo n.º 2
bool Presentation::end(void)
  if(m_sPrevBindings.size() == 0)
    return false;
  EV_EditMethodContainer * pEMC = m_pApp->getEditMethodContainer();
  g_return_val_if_fail (pEMC != 0, FALSE);
  UT_sint32 i = m_pApp->setInputMode(m_sPrevBindings.c_str());
  if(i <=0 )
    return false;

  // get a handle to the actual EditMethod

  EV_EditMethod * pFullScreen = pEMC->findEditMethodByName ("viewFullScreen");
  g_return_val_if_fail (pFullScreen != 0, false);
  const char * sz ="";
  EV_EditMethodCallData calldata(sz,0);
  calldata.m_xPos = 0;
  calldata.m_yPos = 0;
  XAP_Frame * pFrame = static_cast<XAP_Frame*>(m_pView->getParentData());
  bool b= (pFullScreen->Fn(static_cast<AV_View *>(m_pView),&calldata) ? TRUE : FALSE);
  return b;
Exemplo n.º 3
static void
AikSaurusABI_RemoveFromMenus ()
  // First we need to get a pointer to the application itself.
  XAP_App *pApp = XAP_App::getApp();

  // remove the edit method
  EV_EditMethodContainer* pEMC = pApp->getEditMethodContainer() ;
  EV_EditMethod * pEM = ev_EditMethod_lookup ( "AiksaurusABI_invoke" ) ;
  pEMC->removeEditMethod ( pEM ) ;
  DELETEP( pEM ) ;

  // now remove crap from the menus
  int frameCount = pApp->getFrameCount();
  XAP_Menu_Factory * pFact = pApp->getMenuFactory();

  for(int i = 0;i < frameCount;++i)
      // Get the current frame that we're iterating through.
      XAP_Frame* pFrame = pApp->getFrame(i);
Exemplo n.º 4
static void
AbiMathView_removeFromMenus ()
	// First we need to get a pointer to the application itself.
	XAP_App *pApp = XAP_App::getApp();

	// remove the edit method
	EV_EditMethodContainer* pEMC = pApp->getEditMethodContainer() ;
	EV_EditMethod * pEM = ev_EditMethod_lookup ( "AbiMathView_FileInsert" ) ;
	pEMC->removeEditMethod ( pEM ) ;
	pEM = ev_EditMethod_lookup ( "AbiMathView_LatexInsert" ) ;
	pEMC->removeEditMethod ( pEM ) ;

	// now remove crap from the menus
	XAP_Menu_Factory * pFact = pApp->getMenuFactory();

	pFact->removeMenuItem("Main",NULL, endEquationID);

Exemplo n.º 5
bool AP_App::openCmdLinePlugins(const AP_Args * Args, bool &bSuccess)
// Start a plugin rather than the main abiword application.
	    const char * szName = NULL;
		XAP_Module * pModule = NULL;
		const char * szRequest = NULL;
		bool bFound = false;	
			szRequest = Args->m_sPluginArgs[0];
			const UT_GenericVector<XAP_Module*> * pVec = XAP_ModuleManager::instance().enumModules ();
			UT_DEBUGMSG((" %d plugins loaded \n",pVec->getItemCount()));
			for (UT_sint32 i = 0; (i < pVec->size()) && !bFound; i++)
				pModule = pVec->getNthItem (i);
				szName = pModule->getModuleInfo()->name;
				UT_DEBUGMSG(("%s\n", szName));
				if(strcmp(szName,szRequest) == 0)
					bFound = true;
			fprintf(stderr, "Plugin %s not found or loaded \n",szRequest);
			bSuccess = false;
			return false;
// You must put the name of the ev_EditMethod in the usage field
// of the plugin registered information.
		const char * evExecute = pModule->getModuleInfo()->usage;
		EV_EditMethodContainer* pEMC = Args->getApp()->getEditMethodContainer();
		const EV_EditMethod * pInvoke = pEMC->findEditMethodByName(evExecute);
			fprintf(stderr, "Plugin %s invoke method %s not found \n",
			bSuccess = false;
			return false;
// Execute the plugin, then quit
		UT_String *sCommandLine = Args->getPluginOptions();
		ev_EditMethod_invoke(pInvoke, *sCommandLine);
		delete sCommandLine;
		return false;
	return true;
Exemplo n.º 6
bool Presentation::start(AV_View * view)
  EV_EditMethodContainer * pEMC = m_pApp->getEditMethodContainer();
  g_return_val_if_fail (pEMC != 0, FALSE);
  m_pView = static_cast<FV_View *>(view);
  m_sPrevBindings = m_pApp->getInputMode();
  UT_sint32 i = m_pApp->setInputMode("Presentation");
  if(i < 0 )
    return false;
  // get a handle to the actual EditMethod
  EV_EditMethod * pFullScreen = pEMC->findEditMethodByName ("viewFullScreen");
  g_return_val_if_fail (pFullScreen != 0, false);
  const char * sz ="";
  EV_EditMethodCallData calldata(sz,0);
  calldata.m_xPos = 0;
  calldata.m_yPos = 0;
  m_iPage = 0;
  XAP_Frame * pFrame = static_cast<XAP_Frame*>(m_pView->getParentData());
  m_OldZoomType = pFrame->getZoomType();
  m_iOldZoom = pFrame->getZoomPercentage();

  bool b = false;
  b = (pFullScreen->Fn(view,&calldata) ? TRUE : FALSE);
  GR_Graphics * pG = m_pView->getGraphics();

  // Let all the configure events propagate to their full extent
  for(i= 0; i<20;i++)
  i = m_pView-> calculateZoomPercentForPageWidth();
  for(i= 0; i<20;i++)

  b= showNextPage();
   return b;
Exemplo n.º 7
bool Presentation::_loadPresentationBindings(AV_View * pView)
  EV_EditMethodContainer * pEMC = m_pApp->getEditMethodContainer();
  g_return_val_if_fail (pEMC != 0, FALSE);
  if(m_pApp->getBindingMap("Presentation") != NULL)
      return true;
  // get the path where our app data is located
  XAP_App * pApp = static_cast<XAP_App*>(XAP_App::getApp());
  UT_String data_path( pApp->getAbiSuiteLibDir() );
  data_path += G_DIR_SEPARATOR;
  data_path += "Presentation.xml";

  EV_EditMethod * pLoadB = pEMC->findEditMethodByName ("com.abisource.abiword.loadbindings.fromURI");
  g_return_val_if_fail (pLoadB != 0, false);
  EV_EditMethodCallData calldata(data_path.c_str(),data_path.size());
  calldata.m_xPos = 0;
  calldata.m_yPos = 0;
  return (pLoadB->Fn(pView,&calldata) ? TRUE : FALSE);
Exemplo n.º 8
static void
Presentation_RemoveFromMethods ()
	// First we need to get a pointer to the application itself.
	XAP_App *pApp = XAP_App::getApp ();

	// remove the edit method
	EV_EditMethodContainer *pEMC = pApp->getEditMethodContainer ();
	EV_EditMethod *pEM = ev_EditMethod_lookup ("Presentation_start");

	pEMC->removeEditMethod (pEM);
	pEM = ev_EditMethod_lookup ("Presentation_end");
	pEMC->removeEditMethod (pEM);
	pEM = ev_EditMethod_lookup ("Presentation_nextPage");
	pEMC->removeEditMethod (pEM);
	pEM = ev_EditMethod_lookup ("Presentation_prevPage");
	pEMC->removeEditMethod (pEM);
	pEM = ev_EditMethod_lookup ("Presentation_context");
	pEMC->removeEditMethod (pEM);

	XAP_Menu_Factory * pFact = pApp->getMenuFactory();

Exemplo n.º 9
static void AbiGOffice_addToMenus()
    // First we need to get a pointer to the application itself.
    XAP_App *pApp = XAP_App::getApp();
    // Translated Strings
//     const XAP_StringSet * pSS = pApp->getStringSet();
//     AbiMathView_MenuLabelEquation= pSS->getValue(AP_STRING_ID_MENU_LABEL_INSERT_EQUATION);
//     AbiMathView_MenuTooltipEquation = pSS->getValue(AP_STRING_ID_MENU_LABEL_TOOLTIP_INSERT_EQUATION);
//     AbiMathView_MenuLabelFileInsert = pSS->getValue(AP_STRING_ID_MENU_LABEL_INSERT_EQUATION_FILE);
//     AbiMathView_MenuTooltipFileInsert = pSS->getValue(AP_STRING_ID_MENU_LABEL_TOOLTIP_INSERT_EQUATION_FILE);
    // Create an EditMethod that will link our method's name with
    // it's callback function.  This is used to link the name to 
    // the callback.
    EV_EditMethod *myEditMethodFile = new EV_EditMethod(
        "AbiGOChart_Create",  // name of callback function
        AbiGOChart_Create,    // callback function itself.
        0,                      // no additional data required.
        ""                      // description -- allegedly never used for anything
    // Now we need to get the EditMethod container for the application.
    // This holds a series of Edit Methods and links names to callbacks.
    EV_EditMethodContainer* pEMC = pApp->getEditMethodContainer();
    // We have to add our EditMethod to the application's EditMethodList
    // so that the application will know what callback to call when a call
    // to "AbiMathView_FileInsert" is received.

    // Now we need to grab an ActionSet.  This is going to be used later
    // on in our for loop.  Take a look near the bottom.
    EV_Menu_ActionSet* pActionSet = pApp->getMenuActionSet();
	XAP_Menu_Factory * pFact = pApp->getMenuFactory();

	// Look to see if "Object" has been loaded already..
   bool bObjectExists = true;
   if(newObjectID <= 0)
     // Put it after Insert Picture in the Main menu
     // FIXME put it before!
     bObjectExists = false;
     newObjectID= pFact->addNewMenuBefore("Main",NULL,AP_MENU_ID_INSERT_DIRECTIONMARKER,EV_MLF_BeginSubMenu);

   UT_DEBUGMSG(("newObjectID %d \n",newObjectID));

    pFact->addNewLabel(NULL,newObjectID,Object_MenuLabelObject, Object_MenuTooltipObject);

    // Create the Action that will be called.
    EV_Menu_Action* myObjectAction = new EV_Menu_Action(
	newObjectID,          // id that the layout said we could use
	1,                      // yes, we have a sub menu.
	0,                      // no, we don't raise a dialog.
	0,                      // no, we don't have a checkbox.
	0,                      // no radio buttons for me, thank you
	NULL,                   //  no callback function to call.
	NULL,                   // don't know/care what this is for
	NULL                    // don't know/care what this is for

    // Now what we need to do is add this particular action to the ActionSet
    // of the application.  This forms the link between our new ID that we 
    // got for this particular frame with the EditMethod that knows how to 
    // call our callback function.  


    InsertGOChartID= pFact->addNewMenuAfter("Main",NULL,newObjectID,EV_MLF_Normal);
   UT_DEBUGMSG(("GOChart ID %d \n",InsertGOChartID));

    pFact->addNewLabel(NULL, InsertGOChartID,AbiGOChart_MenuLabelInsert, AbiGOChart_MenuTooltipInsert);
	// Create the Action that will be called.
	EV_Menu_Action* myChartAction = new EV_Menu_Action(
	InsertGOChartID,        // id that the layout said we could use
	0,                      // no, we don't have a sub menu.
	1,                      // yes, we raise a dialog.
	0,                      // no, we don't have a checkbox.
	0,                      // no radio buttons for me, thank you
	"AbiGOChart_Create",  // name of callback function to call.
	NULL,                   // don't know/care what this is for
	NULL                    // don't know/care what this is for

	// Now what we need to do is add this particular action to the ActionSet
	// of the application.  This forms the link between our new ID that we 
	// got for this particular frame with the EditMethod that knows how to 
	// call our callback function.  


	if (g_slist_length (mime_types) > 0) {
		myEditMethodFile = new EV_EditMethod(
			"AbiGOComponent_FileInsert",  // name of callback function
			AbiGOComponent_FileInsert,    // callback function itself.
			0,                      // no additional data required.
			""                      // description -- allegedly never used for anything
		myEditMethodFile = new EV_EditMethod(
			"AbiGOComponent_Create",  // name of callback function
			AbiGOComponent_Create,    // callback function itself.
			0,                      // no additional data required.
			""                      // description -- allegedly never used for anything
		InsertGOComponentFromFileID= pFact->addNewMenuAfter("Main",NULL,InsertGOChartID,EV_MLF_Normal);
	   UT_DEBUGMSG(("GOComponentFromFile ID %d \n",InsertGOComponentFromFileID));
		pFact->addNewLabel(NULL, InsertGOComponentFromFileID,AbiGOComponent_MenuLabelInsertFromFile, AbiGOComponent_MenuTooltipInsertFromFile);
		// Create the Action that will be called.
		EV_Menu_Action* myFileAction = new EV_Menu_Action(
		InsertGOComponentFromFileID,        // id that the layout said we could use
		0,                      // no, we don't have a sub menu.
		1,                      // yes, we raise a dialog.
		0,                      // no, we don't have a checkbox.
		0,                      // no radio buttons for me, thank you
		"AbiGOComponent_FileInsert",  // name of callback function to call.
		NULL,                   // don't know/care what this is for
		NULL                    // don't know/care what this is for
		// Now what we need to do is add this particular action to the ActionSet
		// of the application.  This forms the link between our new ID that we 
		// got for this particular frame with the EditMethod that knows how to 
		// call our callback function.  
		CreateGOComponentID= pFact->addNewMenuAfter("Main",NULL,InsertGOComponentFromFileID,EV_MLF_Normal);
	   UT_DEBUGMSG(("CreateGOComponent ID %d \n",CreateGOComponentID));
		pFact->addNewLabel(NULL, CreateGOComponentID,AbiGOComponent_MenuLabelCreate, AbiGOComponent_MenuTooltipCreate);
		// Create the Action that will be called.
		EV_Menu_Action* myCompAction = new EV_Menu_Action(
		CreateGOComponentID,        // id that the layout said we could use
		0,                      // no, we don't have a sub menu.
		1,                      // yes, we raise a dialog.
		0,                      // no, we don't have a checkbox.
		0,                      // no radio buttons for me, thank you
		"AbiGOComponent_Create",  // name of callback function to call.
		NULL,                   // don't know/care what this is for
		NULL                    // don't know/care what this is for
		// Now what we need to do is add this particular action to the ActionSet
		// of the application.  This forms the link between our new ID that we 
		// got for this particular frame with the EditMethod that knows how to 
		// call our callback function.  
			XAP_Menu_Id endObjectID= pFact->addNewMenuAfter("Main",NULL,CreateGOComponentID,EV_MLF_EndSubMenu);
			UT_DEBUGMSG(("End Object ID %d \n",endObjectID));
			// Create the Action that will be called.
			EV_Menu_Action* myEndObjectAction = new EV_Menu_Action(
										   endObjectID,          // id that the layout said we could use
				0,                      // no, we don't have a sub menu.
				0,                      // no, we raise a dialog.
				0,                      // no, we don't have a checkbox.
				0,                      // no radio buttons for me, thank you
				NULL,                   // name of callback function to call.
				NULL,                   // don't know/care what this is for
				NULL                    // don't know/care what this is for
	else if(!bObjectExists)
		XAP_Menu_Id endObjectID= pFact->addNewMenuAfter("Main",NULL,InsertGOChartID,EV_MLF_EndSubMenu);
		UT_DEBUGMSG(("End Object ID %d \n",endObjectID));
		// Create the Action that will be called.
		EV_Menu_Action* myEndObjectAction = new EV_Menu_Action(
									   endObjectID,          // id that the layout said we could use
			0,                      // no, we don't have a sub menu.
			0,                      // no, we raise a dialog.
			0,                      // no, we don't have a checkbox.
			0,                      // no radio buttons for me, thank you
			NULL,                   // name of callback function to call.
			NULL,                   // don't know/care what this is for
			NULL                    // don't know/care what this is for

    // We need to go through and add the menu element to each "frame" 
    // of the application.  We can iterate through the frames by doing
    // XAP_App::getFrameCount() to tell us how many frames there are,
    // then calling XAP_App::getFrame(i) to get the i-th frame.
	int frameCount = pApp->getFrameCount();
	for(int i = 0;i < frameCount;++i)
        // Get the current frame that we're iterating through.
		XAP_Frame* pFrame = pApp->getFrame(i);
Exemplo n.º 10
// AiksaurusABI_addToMenus
// -----------------------
//   Adds "Thesaurus" option to AbiWord's Tools Menu.
static void
    // First we need to get a pointer to the application itself.
    XAP_App *pApp = XAP_App::getApp();

    // Create an EditMethod that will link our method's name with
    // it's callback function.  This is used to link the name to 
    // the callback.
    EV_EditMethod *myEditMethod = new EV_EditMethod(
        "AiksaurusABI_invoke",  // name of callback function
        AiksaurusABI_invoke,    // callback function itself.
        0,                      // no additional data required.
        ""                      // description -- allegedly never used for anything
    // Now we need to get the EditMethod container for the application.
    // This holds a series of Edit Methods and links names to callbacks.
    EV_EditMethodContainer* pEMC = pApp->getEditMethodContainer();
    // We have to add our EditMethod to the application's EditMethodList
    // so that the application will know what callback to call when a call
    // to "AiksaurusABI_invoke" is received.

    // Now we need to grab an ActionSet.  This is going to be used later
    // on in our for loop.  Take a look near the bottom.
    EV_Menu_ActionSet* pActionSet = pApp->getMenuActionSet();

    // We need to go through and add the menu element to each "frame" 
    // of the application.  We can iterate through the frames by doing
    // XAP_App::getFrameCount() to tell us how many frames there are,
    // then calling XAP_App::getFrame(i) to get the i-th frame.

    int frameCount = pApp->getFrameCount();
    XAP_Menu_Factory * pFact = pApp->getMenuFactory();
// Put it in the context menu.
    XAP_Menu_Id newID = pFact->addNewMenuAfter("contextText",NULL,"Bullets and &Numbering",EV_MLF_Normal);
    pFact->addNewLabel(NULL,newID,AiksaurusABI_MenuLabel, AiksaurusABI_MenuTooltip);
// Also put it under word Wount in the main menu,
    pFact->addNewMenuAfter("Main",NULL,"&Word Count",EV_MLF_Normal,newID);

    // Create the Action that will be called.
    EV_Menu_Action* myAction = new EV_Menu_Action(
	newID,                     // id that the layout said we could use
	0,                      // no, we don't have a sub menu.
	1,                      // yes, we raise a dialog.
	0,                      // no, we don't have a checkbox.
	"AiksaurusABI_invoke",  // name of callback function to call.
	NULL,                   // don't know/care what this is for
	NULL                    // don't know/care what this is for

    // Now what we need to do is add this particular action to the ActionSet
    // of the application.  This forms the link between our new ID that we 
    // got for this particular frame with the EditMethod that knows how to 
    // call our callback function.  

    for(int i = 0;i < frameCount;++i)
        // Get the current frame that we're iterating through.
          XAP_Frame* pFrame = pApp->getFrame(i);
Exemplo n.º 11
 * A callback for AP_Args's doWindowlessArgs call which handles
 * platform-specific windowless args.
 * return false if we should exit normally but Window should not be displayed
bool AP_Win32App::doWindowlessArgs(const AP_Args *Args, bool & bSuccess)
	bSuccess = true;

	AP_Win32App * pMyWin32App = static_cast<AP_Win32App*>(Args->getApp());

	if (Args->m_sGeometry)
		// [--geometry <X geometry string>]
		#if 0
		gint x = 0;
		gint y = 0;
		guint width = 0;
		guint height = 0;
		XParseGeometry(Args->m_sGeometry, &x, &y, &width, &height);

		// set the xap-level geometry for future frame use
		Args->getApp()->setGeometry(x, y, width, height, f);

	if (Args->m_sPrintTo) 
		if (Args->m_sFiles[0])
			UT_DEBUGMSG(("DOM: Printing file %s\n", Args->m_sFiles[0]));
			AP_Convert conv ;

			if (Args->m_sMerge)
				conv.setMergeSource (Args->m_sMerge);

			if (Args->m_impProps)
				conv.setImpProps (Args->m_impProps);
			if (Args->m_expProps)
				conv.setExpProps (Args->m_expProps);
			UT_String s = "AbiWord: ";
			s+= Args->m_sFiles[0];
            UT_Win32LocaleString prn, doc;
			prn.fromASCII (Args->m_sPrintTo);
			doc.fromASCII (s.c_str());
			GR_Graphics * pG = GR_Win32Graphics::getPrinterGraphics(prn.c_str(), doc.c_str());			
				// do not assert here, if the graphics creation failed, the static
				// constructor has asserted already somewhere more relevant
				return false;
			conv.print (Args->m_sFiles[0], pG, Args->m_sFileExtension);
			delete pG;
			// couldn't load document
			UT_DEBUGMSG(("Error: no file to print!\n"));
			bSuccess = false;

		return false;

	// Start a plugin rather than the main abiword application.
	    const char * szName = NULL;
		XAP_Module * pModule = NULL;
		bool bFound = false;	
			const char * szRequest = Args->m_sPluginArgs[0];
			const UT_GenericVector<XAP_Module*> * pVec = XAP_ModuleManager::instance().enumModules ();
			UT_DEBUGMSG((" %d plugins loaded \n",pVec->getItemCount()));
			for (UT_sint32 i = 0; (i < pVec->size()) && !bFound; i++)
				pModule = pVec->getNthItem (i);
				szName = pModule->getModuleInfo()->name;
				UT_DEBUGMSG(("%s\n", szName));
				if(strcmp(szName,szRequest) == 0)
					bFound = true;
			UT_DEBUGMSG(("Plugin %s not found or loaded \n",Args->m_sPluginArgs[0]));
			bSuccess = false;
			return false;

// You must put the name of the ev_EditMethod in the usage field
// of the plugin registered information.
		const char * evExecute = pModule->getModuleInfo()->usage;
		EV_EditMethodContainer* pEMC = pMyWin32App->getEditMethodContainer();
		const EV_EditMethod * pInvoke = pEMC->findEditMethodByName(evExecute);
			UT_DEBUGMSG(("Plugin %s invoke method %s not found \n",
			bSuccess = false;
			return false;
		// Execute the plugin, then quit
		ev_EditMethod_invoke(pInvoke, UT_String("Called From App"));
		return false;

	return true;
Exemplo n.º 12
static void AbiMathView_addToMenus()
    // First we need to get a pointer to the application itself.
    XAP_App *pApp = XAP_App::getApp();
    // Translated Strings
    const XAP_StringSet * pSS = pApp->getStringSet();
    AbiMathView_MenuLabelEquation= pSS->getValue(AP_STRING_ID_MENU_LABEL_INSERT_EQUATION);
    AbiMathView_MenuTooltipEquation = pSS->getValue(AP_STRING_ID_MENU_LABEL_TOOLTIP_INSERT_EQUATION);
    AbiMathView_MenuLabelFileInsert = pSS->getValue(AP_STRING_ID_MENU_LABEL_INSERT_EQUATION_FILE);
    AbiMathView_MenuTooltipFileInsert = pSS->getValue(AP_STRING_ID_MENU_LABEL_TOOLTIP_INSERT_EQUATION_FILE);
    AbiMathView_MenuLabelLatexInsert = pSS->getValue(AP_STRING_ID_MENU_LABEL_INSERT_EQUATION_LATEX);
    AbiMathView_MenuTooltipLatexInsert = pSS->getValue(AP_STRING_ID_MENU_LABEL_TOOLTIP_INSERT_EQUATION_LATEX);
    // Create an EditMethod that will link our method's name with
    // it's callback function.  This is used to link the name to 
    // the callback.
    EV_EditMethod *myEditMethodFile = new EV_EditMethod(
        "AbiMathView_FileInsert",  // name of callback function
        AbiMathView_FileInsert,    // callback function itself.
        0,                      // no additional data required.
        ""                      // description -- allegedly never used for anything

    EV_EditMethod *myEditMethodLatex = new EV_EditMethod(
        "AbiMathView_LatexInsert",  // name of callback function
        AbiMathView_LatexInsert,    // callback function itself.
        0,                      // no additional data required.
        ""                      // description -- allegedly never used for anything
    // Now we need to get the EditMethod container for the application.
    // This holds a series of Edit Methods and links names to callbacks.
    EV_EditMethodContainer* pEMC = pApp->getEditMethodContainer();
    // We have to add our EditMethod to the application's EditMethodList
    // so that the application will know what callback to call when a call
    // to "AbiMathView_FileInsert" is received.

    // Now we need to grab an ActionSet.  This is going to be used later
    // on in our for loop.  Take a look near the bottom.
    EV_Menu_ActionSet* pActionSet = pApp->getMenuActionSet();

    XAP_Menu_Factory * pFact = pApp->getMenuFactory();

// Put it after Insert Picture in the Main menu

    newEquationID= pFact->addNewMenuAfter("Main",NULL,AP_MENU_ID_INSERT_GRAPHIC,EV_MLF_BeginSubMenu);
   UT_DEBUGMSG(("newEquationID %d \n",newEquationID));

    pFact->addNewLabel(NULL,newEquationID,AbiMathView_MenuLabelEquation, AbiMathView_MenuTooltipEquation);

    // Create the Action that will be called.
    EV_Menu_Action* myEquationAction = new EV_Menu_Action(
	newEquationID,          // id that the layout said we could use
	1,                      // yes, we have a sub menu.
	0,                      // no, we don't raise a dialog.
	0,                      // no, we don't have a checkbox.
	0,                      // no radio buttons for me, thank you
	NULL,                   //  no callback function to call.
	NULL,                   // don't know/care what this is for
	NULL                    // don't know/care what this is for

    // Now what we need to do is add this particular action to the ActionSet
    // of the application.  This forms the link between our new ID that we 
    // got for this particular frame with the EditMethod that knows how to 
    // call our callback function.  


    FromFileID= pFact->addNewMenuAfter("Main",NULL,newEquationID,EV_MLF_Normal);
    UT_DEBUGMSG(("FromFile ID %d \n",FromFileID));

    pFact->addNewLabel(NULL,FromFileID,AbiMathView_MenuLabelFileInsert, AbiMathView_MenuTooltipFileInsert);

    // Create the Action that will be called.
    EV_Menu_Action* myFileAction = new EV_Menu_Action(
	FromFileID,                     // id that the layout said we could use
	0,                      // no, we don't have a sub menu.
	1,                      // yes, we raise a dialog.
	0,                      // no, we don't have a checkbox.
	0,                      // no radio buttons for me, thank you
	"AbiMathView_FileInsert",  // name of callback function to call.
	NULL,                   // don't know/care what this is for
	NULL                    // don't know/care what this is for

    // Now what we need to do is add this particular action to the ActionSet
    // of the application.  This forms the link between our new ID that we 
    // got for this particular frame with the EditMethod that knows how to 
    // call our callback function.  


   FromLatexID= pFact->addNewMenuAfter("Main",NULL,FromFileID,EV_MLF_Normal);
   UT_DEBUGMSG(("Latex ID %d \n",FromLatexID));
    pFact->addNewLabel(NULL,FromLatexID,AbiMathView_MenuLabelLatexInsert, AbiMathView_MenuTooltipLatexInsert);

    // Create the Action that will be called.
    EV_Menu_Action* myLatexAction = new EV_Menu_Action(
	FromLatexID,                     // id that the layout said we could use
	0,                      // no, we don't have a sub menu.
	1,                      // yes, we raise a dialog.
	0,                      // no, we don't have a checkbox.
	0,                      // no radio buttons for me, thank you
	"AbiMathView_LatexInsert",  // name of callback function to call.
	NULL,                   // don't know/care what this is for
	NULL                    // don't know/care what this is for


   endEquationID= pFact->addNewMenuAfter("Main",NULL,AbiMathView_MenuLabelLatexInsert,EV_MLF_EndSubMenu);
   UT_DEBUGMSG(("End Equation ID %d \n",endEquationID));

 // Create the Action that will be called.
    EV_Menu_Action* myEndEquationAction = new EV_Menu_Action(
	endEquationID,          // id that the layout said we could use
	0,                      // no, we don't have a sub menu.
	0,                      // no, we raise a dialog.
	0,                      // no, we don't have a checkbox.
	0,                      // no radio buttons for me, thank you
	NULL,                   // name of callback function to call.
	NULL,                   // don't know/care what this is for
	NULL                    // don't know/care what this is for

Exemplo n.º 13
EV_EditMethod* ev_EditMethod_lookup (const char * methodName)
  EV_EditMethodContainer* pEMC = XAP_App::getApp()->getEditMethodContainer() ;
  return pEMC->findEditMethodByName ( methodName ) ;
Exemplo n.º 14
// Presentation_registerMethod()
// -----------------------
//   Adds Presentation_start, Presentation_end to the EditMethod list
static void
Presentation_registerMethod ()
	// First we need to get a pointer to the application itself.
	XAP_App *pApp = XAP_App::getApp ();

	// Create an EditMethod that will link our method's name with
	// it's callback function.  This is used to link the name to 
	// the callback.
	EV_EditMethod *myEditMethod = new EV_EditMethod ("Presentation_start",	// name of callback function
							 Presentation_start,	// callback function itself.
							 0,	// no additional data required.
							 ""	// description -- allegedly never used for anything

	// Now we need to get the EditMethod container for the application.
	// This holds a series of Edit Methods and links names to callbacks.
	EV_EditMethodContainer *pEMC = pApp->getEditMethodContainer ();

	// We have to add our EditMethod to the application's EditMethodList
	// so that the application will know what callback to call when a call

	pEMC->addEditMethod (myEditMethod);

	myEditMethod = new EV_EditMethod ("Presentation_end",	// name of callback function
							 Presentation_end,	// callback function itself.
							 0,	// no additional data required.
							 ""	// description -- allegedly never used for anything

	pEMC->addEditMethod (myEditMethod);

	myEditMethod = new EV_EditMethod ("Presentation_nextPage",	// name of callback function
							 Presentation_nextPage,	// callback function itself.
							 0,	// no additional data required.
							 ""	// description -- allegedly never used for anything

	pEMC->addEditMethod (myEditMethod);

	myEditMethod = new EV_EditMethod ("Presentation_prevPage",	// name of callback function
							 Presentation_prevPage,	// callback function itself.
							 0,	// no additional data required.
							 ""	// description -- allegedly never used for anything

	pEMC->addEditMethod (myEditMethod);

	myEditMethod = new EV_EditMethod ("Presentation_context",	// name of callback function
							 Presentation_context,	// callback function itself.
							 0,	// no additional data required.
							 ""	// description -- allegedly never used for anything

	pEMC->addEditMethod (myEditMethod);

    // Now we need to grab an ActionSet.  This is going to be used later
    // on in our for loop.  Take a look near the bottom.
    EV_Menu_ActionSet* pActionSet = pApp->getMenuActionSet();

    XAP_Menu_Factory * pFact = pApp->getMenuFactory();

// Put it after 

    presentationID= pFact->addNewMenuAfter("Main",NULL,AP_MENU_ID_VIEW_SHOWPARA,EV_MLF_Normal);
    UT_DEBUGMSG(("presentationID %d \n",presentationID));


    // Create the Action that will be called.
    EV_Menu_Action* myPresentationAction = new EV_Menu_Action(
	presentationID,          // id that the layout said we could use
	0,                      // no, we don't have a sub menu.
	0,                      // no, we don't raise a dialog.
	0,                      // no, we don't have a checkbox.
	0,                      // no radio buttons for me, thank you
	"Presentation_start",   //  callback function to call.
	NULL,                   // don't know/care what this is for
	NULL                    // don't know/care what this is for

    // Now what we need to do is add this particular action to the ActionSet
    // of the application.  This forms the link between our new ID that we 
    // got for this particular frame with the EditMethod that knows how to 
    // call our callback function.  


    // OK Now build a context menu
    PresentationContextID = pFact->createContextMenu("PresentationContext");
    prevSlideID = pFact->addNewMenuBefore("PresentationContext",NULL,0,EV_MLF_Normal,0);
    pFact->addNewLabel(NULL,prevSlideID,szPrevSlide, NULL);
    nextSlideID = pFact->addNewMenuBefore("PresentationContext",NULL,0,EV_MLF_Normal,0);
    pFact->addNewLabel(NULL,nextSlideID,szNextSlide, NULL);
    endPresentationID = pFact->addNewMenuBefore("PresentationContext",NULL,0,EV_MLF_Normal,0);
    pFact->addNewLabel(NULL,endPresentationID,szEndPresentation, NULL);

    myPresentationAction = new EV_Menu_Action(
	prevSlideID,          // id that the layout said we could use
	0,                      // no, we don't have a sub menu.
	0,                      // no, we don't raise a dialog.
	0,                      // no, we don't have a checkbox.
	0,                      // no radio buttons for me, thank you
	"Presentation_prevPage",   //  callback function to call.
	NULL,                   // don't know/care what this is for
	NULL                    // don't know/care what this is for
    myPresentationAction = new EV_Menu_Action(
	nextSlideID,          // id that the layout said we could use
	0,                      // no, we don't have a sub menu.
	0,                      // no, we don't raise a dialog.
	0,                      // no, we don't have a checkbox.
	0,                      // no radio buttons for me, thank you
	"Presentation_nextPage",   //  callback function to call.
	NULL,                   // don't know/care what this is for
	NULL                    // don't know/care what this is for
    myPresentationAction = new EV_Menu_Action(
	endPresentationID,          // id that the layout said we could use
	0,                      // no, we don't have a sub menu.
	0,                      // no, we don't raise a dialog.
	0,                      // no, we don't have a checkbox.
	0,                      // no radio buttons for me, thank you
	"Presentation_end",   //  callback function to call.
	NULL,                   // don't know/care what this is for
	NULL                    // don't know/care what this is for

Exemplo n.º 15
 * Remove the menu items unpon unloading the plugin.
void s_abicollab_remove_menus()
	// First we need to get a pointer to the application itself.
	XAP_App *pApp = XAP_App::getApp();
	// remove the edit method
	EV_EditMethodContainer* pEMC = pApp->getEditMethodContainer();
	EV_EditMethod * pEM;

	pEM = ev_EditMethod_lookup ( "s_abicollab_offer" ) ;
	pEMC->removeEditMethod ( pEM ) ;

	pEM = ev_EditMethod_lookup ( "s_abicollab_join" ) ;
	pEMC->removeEditMethod ( pEM ) ;

	pEM = ev_EditMethod_lookup ( "s_abicollab_accounts" ) ;
	pEMC->removeEditMethod ( pEM ) ;

	pEM = ev_EditMethod_lookup ( "s_abicollab_authors" ) ;
	pEMC->removeEditMethod ( pEM ) ;
#if !defined(ABICOLLAB_RECORD_ALWAYS) && defined(DEBUG)
	pEM = ev_EditMethod_lookup ( "s_abicollab_record" ) ;
	pEMC->removeEditMethod ( pEM ) ;
#if defined(DEBUG)
	pEM = ev_EditMethod_lookup ( "s_abicollab_viewrecord" ) ;
	pEMC->removeEditMethod ( pEM ) ;
	pEM = ev_EditMethod_lookup ( "com.abisource.abiword.abicollab.command" ) ;
	pEMC->removeEditMethod ( pEM ) ;

	// now remove crap from the menus
	int frameCount = pApp->getFrameCount();
	XAP_Menu_Factory * pFact = pApp->getMenuFactory();

	pFact->removeMenuItem("Main", NULL, szCollaboration);
	pFact->removeMenuItem("Main", NULL, szCollaborationOffer);
	pFact->removeMenuItem("Main", NULL, szCollaborationJoin);
	pFact->removeMenuItem("Main", NULL, szCollaborationAccounts);	
	pFact->removeMenuItem("Main", NULL, szCollaborationShowAuthors);	
#if !defined(ABICOLLAB_RECORD_ALWAYS) && defined(DEBUG)
	pFact->removeMenuItem("Main", NULL, szCollaborationRecord);	
#if defined(DEBUG)
	pFact->removeMenuItem("Main", NULL, szCollaborationViewRecord);
	pFact->removeMenuItem("Main", NULL, szEndCollaboration);
	for (int i = 0; i < frameCount; ++i)
		// Get the current frame that we're iterating through.
		XAP_Frame* pFrame = pApp->getFrame(i);
Exemplo n.º 16
 * This implements the "Collaborate" main submenu.
void s_abicollab_add_menus()
    // First we need to get a pointer to the application itself.
    XAP_App *pApp = XAP_App::getApp();
    EV_EditMethodContainer* pEMC = pApp->getEditMethodContainer();
    int frameCount = pApp->getFrameCount();
    XAP_Menu_Factory * pFact = pApp->getMenuFactory();    
    EV_Menu_ActionSet* pActionSet = pApp->getMenuActionSet();
	// TODO: make this a translatable set of strings
	// const XAP_StringSet * pSS = pApp->getStringSet();
	// The Collaboration menu item
	XAP_Menu_Id collabId = pFact->addNewMenuBefore("Main", NULL, AP_MENU_ID_WINDOW, EV_MLF_BeginSubMenu);
    pFact->addNewLabel(NULL, collabId, szCollaboration, szCollaborationTip);
    EV_Menu_Action* myCollaborationAction = new EV_Menu_Action (
		collabId,    			 // id that the layout said we could use
		1,                      // yes, we have a sub menu.
		0,                      // no, we don't raise a dialog.
		0,                      // no, we don't have a checkbox.
		0,                      // no radio buttons for me, thank you
		NULL,                   // no callback function to call.
		NULL,                   // Function for whether not label is enabled/disabled checked/unchecked
		NULL                    // Function to compute Menu Label "Dynamic Label"

	// The Start Collaboration connect item
	XAP_Menu_Id collabOfferId = pFact->addNewMenuAfter("Main", NULL, collabId, EV_MLF_Normal);
    pFact->addNewLabel(NULL, collabOfferId, szCollaborationOffer, szCollaborationOfferTip);
	EV_Menu_Action* myActionOffer = new EV_Menu_Action (
		collabOfferId,   	  // id that the layout said we could use
		0,                      // no, we don't have a sub menu.
		1,                      // yes, we raise a dialog.
		0,                      // no, we don't have a checkbox.
		0,                      // no radio buttons for me, thank you
		"s_abicollab_offer",    // name of callback function to call.
		collab_GetState_CanShare,  // Function for whether not label is enabled/disabled checked/unchecked
		NULL                    // Function to compute Menu Label "Dynamic Label"
	EV_EditMethod *myEditMethodOffer = new EV_EditMethod (
		"s_abicollab_offer",    // name of callback function
		s_abicollab_offer,      // callback function itself.
		0,                      // no additional data required.
		""                      // description -- allegedly never used for anything

	// The Join Collaboration connect item
	XAP_Menu_Id collabJoinId = pFact->addNewMenuAfter("Main", NULL, collabOfferId, EV_MLF_Normal);
    pFact->addNewLabel(NULL, collabJoinId, szCollaborationJoin, szCollaborationJoinTip);
	EV_Menu_Action* myActionJoin = new EV_Menu_Action (
		collabJoinId,   		// id that the layout said we could use
		0,                      // no, we don't have a sub menu.
		1,                      // yes, we raise a dialog.
		0,                      // no, we don't have a checkbox.
		0,                      // no radio buttons for me, thank you
		"s_abicollab_join",     // name of callback function to call.
		collab_GetState_AnyActive,  // Function for whether not label is enabled/disabled checked/unchecked
		NULL                    // Function to compute Menu Label "Dynamic Label"
	EV_EditMethod *myEditMethodJoin = new EV_EditMethod (
		"s_abicollab_join",     // name of callback function
		s_abicollab_join,       // callback function itself.
		0,                      // no additional data required.
		""                      // description -- allegedly never used for anything

	// The Join Collaboration connect item
	XAP_Menu_Id collabAccountsId = pFact->addNewMenuAfter("Main", NULL, collabJoinId, EV_MLF_Normal);
    pFact->addNewLabel(NULL, collabAccountsId, szCollaborationAccounts, szCollaborationAccountsTip);
	EV_Menu_Action* myActionAccounts = new EV_Menu_Action (
		collabAccountsId,   		// id that the layout said we could use
		0,                      // no, we don't have a sub menu.
		1,                      // yes, we raise a dialog.
		0,                      // no, we don't have a checkbox.
		0,                      // no radio buttons for me, thank you
		"s_abicollab_accounts",     // name of callback function to call.
		NULL,                   // Function for whether not label is enabled/disabled checked/unchecked
		NULL                    // Function to compute Menu Label "Dynamic Label"
	EV_EditMethod *myEditMethodAccounts = new EV_EditMethod (
		"s_abicollab_accounts",     // name of callback function
		s_abicollab_accounts,       // callback function itself.
		0,                      // no additional data required.
		""                      // description -- allegedly never used for anything

	// The Show Authors item
	XAP_Menu_Id ShowAuthorId = pFact->addNewMenuAfter("Main", NULL, collabAccountsId, EV_MLF_Normal);
    pFact->addNewLabel(NULL, ShowAuthorId,  szCollaborationShowAuthors,  szCollaborationShowAuthorsTip);
	EV_Menu_Action* myActionShowAuthors = new EV_Menu_Action (
		ShowAuthorId,   	  // id that the layout said we could use
		0,                      // no, we don't have a sub menu.
		0,                      // no, we don't raise a dialog.
		1,                      // yes, we have a checkbox.
		0,                      // no radio buttons for me, thank you
		"s_abicollab_authors",    // name of callback function to call.
		collab_GetState_ShowAuthors, // Function for whether not label is enabled/disabled checked/unchecked
		NULL                    // Function to compute Menu Label "Dynamic Label"
	EV_EditMethod *myEditMethodShowAuthors = new EV_EditMethod (
		"s_abicollab_authors",    // name of callback function
		s_abicollab_authors,      // callback function itself.
		0,                      // no additional data required.
		""                      // description -- allegedly never used for anything

	// The Record session connect item
#if defined(DEBUG)

	XAP_Menu_Id collabRecordId = pFact->addNewMenuAfter("Main", NULL,ShowAuthorId , EV_MLF_Normal);
    pFact->addNewLabel(NULL, collabRecordId, szCollaborationRecord, szCollaborationRecordTip);
	EV_Menu_Action* myActionRecord = new EV_Menu_Action (
		collabRecordId,   		// id that the layout said we could use
		0,                      // no, we don't have a sub menu.
		0,                      // no, we don't raise a dialog.
		1,                      // yes, we have a checkbox.
		0,                      // no radio buttons for me, thank you
		"s_abicollab_record",    // name of callback function to call.
		collab_GetState_Recording, // Function for whether not label is enabled/disabled checked/unchecked
		NULL                    // Function to compute Menu Label "Dynamic Label"
	EV_EditMethod *myEditMethodRecord = new EV_EditMethod (
		"s_abicollab_record",     // name of callback function
		s_abicollab_record,       // callback function itself.
		0,                      // no additional data required.
		""                      // description -- allegedly never used for anything
	XAP_Menu_Id followupMenuId = collabRecordId;
	XAP_Menu_Id followupMenuId = ShowAuthorId;
#endif /* !defined(ABICOLLAB_RECORD_ALWAYS) */
	XAP_Menu_Id collabViewRecordId = pFact->addNewMenuAfter("Main", NULL, followupMenuId, EV_MLF_Normal);
    pFact->addNewLabel(NULL, collabViewRecordId, szCollaborationViewRecord, szCollaborationViewRecordTip);
	EV_Menu_Action* myActionViewRecord = new EV_Menu_Action (
		collabViewRecordId,   	// id that the layout said we could use
		0,                      // no, we don't have a sub menu.
		1,                      // yes, we don't raise a dialog.
		0,                      // no, we have a checkbox.
		0,                      // no radio buttons for me, thank you
		"s_abicollab_viewrecord",   // name of callback function to call.
		NULL,					// Function for whether not label is enabled/disabled checked/unchecked
		NULL                    // Function to compute Menu Label "Dynamic Label"
	EV_EditMethod *myEditMethodViewRecord = new EV_EditMethod (
		"s_abicollab_viewrecord",     // name of callback function
		s_abicollab_viewrecord,       // callback function itself.
		0,                      // no additional data required.
		""                      // description -- allegedly never used for anything
	XAP_Menu_Id lastMenuId = collabViewRecordId;
	XAP_Menu_Id lastMenuId = ShowAuthorId;
#endif /* defined(DEBUG) */

	// End of the Collaboration menu
	XAP_Menu_Id endCollaborationId = pFact->addNewMenuAfter("Main", NULL, lastMenuId, EV_MLF_EndSubMenu);
	pFact->addNewLabel(NULL, endCollaborationId, szEndCollaboration, NULL);
	EV_Menu_Action* myEndCollaborationAction = new EV_Menu_Action (
		endCollaborationId,     // id that the layout said we could use
		0,                      // no, we don't have a sub menu.
		0,                      // no, we raise a dialog.
		0,                      // no, we don't have a checkbox.
		0,                      // no radio buttons for me, thank you
		NULL,                   // name of callback function to call.
		NULL,                   // Function for whether not label is enabled/disabled checked/unchecked
		NULL                    // Function to compute Menu Label "Dynamic Label"
	EV_EditMethod* myCommandEM = new EV_EditMethod ("com.abisource.abiword.abicollab.command", s_abicollab_command_invoke, 0, "" );
	pEMC->addEditMethod (myCommandEM);
    // We need to go through and add the menu element to each "frame" 
    // of the application.  We can iterate through the frames by doing
    // XAP_App::getFrameCount() to tell us how many frames there are,
    // then calling XAP_App::getFrame(i) to get the i-th frame.
    for(int i = 0; i < frameCount;++i)
        // Get the current frame that we're iterating through.
		XAP_Frame* pFrame = pApp->getFrame(i);