Exemplo n.º 1
// x, y, w, h = .GetRect(entity) - Where x, y are coordinates of the top left our our avatar on the map. w, h are avatar dimensions.
int entity_GetRect(lua_State* ls)
	luaCountArgs(ls, 1);

	Entity* e = _getReferencedEntity(ls);

	rect r = e->GetBoundingRect();
	lua_pushnumber(ls, r.x);
	lua_pushnumber(ls, r.y);
	lua_pushnumber(ls, r.w);
	lua_pushnumber(ls, r.h);

	return 4;
Exemplo n.º 2
// .Explode(ent) - Will create an explosion entity at ent's position
// 		This will not remove ent from the map!
int entity_Explode(lua_State* ls)
	Image* img;
	rect r;
	Entity* e = _getReferencedEntity(ls);

	if (e)
		img = e->GetImage();
		if (img)
			r = e->GetBoundingRect();
			new ExplodingEntity(e->mMap, img, point2d(r.x, r.y));

	return 0;