Exemplo n.º 1
QUuid EntityScriptingInterface::addEntity(const EntityItemProperties& properties) {
    EntityItemProperties propertiesWithSimID = convertLocationFromScriptSemantics(properties);

    auto dimensions = propertiesWithSimID.getDimensions();
    float volume = dimensions.x * dimensions.y * dimensions.z;
    auto density = propertiesWithSimID.getDensity();
    auto newVelocity = propertiesWithSimID.getVelocity().length();
    float cost = calculateCost(density * volume, 0, newVelocity);
    cost *= costMultiplier;

    if (cost > _currentAvatarEnergy) {
        return QUuid();

    EntityItemID id = EntityItemID(QUuid::createUuid());

    // If we have a local entity tree set, then also update it.
    bool success = true;
    if (_entityTree) {
        _entityTree->withWriteLock([&] {
            EntityItemPointer entity = _entityTree->addEntity(id, propertiesWithSimID);
            if (entity) {
                if (propertiesWithSimID.parentRelatedPropertyChanged()) {
                    // due to parenting, the server may not know where something is in world-space, so include the bounding cube.
                    bool success;
                    AACube queryAACube = entity->getQueryAACube(success);
                    if (success) {

                if (_bidOnSimulationOwnership) {
                    // This Node is creating a new object.  If it's in motion, set this Node as the simulator.
                    auto nodeList = DependencyManager::get<NodeList>();
                    const QUuid myNodeID = nodeList->getSessionUUID();

                    // and make note of it now, so we can act on it right away.
                    propertiesWithSimID.setSimulationOwner(myNodeID, SCRIPT_POKE_SIMULATION_PRIORITY);
                    entity->setSimulationOwner(myNodeID, SCRIPT_POKE_SIMULATION_PRIORITY);

            } else {
                qCDebug(entities) << "script failed to add new Entity to local Octree";
                success = false;

    // queue the packet
    if (success) {
        emit debitEnergySource(cost);
        queueEntityMessage(PacketType::EntityAdd, id, propertiesWithSimID);

    return id;
Exemplo n.º 2
QUuid EntityScriptingInterface::editEntity(QUuid id, const EntityItemProperties& scriptSideProperties) {
    EntityItemProperties properties = scriptSideProperties;

    auto dimensions = properties.getDimensions();
    float volume = dimensions.x * dimensions.y * dimensions.z;
    auto density = properties.getDensity();
    auto newVelocity = properties.getVelocity().length();
    float oldVelocity = { 0.0f };

    EntityItemID entityID(id);
    if (!_entityTree) {
        queueEntityMessage(PacketType::EntityEdit, entityID, properties);

        //if there is no local entity entity tree, no existing velocity, use 0.
        float cost = calculateCost(density * volume, oldVelocity, newVelocity);
        cost *= costMultiplier;

        if (cost > _currentAvatarEnergy) {
            return QUuid();
        } else {
            //debit the avatar energy and continue
            emit debitEnergySource(cost);

        return id;
    // If we have a local entity tree set, then also update it.

    bool updatedEntity = false;
    _entityTree->withWriteLock([&] {
        if (scriptSideProperties.parentRelatedPropertyChanged()) {
            // All of parentID, parentJointIndex, position, rotation are needed to make sense of any of them.
            // If any of these changed, pull any missing properties from the entity.
            EntityItemPointer entity = _entityTree->findEntityByEntityItemID(entityID);
            if (!entity) {
            //existing entity, retrieve old velocity for check down below
            oldVelocity = entity->getVelocity().length();

            if (!scriptSideProperties.parentIDChanged()) {
            if (!scriptSideProperties.parentJointIndexChanged()) {
            if (!scriptSideProperties.localPositionChanged() && !scriptSideProperties.positionChanged()) {
            if (!scriptSideProperties.localRotationChanged() && !scriptSideProperties.rotationChanged()) {
        properties = convertLocationFromScriptSemantics(properties);

        float cost = calculateCost(density * volume, oldVelocity, newVelocity);
        cost *= costMultiplier;

        if (cost > _currentAvatarEnergy) {
            updatedEntity = false;
        } else {
            //debit the avatar energy and continue
            updatedEntity = _entityTree->updateEntity(entityID, properties);
            if (updatedEntity) {
                emit debitEnergySource(cost);

    if (!updatedEntity) {
        return QUuid();

    _entityTree->withReadLock([&] {
        EntityItemPointer entity = _entityTree->findEntityByEntityItemID(entityID);
        if (entity) {
            // make sure the properties has a type, so that the encode can know which properties to include
            bool hasTerseUpdateChanges = properties.hasTerseUpdateChanges();
            bool hasPhysicsChanges = properties.hasMiscPhysicsChanges() || hasTerseUpdateChanges;
            if (_bidOnSimulationOwnership && hasPhysicsChanges) {
                auto nodeList = DependencyManager::get<NodeList>();
                const QUuid myNodeID = nodeList->getSessionUUID();

                if (entity->getSimulatorID() == myNodeID) {
                    // we think we already own the simulation, so make sure to send ALL TerseUpdate properties
                    if (hasTerseUpdateChanges) {
                    // TODO: if we knew that ONLY TerseUpdate properties have changed in properties AND the object
                    // is dynamic AND it is active in the physics simulation then we could chose to NOT queue an update
                    // and instead let the physics simulation decide when to send a terse update.  This would remove
                    // the "slide-no-rotate" glitch (and typical double-update) that we see during the "poke rolling
                    // balls" test.  However, even if we solve this problem we still need to provide a "slerp the visible
                    // proxy toward the true physical position" feature to hide the final glitches in the remote watcher's
                    // simulation.

                    if (entity->getSimulationPriority() < SCRIPT_POKE_SIMULATION_PRIORITY) {
                        // we re-assert our simulation ownership at a higher priority
                        properties.setSimulationOwner(myNodeID, SCRIPT_POKE_SIMULATION_PRIORITY);
                } else {
                    // we make a bid for simulation ownership
                    properties.setSimulationOwner(myNodeID, SCRIPT_POKE_SIMULATION_PRIORITY);
            if (properties.parentRelatedPropertyChanged() && entity->computePuffedQueryAACube()) {

            // if we've moved an entity with children, check/update the queryAACube of all descendents and tell the server
            // if they've changed.
            entity->forEachDescendant([&](SpatiallyNestablePointer descendant) {
                if (descendant->getNestableType() == NestableType::Entity) {
                    if (descendant->computePuffedQueryAACube()) {
                        EntityItemPointer entityDescendant = std::static_pointer_cast<EntityItem>(descendant);
                        EntityItemProperties newQueryCubeProperties;
                        queueEntityMessage(PacketType::EntityEdit, descendant->getID(), newQueryCubeProperties);
    queueEntityMessage(PacketType::EntityEdit, entityID, properties);
    return id;
Exemplo n.º 3
// TODO: Implement support for edit packets that can span an MTU sized buffer. We need to implement a mechanism for the 
//       encodeEntityEditPacket() method to communicate the the caller which properties couldn't fit in the buffer. Similar 
//       to how we handle this in the Octree streaming case.
// TODO: Right now, all possible properties for all subclasses are handled here. Ideally we'd prefer
//       to handle this in a more generic way. Allowing subclasses of EntityItem to register their properties
// TODO: There's a lot of repeated patterns in the code below to handle each property. It would be nice if the property
//       registration mechanism allowed us to collapse these repeated sections of code into a single implementation that
//       utilized the registration table to shorten up and simplify this code.
// TODO: Implement support for paged properties, spanning MTU, and custom properties
// TODO: Implement support for script and visible properties.
bool EntityItemProperties::encodeEntityEditPacket(PacketType command, EntityItemID id, const EntityItemProperties& properties,
        unsigned char* bufferOut, int sizeIn, int& sizeOut) {
    OctreePacketData ourDataPacket(false, sizeIn); // create a packetData object to add out packet details too.
    OctreePacketData* packetData = &ourDataPacket; // we want a pointer to this so we can use our APPEND_ENTITY_PROPERTY macro

    bool success = true; // assume the best
    OctreeElement::AppendState appendState = OctreeElement::COMPLETED; // assume the best
    sizeOut = 0;

    // TODO: We need to review how jurisdictions should be handled for entities. (The old Models and Particles code
    // didn't do anything special for jurisdictions, so we're keeping that same behavior here.)
    // Always include the root octcode. This is only because the OctreeEditPacketSender will check these octcodes
    // to determine which server to send the changes to in the case of multiple jurisdictions. The root will be sent
    // to all servers.
    glm::vec3 rootPosition(0);
    float rootScale = 0.5f;
    unsigned char* octcode = pointToOctalCode(rootPosition.x, rootPosition.y, rootPosition.z, rootScale);

    success = packetData->startSubTree(octcode);
    delete[] octcode;
    // assuming we have rome to fit our octalCode, proceed...
    if (success) {

        // Now add our edit content details...
        bool isNewEntityItem = (id.id == NEW_ENTITY);

        // id
        // encode our ID as a byte count coded byte stream
        QByteArray encodedID = id.id.toRfc4122(); // NUM_BYTES_RFC4122_UUID

        // encode our ID as a byte count coded byte stream
        ByteCountCoded<quint32> tokenCoder;
        QByteArray encodedToken;

        // special case for handling "new" modelItems
        if (isNewEntityItem) {
            // encode our creator token as a byte count coded byte stream
            tokenCoder = id.creatorTokenID;
            encodedToken = tokenCoder;

        // encode our type as a byte count coded byte stream
        ByteCountCoded<quint32> typeCoder = (quint32)properties.getType();
        QByteArray encodedType = typeCoder;

        quint64 updateDelta = 0; // this is an edit so by definition, it's update is in sync
        ByteCountCoded<quint64> updateDeltaCoder = updateDelta;
        QByteArray encodedUpdateDelta = updateDeltaCoder;

        EntityPropertyFlags propertyFlags(PROP_LAST_ITEM);
        EntityPropertyFlags requestedProperties = properties.getChangedProperties();
        EntityPropertyFlags propertiesDidntFit = requestedProperties;

        // TODO: we need to handle the multi-pass form of this, similar to how we handle entity data
        // If we are being called for a subsequent pass at appendEntityData() that failed to completely encode this item,
        // then our modelTreeElementExtraEncodeData should include data about which properties we need to append.
        //if (modelTreeElementExtraEncodeData && modelTreeElementExtraEncodeData->includedItems.contains(getEntityItemID())) {
        //    requestedProperties = modelTreeElementExtraEncodeData->includedItems.value(getEntityItemID());

        LevelDetails entityLevel = packetData->startLevel();

        // Last Edited quint64 always first, before any other details, which allows us easy access to adjusting this
        // timestamp for clock skew
        quint64 lastEdited = properties.getLastEdited();
        bool successLastEditedFits = packetData->appendValue(lastEdited);

        bool successIDFits = packetData->appendValue(encodedID);
        if (isNewEntityItem && successIDFits) {
            successIDFits = packetData->appendValue(encodedToken);
        bool successTypeFits = packetData->appendValue(encodedType);

        // NOTE: We intentionally do not send "created" times in edit messages. This is because:
        //   1) if the edit is to an existing entity, the created time can not be changed
        //   2) if the edit is to a new entity, the created time is the last edited time

        // TODO: Should we get rid of this in this in edit packets, since this has to always be 0?
        bool successLastUpdatedFits = packetData->appendValue(encodedUpdateDelta);
        int propertyFlagsOffset = packetData->getUncompressedByteOffset();
        QByteArray encodedPropertyFlags = propertyFlags;
        int oldPropertyFlagsLength = encodedPropertyFlags.length();
        bool successPropertyFlagsFits = packetData->appendValue(encodedPropertyFlags);
        int propertyCount = 0;

        bool headerFits = successIDFits && successTypeFits && successLastEditedFits
                                  && successLastUpdatedFits && successPropertyFlagsFits;

        int startOfEntityItemData = packetData->getUncompressedByteOffset();

        if (headerFits) {
            bool successPropertyFits;
            propertyFlags -= PROP_LAST_ITEM; // clear the last item for now, we may or may not set it as the actual item

            // These items would go here once supported....
            //      PROP_PAGED_PROPERTY,

            APPEND_ENTITY_PROPERTY(PROP_POSITION, appendPosition, properties.getPosition());
            APPEND_ENTITY_PROPERTY(PROP_DIMENSIONS, appendValue, properties.getDimensions()); // NOTE: PROP_RADIUS obsolete
            APPEND_ENTITY_PROPERTY(PROP_ROTATION, appendValue, properties.getRotation());
            APPEND_ENTITY_PROPERTY(PROP_MASS, appendValue, properties.getMass());
            APPEND_ENTITY_PROPERTY(PROP_VELOCITY, appendValue, properties.getVelocity());
            APPEND_ENTITY_PROPERTY(PROP_GRAVITY, appendValue, properties.getGravity());
            APPEND_ENTITY_PROPERTY(PROP_DAMPING, appendValue, properties.getDamping());
            APPEND_ENTITY_PROPERTY(PROP_LIFETIME, appendValue, properties.getLifetime());
            APPEND_ENTITY_PROPERTY(PROP_SCRIPT, appendValue, properties.getScript());
            APPEND_ENTITY_PROPERTY(PROP_COLOR, appendColor, properties.getColor());
            APPEND_ENTITY_PROPERTY(PROP_MODEL_URL, appendValue, properties.getModelURL());
            APPEND_ENTITY_PROPERTY(PROP_ANIMATION_URL, appendValue, properties.getAnimationURL());
            APPEND_ENTITY_PROPERTY(PROP_ANIMATION_FPS, appendValue, properties.getAnimationFPS());
            APPEND_ENTITY_PROPERTY(PROP_ANIMATION_FRAME_INDEX, appendValue, properties.getAnimationFrameIndex());
            APPEND_ENTITY_PROPERTY(PROP_ANIMATION_PLAYING, appendValue, properties.getAnimationIsPlaying());
            APPEND_ENTITY_PROPERTY(PROP_REGISTRATION_POINT, appendValue, properties.getRegistrationPoint());
            APPEND_ENTITY_PROPERTY(PROP_ANGULAR_VELOCITY, appendValue, properties.getAngularVelocity());
            APPEND_ENTITY_PROPERTY(PROP_ANGULAR_DAMPING, appendValue, properties.getAngularDamping());
            APPEND_ENTITY_PROPERTY(PROP_VISIBLE, appendValue, properties.getVisible());
        if (propertyCount > 0) {
            int endOfEntityItemData = packetData->getUncompressedByteOffset();
            encodedPropertyFlags = propertyFlags;
            int newPropertyFlagsLength = encodedPropertyFlags.length();
                    (const unsigned char*)encodedPropertyFlags.constData(), encodedPropertyFlags.length());
            // if the size of the PropertyFlags shrunk, we need to shift everything down to front of packet.
            if (newPropertyFlagsLength < oldPropertyFlagsLength) {
                int oldSize = packetData->getUncompressedSize();

                const unsigned char* modelItemData = packetData->getUncompressedData(propertyFlagsOffset + oldPropertyFlagsLength);
                int modelItemDataLength = endOfEntityItemData - startOfEntityItemData;
                int newEntityItemDataStart = propertyFlagsOffset + newPropertyFlagsLength;
                packetData->updatePriorBytes(newEntityItemDataStart, modelItemData, modelItemDataLength);

                int newSize = oldSize - (oldPropertyFlagsLength - newPropertyFlagsLength);

            } else {
                assert(newPropertyFlagsLength == oldPropertyFlagsLength); // should not have grown
        } else {
            appendState = OctreeElement::NONE; // if we got here, then we didn't include the item
        // If any part of the model items didn't fit, then the element is considered partial
        if (appendState != OctreeElement::COMPLETED) {

            // TODO: handle mechanism for handling partial fitting data!
            // add this item into our list for the next appendElementData() pass
            //modelTreeElementExtraEncodeData->includedItems.insert(getEntityItemID(), propertiesDidntFit);

            // for now, if it's not complete, it's not successful
            success = false;
    if (success) {
        const unsigned char* finalizedData = packetData->getFinalizedData();
        int  finalizedSize = packetData->getFinalizedSize();
        if (finalizedSize <= sizeIn) {
            memcpy(bufferOut, finalizedData, finalizedSize);
            sizeOut = finalizedSize;
        } else {
            qDebug() << "ERROR - encoded edit message doesn't fit in output buffer.";
            sizeOut = 0;
            success = false;
    } else {
        sizeOut = 0;
    return success;