Exemplo n.º 1
void CWeaponGravityGun::AddPellet( CGravityPellet *pPellet, CBaseEntity *pAttach, const Vector &surfaceNormal )

	m_activePellets[m_pelletCount].localNormal = surfaceNormal;
	if ( pAttach )
		EntityMatrix tmp;
		tmp.InitFromEntity( pAttach );
		m_activePellets[m_pelletCount].localNormal = tmp.WorldToLocalRotation( surfaceNormal );
	m_activePellets[m_pelletCount].pellet = pPellet;
	m_activePellets[m_pelletCount].parent = pAttach;
Exemplo n.º 2
// Primary gun 
void CPropAPC::AimPrimaryWeapon( const Vector &vecWorldTarget ) 
	EntityMatrix parentMatrix;
	parentMatrix.InitFromEntity( this, m_nMachineGunBaseAttachment );
	Vector target = parentMatrix.WorldToLocal( vecWorldTarget ); 

	float quadTarget = target.LengthSqr();
	float quadTargetXY = target.x*target.x + target.y*target.y;

	// Target is too close!  Can't aim at it
	if ( quadTarget > m_vecBarrelPos.LengthSqr() )
		// We're trying to aim the offset barrel at an arbitrary point.
		// To calculate this, I think of the target as being on a sphere with 
		// it's center at the origin of the gun.
		// The rotation we need is the opposite of the rotation that moves the target 
		// along the surface of that sphere to intersect with the gun's shooting direction
		// To calculate that rotation, we simply calculate the intersection of the ray 
		// coming out of the barrel with the target sphere (that's the new target position)
		// and use atan2() to get angles

		// angles from target pos to center
		float targetToCenterYaw = atan2( target.y, target.x );
		float centerToGunYaw = atan2( m_vecBarrelPos.y, sqrt( quadTarget - (m_vecBarrelPos.y*m_vecBarrelPos.y) ) );

		float targetToCenterPitch = atan2( target.z, sqrt( quadTargetXY ) );
		float centerToGunPitch = atan2( -m_vecBarrelPos.z, sqrt( quadTarget - (m_vecBarrelPos.z*m_vecBarrelPos.z) ) );

		QAngle angles;
		angles.Init( -RAD2DEG(targetToCenterPitch+centerToGunPitch), RAD2DEG( targetToCenterYaw + centerToGunYaw ), 0 );

		SetPoseParameter( "vehicle_weapon_yaw", angles.y );
		SetPoseParameter( "vehicle_weapon_pitch", angles.x );

		float curPitch = GetPoseParameter( "vehicle_weapon_pitch" );
		float curYaw = GetPoseParameter( "vehicle_weapon_yaw" );
		m_bInFiringCone = (fabs(curPitch - angles.x) < 1e-3) && (fabs(curYaw - angles.y) < 1e-3);
		m_bInFiringCone = false;
Exemplo n.º 3
	void GetPelletWorldCoords( int pelletIndex, Vector *worldPos, Vector *worldNormal )
		if ( worldPos )
			*worldPos = m_activePellets[pelletIndex].pellet->GetAbsOrigin();
		if ( worldNormal )
			if ( m_activePellets[pelletIndex].parent )
				EntityMatrix tmp;
				tmp.InitFromEntity( m_activePellets[pelletIndex].parent );
				*worldNormal = tmp.LocalToWorldRotation( m_activePellets[pelletIndex].localNormal );
				*worldNormal = m_activePellets[pelletIndex].localNormal;
void CPhysThruster::SetupForces( IPhysicsObject *pPhys, Vector &linear, AngularImpulse &angular )
	Vector forward;
	AngleVectors( GetLocalAngles(), &forward );
	forward = forward * m_force;

	// multiply the force by mass (it's actually just an acceleration)
	if ( m_spawnflags & SF_THRUST_MASS_INDEPENDENT )
		forward = forward * pPhys->GetMass();
	EntityMatrix xform;
	xform.InitFromEntity( m_attachedObject );
	Vector origin = xform.LocalToWorld( m_localOrigin );
	forward = xform.LocalToWorldRotation( forward );

	// Adjust for the position of the thruster -- apply proper torque)
	pPhys->CalculateVelocityOffset( forward, origin, linear, angular );

	// Stay in local space always if this flag is set
	if ( m_spawnflags & SF_THRUST_LOCAL_ORIENTATION )
		linear = xform.WorldToLocalRotation( linear );

	if ( !(m_spawnflags & SF_THRUST_FORCE) )
		// clear out force

	if ( !(m_spawnflags & SF_THRUST_TORQUE) )
		// clear out torque
Exemplo n.º 5
// Purpose: Spawn and initialize the fire
// Input  : &position - where the fire resides
//			lifetime - 
void CFire::Init( const Vector &position, float scale, float attackTime, float fuel, int flags, int fireType )
	m_flAttackTime = attackTime;
	m_spawnflags = flags;
	m_nFireType = fireType;

	if ( flags & SF_FIRE_INFINITE )
		fuel = 0;
	m_flFuel = fuel;
	if ( m_flFuel )
		m_spawnflags |= SF_FIRE_DIE_PERMANENT;

	Vector localOrigin = position;
	if ( GetMoveParent() )
		EntityMatrix parentMatrix;
		parentMatrix.InitFromEntity( GetMoveParent() );
		localOrigin = parentMatrix.WorldToLocal( position );
	UTIL_SetOrigin( this, localOrigin );

	SetSolid( SOLID_NONE );
	m_flFireSize = scale;
	//See if we should start on
	if ( m_spawnflags & SF_FIRE_START_FULL )
		m_flHeatLevel = m_flMaxHeat;
	m_flLastHeatLevel = 0;

	Vector		WorldBarrelPosition( void )
		EntityMatrix tmp;
		tmp.InitFromEntity( this );
		return tmp.LocalToWorld( m_barrelPos );