Exemplo n.º 1
int checkmap(Epetra_Map & Map, int NumGlobalElements, int NumMyElements, 
	     int *MyGlobalElements, int IndexBase, Epetra_Comm& Comm,
	     bool DistributedGlobal)
  int i, ierr=0, forierr = 0;



  int *MyElementSizeList = new int[NumMyElements];


  forierr = 0;
  for (i=0; i<NumMyElements; i++) forierr += MyElementSizeList[i]!=1;

  delete [] MyElementSizeList;

  const Epetra_Comm & Comm1 = Map.Comm();




  EPETRA_TEST_ERR(!Map.LinearMap() && MyGlobalElements==0,ierr);

  EPETRA_TEST_ERR(Map.LinearMap() && MyGlobalElements!=0,ierr);



  int MaxLID = Map.MaxLID();

  int MaxMyGID = (Comm.MyPID()+1)*NumMyElements-1+IndexBase;
  if (Comm.MyPID()>2) MaxMyGID+=3;
  if (!DistributedGlobal) MaxMyGID = NumMyElements-1+IndexBase;




  int MinMyGID = Comm.MyPID()*NumMyElements+IndexBase;
  if (Comm.MyPID()>2) MinMyGID+=3;
  if (!DistributedGlobal) MinMyGID = 0;
  int * MyGlobalElements1 = new int[NumMyElements];

  forierr = 0;
  if (MyGlobalElements==0)
      for (i=0; i<NumMyElements; i++) 
	forierr += MyGlobalElements1[i]!=MinMyGID+i;
  else {
    for (i=0; i<NumMyElements; i++)
      forierr += MyGlobalElements[i]!=MyGlobalElements1[i];


  int MaxMyGID2 = Map.GID(Map.LID(MaxMyGID));
  EPETRA_TEST_ERR(MaxMyGID2 != MaxMyGID,ierr);
  int MaxLID2 = Map.LID(Map.GID(MaxLID));
  EPETRA_TEST_ERR(MaxLID2 != MaxLID,ierr);

  EPETRA_TEST_ERR(Map.GID(MaxLID+1) != IndexBase-1,ierr);// MaxLID+1 doesn't exist
  EPETRA_TEST_ERR(Map.LID(MaxMyGID+1) != -1,ierr);// MaxMyGID+1 doesn't exist or is on a different processor





  // Check RemoteIDList function
  // Get some GIDs off of each processor to test
  int TotalNumEle, NumElePerProc, NumProc = Comm.NumProc();
  int MinNumEleOnProc;
  int NumMyEle=Map.NumMyElements();
  if (MinNumEleOnProc > 5) NumElePerProc = 6;
  else NumElePerProc = MinNumEleOnProc;
  if (NumElePerProc > 0) {
    TotalNumEle = NumElePerProc*NumProc;
    int * MyGIDlist = new int[NumElePerProc];
    int * GIDlist = new int[TotalNumEle];
    int * PIDlist = new int[TotalNumEle];
    int * LIDlist = new int[TotalNumEle];
    for (i=0; i<NumElePerProc; i++)
	  MyGIDlist[i] = MyGlobalElements1[i];
    Comm.GatherAll(MyGIDlist,GIDlist,NumElePerProc);// Get a few values from each proc
    Map.RemoteIDList(TotalNumEle, GIDlist, PIDlist, LIDlist);
    int MyPID= Comm.MyPID();

    forierr = 0;
    for (i=0; i<TotalNumEle; i++) {
      if (Map.MyGID(GIDlist[i])) {
	forierr += PIDlist[i] != MyPID;
	forierr += !Map.MyLID(Map.LID(GIDlist[i])) || Map.LID(GIDlist[i]) != LIDlist[i] || Map.GID(LIDlist[i]) != GIDlist[i];
      else {
	forierr += PIDlist[i] == MyPID; // If MyGID comes back false, the PID listed should be that of another proc

    delete [] MyGIDlist;
    delete [] GIDlist;
    delete [] PIDlist;
    delete [] LIDlist;

  delete [] MyGlobalElements1;

  // Check RemoteIDList function (assumes all maps are linear, even if not stored that way)

  if (Map.LinearMap()) {

    int * GIDList = new int[3];
    int * PIDList = new int[3];
    int * LIDList = new int[3];
    int MyPID = Map.Comm().MyPID();
    int NumIDs = 0;
    //GIDList[NumIDs++] = Map.MaxAllGID()+1; // Should return -1 for both PID and LID
    if (Map.MinMyGID()-1>=Map.MinAllGID()) GIDList[NumIDs++] = Map.MinMyGID()-1;
    if (Map.MaxMyGID()+1<=Map.MaxAllGID()) GIDList[NumIDs++] = Map.MaxMyGID()+1;

    Map.RemoteIDList(NumIDs, GIDList, PIDList, LIDList);

    NumIDs = 0;


    if (Map.MinMyGID()-1>=Map.MinAllGID()) EPETRA_TEST_ERR(!(PIDList[NumIDs++]==MyPID-1),ierr);
    if (Map.MaxMyGID()+1<=Map.MaxAllGID()) EPETRA_TEST_ERR(!(PIDList[NumIDs]==MyPID+1),ierr);
    if (Map.MaxMyGID()+1<=Map.MaxAllGID()) EPETRA_TEST_ERR(!(LIDList[NumIDs++]==0),ierr);

    delete [] GIDList;
    delete [] PIDList;
    delete [] LIDList;

  return (ierr);
Exemplo n.º 2
 int TLowCommunicationMakeColMapAndReindex(int N, const int * rowptr, int * colind_LID, const int_type *colind_GID, const Epetra_Map& domainMap, const int * owningPIDs, bool SortGhostsAssociatedWithEachProcessor, std::vector<int>& RemotePIDs, MapType1 & NewColMap)
  int i,j;

  // Sanity checks
  bool UseLL;
  if(domainMap.GlobalIndicesLongLong()) UseLL=true;
  else if(domainMap.GlobalIndicesInt()) UseLL=false;
  else throw std::runtime_error("LowCommunicationMakeColMapAndReindex: cannot detect int type.");

  // Scan all column indices and sort into two groups: 
  // Local:  those whose GID matches a GID of the domain map on this processor and
  // Remote: All others.
  int numDomainElements = domainMap.NumMyElements();
  bool * LocalGIDs  = 0;
  if (numDomainElements>0) LocalGIDs  = new bool[numDomainElements];
  for (i=0; i<numDomainElements; i++) LocalGIDs[i] = false; // Assume domain GIDs are not local

  bool DoSizes = !domainMap.ConstantElementSize(); // If not constant element size, then error
  if(DoSizes) throw std::runtime_error("LowCommunicationMakeColMapAndReindex: cannot handle non-constant sized domainMap.");

  // In principle it is good to have RemoteGIDs and RemotGIDList be as long as the number of remote GIDs
  // on this processor, but this would require two passes through the column IDs, so we make it the max of 100
  // and the number of block rows.
  const int numMyBlockRows = N;
  int  hashsize = numMyBlockRows; if (hashsize < 100) hashsize = 100;
  Epetra_HashTable<int_type> RemoteGIDs(hashsize); 
  std::vector<int_type> RemoteGIDList; RemoteGIDList.reserve(hashsize);
  std::vector<int> PIDList;            PIDList.reserve(hashsize);

  // Here we start using the *int* colind array.  If int_type==int this clobbers the GIDs, if
  // int_type==long long, then this is the first use of the colind array.
  // For *local* GID's set colind with with their LID in the domainMap.  For *remote* GIDs, 
  // we set colind with (numDomainElements+NumRemoteColGIDs) before the increment of
  // the remote count.  These numberings will be separate because no local LID is greater 
  // than numDomainElements. 

  int NumLocalColGIDs = 0;
  int NumRemoteColGIDs = 0;
  for(i = 0; i < numMyBlockRows; i++) {
    for(j = rowptr[i]; j < rowptr[i+1]; j++) {
      int_type GID = colind_GID[j];
      // Check if GID matches a row GID
      int LID = domainMap.LID(GID);
      if(LID != -1) {
	bool alreadyFound = LocalGIDs[LID];
	if (!alreadyFound) {
          LocalGIDs[LID] = true; // There is a column in the graph associated with this domain map GID
	colind_LID[j] = LID; 
      else {
	int_type hash_value=RemoteGIDs.Get(GID);
	if(hash_value  == -1) { // This means its a new remote GID
	  int PID = owningPIDs[j];
	  if(PID==-1) throw std::runtime_error("LowCommunicationMakeColMapAndReindex: Cannot figure out if PID is owned.");
	  colind_LID[j] = numDomainElements + NumRemoteColGIDs;
	  RemoteGIDs.Add(GID, NumRemoteColGIDs);
	  colind_LID[j] = numDomainElements + hash_value;	  

  // Possible short-circuit:  If all domain map GIDs are present as column indices, then set ColMap=domainMap and quit
  if (domainMap.Comm().NumProc()==1) { 
    if (NumRemoteColGIDs!=0) {
      throw std::runtime_error("Some column IDs are not in domainMap.  If matrix is rectangular, you must pass in a domainMap"); 
      // Sanity test: When one processor,there can be no remoteGIDs
    if (NumLocalColGIDs==numDomainElements) {
      if (LocalGIDs!=0) delete [] LocalGIDs; 
      // In this case, we just use the domainMap's indices, which is, not coincidently, what we clobbered colind with up above anyway. 
      // No further reindexing is needed.
      NewColMap = domainMap;
      return 0;
  // Now build integer array containing column GIDs
  // Build back end, containing remote GIDs, first
  int numMyBlockCols = NumLocalColGIDs + NumRemoteColGIDs;
  std::vector<int_type> ColIndices;
  int_type * RemoteColIndices=0;
  if(numMyBlockCols > 0) {
    if(NumLocalColGIDs!=numMyBlockCols) RemoteColIndices = &ColIndices[NumLocalColGIDs]; // Points to back end of ColIndices
    else RemoteColIndices=0;

  for(i = 0; i < NumRemoteColGIDs; i++) 
    RemoteColIndices[i] = RemoteGIDList[i]; 

  // Build permute array for *remote* reindexing.
  std::vector<int> RemotePermuteIDs(NumRemoteColGIDs);
  for(i=0; i<NumRemoteColGIDs; i++) RemotePermuteIDs[i]=i;

  // Sort External column indices so that all columns coming from a given remote processor are contiguous
  int NumListsInt=0;
  int NumListsLL =0;
  int * IntSortLists[2];
  long long * LLSortLists[2];
  int * RemotePermuteIDs_ptr = RemotePermuteIDs.size() ? &RemotePermuteIDs[0] : 0;
  if(!UseLL) {
    // int version
    IntSortLists[0] = (int*) RemoteColIndices;
    IntSortLists[1] = RemotePermuteIDs_ptr;
  else {
    //LL version
    LLSortLists[0]  = (long long*) RemoteColIndices;
    IntSortLists[0] = RemotePermuteIDs_ptr;
    NumListsInt     = NumListsLL = 1;

  int * PIDList_ptr = PIDList.size() ? &PIDList[0] : 0;
  Epetra_Util::Sort(true, NumRemoteColGIDs, PIDList_ptr, 0, 0, NumListsInt, IntSortLists,NumListsLL,LLSortLists);

  // Stash the RemotePIDs  
  RemotePIDs = PIDList;

  if (SortGhostsAssociatedWithEachProcessor) {
    // Sort external column indices so that columns from a given remote processor are not only contiguous
    // but also in ascending order. NOTE: I don't know if the number of externals associated
    // with a given remote processor is known at this point ... so I count them here.

    // NTS: Only sort the RemoteColIndices this time...
    int StartCurrent, StartNext;
    StartCurrent = 0; StartNext = 1;
    while ( StartNext < NumRemoteColGIDs ) {
      if (PIDList[StartNext]==PIDList[StartNext-1]) StartNext++;
      else {
	IntSortLists[0] =  &RemotePermuteIDs[StartCurrent];
	Epetra_Util::Sort(true,StartNext-StartCurrent, &(RemoteColIndices[StartCurrent]),0,0,1,IntSortLists,0,0);
        StartCurrent = StartNext; StartNext++;
    IntSortLists[0] =  &RemotePermuteIDs[StartCurrent];
    Epetra_Util::Sort(true, StartNext-StartCurrent, &(RemoteColIndices[StartCurrent]), 0, 0, 1,IntSortLists,0,0);

  // Reverse the permutation to get the information we actually care about
  std::vector<int> ReverseRemotePermuteIDs(NumRemoteColGIDs);
  for(i=0; i<NumRemoteColGIDs; i++) ReverseRemotePermuteIDs[RemotePermuteIDs[i]]=i;

  // Build permute array for *local* reindexing.
  bool use_local_permute=false;
  std::vector<int> LocalPermuteIDs(numDomainElements);

  // Now fill front end. Two cases:
  // (1) If the number of Local column GIDs is the same as the number of Local domain GIDs, we
  //     can simply read the domain GIDs into the front part of ColIndices, otherwise 
  // (2) We step through the GIDs of the domainMap, checking to see if each domain GID is a column GID.
  //     we want to do this to maintain a consistent ordering of GIDs between the columns and the domain.

  if(NumLocalColGIDs == domainMap.NumMyElements()) {
    if(NumLocalColGIDs > 0) {
      domainMap.MyGlobalElements(&ColIndices[0]); // Load Global Indices into first numMyBlockCols elements column GID list
  else {
    int_type* MyGlobalElements = 0;

    int* ElementSizeList = 0;
      ElementSizeList = domainMap.ElementSizeList();
    int NumLocalAgain = 0;
    use_local_permute = true;    
    for(i = 0; i < numDomainElements; i++) {
      if(LocalGIDs[i]) {
	LocalPermuteIDs[i] = NumLocalAgain;
	ColIndices[NumLocalAgain++] = MyGlobalElements[i];
    assert(NumLocalAgain==NumLocalColGIDs); // Sanity test

  // Done with this array
  if (LocalGIDs!=0) delete [] LocalGIDs; 

  // Make Column map with same element sizes as Domain map 
  int_type * ColIndices_ptr  = ColIndices.size() ? &ColIndices[0] : 0;
  MapType2 temp((int_type)(-1), numMyBlockCols, ColIndices_ptr, (int_type)domainMap.IndexBase64(), domainMap.Comm());
  NewColMap = temp;

  // Low-cost reindex of the matrix
  for(i=0; i<numMyBlockRows; i++){
    for(j=rowptr[i]; j<rowptr[i+1]; j++){
      int ID=colind_LID[j];
      if(ID < numDomainElements){
	if(use_local_permute) colind_LID[j] = LocalPermuteIDs[colind_LID[j]];
	// In the case where use_local_permute==false, we just copy the DomainMap's ordering, which it so happens
	// is what we put in colind to begin with.
	colind_LID[j] =  NumLocalColGIDs + ReverseRemotePermuteIDs[colind_LID[j]-numDomainElements];
  return 0;