Exemplo n.º 1
**  Called each frame to handle mouse timeouts.
**  @param callbacks  Callback structure for events.
**  @param ticks      Denotes time-stamp of video-system
void InputMouseTimeout(const EventCallback &callbacks, unsigned ticks)
	if (MouseButtons & (1 << LastMouseButton)) {
		if (ticks > StartMouseTicks + DoubleClickDelay) {
			MouseState = InitialMouseState;
		if (ticks > LastMouseTicks + HoldClickDelay) {
			LastMouseTicks = ticks;
			MouseButtons |= (1 << LastMouseButton) << MouseHoldShift;
			callbacks.ButtonPressed(LastMouseButton | (LastMouseButton << MouseHoldShift));
Exemplo n.º 2
**  Called if any mouse button is pressed down
**  Handles event conversion to double click, dragging, hold.
**  FIXME: dragging is not supported.
**  @param callbacks  Callback structure for events.
**  @param ticks      Denotes time-stamp of video-system
**  @param button     Mouse button pressed.
void InputMouseButtonPress(const EventCallback &callbacks,
						   unsigned ticks, unsigned button)
	//  Button new pressed.
	if (!(MouseButtons & (1 << button))) {
		MouseButtons |= (1 << button);
		//  Detect double click
		if (MouseState == ClickedMouseState && button == LastMouseButton
			&& ticks < StartMouseTicks + DoubleClickDelay) {
			MouseButtons |= (1 << button) << MouseDoubleShift;
			button |= button << MouseDoubleShift;
		} else {
			MouseState = InitialMouseState;
			StartMouseTicks = ticks;
			LastMouseButton = button;
	LastMouseTicks = ticks;
