Exemplo n.º 1
	// /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
	// /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
	bool EventManager::VAddListener(EventListenerPtr const &inListener, EventType const & inType)
		if ( ! VValidateType( inType ) )
			return false;

		// check / update type list
		EventTypeSet::iterator evIt = m_typeList.find( inType );

		// find listener map entry, create one if no table already
		// exists for this entry ...

		EventListenerMap::iterator elmIt =
			m_registry.find( inType.getHashValue() );

		if ( elmIt == m_registry.end() )
			EventListenerMapIRes elmIRes = m_registry.insert(
				EventListenerMapEnt( inType.getHashValue(),
									  EventListenerTable() ) );

			// whoops, could not insert into map!?!?
			if ( elmIRes.second == false )
				return false;

			// should not be possible, how did we insert and create
			// an empty table!?!?!
			if ( elmIRes.first == m_registry.end() )
				return false;

			// store it so we can update the mapped list next ...
			elmIt = elmIRes.first;

		// update the mapped list of listeners, walk the existing
		// list (if any entries) to prevent duplicate addition of
		// listeners. This is a bit more costly at registration time
		// but will prevent the hard-to-notice duplicate event
		// propogation sequences that would happen if double-entries
		// were allowed.

		// note: use reference to make following code more simple
		EventListenerTable & evlTable = (*elmIt).second;
		for ( EventListenerTable::iterator it = evlTable.begin(),
				  itEnd = evlTable.end(); it != itEnd ; it++ )
			bool bListenerMatch = ( *it == inListener );

			if ( bListenerMatch )
				return false;

		// okay, event type validated, event listener validated,
		// event listener not already in map, add it

		evlTable.push_back( inListener );

		return true;
Exemplo n.º 2
	// /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
	// /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
	EventListenerList EventManager::GetListenerList(EventType const &eventType) const
		// invalid event type, so sad
		if ( ! VValidateType( eventType ) )
			return EventListenerList();

		EventListenerMap::const_iterator itListeners =
			m_registry.find( eventType.getHashValue() );

		// no listerners currently for this event type, so sad
		if ( itListeners == m_registry.end() )
			return EventListenerList();

		EventListenerTable const & table = itListeners->second;

		// there was, but is not now, any listerners currently for
		// this event type, so sad
		if ( table.size() == 0 )
			return EventListenerList();

		EventListenerList result;

		result.reserve( table.size() );
		for ( EventListenerTable::const_iterator it = table.begin(),
				  end = table.end(); it != end ; it++ )
			result.push_back( *it );

		return result;
Exemplo n.º 3
// EventManager::VValidateType			- Chapter 10, page 299
// Validate an event type, this does NOT add it to the internal
// registry, only verifies that it is legal ( e.g. either the
// ident number is not yet assigned, or it is assigned to
// matching signature text, and the signature text is not empty
// ).
bool cEventManager::VValidateType(
	EventType const & inType ) const{
	if ( 0 == inType.getStr().length() )
		return false;
	if ( ( inType.getHashValue() == 0 ) &&
		(strcmp(inType.getStr().c_str(),kpWildcardEventType) != 0) )
		return false;
	EventTypeSet::const_iterator evIt =
		m_typeList.find( inType );
	if ( evIt == m_typeList.end() ){
		printf("Event Failed validation: not registered with the EventManager!\n");
		return false;

	return true;
Exemplo n.º 4
	// /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
	// /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
	bool EventManager::VValidateType(EventType const &inType) const
		if ( 0 == inType.getStr().length() )
			return false;

		if ( ( inType.getHashValue() == 0 ) &&
			(strcmp(inType.getStr().c_str(),kpWildcardEventType) != 0) )
			return false;

		EventTypeSet::const_iterator evIt =
			m_typeList.find( inType );

		if ( evIt == m_typeList.end() )
			assert( 0 && "Failed validation of an event type; it was probably not registered with the EventManager!" );
			return false;
		return true;
Exemplo n.º 5
// EventManager::VAbortEvent			- Chapter 10, page 295
// Find the next-available instance of the named event type and
// remove it from the processing queue.
// This may be done up to the point that it is actively being
// processed ...  e.g.: is safe to happen during event processing
// itself.
// returns true if the event was found and removed, false
// otherwise
bool EventManager::VAbortEvent ( EventType const & inType,
											bool allOfType )
	assert ( m_activeQueue >= 0 );
	assert ( m_activeQueue < kNumQueues );

	if ( ! VValidateType( inType ) )
		return false;

	EventListenerMap::iterator it = m_registry.find( inType.getHashValue() );

	if ( it == m_registry.end() )
		return false; // no listeners for this event, skipit

	bool rc = false;

	// See a good discussion on this code here:
	// http://www.mcshaffry.com/GameCode/thread.php?threadid=517&sid=

	EventQueue &evtQueue = m_queues[m_activeQueue];

	for ( EventQueue::iterator it = evtQueue.begin(),
			  itEnd = evtQueue.end(); it != itEnd; it++ )
		if ( (*it)->VGetEventType() == inType )
			it = evtQueue.erase(it);
			rc = true;
			if ( !allOfType )

	return rc;