Exemplo n.º 1
bool FBuildPatchAppManifest::SaveToFile(const FString& Filename, bool bUseBinary)
	bool bSuccess = false;
	FArchive* FileOut = IFileManager::Get().CreateFileWriter(*Filename);
	if (FileOut)
		if (bUseBinary)
			Data->ManifestFileVersion = EBuildPatchAppManifestVersion::GetLatestVersion();
			FManifestWriter ManifestData;
			if (!ManifestData.IsError())
				int32 DataSize = ManifestData.TotalSize();
				TArray<uint8> TempCompressed;
				int32 CompressedSize = DataSize;
				bool bDataIsCompressed = FCompression::CompressMemory(
					static_cast<ECompressionFlags>(COMPRESS_ZLIB | COMPRESS_BiasMemory),

				TArray<uint8>& FileData = bDataIsCompressed ? TempCompressed : ManifestData.GetBytes();

				FManifestFileHeader Header;
				*FileOut << Header;
				Header.HeaderSize = FileOut->Tell();
				Header.StoredAs = bDataIsCompressed ? EManifestFileHeader::STORED_COMPRESSED : EManifestFileHeader::STORED_RAW;
				Header.DataSize = DataSize;
				Header.CompressedSize = bDataIsCompressed ? CompressedSize : 0;
				FSHA1::HashBuffer(FileData.GetData(), FileData.Num(), Header.SHAHash.Hash);

				*FileOut << Header;

				FileOut->Serialize(FileData.GetData(), FileData.Num());
				bSuccess = !FileOut->IsError();
			Data->ManifestFileVersion = EBuildPatchAppManifestVersion::GetLatestJsonVersion();
			FString JSONOutput;
			FTCHARToUTF8 JsonUTF8(*JSONOutput);
			FileOut->Serialize((UTF8CHAR*)JsonUTF8.Get(), JsonUTF8.Length() * sizeof(UTF8CHAR));
		delete FileOut;
		FileOut = nullptr;

	return bSuccess;
Exemplo n.º 2
void SkipLazyArray(FArchive &Ar)
	int pos;
	Ar << pos;
	assert(Ar.Tell() < pos);
Exemplo n.º 3
static byte *FindBioTexture(const UTexture *Tex)
	int needSize = Tex->CachedBulkDataSize & 0xFFFFFFFF;
	appPrintf("Search for ... %s (size=%X)\n", Tex->Name, needSize);
	for (int i = 0; i < bioCatalog.Num(); i++)
		BioBulkCatalog &Cat = bioCatalog[i];
		for (int j = 0; j < Cat.Files.Num(); j++)
			const BioBulkCatalogFile &File = Cat.Files[j];
			for (int k = 0; k < File.Items.Num(); k++)
				const BioBulkCatalogItem &Item = File.Items[k];
				if (!strcmp(Tex->Name, Item.ObjectName))
					if (abs(needSize - Item.DataSize) > 0x4000)		// differs in 16k
						appPrintf("... Found %s in %s with wrong BulkDataSize %X (need %X)\n", Tex->Name, *File.Filename, Item.DataSize, needSize);
					appPrintf("... Found %s in %s at %X size %X (%dx%d fmt=%d bpp=%g strip:%d mips:%d)\n", Tex->Name, *File.Filename, Item.DataOffset, Item.DataSize,
						Tex->USize, Tex->VSize, Tex->Format, (float)Item.DataSize / (Tex->USize * Tex->VSize),
						Tex->HasBeenStripped, Tex->StrippedNumMips);
					// found
					const CGameFileInfo *bulkFile = appFindGameFile(File.Filename);
					if (!bulkFile)
						// no bulk file
						appPrintf("Decompressing %s: %s is missing\n", Tex->Name, *File.Filename);
						return NULL;

					appPrintf("Reading %s mip level %d (%dx%d) from %s\n", Tex->Name, 0, Tex->USize, Tex->VSize, bulkFile->RelativeName);
					FArchive *Reader = appCreateFileReader(bulkFile);
					byte *buf = (byte*)appMalloc(max(Item.DataSize, needSize));
					Reader->Serialize(buf, Item.DataSize);
					delete Reader;
					return buf;
	appPrintf("... Bulk for %s was not found\n", Tex->Name);
	return NULL;
Exemplo n.º 4
void FShaderCache::Save(FArchive& Ar, const map<FGuid, FShader*>& InShaders)
	Ar << m_nPlatform;

	// serialize the global shader crc
	UINT NumShaderBuilderCRC = m_mapShaderBuilderCRC.size();
	Ar << NumShaderBuilderCRC;
	map<FShaderBuilder*, DWORD>::iterator it;
	for( it = m_mapShaderBuilderCRC.begin(); it != m_mapShaderBuilderCRC.end(); ++it )
		FShaderBuilder* ShaderBuilder = it->first;
		Ar << ShaderBuilder;
		Ar << it->second;

	// serialize the global shaders
	UINT NumShaders = InShaders.size();
	Ar << NumShaders;
	for( map<FGuid, FShader*>::const_iterator it = InShaders.begin(); it != InShaders.end(); ++it )
		FShader* Shader = it->second;

		// shader builder的序列化,在加载时可用于检测此类型的shader是否仍存在
		FShaderBuilder* ShaderBuilder = Shader->GetShaderBuilder();
		FGuid ShaderId = Shader->GetId();
		Ar << ShaderBuilder << ShaderId;

		// 占个位先。。。应该记录序列化此shader的结束位置
		INT SkipOffset = Ar.Tell();
		Ar << SkipOffset;


		INT EndOffset = Ar.Tell();
		Ar.Seek(SkipOffset);		// 定位回之前位置
		Ar << EndOffset;			// 记录此shader的结束位置
		Ar.Seek(EndOffset);			// 定位结束位置,继续下一个shader的序列化
Exemplo n.º 5
bool UncompressCopyFile(FArchive& Dest, FArchive& Source, const FPakEntry& Entry, uint8*& PersistentBuffer, int64& BufferSize)
	if (Entry.UncompressedSize == 0)
		return false;

	int64 WorkingSize = Entry.CompressionBlockSize;
	int32 MaxCompressionBlockSize = FCompression::CompressMemoryBound((ECompressionFlags)Entry.CompressionMethod, WorkingSize);
	WorkingSize += MaxCompressionBlockSize;
	if (BufferSize < WorkingSize)
		PersistentBuffer = (uint8*)FMemory::Realloc(PersistentBuffer, WorkingSize);
		BufferSize = WorkingSize;

	uint8* UncompressedBuffer = PersistentBuffer+MaxCompressionBlockSize;

	for (uint32 BlockIndex=0, BlockIndexNum=Entry.CompressionBlocks.Num(); BlockIndex < BlockIndexNum; ++BlockIndex)
		uint32 CompressedBlockSize = Entry.CompressionBlocks[BlockIndex].CompressedEnd - Entry.CompressionBlocks[BlockIndex].CompressedStart;
		uint32 UncompressedBlockSize = (uint32)FMath::Min<int64>(Entry.UncompressedSize - Entry.CompressionBlockSize*BlockIndex, Entry.CompressionBlockSize);
		uint32 SizeToRead = Entry.bEncrypted ? Align(CompressedBlockSize, FAES::AESBlockSize) : CompressedBlockSize;
		Source.Serialize(PersistentBuffer, SizeToRead);

		if (Entry.bEncrypted)
			FAES::DecryptData(PersistentBuffer, SizeToRead);

			return false;

	return true;
Exemplo n.º 6
static void ReadTimeArray(FArchive &Ar, int NumKeys, TArray<float> &Times, int NumFrames)

	if (NumKeys <= 1) return;

//	appPrintf("  pos=%4X keys (max=%X)[ ", Ar.Tell(), NumFrames);
	if (NumFrames < 256)
		for (int k = 0; k < NumKeys; k++)
			uint8 v;
			Ar << v;
//			if (k < 4 || k > NumKeys - 5) appPrintf(" %02X ", v);
//			else if (k == 4) appPrintf("...");
		for (int k = 0; k < NumKeys; k++)
			uint16 v;
			Ar << v;
//			if (k < 4 || k > NumKeys - 5) appPrintf(" %04X ", v);
//			else if (k == 4) appPrintf("...");
//	appPrintf(" ]\n");

	// align to 4 bytes
	Ar.Seek(Align(Ar.Tell(), 4));

Exemplo n.º 7
bool FStructScriptLoader::LoadStructWithScript(UStruct* DestScriptContainer, FArchive& Ar, bool bAllowDeferredSerialization)
	if (!Ar.IsLoading() || !IsPrimed() || GIsDuplicatingClassForReinstancing)
		return false;

	bool const bIsLinkerLoader = Ar.IsPersistent() && (Ar.GetLinker() != nullptr);
	int32 const ScriptEndOffset = ScriptSerializationOffset + SerializedScriptSize;

	// to help us move development forward (and not have to support ancient 
	// script code), we define a minimum script version
	bool bSkipScriptSerialization = (Ar.UE4Ver() < VER_MIN_SCRIPTVM_UE4) || (Ar.LicenseeUE4Ver() < VER_MIN_SCRIPTVM_LICENSEEUE4);
	static const FBoolConfigValueHelper SkipByteCodeHelper(TEXT("StructSerialization"), TEXT("SkipByteCodeSerialization"));
	// in editor builds, we're going to regenerate the bytecode anyways, so it
	// is a waste of cycles to try and serialize it in
	bSkipScriptSerialization |= (bool)SkipByteCodeHelper;
#endif // WITH_EDITOR
	bSkipScriptSerialization &= bIsLinkerLoader; // to keep consistent with old UStruct::Serialize() functionality

	if (bSkipScriptSerialization)
		int32 TrackedBufferSize = BytecodeBufferSize;
		BytecodeBufferSize = 0; // temporarily clear so that ClearScriptCode() doesn't leave Class->Script with anything allocated
		BytecodeBufferSize = TrackedBufferSize;

		// we have to at least move the archiver forward, so it is positioned 
		// where it expects to be (as if we read in the script)
		return false;

	bAllowDeferredSerialization &= bIsLinkerLoader;
	if (bAllowDeferredSerialization && ShouldDeferScriptSerialization(Ar))
		ULinkerLoad* Linker = CastChecked<ULinkerLoad>(Ar.GetLinker());
		FDeferredScriptTracker::Get().AddDeferredScriptObject(Linker, DestScriptContainer, *this);

		// we have to at least move the archiver forward, so it is positioned 
		// where it expects to be (as if we read in the script)
		return false;

	if (bIsLinkerLoader)
		ULinkerLoad* LinkerLoad = CastChecked<ULinkerLoad>(Ar.GetLinker());

		TArray<uint8> ShaScriptBuffer;

		Ar.Serialize(ShaScriptBuffer.GetData(), SerializedScriptSize);
		ensure(ScriptEndOffset == Ar.Tell());



	int32 BytecodeIndex = 0;
	while (BytecodeIndex < BytecodeBufferSize)
		DestScriptContainer->SerializeExpr(BytecodeIndex, Ar);
	ensure(ScriptEndOffset == Ar.Tell());
	checkf(BytecodeIndex == BytecodeBufferSize, TEXT("'%s' script expression-count mismatch; Expected: %i, Got: %i"), *DestScriptContainer->GetName(), BytecodeBufferSize, BytecodeIndex);

	if (!GUObjectArray.IsDisregardForGC(DestScriptContainer))
		FArchiveScriptReferenceCollector ObjRefCollector(DestScriptContainer->ScriptObjectReferences);

		BytecodeIndex = 0;
		while (BytecodeIndex < BytecodeBufferSize)
			DestScriptContainer->SerializeExpr(BytecodeIndex, ObjRefCollector);

	// success! (we filled the target with serialized script code)
	return true;
Exemplo n.º 8
void UTexture::Serialize(FArchive &Ar)
	TRIBES_HDR(Ar, 0x2E);
	if (Ar.Game == GAME_Bioshock && t3_hdrSV >= 1)
		Ar << CachedBulkDataSize;
	if (Ar.Game == GAME_Bioshock && Format == 12)	// remap format; note: Bioshock used 3DC name, but real format is DXT5N
		Format = TEXF_DXT5N;
#endif // BIOSHOCK
#if SWRC
	if (Ar.Game == GAME_RepCommando)
		if (Format == 14) Format = TEXF_CxV8U8;		//?? not verified
#endif // SWRC
	if (Ar.Game == GAME_Vanguard && Ar.ArVer >= 128 && Ar.ArLicenseeVer >= 25)
		// has some table for fast mipmap lookups
		Ar.Seek(Ar.Tell() + 142);	// skip that table
		// serialize mips using AR_INDEX count (this game uses int for array counts in all other places)
		int Count;
		Ar << AR_INDEX(Count);
		for (int i = 0; i < Count; i++)
			Ar << Mips[i];
#endif // VANGUARD
#if AA2
	if (Ar.Game == GAME_AA2 && Ar.ArLicenseeVer >= 8)
		int unk;		// always 10619
		Ar << unk;
#endif // AA2
	Ar << Mips;
	if (Ar.Engine() == GAME_UE1)
		// UE1
		bMasked = false;			// ignored by UE1, used surface.PolyFlags instead (but UE2 ignores PolyFlags ...)
		if (bHasComp)				// skip compressed mipmaps
			TArray<FMipmap>	CompMips;
			Ar << CompMips;
#if XIII
	if (Ar.Game == GAME_XIII)
		if (Ar.ArLicenseeVer >= 42)
			// serialize palette
			if (Format == TEXF_P8 || Format == 13)	// 13 == TEXF_P4
				Palette = new UPalette;
				Ar << Palette->Colors;
		if (Ar.ArLicenseeVer >= 55)
			Ar.Seek(Ar.Tell() + 3);
#endif // XIII
	if (Ar.Game == GAME_Exteel)
		// note: this property is serialized as UObject's property too
		byte MaterialType;			// enum GFMaterialType
		Ar << MaterialType;
#endif // EXTEEL
Exemplo n.º 9
static bool ReadXprFile(const CGameFileInfo *file)

	FArchive *Ar = appCreateFileReader(file);

	int Tag, FileLen, DataStart, DataCount;
	*Ar << Tag << FileLen << DataStart << DataCount;
	//?? "XPR0" - xpr variant with a single object (texture) inside
	if (Tag != BYTES4('X','P','R','1'))
		appPrintf("Unknown XPR tag in %s\n", file->RelativeName);
		delete Ar;
		return true;
	appPrintf("Scanning %s ...\n", file->RelativeName);

	XprInfo *Info = new(xprFiles) XprInfo;
	Info->File      = file;
	Info->DataStart = DataStart;
	// read filelist
	int i;
	for (i = 0; i < DataCount; i++)
		int NameOffset, DataOffset;
		*Ar << NameOffset << DataOffset;
		int savePos = Ar->Tell();
		Ar->Seek(NameOffset + 12);
		// read name
		char c, buf[256];
		int n = 0;
		while (true)
			*Ar << c;
			if (n < ARRAY_COUNT(buf))
				buf[n++] = c;
			if (!c) break;
		buf[ARRAY_COUNT(buf)-1] = 0;			// just in case
		// create item
		XprEntry *Entry = new(Info->Items) XprEntry;
		appStrncpyz(Entry->Name, buf, ARRAY_COUNT(Entry->Name));
		Entry->DataOffset = DataOffset + 12;
		assert(Entry->DataOffset < DataStart);
		// seek back
		// setup size of previous item
		if (i >= 1)
			XprEntry *PrevEntry = &Info->Items[i - 1];
			PrevEntry->DataSize = Entry->DataOffset - PrevEntry->DataOffset;
		// setup size of the last item
		if (i == DataCount - 1)
			Entry->DataSize = DataStart - Entry->DataOffset;
	// scan data
	// data block is either embedded in this block or followed after DataStart position
	for (i = 0; i < DataCount; i++)
		XprEntry *Entry = &Info->Items[i];
//		appPrintf("  %08X [%08X]  %s\n", Entry->DataOffset, Entry->DataSize, Entry->Name);
		int id;
		*Ar << id;
		switch (id)
		case 0x80020001:
			// header is 4 dwords + immediately followed data
			Entry->DataOffset += 4 * 4;
			Entry->DataSize   -= 4 * 4;

		case 0x00040001:
			// header is 5 dwords + external data
				int pos;
				*Ar << pos;
				Entry->DataOffset = DataStart + pos;

		case 0x00020001:
			// header is 4 dwords + external data
				int d1, d2, pos;
				*Ar << d1 << d2 << pos;
				Entry->DataOffset = DataStart + pos;

			// header is 2 dwords - offset and size + external data
				int pos;
				*Ar << pos;
				Entry->DataOffset = DataStart + pos;
	// setup sizes of blocks placed after DataStart (not embedded into file list)
	for (i = 0; i < DataCount; i++)
		XprEntry *Entry = &Info->Items[i];
		if (Entry->DataOffset < DataStart) continue; // embedded data
		// Entry points to a data block placed after DataStart position
		// we should find a next block
		int NextPos = FileLen;
		for (int j = i + 1; j < DataCount; j++)
			XprEntry *NextEntry = &Info->Items[j];
			if (NextEntry->DataOffset < DataStart) continue; // embedded data
			NextPos = NextEntry->DataOffset;
		Entry->DataSize = NextPos - Entry->DataOffset;
	for (i = 0; i < DataCount; i++)
		XprEntry *Entry = &Info->Items[i];
		appPrintf("  %3d %08X [%08X] .. %08X  %s\n", i, Entry->DataOffset, Entry->DataSize, Entry->DataOffset + Entry->DataSize, Entry->Name);

	delete Ar;
	return true;

	unguardf("%s", file->RelativeName);
Exemplo n.º 10
* Serialize function used to serialize this bulk data structure.
* @param Ar	Archive to serialize with
* @param Owner	Object owning the bulk data
* @param Idx	Index of bulk data item being serialized
void FUntypedBulkData::Serialize( FArchive& Ar, UObject* Owner, int32 Idx )
	check( LockStatus == LOCKSTATUS_Unlocked );

		// Special case for transacting bulk data arrays.

		// constructing the object during load will save it to the transaction buffer. If it tries to load the bulk data now it will try to break it.
		bool bActuallySave = Ar.IsSaving() && (!Owner || !Owner->HasAnyFlags(RF_NeedLoad));

		Ar << bActuallySave;

		if (bActuallySave)
				// Flags for bulk data.
				Ar << BulkDataFlags;
				// Number of elements in array.
				Ar << ElementCount;

				// Allocate bulk data.
				BulkData = FMemory::Realloc( BulkData, GetBulkDataSize() );

				// Deserialize bulk data.
				SerializeBulkData( Ar, BulkData );
			else if(Ar.IsSaving())
				// Flags for bulk data.
				Ar << BulkDataFlags;
				// Number of elements in array.
				Ar << ElementCount;

				// Don't attempt to load or serialize BulkData if the current size is 0.
				// This could be a newly constructed BulkData that has not yet been loaded, 
				// and allocating 0 bytes now will cause a crash when we load.
				if (GetBulkDataSize() > 0)
					// Make sure bulk data is loaded.

					// Serialize bulk data.
					SerializeBulkData(Ar, BulkData);
	else if( Ar.IsPersistent() && !Ar.IsObjectReferenceCollector() && !Ar.ShouldSkipBulkData() )
		FThreadSafeBulkDataToObjectMap::Get().Add( this, Owner );
		// Offset where the bulkdata flags are stored
		int64 SavedBulkDataFlagsPos	= Ar.Tell();
		Ar << BulkDataFlags;

		// Number of elements in array.
		Ar << ElementCount;
		// We're loading from the persistent archive.
		if( Ar.IsLoading() )
			Filename = TEXT("");
			// @todo when Landscape (and others?) only Lock/Unlock once, we can enable this
			if (false) // FPlatformProperties::RequiresCookedData())
				// Bulk data that is being serialized via seekfree loading is single use only. This allows us 
				// to free the memory as e.g. the bulk data won't be attached to an archive in the case of
				// seek free loading.
				BulkDataFlags |= BULKDATA_SingleUse;

			// Size on disk, which in the case of compression is != GetBulkDataSize()
			Ar << BulkDataSizeOnDisk;
			Ar << BulkDataOffsetInFile;

			// fix up the file offset 
			if (Owner != NULL && Owner->GetLinker())
				BulkDataOffsetInFile += Owner->GetLinker()->Summary.BulkDataStartOffset;

			// determine whether the payload is stored inline or at the end of the file
			bool bPayloadInline = !(BulkDataFlags&BULKDATA_PayloadAtEndOfFile);

// 			check( (bPayloadInline && BulkDataOffsetInFile == Ar.Tell()) || 
// 				   (!bPayloadInline && BulkDataOffsetInFile > Ar.Tell()));
			// We're allowing defered serialization.
			if( Ar.IsAllowingLazyLoading() && Owner != NULL)
				Linker = Owner->GetLinker();

				Ar.AttachBulkData( Owner, this );
				AttachedAr = &Ar;
				Filename = Linker->Filename;
#endif // WITH_EDITOR
				// only skip over payload, if it's stored inline
				if (bPayloadInline)
					Ar.Seek( Ar.Tell() + BulkDataSizeOnDisk );
			// Serialize the bulk data right away.
				// memory for bulk data can come from preallocated GPU-accessible resource memory or default to system memory
				BulkData = GetBulkDataResourceMemory(Owner,Idx);
				if( !BulkData )
					BulkData = FMemory::Realloc( BulkData, GetBulkDataSize() );
				if (bPayloadInline)
					// if the payload is stored inline, just serialize it
					SerializeBulkData( Ar, BulkData );
					// if the payload is NOT stored inline ...
					// store the current file offset
					int64 CurOffset = Ar.Tell();
					// seek to the location in the file where the payload is stored
					// serialize the payload
					SerializeBulkData( Ar, BulkData );
					// seek to the location we came from
		// We're saving to the persistent archive.
		else if( Ar.IsSaving() )
			// check if we save the package compressed
			UPackage* Pkg = Owner ? dynamic_cast<UPackage*>(Owner->GetOutermost()) : nullptr;
			if (Pkg && !!(Pkg->PackageFlags & PKG_StoreCompressed) )
				ECompressionFlags BaseCompressionMethod = COMPRESS_Default;
				if (Ar.IsCooking())
					BaseCompressionMethod = Ar.CookingTarget()->GetBaseCompressionMethod();


			// Remove single element serialization requirement before saving out bulk data flags.
			BulkDataFlags &= ~BULKDATA_ForceSingleElementSerialization;

			// Make sure bulk data is loaded.
			// Only serialize status information if wanted.
			int64 SavedBulkDataSizeOnDiskPos	= INDEX_NONE;
			int64 SavedBulkDataOffsetInFilePos	= INDEX_NONE;
			// Keep track of position we are going to serialize placeholder BulkDataSizeOnDisk.
			SavedBulkDataSizeOnDiskPos = Ar.Tell();
			BulkDataSizeOnDisk = INDEX_NONE;
			// And serialize the placeholder which is going to be overwritten later.
			Ar << BulkDataSizeOnDisk;

			// Keep track of position we are going to serialize placeholder BulkDataOffsetInFile.
			SavedBulkDataOffsetInFilePos = Ar.Tell();
			BulkDataOffsetInFile = INDEX_NONE;
			// And serialize the placeholder which is going to be overwritten later.
			Ar << BulkDataOffsetInFile;

				// try to get the linkersave object
			ULinkerSave* LinkerSave = dynamic_cast<ULinkerSave*>(Ar.GetLinker());

			// determine whether we are going to store the payload inline or not.
			bool bStoreInline = !!(BulkDataFlags&BULKDATA_ForceInlinePayload) || LinkerSave == NULL;

			if (!bStoreInline)
				// set the flag indicating where the payload is stored
				BulkDataFlags |= BULKDATA_PayloadAtEndOfFile;

				// with no LinkerSave we have to store the data inline
				check(LinkerSave != NULL);				
				// add the bulkdata storage info object to the linkersave
				int32 Index = LinkerSave->BulkDataToAppend.AddZeroed(1);
				ULinkerSave::FBulkDataStorageInfo& BulkStore = LinkerSave->BulkDataToAppend[Index];

				BulkStore.BulkDataOffsetInFilePos = SavedBulkDataOffsetInFilePos;
				BulkStore.BulkDataSizeOnDiskPos = SavedBulkDataSizeOnDiskPos;
				BulkStore.BulkData = this;
				// Serialize bulk data into the storage info
				BulkDataSizeOnDisk = -1;
				// set the flag indicating where the payload is stored
				BulkDataFlags &= ~BULKDATA_PayloadAtEndOfFile;

				int64 SavedBulkDataStartPos = Ar.Tell();

				// Serialize bulk data.
				SerializeBulkData( Ar, BulkData );
				// store the payload endpos
				int64 SavedBulkDataEndPos = Ar.Tell();

				checkf(SavedBulkDataStartPos >= 0 && SavedBulkDataEndPos >= 0,
					   TEXT("Bad archive positions for bulkdata. StartPos=%d EndPos=%d"),
					   SavedBulkDataStartPos, SavedBulkDataEndPos);

				BulkDataSizeOnDisk		= SavedBulkDataEndPos - SavedBulkDataStartPos;
				BulkDataOffsetInFile	= SavedBulkDataStartPos;

			// store current file offset before seeking back
			int64 CurrentFileOffset = Ar.Tell();

			// Seek back and overwrite the flags 
			Ar << BulkDataFlags;

			// Seek back and overwrite placeholder for BulkDataSizeOnDisk
			Ar.Seek( SavedBulkDataSizeOnDiskPos );
			Ar << BulkDataSizeOnDisk;

			// Seek back and overwrite placeholder for BulkDataOffsetInFile
			Ar.Seek( SavedBulkDataOffsetInFilePos );
			Ar << BulkDataOffsetInFile;

			// Seek to the end of written data so we don't clobber any data in subsequent write 
			// operations
	void Serialize(int64 DesiredPosition, void* V, int64 Length)
		const int32 CompressionBlockSize = PakEntry.CompressionBlockSize;
		uint32 CompressionBlockIndex = DesiredPosition / CompressionBlockSize;
		uint8* WorkingBuffers[2];
		int64 DirectCopyStart = DesiredPosition % PakEntry.CompressionBlockSize;
		FAsyncTask<FPakUncompressTask> UncompressTask;
		FCompressionScratchBuffers& ScratchSpace = FCompressionScratchBuffers::Get();
		bool bStartedUncompress = false;

		int64 WorkingBufferRequiredSize = FCompression::CompressMemoryBound((ECompressionFlags)PakEntry.CompressionMethod,CompressionBlockSize);
		WorkingBufferRequiredSize = EncryptionPolicy::AlignReadRequest(WorkingBufferRequiredSize);
		ScratchSpace.EnsureBufferSpace(CompressionBlockSize, WorkingBufferRequiredSize*2);
		WorkingBuffers[0] = ScratchSpace.ScratchBuffer;
		WorkingBuffers[1] = ScratchSpace.ScratchBuffer + WorkingBufferRequiredSize;

		while (Length > 0)
			const FPakCompressedBlock& Block = PakEntry.CompressionBlocks[CompressionBlockIndex];
			int64 Pos = CompressionBlockIndex * CompressionBlockSize;
			int64 CompressedBlockSize = Block.CompressedEnd-Block.CompressedStart;
			int64 UncompressedBlockSize = FMath::Min<int64>(PakEntry.UncompressedSize-Pos, PakEntry.CompressionBlockSize);
			int64 ReadSize = EncryptionPolicy::AlignReadRequest(CompressedBlockSize);
			int64 WriteSize = FMath::Min<int64>(UncompressedBlockSize - DirectCopyStart, Length);
			PakReader->Serialize(WorkingBuffers[CompressionBlockIndex & 1],ReadSize);
			if (bStartedUncompress)
				bStartedUncompress = false;

			FPakUncompressTask& TaskDetails = UncompressTask.GetTask();
			if (DirectCopyStart == 0 && Length >= CompressionBlockSize)
				// Block can be decompressed directly into output buffer
				TaskDetails.Flags = (ECompressionFlags)PakEntry.CompressionMethod;
				TaskDetails.UncompressedBuffer = (uint8*)V;
				TaskDetails.UncompressedSize = UncompressedBlockSize;
				TaskDetails.CompressedBuffer = WorkingBuffers[CompressionBlockIndex & 1];
				TaskDetails.CompressedSize = CompressedBlockSize;
				TaskDetails.CopyOut = nullptr;
				// Block needs to be copied from a working buffer
				TaskDetails.Flags = (ECompressionFlags)PakEntry.CompressionMethod;
				TaskDetails.UncompressedBuffer = (uint8*)ScratchSpace.TempBuffer;
				TaskDetails.UncompressedSize = UncompressedBlockSize;
				TaskDetails.CompressedBuffer = WorkingBuffers[CompressionBlockIndex & 1];
				TaskDetails.CompressedSize = CompressedBlockSize;
				TaskDetails.CopyOut = V;
				TaskDetails.CopyOffset = DirectCopyStart;
				TaskDetails.CopyLength = WriteSize;
			if (Length == WriteSize)
			bStartedUncompress = true;
			V = (void*)((uint8*)V + WriteSize);
			Length -= WriteSize;
			DirectCopyStart = 0;

Exemplo n.º 12
void USetupDefinition::ProcessCopy( FString Key, FString Value, UBOOL Selected, FInstallPoll* Poll )
	BYTE Buffer[4096];
	if( Selected && Key==TEXT("File") )
		// Get source and dest filenames.
		FFileInfo Info(*Value);
		if( Info.Lang==TEXT("") || Info.Lang==UObject::GetLanguage() )
			if( Info.Dest==TEXT("") )
				Info.Dest = Info.Src;
			if( !LocateSourceFile(Info.Src) )
				LocalizedFileError( TEXT("MissingInstallerFile"), Patch ? TEXT("AdviseBadDownload") : TEXT("AdviseBadMedia"), *Info.Src );
			FString FullDest  = DestPath * Info.Dest;
			FString FullSrc   = Info.Ref==TEXT("") ? Info.Src : GetFullRef(*Info.Ref);
			FString FullPatch = FullDest + TEXT("_tmp");

			// Update uninstallation log.
			UninstallLogAdd( TEXT("File"), *Info.Dest, 0, 1 );

			// Make destination directory.
			if( !GFileManager->MakeDirectory( *BasePath(FullDest), 1 ) )
				LocalizedFileError( TEXT("FailedMakeDir"), TEXT("AdviseBadDest"), *FullDest );

			// Status display.
			if( !Poll->Poll(*FullDest,0,0,RunningBytes,TotalBytes) )

			// Copy SrcAr -> DestAr.
			INT CalcOldCRC = 0;
			FString ThisDest = Info.Ref==TEXT("") ? FullDest : FullPatch;
			debugf( TEXT("Copying %s to %s"), *FullSrc, *ThisDest);
			FArchive* SrcAr = GFileManager->CreateFileReader( *FullSrc );
			if( !SrcAr )
				LocalizedFileError( TEXT("FailedOpenSource"), Patch ? TEXT("AdviseBadDownload") : TEXT("AdviseBadMedia"), *FullSrc );
			INT Size = SrcAr->TotalSize();
			FArchive* DestAr = GFileManager->CreateFileWriter( *ThisDest, FILEWRITE_EvenIfReadOnly );
			if( !DestAr )
				LocalizedFileError( TEXT("FailedOpenDest"), TEXT("AdviseBadDest"), *ThisDest );

			if( FullSrc.Right(3).Caps() == TEXT(".UZ") && ThisDest.Right(3).Caps() != TEXT(".UZ"))
				INT Signature;
				FString OrigFilename;
				*SrcAr << Signature;
				if( Signature != 5678 )
					LocalizedFileError( TEXT("FailedOpenSource"), TEXT("AdviseBadMedia"), *FullSrc );
					*SrcAr << OrigFilename;
					FCodecFull Codec;
					Codec.AddCodec(new FCodecRLE);
					Codec.AddCodec(new FCodecBWT);
					Codec.AddCodec(new FCodecMTF);
					Codec.AddCodec(new FCodecRLE);
					Codec.AddCodec(new FCodecHuffman);
					Codec.Decode( *SrcAr, *DestAr );
					if( !Poll->Poll(*FullDest,Size,Size,RunningBytes+=Size,TotalBytes) )					{
						delete SrcAr;
						delete DestAr;
				for( SQWORD Pos=0; Pos<Size; Pos+=sizeof(Buffer) )
					INT Count = Min( Size-Pos, (SQWORD)sizeof(Buffer) );
					SrcAr->Serialize( Buffer, Count );
					if( SrcAr->IsError() )
						delete SrcAr;
						delete DestAr;
						LocalizedFileError( TEXT("FailedReadingSource"), Patch ? TEXT("AdviseBadDownload") : TEXT("AdviseBadMedia"), *FullSrc );
					if( Info.Ref!=TEXT("") )
						CalcOldCRC = appMemCrc( Buffer, Count, CalcOldCRC );
					DestAr->Serialize( Buffer, Count );
					if( DestAr->IsError() )
						delete SrcAr;
						delete DestAr;
						LocalizedFileError( TEXT("FailedWritingDest"), TEXT("AdviseBadDest"), *ThisDest );
					if( !Poll->Poll(*FullDest,Pos,Size,RunningBytes+=Count,TotalBytes) )
						delete SrcAr;
						delete DestAr;
			delete SrcAr;
			if( !DestAr->Close() )
				LocalizedFileError( TEXT("FailedClosingDest"), TEXT("AdviseBadDest"), *ThisDest );
			delete DestAr;

			// Patch SrcAr + DeltaFile -> DestAr.
			if( Info.Ref!=TEXT("") )
				BYTE Buffer[4096];

				// Open files.
				FString ThisSrc = FullPatch;
				FArchive* SrcAr = GFileManager->CreateFileReader( *ThisSrc );
				if( !SrcAr )
					LocalizedFileError( TEXT("FailedOpenSource"), Patch ? TEXT("AdviseBadDownload") : TEXT("AdviseBadMedia"), *ThisSrc );
				INT Size = SrcAr->TotalSize();
				FArchive* DestAr = GFileManager->CreateFileWriter(*FullDest,FILEWRITE_EvenIfReadOnly);
				if( !DestAr )
					LocalizedFileError( TEXT("FailedOpenDest"), TEXT("AdviseBadDest"), *FullDest );

				// Load delta file.
				TArray<BYTE> Delta;
				FString DeltaName = Info.Src;
				if( !appLoadFileToArray( Delta, *DeltaName ) )
					LocalizedFileError( TEXT("FailedLoadingUpdate"), TEXT("AdviseBadDownload"), *Info.Src );
				debugf( TEXT("Patching %s to %s with %s"), *ThisSrc, *FullDest, *DeltaName );

				// Decompress variables.
				INT PrevSpot=0, CountSize=0, CRC=0;
				INT Magic=0, OldSize=0, OldCRC=0, NewSize=0, NewCRC;
				FBufferReader Reader( Delta );
				Reader << Magic << OldSize << OldCRC << NewSize << NewCRC;

				// Validate.
				if( Magic!=0x92f92912 )
					appErrorf( LineFormat(LocalizeError("PatchCorrupt")), *DeltaName, LocalizeError("AdviseBadDownload") );
				if( OldSize!=Size || OldCRC!=CalcOldCRC )
					appErrorf( LocalizeError("CdFileMismatch"), *Info.Ref, *LocalProduct );

				// Delta decode it.
				INT OldCountSize=0;
				while( !Reader.AtEnd() )
					INT Index;
					Reader << AR_INDEX(Index);
					if( Index<0 )
						CRC = appMemCrc( &Delta(Reader.Tell()), -Index, CRC );
						DestAr->Serialize( &Delta(Reader.Tell()), -Index );
						if( DestAr->IsError() )
							LocalizedFileError( TEXT("FailedWritingDest"), TEXT("AdviseBadDest"), *FullDest );
						Reader.Seek( Reader.Tell() - Index );
						CountSize -= Index;
						INT CopyPos;
						Reader << AR_INDEX(CopyPos);
						CopyPos += PrevSpot;
						SrcAr->Seek( CopyPos );
						for( INT Base=Index; Base>0; Base-=sizeof(Buffer) )
							INT Move = Min(Base,(INT)sizeof(Buffer));
							SrcAr->Serialize( Buffer, Move );
							if( SrcAr->IsError() )
								LocalizedFileError( TEXT("FailedReadingSource"), Patch ? TEXT("AdviseBadDownload") : TEXT("AdviseBadDownload"), *ThisSrc );
							CRC = appMemCrc( Buffer, Move, CRC );
							DestAr->Serialize( Buffer, Move );
							if( DestAr->IsError() )
								LocalizedFileError( TEXT("FailedWritingDest"), TEXT("AdviseBadDest"), *FullDest );
						CountSize += Index;
						PrevSpot = CopyPos + Index;
					if( ((CountSize^OldCountSize)&~(sizeof(Buffer)-1)) || Reader.AtEnd() )
						if( !Poll->Poll(*FullDest,CountSize,Info.Size,RunningBytes+=(CountSize-OldCountSize),TotalBytes) )
							delete SrcAr;
							delete DestAr;
						OldCountSize = CountSize;
				if( NewSize!=CountSize || NewCRC!=CRC )
					appErrorf( LineFormat(LocalizeError("PatchCorrupt")), *DeltaName, LocalizeError("AdviseBadDownload") );
				delete SrcAr;
				if( !DestAr->Close() )
					LocalizedFileError( TEXT("FailedClosingDest"), TEXT("AdviseBadDest"), *FullDest );
				delete DestAr;
				GFileManager->Delete( *ThisSrc );
Exemplo n.º 13
void FShaderCache::Load(FArchive& Ar)
	Ar << m_nPlatform;

	UINT NumShaderBuilderCRC = 0;
	Ar << NumShaderBuilderCRC;
	for(UINT IndexBuilder = 0; IndexBuilder < NumShaderBuilderCRC; ++IndexBuilder)
		FShaderBuilder* ShaderBuilder = NULL;
		Ar << ShaderBuilder;
		DWORD CRC = 0;
		Ar << CRC;

		if( ShaderBuilder )
			m_mapShaderBuilderCRC[ShaderBuilder] = CRC;

	// serialize the global shaders
	UINT NumShaders = 0;
	UINT NumDesertedShaders = 0; 
	UINT NumRedundantShaders = 0;
	vector<FString> OutdatedShaderBuilders;

	Ar << NumShaders;
	for(UINT IndexShader = 0; IndexShader < NumShaders; ++IndexShader)
		FShaderBuilder* ShaderBuilder = NULL;
		FGuid ShaderId;
		Ar << ShaderBuilder << ShaderId;

		INT SkipOffset = 0;
		Ar << SkipOffset;

		if( !ShaderBuilder )
			Ar.Seek(SkipOffset);		// this shader builder doesn't exist any more, skip the shader
			DWORD CurrentCRC = 0;
			DWORD SavedCRC = 0;

			// 比较当前与之前版本的CRC,检测是否有改动
			CurrentCRC = ShaderBuilder->GetSourceCRC();
			map<FShaderBuilder*, DWORD>::const_iterator it = m_mapShaderBuilderCRC.find(ShaderBuilder);
			if( it != m_mapShaderBuilderCRC.end() )
				SavedCRC = it->second;

			FShader* Shader = ShaderBuilder->FindShaderById(ShaderId);
			if( Shader )
				Ar.Seek(SkipOffset);		// has already exist, skip it		
			else if( SavedCRC != CurrentCRC )
				if( SavedCRC != 0 )			// denote SHADER BUILDER exists, but it has changed
				// the shader is compatiable, create it
				Shader = ShaderBuilder->ConstructSerialization();

				UBOOL bShaderHasOutdatedParameters = Shader->Serialize(Ar);
				if( bShaderHasOutdatedParameters )
					delete Shader;
				check(Ar.Tell() == SkipOffset);

	if( OutdatedShaderBuilders.size() > 0 )
		debugf(TEXT("Skip %d outdated FShaderBuilder"), OutdatedShaderBuilders.size());
		for(UINT IndexBuilder = 0; IndexBuilder < OutdatedShaderBuilders.size(); ++IndexBuilder)
			debugf(TEXT("	%s"), OutdatedShaderBuilders.at(IndexBuilder).c_str());

	if( NumShaders > 0 )
		debugf(TEXT("Loaded %d shaders (%d deserted, %d redundant)"), NumShaders, NumDesertedShaders, NumRedundantShaders);
Exemplo n.º 14
void FProfilerClientManager::LoadCapture( const FString& DataFilepath, const FGuid& ProfileId )
	// start an async load
	LoadConnection = &Connections.FindOrAdd(ProfileId);
	LoadConnection->InstanceId = ProfileId;
	LoadConnection->MetaData.CriticalSection = &LoadConnection->CriticalSection;
	LoadConnection->MetaData.SecondsPerCycle = FPlatformTime::GetSecondsPerCycle(); // fix this by adding a message which specifies this

	const int64 Size = IFileManager::Get().FileSize( *DataFilepath );
	if( Size < 4 )
		UE_LOG( LogProfile, Error, TEXT( "Could not open: %s" ), *DataFilepath );

	FArchive* FileReader = IFileManager::Get().CreateFileReader(*DataFilepath);
	FileReader = IFileManager::Get().CreateFileReader( *DataFilepath );

	if( !FileReader )
		UE_LOG( LogProfile, Error, TEXT( "Could not open: %s" ), *DataFilepath );

	if( !LoadConnection->Stream.ReadHeader( *FileReader ) )
		UE_LOG( LogProfile, Error, TEXT( "Could not open, bad magic: %s" ), *DataFilepath );
		delete FileReader;

	// This shouldn't happen.
	if( LoadConnection->Stream.Header.bRawStatsFile )
		delete FileReader;

	const bool bIsFinalized = LoadConnection->Stream.Header.IsFinalized();
	if( bIsFinalized )
		// Read metadata.
		TArray<FStatMessage> MetadataMessages;
		LoadConnection->Stream.ReadFNamesAndMetadataMessages( *FileReader, MetadataMessages );
		LoadConnection->CurrentThreadState.ProcessMetaDataOnly( MetadataMessages );

		// Read frames offsets.
		LoadConnection->Stream.ReadFramesOffsets( *FileReader );
		FileReader->Seek( LoadConnection->Stream.FramesInfo[0].FrameFileOffset );

	if( LoadConnection->Stream.Header.HasCompressedData() )
		UE_CLOG( !bIsFinalized, LogProfile, Fatal, TEXT( "Compressed stats file has to be finalized" ) );

	LoadTask = new FAsyncTask<FAsyncReadWorker>(LoadConnection, FileReader);

	RetryTime = 0.05f;
	TickDelegateHandle = FTicker::GetCoreTicker().AddTicker(TickDelegate, RetryTime);
Exemplo n.º 15
void UNavCollision::Serialize(FArchive& Ar)

	const int32 VerInitial = 1;
	const int32 VerAreaClass = 2;
	const int32 VerConvexTransforms = 3;
	const int32 VerLatest = VerConvexTransforms;

	// use magic number to determine if serialized stream has version :/
	const int32 MagicNum = 0xA237F237;
	int64 StreamStartPos = Ar.Tell();

	int32 Version = VerLatest;
	int32 MyMagicNum = MagicNum;
	Ar << MyMagicNum;

	if (MyMagicNum != MagicNum)
		Version = VerInitial;
		Ar << Version;

	// loading a dummy GUID to have serialization not break on 
	// packages serialized before switching over UNavCollision to
	// use BodySetup's guid rather than its own one
	// motivation: not creating a new engine version
	// @NOTE could be addressed during next engine version bump
	FGuid Guid;
	Ar << Guid;
	bool bCooked = Ar.IsCooking();
	Ar << bCooked;

	if (FPlatformProperties::RequiresCookedData() && !bCooked && Ar.IsLoading())
		UE_LOG(LogNavigation, Fatal, TEXT("This platform requires cooked packages, and NavCollision data was not cooked into %s."), *GetFullName());

	if (bCooked && ShouldUseConvexCollision())
		if (Ar.IsCooking())
			GetCookedData(Format); // Get the data from the DDC or build it

			TArray<FName> ActualFormatsToSave;
			CookedFormatData.Serialize(Ar, this, &ActualFormatsToSave);
			CookedFormatData.Serialize(Ar, this);

	if (Version >= VerAreaClass)
		Ar << AreaClass;

	if (Version < VerConvexTransforms && Ar.IsLoading() && GIsEditor)
		bForceGeometryRebuild = true;
Exemplo n.º 16
bool FFileTests::RunTest( const FString& Parameters )
	// Disabled for now, pending changes to make all platforms consistent.
	return true;

	const FString TempFilename = FPaths::EngineSavedDir() / FGuid::NewGuid().ToString();
	TArray<uint8> TestData;
	TArray<uint8> ReadData;
	uint8 One = 1;
	FArchive* TestFile = nullptr;

	// We will test the platform abstraction class, IFileManager
	IFileManager& FileManager = IFileManager::Get();

	// Ensure always starting off without test file existing
	check(FileManager.FileExists(*TempFilename) == false);

	// Check a new file can be created
	TestFile = FileManager.CreateFileWriter(*TempFilename, 0);
	check(TestFile != nullptr);
	TestFile->Serialize(TestData.GetData(), TestData.Num());
	delete TestFile;

	// Confirm same data
	check(FFileHelper::LoadFileToArray(ReadData, *TempFilename));
 	if(ReadData != TestData)
		return false;

	// Using append flag should open the file, and writing data immediatly should append to the end.
	// We should also be capable of seeking writing.
	TestData[10] = One;
	TestFile = FileManager.CreateFileWriter(*TempFilename, EFileWrite::FILEWRITE_Append);
	check(TestFile != nullptr);
	TestFile->Serialize(&One, 1);
	TestFile->Serialize(&One, 1);
	delete TestFile;

	// Confirm same data
	check(FFileHelper::LoadFileToArray(ReadData, *TempFilename));
	if(ReadData != TestData)
		return false;

	// No flags should clobber existing file
	TestFile = FileManager.CreateFileWriter(*TempFilename, 0);
	check(TestFile != nullptr);
	TestFile->Serialize(&One, 1);
	delete TestFile;

	// Confirm same data
	check(FFileHelper::LoadFileToArray(ReadData, *TempFilename));
	if(ReadData != TestData)
		return false;

	// Delete temp file

	return true;
bool FBuildPatchFileConstructor::ConstructFileFromChunks( const FString& Filename, bool bResumeExisting )
	const bool bIsFileData = BuildManifest->IsFileDataManifest();
	bResumeExisting = bResumeExisting && !bIsFileData;
	bool bSuccess = true;
	FString ErrorString;
	FString NewFilename = StagingDirectory / Filename;

	// Calculate the hash as we write the data
	FSHA1 HashState;
	FSHAHashData HashValue;

	// First make sure we can get the file manifest
	const FFileManifestData* FileManifest = BuildManifest->GetFileManifest(Filename);
	bSuccess = FileManifest != nullptr;
	if( bSuccess )
		if( !FileManifest->SymlinkTarget.IsEmpty() )
			bSuccess = symlink(TCHAR_TO_UTF8(*FileManifest->SymlinkTarget), TCHAR_TO_UTF8(*NewFilename)) == 0;
			const bool bSymlinkNotImplemented = false;
			bSuccess = false;
			return bSuccess;

		// Check for resuming of existing file
		int64 StartPosition = 0;
		int32 StartChunkPart = 0;
		if( bResumeExisting )
			// We have to read in the existing file so that the hash check can still be done.
			FArchive* NewFileReader = IFileManager::Get().CreateFileReader( *NewFilename );
			if( NewFileReader != NULL )
				// Read buffer
				uint8* ReadBuffer = new uint8[ FBuildPatchData::ChunkDataSize ];
				// Reuse a certain amount of the file
				StartPosition = FMath::Max<int64>( 0, NewFileReader->TotalSize() - NUM_BYTES_RESUME_IGNORE );
				// We'll also find the correct chunkpart to start writing from
				int64 ByteCounter = 0;
				for( int32 ChunkPartIdx = StartChunkPart; ChunkPartIdx < FileManifest->FileChunkParts.Num() && !FBuildPatchInstallError::HasFatalError(); ++ChunkPartIdx )
					const FChunkPartData& ChunkPart = FileManifest->FileChunkParts[ ChunkPartIdx ];
					const int64 NextBytePosition = ByteCounter + ChunkPart.Size;
					if( NextBytePosition <= StartPosition )
						// Read data for hash check
						NewFileReader->Serialize( ReadBuffer, ChunkPart.Size );
						HashState.Update( ReadBuffer, ChunkPart.Size );
						// Count bytes read from file
						ByteCounter = NextBytePosition;
						// Set to resume from next chunk part
						StartChunkPart = ChunkPartIdx + 1;
						// Inform the chunk cache of the chunk part skip
						FBuildPatchChunkCache::Get().SkipChunkPart( ChunkPart );
						// Wait if paused
						// No more parts on disk
				// Set start position to the byte we got up to
				StartPosition = ByteCounter;
				// Clean read buffer
				delete[] ReadBuffer;
				// Close file
				delete NewFileReader;

		// Now we can make sure the chunk cache knows to start downloading chunks
		if( !bIsFileData && !bIsDownloadStarted && !FBuildPatchInstallError::HasFatalError() )
			bIsDownloadStarted = true;

		// Attempt to create the file
		FArchive* NewFile = IFileManager::Get().CreateFileWriter( *NewFilename, bResumeExisting ? EFileWrite::FILEWRITE_Append : 0 );
		bSuccess = NewFile != NULL;
		if( bSuccess )
			// Whenever we start writing again, there's no more resuming to be done
			BuildProgress->SetStateProgress( EBuildPatchProgress::Resuming, 1.0f );

			// Seek to file write position
			NewFile->Seek( StartPosition );

			// For each chunk, load it, and place it's data into the file
			for( int32 ChunkPartIdx = StartChunkPart; ChunkPartIdx < FileManifest->FileChunkParts.Num() && bSuccess && !FBuildPatchInstallError::HasFatalError(); ++ChunkPartIdx )
				const FChunkPartData& ChunkPart = FileManifest->FileChunkParts[ChunkPartIdx];
				if( bIsFileData )
					bSuccess = InsertFileData( ChunkPart, *NewFile, HashState );
					bSuccess = InsertChunkData( ChunkPart, *NewFile, HashState );
				if( bSuccess )
					CountBytesProcessed( ChunkPart.Size );
					// Wait if paused
					ErrorString = TEXT( "Failed to construct file " );
					ErrorString += Filename;
					ErrorString += TEXT( " because of chunk " );
					ErrorString += ChunkPart.Guid.ToString();
					GWarn->Logf( TEXT( "BuildPatchFileConstructor: ERROR: %s" ), *ErrorString );
					FBuildPatchInstallError::SetFatalError( EBuildPatchInstallError::FileConstructionFail, ErrorString );

			// Close the file writer
			delete NewFile;
			FBuildPatchAnalytics::RecordConstructionError( Filename, FPlatformMisc::GetLastError(), TEXT( "Could Not Create File" ) );
			ErrorString = TEXT( "Could not create new file " );
			ErrorString += Filename;
			GWarn->Logf( TEXT( "BuildPatchFileConstructor: ERROR: %s" ), *ErrorString );
			FBuildPatchInstallError::SetFatalError( EBuildPatchInstallError::FileConstructionFail, ErrorString );
		FBuildPatchAnalytics::RecordConstructionError( Filename, INDEX_NONE, TEXT( "Missing File Manifest" ) );
		ErrorString = TEXT( "Build manifest does not contain a file manifest for " );
		ErrorString += Filename;
		FBuildPatchInstallError::SetFatalError( EBuildPatchInstallError::FileConstructionFail, ErrorString );

	// Verify the hash for the file that we created
	if( bSuccess )
		HashState.GetHash( HashValue.Hash );
		bSuccess = HashValue == FileManifest->FileHash;
		if( !bSuccess )
			FBuildPatchAnalytics::RecordConstructionError( Filename, INDEX_NONE, TEXT( "Serialised Verify Fail" ) );
			ErrorString = TEXT( "Verify failed after constructing file " );
			ErrorString += Filename;
			GWarn->Logf( TEXT( "BuildDataGenerator: ERROR: %s" ), *ErrorString );
			FBuildPatchInstallError::SetFatalError( EBuildPatchInstallError::FileConstructionFail, ErrorString );

	if( bSuccess && FileManifest->bIsUnixExecutable )
		// Enable executable permission bit
		struct stat FileInfo;
		if (stat(TCHAR_TO_UTF8(*NewFilename), &FileInfo) == 0)
			bSuccess = chmod(TCHAR_TO_UTF8(*NewFilename), FileInfo.st_mode | S_IXUSR | S_IXGRP | S_IXOTH) == 0;
	// Delete the staging file if unsuccessful by means of construction fail (i.e. keep if canceled or download issue)
	if( !bSuccess && FBuildPatchInstallError::GetErrorState() == EBuildPatchInstallError::FileConstructionFail )
		IFileManager::Get().Delete( *NewFilename, false, true );

	return bSuccess;
Exemplo n.º 18
const bool FChunkWriter::FQueuedChunkWriter::WriteChunkData(const FString& ChunkFilename, FChunkFile* ChunkFile, const FGuid& ChunkGuid)
	// Chunks are saved with GUID, so if a file already exists it will never be different.
	// Skip with return true if already exists
	if( FPaths::FileExists( ChunkFilename ) )
		const int64 ChunkFilesSize = IFileManager::Get().FileSize(*ChunkFilename);
		ChunkFileSizes.Add(ChunkGuid, ChunkFilesSize);
		return true;
	FArchive* FileOut = IFileManager::Get().CreateFileWriter( *ChunkFilename );
	bool bSuccess = FileOut != NULL;
	if( bSuccess )
		// Setup to handle compression
		bool bDataIsCompressed = true;
		uint8* ChunkDataSource = ChunkFile->ChunkData;
		int32 ChunkDataSourceSize = FBuildPatchData::ChunkDataSize;
		TArray< uint8 > TempCompressedData;
		TempCompressedData.Empty( ChunkDataSourceSize );
		TempCompressedData.AddUninitialized( ChunkDataSourceSize );
		int32 CompressedSize = ChunkDataSourceSize;

		// Compressed can increase in size, but the function will return as failure in that case
		// we can allow that to happen since we would not keep larger compressed data anyway.
		bDataIsCompressed = FCompression::CompressMemory(
			static_cast< ECompressionFlags >( COMPRESS_ZLIB | COMPRESS_BiasMemory ),
			FBuildPatchData::ChunkDataSize );

		// If compression succeeded, set data vars
		if( bDataIsCompressed )
			ChunkDataSource = TempCompressedData.GetData();
			ChunkDataSourceSize = CompressedSize;

		// Setup Header
		FChunkHeader& Header = ChunkFile->ChunkHeader;
		*FileOut << Header;
		Header.HeaderSize = FileOut->Tell();
		Header.StoredAs = bDataIsCompressed ? FChunkHeader::STORED_COMPRESSED : FChunkHeader::STORED_RAW;
		Header.DataSize = ChunkDataSourceSize;
		Header.HashType = FChunkHeader::HASH_ROLLING;

		// Write out files
		FileOut->Seek( 0 );
		*FileOut << Header;
		FileOut->Serialize( ChunkDataSource, ChunkDataSourceSize );
		const int64 ChunkFilesSize = FileOut->TotalSize();

		ChunkFileSizes.Add(ChunkGuid, ChunkFilesSize);

		bSuccess = !FileOut->GetError();

		delete FileOut;
	// Log errors
	if( !bSuccess )
		GLog->Logf( TEXT( "BuildPatchServices: Error: Could not save out generated chunk file %s" ), *ChunkFilename );
	return bSuccess;
bool FBuildPatchChunkCache::RecycleChunkFromBuild( const FGuid& ChunkGuid )
	// Must never double acquire
	check( ChunkCache.Contains( ChunkGuid ) == false );

	// Debug leaving any files open
	bool bSuccess = true;

	// Get the app manifest that this chunk can be sourced from
	FBuildPatchAppManifestPtr ChunkSourceAppManifest = InstallationInfo.GetManifestContainingChunk(ChunkGuid);
	if (!ChunkSourceAppManifest.IsValid())
		return false;

	// Get the install directory for this manifest
	const FString ChunkSourceInstallDir = InstallationInfo.GetManifestInstallDir(ChunkSourceAppManifest);
	if(ChunkSourceInstallDir.Len() <= 0)
		return false;

	// We need to generate an inventory of all chunk parts in this build that refer to the chunk that we require
	TMap< FGuid, TArray< FFileChunkPart > > ChunkPartInventory;
	TArray< FGuid > Array;
	Array.Add( ChunkGuid );
	ChunkSourceAppManifest->EnumerateChunkPartInventory(Array, ChunkPartInventory);

	// Attempt construction of the chunk from the parts
	FArchive* BuildFileIn = NULL;
	FString  BuildFileOpened;
	int64 BuildFileInSize = 0;

	// We must have a hash for this chunk or else we cant verify it
	uint8 HashType = 0;
	uint64 ChunkHash = 0;
	FSHAHashData ChunkShaHash;
	if (InstallManifet->GetChunkShaHash(ChunkGuid, ChunkShaHash))
		HashType = FChunkHeader::HASH_SHA1;
	else if (ChunkSourceAppManifest->GetChunkHash(ChunkGuid, ChunkHash))
		HashType = FChunkHeader::HASH_ROLLING;
	TArray< FFileChunkPart >* FileChunkPartsPtr = ChunkPartInventory.Find( ChunkGuid );
	bSuccess = (FileChunkPartsPtr != NULL && HashType != 0);
	if( bSuccess )
		const TArray< FFileChunkPart >& FileChunkParts = *FileChunkPartsPtr;
		TArray< uint8 > TempArray;
		TempArray.AddUninitialized( FBuildPatchData::ChunkDataSize );
		uint8* TempChunkConstruction = TempArray.GetData();
		FMemory::Memzero( TempChunkConstruction, FBuildPatchData::ChunkDataSize );
		bSuccess = FileChunkParts.Num() > 0;
		for( auto FileChunkPartIt = FileChunkParts.CreateConstIterator(); FileChunkPartIt && bSuccess && !FBuildPatchInstallError::HasFatalError(); ++FileChunkPartIt )
			const FFileChunkPart& FileChunkPart = *FileChunkPartIt;
			FString FullFilename = ChunkSourceInstallDir / FileChunkPart.Filename;
			// Close current build file ?
			if( BuildFileIn != NULL && BuildFileOpened != FullFilename )
				delete BuildFileIn;
				BuildFileIn = NULL;
				BuildFileOpened = TEXT( "" );
				BuildFileInSize = 0;
			// Open build file ?
			if( BuildFileIn == NULL )
				BuildFileIn = IFileManager::Get().CreateFileReader( *FullFilename );
				bSuccess = BuildFileIn != NULL;
				if( !bSuccess )
					BuildFileOpened = TEXT( "" );
					FBuildPatchAnalytics::RecordChunkCacheError( ChunkGuid, FileChunkPart.Filename, FPlatformMisc::GetLastError(), TEXT( "ChunkRecycle" ), TEXT( "Source File Missing" ) );
					GWarn->Logf( TEXT( "BuildPatchChunkConstruction: Warning: Failed to load source file for chunk. %s" ), *FullFilename );
					BuildFileOpened = FullFilename;
					BuildFileInSize = BuildFileIn->TotalSize();
			// Grab the section of the chunk
			if( BuildFileIn != NULL )
				// Make sure we don't attempt to read off the end of the file
				const int64 LastRequiredByte = FileChunkPart.FileOffset + FileChunkPart.ChunkPart.Size;
				if( BuildFileInSize >= LastRequiredByte )
					BuildFileIn->Seek( FileChunkPart.FileOffset );
					BuildFileIn->Serialize( TempChunkConstruction + FileChunkPart.ChunkPart.Offset, FileChunkPart.ChunkPart.Size );
					bSuccess = false;
					FBuildPatchAnalytics::RecordChunkCacheError( ChunkGuid, FileChunkPart.Filename, INDEX_NONE, TEXT( "ChunkRecycle" ), TEXT( "Source File Too Small" ) );
					GWarn->Logf( TEXT( "BuildPatchChunkConstruction: Warning: Source file too small for chunk position. %s" ), *FullFilename );

		// Check no other fatal errors were registered in the meantime
		bSuccess = bSuccess && !FBuildPatchInstallError::HasFatalError();

		// Check chunk hash
		if( bSuccess )
			FSHAHashData ShaHashCheck;
			switch (HashType)
			case FChunkHeader::HASH_ROLLING:
				bSuccess = FRollingHash< FBuildPatchData::ChunkDataSize >::GetHashForDataSet(TempChunkConstruction) == ChunkHash;
			case FChunkHeader::HASH_SHA1:
				FSHA1::HashBuffer(TempChunkConstruction, FBuildPatchData::ChunkDataSize, ShaHashCheck.Hash);
				bSuccess = ShaHashCheck == ChunkShaHash;
				bSuccess = false;
			if( !bSuccess )
				FBuildPatchAnalytics::RecordChunkCacheError( ChunkGuid, TEXT( "" ), INDEX_NONE, TEXT( "ChunkRecycle" ), TEXT( "Chunk Hash Fail" ) );
				GWarn->Logf( TEXT( "BuildPatchChunkConstruction: Warning: Hash check failed for recycled chunk %s" ), *ChunkGuid.ToString() );

		// Save the chunk to cache if all went well
		if( bSuccess )
			// It was added asynchronously!!
			check( ChunkCache.Contains( ChunkGuid ) == false );

			// Create the ChunkFile data structure
			FChunkFile* NewChunkFile = new FChunkFile( GetRemainingReferenceCount( ChunkGuid ), true );

			// Lock data
			FChunkHeader* ChunkHeader;
			uint8* ChunkData;
			NewChunkFile->GetDataLock( &ChunkData, &ChunkHeader );

			// Copy the data
			FMemoryReader MemReader( TempArray );
			MemReader.Serialize( ChunkData, FBuildPatchData::ChunkDataSize );

			// Setup the header
			ChunkHeader->Guid = ChunkGuid;
			ChunkHeader->StoredAs = FChunkHeader::STORED_RAW;
			ChunkHeader->DataSize = FBuildPatchData::ChunkDataSize; // This would change if compressing/encrypting
			ChunkHeader->HashType = HashType;
			ChunkHeader->RollingHash = ChunkHash;
			ChunkHeader->SHAHash = ChunkShaHash;

			// Release data

			// Count chunk

			// Add it to our cache.
			ChunkCache.Add( ChunkGuid, NewChunkFile );

		// Close any open file
		if( BuildFileIn != NULL )
			delete BuildFileIn;
			BuildFileIn = NULL;
	return bSuccess;
Exemplo n.º 20
void SDocumentationToolTip::CreateExcerpt( FString FileSource, FString InExcerptName )
	FText CheckoutFailReason;
	bool bNewFile = true;
	bool bCheckoutOrAddSucceeded = true;
	if (FPaths::FileExists(FileSource))
		// Check out the existing file
		bNewFile = false;
		bCheckoutOrAddSucceeded = SourceControlHelpers::CheckoutOrMarkForAdd(FileSource, NSLOCTEXT("SToolTip", "DocumentationSCCActionDesc", "tool tip excerpt"), FOnPostCheckOut(), /*out*/ CheckoutFailReason);

	FArchive* FileWriter = IFileManager::Get().CreateFileWriter( *FileSource, EFileWrite::FILEWRITE_Append | EFileWrite::FILEWRITE_AllowRead | EFileWrite::FILEWRITE_EvenIfReadOnly );

	if (bNewFile)
		FString UdnHeader;
		UdnHeader += "Availability:NoPublish";
		UdnHeader += "Title:";
		UdnHeader += "Crumbs:";
		UdnHeader += "Description:";

		FileWriter->Serialize( TCHAR_TO_ANSI( *UdnHeader ), UdnHeader.Len() );

	FString NewExcerpt;
	NewExcerpt += "[EXCERPT:";
	NewExcerpt += InExcerptName;
	NewExcerpt += "]";

	NewExcerpt += TextContent.Get().ToString();

	NewExcerpt += "[/EXCERPT:";
	NewExcerpt += InExcerptName;
	NewExcerpt += "]";

	if (!bNewFile)
		FileWriter->Seek( FMath::Max( FileWriter->TotalSize(), (int64)0 ) );

	FileWriter->Serialize( TCHAR_TO_ANSI( *NewExcerpt ), NewExcerpt.Len() );

	delete FileWriter;

	if (bNewFile)
		// Add the new file
		bCheckoutOrAddSucceeded = SourceControlHelpers::CheckoutOrMarkForAdd(FileSource, NSLOCTEXT("SToolTip", "DocumentationSCCActionDesc", "tool tip excerpt"), FOnPostCheckOut(), /*out*/ CheckoutFailReason);

	ISourceCodeAccessModule& SourceCodeAccessModule = FModuleManager::LoadModuleChecked<ISourceCodeAccessModule>("SourceCodeAccess");
	SourceCodeAccessModule.GetAccessor().OpenFileAtLine(FileSource, 0);

	if (!bCheckoutOrAddSucceeded)
		FNotificationInfo Info(CheckoutFailReason);
		Info.ExpireDuration = 3.0f;

void FBuildPatchChunkCache::ReserveChunkInventorySlotForce( const FGuid& ChunkGuid )
	// If already reserved, return immediate
	if( ChunkCache.HasReservation( ChunkGuid ) || ChunkCache.Contains( ChunkGuid ) )

	// Begin by checking if any slots can be freed

	// Try to add the reservation
	bool bReservationAccepted = ChunkCache.TryAddReservation( ChunkGuid );

	// If we couldn't reserve, we need to boot out a chunk for this required one
	if( bReservationAccepted == false )
		// We create a unique ref array from the use order so that chunks not needed
		// for longer times end up nearer the bottom of the array
		TArray< FGuid > ChunkPriorityList;
		for( int32 ChunkUseOrderStackIdx = ChunkUseOrderStack.Num() - 1; ChunkUseOrderStackIdx >= 0 ; --ChunkUseOrderStackIdx )
			ChunkPriorityList.AddUnique( ChunkUseOrderStack[ ChunkUseOrderStackIdx ] );

		// Starting at the bottom of the list, we look for a chunk that is contained in the cache
		for( int32 ChunkPriorityListIdx = ChunkPriorityList.Num() - 1; ChunkPriorityListIdx >= 0 && !bReservationAccepted; --ChunkPriorityListIdx )
			const FGuid& LowPriChunk = ChunkPriorityList[ ChunkPriorityListIdx ];
			// Check if there were any errors while paused, like canceling
			if( FBuildPatchInstallError::HasFatalError() )
			if( ChunkCache.Contains( LowPriChunk ) )
				GWarn->Logf( TEXT( "FBuildPatchChunkCache: Booting chunk %s" ), *LowPriChunk.ToString() );

				// Save chunk to disk so we don't have to download again
				bool bSuccess = true;
				const FString NewChunkFilename = FBuildPatchUtils::GetChunkOldFilename( ChunkCacheStage, LowPriChunk );
				FChunkFile* LowPriChunkFile = ChunkCache.Get( LowPriChunk );
				FChunkHeader* LowPriChunkHeader;
				uint8* LowPriChunkData;
				LowPriChunkFile->GetDataLock( &LowPriChunkData, &LowPriChunkHeader );
				FArchive* FileOut = IFileManager::Get().CreateFileWriter( *NewChunkFilename );
				bSuccess = FileOut != NULL;
				const int32 LastError = FPlatformMisc::GetLastError();
				if( bSuccess )
					// Setup Header
					*FileOut << *LowPriChunkHeader;
					LowPriChunkHeader->HeaderSize = FileOut->Tell();
					LowPriChunkHeader->StoredAs = FChunkHeader::STORED_RAW;
					LowPriChunkHeader->DataSize = FBuildPatchData::ChunkDataSize; // This would change if compressing/encrypting

					// Write out file
					FileOut->Seek( 0 );
					*FileOut << *LowPriChunkHeader;
					FileOut->Serialize( LowPriChunkData, FBuildPatchData::ChunkDataSize );

					delete FileOut;

				// Setup new chunk origin
				if( bSuccess )
					ChunkOrigins[ LowPriChunk ] = EChunkOrigin::Harddisk;
					// Queue download if save failed
					ChunkOrigins[ LowPriChunk ] = EChunkOrigin::Download;
					FBuildPatchDownloader::Get().AddChunkToDownload( LowPriChunk );
					FBuildPatchAnalytics::RecordChunkCacheError( ChunkGuid, NewChunkFilename, LastError, TEXT( "ChunkBooting" ), TEXT( "Chunk Save Failed" ) );

				// Boot this chunk
				ChunkCache.Remove( LowPriChunk );

				// Try get the reservation again!
				bReservationAccepted = ChunkCache.TryAddReservation( ChunkGuid );

				// Count the boot

		// We must have been able to make room
		check( bReservationAccepted );
Exemplo n.º 22
void UArrayProperty::SerializeItem( FArchive& Ar, void* Value, void const* Defaults ) const

	// Ensure that the Inner itself has been loaded before calling SerializeItem() on it

	FScriptArrayHelper ArrayHelper(this, Value);
	int32		n		= ArrayHelper.Num();
	Ar << n;
	if( Ar.IsLoading() )
		// If using a custom property list, don't empty the array on load. Not all indices may have been serialized, so we need to preserve existing values at those slots.
		if (Ar.ArUseCustomPropertyList)
			const int32 OldNum = ArrayHelper.Num();
			if (n > OldNum)
				ArrayHelper.AddValues(n - OldNum);
			else if (n < OldNum)
				ArrayHelper.RemoveValues(n, OldNum - n);
	ArrayHelper.CountBytes( Ar );

	// Serialize a PropertyTag for the inner property of this array, allows us to validate the inner struct to see if it has changed
	FPropertyTag InnerTag(Ar, Inner, 0, (uint8*)Value, (uint8*)Defaults);
	if (Ar.UE4Ver() >= VER_UE4_INNER_ARRAY_TAG_INFO && InnerTag.Type == NAME_StructProperty)
		if (Ar.IsSaving())
			Ar << InnerTag;
		else if (Ar.IsLoading())
			Ar << InnerTag;

			auto CanSerializeFromStructWithDifferentName = [](const FArchive& InAr, const FPropertyTag& PropertyTag, const UStructProperty* StructProperty)
				return PropertyTag.StructGuid.IsValid()
					&& StructProperty 
					&& StructProperty->Struct 
					&& (PropertyTag.StructGuid == StructProperty->Struct->GetCustomGuid());

			// Check if the Inner property can successfully serialize, the type may have changed
			UStructProperty* StructProperty = CastChecked<UStructProperty>(Inner);
			// if check redirector to make sure if the name has changed
			FName* NewName = FLinkerLoad::StructNameRedirects.Find(InnerTag.StructName);
			FName StructName = CastChecked<UStructProperty>(StructProperty)->Struct->GetFName();
			if (NewName != nullptr && *NewName == StructName)
				InnerTag.StructName = *NewName;

			if (InnerTag.StructName != StructProperty->Struct->GetFName()
				&& !CanSerializeFromStructWithDifferentName(Ar, InnerTag, StructProperty))
				UE_LOG(LogClass, Warning, TEXT("Property %s of %s has a struct type mismatch (tag %s != prop %s) in package:  %s. If that struct got renamed, add an entry to ActiveStructRedirects."),
					*InnerTag.Name.ToString(), *GetName(), *InnerTag.StructName.ToString(), *CastChecked<UStructProperty>(Inner)->Struct->GetName(), *Ar.GetArchiveName());

				// Ensure the structure is initialized
				for (int32 i = 0; i < n; i++)
#endif // WITH_EDITOR

				// Skip the property
				const int64 StartOfProperty = Ar.Tell();
				const int64 RemainingSize = InnerTag.Size - (Ar.Tell() - StartOfProperty);
				uint8 B;
				for (int64 i = 0; i < RemainingSize; i++)
					Ar << B;

	// need to know how much data this call to SerializeItem consumes, so mark where we are
	int32 DataOffset = Ar.Tell();

	// If we're using a custom property list, first serialize any explicit indices
	int32 i = 0;
	bool bSerializeRemainingItems = true;
	bool bUsingCustomPropertyList = Ar.ArUseCustomPropertyList;
	if (bUsingCustomPropertyList && Ar.ArCustomPropertyList != nullptr)
		// Initially we only serialize indices that are explicitly specified (in order)
		bSerializeRemainingItems = false;

		const FCustomPropertyListNode* CustomPropertyList = Ar.ArCustomPropertyList;
		const FCustomPropertyListNode* PropertyNode = CustomPropertyList;
		while (PropertyNode && i < n && !bSerializeRemainingItems)
			if (PropertyNode->Property != Inner)
				// A null property value signals that we should serialize the remaining array values in full starting at this index
				if (PropertyNode->Property == nullptr)
					i = PropertyNode->ArrayIndex;

				bSerializeRemainingItems = true;
				// Set a temporary node to represent the item
				FCustomPropertyListNode ItemNode = *PropertyNode;
				ItemNode.ArrayIndex = 0;
				ItemNode.PropertyListNext = nullptr;
				Ar.ArCustomPropertyList = &ItemNode;

				// Serialize the item at this array index
				i = PropertyNode->ArrayIndex;
				Inner->SerializeItem(Ar, ArrayHelper.GetRawPtr(i));
				PropertyNode = PropertyNode->PropertyListNext;

				// Restore the current property list
				Ar.ArCustomPropertyList = CustomPropertyList;

	if (bSerializeRemainingItems)
		// Temporarily suspend the custom property list (as we need these items to be serialized in full)
		Ar.ArUseCustomPropertyList = false;

		// Serialize each item until we get to the end of the array
		while (i < n)
			Inner->SerializeItem(Ar, ArrayHelper.GetRawPtr(i++));

		// Restore use of the custom property list (if it was previously enabled)
		Ar.ArUseCustomPropertyList = bUsingCustomPropertyList;

	if (Ar.UE4Ver() >= VER_UE4_INNER_ARRAY_TAG_INFO && Ar.IsSaving() && InnerTag.Type == NAME_StructProperty)
		// set the tag's size
		InnerTag.Size = Ar.Tell() - DataOffset;

		if (InnerTag.Size > 0)
			// mark our current location
			DataOffset = Ar.Tell();

			// go back and re-serialize the size now that we know it
			Ar << InnerTag.Size;

			// return to the current location
Exemplo n.º 23
void USkeletalMesh::Serialize(FArchive &Ar)

	assert(Ar.Game < GAME_UE3);

	if (Ar.Engine() == GAME_UE1)
	if (Ar.Game == GAME_Bioshock)

	if (Ar.Game == GAME_SplinterCell)
	Ar << Points2;
	if (Ar.Game == GAME_BattleTerr && Ar.ArVer >= 134)
		TArray<FVector> Points3;
		Ar << Points3;
#endif // BATTLE_TERR

	Ar << RefSkeleton;
	appPrintf("RefSkeleton: %d bones\n", RefSkeleton.Num());
	for (int i1 = 0; i1 < RefSkeleton.Num(); i1++)
		appPrintf("  [%d] n=%s p=%d\n", i1, *RefSkeleton[i1].Name, RefSkeleton[i1].ParentIndex);

#if SWRC
	if (Ar.Game == GAME_RepCommando && Ar.ArVer >= 142)
		for (int i = 0; i < RefSkeleton.Num(); i++)
			FMeshBone &B = RefSkeleton[i];
			B.BonePos.Orientation.X *= -1;
			B.BonePos.Orientation.Y *= -1;
			B.BonePos.Orientation.Z *= -1;
	if (Ar.Game == GAME_RepCommando && Version >= 5)
		TArray<FMeshAnimLinkSWRC> Anims;
		Ar << Anims;
		if (Anims.Num() >= 1) Animation = Anims[0].Anim;
#endif // SWRC
		Ar << Animation;
#if AA2
	if (Ar.Game == GAME_AA2 && Ar.ArLicenseeVer >= 22)
		TArray<UObject*> unk230;
		Ar << unk230;
#endif // AA2
	Ar << SkeletalDepth << WeightIndices << BoneInfluences;
#if SWRC
	if (Ar.Game == GAME_RepCommando && Ar.ArVer >= 140)
		TArray<FAttachSocketSWRC> Sockets;
		Ar << Sockets;	//?? convert
#endif // SWRC
		Ar << AttachAliases << AttachBoneNames << AttachCoords;
	if (Version <= 1)
//		appNotify("SkeletalMesh of version %d\n", Version);
		TArray<FLODMeshSection> tmp1, tmp2;
		TArray<word> tmp3;
		Ar << tmp1 << tmp2 << tmp3;
		// copy and convert data from old mesh format
#if UC2
		if (Ar.Engine() == GAME_UE2X && Ar.ArVer >= 136)
			int f338;
			Ar << f338;
#endif // UC2
#if SWRC
		if (Ar.Game == GAME_RepCommando)
			int f1C4;
			if (Version >= 6) Ar << f1C4;
			Ar << LODModels;
			if (Version < 5) Ar << f224;
			Ar << Points << Wedges << Triangles << VertInfluences;
			Ar << CollapseWedge << f1C8;
			goto skip_remaining;
#endif // SWRC
#if EOS
		if (Ar.Game == GAME_EOS)
			int unk1;
			UObject* unk2;
			UObject* unk3;
			if (Version >= 6) Ar << unk1 << unk2;
			if (Version >= 7) Ar << unk3;
			Ar << LODModels;
			goto skip_remaining;
#endif // EOS
#if 0
		// Shui Hu Q Zhuan 2 Online
		if (Ar.ArVer == 126 && Ar.ArLicenseeVer == 1)
			// skip LOD models
			int Num;
			Ar << AR_INDEX(Num);
			for (int i = 0; i < Num; i++)
				int Pos;
				Ar << Pos;
				Ar.Seek(Ar.Tell() + Pos - 4);
			goto after_lods;
		Ar << LODModels;
		Ar << f224 << Points;
		if (Ar.Game == GAME_BattleTerr && Ar.ArVer >= 134)
			TLazyArray<int>	unk15C;
			Ar << unk15C;
#endif // BATTLE_TERR
		Ar << Wedges << Triangles << VertInfluences;
		Ar << CollapseWedge << f1C8;

	if ((Ar.Game == GAME_Tribes3 || Ar.Game == GAME_Swat4) && t3_hdrSV >= 3)
	#if 0
		// it looks like format of following data was chenged sinse
		// data was prepared, and game executeble does not load these
		// LazyArrays (otherwise error should occur) -- so we are
		// simply skipping these arrays
		TLazyArray<FT3Unk1>    unk1;
		TLazyArray<FMeshWedge> unk2;
		TLazyArray<word>       unk3;
		Ar << unk1 << unk2 << unk3;
		// nothing interesting below ...
		goto skip_remaining;
#endif // TRIBES3
	if (Ar.Game == GAME_BattleTerr) goto skip_remaining;
#if UC2
	if (Ar.Engine() == GAME_UE2X) goto skip_remaining;

	if (Ar.Game == GAME_Lineage2)
		int unk1, unk3, unk4;
		TArray<float> unk2;
		if (Ar.ArVer >= 118 && Ar.ArLicenseeVer >= 3)
			Ar << unk1;
		if (Ar.ArVer >= 123 && Ar.ArLicenseeVer >= 0x12)
			Ar << unk2;
		if (Ar.ArVer >= 120)
			Ar << unk3;		// AuthKey ?
		if (Ar.ArLicenseeVer >= 0x23)
			Ar << unk4;
#endif // LINEAGE2

	if (Ar.ArVer >= 120)
		Ar << AuthKey;

#if LOCO
	if (Ar.Game == GAME_Loco) goto skip_remaining;	// Loco codepath is similar to UT2004, but sometimes has different version switches

#if UT2
	if (Ar.Game == GAME_UT2)
		// UT2004 has branched version of UE2, which is slightly different
		// in comparison with generic UE2, which is used in all other UE2 games.
		if (Ar.ArVer >= 122)
			Ar << KarmaProps << BoundingSpheres << BoundingBoxes << f32C;
		if (Ar.ArVer >= 127)
			Ar << CollisionMesh;
#endif // UT2

	// generic UE2 code
	if (Ar.ArVer >= 124)
		Ar << KarmaProps << BoundingSpheres << BoundingBoxes;
	if (Ar.ArVer >= 125)
		Ar << f32C;

#if XIII
	if (Ar.Game == GAME_XIII) goto skip_remaining;
	if (Ar.Game == GAME_Ragnarok2 && Ar.ArVer >= 131)
		float unk1, unk2;
		Ar << unk1 << unk2;
#endif // RAGNAROK2

	if (Ar.ArLicenseeVer && (Ar.Tell() != Ar.GetStopper()))
		appPrintf("Serializing SkeletalMesh'%s' of unknown game: %d unreal bytes\n", Name, Ar.GetStopper() - Ar.Tell());


Exemplo n.º 24
void SkipFixedArray(FArchive &Ar, int ItemSize)
	TArray<DummyItem> DummyArray;
	Ar << DummyArray;
	Ar.Seek(Ar.Tell() + DummyArray.Num() * ItemSize);