bool FStreamingNetworkPlatformFile::SendReadMessage(uint64 HandleId, uint8* Destination, int64 BytesToRead)
	FScopeLock ScopeLock(&SynchronizationObject);

	// Send the filename over.
	FStreamingNetworkFileArchive Payload(NFS_Messages::Read);
	Payload << HandleId;
	Payload << BytesToRead;

	// Send the filename over
	FArrayReader Response;

	if (SendPayloadAndReceiveResponse(Payload, Response) == false)
		return false;

	// Get the server number of bytes read.
	int64 ServerBytesRead = 0;
	Response << ServerBytesRead;

	bool bSuccess = (ServerBytesRead == BytesToRead);

	if (bSuccess)
		// Get the data.
		Response.Serialize(Destination, BytesToRead);

	return bSuccess;