Exemplo n.º 1
BeamContact2Dp::recvSelf(int commitTag, Channel &theChannel, FEM_ObjectBroker &theBroker)
	int res = 0;
	int dataTag = this->getDbTag();

	// BeamContact2Dp creates a vector, receives the vector, and then sets the internal
	// data with the data in the vector
	static Vector data(6);
	res = theChannel.recvVector(dataTag, commitTag, data);
	if (res < 0) {
		opserr << "WARNING BeamContact2Dp::recvSelf() - failed to receive Vector\n";
		return -1;

	mRadius     = data(1);
	mPenalty    = data(2);
	mIniContact = (int)data(3);

	// BeamContact2Dp now receives the tags of its four external nodes
	res = theChannel.recvID(dataTag, commitTag, mExternalNodes);
	if (res < 0) {
		opserr << "WARNING BeamContact2Dp::recvSelf() - " << this->getTag() << " failed to receive ID\n";
		return -2;

	// finally, BeamContact2Dp creates a material object of the correct type, sets its
	// database tag, and asks this new object to receive itself
	int matClass = (int)data(4);
	int matDb    = (int)data(5);

	// check if material object exists and that it is the right type
	if ((theMaterial == 0) || (theMaterial->getClassTag() != matClass)) {

		// if old one, delete it
		if (theMaterial != 0)
			delete theMaterial;

		// create new material object
		NDMaterial *theMatCopy = theBroker.getNewNDMaterial(matClass);
		theMaterial = (ContactMaterial2D *)theMatCopy;

		if (theMaterial == 0) {
			opserr << "WARNING BeamContact2Dp::recvSelf() - " << this->getTag() 
			  << " failed to get a blank Material of type " << matClass << endln;
			return -3;

	// NOTE: we set the dbTag before we receive the material
	res = theMaterial->recvSelf(commitTag, theChannel, theBroker);
	if (res < 0) {
		opserr << "WARNING BeamContact2Dp::recvSelf() - " << this->getTag() << " failed to receive its Material\n";
		return -3;

	return 0;
Exemplo n.º 2
BeamFiberMaterial2d::recvSelf(int commitTag, Channel &theChannel, FEM_ObjectBroker &theBroker)
  int res = 0;

  // recv an id containg the tag and associated materials class and db tags
  static ID idData(3);
  res = theChannel.sendID(this->getDbTag(), commitTag, idData);
  if (res < 0) {
    opserr << "BeamFiberMaterial2d::sendSelf() - failed to send id data\n";
    return res;

  int matClassTag = idData(1);
  // if the associated material has not yet been created or is of the wrong type
  // create a new material for recvSelf later
  if (theMaterial == 0 || theMaterial->getClassTag() != matClassTag) {
    if (theMaterial != 0)
      delete theMaterial;
    theMaterial = theBroker.getNewNDMaterial(matClassTag);
    if (theMaterial == 0) {
      opserr << "BeamFiberMaterial2d::recvSelf() - failed to get a material of type: " << matClassTag << endln;
      return -1;

  // recv a vector containing strains and set the strains
  static Vector vecData(4);
  res = theChannel.recvVector(this->getDbTag(), commitTag, vecData);
  if (res < 0) {
    opserr << "BeamFiberMaterial2d::sendSelf() - failed to send vector data\n";
    return res;

  Cstrain22 = vecData(0);
  Cstrain33 = vecData(1);
  Cgamma31  = vecData(2);
  Cgamma23  = vecData(3);

  Tstrain22 = Cstrain22;
  Tstrain33 = Cstrain33;
  Tgamma31  = Cgamma31;
  Tgamma23  = Cgamma23;

  // now receive the materials data
  res = theMaterial->recvSelf(commitTag, theChannel, theBroker);
  if (res < 0) 
    opserr << "BeamFiberMaterial2d::sendSelf() - failed to send vector material\n";
  return res;
PlateFromPlaneStressMaterialThermal::recvSelf(int commitTag, Channel &theChannel, FEM_ObjectBroker &theBroker)
  int res = 0;

  int dataTag = this->getDbTag();

  // recv an id containg the tag and associated materials class and db tags
  static ID idData(3);
  res = theChannel.recvID(dataTag, commitTag, idData);
  if (res < 0) {
    opserr << "PlateFromPlaneStressMaterialThermal::sendSelf() - failed to receive id data" << endln;
    return res;

  int matClassTag = idData(1);
  if (theMat->getClassTag() != matClassTag) {
    if (theMat != 0) delete theMat;
    theMat = theBroker.getNewNDMaterial(matClassTag);
    if (theMat == 0) {
      opserr << "PlateFromPlaneStressMaterialThermal::recvSelf() - failed to get a material of type: " << matClassTag << endln;
      return -1;

  static Vector vecData(1);
  res = theChannel.recvVector(dataTag, commitTag, vecData);
  if (res < 0) {
    opserr << "PlateFromPlaneStressMaterialThermal::sendSelf() - failed to receive vector data" << endln;
    return res;
  gmod = vecData(0);

  // now receive the materials data
  res = theMat->recvSelf(commitTag, theChannel, theBroker);
  if (res < 0) 
    opserr << "PlateFromPlaneStressMaterialThermal::sendSelf() - failed to receive material1" << endln;
  return res;
int  TwentyEightNodeBrickUP::recvSelf (int commitTag,

									   Channel &theChannel,

									   FEM_ObjectBroker &theBroker)

  int res = 0;

  int dataTag = this->getDbTag();

  // TwentyEightNodeBrickUP creates a Vector, receives the Vector and then sets the
  // internal data with the data in the Vector
  static Vector data(13);
  res += theChannel.recvVector(dataTag, commitTag, data);
  if (res < 0) {
    opserr << "WARNING TwentyEightNodeBrickUP::recvSelf() - failed to receive Vector\n";
    return res;

  rho = data(1);
  b[0] = data(2);
  b[1] = data(3);
  b[2] = data(4);

  alphaM = data(5);
  betaK = data(6);
  betaK0 = data(7);
  betaKc = data(8);

  kc = data(9);
  perm[0] = data(10);
  perm[1] = data(11);
  perm[2] = data(12);

  static ID idData(74);
  // TwentyEightNodeBrickUP now receives the tags of its four external nodes
  res += theChannel.recvID(dataTag, commitTag, idData);
  if (res < 0) {
    opserr << "WARNING TwentyEightNodeBrickUP::recvSelf() - " << this->getTag() << " failed to receive ID\n";
    return res;

  int i;

  for( i = 0; i < 20; i++)
    connectedExternalNodes(i) = idData(54+i);

  if (materialPointers == 0) {
    // Allocate new materials
    materialPointers = new NDMaterial* [nintu];
    if (materialPointers == 0) {
      opserr << "TwentyEightNodeBrickUP::recvSelf() - Could not allocate NDMaterial array\n";
      return -1;
    for (i = 0; i < nintu; i++) {
      int matClassTag = idData(i);
      int matDbTag = idData(i+nintu);
      // Allocate new material with the sent class tag
      materialPointers[i] = theBroker.getNewNDMaterial(matClassTag);
      if (materialPointers[i] == 0) {
	    opserr << "TwentyEightNodeBrickUP::recvSelf() - Broker could not create NDMaterial of class type " << matClassTag << endln;
	    return -1;
      // Now receive materials into the newly allocated space
      res += materialPointers[i]->recvSelf(commitTag, theChannel, theBroker);
      if (res < 0) {
	    opserr << "TwentyEightNodeBrickUP::recvSelf() - material " << i << "failed to recv itself\n";
	    return res;
  // materials exist , ensure materials of correct type and recvSelf on them
  else {
    for (i = 0; i < nintu; i++) {
      int matClassTag = idData(i);
      int matDbTag = idData(i+nintu);
      // Check that material is of the right type; if not,
      // delete it and create a new one of the right type
      if (materialPointers[i]->getClassTag() != matClassTag) {
	    delete materialPointers[i];
	    materialPointers[i] = theBroker.getNewNDMaterial(matClassTag);
	    if (materialPointers[i] == 0) {
	      opserr << "TwentyEightNodeBrickUP::recvSelf() - Broker could not create NDMaterial of class type " <<
	      matClassTag << endln;
      // Receive the material
      res += materialPointers[i]->recvSelf(commitTag, theChannel, theBroker);
      if (res < 0) {
	    opserr << "TwentyEightNodeBrickUP::recvSelf() - material " << i << "failed to recv itself\n";
	    return res;

  return res;

Exemplo n.º 5
NineNodeMixedQuad::recvSelf (int commitTag, 
			     Channel &theChannel, 
			     FEM_ObjectBroker &theBroker)
  int res = 0;
  int dataTag = this->getDbTag();

  static ID idData(28);
  // Quad now receives the tags of its four external nodes
  res += theChannel.recvID(dataTag, commitTag, idData);
  if (res < 0) {
    opserr << "WARNING NineNodeMixedQuad::recvSelf() - " << this->getTag() << "  failed to receive ID\n";
    return res;

  connectedExternalNodes(0) = idData(19);
  connectedExternalNodes(1) = idData(20);
  connectedExternalNodes(2) = idData(21);
  connectedExternalNodes(3) = idData(22);
  connectedExternalNodes(4) = idData(23);
  connectedExternalNodes(5) = idData(24);
  connectedExternalNodes(6) = idData(25);
  connectedExternalNodes(7) = idData(26);
  connectedExternalNodes(8) = idData(27);

  int i;

  if (materialPointers[0] == 0) {
    for (i = 0; i < 9; i++) {
      int matClassTag = idData(i);
      int matDbTag = idData(i+9);
      // Allocate new material with the sent class tag
      materialPointers[i] = theBroker.getNewNDMaterial(matClassTag);
      if (materialPointers[i] == 0) {
	opserr << "NineNodeMixedQuad::recvSelf() - Broker could not create NDMaterial of class type" << matClassTag << endln;
	return -1;
      // Now receive materials into the newly allocated space
      res += materialPointers[i]->recvSelf(commitTag, theChannel, theBroker);
      if (res < 0) {
	opserr << "NineNodeMixedQuad::recvSelf() - material " <<
	  i << "failed to recv itself\n";
	return res;
  // Number of materials is the same, receive materials into current space
  else {
    for (i = 0; i < 9; i++) {
      int matClassTag = idData(i);
      int matDbTag = idData(i+9);
      // Check that material is of the right type; if not,
      // delete it and create a new one of the right type
      if (materialPointers[i]->getClassTag() != matClassTag) {
	delete materialPointers[i];
	materialPointers[i] = theBroker.getNewNDMaterial(matClassTag);
	if (materialPointers[i] == 0) {
	  opserr << "NineNodeMixedQuad::recvSelf() - Broker could not create NDMaterial of class type" << matClassTag << endln;
      // Receive the material
      res += materialPointers[i]->recvSelf(commitTag, theChannel, theBroker);
      if (res < 0) {
	opserr << "NineNodeMixedQuad::recvSelf() - material " <<
	  i << "failed to recv itself\n";
	return res;
  return res;
Exemplo n.º 6
int  Twenty_Node_Brick::recvSelf (int commitTag,

									   Channel &theChannel,

									   FEM_ObjectBroker &theBroker)


	int res = 0;

	int dataTag = this->getDbTag();

	static ID idData(75);

	//  now receives the tags of its 20 external nodes

	res += theChannel.recvID(dataTag, commitTag, idData);

	if (res < 0) {

		opserr << "WARNING Twenty_Node_Brick::recvSelf() - " << this->getTag() << " failed to receive ID\n";

		return res;



	int i;

	for( i = 0; i < 20; i++)

		connectedExternalNodes(i) = idData(54+i);

	if (materialPointers[0] == 0) {

		for (i = 0; i < nintu; i++) {

			int matClassTag = idData(i);

			int matDbTag = idData(i+nintu);

			// Allocate new material with the sent class tag

			materialPointers[i] = theBroker.getNewNDMaterial(matClassTag);

			if (materialPointers[i] == 0) {

				opserr << "Twenty_Node_Brick::recvSelf() - Broker could not create NDMaterial of class type " << matClassTag << endln;

				return -1;


			// Now receive materials into the newly allocated space


			res += materialPointers[i]->recvSelf(commitTag, theChannel, theBroker);

			if (res < 0) {

				opserr << "Twenty_Node_Brick::recvSelf() - material " << i << "failed to recv itself\n";

				return res;




	// materials exist , ensure materials of correct type and recvSelf on them

	else {

		for (i = 0; i < nintu; i++) {

			int matClassTag = idData(i);

			int matDbTag = idData(i+nintu);

			// Check that material is of the right type; if not,

			// delete it and create a new one of the right type

			if (materialPointers[i]->getClassTag() != matClassTag) {

				delete materialPointers[i];

				materialPointers[i] = theBroker.getNewNDMaterial(matClassTag);

				if (materialPointers[i] == 0) {

					opserr << "Twenty_Node_Brick::recvSelf() - Broker could not create NDMaterial of class type " <<

						matClassTag << endln;





			// Receive the material

			res += materialPointers[i]->recvSelf(commitTag, theChannel, theBroker);

			if (res < 0) {

				opserr << "Twenty_Node_Brick::recvSelf() - material " << i << "failed to recv itself\n";

				return res;




	return res;

NineFourNodeQuadUP::recvSelf(int commitTag, Channel &theChannel,
						FEM_ObjectBroker &theBroker)
  int res = 0;
  int dataTag = this->getDbTag();
  // Quad creates a Vector, receives the Vector and then sets the 
  // internal data with the data in the Vector
  static Vector data(7);
  res += theChannel.recvVector(dataTag, commitTag, data);
  if (res < 0) {
    opserr << "WARNING NineFourNodeQuadUP::recvSelf() - failed to receive Vector\n";
    return res;
  thickness = data(1);
  rho = data(2);
  b[0] = data(3);
  b[1] = data(4);
  //pressure = data(5);
  kc = data(6);
  perm[0] = data(7);
  perm[1] = data(8);

  // Quad now receives the tags of its four external nodes
  res += theChannel.recvID(dataTag, commitTag, connectedExternalNodes);
  if (res < 0) {
    opserr << "WARNING NineFourNodeQuadUP::recvSelf() - " << this->getTag() << " failed to receive ID\n";
    return res;

  // Quad now receives the ids of its materials
  int newOrder = (int)data(9);
  int numMats = newOrder;
  ID classTags(2*numMats);

  res += theChannel.recvID(dataTag, commitTag, classTags);
  if (res < 0)  {
    opserr << "NineFourNodeQuadUP::recvSelf() - failed to recv ID data\n";
    return res;

  int i;
  // If the number of materials (quadrature order) is not the same,
  // delete the old materials, allocate new ones and then receive
  if (9 != newOrder) {
		// Delete the materials
    for (i = 0; i < 9; i++) {
      if (theMaterial[i])
	delete theMaterial[i];
    if (theMaterial)
      delete [] theMaterial;
    // Allocate new materials
    theMaterial = new NDMaterial *[9];
    if (theMaterial == 0) {
      opserr << "NineFourNodeQuadUP::recvSelf() - Could not allocate NDMaterial* array\n";
      return -1;
    for (i = 0; i < 9; i++) {
      int matClassTag = classTags(i);
      int matDbTag = classTags(i+numMats);
      // Allocate new material with the sent class tag
      theMaterial[i] = theBroker.getNewNDMaterial(matClassTag);
      if (theMaterial[i] == 0) {
	opserr << "NineFourNodeQuadUP::recvSelf() - Broker could not create NDMaterial of class type" << matClassTag << endln;
	return -1;
      // Now receive materials into the newly allocated space
      res += theMaterial[i]->recvSelf(commitTag, theChannel, theBroker);
      if (res < 0) {
	opserr << "NLBeamColumn3d::recvSelf() - material " << i << "failed to recv itself\n";
	return res;
  // Number of materials is the same, receive materials into current space
  else {
    for (i = 0; i < 9; i++) {
      int matClassTag = classTags(i);
      int matDbTag = classTags(i+numMats);
      // Check that material is of the right type; if not,
      // delete it and create a new one of the right type
      if (theMaterial[i]->getClassTag() != matClassTag) {
	delete theMaterial[i];
	theMaterial[i] = theBroker.getNewNDMaterial(matClassTag);
	if (theMaterial[i] == 0) {
	  opserr << "NineFourNodeQuadUP::recvSelf() - Broker could not create NDMaterial of class type " << matClassTag << endln;
      // Receive the material
      res += theMaterial[i]->recvSelf(commitTag, theChannel, theBroker);
      if (res < 0) {
	opserr << "NineFourNodeQuadUP::recvSelf() - material " << i << "failed to recv itself\n";
	return res;
  return res;
ConstantPressureVolumeQuad :: recvSelf (int commitTag, 
					Channel &theChannel, 
					FEM_ObjectBroker &theBroker)
  int res = 0;
  int dataTag = this->getDbTag();

  static ID idData(14);
  // Quad now receives the tags of its four external nodes
  res += theChannel.recvID(dataTag, commitTag, idData);
  if (res < 0) {
    opserr << "WARNING ConstantPressureVolumeQuad::recvSelf() - " << this->getTag() << " failed to receive ID\n";
    return res;

  connectedExternalNodes(0) = idData(9);
  connectedExternalNodes(1) = idData(10);
  connectedExternalNodes(2) = idData(11);
  connectedExternalNodes(3) = idData(12);

  int i;

  if (idData(13) == 1) {
    // recv damping coefficients
    static Vector dData(4);
    if (theChannel.recvVector(dataTag, commitTag, dData) < 0) {
      opserr << "EnahancesQuad::sendSelf() - failed to recv double data\n";
      return -1;
    alphaM = dData(0);
    betaK = dData(1);
    betaK0 = dData(2);
    betaKc = dData(3);

  if (materialPointers[0] == 0) {
    for (i = 0; i < 4; i++) {
      int matClassTag = idData(i);
      int matDbTag = idData(i+4);
      // Allocate new material with the sent class tag
      materialPointers[i] = theBroker.getNewNDMaterial(matClassTag);
      if (materialPointers[i] == 0) {
	opserr << "ConstantPressureVolumeQuad::recvSelf() - " <<
	  "Broker could not create NDMaterial of class type" << matClassTag << endln;
	return -1;
      // Now receive materials into the newly allocated space
      res += materialPointers[i]->recvSelf(commitTag, theChannel, theBroker);
      if (res < 0) {
	opserr << "NLBeamColumn3d::recvSelf() - material " << 
	  i << "failed to recv itself\n";
	return res;
  // Number of materials is the same, receive materials into current space
  else {
    for (i = 0; i < 4; i++) {
      int matClassTag = idData(i);
      int matDbTag = idData(i+4);
      // Check that material is of the right type; if not,
      // delete it and create a new one of the right type
      if (materialPointers[i]->getClassTag() != matClassTag) {
	delete materialPointers[i];
	materialPointers[i] = theBroker.getNewNDMaterial(matClassTag);
	if (materialPointers[i] == 0) {
	  opserr << "ConstantPressureVolumeQuad::recvSelf() - " << 
	    "Broker could not create NDMaterial of class type" << matClassTag << endln;
      // Receive the material
      res += materialPointers[i]->recvSelf(commitTag, theChannel, theBroker);
      if (res < 0) {
	opserr << "ConstantPressureVolumeQuad::recvSelf() - material  " << i <<
	  "failed to recv itself\n";
	return res;
  return res;
Exemplo n.º 9
GenericSectionNd::recvSelf(int cTag, Channel &theChannel,
					 FEM_ObjectBroker &theBroker)
	int res = 0;

    static ID data(5);

	// Receive the data ID
    res += theChannel.recvID(this->getDbTag(), cTag, data);
	if (res < 0) {
		g3ErrorHandler->warning("%s -- could not receive data ID",
		return res;

	order = data(1);
	otherDbTag = data(2);

	// Check if section ID code is null or wrong size, reallocate if so
	if (code == 0)
		code = new ID(order);
	else if (code->Size() != order) {
		delete code;
		code = new ID(order);
	if (code == 0) {
		g3ErrorHandler->warning("%s -- could not allocate new code ID",
		return -1;

	// Receive the code ID
    res += theChannel.recvID(otherDbTag, cTag, *code);
	if (res < 0) {
		g3ErrorHandler->warning("%s -- could not receive code ID",
		return res;

	int classTag = data(3);

	// Check if the material is null; if so, get a new one
	if (theModel == 0)
		theModel = theBroker.getNewNDMaterial(classTag);

	// Check that the material is of the right type; if not, delete
	// the current one and get a new one of the right type
	else if (theModel->getClassTag() != classTag) {
		delete theModel;
		theModel = theBroker.getNewNDMaterial(classTag);

	// Check if either allocation failed
	if (theModel == 0) {
		g3ErrorHandler->warning("%s -- could not get an NDMaterial",
		return -1;

	// Now, receive the material
	res += theModel->recvSelf(cTag, theChannel, theBroker);
	if (res < 0) {
		g3ErrorHandler->warning("%s -- could not receive NDMaterial",
		return res;

    return res;
Exemplo n.º 10
SSPquad::recvSelf(int commitTag, Channel &theChannel, FEM_ObjectBroker &theBroker)
  int res = 0;
  int dataTag = this->getDbTag();
  // SSPquad creates a Vector, receives the Vector and then sets the 
  // internal data with the data in the Vector
  static Vector data(10);
  res += theChannel.recvVector(dataTag, commitTag, data);
  if (res < 0) {
    opserr << "WARNING SSPquad::recvSelf() - failed to receive Vector\n";
    return res;
  mThickness = data(1);
  b[0] = data(2);
  b[1] = data(3);
  // SSPquad now receives the tags of its four external nodes
  res += theChannel.recvID(dataTag, commitTag, mExternalNodes);
  if (res < 0) {
    opserr << "WARNING SSPquad::recvSelf() - " << this->getTag() << " failed to receive ID\n";
    return res;
  // finally, SSPquad creates a material object of the correct type, sets its
  // database tag, and asks this new object to receive itself
  int matClass = (int)data(4);
  int matDb    = (int)data(5);
  alphaM = data(6);
  betaK = data(7);
  betaK0 = data(8);
  betaKc = data(9);
  // check if material object exists and that it is the right type
  if ((theMaterial == 0) || (theMaterial->getClassTag() != matClass)) {
    // if old one, delete it
    if (theMaterial != 0)
      delete theMaterial;
    // create new material object
    NDMaterial *theMatCopy = theBroker.getNewNDMaterial(matClass);
    theMaterial = (NDMaterial *)theMatCopy;
    if (theMaterial == 0) {
      opserr << "WARNING SSPquad::recvSelf() - " << this->getTag() 
	     << " failed to get a blank Material of type " << matClass << endln;
      return -3;
  // NOTE: we set the dbTag before we receive the material
  res = theMaterial->recvSelf(commitTag, theChannel, theBroker);
  if (res < 0) {
    opserr << "WARNING SSPquad::recvSelf() - " << this->getTag() << " failed to receive its Material\n";
    return -3;
  return 0; 
Exemplo n.º 11
ZeroLengthND::recvSelf(int commitTag, Channel &theChannel, FEM_ObjectBroker &theBroker)
	int res = 0;
	int dataTag = this->getDbTag();

	// ZeroLengthND creates an ID, receives the ID and then sets the 
	// internal data with the data in the ID

	static ID idData(11);

	res += theChannel.recvID(dataTag, commitTag, idData);
	if (res < 0) {
		opserr << "ZeroLengtHND::recvSelf -- failed to receive ID data\n";
		return res;

	res += theChannel.recvMatrix(dataTag, commitTag, transformation);
	if (res < 0) {
		opserr << "zeroLengthND::revbSelf -- failed to receive transformation Matrix\n";
		return res;

	dimension = idData(1);
	numDOF = idData(2);
	connectedExternalNodes(0) = idData(5);
	connectedExternalNodes(1) = idData(6);

	if (order != idData(3)) {

		order = idData(3);

		// Allocate transformation matrix
		if (A != 0)
			delete A;

		A = new Matrix(order, numDOF);

		if (numDOF == 6) {
			K = &K6;
			P = &P6;
		else {
			K = &K12;
			P = &P12;

		if (order == 2)
			v = &v2;
			v = &v3;

	int classTag = idData(7);

	// If null, get a new one from the broker
	if (theNDMaterial == 0)
		theNDMaterial = theBroker.getNewNDMaterial(classTag);

	// If wrong type, get a new one from the broker
	if (theNDMaterial->getClassTag() != classTag) {
		delete theNDMaterial;
		theNDMaterial = theBroker.getNewNDMaterial(classTag);

	// Check if either allocation failed from broker
	if (theNDMaterial == 0) {
		opserr << "ZeroLengthND::  -- failed to allocate new NDMaterial\n";
		return -1;

	// Receive the NDMaterial
	res += theNDMaterial->recvSelf(commitTag, theChannel, theBroker);
	if (res < 0) {
		opserr << "ZeroLengthND::  -- failed to receive NDMaterial\n";
		return res;

	// Receive the UniaxialMaterial, if present
	if (idData(4) == 1) {
		classTag = idData(9);

		// If null, get a new one from the broker
		if (the1DMaterial == 0)
			the1DMaterial = theBroker.getNewUniaxialMaterial(classTag);

		// If wrong type, get a new one from the broker
		if (the1DMaterial->getClassTag() != classTag) {
			delete the1DMaterial;
			the1DMaterial = theBroker.getNewUniaxialMaterial(classTag);

		// Check if either allocation failed from broker
		if (the1DMaterial == 0) {
			opserr << "ZeroLengthND::  -- failed to allocate new UniaxialMaterial\n";
			return -1;

		// Receive the UniaxialMaterial
		res += the1DMaterial->recvSelf(commitTag, theChannel, theBroker);
		if (res < 0) {
			opserr << "ZeroLengthND::  -- failed to receive UniaxialMaterial\n";
			return res;

	return res;
Exemplo n.º 12
int  BbarBrick::recvSelf (int commitTag,
		       Channel &theChannel,
		       FEM_ObjectBroker &theBroker)
  int res = 0;

  int dataTag = this->getDbTag();

  static ID idData(25);
  // Quad now receives the tags of its four external nodes
  res += theChannel.recvID(dataTag, commitTag, idData);
  if (res < 0) {
    opserr << "WARNING BbarBrick::recvSelf() - " << this->getTag() << " failed to receive ID\n";
    return res;


  // recv damping & body forces coefficients
  static Vector dData(7);
  if (theChannel.recvVector(dataTag, commitTag, dData) < 0) {
    opserr << "DispBeamColumn2d::sendSelf() - failed to recv double data\n";
    return -1;
  alphaM = dData(0);
  betaK = dData(1);
  betaK0 = dData(2);
  betaKc = dData(3);
  b[0] = dData(4);
  b[1] = dData(5);
  b[2] = dData(6);

  connectedExternalNodes(0) = idData(16);
  connectedExternalNodes(1) = idData(17);
  connectedExternalNodes(2) = idData(18);
  connectedExternalNodes(3) = idData(19);
  connectedExternalNodes(4) = idData(20);
  connectedExternalNodes(5) = idData(21);
  connectedExternalNodes(6) = idData(22);
  connectedExternalNodes(7) = idData(23);

  if (materialPointers[0] == 0) {
    for (int i = 0; i < 8; i++) {
      int matClassTag = idData(i);
      int matDbTag = idData(i+8);
      // Allocate new material with the sent class tag
      materialPointers[i] = theBroker.getNewNDMaterial(matClassTag);
      if (materialPointers[i] == 0) {
	  opserr << "BbarBrick::recvSelf() - Broker could not create NDMaterial of class type" <<
	    matClassTag << endln;
      // Now receive materials into the newly allocated space
      res += materialPointers[i]->recvSelf(commitTag, theChannel, theBroker);
      if (res < 0) {
	opserr << "NLBeamColumn3d::recvSelf() - material " <<
	  i << "failed to recv itself\n";
	return res;
  // materials exist , ensure materials of correct type and recvSelf on them
  else {
    for (int i = 0; i < 8; i++) {
      int matClassTag = idData(i);
      int matDbTag = idData(i+8);
      // Check that material is of the right type; if not,
      // delete it and create a new one of the right type
      if (materialPointers[i]->getClassTag() != matClassTag) {
	delete materialPointers[i];
	materialPointers[i] = theBroker.getNewNDMaterial(matClassTag);
	if (materialPointers[i] == 0) {
	  opserr << "BbarBrick::recvSelf() - Broker could not create NDMaterial of class type" <<
	    matClassTag << endln;
      // Receive the material

      res += materialPointers[i]->recvSelf(commitTag, theChannel, theBroker);
      if (res < 0) {
	opserr << "NLBeamColumn3d::recvSelf() - material " <<
	  i << "failed to recv itself\n";
	return res;

  return res;
Exemplo n.º 13
Tri31::recvSelf(int commitTag, Channel &theChannel, FEM_ObjectBroker &theBroker)                                 
	int res = 0;

	int dataTag = this->getDbTag();

	// Tri31 creates a Vector, receives the Vector and then sets the 
	// internal data with the data in the Vector
	static Vector data(10);
	res += theChannel.recvVector(dataTag, commitTag, data);
	if (res < 0) {
		opserr << "WARNING Tri31::recvSelf() - failed to receive Vector\n";
	    return res;

	thickness = data(1);
	b[0] = data(3);
	b[1] = data(4);
	pressure = data(5);

	alphaM = data(6);
	betaK  = data(7);
	betaK0 = data(8);
	betaKc = data(9);

	static ID idData(2*numgp+numnodes+1);
	// Tri31 now receives the tags of its four external nodes
	res += theChannel.recvID(dataTag, commitTag, idData);
	if (res < 0) {
		opserr << "WARNING Tri31::recvSelf() - " << this->getTag() << " failed to receive ID\n";
	    return res;

	int count = 2*numgp;

	connectedExternalNodes(0) = idData(count); count += 1;
	connectedExternalNodes(1) = idData(count); count += 1;
	connectedExternalNodes(2) = idData(count);

	if (theMaterial == 0) {
		// Allocate new materials
	    theMaterial = new NDMaterial *[numgp];
		if (theMaterial == 0) {
			opserr << "Tri31::recvSelf() - Could not allocate NDMaterial* array\n";
			return -1;
		for (int i = 0; i < numgp; i++) {
			int matClassTag = idData(i);
			int matDbTag = idData(i+numgp);
			// Allocate new material with the sent class tag
			theMaterial[i] = theBroker.getNewNDMaterial(matClassTag);
			if (theMaterial[i] == 0) {
				opserr << "Tri31::recvSelf() - Broker could not create NDMaterial of class type " << matClassTag << endln;
				return -1;
			// Now receive materials into the newly allocated space
			res += theMaterial[i]->recvSelf(commitTag, theChannel, theBroker);
			if (res < 0) {
				opserr << "NLBeamColumn3d::recvSelf() - material " << i << "failed to recv itself\n";
				return res;

	// materials exist , ensure materials of correct type and recvSelf on them
	else {
		for (int i = 0; i < numgp; i++) {
			int matClassTag = idData(i);
		    int matDbTag = idData(i+numgp);
		    // Check that material is of the right type; if not,
		    // delete it and create a new one of the right type
		    if (theMaterial[i]->getClassTag() != matClassTag) {
				delete theMaterial[i];
		        theMaterial[i] = theBroker.getNewNDMaterial(matClassTag);
		        if (theMaterial[i] == 0) {
					opserr << "NLBeamColumn3d::recvSelf() - material " << i << "failed to create\n";
		            return -1;
		    // Receive the material
		    res += theMaterial[i]->recvSelf(commitTag, theChannel, theBroker);
		    if (res < 0) {
				opserr << "NLBeamColumn3d::recvSelf() - material " << i << "failed to recv itself\n";
		        return res;

	return res;
Exemplo n.º 14
NDFiber2d::recvSelf(int commitTag, Channel &theChannel, FEM_ObjectBroker &theBroker)
  // get tag and material info from an ID
  int res = 0;
  int dbTag = this->getDbTag();
  static ID idData(3);
  res += theChannel.recvID(dbTag, commitTag, idData);
  if (res < 0) {
    opserr << "NDFiber2d::recvSelf - failed to receive ID data\n";
    return res;

  // get area from a vector received from channel
  static Vector dData(2);
  res += theChannel.recvVector(dbTag, commitTag, dData);
  if (res < 0) {
      opserr << "NDFiber2d::recvSelf - failed to receive Vector data\n";
      return res;
  area = dData(0);
  y = dData(1);

  // now we do the material stuff
  int matClassTag = idData(1);    
    // if we have a material, check it is of correct type
  if (theMaterial != 0) {
    if (matClassTag != theMaterial->getClassTag()) {
      delete theMaterial;
      theMaterial = 0;
  // if no material we need to get one,
  // NOTE: not an else if in case deleted in if above
  if (theMaterial == 0) {
    theMaterial = theBroker.getNewNDMaterial(matClassTag);
    if (theMaterial == 0) {
      opserr << "NDFiber2d::recvSelf() - " <<
	  "failed to get a NDMaterial of type " << matClassTag << endln;
      return -1;
    // set the materials dbTag and invoke recvSelf on the material
  // now invoke recvSelf on the material
  res += theMaterial->recvSelf(commitTag, theChannel, theBroker);
  if (res < 0) {
    opserr << "NDFiber2d::recvSelf() - the material failed in recvSelf()\n";
    return res;
  return res;
Exemplo n.º 15
BiaxialFiber3d::recvSelf(int commitTag, Channel &theChannel, 
			  FEM_ObjectBroker &theBroker)
    // get tag and material info from an ID

    static ID idData(3);
    int dbTag = this->getDbTag();
    if (theChannel.recvID(dbTag, commitTag, idData) < 0)  {
	opserr << "BiaxialFiber3d::recvSelf() -  failed to recv ID data\n";
	return -1;


    // get area and position datafrom a vector
    static Vector dData(4);
    if (theChannel.recvVector(dbTag, commitTag, dData) < 0)  {
      opserr << "BiaxialFiber3d::recvSelf() -  failed to recv Vector data\n";
	return -2;
    area = dData(0);
    as[0] = dData(1);
    as[1] = dData(2);
	R = dData(3);

    // now we do the material stuff
    int matClassTag = idData(1);    
    // if we have a material, check it is of correct type
    if (theMaterial != 0) {
	  if (matClassTag != theMaterial->getClassTag()) {
	    delete theMaterial;
	    theMaterial = 0;

    // if no material we need to get one,
    // NOTE: not an else if in case deleted in if above
    if (theMaterial == 0) {
	  theMaterial = theBroker.getNewNDMaterial(matClassTag);
	  if (theMaterial == 0) {
	    opserr << "BiaxialFiber3d::recvSelf() - " << 
	      "failed to get a UniaxialMaterial of type "<< matClassTag << endln;
	      return -3;

    // set the materials dbTag and invoke recvSelf on the material

    // now invoke recvSelf on the material
    if (theMaterial->recvSelf(commitTag, theChannel, theBroker) < 0) {
      opserr << "BiaxialFiber3d::recvSelf() -  the material failed in recvSelf()\n";
	  return -4;

    return 0;
Exemplo n.º 16
TimoshenkoSection2d::recvSelf(int commitTag, Channel &theChannel,
		     FEM_ObjectBroker &theBroker)
  int res = 0;

  static ID data(3);
  int dbTag = this->getDbTag();
  res += theChannel.recvID(dbTag, commitTag, data);
  if (res < 0) {
    opserr <<  "TimoshenkoSection2d::recvSelf - failed to recv ID data\n";
    return res;

  // recv data about materials objects, classTag and dbTag
  if (data(1) != 0) {
    ID materialData(2*data(1));
    res += theChannel.recvID(dbTag, commitTag, materialData);
    if (res < 0) {
      opserr <<  "TimoshenkoSection2d::recvSelf - failed to recv material data\n";
      return res;

    // if current arrays not of correct size, release old and resize
    if (theMaterials == 0 || numFibers != data(1)) {
      // delete old stuff if outa date
      if (theMaterials != 0) {
	for (int i=0; i<numFibers; i++)
	  delete theMaterials[i];
	delete [] theMaterials;
	if (matData != 0)
	  delete [] matData;
	matData = 0;
	theMaterials = 0;

      // create memory to hold material pointers and fiber data
      numFibers = data(1);
      if (numFibers != 0) {
	theMaterials = new NDMaterial *[numFibers];
	if (theMaterials == 0) {
	  opserr <<"TimoshenkoSection2d::recvSelf -- failed to allocate Material pointers\n";
	for (int j=0; j<numFibers; j++)
	  theMaterials[j] = 0;

	matData = new double [numFibers*3];

	if (matData == 0) {
	  opserr <<"TimoshenkoSection2d::recvSelf  -- failed to allocate double array for material data\n";

    Vector fiberData(matData, 3*numFibers);
    res += theChannel.recvVector(dbTag, commitTag, fiberData);
    if (res < 0) {
      opserr <<  "TimoshenkoSection2d::recvSelf - failed to recv material data\n";
      return res;

    int i;
    for (i=0; i<numFibers; i++) {
      int classTag = materialData(2*i);
      dbTag = materialData(2*i+1);

      // if material pointed to is blank or not of corrcet type, 
      // release old and create a new one
      if (theMaterials[i] == 0)
	theMaterials[i] = theBroker.getNewNDMaterial(classTag);
      else if (theMaterials[i]->getClassTag() != classTag) {
	delete theMaterials[i];
	theMaterials[i] = theBroker.getNewNDMaterial(classTag);      

      if (theMaterials[i] == 0) {
	opserr <<"TimoshenkoSection2d::recvSelf -- failed to allocate double array for material data\n";

      res += theMaterials[i]->recvSelf(commitTag, theChannel, theBroker);

    double Qz = 0.0;
	double Qy = 0.0;
    double A  = 0.0;
    double yLoc, zLoc, Area;

    // Recompute centroid
    for (i = 0; i < numFibers; i++) {
      yLoc = matData[3*i];
      zLoc = matData[3*i+1];
      Area = matData[3*i+2];
      A  += Area;
      Qz += yLoc*Area;
	  Qy += zLoc*Area;
    yBar = Qz/A;
    zBar = Qy/A;

  return res;
Exemplo n.º 17

NineFourNodeQuadUP::recvSelf(int commitTag, Channel &theChannel,

						FEM_ObjectBroker &theBroker)

  int res = 0;

  int dataTag = this->getDbTag();

  // Quad creates a Vector, receives the Vector and then sets the
  // internal data with the data in the Vector
  static Vector data(13);
  res += theChannel.recvVector(dataTag, commitTag, data);
  if (res < 0) {
    opserr << "WARNING NineFourNodeQuadUP::recvSelf() - failed to receive Vector\n";
    return res;

  thickness = data(1);
  rho = data(2);
  b[0] = data(3);
  b[1] = data(4);
  //double pressure = data(5); // surface loading not implemented.

  alphaM = data(6);
  betaK = data(7);
  betaK0 = data(8);
  betaKc = data(9);

  kc = data(10);
  perm[0] = data(11);
  perm[1] = data(12);

  static ID idData(27);
  // Quad now receives the tags of its four external nodes
  res += theChannel.recvID(dataTag, commitTag, idData);
  if (res < 0) {
    opserr << "WARNING NineFourNodeQuadUP::recvSelf() - " << this->getTag() << " failed to receive ID\n";
    return res;

  for( int i = 0; i < 9; i++)
    connectedExternalNodes(i) = idData(18+i);

  if (theMaterial == 0) {
    // Allocate new materials
    theMaterial = new NDMaterial *[nintu];
    if (theMaterial == 0) {
      opserr << "NineFourNodeQuadUP::recvSelf() - Could not allocate NDMaterial* array\n";
      return -1;
    for (int i = 0; i < 9; i++) {
      int matClassTag = idData(i);
      int matDbTag = idData(i+9);
      // Allocate new material with the sent class tag
      theMaterial[i] = theBroker.getNewNDMaterial(matClassTag);
      if (theMaterial[i] == 0) {
	opserr << "NineFourNodeQuadUP::recvSelf() - Broker could not create NDMaterial of class type " << matClassTag << endln;
	return -1;
      // Now receive materials into the newly allocated space
      res += theMaterial[i]->recvSelf(commitTag, theChannel, theBroker);
      if (res < 0) {
opserr << "NineFourNodeQuadUP::recvSelf() - material " << i << "failed to recv itself\n";
	return res;

  // materials exist , ensure materials of correct type and recvSelf on them
  else {
    for (int i = 0; i < 9; i++) {
      int matClassTag = idData(i);
      int matDbTag = idData(i+9);
      // Check that material is of the right type; if not,
      // delete it and create a new one of the right type
      if (theMaterial[i]->getClassTag() != matClassTag) {
	delete theMaterial[i];
	theMaterial[i] = theBroker.getNewNDMaterial(matClassTag);
	if (theMaterial[i] == 0) {
opserr << "NineFourNodeQuadUP::recvSelf() - material " << i << "failed to create\n";

	  return -1;
      // Receive the material
      res += theMaterial[i]->recvSelf(commitTag, theChannel, theBroker);
      if (res < 0) {
opserr << "NineFourNodeQuadUP::recvSelf() - material " << i << "failed to recv itself\n";
	return res;

  return res;

MembranePlateFiberSection::recvSelf(int commitTag, Channel &theChannel, FEM_ObjectBroker &theBroker)
  int res = 0;
  int dataTag = this->getDbTag();

  static ID idData(2*numFibers+1);
  // Quad now receives the tags of its four external nodes
  res += theChannel.recvID(dataTag, commitTag, idData);
  if (res < 0) {
    opserr << "WARNING MembranePlateFiberSection::recvSelf() - " << this->getTag() << " failed to receive ID\n";
    return res;


  int i;

  if (theFibers[0] == 0) {
    for (i = 0; i < numFibers; i++) {
      int matClassTag = idData(i);
      int matDbTag = idData(i+numFibers);
      // Allocate new material with the sent class tag
      theFibers[i] = theBroker.getNewNDMaterial(matClassTag);
      if (theFibers[i] == 0) {
	opserr << "MembranePlateFiberSection::recvSelf() - " <<
	  "Broker could not create NDMaterial of class type " << matClassTag << endln;
	return -1;
      // Now receive materials into the newly allocated space
      res += theFibers[i]->recvSelf(commitTag, theChannel, theBroker);
      if (res < 0) {
	opserr << "MembranePlateFiber::recvSelf() - material " << i << "failed to recv itself\n";
	return res;
  // Number of materials is the same, receive materials into current space
  else {
    for (i = 0; i < numFibers; i++) {
      int matClassTag = idData(i);
      int matDbTag = idData(i+numFibers);
      // Check that material is of the right type; if not,
      // delete it and create a new one of the right type
      if (theFibers[i]->getClassTag() != matClassTag) {
	delete theFibers[i];
	theFibers[i] = theBroker.getNewNDMaterial(matClassTag);
	if (theFibers[i] == 0) {
	  opserr << "MembranePlateFiberSection::recvSelf() - " << 
	    "Broker could not create NDMaterial of class type" << matClassTag << endln;
      // Receive the material
      res += theFibers[i]->recvSelf(commitTag, theChannel, theBroker);
      if (res < 0) {
	opserr << "MembranePlateFiberSection::recvSelf() - material " << 
	  i << ", failed to recv itself\n";
	return res;

  return res;