int32 FWebBrowserWindow::GetCefInputModifiers(const FInputEvent& InputEvent) { int32 Modifiers = 0; if (InputEvent.IsShiftDown()) { Modifiers |= EVENTFLAG_SHIFT_DOWN; } if (InputEvent.IsControlDown()) { Modifiers |= EVENTFLAG_CONTROL_DOWN; } if (InputEvent.IsAltDown()) { Modifiers |= EVENTFLAG_ALT_DOWN; } if (InputEvent.IsCommandDown()) { Modifiers |= EVENTFLAG_COMMAND_DOWN; } if (InputEvent.AreCapsLocked()) { Modifiers |= EVENTFLAG_CAPS_LOCK_ON; } // TODO: Add function for this if necessary /*if (InputEvent.AreNumsLocked()) { Modifiers |= EVENTFLAG_NUM_LOCK_ON; }*/ return Modifiers; }
void FDockingDragOperation::SetHoveredTarget( const FDockTarget& InTarget, const FInputEvent& InputEvent ) { if ( HoveredDockTarget != InTarget ) { HoveredDockTarget = InTarget; TSharedPtr<SDockingNode> HoveredTargetNode = InTarget.TargetNode.Pin(); FCurveSequence Sequence; Sequence.AddCurve( 0, 0.1f, ECurveEaseFunction::QuadOut ); if ( HoveredTargetNode.IsValid() ) { const FGeometry TargetDockNodeGeometry = InputEvent.FindGeometry( HoveredTargetNode.ToSharedRef() ); FSlateRect TabStackArea = GetPreviewAreaForDirection( TargetDockNodeGeometry.GetClippingRect(), InTarget.DockDirection ); const float TargetOpacity = CursorDecoratorWindow->GetOpacity(); CursorDecoratorWindow->MorphToShape( Sequence, TargetOpacity, TabStackArea ); CursorDecoratorWindow->SetColorAndOpacity( FCoreStyle::Get().GetColor( TEXT("Docking.Cross.PreviewWindowTint") ) ); TabBeingDragged->SetDraggedOverDockArea( HoveredTargetNode->GetDockArea() ); } else { CursorDecoratorWindow->MorphToShape( Sequence, CursorDecoratorWindow->GetOpacity(), CursorDecoratorWindow->GetMorphTargetShape() ); CursorDecoratorWindow->SetColorAndOpacity( FLinearColor::White ); TabBeingDragged->SetDraggedOverDockArea( NULL ); } } }
int32 FCEFWebBrowserWindow::GetCefInputModifiers(const FInputEvent& InputEvent) { int32 Modifiers = 0; if (InputEvent.IsShiftDown()) { Modifiers |= EVENTFLAG_SHIFT_DOWN; } if (InputEvent.IsControlDown()) { #if PLATFORM_MAC // Slate swaps the flags for Command and Control on OSX, so we need to swap them back for CEF Modifiers |= EVENTFLAG_COMMAND_DOWN; #else Modifiers |= EVENTFLAG_CONTROL_DOWN; #endif } if (InputEvent.IsAltDown()) { Modifiers |= EVENTFLAG_ALT_DOWN; } if (InputEvent.IsCommandDown()) { #if PLATFORM_MAC // Slate swaps the flags for Command and Control on OSX, so we need to swap them back for CEF Modifiers |= EVENTFLAG_CONTROL_DOWN; #else Modifiers |= EVENTFLAG_COMMAND_DOWN; #endif } if (InputEvent.AreCapsLocked()) { Modifiers |= EVENTFLAG_CAPS_LOCK_ON; } return Modifiers; }
bool UKismetInputLibrary::InputEvent_IsLeftControlDown(const FInputEvent& Input) { return Input.IsLeftControlDown(); }
bool UKismetInputLibrary::InputEvent_IsRightShiftDown(const FInputEvent& Input) { return Input.IsRightShiftDown(); }
bool UKismetInputLibrary::InputEvent_IsRepeat(const FInputEvent& Input) { return Input.IsRepeat(); }
bool UKismetInputLibrary::InputEvent_IsCommandDown(const FInputEvent& Input) { return Input.IsCommandDown(); }