Exemplo n.º 1
void ULevelStreaming::AsyncLevelLoadComplete(const FName& InPackageName, UPackage* InLoadedPackage, EAsyncLoadingResult::Type Result)
	bHasLoadRequestPending = false;

	if( InLoadedPackage )
		UPackage* LevelPackage = InLoadedPackage;
		// Try to find a UWorld object in the level package.
		UWorld* World = UWorld::FindWorldInPackage(LevelPackage);

		if ( World )
			ULevel* Level = World->PersistentLevel;
			if( Level )
				check(PendingUnloadLevel == NULL);

				// Broadcast level loaded event to blueprints

				// Make sure this level will start to render only when it will be fully added to the world
				if (LODPackageNames.Num() > 0)
					Level->bRequireFullVisibilityToRender = true;
					// LOD levels should not be visible on server
					Level->bClientOnlyVisible = LODPackageNames.Contains(InLoadedPackage->GetFName());
				// In the editor levels must be in the levels array regardless of whether they are visible or not
				if (ensure(Level->OwningWorld) && Level->OwningWorld->WorldType == EWorldType::Editor)
					// We should also at this point, apply the level's editor transform
					if (!Level->bAlreadyMovedActors)
						FLevelUtils::ApplyEditorTransform(this, false);
						Level->bAlreadyMovedActors = true;
#endif // WITH_EDITOR
				UE_LOG(LogLevelStreaming, Warning, TEXT("Couldn't find ULevel object in package '%s'"), *InPackageName.ToString() );
			// There could have been a redirector in the package. Attempt to follow it.
			UObjectRedirector* WorldRedirector = nullptr;
			UWorld* DestinationWorld = UWorld::FollowWorldRedirectorInPackage(LevelPackage, &WorldRedirector);
			if (DestinationWorld)
				// To follow the world redirector for level streaming...
				// 1) Update all globals that refer to the redirector package by name
				// 2) Update the PackageNameToLoad to refer to the new package location
				// 3) If the package name to load was the same as the destination package name...
				//         ... update the package name to the new package and let the next RequestLevel try this process again.
				//    If the package name to load was different...
				//         ... it means the specified package name was explicit and we will just load from another file.

				FName OldDesiredPackageName = InPackageName;
				TWeakObjectPtr<UWorld>* OwningWorldPtr = ULevel::StreamedLevelsOwningWorld.Find(OldDesiredPackageName);
				UWorld* OwningWorld = OwningWorldPtr ? OwningWorldPtr->Get() : NULL;

				// Try again with the destination package to load.
				// IMPORTANT: check this BEFORE changing PackageNameToLoad, otherwise you wont know if the package name was supposed to be different.
				const bool bLoadingIntoDifferentPackage = (GetWorldAssetPackageFName() != PackageNameToLoad) && (PackageNameToLoad != NAME_None);

				// ... now set PackageNameToLoad
				PackageNameToLoad = DestinationWorld->GetOutermost()->GetFName();

				if ( PackageNameToLoad != OldDesiredPackageName )
					EWorldType::Type* OldPackageWorldType = UWorld::WorldTypePreLoadMap.Find(OldDesiredPackageName);
					if ( OldPackageWorldType )
						UWorld::WorldTypePreLoadMap.FindOrAdd(PackageNameToLoad) = *OldPackageWorldType;

				// Now determine if we are loading into the package explicitly or if it is okay to just load the other package.
				if ( bLoadingIntoDifferentPackage )
					// Loading into a new custom package explicitly. Load the destination world directly into the package.
					// Detach the linker to load from a new file into the same package.
					FLinkerLoad* PackageLinker = FLinkerLoad::FindExistingLinkerForPackage(LevelPackage);
					if (PackageLinker)
						PackageLinker = nullptr;

					// Make sure the redirector is not in the way of the new world.
					// Pass NULL as the name to make a new unique name and GetTransientPackage() for the outer to remove it from the package.
					WorldRedirector->Rename(NULL, GetTransientPackage(), REN_DoNotDirty | REN_DontCreateRedirectors | REN_ForceNoResetLoaders | REN_NonTransactional);

					// Change the loaded world's type back to inactive since it won't be used.
					DestinationWorld->WorldType = EWorldType::Inactive;
					// Loading the requested package normally. Fix up the destination world then update the requested package to the destination.
					if (OwningWorld)
						if (DestinationWorld->PersistentLevel)
							DestinationWorld->PersistentLevel->OwningWorld = OwningWorld;

						// In some cases, BSP render data is not created because the OwningWorld was not set correctly.
						// Regenerate that render data here
					WorldAsset = DestinationWorld;
	else if (Result == EAsyncLoadingResult::Canceled)
		// Cancel level streaming
		bHasLoadRequestPending = false;
		bShouldBeLoaded = false;
		UE_LOG(LogLevelStreaming, Warning, TEXT("Failed to load package '%s'"), *InPackageName.ToString() );

	// Clean up the world type list and owning world list now that PostLoad has occurred

	STAT_ADD_CUSTOMMESSAGE_NAME( STAT_NamedMarker, *(FString( TEXT( "RequestLevelComplete - " ) + InPackageName.ToString() )) );