Exemplo n.º 1
 * Executes all pending shadow-map encoding requests.
 * @param	InWorld				World in which the textures exist
 * @param	bLightingSuccessful	Whether the lighting build was successful or not.	 
void FShadowMap2D::EncodeTextures(UWorld* InWorld , bool bLightingSuccessful )
	if ( bLightingSuccessful )
		GWarn->BeginSlowTask( NSLOCTEXT("ShadowMap2D", "BeginEncodingShadowMapsTask", "Encoding shadow-maps"), false );
		const int32 PackedLightAndShadowMapTextureSize = InWorld->GetWorldSettings()->PackedLightAndShadowMapTextureSize;

		// Reset the pending shadow-map size.
		PendingShadowMapSize = 0;

		Sort(PendingShadowMaps.GetData(), PendingShadowMaps.Num(), FCompareShadowMaps());

		// Allocate texture space for each light-map.
		TIndirectArray<FShadowMapPendingTexture> PendingTextures;

		for(int32 ShadowMapIndex = 0;ShadowMapIndex < PendingShadowMaps.Num();ShadowMapIndex++)
			FShadowMapAllocation& Allocation = PendingShadowMaps[ShadowMapIndex];

			// Find an existing texture which the light-map can be stored in.
			FShadowMapPendingTexture* Texture = NULL;
			for(int32 TextureIndex = 0;TextureIndex < PendingTextures.Num();TextureIndex++)
				FShadowMapPendingTexture& ExistingTexture = PendingTextures[TextureIndex];

				// See if the new one will fit in the existing texture
				if ( ExistingTexture.AddElement( Allocation ) )
					Texture = &ExistingTexture;

			// If there is no appropriate texture, create a new one.
				int32 NewTextureSizeX = PackedLightAndShadowMapTextureSize;
				int32 NewTextureSizeY = PackedLightAndShadowMapTextureSize;

				if(Allocation.MappedRect.Width() > NewTextureSizeX || Allocation.MappedRect.Height() > NewTextureSizeY)
					NewTextureSizeX = FMath::RoundUpToPowerOfTwo(Allocation.MappedRect.Width());
					NewTextureSizeY = FMath::RoundUpToPowerOfTwo(Allocation.MappedRect.Height());

				// If there is no existing appropriate texture, create a new one.
				Texture				= ::new(PendingTextures) FShadowMapPendingTexture(NewTextureSizeX,NewTextureSizeY);
				Texture->Outer		= Allocation.TextureOuter;
				Texture->Bounds		= Allocation.Bounds;
				Texture->ShadowmapFlags = Allocation.ShadowmapFlags;
				verify( Texture->AddElement( Allocation, true ) );
		for(int32 TextureIndex = 0;TextureIndex < PendingTextures.Num();TextureIndex++)
			if (bUpdateStatus && (TextureIndex % 20) == 0)
				GWarn->UpdateProgress(TextureIndex, PendingTextures.Num());

			FShadowMapPendingTexture& PendingTexture = PendingTextures[TextureIndex];


Exemplo n.º 2
void FShadowMap2D::EncodeSingleTexture(FShadowMapPendingTexture& PendingTexture, UShadowMapTexture2D* Texture, TArray< TArray<FFourDistanceFieldSamples> >& MipData)
	TArray<FFourDistanceFieldSamples>* TopMipData = new(MipData) TArray<FFourDistanceFieldSamples>();
	TopMipData->Empty(PendingTexture.GetSizeX() * PendingTexture.GetSizeY());
	TopMipData->AddZeroed(PendingTexture.GetSizeX() * PendingTexture.GetSizeY());
	int32 TextureSizeX = Texture->Source.GetSizeX();
	int32 TextureSizeY = Texture->Source.GetSizeY();

	for (int32 AllocationIndex = 0;AllocationIndex < PendingTexture.Allocations.Num();AllocationIndex++)
		FShadowMapAllocation& Allocation = *PendingTexture.Allocations[AllocationIndex];
		bool bChannelUsed[4] = {0};

		for (int32 ChannelIndex = 0; ChannelIndex < 4; ChannelIndex++)
			for (TMap<ULightComponent*, TArray<FQuantizedSignedDistanceFieldShadowSample>>::TIterator It(Allocation.ShadowMapData); It; ++It)
				if (It.Key()->ShadowMapChannel == ChannelIndex)
					bChannelUsed[ChannelIndex] = true;
					const TArray<FQuantizedSignedDistanceFieldShadowSample>& SourceSamples = It.Value();

					// Copy the raw data for this light-map into the raw texture data array.
					for (int32 Y = Allocation.MappedRect.Min.Y; Y < Allocation.MappedRect.Max.Y; ++Y)
						for (int32 X = Allocation.MappedRect.Min.X; X < Allocation.MappedRect.Max.X; ++X)
							int32 DestY = Y - Allocation.MappedRect.Min.Y + Allocation.OffsetY;
							int32 DestX = X - Allocation.MappedRect.Min.X + Allocation.OffsetX;

							FFourDistanceFieldSamples& DestSample = (*TopMipData)[DestY * TextureSizeX + DestX];
							const FQuantizedSignedDistanceFieldShadowSample& SourceSample = SourceSamples[Y * Allocation.TotalSizeX + X];

							if ( SourceSample.Coverage > 0 )
								DestSample.Samples[ChannelIndex] = SourceSample;
							if ( SourceSample.Coverage > 0 )

		// Link the shadow-map to the texture.
		Allocation.ShadowMap->Texture = Texture;

		// Free the shadow-map's raw data.
		for (TMap<ULightComponent*, TArray<FQuantizedSignedDistanceFieldShadowSample> >::TIterator It(Allocation.ShadowMapData); It; ++It)
		int32 PaddedSizeX = Allocation.TotalSizeX;
		int32 PaddedSizeY = Allocation.TotalSizeY;
		int32 BaseX = Allocation.OffsetX - Allocation.MappedRect.Min.X;
		int32 BaseY = Allocation.OffsetY - Allocation.MappedRect.Min.Y;

		if (GLightmassDebugOptions.bPadMappings && (Allocation.PaddingType == LMPT_NormalPadding))
			if ((PaddedSizeX - 2 > 0) && ((PaddedSizeY - 2) > 0))
				PaddedSizeX -= 2;
				PaddedSizeY -= 2;
				BaseX += 1;
				BaseY += 1;
		// Calculate the coordinate scale/biases for each shadow-map stored in the texture.
		Allocation.ShadowMap->CoordinateScale = FVector2D(
			(float)PaddedSizeX / (float)PendingTexture.GetSizeX(),
			(float)PaddedSizeY / (float)PendingTexture.GetSizeY()
		Allocation.ShadowMap->CoordinateBias = FVector2D(
			(float)BaseX / (float)PendingTexture.GetSizeX(),
			(float)BaseY / (float)PendingTexture.GetSizeY()

		for (int32 ChannelIndex = 0; ChannelIndex < 4; ChannelIndex++)
			Allocation.ShadowMap->bChannelValid[ChannelIndex] = bChannelUsed[ChannelIndex];

	const uint32 NumMips = FMath::Max(FMath::CeilLogTwo(TextureSizeX),FMath::CeilLogTwo(TextureSizeY)) + 1;

	for (uint32 MipIndex = 1;MipIndex < NumMips;MipIndex++)
		const uint32 SourceMipSizeX = FMath::Max(1, TextureSizeX >> (MipIndex - 1));
		const uint32 SourceMipSizeY = FMath::Max(1, TextureSizeY >> (MipIndex - 1));
		const uint32 DestMipSizeX = FMath::Max(1, TextureSizeX >> MipIndex);
		const uint32 DestMipSizeY = FMath::Max(1, TextureSizeY >> MipIndex);

		// Downsample the previous mip-level, taking into account which texels are mapped.
		TArray<FFourDistanceFieldSamples>* NextMipData = new(MipData) TArray<FFourDistanceFieldSamples>();
		NextMipData->Empty(DestMipSizeX * DestMipSizeY);
		NextMipData->AddZeroed(DestMipSizeX * DestMipSizeY);
		const uint32 MipFactorX = SourceMipSizeX / DestMipSizeX;
		const uint32 MipFactorY = SourceMipSizeY / DestMipSizeY;

		for (uint32 Y = 0;Y < DestMipSizeY;Y++)
			for (uint32 X = 0;X < DestMipSizeX;X++)
				float AccumulatedFilterableComponents[4][FQuantizedSignedDistanceFieldShadowSample::NumFilterableComponents];

				for (int32 ChannelIndex = 0; ChannelIndex < 4; ChannelIndex++)
					for (int32 i = 0; i < FQuantizedSignedDistanceFieldShadowSample::NumFilterableComponents; i++)
						AccumulatedFilterableComponents[ChannelIndex][i] = 0;
				uint32 Coverage[4] = {0};

				for (uint32 SourceY = Y * MipFactorY;SourceY < (Y + 1) * MipFactorY;SourceY++)
					for (uint32 SourceX = X * MipFactorX;SourceX < (X + 1) * MipFactorX;SourceX++)
						for (int32 ChannelIndex = 0; ChannelIndex < 4; ChannelIndex++)
							const FFourDistanceFieldSamples& FourSourceSamples = MipData[MipIndex - 1][SourceY * SourceMipSizeX + SourceX];
							const FQuantizedSignedDistanceFieldShadowSample& SourceSample = FourSourceSamples.Samples[ChannelIndex];

							if (SourceSample.Coverage)
								for (int32 i = 0; i < FQuantizedSignedDistanceFieldShadowSample::NumFilterableComponents; i++)
									AccumulatedFilterableComponents[ChannelIndex][i] += SourceSample.GetFilterableComponent(i) * SourceSample.Coverage;

								Coverage[ChannelIndex] += SourceSample.Coverage;

				FFourDistanceFieldSamples& FourDestSamples = (*NextMipData)[Y * DestMipSizeX + X];

				for (int32 ChannelIndex = 0; ChannelIndex < 4; ChannelIndex++)
					FQuantizedSignedDistanceFieldShadowSample& DestSample = FourDestSamples.Samples[ChannelIndex];

					if (Coverage[ChannelIndex])
						for (int32 i = 0; i < FQuantizedSignedDistanceFieldShadowSample::NumFilterableComponents; i++)
							DestSample.SetFilterableComponent(AccumulatedFilterableComponents[ChannelIndex][i] / (float)Coverage[ChannelIndex], i);

						DestSample.Coverage = (uint8)(Coverage[ChannelIndex] / (MipFactorX * MipFactorY));
						for (int32 i = 0; i < FQuantizedSignedDistanceFieldShadowSample::NumFilterableComponents; i++)
							AccumulatedFilterableComponents[ChannelIndex][i] = 0;
						DestSample.Coverage = 0;

	const FIntPoint Neighbors[] = 
		// Check immediate neighbors first
		// Check diagonal neighbors if no immediate neighbors are found

	// Extrapolate texels which are mapped onto adjacent texels which are not mapped to avoid artifacts when using texture filtering.
	for (int32 MipIndex = 0;MipIndex < MipData.Num();MipIndex++)
		uint32 MipSizeX = FMath::Max(1,TextureSizeX >> MipIndex);
		uint32 MipSizeY = FMath::Max(1,TextureSizeY >> MipIndex);

		for (uint32 DestY = 0;DestY < MipSizeY;DestY++)
			for (uint32 DestX = 0;DestX < MipSizeX;DestX++)
				FFourDistanceFieldSamples& FourDestSamples = MipData[MipIndex][DestY * MipSizeX + DestX];

				for (int32 ChannelIndex = 0; ChannelIndex < 4; ChannelIndex++)
					FQuantizedSignedDistanceFieldShadowSample& DestSample = FourDestSamples.Samples[ChannelIndex];

					if (DestSample.Coverage == 0)
						float ExtrapolatedFilterableComponents[FQuantizedSignedDistanceFieldShadowSample::NumFilterableComponents];

						for (int32 i = 0; i < FQuantizedSignedDistanceFieldShadowSample::NumFilterableComponents; i++)
							ExtrapolatedFilterableComponents[i] = 0;

						for (int32 NeighborIndex = 0; NeighborIndex < ARRAY_COUNT(Neighbors); NeighborIndex++)
							if (DestY + Neighbors[NeighborIndex].Y >= 0 
								&& DestY + Neighbors[NeighborIndex].Y < MipSizeY
								&& DestX + Neighbors[NeighborIndex].X >= 0 
								&& DestX + Neighbors[NeighborIndex].X < MipSizeX)
								const FFourDistanceFieldSamples& FourNeighborSamples = MipData[MipIndex][(DestY + Neighbors[NeighborIndex].Y) * MipSizeX + DestX + Neighbors[NeighborIndex].X];
								const FQuantizedSignedDistanceFieldShadowSample& NeighborSample = FourNeighborSamples.Samples[ChannelIndex];

								if (NeighborSample.Coverage > 0)
									if (DestY + Neighbors[NeighborIndex].Y * 2 >= 0 
										&& DestY + Neighbors[NeighborIndex].Y * 2 < MipSizeY
										&& DestX + Neighbors[NeighborIndex].X * 2 >= 0 
										&& DestX + Neighbors[NeighborIndex].X * 2 < MipSizeX)
										// Lookup the second neighbor in the first neighbor's direction
										//@todo - check the second neighbor's coverage?
										const FFourDistanceFieldSamples& SecondFourNeighborSamples = MipData[MipIndex][(DestY + Neighbors[NeighborIndex].Y * 2) * MipSizeX + DestX + Neighbors[NeighborIndex].X * 2];
										const FQuantizedSignedDistanceFieldShadowSample& SecondNeighborSample = FourNeighborSamples.Samples[ChannelIndex];

										for (int32 i = 0; i < FQuantizedSignedDistanceFieldShadowSample::NumFilterableComponents; i++)
											// Extrapolate while maintaining the first derivative, which is especially important for signed distance fields
											ExtrapolatedFilterableComponents[i] = NeighborSample.GetFilterableComponent(i) * 2.0f - SecondNeighborSample.GetFilterableComponent(i);
										// Couldn't find a second neighbor to use for extrapolating, just copy the neighbor's values
										for (int32 i = 0; i < FQuantizedSignedDistanceFieldShadowSample::NumFilterableComponents; i++)
											ExtrapolatedFilterableComponents[i] = NeighborSample.GetFilterableComponent(i);
						for (int32 i = 0; i < FQuantizedSignedDistanceFieldShadowSample::NumFilterableComponents; i++)
							DestSample.SetFilterableComponent(ExtrapolatedFilterableComponents[i], i);
Exemplo n.º 3
 * Executes all pending shadow-map encoding requests.
 * @param	InWorld				World in which the textures exist
 * @param	bLightingSuccessful	Whether the lighting build was successful or not.
void FShadowMap2D::EncodeTextures(UWorld* InWorld , bool bLightingSuccessful)
	if ( bLightingSuccessful )
		GWarn->BeginSlowTask( NSLOCTEXT("ShadowMap2D", "BeginEncodingShadowMapsTask", "Encoding shadow-maps"), false );
		const int32 PackedLightAndShadowMapTextureSize = InWorld->GetWorldSettings()->PackedLightAndShadowMapTextureSize;

		// Reset the pending shadow-map size.
		PendingShadowMapSize = 0;

		Sort(PendingShadowMaps.GetData(), PendingShadowMaps.Num(), FCompareShadowMaps());

		// Allocate texture space for each shadow-map.
		TIndirectArray<FShadowMapPendingTexture> PendingTextures;

		for (FShadowMapAllocationGroup& PendingGroup : PendingShadowMaps)
			if (!ensure(PendingGroup.Allocations.Num() >= 1))

			int32 MaxWidth = 0;
			int32 MaxHeight = 0;
			for (auto& Allocation : PendingGroup.Allocations)
				MaxWidth = FMath::Max(MaxWidth, Allocation->MappedRect.Width());
				MaxHeight = FMath::Max(MaxHeight, Allocation->MappedRect.Height());

			FShadowMapPendingTexture* Texture = nullptr;

			// Find an existing texture which the shadow-map can be stored in.
			// Shadowmaps will always be 4-pixel aligned...
			for (FShadowMapPendingTexture& ExistingTexture : PendingTextures)
				if (ExistingTexture.AddElement(PendingGroup))
					Texture = &ExistingTexture;

			if (!Texture)
				int32 NewTextureSizeX = PackedLightAndShadowMapTextureSize;
				int32 NewTextureSizeY = PackedLightAndShadowMapTextureSize;

				// Assumes identically-sized allocations, fit into the smallest square
				const int32 AllocationCountX = FMath::CeilToInt(FMath::Sqrt(FMath::DivideAndRoundUp(PendingGroup.Allocations.Num() * MaxHeight, MaxWidth)));
				const int32 AllocationCountY = FMath::DivideAndRoundUp(PendingGroup.Allocations.Num(), AllocationCountX);
				const int32 AllocationSizeX = AllocationCountX * MaxWidth;
				const int32 AllocationSizeY = AllocationCountY * MaxHeight;

				if (AllocationSizeX > NewTextureSizeX || AllocationSizeY > NewTextureSizeY)
					NewTextureSizeX = FMath::RoundUpToPowerOfTwo(AllocationSizeX);
					NewTextureSizeY = FMath::RoundUpToPowerOfTwo(AllocationSizeY);

				// If there is no existing appropriate texture, create a new one.
				Texture = new FShadowMapPendingTexture(NewTextureSizeX, NewTextureSizeY);
				Texture->Outer = PendingGroup.TextureOuter;
				Texture->Bounds = PendingGroup.Bounds;
				Texture->ShadowmapFlags = PendingGroup.ShadowmapFlags;

			// Give the texture ownership of the allocations
			for (auto& Allocation : PendingGroup.Allocations)

		// Encode all the pending textures.
		for (int32 TextureIndex = 0; TextureIndex < PendingTextures.Num(); TextureIndex++)
			if (bUpdateStatus && (TextureIndex % 20) == 0)
				GWarn->UpdateProgress(TextureIndex, PendingTextures.Num());

			FShadowMapPendingTexture& PendingTexture = PendingTextures[TextureIndex];
