void TGPUSkinMorphVertexFactory<bExtraBoneInfluencesT>::AddVertexElements(DataType& InData, FVertexDeclarationElementList& OutElements)
	// add the base gpu skin elements
	// add the morph delta elements
Exemplo n.º 2
	virtual void InitRHI() override
		uint16 Stride = sizeof(FDistortionVertex);
		FVertexDeclarationElementList Elements;
		Elements.Add(FVertexElement(0, STRUCT_OFFSET(FDistortionVertex, Position),VET_Float2,0, Stride));
		Elements.Add(FVertexElement(0, STRUCT_OFFSET(FDistortionVertex, TexR), VET_Float2, 1, Stride));
		Elements.Add(FVertexElement(0, STRUCT_OFFSET(FDistortionVertex, TexG), VET_Float2, 2, Stride));
		Elements.Add(FVertexElement(0, STRUCT_OFFSET(FDistortionVertex, TexB), VET_Float2, 3, Stride));
		Elements.Add(FVertexElement(0, STRUCT_OFFSET(FDistortionVertex, VignetteFactor), VET_Float1, 4, Stride));
		Elements.Add(FVertexElement(0, STRUCT_OFFSET(FDistortionVertex, TimewarpFactor), VET_Float1, 5, Stride));
		VertexDeclarationRHI = RHICreateVertexDeclaration(Elements);
Exemplo n.º 3
void FSlateVertexDeclaration::InitRHI()
	FVertexDeclarationElementList Elements;
	uint32 Stride = sizeof(FSlateVertex);
	Elements.Add(FVertexElement(0, STRUCT_OFFSET(FSlateVertex, TexCoords), VET_Float4, 0, Stride));
	Elements.Add(FVertexElement(0, STRUCT_OFFSET(FSlateVertex, Position), VET_Float2, 1, Stride));
	Elements.Add(FVertexElement(0, STRUCT_OFFSET(FSlateVertex, ClipRect) + STRUCT_OFFSET(FSlateRotatedClipRectType, TopLeft), VET_Float2, 2, Stride));
	Elements.Add(FVertexElement(0, STRUCT_OFFSET(FSlateVertex, ClipRect) + STRUCT_OFFSET(FSlateRotatedClipRectType, ExtentX), VET_Float4, 3, Stride));
	Elements.Add(FVertexElement(0, STRUCT_OFFSET(FSlateVertex, Color), VET_Color, 4, Stride));

	VertexDeclarationRHI = RHICreateVertexDeclaration(Elements);
void TGPUSkinVertexFactory<bExtraBoneInfluencesT>::AddVertexElements(DataType& InData, FVertexDeclarationElementList& OutElements)
	// position decls

	// tangent basis vector decls

	// texture coordinate decls
		const uint8 BaseTexCoordAttribute = 5;
		for(int32 CoordinateIndex = 0;CoordinateIndex < InData.TextureCoordinates.Num();CoordinateIndex++)
				BaseTexCoordAttribute + CoordinateIndex

		for(int32 CoordinateIndex = InData.TextureCoordinates.Num();CoordinateIndex < MAX_TEXCOORDS;CoordinateIndex++)
				InData.TextureCoordinates[InData.TextureCoordinates.Num() - 1],
				BaseTexCoordAttribute + CoordinateIndex

	// Account for the possibility that the mesh has no vertex colors
	if( InData.ColorComponent.VertexBuffer )
		OutElements.Add(AccessStreamComponent(InData.ColorComponent, 13));
		//If the mesh has no color component, set the null color buffer on a new stream with a stride of 0.
		//This wastes 4 bytes of bandwidth per vertex, but prevents having to compile out twice the number of vertex factories.
		FVertexStreamComponent NullColorComponent(&GNullColorVertexBuffer, 0, 0, VET_Color);

	// bone indices decls

	// bone weights decls

	if (bExtraBoneInfluencesT)
		// Extra bone indices & weights decls
		OutElements.Add(AccessStreamComponent(InData.ExtraBoneIndices, 14));
		OutElements.Add(AccessStreamComponent(InData.ExtraBoneWeights, 15));
void TGPUSkinAPEXClothVertexFactory<bExtraBoneInfluencesT>::AddVertexElements(DataType& InData, FVertexDeclarationElementList& OutElements)
	// add the base gpu skin elements
	// add the morph delta elements
//	return;
FVertexDeclarationRHIRef FMetalDynamicRHI::RHICreateVertexDeclaration(const FVertexDeclarationElementList& Elements)
    uint32 Key = FCrc::MemCrc32(Elements.GetData(), Elements.Num() * sizeof(FVertexElement));
    // look up an existing declaration
    FVertexDeclarationRHIRef* VertexDeclarationRefPtr = GVertexDeclarationCache.Find(Key);
    if (VertexDeclarationRefPtr == NULL)
//		NSLog(@"VertDecl Key: %x", Key);

        // create and add to the cache if it doesn't exist.
        VertexDeclarationRefPtr = &GVertexDeclarationCache.Add(Key, new FMetalVertexDeclaration(Elements));

    return *VertexDeclarationRefPtr;
Exemplo n.º 7
 * Patches the declaration so vertex stream offsets are unique. This is required for e.g. GeForce FX cards, which don't support redundant 
 * offsets in the declaration. We're unable to make that many vertex elements point to the same offset so the function moves redundant 
 * declarations to higher offsets, pointing to garbage data.
static void PatchVertexStreamOffsetsToBeUnique( FVertexDeclarationElementList& Elements )
	// check every vertex element
	for ( int32 e = 0; e < Elements.Num(); e++ )
		// check if there's an element that reads from the same offset
		for ( int32 i = 0; i < Elements.Num(); i++ )
			// but only in the same stream and if it's not the same element
			if ( ( Elements[ i ].StreamIndex == Elements[ e ].StreamIndex ) && ( Elements[ i ].Offset == Elements[ e ].Offset ) && ( e != i ) )
				// the id of the highest offset element is stored here (it doesn't need to be the last element in the declarator because the last element may belong to another StreamIndex
				uint32 MaxOffsetID = i;

				// find the highest offset element
				for ( int32 j = 0; j < Elements.Num(); j++ )
					if ( ( Elements[ j ].StreamIndex == Elements[ e ].StreamIndex ) && ( Elements[ MaxOffsetID ].Offset < Elements[ j ].Offset ) )
						MaxOffsetID = j;

				// get the size of the highest offset element, it's needed for the redundant element new offset
				uint8 PreviousElementSize = GetVertexElementSize( Elements[ MaxOffsetID ].Type );

				// prepare a new vertex element
				FVertexElement VertElement;
				VertElement.Offset		= Elements[ MaxOffsetID ].Offset + PreviousElementSize;
				VertElement.StreamIndex = Elements[ i ].StreamIndex;
				VertElement.Type		= Elements[ i ].Type;
				VertElement.AttributeIndex	= Elements[ i ].AttributeIndex;
				VertElement.Stride = Elements[ i ].Stride;
				VertElement.bUseInstanceIndex = Elements[i].bUseInstanceIndex;

				// remove the old redundant element
				Elements.RemoveAt( i );

				// add a new element with "correct" offset
				Elements.Add( VertElement );

				// make sure that when the element has been removed its index is taken by the next element, so we must take care of it too
				i = i == 0 ? 0 : i - 1;
void FLandscapeVertexFactoryMobile::InitRHI()
	// list of declaration items
	FVertexDeclarationElementList Elements;

	// position decls

	if (MobileData.LODHeightsComponent.Num())
		const int32 BaseAttribute = 1;
		for(int32 Index = 0;Index < MobileData.LODHeightsComponent.Num();Index++)
			Elements.Add(AccessStreamComponent(MobileData.LODHeightsComponent[Index], BaseAttribute + Index));

	// create the actual device decls
Exemplo n.º 9
	virtual void InitRHI() override
		FVertexDeclarationElementList Elements;

		// Stream 0.
			int32 Offset = 0;
			// Sample.
			Elements.Add(FVertexElement(0, Offset, VET_Color, 0, sizeof(FColor), /*bUseInstanceIndex=*/ true));
			Offset += sizeof(FColor);

		// Stream 1.
			int32 Offset = 0;
			// TexCoord.
			Elements.Add(FVertexElement(1, Offset, VET_Float2, 1, sizeof(FVector2D), /*bUseInstanceIndex=*/ false));
			Offset += sizeof(FVector2D);

		VertexDeclarationRHI = RHICreateVertexDeclaration( Elements );
Exemplo n.º 10
	/** Initialization constructor. */
	explicit FD3D11VertexDeclarationKey(const FVertexDeclarationElementList& InElements)
		for(int32 ElementIndex = 0;ElementIndex < InElements.Num();ElementIndex++)
			const FVertexElement& Element = InElements[ElementIndex];
			D3D11_INPUT_ELEMENT_DESC D3DElement = {0};
			D3DElement.InputSlot = Element.StreamIndex;
			D3DElement.AlignedByteOffset = Element.Offset;
			case VET_Float1:		D3DElement.Format = DXGI_FORMAT_R32_FLOAT; break;
			case VET_Float2:		D3DElement.Format = DXGI_FORMAT_R32G32_FLOAT; break;
			case VET_Float3:		D3DElement.Format = DXGI_FORMAT_R32G32B32_FLOAT; break;
			case VET_Float4:		D3DElement.Format = DXGI_FORMAT_R32G32B32A32_FLOAT; break;
			case VET_PackedNormal:	D3DElement.Format = DXGI_FORMAT_R8G8B8A8_UNORM; break; //TODO: uint32 doesn't work because D3D11 squishes it to 0 in the IA-VS conversion
			case VET_UByte4:		D3DElement.Format = DXGI_FORMAT_R8G8B8A8_UINT; break; //TODO: SINT, blendindices
			case VET_UByte4N:		D3DElement.Format = DXGI_FORMAT_R8G8B8A8_UNORM; break;
			case VET_Color:			D3DElement.Format = DXGI_FORMAT_B8G8R8A8_UNORM; break;
			case VET_Short2:		D3DElement.Format = DXGI_FORMAT_R16G16_SINT; break;
			case VET_Short4:		D3DElement.Format = DXGI_FORMAT_R16G16B16A16_SINT; break;
			case VET_Short2N:		D3DElement.Format = DXGI_FORMAT_R16G16_SNORM; break;
			case VET_Half2:			D3DElement.Format = DXGI_FORMAT_R16G16_FLOAT; break;
			case VET_Half4:			D3DElement.Format = DXGI_FORMAT_R16G16B16A16_FLOAT; break;
			default: UE_LOG(LogD3D11RHI, Fatal,TEXT("Unknown RHI vertex element type %u"),(uint8)InElements[ElementIndex].Type);
			D3DElement.SemanticName = "ATTRIBUTE";
			D3DElement.SemanticIndex = Element.AttributeIndex;
			D3DElement.InputSlotClass = Element.bUseInstanceIndex ? D3D11_INPUT_PER_INSTANCE_DATA : D3D11_INPUT_PER_VERTEX_DATA;

			// This is a divisor to apply to the instance index used to read from this stream.
			D3DElement.InstanceDataStepRate = Element.bUseInstanceIndex ? 1 : 0;


		// Sort by stream then offset.
		struct FCompareDesc
			FORCEINLINE bool operator()( const D3D11_INPUT_ELEMENT_DESC& A, const D3D11_INPUT_ELEMENT_DESC &B ) const
				return ((int32)A.AlignedByteOffset + A.InputSlot * MAX_uint16) < ((int32)B.AlignedByteOffset + B.InputSlot * MAX_uint16);
		Sort(VertexElements.GetData(), VertexElements.Num(), FCompareDesc());

		// Hash once.
		Hash = FCrc::MemCrc_DEPRECATED(VertexElements.GetData(),VertexElements.Num()*sizeof(D3D11_INPUT_ELEMENT_DESC));
Exemplo n.º 11
void FSlateVertexDeclaration::InitRHI()
	FVertexDeclarationElementList Elements;
	uint32 Stride = sizeof(FSlateVertex);
	bool bUseFloat16 =
	Elements.Add(FVertexElement(0,STRUCT_OFFSET(FSlateVertex,ClipRect),bUseFloat16 ? VET_Half2 : VET_Float2,2,Stride));
	Elements.Add(FVertexElement(0,STRUCT_OFFSET(FSlateVertex,ClipRect)+STRUCT_OFFSET(FSlateRotatedClipRectType,ExtentX),bUseFloat16 ? VET_Half4 : VET_Float4,3,Stride));

	VertexDeclarationRHI = RHICreateVertexDeclaration(Elements);
	virtual void FillDeclElements(FVertexDeclarationElementList& Elements, int32& Offset)
		uint32 InitialStride = sizeof(float) * 2;
		uint32 PerParticleStride = (sizeof(float) * 4) * NumVertsInInstanceBuffer;

		/** The stream to read the texture coordinates from. */
		check( Offset == 0 );
		uint32 Stride = bInstanced ? InitialStride : InitialStride + PerParticleStride;
		Elements.Add(FVertexElement(0, Offset, VET_Float2, 4, Stride, false));
		Offset += sizeof(float) * 2;

		/** The per-particle streams follow. */
			Offset = 0;
			// update stride
			Stride = PerParticleStride;

		/** The stream to read the vertex position from. */
		Elements.Add(FVertexElement(bInstanced ? 1 : 0, Offset, VET_Float4, 0, Stride, bInstanced));
		Offset += sizeof(float) * 4;
		/** The stream to read the vertex old position from. */
		Elements.Add(FVertexElement(bInstanced ? 1 : 0, Offset, VET_Float4, 1, Stride, bInstanced));
		Offset += sizeof(float) * 4;
		/** The stream to read the vertex size/rot/subimage from. */
		Elements.Add(FVertexElement(bInstanced ? 1 : 0, Offset, VET_Float4, 2, Stride, bInstanced));
		Offset += sizeof(float) * 4;
		/** The stream to read the color from.					*/
		Elements.Add(FVertexElement(bInstanced ? 1 : 0, Offset, VET_Float4, 3, Stride, bInstanced));
		Offset += sizeof(float) * 4;

		/** The per-particle dynamic parameter stream */

		// The -V519 disables a warning from PVS-Studio's static analyzer. It noticed that offset is assigned
		// twice before being read. It is probably safer to leave the redundant assignments here to reduce
		// the chance of an error being introduced if this code is modified.
		Offset = 0;  //-V519
		Stride = sizeof(float) * 4;
		Elements.Add(FVertexElement(bInstanced ? 2 : 1, Offset, VET_Float4, 5, Stride, bInstanced));
		Offset += sizeof(float) * 4;
	virtual void FillDeclElements(FVertexDeclarationElementList& Elements, int32& Offset)
		uint16 Stride = sizeof(FParticleBeamTrailVertex);
		/** The stream to read the vertex position from. */
		Elements.Add(FVertexElement(0, Offset, VET_Float4, 0, Stride));
		Offset += sizeof(float) * 4;
		/** The stream to read the vertex old position from. */
		Elements.Add(FVertexElement(0, Offset, VET_Float3, 1, Stride));
		Offset += sizeof(float) * 4;
		/** The stream to read the vertex size/rot/subimage from. */
		Elements.Add(FVertexElement(0, Offset, VET_Float4, 2, Stride));
		Offset += sizeof(float) * 4;
		/** The stream to read the color from.					*/
		Elements.Add(FVertexElement(0, Offset, VET_Float4, 4, Stride));
		Offset += sizeof(float) * 4;
		/** The stream to read the texture coordinates from.	*/
		Elements.Add(FVertexElement(0, Offset, VET_Float4, 3, Stride));
		Offset += sizeof(float) * 4;
		/** Dynamic parameters come from a second stream */
		Elements.Add(FVertexElement(1, 0, VET_Float4, 5, sizeof(FVector4)));
Exemplo n.º 14
	virtual void FillDeclElements(FVertexDeclarationElementList& Elements, int32& Offset)
		uint32 InitialStride = sizeof(float) * 2;
		uint32 PerParticleStride = (sizeof(float) * 4) * 4;

		/** The stream to read the texture coordinates from. */
		check( Offset == 0 );
		uint32 Stride = bInstanced ? InitialStride : InitialStride + PerParticleStride;
		Elements.Add(FVertexElement(0, Offset, VET_Float2, 4, Stride, false));
		Offset += sizeof(float) * 2;

		/** The per-particle streams follow. */
			Offset = 0;
			// update stride
			Stride = PerParticleStride;

		/** The stream to read the vertex position from. */
		Elements.Add(FVertexElement(bInstanced ? 1 : 0, Offset, VET_Float4, 0, Stride, bInstanced));
		Offset += sizeof(float) * 4;
		/** The stream to read the vertex old position from. */
		Elements.Add(FVertexElement(bInstanced ? 1 : 0, Offset, VET_Float4, 1, Stride, bInstanced));
		Offset += sizeof(float) * 4;
		/** The stream to read the vertex size/rot/subimage from. */
		Elements.Add(FVertexElement(bInstanced ? 1 : 0, Offset, VET_Float4, 2, Stride, bInstanced));
		Offset += sizeof(float) * 4;
		/** The stream to read the color from.					*/
		Elements.Add(FVertexElement(bInstanced ? 1 : 0, Offset, VET_Float4, 3, Stride, bInstanced));
		Offset += sizeof(float) * 4;

		/** The per-particle dynamic parameter stream */
		Offset = 0;
		Stride = sizeof(float) * 4;
		Elements.Add(FVertexElement(bInstanced ? 2 : 1, Offset, VET_Float4, 5, Stride, bInstanced));
		Offset += sizeof(float) * 4;
	/** Initialization constructor. */
	explicit FOpenGLVertexDeclarationKey(const FVertexDeclarationElementList& InElements)
		for(int32 ElementIndex = 0;ElementIndex < InElements.Num();ElementIndex++)
			const FVertexElement& Element = InElements[ElementIndex];
			FOpenGLVertexElement GLElement;
			GLElement.StreamIndex = Element.StreamIndex;
			GLElement.Offset = Element.Offset;
			GLElement.Divisor = Element.bUseInstanceIndex ? 1 : 0;
			GLElement.AttributeIndex = Element.AttributeIndex;
				case VET_Float1:		SetupGLElement(GLElement, GL_FLOAT,			1,			false,	true); break;
				case VET_Float2:		SetupGLElement(GLElement, GL_FLOAT,			2,			false,	true); break;
				case VET_Float3:		SetupGLElement(GLElement, GL_FLOAT,			3,			false,	true); break;
				case VET_Float4:		SetupGLElement(GLElement, GL_FLOAT,			4,			false,	true); break;
				case VET_PackedNormal:	SetupGLElement(GLElement, GL_UNSIGNED_BYTE,	4,			true,	true); break;
				case VET_UByte4:		SetupGLElement(GLElement, GL_UNSIGNED_BYTE,	4,			false,	false); break;
				case VET_UByte4N:		SetupGLElement(GLElement, GL_UNSIGNED_BYTE,	4,			true,	true); break;
				case VET_Color:	
					if (FOpenGL::SupportsVertexArrayBGRA())
						SetupGLElement(GLElement, GL_UNSIGNED_BYTE,	GL_BGRA,	true,	true);
						SetupGLElement(GLElement, GL_UNSIGNED_BYTE,	4,	true,	true);
				case VET_Short2:		SetupGLElement(GLElement, GL_SHORT,			2,			false,	false); break;
				case VET_Short4:		SetupGLElement(GLElement, GL_SHORT,			4,			false,	false); break;
				case VET_Short2N:		SetupGLElement(GLElement, GL_SHORT,			2,			true,	true); break;
				case VET_Half2:
					if (FOpenGL::SupportsVertexHalfFloat())
						SetupGLElement(GLElement, FOpenGL::GetVertexHalfFloatFormat(), 2, false, true);
						// @todo-mobile: Use shorts?
						SetupGLElement(GLElement, GL_SHORT, 2, false, true);
				case VET_Half4:
					if (FOpenGL::SupportsVertexHalfFloat())
						SetupGLElement(GLElement, FOpenGL::GetVertexHalfFloatFormat(), 4, false, true);
						// @todo-mobile: Use shorts?
						SetupGLElement(GLElement, GL_SHORT, 4, false, true);
				case VET_Short4N:		SetupGLElement(GLElement, GL_SHORT,			4,			true,	true); break;
				case VET_UShort2:		SetupGLElement(GLElement, GL_UNSIGNED_SHORT, 2, false, false); break;
				case VET_UShort4:		SetupGLElement(GLElement, GL_UNSIGNED_SHORT, 4, false, false); break;
				case VET_UShort2N:		SetupGLElement(GLElement, GL_UNSIGNED_SHORT, 2, true, true); break;
				case VET_UShort4N:		SetupGLElement(GLElement, GL_UNSIGNED_SHORT, 4, true, true); break;
				default: UE_LOG(LogRHI, Fatal,TEXT("Unknown RHI vertex element type %u"),(uint8)InElements[ElementIndex].Type);

		struct FCompareFOpenGLVertexElement
			FORCEINLINE bool operator()( const FOpenGLVertexElement& A, const FOpenGLVertexElement& B ) const
				return ((int32)A.Offset + A.StreamIndex * MAX_uint16) < ((int32)B.Offset + B.StreamIndex * MAX_uint16);
		// Sort the FOpenGLVertexElements by stream then offset.
		Sort( VertexElements.GetData(),InElements.Num(), FCompareFOpenGLVertexElement() );

		Hash = FCrc::MemCrc_DEPRECATED(VertexElements.GetData(),VertexElements.Num()*sizeof(FOpenGLVertexElement));
Exemplo n.º 16
void FMeshParticleVertexFactory::InitRHI()
	FVertexDeclarationElementList Elements;

	const bool bInstanced = GetFeatureLevel() >= ERHIFeatureLevel::SM4;

	if (Data.bInitialized)
			// Stream 0 - Instance data
				checkf(DynamicVertexStride != -1, TEXT("FMeshParticleVertexFactory does not have a valid DynamicVertexStride - likely an empty one was made, but SetStrides was not called"));
				FVertexStream VertexStream;
				VertexStream.VertexBuffer = NULL;
				VertexStream.Stride = 0;
				VertexStream.Offset = 0;
				// @todo metal: this will need a valid stride when we get to instanced meshes!
				Elements.Add(FVertexElement(0, Data.TransformComponent[0].Offset, Data.TransformComponent[0].Type, 8, DynamicVertexStride, Data.TransformComponent[0].bUseInstanceIndex));
				Elements.Add(FVertexElement(0, Data.TransformComponent[1].Offset, Data.TransformComponent[1].Type, 9, DynamicVertexStride, Data.TransformComponent[1].bUseInstanceIndex));
				Elements.Add(FVertexElement(0, Data.TransformComponent[2].Offset, Data.TransformComponent[2].Type, 10, DynamicVertexStride, Data.TransformComponent[2].bUseInstanceIndex));
				Elements.Add(FVertexElement(0, Data.SubUVs.Offset, Data.SubUVs.Type, 11, DynamicVertexStride, Data.SubUVs.bUseInstanceIndex));
				Elements.Add(FVertexElement(0, Data.SubUVLerpAndRelTime.Offset, Data.SubUVLerpAndRelTime.Type, 12, DynamicVertexStride, Data.SubUVLerpAndRelTime.bUseInstanceIndex));
				Elements.Add(FVertexElement(0, Data.ParticleColorComponent.Offset, Data.ParticleColorComponent.Type, 14, DynamicVertexStride, Data.ParticleColorComponent.bUseInstanceIndex));
				Elements.Add(FVertexElement(0, Data.VelocityComponent.Offset, Data.VelocityComponent.Type, 15, DynamicVertexStride, Data.VelocityComponent.bUseInstanceIndex));

			// Stream 1 - Dynamic parameter
				checkf(DynamicParameterVertexStride != -1, TEXT("FMeshParticleVertexFactory does not have a valid DynamicParameterVertexStride - likely an empty one was made, but SetStrides was not called"));
				FVertexStream VertexStream;
				VertexStream.VertexBuffer = NULL;
				VertexStream.Stride = 0;
				VertexStream.Offset = 0;
				Elements.Add(FVertexElement(1, 0, VET_Float4, 13, DynamicParameterVertexStride, true));

		if(Data.PositionComponent.VertexBuffer != NULL)

		// only tangent,normal are used by the stream. the binormal is derived in the shader
		uint8 TangentBasisAttributes[2] = { 1, 2 };
		for(int32 AxisIndex = 0;AxisIndex < 2;AxisIndex++)
			if(Data.TangentBasisComponents[AxisIndex].VertexBuffer != NULL)

		// Vertex color
		if(Data.VertexColorComponent.VertexBuffer != NULL)
			//If the mesh has no color component, set the null color buffer on a new stream with a stride of 0.
			//This wastes 4 bytes of bandwidth per vertex, but prevents having to compile out twice the number of vertex factories.
			FVertexStreamComponent NullColorComponent(&GNullColorVertexBuffer, 0, 0, VET_Color);
			const int32 BaseTexCoordAttribute = 4;
			for(int32 CoordinateIndex = 0;CoordinateIndex < Data.TextureCoordinates.Num();CoordinateIndex++)
					BaseTexCoordAttribute + CoordinateIndex

			for(int32 CoordinateIndex = Data.TextureCoordinates.Num();CoordinateIndex < MAX_TEXCOORDS;CoordinateIndex++)
					Data.TextureCoordinates[Data.TextureCoordinates.Num() - 1],
					BaseTexCoordAttribute + CoordinateIndex

		if(Streams.Num() > 0)
Exemplo n.º 17
	virtual void InitRHI() override
		FVertexDeclarationElementList Elements;
		Elements.Add(FVertexElement(0, 0, VET_Float2, 0, sizeof(FVector2D)));
		VertexDeclarationRHI = RHICreateVertexDeclaration(Elements);
 explicit FVulkanVertexDeclarationKey(const FVertexDeclarationElementList& InElements)
     : VertexElements(InElements)
     Hash = FCrc::MemCrc_DEPRECATED(VertexElements.GetData(), VertexElements.Num()*sizeof(FVertexElement));