void FSpriteGeometryEditingHelper::DrawGeometry_CanvasPass(FViewport& InViewport, const FSceneView& View, FCanvas& Canvas, /*inout*/ int32& YPos, const FLinearColor& GeometryVertexColor, const FLinearColor& NegativeGeometryVertexColor)
	if (GeometryBeingEdited == nullptr)

	// Calculate the texture-space position of the mouse
	const FVector MousePositionWorldSpace = View.PixelToWorld(InViewport.GetMouseX(), InViewport.GetMouseY(), 0);
	const FVector2D MousePositionTextureSpace = EditorContext->WorldSpaceToTextureSpace(MousePositionWorldSpace);

	//@TODO: Move all of the line drawing to the PDI pass
	FSpriteGeometryCollection& Geometry = GetGeometryChecked();

	// Display tool help
		static const FText GeomHelpStr = LOCTEXT("GeomEditHelp", "Shift + click to insert a vertex.\nSelect one or more vertices and press Delete to remove them.\nDouble click a vertex to select a polygon\n");
		static const FText GeomClickAddPolygon_NoSubtractive = LOCTEXT("GeomClickAddPolygon_NoSubtractive", "Click to start creating a polygon\n");
		static const FText GeomClickAddPolygon_AllowSubtractive = LOCTEXT("GeomClickAddPolygon_AllowSubtractive", "Click to start creating a polygon\nCtrl + Click to start creating a subtractive polygon\n");
		static const FText GeomAddVerticesHelpStr = LOCTEXT("GeomClickAddVertices", "Click to add points to the polygon\nDouble-click to add a point and close the shape\nClick again on the first point or press Enter to close the shape\nPress Backspace to remove the last added point or Escape to remove the shape\n");
		FLinearColor ToolTextColor = FLinearColor::White;

		const FText* HelpStr;
		if (IsAddingPolygon())
			if (AddingPolygonIndex == INDEX_NONE)
				HelpStr = bAllowSubtractivePolygons ? &GeomClickAddPolygon_AllowSubtractive : &GeomClickAddPolygon_NoSubtractive;
				HelpStr = &GeomAddVerticesHelpStr;
			ToolTextColor = FLinearColor::Yellow;
			HelpStr = &GeomHelpStr;

		FCanvasTextItem TextItem(FVector2D(6, YPos), *HelpStr, GEngine->GetSmallFont(), ToolTextColor);
		YPos += 54;

	const bool bIsHitTesting = Canvas.IsHitTesting();

	// Run thru the geometry shapes and draw hit proxies for them
	for (int32 ShapeIndex = 0; ShapeIndex < Geometry.Shapes.Num(); ++ShapeIndex)
		const FSpriteGeometryShape& Shape = Geometry.Shapes[ShapeIndex];

		const bool bIsShapeSelected = IsGeometrySelected(FShapeVertexPair(ShapeIndex, INDEX_NONE));
		const FLinearColor LineColorRaw = Shape.bNegativeWinding ? NegativeGeometryVertexColor : GeometryVertexColor;
		const FLinearColor VertexColor = Shape.bNegativeWinding ? NegativeGeometryVertexColor : GeometryVertexColor;

		const FLinearColor LineColor = Shape.IsShapeValid() ? LineColorRaw : FMath::Lerp(LineColorRaw, FLinearColor::Red, 0.8f);

		// Draw the circle shape if necessary
		if (Shape.ShapeType == ESpriteShapeType::Circle)
			if (bIsHitTesting)
				TSharedPtr<FSpriteSelectedShape> Data = MakeShareable(new FSpriteSelectedShape(EditorContext, Geometry, ShapeIndex, /*bIsBackground=*/ false));
				Canvas.SetHitProxy(new HSpriteSelectableObjectHitProxy(Data));

			// Draw the circle
			const float RadiusX = Shape.BoxSize.X * 0.5f;
			const float RadiusY = Shape.BoxSize.Y * 0.5f;

			const float	AngleDelta = 2.0f * PI / SpriteEditingConstantsEX::CircleShapeNumSides;

			const float LastX = Shape.BoxPosition.X + RadiusX;
			const float LastY = Shape.BoxPosition.Y;
			FVector2D LastVertexPos = TextureSpaceToScreenSpace(View, FVector2D(LastX, LastY));

			for (int32 SideIndex = 0; SideIndex < SpriteEditingConstantsEX::CircleShapeNumSides; SideIndex++)
				const float X = Shape.BoxPosition.X + RadiusX * FMath::Cos(AngleDelta * (SideIndex + 1));
				const float Y = Shape.BoxPosition.Y + RadiusY * FMath::Sin(AngleDelta * (SideIndex + 1));
				const FVector2D ScreenPos = TextureSpaceToScreenSpace(View, FVector2D(X, Y));

				FCanvasLineItem LineItem(LastVertexPos, ScreenPos);
				LineItem.SetColor(bIsShapeSelected ? SpriteEditingConstantsEX::GeometrySelectedColor : LineColor);
				LineItem.LineThickness = SpriteEditingConstantsEX::GeometryBorderLineThickness;


				LastVertexPos = ScreenPos;

			if (bIsHitTesting)

		// Draw lines connecting the vertices of the shape
		for (int32 VertexIndex = 0; VertexIndex < Shape.Vertices.Num(); ++VertexIndex)
			const int32 NextVertexIndex = (VertexIndex + 1) % Shape.Vertices.Num();

			const FVector2D ScreenPos = TextureSpaceToScreenSpace(View, Shape.ConvertShapeSpaceToTextureSpace(Shape.Vertices[VertexIndex]));
			const FVector2D NextScreenPos = TextureSpaceToScreenSpace(View, Shape.ConvertShapeSpaceToTextureSpace(Shape.Vertices[NextVertexIndex]));

			const bool bIsThisVertexSelected = IsGeometrySelected(FShapeVertexPair(ShapeIndex, VertexIndex));
			const bool bIsNextVertexSelected = IsGeometrySelected(FShapeVertexPair(ShapeIndex, NextVertexIndex));

			const bool bIsEdgeSelected = bIsShapeSelected || (bIsThisVertexSelected && bIsNextVertexSelected);

			// Draw the normal tick
			if (bShowNormals)
				const FVector2D Direction = (NextScreenPos - ScreenPos).GetSafeNormal();
				const FVector2D Normal = FVector2D(-Direction.Y, Direction.X);

				const FVector2D Midpoint = (ScreenPos + NextScreenPos) * 0.5f;
				const FVector2D NormalPoint = Midpoint - Normal * SpriteEditingConstantsEX::GeometryNormalLength;
				FCanvasLineItem LineItem(Midpoint, NormalPoint);


			// Draw the edge
				if (bIsHitTesting)
					TSharedPtr<FSpriteSelectedEdge> Data = MakeShareable(new FSpriteSelectedEdge(EditorContext, Geometry, ShapeIndex, VertexIndex));
					Canvas.SetHitProxy(new HSpriteSelectableObjectHitProxy(Data));

				FCanvasLineItem LineItem(ScreenPos, NextScreenPos);
				LineItem.SetColor(bIsEdgeSelected ? SpriteEditingConstantsEX::GeometrySelectedColor : LineColor);
				LineItem.LineThickness = SpriteEditingConstantsEX::GeometryBorderLineThickness;

				if (bIsHitTesting)

		// Draw the vertices
		for (int32 VertexIndex = 0; VertexIndex < Shape.Vertices.Num(); ++VertexIndex)
			const FVector2D ScreenPos = TextureSpaceToScreenSpace(View, Shape.ConvertShapeSpaceToTextureSpace(Shape.Vertices[VertexIndex]));
			const float X = ScreenPos.X;
			const float Y = ScreenPos.Y;

			const bool bIsVertexSelected = IsGeometrySelected(FShapeVertexPair(ShapeIndex, VertexIndex));
			const bool bIsVertexLastAdded = IsAddingPolygon() && (AddingPolygonIndex == ShapeIndex) && (VertexIndex == Shape.Vertices.Num() - 1);
			const bool bNeedHighlightVertex = bIsShapeSelected || bIsVertexSelected || bIsVertexLastAdded;

			if (bIsHitTesting)
				TSharedPtr<FSpriteSelectedVertex> Data = MakeShareable(new FSpriteSelectedVertex(EditorContext, Geometry, ShapeIndex, VertexIndex));
				Canvas.SetHitProxy(new HSpriteSelectableObjectHitProxy(Data));

			const float VertSize = SpriteEditingConstantsEX::GeometryVertexSize;
			Canvas.DrawTile(ScreenPos.X - VertSize*0.5f, ScreenPos.Y - VertSize*0.5f, VertSize, VertSize, 0.f, 0.f, 1.f, 1.f, bNeedHighlightVertex ? SpriteEditingConstantsEX::GeometrySelectedColor : VertexColor, GWhiteTexture);

			if (bIsHitTesting)

	// Draw a preview cursor for the add polygon tool
	if (IsAddingPolygon())
		// Figure out where the mouse is back in screen space
		const FVector2D PotentialVertexScreenPos = TextureSpaceToScreenSpace(View, MousePositionTextureSpace);

		bool bWillCloseByClicking = false;
		if (Geometry.Shapes.IsValidIndex(AddingPolygonIndex))
			const FSpriteGeometryShape& Shape = Geometry.Shapes[AddingPolygonIndex];

			const FLinearColor LineColorRaw = Shape.bNegativeWinding ? NegativeGeometryVertexColor : GeometryVertexColor;
			const FLinearColor LineColorValidity = Shape.IsShapeValid() ? LineColorRaw : FMath::Lerp(LineColorRaw, FLinearColor::Red, 0.8f);
			const FLinearColor LineColor = FMath::Lerp(LineColorValidity, SpriteEditingConstantsEX::GeometrySelectedColor, 0.2f);

			if (Shape.Vertices.Num() > 0)
				// Draw a line from the last vertex to the potential insertion point for the new one
					const FVector2D LastScreenPos = TextureSpaceToScreenSpace(View, Shape.ConvertShapeSpaceToTextureSpace(Shape.Vertices[Shape.Vertices.Num() - 1]));

					FCanvasLineItem LineItem(LastScreenPos, PotentialVertexScreenPos);
					LineItem.LineThickness = SpriteEditingConstantsEX::GeometryBorderLineThickness;

				// And to the first vertex if there were at least 2
				if (Shape.Vertices.Num() >= 2)
					const FVector2D FirstScreenPos = TextureSpaceToScreenSpace(View, Shape.ConvertShapeSpaceToTextureSpace(Shape.Vertices[0]));

					FCanvasLineItem LineItem(PotentialVertexScreenPos, FirstScreenPos);
					LineItem.LineThickness = SpriteEditingConstantsEX::GeometryBorderLineThickness;

					// Determine how close we are to the first vertex (will we close the shape by clicking)?
					bWillCloseByClicking = (Shape.Vertices.Num() >= 3) && (FVector2D::Distance(FirstScreenPos, PotentialVertexScreenPos) < SpriteEditingConstantsEX::AddPolygonVertexWeldScreenSpaceDistance);

		// Draw the prospective vert
		const float VertSize = SpriteEditingConstantsEX::GeometryVertexSize;
		Canvas.DrawTile(PotentialVertexScreenPos.X - VertSize*0.5f, PotentialVertexScreenPos.Y - VertSize*0.5f, VertSize, VertSize, 0.f, 0.f, 1.f, 1.f, SpriteEditingConstantsEX::GeometrySelectedColor, GWhiteTexture);

		// Draw a prompt above and to the right of the cursor
		static const FText CloseButton(LOCTEXT("ClosePolygonPrompt", "Close"));
		static const FText AddButton(LOCTEXT("AddVertexToPolygonPrompt", "+"));

		const FText PromptText(bWillCloseByClicking ? CloseButton : AddButton);
		FCanvasTextItem PromptTextItem(FVector2D(PotentialVertexScreenPos.X + VertSize, PotentialVertexScreenPos.Y - VertSize), PromptText, GEngine->GetSmallFont(), FLinearColor::White);