static void SetEdgeLineVisibility (Facet& f, 
                                   int a, int AzmStride,
                                   int p, int PolStride, 
                                   bool ReverseOrientation = false)
  // no individual setting, visibility is either true or false
  if (AzmStride == 1 && PolStride == 1) return;

  // individual setting
  int mask = 0;

  // three or four vertices
  if (ReverseOrientation) {
    if ((a+1) % AzmStride == 0) mask |= 4;
    if ( a    % AzmStride == 0) mask |= 1;
  } else {
    if ((a+1) % AzmStride == 0) mask |= 1;
    if ( a    % AzmStride == 0) mask |= 4;
  if (p % PolStride == 0) mask |= 2;

  // four vertices
  if (f.GetNumVertices() == 4) 
    if ((p+1) % PolStride == 0) mask |= 8;

  // set edge line visibility
Exemplo n.º 2
void Scene::WireFacet (Facet& f)
  // number of vertices
  int n = f.GetNumVertices();

  // remember previous line color
  ColorF previous_color = foreground_color;

  // =======================================================
  // testing: fog for edgelines to get a depth cueing effect
  // =======================================================
  if (fog_opacity) {
    float cx,cy,cz;
    f.Center(cx,cy,cz); // wastes time !
    SetColor( ColorF_Weighted(0.5*(1-tanh((6/fog_opacity)
			      previous_color,fog_color) );

  // facet is degenerate (a line)
  if (n == 2)                     // THROW OUT !!!!!!!!!!!!!!
    Line( f[0].p,f[1].p );

  // loop through edges
    if (f.edgelines == Facet::Individual) {
      for (int i = 0, j = n-1; i < n; j = i++)
	if (f.GetEdgeLine(j)) Line( f[j].p,f[i].p );  
    } else
      for (int i = 0, j = n-1; i < n; j = i++)
	Line( f[j].p,f[i].p ); 

  // reset previous color
  if (fog_opacity) SetColor(previous_color);
Exemplo n.º 3
void Scene::ConstantFacet (Facet& f)
// Uses the global intermediate storage array pix.
    int i,j;
    short r,g,b;
    long color;
    // number of vertices
    int n = f.GetNumVertices();
    // facet is degenerate (a line) ----- CURRENTLY DEGENERATE NOT ALLOWED
    if (n == 2) {

    // can't happen !
    if (n < 2 || n > MaxVertices) {
	Warn("Scene::ConstantFacet: number of vertices out of range");

    if (coloring == Global) {
	r = (short)(   * 255); // normalize to 0..255
	g = (short)( * 255);
	b = (short)(  * 255);
    } else { 		// per-facet colors are assumed
	r =;
	g =;
        b =;
    // copy projected vertex coordinates to polygon array
    for (i = 0; i < n; i++) pix[i] = f[i].p;
    // find color in colormap
    color = LookupColor(r,g,b,&mat);

    // draw outlines if requested
    if (edgelines == 1) 
    else if (edgelines == 0)
    else if (edgelines == Facet::Individual ) {
	if (f.edgelines == 1)
	else if (f.edgelines == 0)
	else if (f.edgelines == Facet::Individual) {
	    for (i = 0, j = n-1; i < n; j = i++) 
	      if ( f.GetEdgeLine(j) ) Line(pix[j],pix[i]);

Exemplo n.º 4
void stellate (Scene &body, float height)
//  Adds starlike jags to every facet of the body. The tip 
//  of a jag is placed in the given height over the center 
//  of the facet.
    float nx,ny,nz,nk,nn,cx,cy,cz,h;
    Vertex* tip;
    Facet* f;
    int i,j,n;

    Scene stella;
    for (f = body.TheFacets(); f; f = f->NextFacet() ) {

	// calculate the normal form and the center of the facet

	// normalization of the normal vector to unit length
	nn = hypot(nx,ny,nz);

	// check if facet is degenerate
	if (nn == 0) continue;

	// add the tip vertex of the jag
	h = height / nn;
	tip = &stella.AddVertex( cx+h*nx, cy+h*ny, cz+h*nz );
	// add three-sided facets for each side of the jag
	n = f->GetNumVertices();
	for (i = 0, j = n-1; i < n; j = i++) {
	    Facet& s = stella.AddFacet(3);
	    s(0) = &stella.AddVertex( *(*f)(j) );
	    s(1) = &stella.AddVertex( *(*f)(i) );
	    s(2) = tip;
    // now clear the original
    // and add the stellated body instead (duplicate vertices are now removed)
Exemplo n.º 5
void Scene::WireFrame (void)   ///// UNUSED CURRENTLY !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  // remember previous line color
  ColorF previous_color = foreground_color;

  for (Facet *f = facets; f; f = f->next) {

    // clipped facets are invisible
    if ( ! f->clipped ) {   

      // =======================================================
      // testing: fog for edgelines to get a depth cueing effect
      // =======================================================
      if (fog_opacity) {
	float cx,cy,cz;
	f->Center(cx,cy,cz); // wastes time !
	SetColor( ColorF_Weighted(0.5*(1-tanh((6/fog_opacity)
				  previous_color,fog_color) );

      int n = f->GetNumVertices();

      if (n == 2) 
	Line( (*f)[0].p,(*f)[1].p );

	for (int i = 0, j = n-1; i < n; j = i++) {	
	  // don't draw line twice for closed bodies
	  if ( ! facetculling || 
	       (facetculling && ( &(*f)[j] < &(*f)[i] )) ) 
	    Line( (*f)[j].p,(*f)[i].p );

  // reset previous color
  if (fog_opacity) SetColor(previous_color);
Exemplo n.º 6
void Scene::GouraudFacet (Facet& f)
// Draws a facet using Gourauds's color interpolation model.
// A scan line approach is taken for drawing this facet.
// Uses the global intermediate storage array pix.
// If outline == True then the facet ist outlined using the 
// current line drawing color.
    float rstep,gstep,bstep,rr,gg,bb;
    long /*previous_color,*/ color;
    int maxy,miny,maxx,minx,k,mono;    
    Pixel2D p;
    // number of vertices
    int n = f.GetNumVertices();
    // facet is degenerate or has too many facets
    if (n < 3 || n > MaxVertices) return;

    Material *Mp;
    static Material M;
    if (coloring == PerVertex) {
        if (f.material) {
	    M.ambient = f.material->ambient;
	    M.specular = f.material->specular;
	    M.exponent = f.material->exponent;
	} else {
	    M.ambient = mat.ambient;
	    M.specular = mat.specular;
	    M.exponent = mat.exponent;
	Mp = &M;
    } else if (coloring == Global) {
	Mp = f.GetMaterial();
    } else /* (coloring == PerFacet) */ {
	M.color   = f.front;
	if (f.material) {
	    M.ambient = f.material->ambient;
	    M.specular = f.material->specular;
	    M.exponent = f.material->exponent;
	} else {
	    M.ambient = mat.ambient;
	    M.specular = mat.specular;
	    M.exponent = mat.exponent;
	Mp = &M;

    // remember previous line color
    //previous_color = linecolor;
    ColorF previous_color = foreground_color;

    maxy = miny = f[0];
    for (int i = 0; i < n; i++) {
	const Vertex& Vi = f[i];
        // copy projected vertex coordinates to polygon array
        pix[i] = Vi.p;

        // find minimum and maximum y-value
	if (pix[i].py > maxy) 
	    maxy = pix[i].py;
        else if (pix[i].py < miny) 
	    miny = pix[i].py;

        // get color at each vertex (vertex color + illumination effect)
	if (coloring == PerVertex) {   = float( / 255; = float( / 255;  = float( / 255;
	PhongColor(Vi.x,Vi.y,Vi.z, Vi.nx,Vi.ny,,
    // special case of a black/and white display
    if (displaymono) {        
	Polygon(n,pix,White,Fill);	// draw a white background polyogon
	SetColor(Black);	// set foreground color to black for the dots
    // fill facet using a scan line approach  
    // loop through the scanlines
    // --------------------------

    for ( = miny; <= maxy; ( ) {
        // polygon is wider than 30000 pixel
	minx =  30000; maxx = -30000;

	int imin = 0, imax = 0;
	for (int i = 0, j = n-1; i < n; j = i++) {
	    int pjy = pix[j].py,
		piy = pix[i].py;
	    if ((pjy != piy) && 
	        (pjy >= || piy >= &&
	        (pjy <= || piy <= { 
		float mu = float(,
		      mu1 = 1.0-mu;
		k = int(mu1*pix[j].px+mu*pix[i].px+0.5);
		if (k < minx) {
		    minx = k; // minimum x
		    imin = i;
		if (k > maxx) {
		    maxx = k; // maximum x
		    imax = i;
	    int i = imin, j = i ? i-1 : n-1, 
	        dpy = pix[i].py-pix[j].py;
	    float mu = dpy ? float([j].py)/float(dpy) : 0,
	          mu1 = 1.0-mu;
	    // minimum values
	    rr = mu1 * r[j] + mu * r[i];
	    gg = mu1 * g[j] + mu * g[i];
	    bb = mu1 * b[j] + mu * b[i];

	if (minx < maxx) {    
	    int i = imax, j = i ? i-1 : n-1, 
	        dpy = pix[i].py-pix[j].py;
	    float mu = dpy ? float([j].py)/float(dpy) : 0, 
	          mu1 = 1.0-mu;
	    // steps
	    float dx = float(maxx-minx);
	    rstep = (mu1 * r[j] + mu * r[i] - rr)/dx;
	    gstep = (mu1 * g[j] + mu * g[i] - gg)/dx;
	    bstep = (mu1 * b[j] + mu * b[i] - bb)/dx;

	} else 
	    rstep = gstep = bstep = 0;

	if (displaymono) {           // for a monochrome display - ditherized

	    for (p.px = minx; p.px <= maxx; ++(p.px)) {
		// compute the monochrome intensity - scale from 0..255 to 0..63
		// and diherize using Bayer's algorithm
		mono = (int)(0.30*rr+0.59*gg+0.11*bb) >> 2;
		if (mono < Bayer_Dithering_8x8 [p.px & 7][ & 7]) Dot(p);
		rr += rstep;
		gg += gstep;
		bb += bstep;

	} else if (colordither) {    // for a color display - ditherized

	    for (p.px = minx; p.px <= maxx; ++(p.px)) {
		// scale from 0..255 to 0..15
		// and ditherize using Bayer's algorithm
		int red,green,blue;
		red   = (int)rr >> 4;
		green = (int)gg >> 4;
		blue  = (int)bb >> 4;
		// map to color table (fixed entries 0..8)
		color = 
		  ((blue > Bayer_Dithering_4x4 [p.px & 3][ & 3])?1:0) |  
		    ((green > Bayer_Dithering_4x4 [p.px & 3][ & 3]?1:0)<<1) |
		      ((red > Bayer_Dithering_4x4 [p.px & 3][ & 3]?1:0)<<2);
		Dot(p,color); // color is a color table index
		rr += rstep;
		gg += gstep;
		bb += bstep;
	} else {                     // for a color display - non-ditherized

	    for (p.px = minx; p.px <= maxx; ++(p.px)) {
Exemplo n.º 7
void Scene::FlatFacet (Facet& f)
// If shading is 'Flat' the facet is drawn using flat shading, otherwise
// if shading is 'false' it will be filled with the background color. 
// Uses the global intermediate storage array pix.
    int i,j;
    float cx,cy,cz,nx,ny,nz,nk;
    short r,g,b;
    long color;
    // number of vertices
    int n = f.GetNumVertices();
    // facet is degenerate (a line) ----- CURRENTLY DEGENERATE NOT ALLOWED
    if (n == 2) {

    // can't happen !
    if (n < 2 || n > MaxVertices) {
	Warn("Scene::FlatFacet: number of vertices out of range");

    static Material M;
    Material *Mp;
    if (coloring == Global) {
	Mp = f.GetMaterial();
    } else {
        M.color = f.front;
	if (f.material) {
	    M.ambient  = f.material->ambient;
	    M.specular = f.material->specular;
	    M.exponent = f.material->exponent;
	} else {
	    M.ambient = mat.ambient;
	    M.specular = mat.specular;
	    M.exponent = mat.exponent;
	Mp = &M;
    // copy projected vertex coordinates to polygon array
    for (i = 0; i < n; i++) pix[i] = f[i].p;
    // compute color of facet from reflection properties
    if (shading == Facet::Flat) { 


	// find color in colormap
	//color = LookupColor(r,g,b,f.GetMaterial());
	color = LookupColor(r,g,b,&mat);

    // else if (shading == false) then use the background color
    } else
        color = backcolor;

    // =======================================================
    // testing: fog for edgelines to get a depth cueing effect
    // =======================================================
    ColorF previous_color;
    if (fog_opacity) {
      previous_color = foreground_color;
      SetColor( ColorF_Weighted(0.5*(1-tanh((6/fog_opacity)
				previous_color,fog_color) );

    // draw outlines if requested
    if (edgelines == 1) 
    else if (edgelines == 0)
    else if (edgelines == Facet::Individual ) {
	if (f.edgelines == 1)
	else if (f.edgelines == 0)
	else if (f.edgelines == Facet::Individual) {
	    for (i = 0, j = n-1; i < n; j = i++) 
	      if ( f.GetEdgeLine(j) ) Line(pix[j],pix[i]);

    if (fog_opacity) SetColor(previous_color);