Exemplo n.º 1
FeatureNode::getConfig() const
    Config conf("feature");

    if ( !_features.empty() )
        // Write out a single feature for now.

        Feature* feature = _features.begin()->get();

        conf.set("name", getName());

        Config geomConf("geometry");
        geomConf.value() = GeometryUtils::geometryToWKT( feature->getGeometry() );

        std::string srs = feature->getSRS() ? feature->getSRS()->getHorizInitString() : "";
        if ( !srs.empty() ) conf.set("srs", srs);

        std::string vsrs = feature->getSRS() ? feature->getSRS()->getVertInitString() : "";
        if ( !vsrs.empty() ) conf.set("vdatum", vsrs);

        if ( feature->geoInterp().isSet() )
            conf.set("geointerp", feature->geoInterp() == GEOINTERP_GREAT_CIRCLE? "greatcircle" : "rhumbline");

    if (!_style.empty() )
        conf.set( "style", _style );

    return conf;
Exemplo n.º 2
AddPointHandler::addPoint( float x, float y, osgViewer::View* view )
    osg::Vec3d world;    
    MapNode* mapNode = _featureNode->getMapNode();

    if ( mapNode->getTerrain()->getWorldCoordsUnderMouse( view, x, y, world ) )
        // Get the map point from the world
        GeoPoint mapPoint;
        mapPoint.fromWorld( mapNode->getMapSRS(), world );

        Feature* feature = _featureNode->getFeature();

        if ( feature )            
            // Convert the map point to the feature's SRS
            GeoPoint featurePoint = mapPoint.transform( feature->getSRS() );

            feature->getGeometry()->push_back( featurePoint.vec3d() );            
            return true;
    return false;
Exemplo n.º 3
      virtual void traverse( FeatureTile* tile)
          if (tile->getFeatures().size() > 0)
              //Actually load up the features
              FeatureList features;
              for (FeatureIDList::const_iterator i = tile->getFeatures().begin(); i != tile->getFeatures().end(); i++)
                  Feature* f = _features->getFeature( *i );                  

                  if (f)
                      //Reproject the feature to the dest SRS if it's not already
                      if (!f->getSRS()->isEquivalentTo( _srs ) )
                          f->transform( _srs );
                      features.push_back( f );
                      OE_NOTICE << "couldn't get feature " << *i << std::endl;

              //Need to do the cropping again since these are brand new features coming from the feature source.
              CropFilter cropFilter(_cropMethod);
              FilterContext context(0);
              context.extent() = tile->getExtent();
              cropFilter.push( features, context );

              std::string contents = Feature::featuresToGeoJSON( features );
              std::stringstream buf;
              int x =  tile->getKey().getTileX();
              unsigned int numRows, numCols;
              tile->getKey().getProfile()->getNumTiles(tile->getKey().getLevelOfDetail(), numCols, numRows);
              int y  = numRows - tile->getKey().getTileY() - 1;

              buf << _dest << "/" << tile->getKey().getLevelOfDetail() << "/" << x << "/" << y << ".json";
              std::string filename = buf.str();
              //OE_NOTICE << "Writing " << features.size() << " features to " << filename << std::endl;

              if ( !osgDB::fileExists( osgDB::getFilePath(filename) ) )
                  osgEarth::makeDirectoryForFile( filename );

              std::fstream output( filename.c_str(), std::ios_base::out );
              if ( output.is_open() )
                  output << contents;
          tile->traverse( this );        
Exemplo n.º 4
    removeChildren( 0, getNumChildren() );

    Feature* feature = _featureNode->getFeature();
    //Create a dragger for each point
    for (unsigned int i = 0; i < _featureNode->getFeature()->getGeometry()->size(); i++)
        SphereDragger* dragger = new SphereDragger( _featureNode->getMapNode() );
        dragger->setColor( _color );
        dragger->setPickColor( _pickColor );
        dragger->setSize( _size );
        dragger->setPosition(GeoPoint(feature->getSRS(),  (*feature->getGeometry())[i].x(),  (*feature->getGeometry())[i].y()));
        dragger->addPositionChangedCallback(new MoveFeatureDraggerCallback( _featureNode.get(), i) );

Exemplo n.º 5
    if ( !_clampCallback.valid() )
        _clampCallback = new ClampCallback(this);

    _attachPoint = 0L;

    // if there is existing geometry, kill it
    this->removeChildren( 0, this->getNumChildren() );

    if ( !getMapNode() )

    if ( _features.empty() )

    const Style &style = getStyle();

    // compilation options.
    GeometryCompilerOptions options = _options;

    // figure out what kind of altitude manipulation we need to perform.
    AnnotationUtils::AltitudePolicy ap;
    AnnotationUtils::getAltitudePolicy( style, ap );

    // If we're doing auto-clamping on the CPU, shut off compiler map clamping
    // clamping since it would be redundant.
    if ( ap.sceneClamping )
        options.ignoreAltitudeSymbol() = true;


    osg::Node* node = _compiled.get();
    if (_needsRebuild || !_compiled.valid() )
        // Clone the Features before rendering as the GeometryCompiler and it's filters can change the coordinates
        // of the geometry when performing localization or converting to geocentric.
        _extent = GeoExtent::INVALID;

        FeatureList clone;
        for(FeatureList::iterator itr = _features.begin(); itr != _features.end(); ++itr)
            Feature* feature = new Feature( *itr->get(), osg::CopyOp::DEEP_COPY_ALL);
            GeoExtent featureExtent(feature->getSRS(), feature->getGeometry()->getBounds());

            if (_extent.isInvalid())
                _extent = featureExtent;
                _extent.expandToInclude( featureExtent );
            clone.push_back( feature );

        // prep the compiler:
        GeometryCompiler compiler( options );
        Session* session = new Session( getMapNode()->getMap(), _styleSheet.get() );

        FilterContext context( session, new FeatureProfile( _extent ), _extent, _index);

        _compiled = compiler.compile( clone, style, context );
        node = _compiled.get();
        _needsRebuild = false;

        // Compute the world bounds
        osg::BoundingSphered bounds;
        for( FeatureList::iterator itr = _features.begin(); itr != _features.end(); ++itr)
            osg::BoundingSphered bs;
            itr->get()->getWorldBound(getMapNode()->getMapSRS(), bs);

        // The polytope will ensure we only clamp to intersecting tiles:
        Feature::getWorldBoundingPolytope(bounds, getMapNode()->getMapSRS(), _featurePolytope);

    if ( node )
        if ( AnnotationUtils::styleRequiresAlphaBlending( style ) &&
             getStyle().get<ExtrusionSymbol>() )
            node = AnnotationUtils::installTwoPassAlpha( node );

        _attachPoint = new osg::Group();
        _attachPoint->addChild( node );

        // Draped (projected) geometry
        if ( ap.draping )
            DrapeableNode* d = new DrapeableNode();
            d->addChild( _attachPoint );
            this->addChild( d );

        // GPU-clamped geometry
        else if ( ap.gpuClamping )
            ClampableNode* clampable = new ClampableNode();
            clampable->addChild( _attachPoint );
            this->addChild( clampable );

            this->addChild( _attachPoint );

            // set default lighting based on whether we are extruding:
            setDefaultLighting( style.has<ExtrusionSymbol>() );


        if ( getMapNode()->getTerrain() )
            if ( ap.sceneClamping )
                // Need dynamic data variance since scene clamping will change the verts
                SetDataVarianceVisitor sdv(osg::Object::DYNAMIC);

                clamp(getMapNode()->getTerrain()->getGraph(), getMapNode()->getTerrain());
                getMapNode()->getTerrain()->removeTerrainCallback( _clampCallback.get() );
Exemplo n.º 6
    // if there's a decoration, clear it out first.
    _attachPoint = 0L;

    // if there is existing geometry, kill it
    this->removeChildren( 0, this->getNumChildren() );

    if ( !getMapNode() )

    if ( _features.empty() )

    const Style &style = getStyle();

    // compilation options.
    GeometryCompilerOptions options = _options;
    // figure out what kind of altitude manipulation we need to perform.
    AnnotationUtils::AltitudePolicy ap;
    AnnotationUtils::getAltitudePolicy( style, ap );

    // If we're doing auto-clamping on the CPU, shut off compiler map clamping
    // clamping since it would be redundant.
    // TODO: I think this is OBE now that we have "scene" clamping technique..
    if ( ap.sceneClamping )
        options.ignoreAltitudeSymbol() = true;

    osg::Node* node = _compiled.get();
    if (_needsRebuild || !_compiled.valid() )
        // Clone the Features before rendering as the GeometryCompiler and it's filters can change the coordinates
        // of the geometry when performing localization or converting to geocentric.
        _extent = GeoExtent::INVALID;

        FeatureList clone;
        for(FeatureList::iterator itr = _features.begin(); itr != _features.end(); ++itr)
            Feature* feature = new Feature( *itr->get(), osg::CopyOp::DEEP_COPY_ALL);
            GeoExtent featureExtent(feature->getSRS(), feature->getGeometry()->getBounds());

            if (_extent.isInvalid())
                _extent = featureExtent;
                _extent.expandToInclude( featureExtent );
            clone.push_back( feature );

        // prep the compiler:
        GeometryCompiler compiler( options );
        Session* session = new Session( getMapNode()->getMap(), _styleSheet.get() );

        FilterContext context( session, new FeatureProfile( _extent ), _extent );

        _compiled = compiler.compile( clone, style, context );
        node = _compiled.get();
        _needsRebuild = false;

        // Compute the world bounds
        osg::BoundingSphered bounds;
        for( FeatureList::iterator itr = _features.begin(); itr != _features.end(); ++itr)
            osg::BoundingSphered bs;
            itr->get()->getWorldBound(getMapNode()->getMapSRS(), bs);
        // The polytope will ensure we only clamp to intersecting tiles:
        Feature::getWorldBoundingPolytope(bounds, getMapNode()->getMapSRS(), _featurePolytope);


    if ( node )
        if ( AnnotationUtils::styleRequiresAlphaBlending( style ) &&
             getStyle().get<ExtrusionSymbol>() )
            node = AnnotationUtils::installTwoPassAlpha( node );

        //OE_NOTICE << GeometryUtils::geometryToGeoJSON( _feature->getGeometry() ) << std::endl;

        _attachPoint = new osg::Group();
        _attachPoint->addChild( node );

        // Draped (projected) geometry
        if ( ap.draping )
            DrapeableNode* d = new DrapeableNode(); // getMapNode() );
            d->addChild( _attachPoint );
            this->addChild( d );

        // GPU-clamped geometry
        else if ( ap.gpuClamping )
            ClampableNode* clampable = new ClampableNode( getMapNode() );
            clampable->addChild( _attachPoint );
            this->addChild( clampable );

            const RenderSymbol* render = style.get<RenderSymbol>();
            if ( render && render->depthOffset().isSet() )
                clampable->setDepthOffsetOptions( *render->depthOffset() );

            this->addChild( _attachPoint );

            // CPU-clamped geometry?
            if ( ap.sceneClamping )
                // save for later when we need to reclamp the mesh on the CPU
                _altitude = style.get<AltitudeSymbol>();

                // activate the terrain callback:
                setCPUAutoClamping( true );

                // set default lighting based on whether we are extruding:
                setLightingIfNotSet( style.has<ExtrusionSymbol>() );

                // do an initial clamp to get started.
                clampMesh( getMapNode()->getTerrain()->getGraph() );

            applyRenderSymbology( style );

    FilterContext push(FeatureList& input, FilterContext& context)
        if (_featureSource.valid())
            // Get any features that intersect this query.
            FeatureList boundaries;
            getFeatures(context.extent().get(), boundaries );
            // The list of output features
            FeatureList output;

            if (boundaries.empty())
                // No intersecting features.  If contains is false, then just the output to the input.
                if (contains() == false)
                    output = input;
                // Transform the boundaries into the coordinate system of the features
                for (FeatureList::iterator itr = boundaries.begin(); itr != boundaries.end(); ++itr)
                    itr->get()->transform( context.profile()->getSRS() );

                for(FeatureList::const_iterator f = input.begin(); f != input.end(); ++f)
                    Feature* feature = f->get();
                    if ( feature && feature->getGeometry() )
                        osg::Vec2d c = feature->getGeometry()->getBounds().center2d();

                        if ( contains() == true )
                            // coarsest:
                            if (_featureSource->getFeatureProfile()->getExtent().contains(GeoPoint(feature->getSRS(), c.x(), c.y())))
                                for (FeatureList::iterator itr = boundaries.begin(); itr != boundaries.end(); ++itr)
                                    Ring* ring = dynamic_cast< Ring*>(itr->get()->getGeometry());
                                    if (ring && ring->contains2D(c.x(), c.y()))
                                        output.push_back( feature );

                            bool contained = false;

                            // coarsest:
                            if (_featureSource->getFeatureProfile()->getExtent().contains(GeoPoint(feature->getSRS(), c.x(), c.y())))
                                for (FeatureList::iterator itr = boundaries.begin(); itr != boundaries.end(); ++itr)
                                    Ring* ring = dynamic_cast< Ring*>(itr->get()->getGeometry());
                                    if (ring && ring->contains2D(c.x(), c.y()))
                                        contained = true;
                            if ( !contained )
                                output.push_back( feature );

            OE_INFO << LC << "Allowed " << output.size() << " out of " << input.size() << " features\n";

            input = output;

        return context;