Exemplo n.º 1
void   RandomSplitJobManager::RetrieveRandomSplit (int                    splitNum,
                                                   FeatureVectorListPtr&  trainData,
                                                   FeatureVectorListPtr&  testData
  trainData = NULL;
  testData  = NULL;

  if  ((splitNum < 0)  ||  (splitNum >= (int)splits->NumOfOrderings ()))
    log.Level (-1) << endl << endl
                   << "RandomSplitJobManager::RetrieveRandomSplit    ***ERROR***   Invalid SplitNum[" << splitNum << "]" << endl
                   << endl;
  FeatureVectorListPtr  ordering = splits->Ordering (splitNum);

  trainData = ordering->ManufactureEmptyList (false);
  testData  = ordering->ManufactureEmptyList (false);

  MLClassList::const_iterator  classIDX;
  for  (classIDX = mlClasses->begin ();  classIDX != mlClasses->end ();  classIDX++)
    MLClassPtr  ic = *classIDX;

    FeatureVectorListPtr  examplesThisClass = ordering->ExtractExamplesForAGivenClass (ic);
    int  numTrainExamplesNeeded = (int)(0.5 + (double)(examplesThisClass->QueueSize ()) * (double)splitFraction);

    int  numExamplesAddToTrainSet = 0;

    FeatureVectorList::const_iterator  idx;
    for  (idx = examplesThisClass->begin ();  idx != examplesThisClass->end ();  idx++)
      FeatureVectorPtr  example = *idx;

      if  (numExamplesAddToTrainSet < numTrainExamplesNeeded)
        trainData->PushOnBack (example);
        testData->PushOnBack (example);
}  /* RetrieveRandomSplit */
Exemplo n.º 2
void  FeatureFileIO::SaveFeatureFileMultipleParts (const KKStr&          _fileName, 
                                                   FeatureNumListConst&  _selFeatures,
                                                   FeatureVectorList&    _examples,
                                                   VolConstBool&         _cancelFlag,
                                                   bool&                 _successful,
                                                   RunLog&               _log
  kkuint32  numExamplesWritten = 0;
  SaveFeatureFile (_fileName, _selFeatures, _examples, numExamplesWritten, _cancelFlag, _successful, _log);

  if  (_cancelFlag  ||  (!_successful))

  if  (_examples.QueueSize () > 64000)
    kkint32  numPartsNeeded = (_examples.QueueSize () / 64000);
    if  ((_examples.QueueSize () % 64000) > 0)

    kkuint32  maxPartSize = (_examples.QueueSize () / numPartsNeeded) + 1;

    kkint32  partNum = 0;
    FeatureVectorList::const_iterator idx = _examples.begin ();

    while  ((idx != _examples.end ())  &&  (_successful)  &&  (!_cancelFlag))
      FeatureVectorListPtr  part = _examples.ManufactureEmptyList (false);

      while  ((idx != _examples.end ())  &&  (part->QueueSize () < maxPartSize))
        part->PushOnBack (*idx);

      KKStr  partFileName = osRemoveExtension (_fileName) + "-" + 
                            StrFormatInt (partNum, "00") + "." +
                            osGetFileExtension (_fileName);

      SaveFeatureFile (partFileName, _selFeatures, *part, numExamplesWritten, _cancelFlag, _successful, _log);

      delete  part; part = NULL;
}  /* SaveFeatureFileMultipleParts */
Exemplo n.º 3
void   JobValidation::EvaluateNode ()
  log.Level (9) << "  " << endl;
  log.Level (9) << "JobValidation::EvaluteNode JobId[" << jobId << "]" << endl;
  status = BinaryJobStatus::Started;

  bool  configFileFormatGood = true;
  TrainingConfiguration2Ptr  config = new TrainingConfiguration2 ();
  config->Load (configFileName, false, log);
  if  (!config->FormatGood ())

  config->SetFeatureNums (features);
  config->C_Param (cParm);
  config->Gamma   (gammaParm);
  config->A_Param (aParm);
  config->SelectionMethod (processor->SelectionMethod ());
  switch  (processor->ResultType ())
  case  FinalResultType::MfsFeaturesSel:
  case  FinalResultType::NoTuningAllFeatures:
  case  FinalResultType::MfsParmsTuned: 
  case  FinalResultType::MfsParmsTunedFeaturesSel: 
           config->MachineType (SVM_MachineType::OneVsOne);
  case  FinalResultType::BfsFeaturesSel:
  case  FinalResultType::BfsParmsTuned:
  case  FinalResultType::BfsFeaturesSelParmsTuned:
           config->MachineType (SVM_MachineType::BinaryCombos);

  bool  cancelFlag = false;

  FeatureVectorListPtr  trainData       = processor->TrainingData ();
  FeatureVectorListPtr  validationData  = processor->ValidationData ();

  VectorDouble  trainDataMeans      = trainData->ExtractMeanFeatureValues ();
  VectorDouble  validationDataMeans = validationData->ExtractMeanFeatureValues ();

  CrossValidationPtr  crossValidation = new CrossValidation  
                                            processor->MLClasses (),
                                            processor->NumOfFolds (),
                                            processor->AlreadyNormalized (),
                                            processor->FileDesc (),

  delete  classedCorrectly;
  classedCorrectlySize = validationData->QueueSize ();
  classedCorrectly = new bool[classedCorrectlySize];

  crossValidation->RunValidationOnly (validationData, classedCorrectly, log);

  testAccuracy      = crossValidation->Accuracy ();
  testAccuracyNorm  = crossValidation->AccuracyNorm ();
  testAvgPredProb   = (float)crossValidation->AvgPredProb () * 100.0f;
  testFMeasure      = (float)crossValidation->ConfussionMatrix ()->FMeasure (processor->PositiveClass (), log);

  if  (processor->GradingMethod () == GradingMethodType::Accuracy)
    testGrade = testAccuracy;

  else if  (processor->GradingMethod () == GradingMethodType::AccuracyNorm)
    testGrade = testAccuracyNorm;

  else if  (processor->GradingMethod () == GradingMethodType::FMeasure)
    testGrade = testFMeasure;

    testGrade = testAccuracy;

  testNumSVs  = crossValidation->NumOfSupportVectors ();

    // Save results of this Split in Results file.
    processor->Block ();

      uint  fn = 0;
      ofstream rl ("FinalResults.log", ios_base::app);
      rl << endl << endl
         << "ConfigFileName"          << "\t" << configFileName  << "\t" << "Format Good[" << (configFileFormatGood ? "Yes" : "No") << endl
         << "SummaryResultsFileName"  << "\t" << processor->SummaryResultsFileName () << endl
         << "Configuration CmdLine"   << "\t" << config->SVMparamREF (log).ToString ()   << endl
         << "ImagesPerClass"          << "\t" << config->ImagesPerClass ()            << endl
         << endl;

      rl << endl << endl
         << "Training Data Status" << endl
         << endl;
      trainData->PrintClassStatistics (rl);
      rl << endl << endl;

      rl << "TrainingDataMeans";
      for  (fn = 0;  fn < trainDataMeans.size ();  fn++)
        rl << "\t" << trainDataMeans[fn];
      rl << endl;

      rl << "ValidationDataMeans";
      for  (fn = 0;  fn < validationDataMeans.size ();  fn++)
        rl << "\t" << validationDataMeans[fn];
      rl << endl
         << endl;

      crossValidation->ConfussionMatrix ()->PrintConfusionMatrixTabDelimited (rl);
      rl << endl << endl << endl << endl;
      rl.close ();

      ofstream  f (processor->SummaryResultsFileName ().Str (), ios_base::app);
      ValidationResults r (processor->ResultType (), 
                           osGetHostName ().value_or ("*** unknown ***"),
      r.Write (f);
      f.close ();
    processor->EndBlock ();

  delete  crossValidation;     crossValidation    = NULL;
  delete  config;              config = NULL;
  status = BinaryJobStatus::Done;
}  /* EvaluateNode */
Exemplo n.º 4
void  FeatureEncoder::EncodeIntoSparseMatrix
                               (FeatureVectorListPtr   src,
                                ClassAssignments&      assignments,
                                XSpacePtr&             xSpace,          
                                kkint32&               totalxSpaceUsed,
                                struct svm_problem&    prob,
                                RunLog&                log

  FeatureVectorListPtr  compressedExamples    = NULL;
  FeatureVectorListPtr  examplesToUseFoXSpace = NULL;
  kkint32               xSpaceUsed            = 0;

  totalxSpaceUsed = 0;

  examplesToUseFoXSpace = src;

  kkint32  numOfExamples = examplesToUseFoXSpace->QueueSize ();
  //kkint32  elements      = numOfExamples * xSpaceNeededPerExample;

  prob.l     = numOfExamples;
  prob.y     = (double*)malloc  (prob.l * sizeof (double));
  prob.x     = (struct svm_node **) malloc (prob.l * sizeof (struct svm_node*));
  prob.index = new kkint32[prob.l];
  prob.exampleNames.clear ();

  kkint32  numNeededXspaceNodes = DetermineNumberOfNeededXspaceNodes (examplesToUseFoXSpace);

  kkint32  totalBytesForxSpaceNeeded = (numNeededXspaceNodes + 10) * sizeof (struct svm_node);  // I added '10' to elements because I am paranoid

  xSpace = (struct svm_node*) malloc (totalBytesForxSpaceNeeded);
  if  (xSpace == NULL)
    log.Level (-1) << endl << endl << endl
                   << " FeatureEncoder::Compress   *** Failed to allocates space for 'xSpace' ****" << endl
                   << endl
                   << "     Space needed          [" << totalBytesForxSpaceNeeded << "]" << endl
                   << "     Num of Examples       [" << numOfExamples             << "]" << endl
                   << "     Num XSpaceNodesNeeded [" << numNeededXspaceNodes      << "]" << endl
                   << endl;
    // we sill have to allocate space for each individual training example separately.
    //throw "FeatureEncoder::Compress     Allocation of memory for xSpace Failed.";

  prob.W = NULL;

  kkint32 i = 0;
  FeatureVectorPtr  example      = NULL;
  MLClassPtr        lastMlClass  = NULL;
  kkint16           lastClassNum = -1;

  kkint32  bytesOfxSpacePerExample = xSpaceNeededPerExample * sizeof (struct svm_node);

  for (i = 0;  i < prob.l;  i++)
    if  (totalxSpaceUsed > numNeededXspaceNodes)
      log.Level (-1) << endl << endl
        << "FeatureEncoder::Compress   ***ERROR***   We have exceeded the number of XSpace nodes allocated." << endl
        << endl;

    example = examplesToUseFoXSpace->IdxToPtr (i);

    if  (example->MLClass () != lastMlClass)
      lastMlClass  = example->MLClass ();
      lastClassNum = assignments.GetNumForClass (lastMlClass);

    prob.y[i]     = lastClassNum;
    prob.index[i] = i;
    prob.exampleNames.push_back (osGetRootName (example->ExampleFileName ()));

    if  (prob.W)
      prob.W[i] = example->TrainWeight () * c_Param;
      if  (example->TrainWeight () <= 0.0f)
        log.Level (-1) << endl 
                       << "FeatureEncoder::EncodeIntoSparseMatrix    ***ERROR***   Example[" << example->ExampleFileName () << "]" << endl
                       << "      has a TrainWeight value of 0 or less defaulting to 1.0" << endl
                       << endl;
        prob.W[i] = 1.0 * c_Param;

    if  (xSpace == NULL)
      struct svm_node*  xSpaceThisExample = (struct svm_node*) malloc (bytesOfxSpacePerExample);
      prob.x[i] = xSpaceThisExample;
      EncodeAExample (example, prob.x[i], xSpaceUsed);
      if  (xSpaceUsed < xSpaceNeededPerExample)
        kkint32  bytesNeededForThisExample = xSpaceUsed * sizeof (struct svm_node);
        struct svm_node*  smallerXSpaceThisExample = (struct svm_node*) malloc (bytesNeededForThisExample);
        memcpy (smallerXSpaceThisExample, xSpaceThisExample, bytesNeededForThisExample);
        free  (xSpaceThisExample);
        prob.x[i] = smallerXSpaceThisExample;
      prob.x[i] = &xSpace[totalxSpaceUsed];
      EncodeAExample (example, prob.x[i], xSpaceUsed);
    totalxSpaceUsed += xSpaceUsed;

  delete  compressedExamples;
}  /* Compress */
Exemplo n.º 5
FeatureVectorListPtr  FeatureFileIO::FeatureDataReSink (FactoryFVProducerPtr  _fvProducerFactory,
                                                        const KKStr&          _dirName,
                                                        const KKStr&          _fileName, 
                                                        MLClassPtr            _unknownClass,
                                                        bool                  _useDirectoryNameForClassName,
                                                        MLClassList&          _mlClasses,
                                                        VolConstBool&         _cancelFlag,
                                                        bool&                 _changesMade,
                                                        KKB::DateTime&        _timeStamp,
                                                        RunLog&               _log
  _changesMade = false;
  _timeStamp = DateTime ();

  if  (_unknownClass == NULL)
    _unknownClass = MLClass::GetUnKnownClassStatic ();

  KKStr  className = _unknownClass->Name ();

  _log.Level (10) << "FeatureFileIO::FeatureDataReSink  dirName: " << _dirName << endl
                  << "               fileName: " << _fileName << "  UnKnownClass: " << className << endl;

  KKStr  fullFeatureFileName = osAddSlash (_dirName) +  _fileName;

  bool  successful = true;

  KKStr fileNameToOpen;
  if  (_dirName.Empty ())
    fileNameToOpen = _fileName;
    fileNameToOpen = osAddSlash (_dirName) + _fileName;

  bool  versionsAreSame = false;

  FeatureVectorListPtr  origFeatureVectorData 
        = LoadFeatureFile (fileNameToOpen, _mlClasses, -1, _cancelFlag, successful, _changesMade, _log);

  if  (origFeatureVectorData == NULL)
    successful = false;
    origFeatureVectorData = _fvProducerFactory->ManufacturFeatureVectorList (true);

  if  (_cancelFlag)
    delete  origFeatureVectorData;  origFeatureVectorData = NULL;
    return  _fvProducerFactory->ManufacturFeatureVectorList (true);

  FeatureVectorListPtr  origFeatureData = NULL;

  if  (successful  &&
       (&typeid (*origFeatureVectorData) == _fvProducerFactory->FeatureVectorListTypeId ())  &&
       ((*(origFeatureVectorData->FileDesc ())) ==  (*(_fvProducerFactory->FileDesc ())))
     origFeatureData = origFeatureVectorData;
    origFeatureData = _fvProducerFactory->ManufacturFeatureVectorList (true);
    delete  origFeatureVectorData;
    origFeatureVectorData = NULL;

  KKStr  fileSpec = osAddSlash (_dirName) + "*.*";
  KKStrListPtr   fileNameList = osGetListOfFiles (fileSpec);

  if  (!fileNameList)
    // There are no Image Files,  so we need to return a Empty List of Image Features.

    if  (origFeatureData->QueueSize () > 0)
      _changesMade = true;

    delete  origFeatureData;  origFeatureData = NULL;

    return  _fvProducerFactory->ManufacturFeatureVectorList (true);

  FeatureVectorProducerPtr  fvProducer = _fvProducerFactory->ManufactureInstance (_log);

  if  (successful)
    if  (origFeatureData->Version () == fvProducer->Version ())
      versionsAreSame = true;
      _timeStamp = osGetFileDateTime (fileNameToOpen);

      _changesMade = true;
    delete  origFeatureData;
    origFeatureData = _fvProducerFactory->ManufacturFeatureVectorList (true);

  origFeatureData->SortByRootName (false);

  FeatureVectorListPtr  extractedFeatures = _fvProducerFactory->ManufacturFeatureVectorList (true);
  extractedFeatures->Version (fvProducer->Version ());

  fileNameList->Sort (false);

  KKStrList::iterator  fnIDX;
  fnIDX = fileNameList->begin ();   // fileNameList

  KKStrPtr  imageFileName;

  kkuint32  numImagesFoundInOrigFeatureData = 0;
  kkuint32  numOfNewFeatureExtractions = 0;

  for  (fnIDX = fileNameList->begin ();  (fnIDX != fileNameList->end ())  &&  (!_cancelFlag);  ++fnIDX)
    imageFileName = *fnIDX;

    // pv414-_002_20140414-162243_02068814-1261.bmp
    KKStr  rootName = osGetRootName (*imageFileName);
    if  (rootName == "pv414-_002_20140414-162243_02068814-1261")
      cout << "Stop Here." << endl;

    bool validImageFileFormat = SupportedImageFileFormat (*imageFileName);
    if  (!validImageFileFormat)

    bool  featureVectorCoputaionSuccessful = false;

    FeatureVectorPtr  origFV = origFeatureData->BinarySearchByName (*imageFileName);
    if  (origFV)

    if  (origFV  &&  versionsAreSame)
      featureVectorCoputaionSuccessful = true;
      if  (_useDirectoryNameForClassName)
        if  (origFV->MLClass () != _unknownClass)
          _changesMade = true;
          origFV->MLClass (_unknownClass);

      else if  ((origFV->MLClass ()->UnDefined ())  &&  (origFV->MLClass () != _unknownClass))
        _changesMade = true;
        origFV->MLClass (_unknownClass);

      extractedFeatures->PushOnBack (origFV);
      origFeatureData->DeleteEntry (origFV);
      // We either  DON'T have an original image    or    versions are not the same.

      KKStr  fullFileName = osAddSlash (_dirName) + (*imageFileName);
      FeatureVectorPtr fv = NULL;
        RasterPtr image = ReadImage (fullFileName);
        if  (image)
          fv = fvProducer->ComputeFeatureVector (*image, _unknownClass, NULL, 1.0f, _log);
        delete image;
        image = NULL;
        if  (fv)
          featureVectorCoputaionSuccessful = true;
          featureVectorCoputaionSuccessful = false;
      catch  (...)
        _log.Level (-1) << endl << endl
          << "FeatureDataReSink   ***ERROR***"  << endl
          << "       Exception occurred calling constructor 'ComputeFeatureVector'." << endl
          << endl;
        featureVectorCoputaionSuccessful = false;
        fv = NULL;

      if  (!featureVectorCoputaionSuccessful)
        _log.Level (-1) << " FeatureFileIOKK::FeatureDataReSink  *** ERROR ***, Processing Image File["
                       << imageFileName << "]."
                       << endl;
        delete  fv;
        fv = NULL;

        _changesMade = true;
        fv->ExampleFileName (*imageFileName);
        _log.Level (30) << fv->ExampleFileName () << "  " << fv->OrigSize () << endl;
        extractedFeatures->PushOnBack (fv);

        if  ((numOfNewFeatureExtractions % 100) == 0)
          cout << numOfNewFeatureExtractions << " Images Extracted." << endl;

  if  (numImagesFoundInOrigFeatureData != extractedFeatures->QueueSize ())
    _changesMade = true;
  extractedFeatures->Version (fvProducer->Version ());

  if  ((_changesMade)  &&  (!_cancelFlag))
    //extractedFeatures->WriteImageFeaturesToFile (fullFeatureFileName, RawFormat, FeatureNumList::AllFeatures (extractedFeatures->FileDesc ()));

    kkuint32  numExamplesWritten = 0;

    SaveFeatureFile (fullFeatureFileName,  
                     FeatureNumList::AllFeatures (extractedFeatures->FileDesc ()),

    _timeStamp = osGetLocalDateTime ();

  delete fvProducer;       fvProducer      = NULL;
  delete fileNameList;     fileNameList    = NULL;
  delete origFeatureData;  origFeatureData = NULL;

  _log.Level (10) << "FeatureDataReSink  Exiting  Dir: "  << _dirName << endl;

  return  extractedFeatures;
}  /* FeatureDataReSink */
Exemplo n.º 6
void  RandomSampleJob::EvaluteNode (FeatureVectorListPtr  validationData,
                                    MLClassListPtr     classes
  log.Level (9) << "  " << endl;
  log.Level (9) << "  " << endl;
  log.Level (9) << "RandomSampleJob::EvaluteNode JobId[" << jobId << "] Ordering[" << orderingNum << "]" << endl;

  status = rjStarted;

  config->CompressionMethod (BRnoCompression);
  config->KernalType        (kernelType);
  config->EncodingMethod    (encodingMethod);
  config->C_Param           (c);
  config->Gamma             (gamma);

  FileDescPtr fileDesc = config->FileDesc ();

  const FeatureVectorListPtr  srcExamples = orderings->Ordering (orderingNum);

  if  (numExamplesToKeep > srcExamples->QueueSize ())
    log.Level (-1) << endl << endl << endl
                   << "RandomSampleJob::EvaluteNode     *** ERROR ***    RandomExamples to large" << endl
                   << endl
                   << "                     RandomExamples > num in Training set." << endl
                   << endl;
    osWaitForEnter ();
    exit (-1);

  FeatureVectorListPtr  trainingData = new FeatureVectorList (srcExamples->FileDesc (), false, log, 10000);
  for  (int x = 0;  x < numExamplesToKeep;  x++)
    trainingData->PushOnBack (srcExamples->IdxToPtr (x));

  bool  allClassesRepresented = true;
    MLClassListPtr  classesInRandomSample = trainingData->ExtractListOfClasses ();
    if  (*classesInRandomSample != (*classes))
      log.Level (-1) << endl << endl
                     << "RandomSampling    *** ERROR ***" << endl
                     << endl
                     << "                  Missing Classes From Random Sample." << endl
                     << endl
                     << "MLClasses[" << classes->ToCommaDelimitedStr               () << "]" << endl
                     << "Found       [" << classesInRandomSample->ToCommaDelimitedStr () << "]" << endl
                     << endl;

       allClassesRepresented = false;


    delete  classesInRandomSample;  classesInRandomSample = NULL;

  //if  (!allClassesRepresented)
  //  accuracy  = 0.0;
  //  trainTime = 0.0;
  //  testTime  = 0.0;
    delete  crossValidation;  crossValidation = NULL;

    compMethod = config->CompressionMethod ();

    bool  cancelFlag = false;

    crossValidation = new CrossValidation 
                               false,   //  False = Features are not normalized already.
                               trainingData->FileDesc (),

    crossValidation->RunValidationOnly (validationData, NULL);

    accuracy  = crossValidation->Accuracy ();
    trainTime = crossValidation->TrainTimeMean ();
    testTime  = crossValidation->TestTimeMean ();
    supportVectors = crossValidation->SupportPointsMean ();

  delete  trainingData;

  status = rjDone;
}  /* EvaluteNode */
void   AbundanceCorrectionStatsBuilder::CreateInitialThreadInstaces ()
  log.Level (10) << "AbundanceCorrectionStatsBuilder::CreateInitialThreadInstaces"  << endl;
  FeatureVectorListPtr  stratifiedTrainData = trainLibData->StratifyAmoungstClasses (numOfFolds);
  FeatureVectorListPtr  stratifiedOtherData = otherClassData->StratifyAmoungstClasses (numOfFolds);

  int32  numTrainExamples = stratifiedTrainData->QueueSize ();
  int32  numOtherExamples = stratifiedOtherData->QueueSize ();

  msgQueue = new MsgQueue ("AbundanceCorrectionStatsBuilder");

  int32  lastFvInFold = -1;
  int32  firstFvInFold = 0;

  int32  firstOtherFvInFold = 0;
  int32  lastOtherFvInFold = -1;

  for  (int32  foldNum = 0;  foldNum < numOfFolds;  ++foldNum)
    firstFvInFold = lastFvInFold + 1;
    lastFvInFold  = (numTrainExamples * (foldNum + 1) / numOfFolds) - 1;

    firstOtherFvInFold = lastOtherFvInFold + 1;
    lastOtherFvInFold  = (numOtherExamples * (foldNum + 1) / numOfFolds) - 1;

    FeatureVectorListPtr  trainData = new FeatureVectorList (fileDesc, false, log);
    FeatureVectorListPtr  testData  = new FeatureVectorList (fileDesc, false, log);

    for  (int32 idx = 0;  idx < numTrainExamples;  ++idx)
      FeatureVectorPtr fv = stratifiedTrainData->IdxToPtr (idx);
      if  ((idx >= firstFvInFold)  &&  (idx <= lastFvInFold))
        testData->PushOnBack (fv);
        trainData->PushOnBack (fv);

    // Add OtherClass exampes to test data.
    for  (int32 idx = firstOtherFvInFold;  idx <= lastOtherFvInFold;  ++idx)
      FeatureVectorPtr fv = stratifiedOtherData->IdxToPtr (idx);
      testData->PushOnBack (fv);

    RunLogPtr  threadRunLog = new RunLog ();
    threadRunLog->AttachMsgQueue (msgQueue);

    KKStr  threadName = "AbundanceCorrFold" + StrFormatInt (foldNum, "00");
    TrainTestThreadPtr  thread = new TrainTestThread 
               ("Fold_" + StrFormatInt (foldNum, "00"),
                trainData,            // Will take ownesrship and delete in its destructor.
                testData,             // Will take ownesrship and delete in its destructor.
                msgQueue,             // Will take ownesrship and delete in its destructor.

    queueReady->PushOnBack (thread);

  delete  stratifiedOtherData;  stratifiedOtherData = NULL;
  delete  stratifiedTrainData;  stratifiedTrainData = NULL;
}  /* CreateInitialThreadInstaces */