Exemplo n.º 1
FeatureVectorListPtr  FeatureEncoder::CreateEncodedFeatureVector (FeatureVectorList&  srcData)
  if  (srcData.AllFieldsAreNumeric ())
    return  srcData.DuplicateListAndContents ();

  FeatureVectorListPtr  encodedFeatureVectorList = new FeatureVectorList (destFileDesc, true);

  FeatureVectorList::iterator  idx;
  for  (idx = srcData.begin ();   idx != srcData.end ();  idx++)
    FeatureVectorPtr  srcExample = *idx;
    XSpacePtr  encodedData = EncodeAExample (srcExample);

    kkint32  zed = 0;
    FeatureVectorPtr  encodedFeatureVector = new FeatureVector (codedNumOfFeatures);
    while  (encodedData[zed].index != -1)
      encodedFeatureVector->AddFeatureData (encodedData[zed].index, (float)encodedData[zed].value);

    encodedFeatureVector->MLClass (srcExample->MLClass ());
    encodedFeatureVectorList->PushOnBack (encodedFeatureVector);

    delete  encodedData;
    encodedData = NULL;

  return  encodedFeatureVectorList;
}  /* CreateEncodedFeatureVector */
Exemplo n.º 2
FeatureVectorPtr  FeatureEncoder::EncodeAExample (FileDescConstPtr  encodedFileDesc,
                                                  FeatureVectorPtr  src
  FeatureVectorPtr  encodedExample = new FeatureVector (numEncodedFeatures);
  encodedExample->MLClass     (src->MLClass     ());
  encodedExample->PredictedClass (src->PredictedClass ());
  //encodedExample->Version        (src->Version        ());
  encodedExample->TrainWeight    (src->TrainWeight    ());

  const float*  featureData = src->FeatureData ();
  kkint32  x;

  for  (x = 0;  x < numOfFeatures; x++)
    float  featureVal = featureData [srcFeatureNums[x]];
    kkint32  y = destFeatureNums[x];

    switch (destWhatToDo[x])
    case  FeWhatToDo::FeAsIs:
        encodedExample->AddFeatureData (y, featureVal);

    case  FeWhatToDo::FeBinary:
        for  (kkint32 z = 0; z < cardinalityDest[x]; z++)
          float  bVal = ((kkint32)featureVal == z);
          encodedExample->AddFeatureData (y, bVal);


    case  FeWhatToDo::FeScale:
        encodedExample->AddFeatureData (y, (featureVal / (float)cardinalityDest[x]));

  return  encodedExample;
}  /* EncodeAExample */
Exemplo n.º 3
MLClassListPtr  FeatureVectorList::ExtractListOfClasses ()  const
  MLClassPtr  lastClass = NULL;
  map<MLClassPtr,MLClassPtr>  ptrIndex;
  map<MLClassPtr,MLClassPtr>::iterator  ptrIndexItr;
  FeatureVectorList::const_iterator  idx;
  for  (idx = begin ();  idx != end ();  ++idx)
    FeatureVectorPtr example = *idx;
    MLClassPtr  newClass = example->MLClass ();
    if  (newClass == lastClass)

    lastClass  = newClass;
    ptrIndexItr = ptrIndex.find (newClass);
    if  (ptrIndexItr == ptrIndex.end ())
      lastClass = newClass;
      ptrIndex.insert (pair<MLClassPtr,MLClassPtr> (newClass, newClass));

  MLClassListPtr  classes = new MLClassList ();
  for  (ptrIndexItr = ptrIndex.begin ();  ptrIndexItr != ptrIndex.end ();  ++ptrIndexItr)
    classes->PushOnBack (ptrIndexItr->first);

  return   classes;
}  /* ExtractListOfClasses */
Exemplo n.º 4
FeatureVectorListPtr  FeatureEncoder2::EncodedFeatureVectorList (const FeatureVectorList&  srcData)  const
  if  (srcData.AllFieldsAreNumeric ())
    return  srcData.DuplicateListAndContents ();

  FeatureVectorListPtr  encodedFeatureVectorList = new FeatureVectorList (encodedFileDesc, true);

  FeatureVectorList::const_iterator  idx;
  for  (idx = srcData.begin ();   idx != srcData.end ();  idx++)
    FeatureVectorPtr  srcExample = *idx;
    FeatureVectorPtr  encodedFeatureVector = EncodeAExample (srcExample);
    encodedFeatureVector->MLClass (srcExample->MLClass ());
    encodedFeatureVectorList->PushOnBack (encodedFeatureVector);

  return  encodedFeatureVectorList;
}  /* EncodedFeatureVectorList */
Exemplo n.º 5
void  SplitForestCoverFile ()
  RunLog  log;

  MLClassConstList  mlClasses;  
  bool  cancelFlag  = false;
  bool  successful;
  bool  changesMade = false;

  FeatureVectorListPtr  images = FeatureFileIOC45::Driver ()->LoadFeatureFile 
                    ("covtype_alpha.data", mlClasses, -1, cancelFlag, successful, changesMade, log);

  FileDescPtr  fileDesc = images->FileDesc ();

  images->RandomizeOrder ();
  images->RandomizeOrder ();
  images->RandomizeOrder ();
  images->RandomizeOrder ();
  images->RandomizeOrder ();

  MLClassConstPtr  lodgepolePine = mlClasses.GetMLClassPtr ("Lodgepole_Pine");
  MLClassConstPtr  spruceFir     = mlClasses.GetMLClassPtr ("Spruce_Fir");

  int  lodgepolePineTrainCount = 0;
  int  spruceFirTrainCount     = 0;
  FeatureVectorList::iterator  idx;

  FeatureVectorListPtr  trainData = new FeatureVectorList (fileDesc, false, log, 10000);
  FeatureVectorListPtr  testData  = new FeatureVectorList (fileDesc, false, log, 10000);

  int  c = 0;

  for  (idx = images->begin ();  idx != images->end ();  idx++)
    FeatureVectorPtr i = *idx;

    if  (c % 5000)
      cout << c << endl;

    if  (i->MLClass () == lodgepolePine)
      if  (lodgepolePineTrainCount < 56404)
        trainData->PushOnBack (i);
        testData->PushOnBack (i);
    else if  (i->MLClass () == spruceFir)
      if  (spruceFirTrainCount < 42480)
        trainData->PushOnBack (i);
        testData->PushOnBack (i);


  KKU::uint  numExamplesWritten = 0;
  FeatureFileIOC45::Driver ()->SaveFeatureFile 
                   trainData->AllFeatures (),

  FeatureFileIOC45::Driver ()->SaveFeatureFile 
                   testData->AllFeatures (),

  delete  trainData;
  delete  testData;
  delete  images;
}  /* SplitForestCoverFile */
Exemplo n.º 6
void  FeatureEncoder::EncodeIntoSparseMatrix
                               (FeatureVectorListPtr   src,
                                ClassAssignments&      assignments,
                                XSpacePtr&             xSpace,          
                                kkint32&               totalxSpaceUsed,
                                struct svm_problem&    prob,
                                RunLog&                log

  FeatureVectorListPtr  compressedExamples    = NULL;
  FeatureVectorListPtr  examplesToUseFoXSpace = NULL;
  kkint32               xSpaceUsed            = 0;

  totalxSpaceUsed = 0;

  examplesToUseFoXSpace = src;

  kkint32  numOfExamples = examplesToUseFoXSpace->QueueSize ();
  //kkint32  elements      = numOfExamples * xSpaceNeededPerExample;

  prob.l     = numOfExamples;
  prob.y     = (double*)malloc  (prob.l * sizeof (double));
  prob.x     = (struct svm_node **) malloc (prob.l * sizeof (struct svm_node*));
  prob.index = new kkint32[prob.l];
  prob.exampleNames.clear ();

  kkint32  numNeededXspaceNodes = DetermineNumberOfNeededXspaceNodes (examplesToUseFoXSpace);

  kkint32  totalBytesForxSpaceNeeded = (numNeededXspaceNodes + 10) * sizeof (struct svm_node);  // I added '10' to elements because I am paranoid

  xSpace = (struct svm_node*) malloc (totalBytesForxSpaceNeeded);
  if  (xSpace == NULL)
    log.Level (-1) << endl << endl << endl
                   << " FeatureEncoder::Compress   *** Failed to allocates space for 'xSpace' ****" << endl
                   << endl
                   << "     Space needed          [" << totalBytesForxSpaceNeeded << "]" << endl
                   << "     Num of Examples       [" << numOfExamples             << "]" << endl
                   << "     Num XSpaceNodesNeeded [" << numNeededXspaceNodes      << "]" << endl
                   << endl;
    // we sill have to allocate space for each individual training example separately.
    //throw "FeatureEncoder::Compress     Allocation of memory for xSpace Failed.";

  prob.W = NULL;

  kkint32 i = 0;
  FeatureVectorPtr  example      = NULL;
  MLClassPtr        lastMlClass  = NULL;
  kkint16           lastClassNum = -1;

  kkint32  bytesOfxSpacePerExample = xSpaceNeededPerExample * sizeof (struct svm_node);

  for (i = 0;  i < prob.l;  i++)
    if  (totalxSpaceUsed > numNeededXspaceNodes)
      log.Level (-1) << endl << endl
        << "FeatureEncoder::Compress   ***ERROR***   We have exceeded the number of XSpace nodes allocated." << endl
        << endl;

    example = examplesToUseFoXSpace->IdxToPtr (i);

    if  (example->MLClass () != lastMlClass)
      lastMlClass  = example->MLClass ();
      lastClassNum = assignments.GetNumForClass (lastMlClass);

    prob.y[i]     = lastClassNum;
    prob.index[i] = i;
    prob.exampleNames.push_back (osGetRootName (example->ExampleFileName ()));

    if  (prob.W)
      prob.W[i] = example->TrainWeight () * c_Param;
      if  (example->TrainWeight () <= 0.0f)
        log.Level (-1) << endl 
                       << "FeatureEncoder::EncodeIntoSparseMatrix    ***ERROR***   Example[" << example->ExampleFileName () << "]" << endl
                       << "      has a TrainWeight value of 0 or less defaulting to 1.0" << endl
                       << endl;
        prob.W[i] = 1.0 * c_Param;

    if  (xSpace == NULL)
      struct svm_node*  xSpaceThisExample = (struct svm_node*) malloc (bytesOfxSpacePerExample);
      prob.x[i] = xSpaceThisExample;
      EncodeAExample (example, prob.x[i], xSpaceUsed);
      if  (xSpaceUsed < xSpaceNeededPerExample)
        kkint32  bytesNeededForThisExample = xSpaceUsed * sizeof (struct svm_node);
        struct svm_node*  smallerXSpaceThisExample = (struct svm_node*) malloc (bytesNeededForThisExample);
        memcpy (smallerXSpaceThisExample, xSpaceThisExample, bytesNeededForThisExample);
        free  (xSpaceThisExample);
        prob.x[i] = smallerXSpaceThisExample;
      prob.x[i] = &xSpace[totalxSpaceUsed];
      EncodeAExample (example, prob.x[i], xSpaceUsed);
    totalxSpaceUsed += xSpaceUsed;

  delete  compressedExamples;
}  /* Compress */
Exemplo n.º 7
FeatureVectorListPtr  FeatureFileIO::FeatureDataReSink (FactoryFVProducerPtr  _fvProducerFactory,
                                                        const KKStr&          _dirName,
                                                        const KKStr&          _fileName, 
                                                        MLClassPtr            _unknownClass,
                                                        bool                  _useDirectoryNameForClassName,
                                                        MLClassList&          _mlClasses,
                                                        VolConstBool&         _cancelFlag,
                                                        bool&                 _changesMade,
                                                        KKB::DateTime&        _timeStamp,
                                                        RunLog&               _log
  _changesMade = false;
  _timeStamp = DateTime ();

  if  (_unknownClass == NULL)
    _unknownClass = MLClass::GetUnKnownClassStatic ();

  KKStr  className = _unknownClass->Name ();

  _log.Level (10) << "FeatureFileIO::FeatureDataReSink  dirName: " << _dirName << endl
                  << "               fileName: " << _fileName << "  UnKnownClass: " << className << endl;

  KKStr  fullFeatureFileName = osAddSlash (_dirName) +  _fileName;

  bool  successful = true;

  KKStr fileNameToOpen;
  if  (_dirName.Empty ())
    fileNameToOpen = _fileName;
    fileNameToOpen = osAddSlash (_dirName) + _fileName;

  bool  versionsAreSame = false;

  FeatureVectorListPtr  origFeatureVectorData 
        = LoadFeatureFile (fileNameToOpen, _mlClasses, -1, _cancelFlag, successful, _changesMade, _log);

  if  (origFeatureVectorData == NULL)
    successful = false;
    origFeatureVectorData = _fvProducerFactory->ManufacturFeatureVectorList (true);

  if  (_cancelFlag)
    delete  origFeatureVectorData;  origFeatureVectorData = NULL;
    return  _fvProducerFactory->ManufacturFeatureVectorList (true);

  FeatureVectorListPtr  origFeatureData = NULL;

  if  (successful  &&
       (&typeid (*origFeatureVectorData) == _fvProducerFactory->FeatureVectorListTypeId ())  &&
       ((*(origFeatureVectorData->FileDesc ())) ==  (*(_fvProducerFactory->FileDesc ())))
     origFeatureData = origFeatureVectorData;
    origFeatureData = _fvProducerFactory->ManufacturFeatureVectorList (true);
    delete  origFeatureVectorData;
    origFeatureVectorData = NULL;

  KKStr  fileSpec = osAddSlash (_dirName) + "*.*";
  KKStrListPtr   fileNameList = osGetListOfFiles (fileSpec);

  if  (!fileNameList)
    // There are no Image Files,  so we need to return a Empty List of Image Features.

    if  (origFeatureData->QueueSize () > 0)
      _changesMade = true;

    delete  origFeatureData;  origFeatureData = NULL;

    return  _fvProducerFactory->ManufacturFeatureVectorList (true);

  FeatureVectorProducerPtr  fvProducer = _fvProducerFactory->ManufactureInstance (_log);

  if  (successful)
    if  (origFeatureData->Version () == fvProducer->Version ())
      versionsAreSame = true;
      _timeStamp = osGetFileDateTime (fileNameToOpen);

      _changesMade = true;
    delete  origFeatureData;
    origFeatureData = _fvProducerFactory->ManufacturFeatureVectorList (true);

  origFeatureData->SortByRootName (false);

  FeatureVectorListPtr  extractedFeatures = _fvProducerFactory->ManufacturFeatureVectorList (true);
  extractedFeatures->Version (fvProducer->Version ());

  fileNameList->Sort (false);

  KKStrList::iterator  fnIDX;
  fnIDX = fileNameList->begin ();   // fileNameList

  KKStrPtr  imageFileName;

  kkuint32  numImagesFoundInOrigFeatureData = 0;
  kkuint32  numOfNewFeatureExtractions = 0;

  for  (fnIDX = fileNameList->begin ();  (fnIDX != fileNameList->end ())  &&  (!_cancelFlag);  ++fnIDX)
    imageFileName = *fnIDX;

    // pv414-_002_20140414-162243_02068814-1261.bmp
    KKStr  rootName = osGetRootName (*imageFileName);
    if  (rootName == "pv414-_002_20140414-162243_02068814-1261")
      cout << "Stop Here." << endl;

    bool validImageFileFormat = SupportedImageFileFormat (*imageFileName);
    if  (!validImageFileFormat)

    bool  featureVectorCoputaionSuccessful = false;

    FeatureVectorPtr  origFV = origFeatureData->BinarySearchByName (*imageFileName);
    if  (origFV)

    if  (origFV  &&  versionsAreSame)
      featureVectorCoputaionSuccessful = true;
      if  (_useDirectoryNameForClassName)
        if  (origFV->MLClass () != _unknownClass)
          _changesMade = true;
          origFV->MLClass (_unknownClass);

      else if  ((origFV->MLClass ()->UnDefined ())  &&  (origFV->MLClass () != _unknownClass))
        _changesMade = true;
        origFV->MLClass (_unknownClass);

      extractedFeatures->PushOnBack (origFV);
      origFeatureData->DeleteEntry (origFV);
      // We either  DON'T have an original image    or    versions are not the same.

      KKStr  fullFileName = osAddSlash (_dirName) + (*imageFileName);
      FeatureVectorPtr fv = NULL;
        RasterPtr image = ReadImage (fullFileName);
        if  (image)
          fv = fvProducer->ComputeFeatureVector (*image, _unknownClass, NULL, 1.0f, _log);
        delete image;
        image = NULL;
        if  (fv)
          featureVectorCoputaionSuccessful = true;
          featureVectorCoputaionSuccessful = false;
      catch  (...)
        _log.Level (-1) << endl << endl
          << "FeatureDataReSink   ***ERROR***"  << endl
          << "       Exception occurred calling constructor 'ComputeFeatureVector'." << endl
          << endl;
        featureVectorCoputaionSuccessful = false;
        fv = NULL;

      if  (!featureVectorCoputaionSuccessful)
        _log.Level (-1) << " FeatureFileIOKK::FeatureDataReSink  *** ERROR ***, Processing Image File["
                       << imageFileName << "]."
                       << endl;
        delete  fv;
        fv = NULL;

        _changesMade = true;
        fv->ExampleFileName (*imageFileName);
        _log.Level (30) << fv->ExampleFileName () << "  " << fv->OrigSize () << endl;
        extractedFeatures->PushOnBack (fv);

        if  ((numOfNewFeatureExtractions % 100) == 0)
          cout << numOfNewFeatureExtractions << " Images Extracted." << endl;

  if  (numImagesFoundInOrigFeatureData != extractedFeatures->QueueSize ())
    _changesMade = true;
  extractedFeatures->Version (fvProducer->Version ());

  if  ((_changesMade)  &&  (!_cancelFlag))
    //extractedFeatures->WriteImageFeaturesToFile (fullFeatureFileName, RawFormat, FeatureNumList::AllFeatures (extractedFeatures->FileDesc ()));

    kkuint32  numExamplesWritten = 0;

    SaveFeatureFile (fullFeatureFileName,  
                     FeatureNumList::AllFeatures (extractedFeatures->FileDesc ()),

    _timeStamp = osGetLocalDateTime ();

  delete fvProducer;       fvProducer      = NULL;
  delete fileNameList;     fileNameList    = NULL;
  delete origFeatureData;  origFeatureData = NULL;

  _log.Level (10) << "FeatureDataReSink  Exiting  Dir: "  << _dirName << endl;

  return  extractedFeatures;
}  /* FeatureDataReSink */
FeatureVectorPtr  GrayScaleImagesFVProducer::ComputeFeatureVector (const Raster&     srcImage,
                                                                   const MLClassPtr  knownClass,
                                                                   RasterListPtr     intermediateImages,
                                                                   float             priorReductionFactor,
                                                                   RunLog&           runLog
  FeatureVectorPtr  fv = new FeatureVector (maxNumOfFeatures);
  fv->MLClass (knownClass);
  float*  featureData = fv->FeatureDataAlter ();

  fv->Version (Version ());

  kkint32 areaBeforeReduction = 0;
  float  weighedSizeBeforeReduction = 0.0f;

  kkint32 row = 0;

  kkuint32  intensityHistBuckets[8];
  srcImage.CalcAreaAndIntensityFeatures (areaBeforeReduction, 

  kkint32 srcHeight = srcImage.Height ();
  kkint32 srcWidth  = srcImage.Width  ();

  kkint32 reducedHeight = srcHeight;
  kkint32 reducedWidth  = srcWidth;

  kkint32 reducedSquareArea = reducedHeight * reducedWidth;

  kkint32 reductionMultiple = 1;

  while  (reducedSquareArea > totPixsForMorphOps)
    reducedHeight = (srcHeight + reductionMultiple - 1) / reductionMultiple;
    reducedWidth  = (srcWidth  + reductionMultiple - 1) / reductionMultiple;
    reducedSquareArea = reducedHeight * reducedWidth;

  float    totalReductionMultiple = priorReductionFactor * (float)reductionMultiple;
  float    totalReductionMultipleSquared = totalReductionMultiple * totalReductionMultiple;

  delete  workRaster1Rows;  workRaster1Rows = new uchar*[reducedHeight];
  delete  workRaster2Rows;  workRaster2Rows = new uchar*[reducedHeight];
  delete  workRaster3Rows;  workRaster3Rows = new uchar*[reducedHeight];

  uchar*  wp1 = workRaster1Area;
  uchar*  wp2 = workRaster2Area;
  uchar*  wp3 = workRaster3Area;

  for  (row = 0;  row < reducedHeight; ++row)
    workRaster1Rows[row] = wp1;
    workRaster2Rows[row] = wp2;
    workRaster3Rows[row] = wp3;
    wp1 += reducedWidth;
    wp2 += reducedWidth;
    wp3 += reducedWidth;

  Raster  workRaster1 (reducedHeight, reducedWidth, workRaster1Area, workRaster1Rows);
  Raster  workRaster2 (reducedHeight, reducedWidth, workRaster2Area, workRaster2Rows);
  Raster  workRaster3 (reducedHeight, reducedWidth, workRaster3Area, workRaster3Rows);

  Raster const * initRaster = NULL;
  RasterPtr      wr1        = NULL;
  RasterPtr      wr2        = NULL;

  if  (reductionMultiple > 1)
      ReductionByMultiple (reductionMultiple, srcImage, workRaster1);
    catch  (...)
      runLog.Level (-1) << endl << "GrayScaleImagesFVProducer::ComputeFeatureVector   ***ERROR***  Exception calling 'ReductionByMultiple'."  << endl << endl;
      return NULL;
    initRaster = &workRaster1;
    wr1        = &workRaster2;
    wr2        = &workRaster3;
    initRaster = &srcImage;
    wr1        = &workRaster1;
    wr2        = &workRaster2;

  if  (areaBeforeReduction < 20)
    for  (kkint32 tp = 0;  tp < maxNumOfFeatures;  tp++)
      featureData[tp] = 9999999;
    return fv;
  float  convexf = 0.0;
  float  centralMoments[9];
  float  centralMomentsWeighted[9];

  kkint32  pixelCountReduced = 0;
  float    pixelCountWeightedReduced = 0.0f;

  initRaster->ComputeCentralMoments (pixelCountReduced, pixelCountWeightedReduced, centralMoments, centralMomentsWeighted);

  float  edgeMomentf[9];

  initRaster->Dilation (wr1);
  wr1->Dilation (wr2);
  wr2->FillHole (wr1);

  wr1->Erosion (wr2);
  wr2->Edge (wr1);
  wr1->CentralMoments (edgeMomentf);
  if  (intermediateImages)
    kkint32  numEdgePixelsFound = (kkint32)(edgeMomentf[0]);
    SaveIntermediateImage (*wr2, "Edge_Image_" + StrFormatInt (numEdgePixelsFound, "ZZZZ0"), intermediateImages);

  kkint32 area = (kkint32)(centralMoments[0] + 0.5f);  // Moment-0 is the same as the number of foreground pixels in example.
  float areaF = (float)area;
    ConvexHullPtr  ch = new ConvexHull ();
    ch->Filter (*initRaster, wr1);
    convexf = (float)ch->ConvexArea ();

    if  (intermediateImages)
      KKStr convexImageFileName = "ConvexHull_" +
                                   StrFormatInt ((kkint32)convexf, "ZZZZZ0");
      SaveIntermediateImage (*wr1, convexImageFileName, intermediateImages);

    //delete  convexImage;
    //convexImage = NULL;
    delete  ch;
    ch = NULL;

  initRaster->Erosion (wr1);
  wr1->Dilation (wr2);
  float  areaOpen3 = (float)(wr2->ForegroundPixelCount());
  if  (intermediateImages)
    SaveIntermediateImage (*wr2, "Opening3_" + StrFormatInt ((kkint32)areaOpen3, "ZZZZZZ0"), intermediateImages);

  initRaster->Erosion (wr1, MorphOp::MaskTypes::SQUARE5);
  wr1->Dilation (wr2, MorphOp::MaskTypes::SQUARE5);
  float  areaOpen5 = (float)(wr2->ForegroundPixelCount ());
  if  (intermediateImages)
    SaveIntermediateImage (*wr2, "Opening5_" + StrFormatInt ((kkint32)areaOpen5, "ZZZZZZ0"), intermediateImages);

  initRaster->Erosion (wr1, MorphOp::MaskTypes::SQUARE7);
  wr1->Dilation (wr2, MorphOp::MaskTypes::SQUARE7);
  float  areaOpen7 = (float)(wr2->ForegroundPixelCount ());
  if  (intermediateImages)
    SaveIntermediateImage (*wr2, "Opening7_" + StrFormatInt ((kkint32)areaOpen7, "ZZZZZZ0"), intermediateImages);
  wr2->Erosion (wr1, MorphOp::MaskTypes::SQUARE9);
  wr1->Dilation (wr2, MorphOp::MaskTypes::SQUARE9);
  float  areaOpen9 = (float)(wr2->ForegroundPixelCount ());
  if  (intermediateImages)
    SaveIntermediateImage (*wr2, "Opening9_" + StrFormatInt ((kkint32)areaOpen9, "ZZZZZZ0"), intermediateImages);

  initRaster->Dilation (wr1);
  wr1->Erosion (wr2);
  float  areaClose3 = (float)(wr2->ForegroundPixelCount ());
  if  (intermediateImages)
    SaveIntermediateImage (*wr2, "Close3_" + StrFormatInt ((kkint32)areaClose3, "ZZZZZZ0"), intermediateImages);

  wr2->FillHole (wr1);
  float  tranf = (float)(wr2->ForegroundPixelCount ());
  if  (intermediateImages)
    SaveIntermediateImage (*wr2, "FillHole_" + StrFormatInt ((kkint32)tranf, "ZZZZZZ0"), intermediateImages);

  initRaster->Dilation (wr1, MorphOp::MaskTypes::SQUARE5);
  wr1->Erosion (wr2, MorphOp::MaskTypes::SQUARE5);
  float  areaClose5 = (float)(wr2->ForegroundPixelCount ());
  if  (intermediateImages)
    SaveIntermediateImage (*wr2, "Close5_" + StrFormatInt ((kkint32)areaClose5, "ZZZZZZ0"), intermediateImages);
  initRaster->Dilation (wr1, MorphOp::MaskTypes::SQUARE7);
  wr1->Erosion   (wr2, MorphOp::MaskTypes::SQUARE7);
  float  areaClose7 = float (wr2->ForegroundPixelCount ());
  if  (intermediateImages)
    SaveIntermediateImage (*wr2, "Close7_" + StrFormatInt ((kkint32)areaClose7, "ZZZZZZ0"), intermediateImages);

    featureData[SizeIndex]    = float ((float)areaBeforeReduction * priorReductionFactor);
    featureData[Moment1Index] = float (centralMoments[1]);
    featureData[Moment2Index] = float (centralMoments[2]);
    featureData[Moment3Index] = float (centralMoments[3]);
    featureData[Moment4Index] = float (centralMoments[4]);
    featureData[Moment5Index] = float (centralMoments[5]);
    featureData[Moment6Index] = float (centralMoments[6]);
    featureData[Moment7Index] = float (centralMoments[7]);
    featureData[Moment8Index] = float (centralMoments[8]);

    featureData[WeighedMoment0Index] = centralMomentsWeighted[0] * totalReductionMultiple;
    featureData[WeighedMoment1Index] = centralMomentsWeighted[1];
    featureData[WeighedMoment2Index] = centralMomentsWeighted[2];
    featureData[WeighedMoment3Index] = centralMomentsWeighted[3];
    featureData[WeighedMoment4Index] = centralMomentsWeighted[4];
    featureData[WeighedMoment5Index] = centralMomentsWeighted[5];
    featureData[WeighedMoment6Index] = centralMomentsWeighted[6];
    featureData[WeighedMoment7Index] = centralMomentsWeighted[7];
    featureData[WeighedMoment8Index] = centralMomentsWeighted[8];

    featureData[EdgeSizeIndex]    = (float)edgeMomentf[0] * totalReductionMultiple;
    featureData[EdgeMoment1Index] = (float)edgeMomentf[1];
    featureData[EdgeMoment2Index] = (float)edgeMomentf[2];
    featureData[EdgeMoment3Index] = (float)edgeMomentf[3];
    featureData[EdgeMoment4Index] = (float)edgeMomentf[4];
    featureData[EdgeMoment5Index] = (float)edgeMomentf[5];
    featureData[EdgeMoment6Index] = (float)edgeMomentf[6];
    featureData[EdgeMoment7Index] = (float)edgeMomentf[7];
    featureData[EdgeMoment8Index] = (float)edgeMomentf[8];

  if ((area > convexf)  &&  (convexf > 0))
     featureData[TransparancyConvexHullIndex] = 1.0;
     featureData[TransparancyConvexHullIndex] = (float)area / (float)convexf;

  featureData[TransparancyPixelCountIndex] = areaF / (float)tranf;
  featureData[TransparancyOpen3Index]      = (float)(areaF - areaOpen3)  / (float)area;
  featureData[TransparancyOpen5Index]      = (float)(areaF - areaOpen5)  / (float)area;
  featureData[TransparancyOpen7Index]      = (float)(areaF - areaOpen7)  / (float)area;                
  featureData[TransparancyOpen9Index]      = (float)(areaF - areaOpen9)  / (float)area;
  featureData[TransparancyClose3Index]     = (float)(areaF - areaClose3) / (float)area;
  featureData[TransparancyClose5Index]     = (float)(areaF - areaClose5) / (float)area;
  featureData[TransparancyClose7Index]     = (float)(areaF - areaClose7) / (float)area;
  featureData[ConvexAreaIndex]       = convexf * totalReductionMultipleSquared;
  featureData[TransparancySizeIndex] = (float)(centralMoments[0] / convexf);
  featureData[TransparancyWtdIndex]  = (float)(centralMomentsWeighted[0] / convexf);

  float  areaD = float (areaBeforeReduction);

  featureData[IntensityHist1Index] = ((float)intensityHistBuckets[1] / areaD);
  featureData[IntensityHist2Index] = ((float)intensityHistBuckets[2] / areaD);
  featureData[IntensityHist3Index] = ((float)intensityHistBuckets[3] / areaD);
  featureData[IntensityHist4Index] = ((float)intensityHistBuckets[4] / areaD);
  featureData[IntensityHist5Index] = ((float)intensityHistBuckets[5] / areaD);
  featureData[IntensityHist6Index] = ((float)intensityHistBuckets[6] / areaD);
  featureData[IntensityHist7Index] = ((float)intensityHistBuckets[7] / areaD);

    BinarizeImageByThreshold (200, 255, *initRaster, *wr1); 
    wr1->Erosion (wr2, MorphOp::MaskTypes::SQUARE3);
    wr2->Erosion (wr1, MorphOp::MaskTypes::SQUARE3);

    KKB::BlobListPtr  blobs = wr1->ExtractBlobs (3);

    int  darkSpotFreq[10];
    int x;
    for  (x = 0;  x < 10;  ++x)
      darkSpotFreq[x] = 0;

    KKB::BlobList::iterator  idx;
    for  (idx = blobs->begin ();  idx != blobs->end ();  ++idx)
      KKB::BlobPtr  b = idx->second;

      double l =  ::log ((double)(b->PixelCount ()));

      double logOfThree = ::log (3.0);

      int  index = (int)floor (l / logOfThree);
      index = Min (Max (0, index), 9);

    featureData[DarkSpotCount0] = (float)darkSpotFreq[0];
    featureData[DarkSpotCount1] = (float)darkSpotFreq[1];
    featureData[DarkSpotCount2] = (float)darkSpotFreq[2];
    featureData[DarkSpotCount3] = (float)darkSpotFreq[3];
    featureData[DarkSpotCount4] = (float)darkSpotFreq[4];
    featureData[DarkSpotCount5] = (float)darkSpotFreq[5];
    featureData[DarkSpotCount6] = (float)darkSpotFreq[6];
    featureData[DarkSpotCount7] = (float)darkSpotFreq[7];
    featureData[DarkSpotCount8] = (float)darkSpotFreq[8];
    featureData[DarkSpotCount9] = (float)darkSpotFreq[9];

    delete  blobs;
    blobs = NULL;

  if  (intermediateImages)
    RasterPtr  thinnedImage = initRaster->ThinContour ();
    SaveIntermediateImage  (*thinnedImage, "_Thinned", intermediateImages);
    delete  thinnedImage;  
    thinnedImage = NULL;

  featureData[0] = (float)areaBeforeReduction;  // In case the example was reduced.
  fv->OrigSize ((float)areaBeforeReduction);
  return fv;
}  /* ComputeFeatureVector */
Exemplo n.º 9
void  GradeClassification::GradeExamplesAgainstGroundTruth (FeatureVectorListPtr  examplesToGrade,
                                                            FeatureVectorListPtr  groundTruth
  log.Level (10) << "GradeClassification::GradeExamplesAgainstGroundTruth" << endl;

  groundTruth->SortByRootName ();

  MLClassConstPtr  unknownClass = mlClasses->GetUnKnownClass ();

  MLClassConstListPtr classes = NULL;
    MLClassConstListPtr examplesToGradeClasses = examplesToGrade->ExtractMLClassConstList ();
    MLClassConstListPtr groundTruthClasses     = groundTruth->ExtractMLClassConstList ();
    classes = MLClassConstList::MergeClassList (*examplesToGradeClasses, *groundTruthClasses);
    delete  examplesToGradeClasses;
    delete  groundTruthClasses;

  uint16  maxHierarchialLevel = 0;
    MLClassConstList::iterator  idx;
    for  (idx = classes->begin ();  idx != classes->end ();  idx++)
      MLClassConstPtr  c = *idx;
      maxHierarchialLevel = Max (maxHierarchialLevel, c->NumHierarchialLevels ());

  // Create ConfusionMatrix objects for each posible level of Hierarchy.  The 'resultsSummary' vector will 
  // end up owning the instances of 'ConfusionMatrix2' and th edestructr will be responable for deleting them.
  uint  curLevel = 0;
  vector<ConfusionMatrix2Ptr>  cmByLevel;
  for  (curLevel = 0;  curLevel < maxHierarchialLevel;  curLevel++)
    MLClassConstListPtr  classesThisLevel = classes->ExtractListOfClassesForAGivenHierarchialLevel (curLevel);
    ConfusionMatrix2Ptr  cm = new ConfusionMatrix2 (*classesThisLevel);
    cmByLevel.push_back (cm);

  ConfusionMatrix2  cm (*classes);

  ImageFeaturesList::iterator  idx;

  for  (idx = examplesToGrade->begin ();  idx !=  examplesToGrade->end ();  idx++)
    ImageFeaturesPtr  exampleToGrade = *idx;
    MLClassConstPtr  predictedClass = exampleToGrade->MLClass ();
    float          origSize       = exampleToGrade->OrigSize ();
    float          probability    = exampleToGrade->Probability ();

    KKStr  rootName = osGetRootName (exampleToGrade->ImageFileName ());
    FeatureVectorPtr  groundTruthExample = groundTruth->LookUpByRootName (rootName);
    MLClassConstPtr  groundTruthClass = unknownClass;
    if  (groundTruthExample)
      groundTruthClass = groundTruthExample->MLClass ();

    cm.Increment (groundTruthClass, predictedClass, (int)origSize, probability, log);

    for  (curLevel = 0;  curLevel < maxHierarchialLevel;  curLevel++)
      MLClassConstPtr  groundTruthClasssThisLevel = groundTruthClass->MLClassForGivenHierarchialLevel (curLevel);
      MLClassConstPtr  predictedClassThisLevel    = predictedClass->MLClassForGivenHierarchialLevel   (curLevel);

      cmByLevel[curLevel]->Increment (groundTruthClasssThisLevel, predictedClassThisLevel, (int)origSize, probability, log);

  //cm.PrintTrueFalsePositivesTabDelimited (*report);

    // report Hierarchial results
    for  (curLevel = 0;  curLevel < maxHierarchialLevel;  curLevel++)
      log.Level (10) << "GradeClassification::GradeExamplesAgainstGroundTruth   Printing Level[" << curLevel << "]" << endl;
      *report << endl << endl << endl
              << "Confusion Matrix   Training Level[" << maxHierarchialLevel << "]       Preduction Level[" << (curLevel + 1) << "]" << endl
              << endl;
      cmByLevel[curLevel]->PrintConfusionMatrixTabDelimited (*report);
      resultsSummary.push_back (SummaryRec (maxHierarchialLevel, curLevel + 1, cmByLevel[curLevel]));

    *report << endl << endl << endl;

  log.Level (10) << "GradeClassification::GradeExamplesAgainstGroundTruth     Exiting"  << endl;
}  /* GradeExamplesAgainstGroundTruth */
Exemplo n.º 10
void  GradeClassification::GradeUsingTrainingConfiguration ()
  log.Level (10) << "GradeClassification::GradeUsingTrainingConfiguration" << endl;

  delete  mlClasses;
  mlClasses = config->ExtractClassList ();

  bool  changesMadeToTrainingLibraries = false;

  KKU::DateTime  latestImageTimeStamp;

  log.Level (10) << "GradeUsingTrainingConfiguration  Loading Training Data." << endl;

  FeatureVectorListPtr  trainingData = config->LoadFeatureDataFromTrainingLibraries (latestImageTimeStamp, changesMadeToTrainingLibraries, cancelFlag);
  if  (!trainingData)
    log.Level (-1) << endl << endl << endl
                   << "GradedlClassification::GradeUsingTrainingConfiguration      ***ERROR***" << endl
                   << endl
                   << "               Could not load training data file Configuration File[" << configFileName << "]" << endl
                   << endl
                   << endl;
    Abort (true);

  uint  maxLevelsOfHiearchy = config->NumHierarchialLevels ();
  uint  hierarchyLevel = 0;

  while  (hierarchyLevel < maxLevelsOfHiearchy)
    log.Level (10) << "GradeUsingTrainingConfiguration    Hierarchy Level[" << hierarchyLevel << "]" << endl;

    TrainingConfiguration2Ptr  configThisLevel = config->GenerateAConfiguraionForAHierarchialLevel (hierarchyLevel);

    FeatureVectorListPtr  trainingDataThisLevel = trainingData->ExtractExamplesForHierarchyLevel (hierarchyLevel);
    FeatureVectorListPtr  groundTruthThisLevel  = groundTruth->ExtractExamplesForHierarchyLevel (hierarchyLevel);
    FeatureVectorListPtr  groundTruthThisLevelClassified  = new FeatureVectorList (*groundTruthThisLevel, true);

    KKStr  statusMessage;

    TrainingProcess2 trainer (configThisLevel,
                              NULL,                               // No report file,
                              trainingDataThisLevel->FileDesc (),
                              false,                              // false = features are not already normalized.
    trainer.CreateModelsFromTrainingData ();

      Classifier2 classifier (&trainer, log);
      FeatureVectorList::iterator  idx;

      for  (idx = groundTruthThisLevelClassified->begin ();  idx != groundTruthThisLevelClassified->end ();  idx++)
        FeatureVectorPtr  fv = *idx;
        MLClassConstPtr  ic = classifier.ClassifyAImage (*fv);
        fv->MLClass (ic);

    GradeExamplesAgainstGroundTruth (groundTruthThisLevelClassified, groundTruthThisLevel);

    delete  groundTruthThisLevelClassified;  groundTruthThisLevelClassified = NULL;
    delete  groundTruthThisLevel;            groundTruthThisLevel           = NULL;
    delete  trainingDataThisLevel;           trainingDataThisLevel          = NULL;


  ReportResults ();

  delete  trainingData;
}  /* GradeUsingTrainingConfiguration */