Exemplo n.º 1
        /*! @brief configure the detector state
         * The configure method is called once when the ECTO cell is launched,
         * and is designed to initialise the detector state and load models,
         * parameters, etc.
         * @param params the parameters made available through the config file and
         * python bindings
         * @param inputs for initializing inputs, if necessary
         * @param outputs for initializing outputs, if necessary
        configure(const tendrils& params, const tendrils& inputs, const tendrils& outputs) {

            // create the model object and deserialize it
            FileStorageModel model;

            // create the visualizer
            visualizer_.reset(new Visualize(model.name()));

            // create the PartsBasedDetector and distribute the model parameters
            detector_.reset(new PartsBasedDetector<float>);
Exemplo n.º 2
bool PartsBasedDetectorNode::init(void) {

	// attempt to load the model file and distribute the parameters
	string modelfile;
	nh_.getParam("model", modelfile);
	string ext = boost::filesystem::path(modelfile).extension().c_str();

	// OpenCV FileStorageModel
	if (ext.compare(".xml") == 0 || ext.compare(".yaml") == 0) {
		FileStorageModel model;
		bool ok = model.deserialize(modelfile);
		if (!ok) { fprintf(stderr, "Error deserializing file\n"); return false; }
		name_ = model.name();
	// cvmatio MatlabIOModel
	else if (ext.compare(".mat") == 0) {
		MatlabIOModel model;
		bool ok = model.deserialize(modelfile);
		if (!ok) { fprintf(stderr, "Error deserializing file\n"); return false; }
		name_ = model.name();
	else {
		fprintf(stderr, "Unsupported model format: %s\n", ext.c_str());
		return false;

	// setup the detector publishers
	// register the callback for synchronised depth and camera images
	sync_.registerCallback( boost::bind(&PartsBasedDetectorNode::detectorCallback, this, _1, _2 ) );
	info_sub_d_.registerCallback(&PartsBasedDetectorNode::depthCameraCallback, this);

    // initialise the publishers
	image_pub_d_   = it_.advertise(ns_ + name_ + "/depth_rect", 1);
    image_pub_rgb_ = it_.advertise(ns_ + name_ + "/candidates_rect_color", 1);
    mask_pub_      = it_.advertise(ns_ + name_ + "/mask", 1);
    bb_pub_        = nh_.advertise<MarkerArray>(ns_ + name_ + "/bounding_box", 1);

	// if we got here, everything is okay
	return true;
Exemplo n.º 3
	/*! @brief configure the detector state
	 * The configure method is called once when the ECTO cell is launched,
	 * and is designed to initialise the detector state and load models,
	 * parameters, etc.
	 * @param params the parameters made available through the config file and
	 * python bindings
	 * @param inputs for initializing inputs, if necessary
	 * @param outputs for initializing outputs, if necessary
	void configure(const tendrils& params, const tendrils& inputs,
			const tendrils& outputs)

		std::cout << "MODEL: " << *model_file_ << std::endl;
		// create the model object and deserialize it
		FileStorageModel model;

		// create the visualizer
		visualizer_.reset(new Visualize(model.name()));

		// create the PartsBasedDetector and distribute the model parameters
		detector_.reset(new PartsBasedDetector<double>);

		// set the model_name
		model_name_ = model.name();
Exemplo n.º 4
bool PartsBasedDetectorNode::init(void)

	// attempt to load the model file and distribute the parameters
	string modelfile;

	// private nodehandle
	ros::NodeHandle priv_nh("~");
	priv_nh.getParam("model", modelfile);
	priv_nh.getParam("remove_planes", remove_planes_);
	string ext = boost::filesystem::path(modelfile).extension().c_str();
	ROS_INFO("Loading model %s", modelfile.c_str());

	// OpenCV FileStorageModel
	if (ext.compare(".xml") == 0 || ext.compare(".yaml") == 0)
		FileStorageModel model;
		bool ok = model.deserialize(modelfile);
		if (!ok)
			ROS_ERROR("Error deserializing file\n");
			return false;
		name_ = model.name();
	// cvmatio MatlabIOModel
	else if (ext.compare(".mat") == 0)
		MatlabIOModel model;
		bool ok = model.deserialize(modelfile);
		if (!ok)
			ROS_ERROR("Error deserializing file\n");
			return false;
		name_ = model.name();
		ROS_ERROR("Unsupported model format: %s\n", ext.c_str());
		return false;

	// setup the detector publishers
	// register the callback for synchronised depth and camera images
			boost::bind(&PartsBasedDetectorNode::detectorCallback, this, _1, _2,

	// initialise the publishers
//	image_pub_d_ = it_.advertise(ns_ + name_ + "/depth_rect", 1);
	image_pub_rgb_ = it_.advertise(ns_ + name_ + "/candidates_rect_color", 1);
	mask_pub_ = it_.advertise(ns_ + name_ + "/mask", 1);
//	segmented_pub_ = it_.advertise(ns_ + name_ + "/segmented_image", 1);
	bb_pub_ = nh_.advertise<MarkerArray>(ns_ + name_ + "/bounding_box", 1);
	cloud_pub_ = nh_.advertise<PointCloud>(ns_ + name_ + "/cleaned_cloud", 1);
	part_center_pub_ = nh_.advertise<MarkerArray>(ns_ + name_ + "/part_centers",
	object_pose_pub_ = nh_.advertise<PoseArray>(ns_ + name_ + "/object_poses",

	ROS_INFO("Initialization successful");
	// if we got here, everything is okay
	return true;